HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-07-12, Page 4Igham Aslvance rtitri;phed at ''inghanli; Ontario Every Thui•sda: Morning A, cl,. SAIiTkI, Pebliah.ex >Subseripttoe rates: - Oue Year, e2,e0, six ‘:months, ,1.00in advance Advertising rates on appiicetian. Adver`tisemer is without specifin di- rections will be inserted, until forbid and charged e,ecordingly. Changes for contract advertise• meets be in the oince by noon, ;Lon -- day. BUSINESS CARDS Wellington Mutual Fire In ura sce Co. Established 1$40'. Ilea d Office, Guelph Risks taken on all classes of insur- able annable property on the cash or premium note system. ABNER COSENS Agent, W Ingham DUDLEY LM BARRISTER, $OLICiroa, ETC. Victory and Other Bonds Bought and Sold. Office—Mayor Block, eel -Ingham R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR' Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. W iNGHAM a0s, Ue Igo 111U1i313 Graduate Royal College .of Dental Surgeons Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry OFFiCE OVER H. E. 1SARD'S STORE W. R. ;, °..RELY B.Sc., M.D., C.M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work' in Surgery, -Beer terietegy end Sclentfie Medicine. Office fa4 the Kerr Residence, between the Queen's Hotel * d the Baptist. Church. Ali ttisiness given careful attention. Phone 54. P.O.°Box 113 a. Dr a C. Redmond M.R.C.S. (Eng). L.R.C.P.. (Loud), PMYSICIANNi AND SURGEON (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) DR. R. L ` EW Graduate at University of Toronto,- Facility oronto,Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate o.'. the Ontario College of. Physicians and Surgeons. Office Entrance; OFFICE IN CH S'HOLle BLOCK. JOSEPHINE STREET :PHONE 22 Dr. MargatetQ Icier General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine. Ciifce-Josephine St., two. doors south of Brunswick Hots Telephones-012oe,2S1, Residence 1611 Osteophatic Physician DR. F. OSTEOPATH le PHYSICIAN. Osteopathy, Electricity. AU diseases treated. Qtace adjoining residence, Cents Street, next Anglican Church (former- ly Dr. MacDonald's). Phone x72. Of to closed cin Monday and Wednes- day afternoon. DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS S Dr. A FOX CI-1IROPRACTO}'i Office Hours: 2 to 5 and r to S. p.rn. Wednesday Afternoons by Appoint- ment only. Telepone 151. DR11 e CHIROPRACTOR Qualliled Graduate Adjustments .given for diseases of all kinds, specialize in fleshing with children. Lady attendant. "Night calls responded. to. Office on Scott Si., Wingleani, Ont. (in bow of the "late Jas Walker). Hours, 2 to 55.30 p.as. Evenings 7 tel S p.m., ,and by appointment. Phone 15d 1,77 THE W NGuAnt AnVANC'1' Tritlt'rieeetr, Ju y 12, 1020 .--AND THE WORST. IS YET TO COME i:P,•i.rkMMrrrx.:�R3i"�( :iil+!iE AUTOISTS URGED TO BE PREPARED FOR ACCIDENTS. Hardly a day goes by that the news- emelt Raan FOR eiteseIC. papers do net report one or more senClear the road so that traffic, if it onsmotor accidents. Thousands of people are milled annually. Other thou- sands are injured. eln many eases the victims of these disasters are absolute- ly iinnocent of any misdemeanor, They started, out in the best ofphysical con - is restricted or blocked, can be resum- ed. If a garage is accessible.a wreck- ing car may have to be secured' to restore the traffic. Avoid letting :members of the crowd clition. Suddenly; through no fault of that may have collected change- the. their Down, they foundthemselves position of anything until all neces maimed. sary data are obtained. Be sure to in - It is a good thing to know what to clude in. the memoranda taken : the do in case of a motor accident. One 'eines and numbers of all cars in- does not expect to die any sooner be- volved, together with the license num- bers and the names and addressesof owners, drivers and all occupants, and any others injured. If a car that has become involved in an accident is covered by insurance whet to do in ease of aocident. Hazing; get in touch at once with the insur- a knowledge of how toact in case of ante agent who has authority to settle ( a claim. The data that have been col- lected will be of -value in helping him to make an adjustment. Collision in- surance has