HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-07-12, Page 8at
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Make this st
Headquart Ts.
spent a few days in Toronto at thea
Stonehouse `family reunion.
Mrs, Riclznt of St. Jacobs, spent
a .day with Mr 3. A, 13randon.
Mrs, Adamson of Kingsville, spent
a couple of days with friends.
is There was five car loads of stock
shipped from Belgrave on Saturday
wi for Toronto inarkets.
Orange breHawkins
brethren on Sunday, Thsed ere
is was a large attendance.
®Tate strawberry festival held on
NII Tuesday evening last tinder the aus-
® Dices of the Ladies Aid of Knox
• Church was a decided success, A
� bout'lti1 supper was served after
which splendid addresses were given
® by Rev's, Pentland and Jones while
Ni Towne's Orchestra of Wroxeter, sup-
plied the' musical part of the•program.
IN very " acceptably. The proceeds a-
ld mounted to $I06,23.
IN School Report of U. S. S, No. 53,
N Howick and Turnberry.
* To Sr, IV, Wilfred Henry, Ferne
NJ Bennett; George Merkly, William
* Weir Alvin Fitch, Wilfred Meahan,
al Alex Corrigan.
N To Jr. IV, Tena Fitch, Clifford
IN Willits, Leslie Willits, Carl Fitch,
® John Willits, Kenneth Bennett.
M To Sr. III, Mildred Cathers, Walter
®. Willits, Alma Fitch, Blanche Weir,
Edith Weir, Willie Woods.
To Jr. III, Ruth Corrigan, Violet
Errington, Robert Bennett.
la To Sr. II,Lyle Fitch.
To Jr, II, Tommy ; Parker, Fred
® Lewis,Arthur Lewis, .Adeline Erring -
111 ▪ ton, Ia Gallaher, Lida Willits.
Sr. I, Richard. Bennett,,.;.
_1161 To Jr. I, Janet Woods, Jack For-
El tune: Ethel Fitch, Wilfred Weir.
N Primer, Viola Willits, Elmer Galla -
Gerald Ga Lila braith, Gl dysRobert
Fitch,rEd Edith
® Elizabeth P. Murdock, (Teacher.)
Rids' hi
red At
® '
Treat Yo r C i t
Our Expense
$1.60 l,', u rehase . , , . 1 Free Ride
2.00 Pure;'; else .... 2 Tree ,.,„ides
10.00 Purchase ....10 Free Ries
Etc., Etc.
Miss Lila Long and Mr. Wilfred
Cumberland of Listowel, visited on
Sunday with the latter's uncle, Mr.
Harry Chamney.
Miss Elia May James spent last
week with her sister, Miss Lila Jaynes
at Grand Bend.
Mr.,. and Mrs. Warwick' of Morris,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McBurney and
Lavina spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Irwin of Belgrave.
Mrs. Sam Thompson and Miss Ida
Thompson, Miss Georgina Lockhart
and Mr. and Mrs..Ernest Thompson
visited on Sunday with relatives in
Listowel. ,
Misses Lucy and Rebecca Thompson
and their brother; John, and Mr. Clay-
ton Robinson visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Thompson of Seaforth on'
Mrs. Elliott Richmond of St. Jacobs
visited last week with Mrs. Jas. Bone
and Mrs. Joe Brandon.
Mr, and Mrs. McKenzie and daugh-
ter of Kincardine, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson.'
and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cunningham.
The bridge on the 9th at Marnoch,
has' been completed this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John McDowell of
Westfield, spent Sunday with Mr. and.
Mrs. George Walker,
err lo.
TheFe is
S , ectal Week End Values
....... IN
Materials, Ready -to -Wear
Swimmer �>r�8�
' S Sults, regular value
��➢ en's �mnn, � lanes° S � g
��7q 5�0,,•► 5Saturdayonly . , .$20.95
Y sRil'iD � ( � M sa'D�y o�
Congratulations to Principal A, L.
Posliff of Wingliam Public School
who was' successful in passing 39 out
of his class of 40, who wrote on the
entrance exams. Jt cannot be rudely
classed as luck when year after year
a teacher has the good .fortune to
pass 99 per cent. of his class, Mr.
Posliff is a teacher of rare ability.
Honours:—A. Carter, F. Field, E.
