HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-07-19, Page 1Attend the. Lions -Garden Part,
Single Copies, Four Cents,
:Married in Detroit
'The marriage" took place
Detroit: Ori Tuesday, June
former Winghan) boy, Hu
Maxwell, son of Mrs.
'of Win en
gham, to
"Wardwell of Detroit. oft. rfl
couple will reside in: Detrol
quietly in
19th, of a
gh Ross
e young
t where
with the
Mr• Maxwell is connected
Motor Finance Corp'n,
at Delmore on Monday,
,at 2 pen., organs, dining ro
niture, large rug, good stiff
cling, etc, House and
will be sold' seine time an
Terns cash, Mrs, :i3reinne
s T. R Bennett, Auct" `
WANTED—Borders. Apply
Advance.d effects,
oin fur,
ve, b.ed
acre lot
d place.
r, Prop,
,at the
:HOUSE TO LET -7 rooms
electric lights. Apply R. Va
FOR SALE—A quantity of fe
apply at Win Robinson Ea
ed -oats
st Wa
:,OST=Julie 281h, Turquis
• Peary Crown shape ,.pin, v
• owner, Reward Advance.
Irl first-class condition. $300.1
to first buyer. A. Ibbotson:
e and.
al.ue to
akes it
1918 - Model. Anyone : int
apply to McElroy & Son, Wi
phone 14.4.
FOR SALE—Fiord Touring C
goodrunning order new tires
quick sale, Easy terms.
at Advance.
Lucknow will hold an Auctioii
of horses, -cattle, implements
on Wednesday,' July 25th.
Miller, Auct.
ar, in
, Apply
rooms; good lot and stable:
reasonable offer considered,
er leaving .town, Apply to
H. Davis, Centre St.
Own -
Section No. 6, East Wawanosh, Second classprofessionalost, hol-
tificate duties to commence. ececer-
3rd Apply stating qualifications,
experience and salary expected to
Wxn, McDowell P ' R.
Secy-Treas, R,. R.
r, Belgrave. d
ed for S.S. No; 2, Turnberry; state
qualifications and salary expected.
Dtzties to commence September miter est�
Apply to Raymond Elliott, Secy
Treas.,' Route 1, B]uevale. °
FOR , SALE—A r920 ]MYodeI' Ford
Touring Car, in good running: order
with starter, .also a number of new
Starr Phonographs, Apply to
Mrs. Stella Renwick, "Leopold St.
HONEY — .For.
sale at Mill's Feed Store at sec lb,
quantity of mixed honey at house
at z
oc '
find .
tins. Satisfaction guaranteed off
srioney refunded. Jas. H. Caseinore
route a.
WANTED= -..Part
y with portable saw
•.Mill to saw by the thousand in Nor-
thern Ontario, pine and spruce,
steady work, summer and winter,
;,live full particulars in first letter
and our Canadian agent will call on
you. Eureka Lumber Corporation
5dz Broadway, Albany,: New York, 1-'
Tenders for the painting Of the ex-
of Wizrgham Yawn ":Nati, will
be received. ftp to 4 p. m.; July 21st,
by the undersigned: The lowest w
tenderest- or
any'rtot nesessarilyaccepted:
W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk,
Applications will he received vcd byf
undersigned up to 4._ , m. ul
P J Y2ot
1923, for tfle posttest/ of Collector of l so
Taxes'ior the Town of.1`Vingliera f
the year t a2g: , •
W. A. Galbraith, Clerk.
nt rt i
enft in• the ingest
ffI Ali qct:,%
w Park on Wednesday
MI;. and liars. Geo. T. Robertson
motored to Toronto last week.
Miss Delight Minch '
� c 1 is spendingher
holidays with friends in 'Wingha,
Miss Gladys Baird of Flint, Mich.,
in, Miss Laura Casemore, Morris,
Miss Catherine Pilon,-Wingham is
visiting at the home of J. T. Bell.
Miss Jo VaiiNorman of Hanuota,
Mail., is visiting in town,
Miss Machan of Blyth, is visiting
with Mrs. Thos, Forbes this week,
Miss Adeline Bartle of I•Iarriston.
visited with Mrs, S. Tindall. "'
Mr. : Earl. Daniel o'f Toronto is
visiting with friends in• town.
