HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-06-21, Page 1guwanIsmasaadnoeu rimaaualug,..
Single Copies, Four Cents.
Sele Of Coats
• Clearing. sale of Won3en's and liNs-
sus' Spring cied Seamier Coats at eo
Per cent. ,Off al Isarcl's. ,
Past Masters 'Organize
A meeting of the Past Masters of
North I-Iurcm District NO, 8, G. R, C.,
A. F,,'& A. M. was held in Whigham
Lodge Room No. 286 on Wednesday,
'Alec 13th, The election oefofficers
resulted as follows; Presidtrnt, Theo-
dore 'Morris, Palmei•ston; rst Vice
Pres., M, J. McPherson, Xincardine;
Sec'y-Treasn'' R. A. Coutes, Wingliam;
Executive efonsists of P. D. D, G. M.
2nd the presiding effieer, j. A, Mor-
ton, Geo. Spotton. r
Hospital Auxiliary Meeting
'03n IVIonday last the Womea's
ptal Auxiliary held their 'last meets
lag for the Sumner; when much im-
portant business was transacted. The.
re,sponee from the churches of the
towitfor a Sunday collection in aid of
the' Hospital was most generous, the
following amounts havieg been re-
ceived:—P.resbyterian church,
Roman Catholic church,.$25.00; Meth-
odist chureh, $r.52.1o; Anglican church,
$22,25, The Baptist church, has been
unavoidably delayed hi taking up their
;contribiltion. The ladies greatly ap-•
predate the receipt of $15o.00 from
the Lions Club of Wingliam, the total
ea:proceeds of their concert given in
aid of the Hospital. -
The following other donations were
also received: Mr. Geo. M. Robert-
son, i gallon Maple . Syrup; Mrs.
Bergman, 3 jars fruit; Mr. Mundell, 5
Ib. beney; Mrs. Jas. Fowler, i jar
, Jelly; Mrs, W. J. Thompson, r gailon
Maple Syrup; Mr. Jos. Walker and
• sae, 2. gallon Maple Syrup; Sinron
Hallahan. z gallon Maple Syrup. All
these, splendidgifts of money and
*fruit are a great encouragement to
the ,ladies in their work and have en-
abled them to procure many 'furnish-
ing,s which have been long needed for
the Hospital. 'They also show that the
peoplee, of IA/Ingham add surrounding
4-'•0untry appreciate the work of the
Hospital wiich ha,s been serving the.
comantuaityto- its full capacity for
marls, Weeks.
boom PRIVILEGES—Any.parties
wishing to secure booth privilege
fot the x.e.th of July will do 'weil to
apply 'at once to
j, G, Stewart.
BEES FOR SALE—Seven strong- cols
omes of bees secluding six winter
bilTs., forty-two super and fifty
riclss fest' immediate sale at a .reas-
onable price. Apply at C. P. R.
Highestcash prises pcud. The higli-
er the test the more we pay
'Villas Caineron,
In Gurney Building,
FOR -SALE--Farm Machinery, in-
cludin.g Massey-Hrris Binder,
Meever, Harrows, Rake., Wagon and
Drill; Apply to • ,
- Chas. Potter,
Lower 'Wingham
• FOUND— In the Ladies' Ready -t
car Dept., a /adies gold bar pin with
cameo and pearl inset, Xing Bros.
LOST—On -victoria St., a silver ear
ring, finder kindly leave at Advance
" and receive reward.
