HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-06-21, Page 511
• Tharsdayo x9o3
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FOR EVERYBODYilionolilouglins, 11
1 ,, Il!ill10111111111111111111 '
13etteit. Values Than Ever
111 zs pieces imported Ginghams, fancy plaid and checks, 25c
OE Fancy Crepes floral n
'desigs 4o inches •we gin
7 idbara
7 $0
1 1
Silk so yards Natural Shade. Pongee Silk, 34 inches $1 00 im
• r Wide, now only 0 was not at Grancl Bend and the -papers
, • uiti quoted the. I -Ion. E. C Drury as if
. (Continued -from Page ),
want tb:take iti the.artisan 1,•Want
take' in' every. inan'aud ' Man', mr13.O,
a. fact61-fili this PrOvince, Who is
helping to build up a,great eivilization
'That is Why I cenlici not take it. X
want to say here' now candidlY
with trathfulness and sincerity, sev-
eral Members of the F, 0.,„said I
could have it if I would aceePt it.. I
said the platibrin is not brOad etliOUKh'
for, Joynt--not wide ertoUgh, While I
supported' many mea•Stir•dstt dttring .AnY•
term brought up b)' That •tiovernment.
I turned down wank of these Measur.
es also. I,. by. no means suePerted
every- 'measure that the Farmer
ernment brought up on the floor cg
rite rionse,' "
Mr, DiiirY VaVe foyrit a,lot of free
advertising,. maybe it was to try to
stif tip_ animosity' against Joynt. At
Grand Bend. last August, the 'Toronto
press reported, Drury said, "Here is
my friend from Nort1. garea, one of
the a.blest sapporters r have in the
House butI was .riever at Grand Bend
in my life. I supported several nieas
ures of the Drury Government but I
tO in art Me W ere e eop
` h liad
,to 'haul prodnee or..10,MileSa
•.'`electrify, the ..r40,de'froni., London ;to
)1.„,V1r-ghaM tin4araille:', I took ',UP
tee matter. m this,,,waar..ata 'toa.7
1,marle,'en inapreeeioa pp the lionse,v
turnerVedown stroegly the Pleas -
are re the Pfeelezial Systern.
eSpecially• that part where they were
gq,,ing to widen it out to 86 feet, mak-
ing it 20 feet -wider,
I also opposed the measure to
eriaee members' Salayie,s $600.06,
Mr, Cosens said we aae sometimes
disappointed in ourGovernments; that
we expect Anore from them than we
get, perliepa' we expect, too lunch be-
cause when. they get to Toronto or
Ottawa therfind that the things they
advocated bar* liorne will not go
when they get there. For instance the
TJ, F, O's. were very much opposed to
Government House and the upkeep
and .at the present time it is costing
more than ever.
'The U. r,. were not all against the
$600•oo grant. I think that some of
the expenditures for the Government
" of this country are altogether unnec-
essary and uncalled for. In the first
place think we have too many mem-
bers and. I think they are too heavily
paid. I want to make this point on
the necessity of economy. 1 think we
are 'too extravagant in the Dominion,
in the Province, in our municipalities
and individually and we will never get
on our feet again until we get over
this extravagance. We got into this
way when the war was on, The prices
doubled and we got into the way el
paying those prices. 'Let 'ouit•dominion
province, municipality and individual
try to save. This extravagance is driv-
ing our boys and .girls from the coun-
try. We are paying heavy taxes be-
cause we are so extravagant. If we
are going to develop as a province
and, a dominion, we must learn habits
of economy.
ant very pleased with a great deal
of Mr. joynt's speech and he has jus-
tified himself pretty well as to his
attitude in the House,
Mr, Bricker, I suppose will deny
the extravagance of the present Drury
Government, but we know that the
debt of this province at the present
time is climbing up very rapidly, that
the expenditure -is .millions of dollars
more than it was four years ago. It
is very difficult nowacla.ys to estimate
what •anything will cost Contractors
• do not care to make a fixed contract
• because they don't know what they
niay have to pay. We have not the
business men at the head of things
Itoday that we should have, those who
t have some idea of economy.
Hoe, 2 dozen Women's Silk 'Heather Hose, they go .
$ 1 0 I, Joynt was absolutely present, I had
1: - at, per pair ............_________ ....._. - -....__,.. ...... been invited but I felt I had import-
-- 'Ili - I d f
I ant work to attend to on my arm.