„Miss Jennie Halliday of Toronto
is visiting this week with her sister
Mrs. Harry McGee, Francis St.,
Mrs. Peter 'Fisher of Toronto is
visiting at the Marne of Ivirs.. Peter
Fisher in town, . -
. Mrs: Wm. Baptiste of Victoria St.
is visiting friends in ..Walkerton this
Mrs. H. Disney and Miss Myda
Disney are spending a tweel,,with Mr:
Norman Disney of .Kitchener.
Mrs. Walter Wraith of Teeswater,.
who was visiting a fewv days with her
tuicle and aunt' has returned home.
Miss Minnie Lloyd of Cleveland, is
visiting at the home of Ilei cousin;
MI. A E Lloyd, John St;
Mr, and Mrs," W1 5. Fleuty of Oak-
vine, ate visiting with the former's
sisters, Misses Fleuty of town.
;Mr.'R. J. Bloomfield; of Pittsburgh,'
is renewing acquaintances in Wing -
Mr, Van Hopper left; this week for
Quebec, where he will sell lightning
Misses Mary and Margaret Robert-
son of Toronto, are -visiting at'' their
hone here,
Mr.,and Mrs. E. Mutch and caught
er, Hap; -of Goderich, was calling on
friends one day last week.
Mrs. Robert' Wraith of -Bethany
has been visiting with • her sister.
Mrs, Geo. Wraith has returned home
Miss Maude Bell spent a. few days
with her friend Miss Verna McVittie
Miss Viola' Allen of Goderich, isvis-
iting her :.friend Miss.
Minnie street, •
Miss E. Richards of Detroit, Mrs.
D. McKenzie of Windsor, were guests
of. Mrs. R, 5, Tindall for the week -end.
Mi. and Mrs.
J. N. Guy andfamlly
of Toronto, are visiting their sister;
Mrs. Jimi Breen and tither relatives,
Mr. Thos, Aitcheson- has - returned
to Hamilton, after spending his holi-
days with his moth, Mrs, Aitcheson.
Mrs. 13, -Green, Miss Rhea Green
aiid Harold of Trout Creek spent
last week at the hone of Mr. and
Mrs. S. Tindall, Pateick S't.
Miss Penfouxd is spending a month
WING}JAJW, ONT;, T UR$DAy', JULY lath, 1923
To -Night).
• •
" •>a rib: '✓•>. • e :i e 4
To the Editur av the Advance, The Good Program Deer Sur,— gam We Expect to
Shure, the gloriousI a In Win ham
twilfth is over _ Wing
ham fer another year and that moin
us that weds The lire ressib
arr into the` middle a sum- ]e laughable premie
success, cc
the fail , 1 I.
whale is nearly ready xnusical companies, Ricks"; premier
to cut,, an the vigitable garden is' the P , including the
mainMontague Light
avj e.
the -L
y wimanin whin "Gretchen
Opera Singers do be shtudyin what to it readythee-luring', se CTIe uch a Holland";udg
the malas• (Now isn't g fer; urese of such head -lines . as
an the English. George D. Aldeu; unique children's
gwidge quare. Shure, I didn't in-, entertainments;q diens
tind to be afther makin a joke' at all,' the
at all, but 'tis awl becaws among the many Niall- rade
ayt s wan wurrud, ions which. will " appear g aktrac e
xray hey two maynins, so
it is.) 'Tis' bi •ry� here at the
different trill :the misses, fer her WUr- I g 1923 Dominion Redpath Saturday, Auguu
rtid only has wan ruaynin, as. I learned t civa whichncontinues
s .r sixa s. .
to xne sorry manny years ago, nth and continues. for six days.
Sho sorry
•av all g The Metropolitan Orchestra, widely
e twilfth an. - de Y
the Oran luo„n concert artists,will
gemin, 1 somtoinies wondher. P .nivir t Cltautau. ua on the launch the
jined the ordher, fer 1 cud wear a ridiwith p first afternoon
sash an a plug hat wid the beslit 1 a popular concert I+ on the
th]nl, bill I nivir wint av l f prelude by this company the
In shtrongferf first night, John B. Ratio, clever irn-1
societies the only -wan 1 ivir belonged iersonato
to wus the U.F.O., an I didn't shta ' sen • rand entertainer, willarcharacters
long wid it, an hev been doin y, . t a series of interesting cleveress i o
ivir since, so:I hev. The t P}n didn't, fu and up”, along with
town dice t fun and. bits of wisdom.
do much in the way av dickorashuns'' The ever -popular
iu honor av ICi • I Glen Well
ng William fer bs Cont -
Read King Bros: advt. and Willis'
advt. on page 5 of this paper.•
. Ask'your . ,dealer for P -
at -
a Pan:
Floor, It is the best:
Lor Prices, and more b
at � business
Isards , See window of fine
shirts at $1,4.9. Read their adv. on
page five --for more Bargains.