Finch, G. Fry, A. Gibbons, W. Han-
cock; N. Homuth, H. Irwin, If..Isard
E.. Johnston, ,W, Johnston, Y. Mc-
Pherson, herson, G. Robertson, D. Scott,
M. Seli, A. Swanson, E, Tantlyn, W.
Tiffin, I. Wheeler, D. Preston.
Pass:—M. .. Beattie, S, Blatchford,.
E. Breen, G. Dobie, F. Elliott, F.
Ford, C. Fry, D. Haller, D. Ham-
mond, D. Haney, M. Hill, C. Hing-
ston, A. Irwin, G. McBurney, C.
McKibbon, C. McLean, •A. Mitchell,
G. Mundell, G. Rintoul, M. Sanderson
M. Simpson, . C. Showers, G. Skinn,
G. Spotton, L. Taylor, W. Taylor, B.
Thornton, M. Thurlow, M. Thornton,
G. Wheeler, M. Mitchell.
Millie Seli stood highest with 637
Honours:—V. McCallum.
Doig, H. Douglas,"C.
Edwards, M. Foster, R. Gibson, M.
Graham,: A. Hastie, M. McIntosh, J.
Rolston, I. Thomson, W. Wood, W.
Wright. °
Honours: -1-11. Donaldson, Donaldson, E. Fost-
er, V. Porterfield, 1L. Spotton.
Pass: --R. Aldrich, G Barr, I.
Bennett, E. Brown, M, Bryns, .V.
Chapman, : D. Craig, H. Duffy, E.
Ferguson, M. Hainstock, M. Har-
grave, A. Harris, . M: Johnston, A.
Kemp, R. McElwain, H. Meier, G.
Sanderson, J. 'Walker, J. Sutton, M.
Mr. Alex. Baird of Flint, Mich., has
turned to his home here.
Miss Pearl Ballagh of Teeswater,
visited last week with friends on the
Toth. -
Mrs. Doig and daughter, Nellie, of
Carrick, visited on Thursday at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Stokes.
Mr. Bert Murchison who spent a
couple of days at his homehere, has
returned to Toronto.
Mr, Peter Muir has gone to King-
ston, where he is attending Queen's
University. .
Miss Ida May McGlynn of Detroit,
is visiting at her .house here.
Mr .and Mrs. Andrew Wallace and
babe of Oshawa, are spending the hol-
idays with the . former's parents, Mr._
and •Mrs. David Wallace.
Mrs. Chester Longman and children ,
of Windsor, are visiting at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. -Elliott.
Miss Annie Metcalfe spent a couple
of days last week with her cousin,
Miss Mary Haugh.
Quite a number of folks from these
parts took in the garden party at 1 Mr.
Clarke Remiick's,on Friday night.
Last Thursday evening the people
of S. S. No. 3, Turnberry, gathered at
the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Stokes to say. farewell to Miss Myrtle
Bennett who taught in that school for
the past two years. Miss Annie Camp-
bell read the .following address and
Miss Isobel Metcalfe presented a
BELMORE berry spoon, pie knife and tomato ser-
The social Friday evening under the ver in the Old Colony silver,
auspices ofthe Women's Institute was Dear Mies laeenciti.
a success 'in every way, the weather We, your friends and pupils of S.
S. No, 3, Turnberry, have gathered to-
gether to spend a social eveniifg and
bid farewell after two years of faith-
ful work.
You have always been friendly and
sociable anioiig o young i
your best. -without murmur or coni.-
plaint,'and while we are sorry to have
you go, we pray and trust that God's
Thursday, Jetty rash, x923.
LOCAL AND GENERAL owinemilammummilsallasalownimmonalurimes
Cars washed and polished at Craw -
ford's Garage, Will, call for and de-
liver car,
Bargain Price. on Tires. at Robert',
son's garage for July I2th
Mr, T. C. King's many friends are
delighted to' see him around again af-
ter his operation for appendicitis.
Miss Adelihe Mooney of Ripley,
sang a solo in her usual splendid voice
at St. Pauls church on Sunday even-
Public -Garden Party and Eititertaiu
Town on
mein the in h m o f Park
i e inW g a w
Wednesday evening, July 58th.Come
and he.a rthe :lions roar.
.A meeting of the Chautauqua guar',
actors will be held in the council
chamber on Friday night. at eight o' -
Clock for the' purpose of organizing
for the coming year, •
Misses Mary Davey and Olive Isar
of the Wingham Public School staff`.
have resigned. It. is unfortunate
that these young ladies are leaving
town as they are -both energetic and
painstaking teachers. • Their homes
are in Kincardine.