perhaps -encouraged some drivers to take chances' which would not have been taken if they thought the damage cost had to come out of their own pocketbooks_ A ease recently came' to niy<atten- tion where a man was doing foolish cause of the fact that he has life in- surance protection: On the contrary, he isapt to live longer. Nor does an automobilist expect, to be run into any sooner because of the fact he knows a wreck may mean the saving of lives in a'tinie of emergency. There are sev- eral good books on "First Aid to the, Injured," which should be read and! understood by every owner of a ear. In case of accident, 'first aid should be, administered to all,, who need it. Every driver should have some knowl- edge of first aid methods and carry as a part of his car's equipment a small stunts with his car on h wet street. case of first aid. materials. Thane p He drove his car down this street at Who seem to be ' injured most should, of course, receive first con- a high rate of speed and -them attempt, sideration. If . there are serious in- ed to skid it around' the corner. Sever - juries, an ambulance should..be called, al times: he accomplished the trick to i his complete satisfaction. Becoming or another car secured to hurry the !conceited about his expertness in injured one to the nearest hospital or physician's office. handling a car,he offered to bet he could do a double turn on that same FIRST RULES FOR HELP. street. He not only succeeded in doing If any bones are broken, relieve at1 two turns, but five, and landed in a once the tension that may be caused ravine after a fall of twenty feet.; by clothing. Get the patient to lie Then in his assurance that the wool- down and remain as quiet.as possible.' dent would -cost him nothing; because! of his damage insurance, he demand-; ed that the insurance company buy' him a new car. It did not do so.' 0.4 Make the Rano liquid first Do not put Rinso direct from the package into the tub. Mix half a package of Rinso in a little cool ,, water until it is like cream. Then add two quarts of boiling water, and where. the froth sub- sides, you will have a clean amber -coloured liquid. Add this liquid to the wash tub, until you get the big lasting Rinso suds. Then soak the clothes clean, Ili See that some one watches such a per- son cIosely. Should there la bad cuts indi- cating that arteries have been severed There is no insurance written to cover: and that life blood is rapidly flowing loss from such foolhardiness. away, it is important to tie something If it is necessary to tow in an in around the arm : or body; which will lured car, keep the car tobe towed aa' stop the flow at least to some extent nearly as possible in - line withthe an e ief may answer the pur- towing car. The twocars should not pose. It should be tied between the be tied too close to each other, about wound and the heart. ten feet being a good distance apart. While touring recently I carne The rope should be attached to the. across a wrecked machine. la the car front of the frame or the spring off was the„injured driver in a dazed con- the towed car and to the back of the (' dition, He had an ugly cut in the frame of the towing car, If one end head. By the useof a first aid outfit of the rope is tied to the left side off and first aid prhiciples he was>lnade one car, tie the other. end to the same more comfortable before being takenside of the other car. See that- the! to the hospital. It is quite possible that gears are not meshed and that 'the' happening to have a first aid equip- brakes on the rear;'ear are released. went in the car saved this man's. life. The man in,the towed car will need:, If possible call for a policeman to exercise caution, ` ee'spcially in: when there is an accident, Undertake rounding corners, passing' cars and go - to get the names aiid,addresses of all ins:, down grades. Definite signals the people who actually saw what hap- should be arranged between the driv- f,. A Plain Talk. What is your .niobe in the mind of the man who met you ,. - just. now? - He labelled you; then careful- ly filed you away. Are you on his -list as one tore- spect, or as one to be ignored? Does he think you the sort that's sure to win, or thekind that's quickly floored? .The things you said—were they those. that stick, or the hind that fade.and die? That story you told—did you tell it your best? If not, why? Did you th=ink while you talked? Or but glibly recite what you had heard or read? Had you made it your own—• that saying of yours -or quoted whatothers said? Think—what is .your. niche -in the mind of the mane who- met you just now, and labelled you; then carefully filed you away'.' Thebest st a ue d anon in • I theworld is paned This may be difficult,as pian ars of the: towed and towingcars. thatgot by struggling for a living.