'lo the Editur'av- the Adverice,
Deer Sure-- '
wud loike'to W10i te,ye someting
about the piisint pollytickle situway-
shun, but, sliure, 'tis no lsoind ay an
elickshun at all, at all, It moinds me
ay what' I he -a acl me ould father tell
about Donnybrook Fair, fie sed ye
moight be hevin a decent little proiv-
ate shcrap wid a fried, tapping aitch
Other over .the heads geutly wid the
shillaleys an mebby gettin in a Isar -
ruder blow wance in a whoilecan just
whin the fun wus gettin intereetin an
ye ivt. beginnin CO vverrure up to the
jawb, some shpall/ans wud shlip in bes
hoind Wan eV ye an . give a drawn
slitrols-e vvidout army rayson in it, 'Tis
about the nsainest ting anny man can
do to interfere in a shcrap betwane
frinds,•an the fellah who does it gin-
erally gits the wurst-av it in the hid,
as thin U. F, O's. will oind out be-
foor long,
An, shure, 'tis a quare elickshuniti
another way, Avee an ould carepaign-
er laike mesilf can't figger but what
will happen wid tree min in the field,
but, av coorse, I am shtickin wid me
fried, fawn Joynt.' I was shpakin wid
W. 5. Hinderson, (the black wan), an
he sez the U. F. 0. man will win, thin.
I wus thlkin wicl Archie Patherson
an he sez 'tis asvl over awlready ix-
cipt countin up the majority fer the
Liberal candidate, but sinsible min
loilse ye an mesilf lcnow that jaWn
Joynt will head the poll. So it looks
as if we moight hey tree mimbers in
Wort" Huron, which wuddn't be a,bad
shtent at that, fer thim fellahs in the
--- -----
ToRitdhicuaE, lectors of the 1\1;orth. Huron
Ladies aed Gentlenten;--
I desire to announce that I am a
candidate' ter re-election to the Ont-
ario Legislature, Durine the past°
sessions I supported measures which
I believed to be fox the benefit of all
the peoples and 1 opposed measures
which considered unwise or extea-
Fora'example among other measures
I advocated:
(r) •A flat rate for light and pow-
er for the rural districts.
(2) Mothers' Allowance 13ill.
(3) Blue -Sky Lase for protecting
investors against unscrupulous pro-
I opposed:
(I) Duplication of Railways,
•(2) The granting of extra session-.
al indemnities. (1 was one of four of
the whole house who took this stand)
(3) Measere'to widen unduly at
the expenditure of much money the
provincial highways. As well as other
easures hich -after clue delibera-
tion, I considered. extravagant or un-
wite, or detrimental to the public in-
If again elected my highest ambit-
ion vvill be, as In the past,' to prove
myself a worthy representative and •a:
statesman.• •
I respectfully ask -for your vote and
influee on June 25th.
I ani, 'cordially and faithfully yours,
John Joynt.
THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1923
foNie'Electors of North Huron,
Ladies and Gentlemen:—
At the request of Mr. Wellington
ay and the executive of the North
ttron Liberal • Association, I have
onsented to become the Liberal Can-
idate in the forthcoming election. As
le time is short, anything. like a p,er-
onal canvas of ‚th h riding is impos-
ble, although I shall -do all that is
my newer to meet as many of the
ectors as possible before the polling
ay. Itake this means, however, of
aching many evil= I shall not be
ble to get in touch with in ahy other
This is esit,a.•politicat. election, in
e ordinary series of the word, as
ph questions as ,the Tariff, the Nat -
nal Railways, the Bank Net and Sol-
ers' pensions do not come before
e Provincial Legislature. It is more
question of electing a government
sane, economical business men to
nduct the affairs Of Ontario. In this
speck neither of our pasrtwo gov-
nments has been conspicuously sue-
ivitybody cud troy to do it, an"get sful, as witness our rapidly g -row -
g expenditures., the tmegtial hydrb
es, the waste of opr forest wealth
fire, and by grants to speculators
Nunn adequate compensation, the
content of New Ontario and many
ler things I might- xixention did
ce permit, "
Of myself I have little to say, I
s born in the county and have lived
enty-five years id the good towii
Winghem, where I have many
rids and eo enemies so fax as I
fy business takes me over the most
Cinter art South Roidias don't nade a
man at all, at all, they hevset army
bether min than Andy Hicks they H
shud lave thim awI at home. Shpakin H
loike this wid me ould frind, Sandy c
Banks, he sed 'erns quoite sure the d
LT. F. 04 InSn d be lift at home, ti
an Jack Pott sez, the Liberal has no s
chance in a Tory shtrong hold loike si
Nort „Huron; an .thin 14 41°comes in
'Jack Frost who sez javvn Joynt will el
be defayted. So that laves Us widout d.
