HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-06-14, Page 6=mow"m -- I_remitt.xs,;lasi4l,: Cuba, ';IO iso and C`,rn.ad4t, .Like uarvealmg cereihoEzies f were V•t,aadneted In t11e presetaee of r000 people Mad the entire serviee was broadcasted for the benefit of those who htrd' canirThutcd. ' Next EridaY evening at 745 Eastern + + "�^ "I �"' • Standard Time, Station WG).r of Sell- ' etxectady will broadcast the drama, rt,i; 111e past weekc experiments "Clarence." The •WGY instrumental i; 4' inlet out suc:cessftilty in ,heat- quartette will furnish the incidental ulac:ta:iay ;:tn taeroiilaixe was can"mnis. The late program commencing cc xe; f c e.. to Irish nuts - 11 n11 1 1 t a ,thy by means of radio ' is ro 30 will be devoted l ' l v"avec. A pilot and observer remain-; ie. Old Irish airs will predominate, ed on board to assume control in 1 WWJ THE DETROIT NEWS ase that any delicate •parts might; Eastern Standard Time 1 zn the Lest but their, services were' (580 Kiloeyeles) - not require>ii The machine rose from Idonday, June r8th, tile ground and flew around the coma- 9.30 a. m.' -"Tonight's Dinner" and try for some time and then retursiediy, to the aerocie ohne and tnade a perfect j a special sal -Dthe t Oman s Lator. P Ij 9.45 a. m. -Department of Labor sanding while the controls were osier- bulletins and talks on subjects of'gen- ated by the inventor en the ground. eral interest, This invention would be particularly I e0.25 a n• --Official weather forecast useful in w.vartiine •as tons of bombs 1x,55 a. m. --Arlington time relayed could be dropped from a fleet of thy the Western Union. planes under the control of an .Aper- rz,o5 p rn-•».Detroit News Orchestra ator stationed miles away, m- 1 3,30 p Of#ici a weather forecast. ' c ass. The t C o tzsrd e antennas which are ti in connection with radiocreceiv- 5.00 p. nx -••M u- tet reports. or s .a•' 5.00 m, -Markets, baseball scores 1L not dangerous during electric- 8.30 p, m, --The Detroit News Or - 1 storms. A number of experiments ehestra• Anna Campbell, �r + i bell Detroit tr" have been conducted recentlywith . a r oil , �.ews Poet; the Town Crier; the view to :ascertaining the action of? Packard Glee Club; Fred Protheroe aerials. An aerial was erected in an j director.' open space with trees some distanc e t ,away. A very severe storm carne up. Tuesday, June r th, <. suddenly, No less than six trees+' , 9 were,: . 9.30 a. m. -"Tonight's n To ht x s Di n e struck C' •m ' g Dinner" and ru1,. lightning t II' Itzn i g but no apparent a special talk by the Woman's Editor. harm was visible at the aerial, How- - � 9,45 a: ni.--De artment of P of Labor passed over•,- bulletins and talks on the lightning arrester was inspected eral interest. ever after the storm had subjectsgen andlo f and tobel a most red.lxot, which zo25 a ru-OFficial weather forecast proved conclusively that the anten= xe. a. tn.--Arlington lad been conductie the 5e 1 ngton tune relayed g , 1 e heavydis-by the:Western Union. charges away gradually instead of r4.o5 p m -Detroit News Orchestra permitting them to accumulate. 3,3o p m. -Official weather forecast. dtatien. WOAW operated by the 3.35 p- in; -Market reports. -r 'vfo odme nof theWorld, and - located � .00 at Omaha, Nebraska, is one,of8 p.in.-Markets, hbaseball scores the { 8.30 p. ni,�The Defrost. News Or - ver broadcasting stations } st tions to come; the Town Crier; Hudson Asti the air. This is a very powerful! Tschirhart Japanese fiddle; station and the sterility of the pros' J is Mass anis broad P Thelma Hull, pianist; Charles Marfan �' casted is of the highest ion, tenor. order, At the close ' of the first week's program more than 50,000 come Wedries daY; June aotle. n-ir..nications were ;received, from all 9.30 a. sn.