The Wingham Advance, 1923-06-14, Page 4Y.1•,
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'Iil 11/2 '
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c if Willigil$G11, Chtteedb)
•: ; E,vetry Thud') Morninti
264,. G. SUIT ii, plzbusier
subsorIptLou. rates; .,-- One Year,
!'il! ''''''',. • 42-00', ei.X , 3I,00 in advansa,
$„,-.., Advertisemeicate without spe
''111 rection.s will be inserted anal ferbid
' and Charged accordingly,
'Iram ktivante,
t {Mr; ,!!!),!, .,,!1.!!!! !!, 1,1! 01.
- -4,4eereee,-.4'
Thursday, June 14, 1923.
Du.t.iON IN'td..\RK5 C.
Advertising rates ou apP ,
1. FIRST AID FOR SUMMER ILLS • "f Ntheels have even the slighthst
stem tends to react -wobble. Now turn the. board, pointing
Changes tor contract ' advertise.
Ments be in the office by noon, rim,
day. '
Wellington Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.
Established 184D •
Head Office Guelph
111,11B: taken en all classes of instil"-
' able proPerty on the cash or preraleun
; teats syetein,
unfavorably to certain eonditions that! it toward • the rear, and repeat
obtain especially in the summer. For ' above at both sides of car and at half
(1.1 - . .
instance, children eat. green apples an , turn positions (always using same
get a stornaeb, ache. The -automobile edge and end of board) and the mean.
aIso falls heir to certain Staganer CO111" a thee two measurements should be
plaints. I the' same as that found for the front
. .
There is the engine, which is apt to •end, If not approximately so, the
become overheated during the hot1 whole rear axle constriction is prob-
weather months. Driving the machine ably distorthd, and should be examined
at high speed with the spark retarded and attended to by experienced
is ane way an engine becomes over- mechanics.
heated in summer. This is easily On the majority of ears the front
remedied. Chronic overheating of the wheels have "undexgeither." That is,
en ine may be traced to sediment M they are closer together where they.
touch the ground than at their upper
edges, and where that is the case they
should also have "foregather." That
is, they should be nearer together
(about one-qu.arter inch) at their
front than at their rear edges. Just
why this is done is outside the scope
of these notes, but the foregather must
! ABNER COSENS, Agent, radiator which restricts the free radia-
Wingbana tion of the heat. This complaint can
q------------.'-.---- usually be adjusted by the use of ' a
saturated solution of washing soda
. .
1D11 LEY 11 Li FS - -
, and, water. Fill the cooling system
i Ylctory and Other Bonds Bouaht andl engine or several hours, drain it off
Sold. -
• Oirce--Mayar Bock, WIngham
• with a solution of this sort run the
f •
and refill the system with clean WIL
correct as, possible if tele
Fan heats are more apt to get out, be as nearly
of order during the heated term. This life is to be considered.
may be a result of grease thrown bY Jack up each in turn and spin to test
the engine, • for wobble. With board held at front
Particular care must be taken in wheels as given above for the rear
' I d ones, and 'pointing -toward the 'leer,
turn steering wheel slightly to right
or left until the distance from board to
rear wheels is the samegen both sides
of the car. The wheels are now set
true for goirig straight ahead. • Now
OJ -
•BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR • summer to keep the radiator we
ale • ney to Loan at LoWest Rates:.
with water so that the cooling system
radiat.or free from oil so that the out
ft,„ side passages will not collect dust. If
P G 110SS
a A
• WINCHAM will operate at its best. Keep the
Graduate Royal College of Dental
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry
ri W. .
tnt B.Sc.
Special attention paid to diseases at
Women and Children, having taken
ostgraduate work in Surgery, Baa -
1 tericlogY and •Scientific Medicine.
Alice In the Kerr Residence, between
the Queen's Hotet and the Baptist
All business given 4areful, attention.
Phone 54. P.O. Box 113
Dr. Robt. C. mod! attelition in the summer time. will be found often that a little less gaso-
M.R.C.S. (Eng). line will be required.
1....R.C.P. (Land). -
The speed.ometer said sixty nines.
R STEW T an hour.
this is not done a free flow ofwill
be prevented and the radiating surface use board on front wheels exactly
will be cut off. already described for rear ones, mark-
ICeep the engine free from carboni ing on the ground and measuring at
and the Valv e push. rods closely ad -1 both front and rear of car. If ten
justed; have the gasoline mixture as feet is the length of the board from
lean as possible; in some cases use al centre of wheel to where it touches the
little heavier oil, and see that the ground, about twenty feet will of
haust from the muffler is free. Then course separate the -front•and rear
-From the Dallas News.