— object y caps, ag g a object to• going on the witness stand' If the differential geara are locked Wendell Phillips. - i to • testify regarding 'an accident. and the rear wheels will not allow for The British General Post'Office re - Make a sketch of the exact position towing, this may be remedied by ± k- quires ` 40,000 new telegraph oles p every year. originally all coins the ears to the curb or edge ee the the keys which hold the; wheels to the from Norway, \Tos-svay, but pow they are ob- ined from various countries. The the cars were moving; If a camera secure a small pole and make a sled arms, or crosspieces, come from Aus- h d? k _ a t 'e i e_ Oa OfE'L .. wreckage from different points of of the car._ view, They will be good evidence. If Conunon sense warns one to be pre-. the wheels of a car were locked by pared for accident, even though not. the brakes'there will probably be a expecting it. Driving with all pox- nark, en the road or pavement. Indi- sible care goes a long way toward cate this on the sketch. 1 avoiding such trouble.—E. G, B. of the cars with measurements from ing off the rear wheels and removing These road, and show the directions in which axle shafts. If one wheel is broken to I__ res;' acecua a ,,a. e pattiareS of th runner o ta?a h 1 d that side tr.�lia B'onod to Grow, "I want to See the farmers organize. and get into polities:'" "Well, a farmers' party is bound to grow and bear fruit.*' The pike, though greedy and fond of heavy meals, is slow growing, and is believed to live longer than any oilier species of fish. A Swiss natur- alist has recorded the history oi`-. one that was 267 years old. It spent its entire existence ,as a prisoner in a fish pond. Fishes as Pets. is It possible to tante fishes in the same way as we do other creatures ( that become our pets? The answer is "Yes." • Dr. Fastenrath, of. Zurich, has sue- seeded in taming fah in the Lake of Lugano to such an extent that they eat out of his band and allow them- selves to be taken up and caressed. For sin months the doctor repeated- ly stood in the lake up to his neck in water, and holding a piece of bread let each hand. At the end of a couple of months the fish came up and nibbled at the bread and eventually became quits friendly: Upon several occasions Dr. Fasten rath let a white.screen down into. the water, and against this background, by means of a special camera, he took soste curious photographs, of his ft'euy 1OM AIL HAT ? RI SSMA a Nur -C1=LEBRA1Sb HER R liDAV TER AYI. pets. o While no limiting may --be done in the -Canadian National parka the areas adjacent to their boundaries are among the best big game districts on, the continent. Worth Thinking About. A little girl from a crowded tene- ment house was delightedly telling a friend in the College Settlement about her new teacher. "She's just a perfect lady," said. -the child, "she's all of that!" "Huh! How ` do you know shes' a perfect lady?" questioned her friend. "You've known her only two days." "It's easy enough tellin,". was the indignant answer. "I know she's a perfect lady because' she makes me feel polite all the time.". He—"It's awfully street of you to Gant to know when I have my vaca- tion so you can arrange, accordingly." She -"Yes. I want to take mine when you're working," 'No man was ever great without inspiration."—t;icero. KEEP SMILING Keep 'smiling. 