a inimber at all, at all. 0 well, as re
Solomon sez, the race is not awl- a
ways to the shwift, an av coorse, he w
shudsknow eeein.lie•wus,purtjr sh*ift
himsilf sometoimes. ' • •S th
Did ye notice in, the 'above that su
nsintionede the namb av Jams Joynt io
two arr tree toimes but nivir the name di
ev-ayther av- the other candydates. If th
ayther av thins lads wants free adver- a
tisin he will net git it frum ould Tim. of
Bein 'able tO'prit'in `i!ri: lave' out tali' co
name tiv candydate just as ye plaz•e re
coxnes av nathural litherary- er
away wid it, so to shpake.
an by long ixpayrience. Shure, 'tisn't ce
• I often.wondlier how it is the craps by
do same to be betther whin we hey a wi
Grit Governmint at Ottawa. Mehby dis
'tis the way 'ay compinsashun fer the otl
other ills we hey to hear. . spa
Yours till nixt wake,
•"Timothy Hay. wa
s tw
McKee -Curtis Nuptials • frie
A quiet but pretty wedding was sol-
emnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
I 1
0- J ,
at one o'clocls, when their eldest
daughter, Laura Vietta, was united in
marriage to Jack IvIcKee, son of Mr;
and ,Mts. Wm. McXee, Tor icto. Rev.
Ts 0, Wilkinson officiatin .
The bride prettily gowt ed in ivory
French Canton Crepe with 'tell aed
orange blossoms and carrying eshow-
er bouquet,. of Ophelia roses and Lily
of the Valley, entered the living room
On the iiii•ea of her father to thestrains
of Wagner's Bridal Chorus played by
her sister, Miss Grace Cuitis, taking
her place beside the groom tinder an
arch ef evergreens and ferns..
Miss Viola Bowley of Toronto„
cousin of the bride made a winsome
little flower s'ii:1, dtessed in pale pink
Georgette over pale blue satin and
carrying a basket of sweetheart ros-
es and baby's breath. Durieg the sign-
ing of the register, Mrs. VVilkinson
sang very sweetly, "ThelViessage of
the Violets."
After the ceremoey a wedding
breakfast was served in thc dining -
room. The decoration being carried
out in pink and white,
The ,groom's gift to the bride was
a platinum bar pin set with a
mond, to the flower girl, a sterlieg
silver bangle bracelet and to the
pianist,' a gold bar phi with ' Olivine
stone. , -
OnlY immediate relativeswere pre-
sent, atimbering forty. The bride and
groom were recipients of Many beaut-
iful and useful giftThe happy couple
motored, to Toronto, vvliere they left
for a trip up the St, Lawrence and
Saguenay Rivers, stopPing off at
Montreal forte. few days, The bride
travelling hi fumy blue suit of Poir-
et twill 'with grey hat and shoes.
On their return they will reside at
327 High Park Ave,, 'Toronto.
The people from a distance who at-
tended._ the weddieg were; Mr, arid
Mrs. Wm, McICte, Mrs. Roy McXee,
Miss Agties MeXec„ Mr, 8. MeXee,
IvIrg, MeLeod, Illrs. Bowley arid
daughter, Viola, all of Toronto, Ur,
j. trovan, Mr. and Mrs. A. McGee of
Horning's Mills, Mrs. Rolph, Mr, and
Mrs. Greeftwood and soft, Eddie of
Stratford; Mr, and 1Virs. j. Ralph,
Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs, A, Morrison,
E, v t,
FOR. SALE—Ore large carpet, onci
small rug, table, bedroom suite and
other articles Of household furni-
sure. Apply.at Advance Office.