The directors of the Turnberry
Agriculture Society with their wives,
met one 'evening last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm McGill,
Turnb'erry,.. `After the business of the
evening was transacted .a. pleasant
social hour'was spent.
Miss. Margaret Saint left, a curio
strawberry in our office, on,Friday:
It is really six strawberries, each full,
grown, joined at the top and grown
on one sten. If someone could in-
vent a means whereby strawberries
would grow a dozen or so on a stein
he would be the hero of the day.
•• Water Glass—the only reliable egg
'preservative. We sell Lyman's, the
strongest and best, keeps eggs fresh
and wholesome' a,year. 200 per tin, .2
for 35c. 'We sell other makes at :i5c.
Mitchell's Drug Store.
was ideal, the music furnished 'by the
Delmore Orchestra was splendid. Tal -
ent from Wingham added much to the
pleasure o£ the evening.
The Sabbath School picnic was held old and and did
on the school ground Wednesday aft-
ernoon, and was attended. A most en-
joyable time was spent.
Visitors from a distance in the vat-
5 '
lage this week were Mr. Frank Pervis richest blessings may go with you to
of Toronto, Mr. John Hall, Detroit, your new field of .labor.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nichol and family We ask you to accept of these
of Toronto. small gifts, not for their value, but for
Mrs. Carter McKee left for . her the memory of,,.the days spent at Glen-
hoi'ne in Galt on Saturday, ' annon school./ •.,
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan and family, mo- Signed on behalf of your friends and
tored from Jackson City, last week to Pupils,
. n village.IR:i •the
,EEI,G,VF, � friends
'Keit. an :' ones are.away on
esti. S. Pentland, wife and two Mrs, 7
t a couple of days, their holidays,
tors sen P
)171t..gh ptier
. her mother
i soli at the parsonage Miss r, McCrea and
nar,t,i there
W. endin the
Wl re- have have returned after Ipending . Geddes Arid daughters t v .
i iafter spending
a few
s) winter :wit
lien 1.1
with fr.nds hear Kingston and OtwMnM andMrs. Miitroe and family
tawa. , o ,fondon spent ns tte w
ek-end withfriends in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wilkinson of �
t,ieanoba, Mich. aze visiting with Mrs. Robt, Stonehouse and family
visit the formers aunt and uncle, Miss
Ellen and James Fleming.
Mr, Charles Aitken and family, Mr..
Wm. Abram are at present at the
A number of families in this vicinity
are quarantined for scarlet fever and
Miss Mary McNeil is assisting in
the telephone office.
Miss Margaret Aitken is holidaying
at her home here.
L. 0. L. No. 963 will attend the 12th
of July celebration in Wingham,
SSpending Mr. Frank is SP partg
of his vacation in the harvest field in
this vicinity.
A number of Orangemen from this
localty attended the Orange service at
Belgrave in the Anglican church on
Sunday afternoon, Rev. W. B. Hawk-
ins was the preacher.
Commencing on Sunday; July 22nd,
there will be union services with the
Methodist and Presbyterian congrega-
tions for three weeks.
Miss Tillie Carr, Montreal Deacon-
ess School is spending her vacation at
her home.
Miss McKay visited friends at Port
Elgin fora few days.
Mrs. Adam McLean who went to.
Kitchener, a _couple .of weeks ago re-
turned one day last week, no operation
being considered necessary.
Miss Effie. Goodfellow of Toronto,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Tait.
Mr. and Mrs. Pleasance of Toronto,
who has .been. visiting. the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. White, left on Sun-
day for Collingwood, where they wilt
visit. for a few days before returning
to Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Aldrid Wearing re-
turned on Saturday'from their wed-
ding trip.
Mrs. Booth returned from Kitchener
last week.
Our village pet "the young bear"
which was captured by Cliff. White
and Robt. Rolston has been taken to
Miss Jeanette Ritchie ,and Mr. L.
Ritchie spent a few days with friends
in: Galt, going by auto.
Mr. Cliff. White is spending a few
days in Collingwood.
Mr. John Snaith was a visitor in
Galt for a few days recently.
Quite a number from here went to
Listowel on Dominion Day,
.Dr. and Mrs. Metcalfe of Toronto,
are guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Hetherington, Bluevale Road.