Junior Farmers Improvement
so i •As -
C etiget and:, 1/Yonteil'$ r.zustitute,
teed holding holding a picnic' at Point
on WednesdaClark
Y, July 25th. Cordial
invitations extended to the members
of the Senior Women's Institute and
the Turnberry -Agricultural Society
to be present. •r
The following piano u
pupils of Mrs.
Geo. C. Hanna were successful at
the midsummer exaxninations. at Tor-
onto Conservatory of Music: Junior
Catherine. M. King, honors; element-'
ty, Mary - G. King, pass'; introduct-
ry,' Velma Lennox, 1st, class honors,
Reta Hastie est class honors.
Are you tisiiig, Pat -a -Pan -Flour .for
er pastry? .You should if
'ant the best. you
The Women's Institute
hank all who assisted in making their
the rink nk ori the, 12th of .July
uch a' success, " and also to specially.
eention ,those ladies who are not
iembers")who donated to the dinner,
Mr. 5, Stewart real estate dealer,
ports the sale of Mr. Wesley Patti-
on's double house on John street to
r. Joseph Hemingway, Mr. . Hem -
away has sold his residence to Mrs,
xeffield of Owen Sound. The house
hitch Mr. Hemingway purchased is
present occupied by -Mrs. Hart and
rs' Carrick,
at B twith 1 t„ , arrin pang, . on the second afternoon will y,
her ',br^ brother-in-law a few Chrlstma•.trera:along the chi a -I n. cs nt , t'
and sister Mr, and Mrs.. i to an a r_ .1 'Aro r ,'.�1pY t tl specct la i
Aitken, fames grane .gibbon ou the tail av a `"Atonement', written r r:
choina pig in the windy av me o tt xitt .specially for
y tui tl � l,
g tr"I
r}lye `t
Dr„ rrrig
and:r. • A't
ltl 1
TThomas, eln}
Adat it
etdams, le
tt eant�
d 1
called.ne 7
to b
. t,..,, a
English lr
playwright. a
rot ' arr tt b
11 ri
O r � g 11t
of t o 1 . Y
Suit- in
da ve a fe
owl t g
n v la
Y, o Ccs theer o `Mr . g t the P beer wussder i Ou. nye second , s
Mrs. Parker's father, Mr. J. much inooi•e erithusiasxn thannight the Wells deathe, formerly of Listowel, J Banks liad at his own Sander larnjlaliy will give a prelude ofepop-'r
w wedding arr the, alar musical' numbers and miscelln- l u
Mrs. Free of Hamilton; (formerly Grit puff thy showed at the lasht click- ons readings, following i
Miss Vera Webb), is visitingat theslitin: Tisa quare wurruid whin the 1g , e lowing nt-judge
ea, 'Tis
.has to be cillybratedt George D, Alden, eminent jurist' and r e
ertson,Geo. T. Rob wid High- lecturer, will deliver his great
hbane of Mn and Mrs, land -Scotch., .Fifties, • ate mfr e - I «
i7', go The Needs of the .Ho„address s
tso . rounds, an trowea balls 'f ^• , Hour". {{ in
s R Broadfoot of.� Edmontolel I�ewpie 1 The 1
Alta., is Rs slid'r, ,dolls in ballroom dresses, soani„ ciest}dre ized front
success to
p ing a: fewdays with her noise that I cuddn't much Cappy Ricks” dramatized fro n '
brother, James B. Gibson, Victoria St. M,• d + hear me fried Jr B. I'ne°r Peter, SI
J.. gc Sr otton rh ra : I y s "Cappy Ricks" storiesv
is spending a few weeks vatl•Iter roes .;1*.'r>� :', 1 h ; i, e, at all, at all. Saturday EveningPostof t
hey a notion to ;fa, the ord_the fame, on the' M
Mrs, 3,, Hutchinson of Toronto has'it el i ll 11181 tdisplay 'night of Chautauqua,
o p.ti.:;gine loife into it, a attqu�i, . trill M
returned home after spending a month Ay the,• that art the Lion's Club 1 ani wealth of lxnustrig . and
with her brother, James B, Gibson, not shore which but I tint cRicks"ct-gripiring episodes: r'Ca i
Victoria street, 1_inns wed 1 mebby the will be presentedi PY er
be mhere le
e ix �'na
I Si by
1 As �a
cast ast.
an of .New
d Mrs. vctv York
s Monckton belong
one , onac
kion and child- - g to both ye ino.igllt advoi a actors.