-"Tonght's Dinner" and sections of the country testifying to a special talk bythe Woman's tix excellent programs which:were pan's Editor, sent out. A force9.45 a• m. -Department of•: Labor s of io telephone girls, bulletins and talks on subject of en - 15 typists, r0 stenographers as. well, et•al. interest.. - J g as numerous other: assistants were ro.25 a ir.. _Official weather required ' to cope with. th3r Cor e heavy _ w t iar forecast is.5� a. m. -Arlington 'time relayed respondence. So far over 300,000 pies- by the Western Union. Y se of mail matter have ben des itched to -radio fans: p /2.45 p m -Detroit News Orchestra . colleges p ire Official weather forecast. :t one of the co1 eges in England, 3:35 p, in. -Market or the languages, csassee are being treat- s.00 reports. ed to foreign languages ` direct' p.m, Markets, baseball scores by rad- 8.30 p.. m. -The Detroit News .Or - lo. : The . French class was enabled chestra; to listen in to a French 'station et ser, the Town. MissCeGenevieve Violet cent which byHunter, pianist; Zein - . special arrangement, ner, soprano;.. Herbert : Lamb, bari- broadcasted a number of French clay- tone. s'ical poemsand sections of prose which were on the curriculum of the Thursday,une 21St. college, This method was found to o a. in,.-- "T' nig ' " 9 3 o ght s Dinner and be very useful in assisting the student a spe.;ia1 talk by the ' to learn to speak properly and adopt Woman's s Editor. P 9.45 a. m.; -Department of Labor the methods of pronounciation of the bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- native Frenchman. It is hoped that eral interest. arrangements may be made w here b y, so .a5 a m- Offi c ial weather th er fo. Spanish GermanandItalian stations 1z55a.m.--Arlingtontime relayed co-operate in this work by the Western Sunday, Jue 3rd., 1923, a uni- is, 05 p xn-Detroit News Orchestra eerie service was broadcasted from.eo station "KDKA",loci 3- p m -Official ke weatherforecast. ted at Pittsburg: 3.35 p. m. --Market reports. A fine bronze C tablet was unveiled at 5.00 p, m.• -Markets, baseball scores Calvary. Episcopal Church commem- 8.30 p. m, --The' Detroit News Or- orati theestablishment ug t blishme nt of regular: cicstr a, the Town Crier; , Mr:Vr. Wray, of religious servicesr tenor; Fred Walters, baritone; the from this church. The first services l Detroit Lyric trio, were broadcasted on January 2nd , Ii.o o pi. m,- The Detroit News Or - wee and have been sent out regular-cxestri•Fred e d Walters, s , baritone; the I3= ever" since: At various times the, Watson Saxophone Four. .' pastor, Rev, E. J. VanEtten requested; lis radio listeners to forward a con -1 Friday, nd. tribution of ten cents toward' the cost t " nighJune s Di • of the.e tablet and no contribution' pe a. alk Tonight s Dinner" and over a special talk by the Woman's Erlitgr, this amount was accepted, 4,700 con -'f 9.45 a. nt,-De artm ent of Labor tribut"tons were received, some coming; bulletins and talk so subjects of ge i - 111 --- t Cil i ( rry gl! t B i 114Rii loll I i 1115111 ' '+ �i11�l111�111�lill�lljattllCl�iN'•� 111:111111111111111111 11 11118111 11 IBS 111 Ia l r 12 f: I tla �r e have some odds and ends left in Books which are now on sale, Books regularly priced at 50care on sale at.36c each or 3 for $1.00 Books I regularly priced 75c on sale at 45c. AN L 0 )ys' and Girls' Annuals, Churns, etc.' priced at S2.0O � to 3,50, while they last at 1.25 each, autxonmartimmtanostroArtmatovs H. x.N.Q 1,, x ski :o A n* a7� �H nMrynn9%' Thursday, esseessetse giss ;resew i' e one x4th., x9 t"ti1 sio ly f" Yob 14 1:41 O a n erest. ro•n5 a m -Official weather forecast rI a. m- • •5 Atli 5 n too time ire r g el e a d Y s?y the Western Union. 12.05 p m -Detroit News Orchestra 3,30 p in -Official weather foreoast, P. m .,. 3.35 ark • 3 P M ci reports. 5.0o p, Inn.•• -.Markets, baseball scores 8.30 p. m. -The Detroit News Or- chestra; the Town Crier; William IVs: Schuznaker, tenor; C. Bruce Myers, baritone; Mrs. Eva Devieger, mezzo- soprano. Saturday, urda' Y, June 23rd, 9.30 a. in.