Protestant Teacher for S. SnNo. 8,
East Wayvanosh, on County High-
way Huron County. State exper-
ience and qualifications, salary
Voixo.00, board convenient. Apply at
once to R J. Scott,
'WANTED—To purchase within ten
days,. house and lot, value $1200.00
19 $t800.00 Possession by August
let. Apply at The Advanc-e
WANTED—A young girl to assist
in general housework, Apply at
A. E. Smith's residence,
John St.
Tenders for the laying of a con-
crete sidewalk on Albert St., from
Alice St, to " Shute/. St, will be re-,
ceived by the undersigned up to 4
p. rri. on June 23rd., 5923.
,Plaris arid specifications may be
seen at the office of the undersigned,
'the lowest or any tender not necessar-
ily accepted.
Dated Clerk's Office, June nth., 5923;
W. A. Galbraith,
Town -Clerk,
-7,"here will be let by competition at
school house No. rx, East Wawanosh,
on June zyth,, 1923, at 4, o'clock in
the afternoon,itjob of putting cement
foundation tinder woodshed also paiet-
ing 'woodwork of school house,
Jas, F. Young,
' Sec. Treal
Tenders will be,received hY,tbe tth-
dersigned up till Friday, June 20t1a,
at 2 o'clock for the construction of
re-inforced concrete bridge on
:Adeline 3g) and 40, con. 2, East Wa"
wAneash, length of span, 27 feet,
with a /6 foot roadway. Plans'and
speeifications may be seen at tho
clerk's office on and after June
.asth. A marked eheolic for ici per
aunt, of the /21110O211 /Mitt accomps
ally each tender, Ltettreet or any
tender not necessarily accepted,
A. Porterfield, clerk, aelgraite.
Mr. C. A. Morrison attended the
marriage of his sister at their home,
Crown Hill Farm, Turnberty, Mr.
Ernest Morrison accompanied hiS
brother, C. A.., on his return to Oran-
geplenwhere the foririer spent a feVe
clays 'with friends in that vicinity,
of the riding and many whom I do
not know personally may recognize
inc when they see me. If so don't be
afraid to speak first.
I. believe that the great need of
this cottntry at the present time is
economy in. Dominion, Provincial,
Munieipal mad personal -dealings, so
that we can rid ourselves' of the
burden of debt that we are finding
so heavy a load to carry.
I have already many- unsolicited of-
fers of support from electors, who
formerly veted 0, F. 0. or Conserva-
tive, and if elected I shall consider
my duty is to the electors of North
Huron, regardless of politics.
Yours sincerely,
Abner Cosens.
Fordwich, June edth., 1923
To the Electors of North 1-Ini•on:
Having been nominated as the If. F.
0, candidate, itt the coming electhiCn
for this electoLate, I' have , decided to
stand for office and hereby kindly sol-
icit the vote and influence of the vot-
ers of this riding. If elected I promise
to fulfil the office. to the best of my
ability and Uphold the trust *Well my
supporters have for me.
It hae been rumored that I ato a
pro -German, which is an absolute fal-
sehood, Its I Was an active worker on
the Patriotic committee for the town-
ship of.Howick, who put up a beauti-
ful $6,000 monument in honor of the
fallen heroes of the Great War, and I
have always been an active Temper-
ance worker.
Yours faithfully,
Sheldon Bricker.