Canada from Coast to
Yarmouth, N.S.-AS a result of a able increase is expected the ac)e-
rneeting held here recently of repre- age under corn, sweet clover and other
sentatives of the fishing industry from fodder crops. Livestock is showing
Lunenburg, Shelburne, Yarmouth, great improvement.
Digby and Annapolis adifiities, the liegine, Sask.--Estimates covering
NoVa Scotia Fisheries Association the -whole area of Saskatchewan place
came into being. The aim of the As- the total amount of raw material in
sociation is to enlarge and improve its forests at '7,950,000,000 board feet,
the markets for Canadian fish. made up as follows: spruce, 3,000,-
• Fredericton, N.B.-Sturopage• on 000,000; poplar, 4,000,000,000; jack -
poplar which is cut extensively in pine, 800,000,000; balsam, 100,000,000;
some section.s of the province for pulp- and larch, 50,000,000 feet.
wood, was redaced this week by order- Edmonton Alta. --Coin raising will
4n -council passed by the Provin.cial be fairly general on the prairies of the
G vernraent• The former rate was $4 Canadian West this year, with more
-than 450 farmers engaged in raising
what was formerly regarded as a pro- •
duct of the torrid regions. • W. D. Tre-
gels ,president •of •the Alberta Corn
Growers' Association, is clistrthuting
-two carloads of corn seed to farmere
from as far south 'Coutts, A berta,
engine trouble is likely to be avoided. between the rear marks should be per thousand, which means a reduction
of from $2 to 1.50$per cord for pulp-
this auto summer complaint known as marks, and the distance, in such case,
Tires are more apt to blow out in about one and three-quarter$ to two wood.
snianner than in winter. Considerable
. inches greater than that at the front •Qeebec., Que.---The Laval University
heat is generated by rolling a tire over end. If correct, adjust by lengthening authorities have decided to enlarge the
in the tire and increases the pressure conn,ecting the swivel arms of the present medical faculty building, not
only by the erection of two additional
the ground. This heat expands the air Or shortening the tie rod fethat rod
storeys, but by utilizing also the to the Peace Itiver country, and from
in told weather this heat is largely wheels across the car).
11( by the' cold atmosphere, but . • ce premises at present occupied by the asefar west as Victoria, B.C., to Man -
• o.ot sununer. The Ne0ded Lift of law and foee.etry. The itoba in the east It is expected that
• The carburetor needs a little extra . •
work on this change will. ----------- tin about 37,000 acres will. be planted in
. •It ie one of the b• lessed eiveiime June and it is expected, will be corn- corn this ,year.
plated by tht fall.• Vancouver, B.C.-Vancouvee be -
stances that often in the very nick
Kemptaille, Ont. -For the purpose erne last year the biggest port in
of time the sound of a voice, the touch
of encouraging refor-estation through- Canada, the biggest grain port on the
of a hand, the arrival of a message,
out Eastern Ontario 300,000 - pine Pacific Coat, and the third p3re on
• or even the thought of a heroic per -
seedlings are being planted at the the coast as regaeds total cargo ton -
former on life's batlefield, supplies the
farm of the Kemptville Agricultural nage, according to figures pre5ented
necessary stimulus and lifts us
School, to be available for distribution 1:-.. thc.. Merchants' Exchange here by I
,, to farmers next year. Upon ground Ccl. W. R. Dockeill, pre.sident. Lasti
through the crisis that we faced. "A -s
thy days so shall thy strength be.
belonging to the farm, which is unfit year 13,641 vessels were inwards kees
We scanned the horizons, near. and
for cultivation, 130,000 small trees, as compared with 9,382 ten years ago.
far, and we saw no hint of succor
including pine, evalnut, liutternut, and The port's gross tonnage was
anywhere, from earth or heaven, But
soft maple, are also being planted in 000 last year, compared with 1,8S4,00j0!
- hi mel
Winnipeg, Man. -Seeding is advanc- lines now use this port regulaele, as
_., ing •
true and keep thern so. The tire on f „ . . ing rapidly throughout the West, ac- compared with af1 in. 1912 and eeven
'JOS E P i N E STREET pHoNE 2t -+1 see at your ve ee s are ao - signed. We believed eve knew what
(Dr. Chisholm's old stand) ALL SAID AND DONE.
• " e 0 The constable said it was ranety.
ratulty ot Medicine; Lieentiate of the •He Said it was the a,
Ontario college a • Physicians and, • His friends saideit with Rowel's.
Office Entrance;• the forestry branch.
OFFICE IN CHISHOLM BLOCK WATCH YOUR TREAD. as we prayed it came. It may not have ee_eperatien
the form we expected or de -
Surgeons. ..
. F. h I • • 11 taken
Graduate of ,t3laiversity of Toronto, The natives said it was a crime.
There's time in the package
Time to do the many things ordinarily
put off on wash -day. For Rinso does not
- keep you standing over the wash -tub,
• rubbing until your back aches and your
hands are red and sore.