• -"Tonight's Dinner" and a special tack by the Woman's Editor. { a.' 9.4.5m. -Department of Labor bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest, 10.25 a m -Official weatIxer forecast t 11.55 a. ne-Arlington time relayed by the Western Union. (: 12.05 p ni--Detroit News Orchestra 3.30 p nx-Official weather forecast, 3.35 p. ns. Market reports. mosimAIAMAirMitelinii lyoung people, when Rev, Fred M ,M � 1 Eliot, o of St. ,Pettis uls was speaker,' was I3 and �'d Ywith Young I Have the Hope: of thPeople, We World.": iT'here i was also a discussion of the subject "The Participation of the United en the Permanent Coutof L u ter[1ati0llai Justice." The House of Laity in the Cl of England approved oftlie rev ' of the Prayer Book by about fo ''one. A very influential number of belong to the opposition. They pose the plan of an alternative boo starting I greaterconf ' uszoiz.. than prevails. They also state that should the said book ever become lawful,. they will consider that the. foul - xd fioil a of the ., church has been shaken. �n. BOYS' FIELD DAY The Boys'Bicycle Club held their first„rneet in the Wingliam Park, on Wednesday afternoon, May othi, and 3 , from the small crowd of people; who attended we would judge that the boys, will not be likely to hold • another Ch field day in ,,Wingham. The public ishan must"surely have forgotten that it was" t11 to ` their duly to encourage the boys in men clean sport. The following bicycle OP- races were put on: k' as Five Mile Bicycle Road Race,.rst, now prize, Gold Watch value . re.oce S. Hutton,. time x4 minutes; 2nd.i Baseball Catcher's Mitt valueprize, R. Tervitt; 3rd. rize Ti$6.00, Tie � � Pin,value, $aSo,, B. Hetherington. wo. Mile Handicap Bicycle Race, est, prize, Pair Traction Tread Tires, value . $3:50, J. McGee; 2i7,d: prize, a Fountain Pen, value $4,00, J. Carr, 3rd. Prize, Pair Sampson Tires, value $a.8o, O. Fells. One Mile Bicycle Race, Ist.nczi re, Stevens. 22 Rifle, value $8.so, S. Hut- ton; and. prize, • Revenge Bicycle Lamp, Rn Tervitt. Half Mile Bicycle Y Race, st. prize, Fishing Rod and Reel, value $6.00, B. Hetherington; .2nd. prize, Columbia Spot Light, ,value, $4.25, R. ' Carr. Quarter Mile Bicycle" Race, . ist. prize, Fielder's Glove, value $4.00, B. Hetherington; 2nd. prize, Pair Imper- ial Tires,'value3.5o R. Tervitt. itt. v Half Mile Bicycle Race, t Y (x6 a xd un- der), rat. prize, Cycle Meter, value $3.00, R. Carr; 2nd. prize, Bicycle Horn, value $z.25, A. Montgomery;' 3rd. prize, Cut Glass Rear Reflector, value 75c, se played be- tween Carter, A baseball match was la e Blyth 'and a picked team of Wingham youths which resulted in a victory for the home boys by a score of ro to i2. 3.00 p. in. -Markets, baseball scores Sunday, June 24'th.. 11.00 a. ma -Church services from St. Pauls Cathedral, 4.00 'p. ni,-The .Detroit News Or- chestra. t 1 "CHAT" CHAT„ ABOUT THE CHURCHES It is not an easy matter to conduct the business of a church, when a num-1 ber of its members reaches to - the- millions. For the sake of efficiency i and economy leadership and central- ization; are sure to become conspic- nous. 'Then the cry is raised of s „ METHODIST CONFERENCE Final Draft of .Stations and District • Chairmen The .London Methodist Confere concluded on Friday afternoon,` lowing the election of the Dist Chairmen, Though working assiduously bring about the completion of work of the conference, several in ters were forced over till the of noon before the business was fits wound up. This included the elect nce fol - riot to the. at- ter - ally nx ion of -District Chairmen and: Secretaries. up of of as on, The morning was largely taken with the reading of the final draft stations which includes a number mportant changes, which • are f ollows Rev. D. N. t12cCamus of Clint uperannhated after 46 years. Rev. W. G. H ..1tc11ister annuated after super- nnuated sj2 years. Wallace -Jas, Wilkins in place of , Clair .Motyer, • Atwood -Byron' Snell in place of H .B, - Barnaby. Skaffa-J. E. Jones in place of Dun- can McTavish. Sateen -A. Clair Motyer in place of aures Wilkins. • Tiverton -Charles, Leslie' in place fF.a J.Oaten. Belgrave-Cully. Hentland in place f H. Mervyn Wright. Clinton (Wesley) A. A. Holmes e place of A. Murray Stuart. Dungannon -J. R. Peters .in place 1 Byron Snell. Bayfield-R.d A. Parkin coni n place' Reginald l ad A..Brooke. g oke. Bayfield -R. A. Parkinson in place Hector McTavish. re oil .arid Ail sa Cr"- ting Duncan McTavish in place pf. Reginald A. Brooke, Petrolia-C. Stuart in place of. W K: Hager. : ••-• . Kerwood•--.R. Brookes in place • G. H. McAllister, Ar meet e -J f. Roulston in place o • 4V.. Shoup Melbour=ne --W. W. 8hou in plat: P Pat, machine government.. The •North- i ern Presbyterians in the .• United Stat i es have for years been trying to brio its sixteen boards into a simpler and i - mre practical system. The recent 1 A Assembly at Indianapolis agreed to cover the work by four -lines of ser- vice, Foreign Missions,NationalMiss sions, Christian Eduction and Mini- • sterial Relief. Dr. John Timothy Stone, Chicago ,in closing. his success ' J ful plan said humorously, "after these many years'of effort to _solve the ; 0 problem the church can. now take 0 the text,there rem in a eth therefore a rest to the people of God." la London, England, has lost one of its famous Scots. It bas become l proverb, that Scotland rules. England ° by the talent of her famous Bot -so sons. of Both Archbishops of the Church England and c of. g and many prominent men in,of Parliament and business are from the f north t of the Tweed Sir Wm.., -Rob- ertson Nicoll ,editor of the British Weekly and other periodicals, who has just died, was the founder and leading spirit in all these successful publications.. He was the son of:a 1 eo.untty, :t'resby terian nxinister in Ab.1 W erdeenshire • here books rather than. ! bread had the greater demand .upon! his small salary. With .such a start in life, this gifted son, ever handl capped with a delicate body," rose to sort of literary throne among Fre. churchmen. His services too, were e _ 7Afi _c an the -�. H;7 tf YlH,ix=han 'it knighted -by the Asquith government, Although the next Eucharistic Con- gress in America lyill not take place for three eyears, th` ere isalready ad Y great at interest in the hearts of. the faithful Catholic population, Chicago has been promised this notable meeting in /926, when theaprocession will likely°take 1 ace ` p in the ' •grounds of the new Catholic University of St, Marys. The origin of these g congresses is said to be through the suggestion of a French girl. At any rate the first was ..held at Lille, France, in 1881. Kidnapping missionaries has for years been a favorite plot of Chinese ffians. Dr. Taylor, who with his ife, are at present addressing meet- gs m the United States has .a nrov g story of their experience with rigands a year ago, He is - the sou Rev. J. Hudson Taylor, founder of e China Inland Mission. It was by aYer that they were delivered. William Jennings Bryan felt keenly. s defeat at Indianapolis in the'race r the Moderator's chair. To be pass - over also for the office of chair - au of the Bills and Overtures Com-' •ice, where there is a precedent that should go to the defeated candidate r the chief honor, rather nettled his per. As there were three candi- tes,. the moderator Dr. Wishart, ap-. nted'Dr.•Walker, Los Angeles, who cat lowest in the vote, to that of e. Hence when offered another or,: namely of'being Vice -Moder - r, he indignantly delayed giving reply, with the result that when he d accepted he found that the place been filled. He stated, however, t to carry the Assembly in the her case was more to his wish than occupy the chief seat. ' he program of the World Con- ence of Lutherans at Eisenach, many, has been published..As there eighteen countries to be represent - where many branches of the rch are independent of one anath- the chief aim of the great gather - which is to meet at the reverend ne of all the brethren is to form a unity of doctrine and order, 'thus Ileal and social questions will take eondary place, nitarian week has just been cele - ed in Boston and the East. 