. , eeer Shopping Bags, n.ow only. —a- -- --------.69a More recently he said down. at Halton
not many months ago when he was
asked what he would do when he
went back if he was in a minority, he
said he would try to continue on if
he could corm -nand enough support
in the House- and he referred to one
Conservative. 1 -le meant Joynt, tak-
ing undue advantage of your ex -mem -
'her right there so that he -might carry
the people by storm, but when it com-
es to this election he allows his be-
loved friend, the Minister tof Agric-
ulture to come up into my 'riding to
do everything he could to defeat' the
man, who was his backbone and
whorn he had landed to the skies. I
have another letter here from my hon-
orable friend, the Prime Minister of
this province and speaking about cer-
tain Matters he says, "I value your
judgment and approval very highly, I
belive you have, a sound sense of busi-
ness values. I assure you I will ap
preciate your help in this and othei
patters when the Legislature meets
Yours truly, E. C. Drury."
If I wanted to continue these bou-
quets from the members of the U.- F
0. here arc ,a wholebunch of them
They thought I was it great help, to
them but 1 .have something more im
portant to tell you, They say, "long
may you be spared to represent the
North , riding of Huron, but the firs
chance we get we will stab you in the
back. You don't belong to the noble
six hundred. We are, Us for ourselves
and you have got to hew to our line
if, you care to dinewith us. I don'
Ilike • that. Here :is a letter from Dr
Chisholm written three days after My
!election in October,.1922, congratula
I ting 221e on my great victory in North
i Huron. I -1e said, ,we need men like
' you in our legislature, men who can
not only manage their own affairs
but have a heart and a desire to aid
. others." That ie _the kind of a lette
I like to read. He remembered When
4 1 was a poor boy and lie had the cour
age of his convictions.
I thought the Provincial Treasurer
was a man with a great heart. Here
is what he says, "The speech you de-
livered in the House last evening
'(that was in 1922), was a masterpiece
in my mind and I hope that the good
people of the province of Ontario will
be blessed with your continued pres-
ence for a good many, years to COlile.
Yours truly, Peter Smith, Prov.
Treas. - '
,../ ^
I want to say this before passing,
that tl don't want to be known as a
man, who is ridiag two horses, and
that statement was made at the U. F.
O. nominatioit; It is painful to • allude
to it. Mr, Webster said he was it great
friend of mine and had bccn for a
good many years. He said I wanted
to ride two horses I deny that
1 eliarget l
Ma jdynt here alluded to his habit
, of burying the faults of his friends,
but said he had nothing, no faults to
bury so far as his present political' tip-
ponents were concerned.
I suppose I must give a little ac-
count of my stewardship when I went
clown to Toronto and went into the
Assembly for the first time and began
to get the routine of work, it remind-
ed me a good deal of the days when I
was repreSentative in the .,County
County Council, 1 said, "it is like a
, . „
Bargain Dollar Tables on our second floor, big value for only on
,Dollar. Girls Wash Dresses Women s Gowns, ir s 00
• •
Middies Women's Wash Skirts and Waists, your pick 0
• Boots, '25 Pair of Woinen's and Girls' Boots, broken
, now on sale at ,
4 Cakes Laiandry Soap for
Polar Bear White Soap, Per cake
.Good Scrub 13rushes
e Quality Old Cheese
Gehl. Pure Lye, per tin
ki g Fig lb fo
oo 22 2) 3 s. r a_a
Corn StarCh
7 Cakes -Castile Soap for
Fresh Dates —a ,
1 .95
• 5C
. . OVeralls 2 dozen Men's Blue Deinini Overalls regular
Men's Work Shirts, Bargain at ___......$x.00
, Socks special zo dozen Men's all wool socks:good
ata $5c, 3 pair
lin wear,for 0
in Boys' Suits Odd Lines to clear, now on sale $5.95 al
dvien,, Boots, good, strong wearing boots, soild ' • Sal 7 M
MI leather, our price at "'.."
lffir 3 r4l
00NME 0 0-1 ,7,44411.13,HInffi51i4,1-vilq-41
, The increased taxation is bringing
in money so fast that the members
are extravagant These taxes touch
nearly every man and woman in the
In the first place we have increas-
ed Succession Duty, that is if a man
dies with a certain amount of money
the Government takes a toll of it. It
is increased. There is an increase on
tax on insurance Co's. I think that
tax on the 'income of Life Insurance
Co's. is one of the most:unjustifiable
r taxes we have in the countr3r. A man
is taking- that, way of saving a little
to support his family and the Govern-
- rnent comes along and takes a tax off
it. 'The Liberal Governrnent put it
on but the Drury Government increas-
ed it. They might as well tax it say-
ings bank deposit..