Rinso, an entirely different, kind of soap,
soaks clothes clean. Rubbing and boiling
are unnecessary. The big, soapy Rinso
suds gently loosen the most grounct-in
dirt without weakening a single thread.
- '
say a •package today.
•On sale at all good grocers
and departmeat stores.
Ak.."4,g4.1aUSITS4iii ' eleetie. ., ,elenz
u kr...
• a wheel tha-t is intermittently or con- • cording to the crop bulletin of the in la13. Fifty-eight ocean-goeree yea.
WnS good o -r us and our petition was
some mg a.t variance with that
C edam. eaacefic Railway and anols- sl s a month left the port in 1922, as
th' "
a diff erepti for
direction from that of the car is
Dr. rilargaret C. Calder • tizmously trying to run in which. has appeared. Whatni
General Practitioner is, that the relief is heee, and the soul
`-1 Graduate University of Toronto, slipping nmee en7 less, thereby causin g
uttees its psalm of tuankfulnees as
necessary wear.
Rear wheels are out of line inee f° salvuetimt
Faculty a1 Medicine. • 1. r
sate- to lift or to depress. Vnien we have
Cffice---Josephine St., two doors south
• G-rea.t is the power of each of vs,
of Brunswick Hotel. mittently if theY wobble. To test for.
sidence 151 --
+MS jack up each one separately, our gift the boon of friendliness,
Telephones--01fice 281, Re
when pure •may be the ministry of
fully blocking the other three, run en.
Eear in, and watch the wheel,_...i‘Itit
'tie as slowly as possible -w1
DRU• GLESS PHYSICIANS gi . cheer and earnfort, laoW is it that we
Dr A wobbles as a Whole (hue incieneea) ease
axle is bent and should be taken out
, and straightened sit once; but if hab.
CHIROPRACTOR I revolves evenly and only the rira web -
Office Hours: 2 to 5 and '7 to 8 p.m.' 131es then the Wheel itself is distorted
Wednesday Afternoons by Appoint,
• raent only.
Telepone 191.
, 4
and must be re -trued. The cost o
such re -truing or new wheel will soon
be repaid by the resulting increased
tire and gasoline mileage.
Rear wheels which do not wobble
are seldom out of line with each other,
but if the car has been in collision, or
traversed extremely rough roads it
would. be well to test for this as fol-
lows; Take a fairly stiff and straight
board long enough to extend from the
rear part of rear wheel to beyond the
front of car. Hold one edge, at one
Osteopathy, Electricity. All dietases
Office adjoining residenoe, Centre
Street, next. Anglican Church (former,
ly Dr. MacDonald's). Phone 272. .
d, against a rear wheel tire touch -
R. D. raciNNEs tag both front and rear part of it and
• en
tiere 'conditions are good. A consider- ccmpared wit 1 tcn in 19.1.2.
agonizing struggle. The nr,tural in- big. Thosewho, knowing better, bring
stinct teaches us aright, if that natur- us down, and hold us there, cannot
al instinct has not been cortupted 131 escape the responsibility for wlat they
the vitiating Influences. We may safe- do.
ly follow the lead of our owa u.ntram- On the other hand, bleised are they
meled spirits." who use their influence to raise the
consent to -be anything else than But this woman, generous and kind, general tone of the comemmity in
spiration and solace? What right nave bad hardly knewn what the temoiaa which they dwell and to encourage and
we to make life harder for another to tions are for -Lhasa who anew- a h. -Weals strengthen, land delight :the friends'
live? "Itis easy to be goad," said a instead of a beautiful environment. they keep. They have their own re -
good woman. "There is no -need. of Close eontact with the base Ig aebas- ward "when no man heeds." They,
r--1.-*-.-------,-------,_=,tr..-- ' ------------__=--============ kmow, far within, the satisfaction of
feeling 'that some one else is grateful
for a fresh encouragement to persist,
a direct „incentive to spurn evil and:
embrace the good. That is the first
reward of the ministry, of the teachal
Mg profession, of the authorship of!
real, true beolcs, of activity in many!
callings of , an ideelis,tic trend. It is!
hard to imagine any line of business!
in which men have not as large a!
chance to lift as they have- to lower!
the general level of happiness and
goodness, and all that makes life de-
sirable to live.
° as near the centre of -wheel as pas -
CHIROPRACTOR sible, the board pointing forward
Qualified Graduate (having, if necessary, been mit away
Adjuotinents given for diteases ot to clear front wheel) and touching the
ali kiwi% weeklies in dealing with ground at that end. Get a friend to
ehildreu, lead' atteridant. Night cans mark the ground where the edge
e.spondeed to. tonehe.s it.