Among the Bluevale boys with the
cadets in camp at London, last week
were Bert Hetherington, King Mac-
Donald; Archie McKinney, Chas. Mes-
ser and Roy Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nicholson of
Belgrave, spent Sunday at the hoine
of Mr. Robt. Shaw.
i\fr. .Arthur Shaw sr,, treated his
son, Arthur jr., to a new Ford coupe
and they took a trip in it last week to
London, Sarnia, Hamilton and Tor-
onto. As yet the Dr: has not
where he will locate. His many friends
will .wish him well wherever he ..lo-
Mr. G, Donaldson of Toronto, spent
the week end at the home of Mrs.
Revs, Tait, and Bell of Molesworth,
exchanged pulpits on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Masters spent
Stinday with relatives at Belgrave.
Mrs. Jas. Aitchison of Stoney Creek
returned home on Tuesday after a
short visit with relatives here. Mas-
ter Kenneth and Miss Dorothy Aitchi-
son returned with her for a couple of
weeks holidays.
asth. CON. HOWICX,
Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith vis-
ited with Lorne Laird's on Sunday.
Mr. Dick Bennett was in Toronto•
or, business last week:
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs:
Alf Taylor of Tory Corners.
Our teacher, Miss Lawrence return-
ed to her home in Durham for, the
A' large number from the burg took'
In the Orange sermon at Fordwich on
Sunday last,
Mr. and Mrs. John Finlay were in
Listowel on business last Friday;
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woods enter-
tained a car load'from. Palmerston on
Mr. Thos, Stewart has shingled and
Old Boys and Girls Renunion painted his house.
'present visitin
1 Boys' and Girls' Reunion of Mrs. Rolph is at visiting
A,nodl; y
U. 5, S. No. 12, East and West Wo.- friends in Palmerston,
wanosh, will be held on Wedfiesday, A large number from around here
July 25th, The parade procession will went to Wingltaiti to the Orange ser -
be formed on the s
t. a chool grounds at mon preached by the Rev. Mr., Snell,,
one thirty p. ext. sharp and proceed to 'gave a very fine discourse.
Maitland river picnic grounds led by a Mr, and Mrs. John Hall sr., and
kiltie band: The afternoon's program Mrs, Go,.doti Hall visited friends at
will consist of speeches by old boys Molesworth and Wroxeter on Sunday.attd girls, a others, . and o. ,
solos and duets Mrs. (Rev.) Wilkinson is at Aylmer,
by leading singers, cosmn
ty singing at
ing a wedding Of a relative
e this
and school children's songs,. Lunh week,.
will Hien be served, after which games Mr. David Errington of Dungannon
khere on Sunday.
all kinds will be held,including,. an visited -relatives
old time sliinztey and foot 'bail match, Mrs. W. Ha1 l and children visited
as they were played years
fifty ago. relatives here last week.
sea i be- A number around Isere are
Also a modern a,
Haying is the order of the day.
Mr. and Mrs: Edwin .Palmer return-
ed from their trip to Toronto, and
other places last. Saturday.
Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weir and lit-
tle son,'Mal'eolm, of Toronto,'visited
the former's mother, and other friends.
here last week. -
A ,number from here attended the
Garden Party at Mr. Clark Renwick's
cast of Belmore last Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir visited
friends near Atwood, the first of, the
The Ladies' Aid met last Tuesday at
the home. of Mrs. Roy McKersie;
The Inconvenience of
TiredIrlAchim Feet
Can be largely overcome by wear-
,:..e right kind of footwear.
Made ph comfortable fit-
tinglasts are. a gana,cea;for
,:.foot -ills particularly in the -
'.'hot weather..
" And the fact that we have
sold more "White Camas
Shoes" this season than
any other .of our business
experienc , woul'd seem to
demonstrate the truth of
our contention,
Either plaint or with the
black trimming are more;
comfortable • and cooler
than any other kind of
Our selection of this
kind of goods ..was never
so comprehensive as at
present. It will be a pleas-
ure to show them,
The Leadi
Phone 129.
Shoe Store of Huron County
. J$ngham, Onto
•aimm s tan sit2l211111/51B®lMM®®NIEBBIlI55®1®flt®®B1®®I5E
• Social Service..Convention
To be held in
Main Street Church, Exeter
® .