They put a• tax on the transfer of
shares, a tax on race tracks. We .don't
know much about that but they have
to pay some of it to the Drury Gov-
ernment. They have gone into part-
nership with the gambling fraternity
on the race track, and in the dispen-
sary where they sell liquor, There is
an amusement- tax, an increased tax
Q21 game and fish license, on real es-
tate transfers. Everything is taxed
and they will continue to be taxed
until our legislators ecopoinize. How
many of you are paying and less taxes
since the Drury Government went fit -
to power:
' Mr. Doherty was here the other day
and he said he got the cattle embargo
removed, We know that when our
American cousins went into the war
just at the close of it and the Ger-
mans were defeated, they immediately
said, "We Won the War." That is
the same way Mr. Doherty got the
cattle embargo removed,' 'Th.ere is an-
other reason 'why we don't feel like
supporting Drury Government. I will
not say anything half as bad as' gr.
Hicks said against the Governnicnt,
and Drury personally, I guess he
knew -what was going on, o13i the in-
side, I ant rather 'surprised that gr.
'joynt didn't find out what was going
on. Evidently he did not know be-
cause I would 'note think my friend
would support any goverment he did
not think was all woolly white, clear
white right through, but evidently he
'did hot find it out in time. He knows
better now, Be is not going back to
support Drury any longer. Mr. Joynt
was evidently not in the inner circle.
Don't any of you ConsetVatives get
the -idea that Mr. Joynt is not a good
Conservative. He, did not see all that
was going oiv at first but- , after two
or three years' experience he found
out. Whether you- ledge it wise to
seed him , back or met is the , question
but he will tell you when he has his
ten minutes' reply avity .he -did not
find these ;thinge otit sbonet. I have
an idee there es something viot just
right, aboin '4, he Was' not attendieg
to his duties properly' or he would
have found these' things out sooner.
Mr.Joynt should heve told us eciine-
thing" aboet siiisboitireg the -Drury
Gbvernment 'that aiVful clOeing ,night
they had there .yeiti 'remember* that
thie,.,teinbaranee- government, this
'Wonderful eatemperance goverrithent
the ,greateSt, temPerartta goVernmaet
eeek ha.d Cana,dir had a ,spree in
the PeritaMent butldhsgs ,endthey
were suPposed" to" hrvestigate it and
Drury said that -the honor of no min-
'Igor- of the' Crovvn was 'touched evid-
: OT
The apricot is the poorest politi-
elan among all the things that grow
on the face of the-globe,..so the Top-
eka Ian. Capital thinks. The apricot
itisists on putting forth its tender
petals on the first warm day of the
early spring. Nine times out of ten
that night a stiff north wind and
freezing weather comes along and the
poor fool a.pricpt is blooming the next
day in paradise. There are 'a lot of
apricots among members of the hum-
an race, too, ,
I'd wa/k arnile or a 'camel," said
the Arab lost oft the desert.
The Happy Thought
I Allcast Pipeless Fur-
nace keeps the air
in _every room in
motion ---- alive. It
draws air of the lowest
temperature --and all odors
, too—slowly back into the
furnace and returns it
heated, moistened and ster.
It gives you' atfriosPliere in
which plantvliourisiT.---that
keepis ,your,. furniture from
falling to pieces. --Nature's
It is :esppcially, adapted' to
''SOft COalbUt burns anthra-
• cite; '''''ikOod or other fuel
Easily in-
stalled—simple to Operate,
and pays for itself in the INfitide.iitilliidgilitP1061.4,
fuel saved, .
Ileating;'". nterest iron if
you pay fuel bills., Send direct to the factoty for your
free copy. - -
Sold by ,
L• .141 1. I I I :1:: , •
great County Council And I thinkl I
would like to bring forth measures
to help to support measures --that
would be for the benefit of all the
people of Huron County and the
Province of Ontario, and the more 1
thought about it the more 1 thought
I was On the right track and so the
first measure I supported and I think
I was the first man that brought it
out prominently was a inore equal
rate for hydro light and power for
the rural constituencies, t told them
right there that there was no reasbn
why every farmer on every farm and
every laborer should not have electric
power at their doors at a common
rate, that we should have the sanie
rate her in Winghani as they have
at Niagara Palls or Toronto, just on
the same principle, as the 3t, uniform
postage ,rate. • Representatives of a
great manynunicipalities in the Pro-
vince of, Ontario held a great meetime
in the city of Toronto recently ancl.,re-,
commended ,this Very doctrine which
'I proposed so 1 ain glaerI, am having
smile baeking, Wellington Hay, in his
last; address anethe House advotated
this and 1ani i)leaSed, to clairwthis as
a result of 'Mee, attitude itt the House.