Fordwich, Ontario,
Lyclaturi Theatre Program
To the Citizens of Witighain and
surrounding country:— '
The management of the Lyceum
Theatre wishes to draw your atten-
tion to the prograM booked to the
Lyeetais foe the next six months, This
program consists of:—The
k 110W11 Will, Fax productions sup-
ported by such noted stars as "Tom
Mix, Buck Jones, John Gilbert, Shir-
ley Mason, Ditstan Famine aild oth-
ers, also the full program of Para,,
mount Super Specials namely: "Shiek,
Manslaughter, Nice People, The Old
Homestead, the 'Young Rajah, 'Blood
and Sand, and When Knighthood was
In Flower," and others, with sueli
well.known stars as.; "Jack Holt,
Thos, Meighan, Theodore koberts,
Bebe Daniels, Gloria Swanson, Lila
Lee, Dorothy Daltoo and °piers.,
41, Parker, Mgt,
Three Candidates in the' Running for
At Wilaglianne on Menday, July end.
orth Huron
, Caledonian Sports, etc.
• 'flint sday, June 14t1i., Nomination
Bills are out announcing the Do- E----
Day, drew a large crowd to VVingham minion Dey Celebration at Wingham,
end the hall was very well filled. on Monday, july and., morniese, after
Below we give a report of the noon ancl evening, Old Donald Din- is
speeches of the three candidates Mr me of Scottish fame has been resur- =
John Joynt, Farmer and business man rected and his picture appears on the
of Lucknow, the Independent Conser- bills in Scottish attire.
native. Mr. Sheldon Bricker, cattle The following program will be car
buyer of Fordwich, the U. F. 0. sten- ried out. ° '•
dard beater and sign Abner Cosens lVforning-9,e0—Au1or20bile and Bi -
Insurance Agent of Wingham, the cycle Parade, Best Decorated Autos
Liberal nominee. The report is to the I Ste, $5; I3est Decorated Bicycles $3,
best of oui• knowledge,' as nearly word I lie, and $1. x0.3o—Baseball Match—
for svord as It is possible to report.,, Hagans Irish Nine vs, Wingham
2 ,
The Mayor H. E. Elliott was nom- Senior'iLea,gue Team.
inated as chairman but as he was not Afternoon—n30 to 5.3o—Caledonian
preseet, Mr, Adam Graham was nom- Sports --- Dances --Non professionals. =
inatecr and acted es Chairman. Each Boys and girls under 13 years of age
of the three stcancliclates was to speak resitting in Bruce and Huron Counties i
30 minutes and Mr, John Joyet ems Highland, Fling, Shean Trews, Sword --=
gisree"fo minutes to reply. Dance, Sailor's Hornpipe, Irish Jig,
Mr. Joynt spoke first as follows: 13est Dressed Girl, prizessTor each
We are right in the throes of a gen- event, isi. $3, end. $2, 3rd. $x.
eral election and you have thiee can- Open to All Men -- Scotch Reel,
didate.s to choose from—three good Highland Flirig, Sword Dance, Irish
men. You have Mr. Bricker from Jig, Sailor's Hornpipe. Prizes 1st. $6,
FOrdwi,ch, the nominee of the, U. F. end. $4, 3rd. 2; Best dressed High -
0. of Ontario, a bright, yoang prom- lander, with or without ornaments, 1st
ising man, right in the prime of his $8, end. $5, 3rd. $3. s
manhood ready to pick up—should I Girl, 16 yrs. and under, open, Scotch
say—the sword of Gideon, willing to Reel, Highland Fling, Sheen Tsews,
go and battle for the U. F. 0, of this Sword Dance, Irish Jig, Sailors' Horn-
disteict and he has a perfect right to pipe, Best dressed girl under 16 years,
cothe before 'thi's 'audience and ask Prizes 1st. $5, 2nd. $3 3rd. $2
for the suffrage of the electors of Pipang-Marches and Pebros, Strath
cepAtninellionc-aailicHe ufreoenoaf axdoBpreurcaceenvte. events, I
North Huron. Hn has been duly nom- spey and Reels. Prizes rst. $8, and.
inated and he his a perfect righrto $6, 3rd. $4. -
Athletic Sports, open—Putting the
shot, heavy, $4, $3, $2; Putting the
shot, light $4, $3, $2; Putting the shot,
light, amateurs, open to Huron and
Bruce $3, $2, $x; Tossing the cable, lo-
cal $3, $2, $1; Tossing the cable open
tli,; $R3,untinVg. Vaulting with pole $
$34; $,.$,;,
Running Long Jump 4, $3, $1; 50 yd.