'Greets s wore conveyed by representatives Iceland, Great Britain and ice. The slogan of a great rally of Passed Away In Michigan Last week Mr. Alex VanAlstyne pre- ceived a: telegram, stating that his sis- ter, Mrs. A. Deno of Saginaw, Mich., had a - v passed away on Tries a d y morning. Deceased was in her Sand, year and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, David VanAlstyne of the first Line of ,Morris. She leaves to mourn her loss, two daughters and two ,sons, Mrs, W .J, ,.Barbour and Miss Eola of Saginaw, Mich; Frank of Winnipeg, P g,. Man.; and. , Fred of Saginaw. There are also. three brothers remaining out of a: family. 'of thirteen, Richard of Hamiota, Mao; andAlex- , All the Bluevale Road. en of Lower School Meeting There was a fairly lively time at the last "meeting of the Lower .Wiugliam of School' Trustees. Mr, McLean, the teachere asked for an increase in sel- f ary from $reoo to $123o 'per.. annum. ;l One of the irustec3, Mr; 1Vtn, WiIson,' . ;:: •tee:.... 4i as optioned to ,;,<� ,ucreasc, believing that he would like to have a teacher with more experience; but: as Mr: Ivic f Lean was giving, satisfaction with the whole sohool of over sixty pupils, the. other two-ti•usltees, Mr, Walter Welsh,;`' and Mr.' Robert Deyell favored giving hien the •increase: In the discussion that followed,, these two gentlemen re- signed, ed. and b ,the secretary, Mr. Gavin Wilson closed his books and • left the meeting. •However, peace and i quiet-' ness reigns once more for at a meet- ing of about'fifty of the ratepayers and the two so of b tin g it was decided to keep the services, TORONTO Wtndrrizll. of Mr, McLean of John2. 'Peters. • • Canlikci ie -_C, • E. Taylor in . place Free of J. Edward Jones. .,, • Marthai'ille.--L, Hooper `in'place o Charles Teyin. Fort Lambton-`tearoM wane in place of Fre& W. Manning.. Wheatley -Dr, E. Medd in place ofD. N. McCa mu. T s upperv%Ile-W. Taylor in place of Edgar J. RoulsCon, - Rutherford --J. C. Millan in. place of C. E. Taylor. West Lorne -0. G. Lawson in place of Alebtr A. 'Holmes. Lyon -H. x H. M. Wright` 1'. Kaine. g in place of I. Maiahide-Fred Manning in place of John C. Miilean. .. District Chairmen Tile election of District Chairmen was as follows; London --Rev, W. E. Miilson Stratfrod�Rev, S. W. Edwards Wingham--Rev, C. F. Clark. Gx derich-Rev, J. Holmes. Exeter -Rev. G. W, Rivers. Strathroy-Rev, W. K. Hager Sarnia -Rev, J. A. Mlllyard: Windsor -Rev, 3. W. Hibbert Chatham -Rev, A. E. Jones Riclgetown-Rev, A S. Whitehall. St. Thomas -Rev. R. Hicks. 12 T ryesees. .st ��; . j il Books Stationery, Magazines, Town Ticket Agent Canadian fr National and Grand Trunk Railways, Ocean Tickets ,iia t� lines. p it l I=.11tl I1 l2Ill ill -i111 hAtuntrom 11 �i1111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111htii+��1i111111 ���1111I11i f(U 111 11113I1i®Ii►II 11ere 14 11 non matmtuennuterenulume edesi We have just received a car of WESTERN' OATS which we selling at 65 cents per bushel, ru w in in b of th pr hi fo ed mit it fo tem da poi ca fie liotx illi l ata his ha Ixad taxa esy to ler Ger are ed, Chu el•, Mg, real poli: aSe brat ings from IINNIM I� t•as rig fff IV lh qN We also 'have the following feed's: NI Standard re -cleaned: Wheat Screenings, -- ; $a5,oa per toNT n Znitison edt Low Grade Flour$4:0.00 aper ao bags Shirts, $58:ao y�er Sao bags --- . : 30,00 per toe Brats : - : $sg.00 per Corn --^ tot. Cess , � $r !)5 per cwt. 1AA1 Use our give L r$s.xa per gest. NI ihea Plonr for Bread, Nothing Better. Guaranteed. I AV Mow" its your "Best and Male 01 eapest bd, i0 N hell