'tis better than looking so sore; the pestilent fretter is always, a bore. He Wearies has neighbors with cavil and lick; they, pause in their labors leo hand him, a brick. Keep. smiting,for knocking won't help you along, and pessimist talking will get you in wrong. „Enraging the voters by that line of talk, they'llslow down their motors to band you a rock. Keep smil- ing, it's wiser thein Iooking as blue cis Bilhelm the kaiser whose graft is all through.. A. bushel of nurses won't help you come back, if Ills" or reverses loom up in your track. The brave front- ed hikers °up life's stuity steep will. -class you with pikers, with rabblts and sheep. Keep smiling, insisting that thinge are all right, and wotting and wisting that joy is ;in sight. Thus you wilt be wielding: an infuence fine; it's better than yielding to sorrow and brine. The people, admiring your sun -shiny curves, win say, "He's inspiring—a eL'own Ii deserves!' But no one is praising the gloomy -eyed getwho siways is phrasing sortie dreary lament I.14 RA.BIRTBORO i5'TIE,rKr 80 ? PJP 5HEs TAKE_ APAY OF' • Rinso is as splendid for the regular familywashing as Lux is for fine fabrics. Lever Brothers Limited Toronto P305 rrsn`�Ji'± 'Pan' 4,4 aaeeeeesees- Oppoortunnities • in the ry Veterin r 02 Sn If you desire to enter into a profession you should con- sider what the new field of Veterinary Science has to offer.- Graduates have splendid opportunities for a successful career. You should inquire. Session ane Oct bar lst 1 23 • .Write for bulletin and calendar to C. D. McGilvray, IVI.D.V., Principal m _ a e ,�,y pr®o tee r col _ge. GUELPH ' CNTAE,I®' Affiliated with Under the Ontario �' Agriculture University of.Toronto Department of g i Bottle. The Vacuum Bot t Everyone who uses a vacuum bottle will be interested to know that the in- ventor of it, Sir James .Dewar, one of. the most eminent British menof science, died on one of the last :days of iliarch.• Sir zanies' was one of the men who reduoed_to liquid and then to solid form such so-called permanent gases as hydrogen, nitrogen and oxy- gen. The vacuum bottle might be called an accidental invention, for, the idea originated. = from his contrivance for transporting without loss from place to place the liquefied' gases pro- duced in his laboratory, He put the Iiquid in the inner compartment of a double receptacle, the space between. the two parts of 'which was "a.vacuuni, through which heat cannot pass. • The'. bottle is merely the result of that prfn ciple put to practical use, The film of a soap bubble is the 2,500,000th part of an inch in thick iters. If this fails to make you smile, then we believe there is something the matter with you. It is anessay ott, frogs written by a young Norwegian,, and sent out by the Chicago Board of Education. Here is the essay,: "What. a wonderful bird the frog are! When he stand he sit, almost. When he hop he fly, almost. Re ain't go no sense, hardiy. He ain't got no tail, hardly, l either. Whet) he sit he sit on what i he ain't got, almost" OH YE5' Srti .'t~Cit�K 'r t, D ,Y a 3=� - f�i ' tA COUPLE. o' YEAR5 OFF HER AGE - 1 1DE-.5 �r Nor Can It be Bought. Mother—";wiry haven't you more patience, Willie?" W11Iie—"Because It's so scarce,'. mother. You;, can hardly find any of it anywhere." Scientific Exactness. An instance illustrating the exact methods now followed in all branches of science is furnished by the upset- ting of -all the results of the geodetic survey of Algeria based upon the sta- tion of Voirol,:which had been chosen as the point of origin' of coordinates, It has been -found that, owing to some subterranean peculiarity affecting the direction of the plumbline, there isa strong deviation frontthe vertical at Voirol, and as a result a new starting point for the triangteation must be chosen and new calaniations made, The discovery was made by co.nparirg the astronomical latitude of the new observatory about three miles from Voirol with its geas:ttit, latitude, as calculated from the Voirol data. entla}PA Sinai'' T atrneal wilt get tent Ione horse back on tho cob ''fiat'. For 0140'Miff* mc lotty yeets es i ondall'a S tvin Cttrty-tt ham m reitkesee it tri wins, seam riegl erne, thoteutthpin and all ,kinds of body growths,; GSI it rlt onir d nggtst's briatr� Atao the ree bunk "A, 7 gta'the on ti, dome end Ids 1)4ewee Ottonic dtrsfif to bR, .14t, J, ittlee4tee eteltlPANY, ltnosiiurg t•e1Ie, lit., iJf.S.F1; lvirt Treatment SUE