Race, local $3, $2, $1; xoo yard Race,
open $4, $3, $2.e so yard race for fat
men over 200 lbs., local $3, $2, $1. An
entrance fee of TO per cent, in pro-
fessional event, Judges decisions fin-
al, -Four to enter or no third prize.
..3.30-el3aby Showe- Babies, z year
and under, Babies 2 years an.d under;
priz.es $5, $3, 2,
, One of the very beet concerts ever
given will be put on in front of the
grand stand at night by four artists
who have been with Cheutauqua com-
panies,,and in addition the prizewin-
ners in the. Scotch dances wiil give a
few dances.
Winghain Citizens' Brass Band and
Lucknow Pipe Band will be in charge
of the music.
Popular prices, everybody come?
11111114111101111 111M111111111MillIreirte
per year,
'ill Ili 11,11111111111lIMIllItMlin.,
ask for your slupport.
Then we have here also my friend
from Wingham, Mn Cosens, whom- I
have knoevii for a good many years.
He is a real genuine man, I say this,
because I have known him so. long.
The U. F. 0. candidate I have never
seen to Ictiosy him only twice so I
Cannot speak with such certainty, with
such positiveness about hid]. as '5 do
about my friend, Mr. Cosens, because
I have km:nen him for probably twen-
ty years and I have never heard any-
thing but good said of him. He repre-
sents the great Liberal party of this
province, a party that has been before
this province since I was a boy, a
party that has a history in this pro-
vince, a party that is linked up ',With
the names of the Honorable George
Brown, Sir Alexander Mackenzie and
Hon. Sir Edward Blake, at: mezi that
I followed myself until I was 21
yeers of age, .although 1 never had
the Measure of veting forany of them
but may I say that my father was a
great admirer of Sir Edward Blake,
and in' 1874 went from St Helens to
the riding of West Durham and voted
for Sir Edward Blake, because he was
a great admirer of the man and his
principles so that Me, Cosens comes
here also on this platform and asks
for your suffrage. He has a perfect
right to do it, he has as good a right
as I have.
Mr. 13ricker comes here because it
would not do for the United Farmers
to lose their identity neither would
it do, may I say, for the Liberal party
to lose their identity in this election,
teecause if it was left to Mr. Bricker
and myself rattily of these splendid
Liberals in this North riding would
be voting for Joynt, but of course.
now with their owneman in the field,
why Joynt can't expect so ixtuch help
on that account. You have a third
candidate in the field, who represents
the Conservative party of this prov-
ince and 5 appeal to you as an rade-
peride'nt Conservative ,that is the plat-
form I stand on, that is the platform
I stood dn for the last four years,
Now I have no good things to say
of myself at all. I have not one good
word to say of myself, I only wish
I was a thousand times better than I
am. But may I tell you what some
other people think about me. Permit
me very briefly to tell what some of
the people think about me in the pro-
vince of Ontario. Here is what the
Provincial Treasurer said when I
spoke in the House, 5 think the last
speech I made of course thateclid not
please the friends of 5, J, Morrison,
But her is what the Provincial -Treas-
urer said about the ex -member, "Al-
low me to congratulate you upon
your splendid address. It was not de-
structive like many speeches we hear;
but instructive. I hope you may re -
Present' N. X-Iuron for many years to
come. I don't think IVir. Stnith was,
tumbling over himself to stop the car
that brought Mr, Manning Doherty
here some days ago to speak against
me. I just want to show the incon-
stittiency of the Government. 5 tall it
Here is another letter from W. E.