I these n ' months res e cYt el p v Y a r superannuation rai e ilu't i i <t n p o to retiring n iii i_ s, f c 1. Al lh' c < ' 'atto 1 i rl> from P! 11 r. i ' Sau id r 4, S not exceeding three e e fifth of:l'i of Ethel, s their for o, compensation for dam- average salary'for the past ages; to auto;. May `retie,: on c Q tl t 8p 5 three ac o oat years, of rtt:ts in the road, was referred. to the Good Roads Conanissicu , The , audtior s_report sh x of 'unpaid owed $r',000 .: county unty rates and She Suffered recanx-f�:� mended that in future these should be required to be 's n ' etulbefore the tl ► Eight .ion Years end of the year. ,.The auditors also recommended .a quarterly audit, Mrs. Harper's stomach, ash; kidneys and. A..communication. from the countyliver e were its terrible ; shape until clerk`.of,'Perth enclosing copy of; a her husband discovered Dreco-- •-meanorial which Perth county asked this great herbal remedy speedily Huron county to ' sign, aslczng the restored` her ogans to their noitetal Government "to adopt tZie polis of functions. ' Y 50 A paying .r c cent. P of the cost b# Mr: Wm. Harper of 152 Giles St., hydro connection to' small villa es, London, Ontario, had Worried' or when the minim -urn use would i w u d be less years ,over the distressing h s' 1" thang P acs Y oh. onaco , 5 p,cut of the diffi- ,n d ffi Condit' culty of getting three farmers er. condition of his -wife. She had scarce- . �,,, ly known a well day for eight `lo td- mile to use the power. g :th years and :.while she perserved with The county clerk.'mentioned that her 'household duties,, it was undera several bylaws of the county required handica of acus to p e suffering, caused as be brought tip to date, and this in the case should be done a ' oncewith so marry men and t as he was ,women, by a badly run down system. consolidating and Publishing the by- now' speedily eedi shey p Ivy responded to the re- ' laws. This was referred to` the spec- markable corrective properties ial Conarnittee,, • p P of W Dreco had best be told.by Mr. Hat - A communication from, the High-- per,hiixsself, ways Dept. showed the •anxount. of Government rant returned >vurned to the county on highway work of last year as $79,315.07. , The clerk submitted a statement For the past eight years,"says Mr.. Harper, my" wife has, been a. suf- ferer from "stomach trouble, Terrible bloating o ng after meals and `gas pressure- -against showing 1s 'against the- heart, caused great pain. g w st the: County of Huron Even a drink of cold water. would paid for maintenaee of Huron sour a �at,,, High Schools pupils'," nd fern gas.. She was Canso count .goutside of the - ,gated all the: time, In fact, never miss- y. The total,was over' $3,000 ed a day when she didn't have to take for 94. children. (a laxative.:Her kidneys a' iCys were in bad A. comrhunrcation its answer to an condition >~ � n and caused severe ;tack - inquiry from the clerkstated that �its1 aches,:. Dizzy.spells, -epot ision court ..l "spots _s float+ng..:: o t clerks and bailiffs we're before her eyes and:nervous not entitled to fees for courts unless told ofhens. all the judge a sluggish liver. J g took.his seat on the bench! It seemed the first few doses f and the court was opened. ° Altt f L w 0 w as th $e as a 25 q of n hi th sh of Dreco gave her relief; and I cannot e er'from the Minister of High- praise it enough for the .good it has ways acknowledged the protest of done her.' She is now practicallyrid Huron County' againts making the' of all her. troubles and s ableat ake Shore Road a Provincial High- her meals with great ando eat no ay and against the widening of Hur- bad after gnd contentwok in n road, and promised thatr effect, and she wakes resin p these ed."morning feeling fine and i efreslt- Auld receive careful aei ftl I . col t sde t' azo r n. ,- A memorial ••from . Ontario . county Dreco is a never. failing ks . for r legislation