Office oa Saott St., Wingham, Oat. Do the same at the other side of the
in bonne of the late jai Walker). ear, being careful to use same edge
Hours,• 2 to 6.30 pm, E,vertinge 7 ta. and end of board. Now Measure be -
2 pen., aiid by appointment. Phone iso. the marke thus made and note.
installed In Naples'.
• Ate autoraatie •telephone &piston -1 of
Amertean inatiafaetare -will be instal-
led ill 1413:pleS.
Push ear back (eir forecarcl) one-half
turn of reat wheels and repeat on each The talents Mtn horse, Will Somere, -which has been lent by King George
ae before, again using the same edge for 'breeding 111gPosese is to be placed on the Prince of Wales' ranch,In bulor weight and exhausts the
and ericl; compare the 'two measure- Calgary. It areived in Canada on board the stearaship Meringue .. . sail in pepiesoene
merits and note the Mean -they will
• Dogs Fallon/111g ',Cars.
Dogs should not be allowed to follow
ears. Owners! permitting this will be
prosecuted, To see a small panting
dog, straining every muScle to keep -up
with., a MT in a picture of brutality.
Beeides, there is the danseiof the deg
being run over, in its anxiety not to -
be left beillleedl'
ws 'Exhaust Soli.
A weed, as it grows from an inch to
a foot Nigh,increases n thottandfold'
I-ttSiee/PeLLO lel ED
. • •
RABI4rirBoRO: _ •
• •
' • l'ArSelralit.gX0:.$1.2;11Vii1-174.; ;le' X: 1:47.-WW.F.V.V1, •
i iiiSALE
We will sell for ten days only, or while they last, Fabric
and Cord 'Tires, 'and Tubes, at the follo-wing prices.
All High Grade Stand.ard Tires, said Guaranteed for
5,000 Miles. No Seconds. -
Reg, Our Reg. Our
rieBRIC IIRES Price Price CORD TIRES pric,, price
30 x3½ .... $15.25 $ 9.00 31 x 4 S.S. $.35.00 $26.25
31 x 4 .... 25.20 18.90 32 x 31/2 .... 30.85 22.80
32 x 4 .. . 26.95 19.95 32 x 4 . 88.60 28,95
38 x 41/2 . . 59.60 29.70 33• x 4 .... 89.75 29.80
84 x 41/2 .... 40.80 30.60 32 x 41/2 49.85 37.40
85 x 41/2 43.05 32.29
32 x 4 .... 8.95 2,1.5 83 x 4 .
34 x 4.25 2.40 32 x 41/2 .... 4.90 2.65
• All Tires and Tubes shipped C.O.D., Rubject to examination.
•P30 x 531/2 „ 2,30 1.40 81 x 4 .... 2.94 1.60
Wholesale and Retail 153% King St. West, Toronto
gee -
:Presides Over Kiwiniaria
President George H. Rose, t, To-
ronto, International of
Ki -
wants olube, whe.peesided oyer the an-
nual cenvention In Atlanta, Georgia,
Kiwaniane deckled to exclade
"wet" or drinking songs from their
F rd U ers
Save 25% to 40% of Gasoline.
Money refunded if not satisfied after 20 days*
trial. Trice 54.00 each.
- St:tut-Wad
Learn French by Radio.
In Nueand many persons are learn-
ing the rrenth language by listening
to speeches eand music broadcast by
radio from the Eiffel tower in Parts.
By soaking rusted bolts in vinegar
they can generally be removed.
W , MP 5P¼5 liE
'AN°113(0DV t
Alpo • • .,•
,- Tents to Rent fqr all purpoes.
*"' .•
-The .L•P' PikCo, holue4
, • .144_,Np!,,IRs:
123 Ki NG 07,f, E:4,
SPORTiNG ,;40bps': ••10,u.sill •
astiake''. .
.ilkiiiiallic" Siii Eigles
Ftre Lightning, rot nd' Storm
•.161Nr, * Aletnritilitio gootrfo' ohtan
d cic
804 Po'Ve7CC:rdfte:171dor .704.
• 'the Metallic fteeting Co.
11144. itiiiiiStAii:.''Tooffito,
.,,,,r,r,-- ..•,..r.o. , „,•::.•••„:1-.,,-•4,-, ,..-,,,,,,,,,. •.. 1
----7-117.04-:', ;1,..•• „4.:,'er---7--", ...,--77-17-,44 .
Oot thTh 1)o55:: I ton ce, not oirdra to
1JO without it. n ee$150 yem ;pealing t .
,m5,iQ00tfl 551-55
!!'-1oN7 tO Video tbdte:-trent to is *out
.rt,ittitidt,b!ao!,,,:7‘...,ts!::.:71:ddr.::.5 1[i:a
r'Entt We's VAIW. Vt. •
'4' e , 4.. „ •
lasua 23.-Pcs,