R.aney..He said on the same ocacsion,
"Your speech was a worth while con-
tribution to the debate. 'Neese accept
my congratulations. W. E. Raney,"
But he allowed Mr. Doherty to come
and told hixn to make sure to get all
the votes he could for my young
frieed here, because he came out un-
der the right banner and Joyrit could
not COMO (Alt under that 'banner and
therefore of coursse could not qualify
ahd may .1 say right here now in pass-
ing, betause I want to take things as
they are, but I want to *Ind of get,
in right in the beginning --it was said
in this hall at the U. I?, nomination
that Joynt was after the U. P. nom-
ination. It WAS recorded in the Wing -
ham Times that a man on the plat-
form or in the Hall said that Joynt
was after the U. E. O. nomination.
deny that charge t never was after
the "U, F. O. tiomitiation, I waisted to
steed' on the platform that would take
in every man and, woman in•the pro-
vince, I want to take in the Laborer,
want to take in the merchant, I
Continued on page 5.)
John joynt
The Independent Conservative
Candidate in North 'Huron, 'the
only farmer in tise running, who
seeks re-election, He books like
a winner. . '
Garden Parties
There will be a Garden Party un-
der the auspices of Calvin church,
East Wasyanosh, on Mr, John Shiell's
lawn, on Friday evening, June 29th.
A good program is being prepared.
All are cordially invited to come and
enjoy it pleasant evening. Admission
35 cents and 15 cents. For particulars,
see bills.
MacMillan Morrison Nuptials
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at Sacred Heartschtirch,AVingham, on
Tuesday morning, June 12th, when
Mae C., 'daughter of Mr, and Mrs,
John Morrison, Turnberry, eves united'
it marriage to Mr. John MacMillan,
son of Mr. IvIilas MacMillan of Kind
loss, Rev. Father McLaughlin of Newl
York, sang nuptial high mass, and
was assisted in the cereirionybSt Rev.
Father Fallon, parish priest of Wing -
The bride wore white satin with lace
overdress and bridal veil and carried
a boonet of sunset roses ,2ftd liy of
the. valley. Miss Anna 1/01Ti804, sis-
ter of the bride acted as bride's maid
and Mr. Patrick MaciViiilan, brother
of the groom, was groomsman.
The guests partook of a sumptuous
wedding - dinner at the home of the
bride's parents, Crown Hill Pat -in.
Among those from a distance who
attended th6 wedding were MISS Mar-
guerite' Kelly of Mount Forest, Mr;
Hugh MacMillan of Detroit, Mrs,
Knox of Pinkerton and Mr, C A.
Morrison of Orangeville,
a c bon's ru,A Store
W nehain. Ont.
M :Pe • tzti) !FOreg
nd Ed ison Recor
at Reduced Prices
Increased output and decreased 2-1
manufacturing costs enable the Edison =
Company to make these big reductions, re,
making Edipon records and phonographs Li
cheaPer than ever before.
Amberola 30, tunly $39.00
Amberola 50, only, 67.00 lid
A berola 75, nly 99.00
All Blue Amberola Records ..... ..40c
Anyone can now own a Genuine Edison Diamond Amberola
Owners of Aznberolas can now buy all Edison records at the =
ridiculously low price of 40 cents.
B, Wellwood' spent a few
days at his home in town. We are
trip to Toronto on Friday.
Mr. Wall of Toronto, spent a few
days with his old friend, Mr. J. S.
Morgan, Minnie St.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Charnpion an -
pleased to see the genial Bert and his noancte .thesemaindageseof their -tiatigh-
smiling countenance once snore Mrs. I ter, Victoria May, to Air. Mark Gar-
Wellwood and children met Me Well-Idner of Ashfield. The tnariage to take
wood at Sarnia
!place around the 1stof july.