requiring .that in rel' source. of qQ g relief .to those suffering from internal: e iodination" of consolidated school ailmenfs. Its" natural i coons the. approvalr tonic ande rt id . of the minister hating action , on st to the area should be required, that nes and bowelsAmy re liver, kid - to petition must be signed b at least t Yuquickly ndtore pthem lacos, Y o. normal functions and replaces. per cent of the ratepayers and the misery Cry with glowing health 'and: nes esti on ozx subnx' rite d to a v t . oe. strength. Drec o is made only from Sheriff Reynolds sent notification herbs, roots, bark and leaves ad con «the appointment of'Mr. J. B. -Rey- tains no mercury, potash or habit - olds as jailer at a salary of $80o.00, forming drugs.. s duties dating from June 1st. and Dreco is beings specially m xe retirement of Mr. Griffin.A troduced The in Wingham' by J. Walton McKibb0n' ersff also pointed out the provisions. and;is` sold by -a gooddru druggist ever`' the law permitting counties to pay where. g Y i 11 IN MEMORIA1V1 : Scott -In loving memory of little Viola Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, who was accident ally drowned' on June roth:;,;xgs2, "She has gone to be with the angels." You can't feel so goad but what iff acrill itrtake you feel. better. For sale by , WALTON lVIelCIBBO t out! I.qter ,Supply Automatjc-Sure r .pit 4; 111 Continuous service'--� day and efe:e'er night -always under _ .` y u der',pressure: ilh IIT A TORONTO P>neumati a Water System will give you this service -noise- less and best of all, absolutely auto- natio. Operated by f�i...- - c motor nr lt- DRp� N 1F+ �f' !� I U 11111; I: trustees returned to the fold. and save yourself and family from the COUNTY COUNCIL _ continuous';drudgery of.pump- ty ing and carrying your daily i.- ` water supply.! Enjoy this : convenient service.now ' The June:' session of the coup council convened on Tuesday afte axr I TORONTO Outfits can, be quickly installed. Drop in and e let's talk it over. Prices and full c infar;saation gladly furnished. noon, Warden Beavers in the 'ch and all' the reeves in their places; In his opening remarks he said h was glad to meet the members of th Council again and noted the presenc of two new members, Mr. Knight: an• Dr. Milne, who had been elected reev ed of Go'tierich and Blyth respective- ly since lest meeting.' Dr, Milne_ was in the• council when he •first came in. Nothing ,very special had conte' lux der his notice since last meeting, The county had been threatened with a lawsuit on account Of a:tl accident on. the Good 1a�oads, but, this had been withdrawn. ' No other claims had .been presented: • On account of the weather condi tions last fall and this. spring, the roads had come through in better conditions this° spring than usual, - which meant a saving of ninny hon dreds_of dollars, Looking through the January mins ng he- was struck with the splendid natter in the engineer's report which le ,yconsidered worth reading and re- ending. A suggestion lie ' ad to make was hat the county accounts' be audited uarterly instead of yearly, This fan was adopted in Exeter and was orking well. The Warnen was' applauded as ho esttmed his seat, Dr,."I;•win, t casurer of the Wing, am Hospital, submitted . figures of. he operation' of the:: institution, The mount received from patients was ,229:66, This was filed. A: monthly • •statetttent from the others' A.1lowa:nce Board, . showed llowances of $/054, $1134, $1509 and: 1049 respectively for the first four' Annan of the year, with 36, 39, 38 ld 36 beneficiaries of the fund for; See ma to -day. a a at anitearzonal = TO CREAM pRonuciks #. im A consideration of the rnerits of our iervice we think will re - X .suit in the ELECTION OF THE it MAITLAND CREAMERY i as the' custodian of your trearn, All good eneam taken here and best 'a. results assured out customers. senya THE UNITE)) pAgMtR.S' c.o4>PERAnVg LTD.;