� bo
ren of Toro11o, ntotoreil lip to Wings.' it'e, fer since the ntxssus• j o Lieurances Brass Chou, feawillturing,
give g joined the tiled musical it!
reel, and spent the week end wan Wininuns Inshtitool• 'lie is . lstrutitne a give
awlware a grandfou concert oh kine afternoon co ti
their"uncle; .James 13, Gibson, Victoria Wien the grate tings the tvirn:lnin , • of,
street. chore, an the train she sr z are the fourth day. This popular c:om-1
Evelyn aun ,t , don't do pang was organized r ro t
Misses L', ely n and Olive Ter ing •but play pool an g d by Thuriow t
lie 1 Jawti ;are 5periil,irt ive ner of i Shire, ain't airy to surae I thattriiolce,. z ieurance, well-known composer of fait,
t c 1 ohdays l , c lotne By the Waters of 1Minitetor 1`11 "• Ns
b with: their, sister, lir.. IS I') Nichol.' rev Calle awl Mlle to tee. If the l' tong
Paris Green—Guaranteed full gov-
nrnent standard strength, arsenate of
Poisoned , dbor
re, etc. at Mitchell's mixture, belle -
Drug Store.
Pat -a -Pari Flour makes good -
y g pas
A lady fell oft Palmer's Merry -g o-
iid• on the evening of the x2th and
ted. Mr. Win. Sneath of the C.
R. gave her first aid and site was as
n the night of. the ..same iday
ort wi give a t
Popular concert immediately preeecl lan
iiia• a notable lecture, "The Basis .of gra
Liberty," by Frank • .Preston Johnson,' No.
newspaperman, '
ti, a>crr
ria t
1 1 1 sociologist cio o � •
, gist and well -,;.o
known lecturer: ot`elt
The Montague, Light Opera Sing- t
ere, known the country over for their" Marl
splendid renitions of light operatic and
he misses is bcglrutin to talk about?
ductions, will give a short mush- gra,
n a niirto the lake sord:e a�' prelude on the fifth afternoon
In. Wants to follot iwill
tl be ' v n which Bhaskar
til tic 5 givc oI
a , hwim wid Ahe reset av the highly educat d Ilivala a t Ctm
wimmitr, so to shpal:c an has a new g y e native of Indra, and lI
f editor of a well-known uervs- so
n; Oakvtli , 11.fat:, and other pointe pitI up a good ,show: on Winsday ILieeu
I ,,.. , rr r.r ranees 13r -t ••]l I
or j • west. ;,i Webby I will hev a rllance to ss Ch
t ler. ubc ers nand it isn't
i l.tt U tt i
.t 1~U--
E carr
girl lumber lter
logs in small or large quantities, w
also are in the market for stattdiu
•timber, give Tull particulars in firs
letter as to what you have and ho
•nuteli, and our Canadian Agent veil
call 'on'you. F'ureka Luniber Co.
potation, 562 Broadway, Alban
New York,
-ivir,. and ? f-- 1 llitlilis of 1) t o t 1 'rt bare at 1 I i Z
sor; .motored t0 , ,1 .t o e in to lodge roue
1 r tt
arilg it
� and are � ,
!sort rt a
ttsitirig friends et lY'ir1 rliaxn 1t , vtanies thiel down, so to slt;ialce
laud i1 -:1i Lillr to Longman .of 'Wind- t';an the rules av the teens fee
J hire to ser z k tl 1 1
< id, 'Tie a 6
i god or'dlicr•, so it is, an wid
g 'Me, Chas, ,Derr and: Miss .Freda:
Herr of Detroit, are itt town seeing
1 their father;' Mr, 13i•adsbeve lterr
whom tt c are .sorry to say it lying.i
a serious eondit:i.oti in Wingilai
I-Iospital suffering from a broken leg
Mr, and Mrs, Ed,.Robinson and
two boys motored from 'Winnipeg
and are f-isiting with the foriner's
parents, Mr. and Mrs:'-Wiii: Robinson
in East Wawanosh, On Sunday the
family were all home.