Then' anotheit, dittstanding measure
I stipPOrteda evae ctittifig down the
idea of- ,Hydte Radials, that7.-is -the
duplication" of -radials .atici ,roads. Hy-
dro,,Electri`e,Lines aost 1.2oo'l.to $5o
'a ttii1, There' are threellines now
runniilg from Toronto. to Port Hope;
l'hey avant', to build another, This'waS
practically,a Toronto,rneaSttre°4nd had
the :Toronto pressbehind it. but '
take,,sorne credit forthe fact that no'
two of the leading, Toronto paper
are against that .itieheal told thetst if
they were 'ing to btiild'a hydro eke-.
trie road tobuild one, from Goderielt
. ,
Corytet0 Olited
wist4GRAm OW
ntly they' wo.te.fre#.o ,do a „they I.giVen this, town of Wingham 01,,poo,..pot onelneaSure thrOt,ighltintt Wasg ,
thc ppyinee of. ,Qntario ±sotllipg t5 19 113,O0Q fOr ten 7.04i"Pi $3Z,090to'''h''f"Qi.Pr),(7••9?'91•;•'..4.F, •
liked,r That WaS.,a disgtaeeftil.thin,g for They •gav,e,4600'an,d aUP.tl?eY Y-01:ed. As ttetle,fl4O''th.e..,:fare. ,Merst,',..,,
has..1i4.0:Pl doite 35lSp t T1e asne in alt nt so bgd for vhls Th siy Gnv bik lcc5p55 r1345 55 r92.30 ,,thg
,fhe guilty *ones' wore srd fat and etnnient 9u woui4Jc' , losing a.a..he irpalned by saYing.. that' in
believe We will get them 'bilt !some friend 'if you lose the. Diiry Q0Vorri-, the. rnarkrs Ceete4ae 13. pieed ira'49,244it,
Of you no d§t11:4 are strong teniper- Meet, Yeuawceild .not like le be 'with- tlsy ciSt
'anee ,,People,,and 1 lariow .People, who Out. these 'enient roads.. , ,, a, diffeyetice.,..2he.'toag":323-arkeig wes
AFC ,s11PPorting• the Drury. coverunient Something was spoken, 'about ' ex, ineffieirft and had to bo,,riertmottd
just beeanie they. think Drury is peuditures. '.11/fr, Cosens spoke ..ahout that Meant it big,,eicperise;,-Sq,:in 49a4„,
stronger on the' terepetanee question the ,coalscettle. it may not be' a lie they *Anted a, hetter ,rfiratiOT 4114 t.4eX.:
than, Hay or Ferguson:, X13. he is such but it is an absPlate. falaelloPd• Et ' cailed-,fpr tenders and,thiSarant
a ,a,trong temperance ./advocate,„ this paltry stuff:to hrina, up at an olection: a Piece )11ore:, Yea' don't have' ,to paya,
thingJeek place :right 'ha the Parlia- 'With reference to the. 'entbargO, he ittirt iulle.s` You like. That is. taken, !
Ment buildings, Was net that the' place explained. that Doherty did not say, of .:the, antpinobile 'owner 'eat
to clean . out first before comas out lie took't off It wee' through his ,in-, the Poyernment. ,
irito the' country, Itieferee againet :that 914 Country, Parniers comparing .tlie expense: 'Ot,
as -
all equally.. Play no favor,., Perhaps had it removed,. " yerS' fees ,e0 nilseh allied.,of, Yon vsfl,
Mr, joyna, will tell tie something about They accused this Goiertrzient of find a -decrease during the. :
that WiletiIp replieS, ' wasting,money? WhY did thy not atiMinistration. Ti euuim,yr • :
is the annnal report With regard
.he sanctioned and every- motion be timber lands. .1 know thr.;it the 1osi;
fore the House had at -least' twenty I -lower& Ferguson is a,dang"erotis 'per-
. .
of it. ntajority, ,s.oe to send bacle to Toronto. I know a , •
Mr, joYnt may think I am accusing call a halt because every debt has to
him of being it farmer candidate and
you will remember the Free Press
used to refer"to'Mr. joyrit as the farm-
er member from North Huron, He is
a farmer and. largely elected by the
farmers but that was not the Se/1Se
in. which the Free Press spoke. They
tholight from his votes that he was
it LT. F, 0., they forgot he was a Con-
servative, and it was a Conservative
'paper. Ever since I came here twenty
five year's ago I have 'been an active
Liberal 'worker and I don't think it
ever made 5 cents worth of difference
to my business, I don't think that pol-
itics has anything to do with making
bad friends in basineas or hi a social
way. We can have our differences of
opinion but after it is over go to work
for the good of our country.