Wednesday Astern' on and Evening ' • 1N
JULY 18th
® ,
We know the editor will be surpris-
ed to get these few items from Luck
now, seeing it is a few weeks since he
received any, but we will try and send
a few lines each week. Now that' the
election is over and the big I2th will
be over this week, the editor will no
doubt he very much elated over the
results of the voting, and he will be
busy this week cleaning .pp his silk
hat and frock coat for Thursday, so
that this may get into print before he
knows it.
(Glad to have you back—Editor;)
As regards, the election, . Timothy
Hay is right when he says the ,taxies
can attain and retain power so long as
they cart keep the liberals who joined
the `U.F.O. voting tl,F.O. thus splitt-
ing the liberal ranks while .tlte tories
present a united front. The ofarmers
(at least those who voted U.P.0) re-
ceived al big a surprise 'as they did
four years ago, when they were swept
into power, but it is all over w, and
we will have to give thenew govern-
ment at least three or four years to
make or break themselves politically.
Dominion Day was celebrated here
by ;tire Boy Scouts, putting on a field
day. Walkerton scouts failed to show
up so that Kincardine and Lucknow
were left to compete for the hand-
some silver cup, ,which Lueknow won
a year ago at Kincardine, and which
Kincardine takes back with them,, this
ear. The crowd was not as large as
might ' expectedo _in
ight have been owing -to,
Many going to
Goderich, while a large
number also went to 'Wingham te. see
the Caledonian games, but those who
b b 11 match
tweett league teams: Township people,
Tease bring baskets. Everybody wel-
come, Conte out and' welcome the
old tuners back to old i'o. it J.
Wroteter telephone installed this
Mr. RichardcharRichardJohnston shipped ed. a car
of hogs to Toronto on. Saturday, the
price B.00,
Webster and C. Martin, 'CotYinti
the p
Under the auspices of ® • '
▪ The Huron County Social Service Council im
® .
®, 13aeagtlet at the Church at.6 p. xn. Tickets 50c.
J. A. Irwin, President. W. H. Willis, Secretary.
Visit New liardware on the 12th
For Special Bargains
Odd Clover
Leaf Cups
15c: each
2 for 25c
See :us for
with special patented handle, reg.
$s.5r value, extra spec- 1 A L
pal for e
Wonder Water Paint for inside
or outside use, a 5 lb. 117Q ,
can for ' Q
general use around the
farm, io lb, pkge.
- Phone 3o —
Quality We Aiwa to Please withwith a and Service
One Bladed
See us for
Thompson & Buchanan
wept out of town. to be entertained
were badly'' disappointed; the sports
at Goderich were certainly not worth
the price of admission while the games
at Wingl ant were no better than what
used to beevery. year at Lucknow
All fain ackkn2.
act wiser since
Miss`Myra MacDonald is visitingin
Mr. Blitsteiii leas mtavedilding- ' d
goods store in the Alien buore Miss Mary Connell, principal of the.
merly occupied by the Sentinel, where Sault Ste• Marie school is spending
he has more room to display his goods the holidays at her Home here,
farmer as well as con
tis, fry Grimsby.
Miss Bessie .Murdie who recently
graduated from London Normal has
Secured the position as principal of
St, Helens school. Miss Douglas who
has been in charge of this school for
two years has been engaged as princi-
pal of the continuation school at
Geo, Douglas, jr., while practicing
pole vaulting; had the misfortune t�
fall and break his arm which will en' -
capacitate him for some, tame,
The hien who have Veen putting Sit-
verwood's Creattiety in shape are a-
bout eotnpleted and Lucknow will
"have one of the finest and best equip-
edin. Western. Ontario and
will be #t a position to handle farm
produce to the best possible, advantage
Mr. and Mrs: J. G. Armstrong mo«
tored up from Toronto, to their cot-
tage at Point 'Clarke, where.they will
sen vacation.
• d their
it Meson of Toronto
Miss Freda A c ,
Miss Clara McQuillan of Kfngston
7v1i¢s Mabel McClure o£Drayt n and
- •::
Miss Alma Alton of Elmwood, are at
their homes here for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Milison motored
front Milton and spent the holidays
With their parents here. a
Mr. 11, C, Tray spent a few days at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Ait�
cheSon and other relatives in te.Wn.
Mr. 1:JJay is town treasurer of Til b>at'y,
and is home ani hits wedding trotk...
ltd Mrs. Fraser at
Boni -71'0 Mr. a
ers on, at daughter,