Mr. and Mrs, Will i1I'e
Maitntrs of
South Bend, Indiana,, are Visiting their
cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Cul-
bert of Dtutgaiinan also Mr. and Mrs.
Walter 'Scott of Langsidc and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Wraith of Bethany.
Mr. and c':Mrs: Albert 11, Lloyd,
Wingham, Ont,, announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Louisa
ay, to Mr. Wilfred I3, French of
Ingham, ,
g' r
Ont., the ntart°lagr, to
take place early in August.
Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Hammond,
motored over from. South Bend, led,
and are visiting with relatives in
town, We are a,l ays 'glad to have
the old Witt lia t
boys at : i
S'id girls come
h"ilitie each 'summer.
Mrs. R. jaines left on Wednesday'
r 1 ornxng for Cleveland, Ohio where
s re will spend several months with
her daughter, Mrs, Caspcll, She went
by auto With Iter' grandson and his
family 'enter slierit d, few Jays la.ate,.
accepted the agency for McCar-
'tney Milking Machines. I will be
pleased to demonstrate the use of
this time and labor saving device at
my stables any morning or evening.
Price $g7,5o. Robt, Beattie.
'MICTION SALE—Tixe following at•-
tides . will be sold.by auction on
Sat., July test. at L. Kenned
idence, Win g Haiti or may y s g r ay be seen
.and sold rivatel rior to ul
,few b y P J and
Quebec heater with oven
water front, x coal oil Florence. Au-
tomatic, cook stoves, 2 coal oil heat
,ers, x small sheet stone,
stoves both
+i,ettr, z library table, z new efectric
lamps, 4 kitchen chairs, sinall stand
.and medicine cabinet, 4- few cook,.
ing' utensils,1 quartered oak 3 piece
bedroom suite, 2 • chil10rreel"s,l Trot?
;bed, single, x new cotigoletrtn rug, .5
.aiew pair curtains, to II,essch rods.
Also several articles to
to mention, All these articles are in
'first class condition, turd must be
meld' as proprietor is iiiavint;g town
on Aug', let. L echlsit , ;ettltedy,
: 'teaSt,rxellax•.
nt av good inin in it, en a comfort-
able place to go, whin evints• are of
ihcr getting too warrent at home,
useal in a few minutes.,
dance will be held at the
d picnic Ma}
grounds, following �e pro
n1 of Old Boys' Reunion of S,
12, Wawart cl
n July
J Y Con
5 ,
and tr, Good platform, first -clan
estra, Sports Committee.
1Irs, Wxn, Attridge of Rapid Cit
itoba accompanied by her so
daughter, John and May an
idchild Ivena Urch are at presets
1 her sister, Mrs. Geo. Simmons
oss, who is very ill.
r. and Mrs, Walter F. - Lloyd and
rill' •
o I
suit ;
i that 'looks' Ioifie wan ^tv
the new maps av Germany wid a piece
cut aff at both inds. • I don't rink much
av this lake snide bizzyatess,mesilf,
Shure, didn't, we hey to get along fer•
fifty years wid- a shwinl itt the Mait-
lattct in the summer an a bath in the given
featured I 1
'wadi tub in the winther, given on the• tptita night by the Moli-
an nivir was 1 tagtte 1;i�1x� •tjper`s, Singers.
the 'worse av ayther, but now afther
fillitt'up our houses wibath • On the te,sixth afternoon Capps'
d tubs, an � .tiMaic Quartet, noted throughout t
hot wathet• 'boilers an poipes that do g ou the
be awlways sltpringizt a lake„ art rid i Dominion,: Will give'ti popular corl-
coxnfortable¥honles arr shady trees tan cert`,
aisycheoi°swe ( On the last night of the Chautauqua
watt to lave tithe awl y give a concert q rn
an snake otrrsilves as uncomfortable the will t preceding an
as possible in some little eight : enjoyable the' entertainment- recital 11
be tin Everett Kemp, "The Mae with the
shack at the lake, Tisa quare wur-(M}Ilion-Doll r "'
mild, as I sed bcfoot', d'ye ' a Laugh,"
er i a What titttc Dour unique e to
Y s lf., q n rtairiitrcnts for
paper' in Bombay, will speak on "The
New India."