Mr. Bricker
1 am pleased to have such fair op-
ponents as gr. Joynt and Mr. Cosens.
I have a little cleaning up to do.
When you go into political life there
is always something said. It has been.
whispered. around that I am a pro -
German. I am a Canadian, lily grand-
father was a Canadian. He gave- the
first team of horses to the Canadian
soldiers m 1812. I ant descended from We draw $3,000,000 from race track with my good friends to speak long -
from Pennsylvania Dutch and you gambling, The Rural Credits' Meas-ier. I want to say I never stood beside ,
-don't find many of them in the poor tire was dealt with briefly, also along three men where we seem to agree •,
house. educational lines, a great deal of mon...! better and I hope when this 'election '
Mr. joynt is in the field as an In- ey has been spent profitably. is over, whether Mr. Cosens or Mr.
dependent Conservative. I.have voted The Drury Standard Act was dealt Bricker wins, I am -willing to give
for the three parties. Mr. Cosens, is with. I3y this' Act milk was to be paid them the right hand of fellowship -and, ,
in as a Liberal. Mr. Hay wants a man for according to quality not quantity.: I will find something to do in Huron '
in the field and with a representative Hon.' Manning Doherty put this into County. The great imestion before the ;.", •
in the field I believe Mr. Nickel hats effect also, the testing of cream. The Government today, the first atell the
been bidding for the Conservative to farmers had been robbed at one time, only question that they,bring up upon
kill the Drury Government. I think if when any test was given, but now the platform is the question that has
you kill Drury, Wingham will kill a each can is tested. Yet the Liberals not been touched yet. The U,
friend. The Drury Government has have the audacity to say that he did' (Continued 'on' page 6)
Some of these debts were wished ori that the judges of this COnntryi ;Whom '
us before_ we went there. I -refer to we honor brought out decision
the ,Hydre.' We couldn't help that. the Courts of thie countay _that' the, ,
Would it bave been, good business to last Goverraneet gave ,away T),1,500,00a
say," we will Atop this thing:: It to. the Sheviin Clarke because the re -
would not have been good business. ports said. so. To justify himself,' Far -
15 was it revenue producing debt. It is guson said Drury gave -se much away
it debt that pays, • he undersold the Backus liniitaI,know.
I must congrato.date ;Mr. Jaya for that this French fiver tract of timber
sticking up against HYdra, Radials. If he wanted to sell it and was offered:
Ferguson and Adam. Beck get into „4.00 a cord and Drury sold it for 8oc .•
power they will force , these 'radials a cord' and Drury says. you ,can have
throngh and clearly there will be a all the details and volt can. go to the,
greater expense and they say thie Courts lvitle
Goveansnent has wasted so much The Workmen's Compensation :Act,
money. has been increased from 55 pet cent '
With reference to • expenditure 150 66 per cent. wbith would mean a- ,
may name some particular places ' vast expenditure. 1 come befoie you ,
where the expenditures go. Mothers for your support and I was nominated
pensions, this cost $3,000,000, 15,000 by the United Farmers of Notth Hur- • ;
mothers and children were benefitted ; on. 1 did not ask this nomination but
by this. if you feel like supporting me '
The blue sky law in Saskatchewan, preciate it. I appeal to you for your ' ,•
to protect people from smugglers,: support and. influence at the coming.
'swindlers, etc, At the latter end of election. , , -
the session a siinilar measure was Mr. Joynt's Reply
presented. .,.- I am very sorry I did not arrange °
The suffering and loss caused by forest
fires are common knowledge and, yet,
carelessness with fire in the forest con-
tinues. These forest fires are practically
all preventable.
Save marl s F.res
They're ours
Every individual who steps inside the woods
should remember he is in the midst of highly
inflammable property, for the upper layer of
ground in the forest consists of partially rotted
wood, which will burn. Lack of .consideration
for this gave rise to the strenuous situation in
Ontario,the last week of May and the anxiety
for days in some settlements.
Thoughtlessness or bad judgment or „care-
lessness, cause practically all forest fires. Your
co-operation, as a citizen, is, needed, to prevent
these fires by taking the same care in the woods
as in your own home.
1155'. 551