Mr. and ' Mre. FranIc Galbraith of Mr. and Mrs. C. G VanStone of
Mtss Helen Musgrove Ims returned between life and death at her home
Toronto, are 'spending a few days of Toronto, are visiting in town Mrs.
their honeymoon with the former'e VariStone's sister, Mrs, (Dr.) Tamlyn
Miss Edna Musgrove. 1
parents, Mr. and Mrs John Galbraith. is, we are sorry to report hovering.
spending a few yreeks with her cousin,
, ,
`Mr, Ted Isard has returned, from
visiting in Toronto.
• Mr: Phil Dyer of the Bank of
to her her home in Niagara Fall after,
Mias Bessie Barnaby of Hamilton,
was a guest at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. Irwin, last week.
Mayor Elliott is spending a conple
of days in Ottawa.
Ilton Goderich, spent the week -end at Mrs. Ted Elliott of Detroit is visit -
his home here, '
Mr. an.d Mrs. Robt Groves and
Mrs. Thos. Groves, spent a day last
week with Mr. Ed. Groves in Strat-: to Literary Society attended Convoca-
t' I -.
Mrs. Win. Wallace of Edmonton,
visited her sister, Mrs. Harry Hin-
, scliffe,•
spent a day at the home of Mr. Robt. Mrs. Wm, Walsh of Darien visited,
Groves, Lower Wingham, i her sister, Mrs. Harry Hinscliffe.
Mr. and Mrs. David Stewart have'
returned to Detroit on their return'
trip to California, after visiting with t -St. Augustine institute
her brothers, Mr. Robt Groves and; The St Augustine Branch of the
Mr. Thos. Groves.. 's 1Women's institute and the Dting'an-
Dr. and Mrs. Irevin and son, Arth-leon Branch held their summer meet-
ur, leave about the fh•st of July for ing on Tune 14111 at the home of Mrs.
a trip to Europe Redmond, St Ausustine. Mrs. David
"vim IL Campbell, Mrs. C Armi- Chamney occupi;c1. the chair. After
tage, Mrs, W R Hamilton, ilirs. N. the opening exercises the nainutes of
L. Fry and Mrs. 'Robt. Xing motored the last meeting were read and adopt -
e. ,
Moved. by Miss j. I. McAllister and
seconded by Mrs. Thos, •Robinson
that the Women's Institute hold a
Garden Party on July sth. Mrs. Fin-
nigan kindly offered her home. It was
decided to send $zo.00 to the Oueen
Mary Hospital tor Consumptive
children at Toronto.
leave on Tuesday next for Detroit,
mg her mother, Mts. J. Carson.
Mrs. j. A. 'Wallace, who is an ex -
president of the Univetsity of Toron-
Mr. Thos. Stewart of Toronto, Mrs.
Geo. Stewart and 1Virs. Con Ratus of
Detroit, and Mrs. Cooke of Cli t
own to London with Mrs. J. W. Mc-
Mrs, W. R. Hamilton is visiting
with her sister-in-law, Mrs. C. Wash-
burn of Dandas.
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean have
returned to town after spending the
week -end with the formee's mother,
Mrs.. M. McLean in Win ham and
r. McLeatt will repreeent
Westminster Hospital at the conven-
tion of the American Psyphiatrical
Association' in that city.—Toronto
Mrs. "Ted" Elliott of Detroit, is
visiting in town with her mother,
Mrs, Carson.
Mr. j. 11. Christie made a business
Miss McAllIster then read a paper,
on "How the School and Home may
help 'one another.' Miss McLentian
of Sarnia gave a splendid address on
meeting tlae Rural Problem.
Miss Ethel Cummiligs rendered a
solo. Meeting closed by singing God
Save the Xing. Attendance fifty,
Lunch was served and a social half
hour spent,
New White Shoes have depai:ted, more thari ever,
from the beaten paths, taking trn.•Forms arnaz,
ingly stnart and novel.
We are showing an unusual grouping of Straps
and Oxfords from reputable makers, in fine Can-
vas, Eve's Cloth and Nulbuck. Prices
$2.75, 3.75, 5.00
ee Window of, White Footwear $1 98
SHOE "siroit