"Gretchen of Holland", - a picture-
sque musical prochictioii with scenery
and costumes typical of Xdolland,
will ben a grant concert
I wits vcrry sorry to hear av the ac-
cident to me ould frind:Misl
av the l•Ioi:it Sc tier Kerr,
him• g ]cool, but hope to see
welkin arrround the shtrttes agin
befoor Tong. ".lisn't alsy for a; shtirrin
man to hey slrtay in bid these foine
summer days, ttwen lit -so comfortable
r, place as the Wingltarli Hospital,. grid
the kointlest av nurse clochtors to wait.
on ye,
'orbs 1111 11i:et ivai e
Timothy : slay.
children, each 'to be presented on a
different day, will be given in addit-
ion ddit-
ion to the.regular programs for
adults, .l3latac�ltc Miller and Mildred
Aderton, both of them singers and
players, will give clever costumed
sketches from juvenile story books..
Duval, the magician, in r amazing
sleight-of-hand performances and in • stories, of India
halfitu r illusionary1 g, tdta,; the strange and
6 art, will be, a. curious land. from wine. t he comes,
sout•co of supremo wonderment to i Kelly,: the ventriloquist, and his p w de
yotttY�rrstels, while Ilivtale, a real�deri''ttl talking dolls will also prcl'itle
llrrltlur' 1t t1 1} itt ttiem, with l ot:rem, rtalkr�rlwi ,.1 hiva: of .. ;.,.,yen _
o1 Oakland C.1. r
mar, , are
visiting at the home of the former's
brother, Mr. A. E. Lloyd. It is 33
s since Mr. Lloyd left Wing -ham.
family made the trip by aut.
r. and Mrs, Thomas Culbert and
y and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
girt and family of Dungannan
Mr. and Mrs, David Edgar of
any visited with •Mr, and Mrs°
Wraith on the twelth also Mr,
Mrs. Will McManitus of South
Indiana who are cousins of Mn
and .
Mrs. Wraith,
Buys Blacksmith Shop
Mr. Chas. l obli has purchased. the
Holmes blacsm'
t shop from Mr,
W'. C. Armstrong. Charlie is ar
of Mrs. T. L. jobb and is a highly
respected and popular boy and we
lieve lie will do well, Mr, Armstrong
purpose moving to London,
PI11111 11i I11iV111 1192111 rhe
yji ff!SI i%vir ee %ie %It I,Elt
Subscriptions $2.00 fuer year:
III 1111 1011111111111111111111 `
Nottingham, England. A delicious ef-
fervescent drink, cooling and refresh-
ing, 5oc a cart.
a real cooler,
at 35c, 65c and $I.a5 is in a class of
its own as a liver regulator.
2 cans for 250 is a splendid summer re-
At 5oc .a bottle and "Boots" Regesau
at $r,00 are preferred by many."Reg-
esau" is a fruit salt made by the
world famous chemists "Boots" of
Nottingham, England,
MicKi'=R,:' ion 1" ,{ r
lia Winf�haei, Ont.
Iliei it
Phone 35
IIII I1II11(IN11101111r�111111i( 4111�i111111111111e111 111E111E1111�II1�N1 1111.1111E11i1 111r 11 7
IB (•• ••••••..11litk111
Picnic on Civic Holiday WINGHAM['S FALLEN HEROES
U. S. S. Picnic and Excursion to
Kincardine on Wingham's -Civic Holi- Lilst of Names to Appear an the
day, Thursday, August and. Special Wisighatn Monument
train will- start at Listowel and run to t
Kincardine in the forenoon, returning Following is the list' of the naives
will leave Kincardine at 7 o'clock. of Wingham soldiers Who. lost
Bad Auto Accident their
lives in the, Great War of 1914-18, or
What might have been a serious died since as a result the
cident happened to one of Geo. T. war. These names are to be placed
t en
h a
Robertson'sw ar rn
autos, near Amberle on
a emorial at ommittam
Tuesday night, when a drunken 9 and the chairman: the be glad auto- 14Yr. C R. Wilkinson,nwould be glad
ist ran into their auto and turned it .if anyone would tell
upside down in a deep ditch,. The t him of any dame'.
Misses Robertson' and , their friend• -whia may be accidentlytmaegiven
hfrs. Free of Hamilton, escapedpwith that a ecuplete list may be to;
only a shakingu but,the stonecutter.
p the auto Was : Ptes, Gor, et'" "
badly i d t Adair
'Wallace Va l
led '• 1 ace sbeson,
, son,. Corp. David Lauchlan, Aitcheson,
Auto on Fire
-Pres. 'Ifez•bei-t J. 73onz1
J Haar Barker
.z Y,
Ori SundayeveningLeonard $rock
about 6.3o junk Harry Cl Arthur ` Wilber,
the very heavy rain at Wing- i Darnell, R. Chettleburgh, Do-
hare, an auto belonging to Merkle , .vee, R, J. Fal.lis, Sgt. Grant Fetterley, caught fire in front of the 1 Ptes, H. French, Rossl, Forsyth, Paul
Queen's Hotel, • The fire alarm t E. Gillespie, Geoff ge Hayles' JoIiot
rung and the firemen- was land, Lieut. Richard Ho s >
en with the aid,of t T. Horne, W. 1v on; Pt P, fs,
chemicals, soon controlled the fire n ' Lieut. W. *helps, Ptes,
before a great amount of damage t Frank nor/elan WilmerJohnston,one, A short. circuit ingwas Edward;
5. Murcia,JackJ r Geo-
donecause the wirring rge Monk, Mitchell, d. the blaze. Thomas T. McDonald,
St.Chester. McLean, Theo McDonald,
Pauls c m, Al
Notes e
I t•
t Norman E. Nicholls, 011ie Fender, Ali
The Parish Hall, Mills Memorial,' Fred Pullen, . H. M. Philcox, P.W
which has been undergoing extensive' Vanner, Flarucy P. Win's ' fur
re airArthur
p sandren
ov'ttxoil will be reopen- I Shropshall, Fred Alcington, Wilfred
ed at a special service to be field in; l Pocock, (David Lotigheed, South Af-
.1 _ 1
Glt ra, t. _r. _
c z
oil +ra; .
attt ` � r+ 1rU'
7 • _ War
tic • morning _ 3
„ hal titrlb at I:iCVCII - ----
The service will be in charge
of the members of the Sunday School.
Friday da
y evening at: 8 o'clock, practice Read King Bros. advt. and' illi
fore the Sunday School Choir; , in the,,,advt. on page 5 of this paper,
Wt s
church. + • h
er Wingham Girl Weds
Wingham s Civic Holiday
On June 23rd,a quietday
wedding but pretty • It
was solemnized in Kew , has been decided to hold. Wing -
Beach, Presbyterian Church To ham s Civic llolida on Th
by the Rev -.ionto 2nd s Y Thursday, Aug
J. A. Cranston, whet, o ;that the citizens of the town
Verna Clinton, youngest daughter of may join in the - monster Sunday'
Mr. John Armour, was united lit' School Excursion to i incardMe on
marriage to rn John A. Thompson; that state. A special train will be run
of Toronto.
oronto. The bride ware a suit from Listowel on this occasion.
of navy tricolette with large e
g Pearl
grey picture' hat and shoes to match. 'A•nother Wingharu Boy
The bride
wasassisted ssisted b
Miss ,
Flew- Fo
W to •
c '
Tuesday's s
a .
nc Y & ..•It
e �t
Valean and the groom by his pll•e a photo of the new..conservative
brother-, Mr. Clarence Tho
Montreal. The Thompson a#, cabinet sitting in front of the Goverli-
happy couple left' meet House. In the photo is the face
for Buffalo and points east, They , of an old Wirt Baer boy, viz: Carl
will, reside at ee Kingsxnount Park Hele, who is private secretary C
Road, To.rotito,a y to Hon.
G. Howard Ferguson.
Clearance of odd lines of
Ladies' White Canvas Ties
and Oxford's on
SATURDAY ..,...�
White Canvas Slippers and
Oxfords, leather soles and
heels, on sale on
See Our Lines
Broken littee' of lens Ox-
fords ill .Brown Calf attd Pa-
tent Leather oxt ' --
SATURDAY '' °..:....... ...
And Strap Slippere with.
leather soles and, heels. Sizes
it. to 2, ori sale
SATURDAY ..,.._,,.... s
f Plea root