The Wingham Advance, 1923-06-14, Page 1Single Copies, Four Cerits,
• . 1 •r,!,
• %t
ilk Test Is V rY Bad..
•e'rest Will Be
o the Eclitur'av the Advance,
Deer Sur:-.
-, de ye fink av thin' CT;
-' ,Borispicl 1:Vill• Be, Played Startin. Al '
A speeial meeting, of the Wingham now? Sliltre, 1 I-ould YL they cucldn't New life appears fo be manifesting I desire to annourice that I am a
in council Was held 6n Monday he titruSted. 'rhea' are. a$ long ill the itself in the Bowling Club this year. candidate for re-election to the Ont-
'::rnorniiig. All were present except head as a, hatse, an as slitubborn4s At a meeting held 011 Toesday night, ario Legislature, During the past
cotmcillors Greer and. Smith., a Mule: 'Tts the Scotch blood in thim, it was decided to move the club house sessions I supported measures* which
On motion of councillors Willis and so it is. Afishter -Kipling sez that the over to the east side of the green and 1 believed, to be for the 1)enefit of all
:Mitchell, Mr. R. A. ''Spotton was beSht rig'ats in the British arint3r put a new cement fotmdation under it the people, and I •opposed measures
.awarded the contract of suPPIVitig the are the Scotch PreShYterians, and the and a neW roof on it. Lavatories will, which 5 considered unwise or extra-
' ,neinorial monument as per „reconi- Wpild Irishmin WidOlit apay religion he installed, 'and the building will re- vagant•
ineridation of niemorial committee atzd to silPake ay, . Ptittin .a man in the ceive a coat of'paint. The ..grounds For example among other mehsures
• he' was instructed to proceed at once, field aL: the heel av the hunt may' be will also be put in better shape. It is I advocated:
,A petition from John Irrday and Ye Wild fink at fursht soig4,-t, It' re -
;This monument Will cost $5opo,00. a betthei•• Skatn&' ferthim Grits than probable that: the north' half of the (t) A flat rate for light and pow-
: -viliers for 'a sidewalk on, Albert 'St., InPincls .me air what / did- mesilf vvhin and the entire south used for a bo-wl- (2) Mothers' Allowance 13ill.
g.roun(ls Nyill be used as tennis courts er for the rural districts.
ferred to the street committee
', • fr!nt Alice $t to. Shuter Sts, was re- I' wus Young. I had two *girruls on jug- green, ' . • (3) Blue -Sky Law for protecting
the sizteing, Katie McFadden ' and The bonspiel cornmittee have decia- investors against unscrupulous pro -
As requested some weeks a'13' the INT°ra Dugan, an ' shure; no betther ed on a bonspiel to be run off in the moters.
POard of Health sent milk fromthe Young wilnutin ivir milked a cOw art very near futtire, The draw is as fol- I opposed:
,.:/difierent: dealers to Toronto Provin-' danced a jig. (Ye will notice that .1 lows: . ,, (i) Duplication of Railways,.
?dal Health Department foi• analysis mimed me dawterS afther thim,. wi.d /, :John Mason, skip,. John Wa1- (2) The granthig of extra session. -
and: the report sent hack was very full consint iv .the missus, who hasn't lace, Wm, Booth, W. H. Willis. al indemnities. (I was one of fOur of.
1.?ad.- „Only'a couple of the local deal-. a slltrake of jealousy in her make up) 2. R ' Vamstone, A. G, Smith, j. the whole 'house who took this starlit)
-";er'srnillc showing a good percentage. Well 5 loiked both Katie an Nora so Hirst. -(3) Measure to widen unduly at
::.,A, ,,,tipie„,,,,,d dealers were ove.riooked well, that I ciiddn't make up me moind 3. L. Young, R. A. Currie, Robt. the expenditure of, much money the
the Electors'Of the Nordth-Huron
°rice10 Riding
ts• Ladies and Geritleinen:-
ho•wever,' and in fairneis. to all, an- which Wan to Pi'oPose, to, 'an "used to King, W. 5. Greer.- provincial 'highWays, As well is other
other sample -with ll be sent down before go to see Wan ay thin, on Monday al 4, Win. Holmes, J, H, Christie, measures which after due delibera-
hotg 'and when, report is received, Thursday noights, an the other 011 ...snob -L. Spotton, Dr. Howson. - Lion, I considered extravagant or un-
it' willbe published, Tie department. Tuesday an Froiday noiglits, shtaY-'*-•
exxilains that, a good test should 5 R Allen, H. Sherbondy, N. But wise, or detrimental to the pnblic in
away frum parthies an picnics "ler cher T m , terest
, . • McLen , •
Binterfat, 3.25 per cent, Bacteria not .-010111-11,s so I lvtlddellt be afther may 6. L. Kennedy, P. Gowans, H. Gib -
560,000 and total solids 55.5 per tin. thim both at the wan tonne, an W. II. Gurney.
iealt. The public may test assured
, that 'the -council are standing
mebby offendin •'V 1 hill'
bellil1C1 the Board tpf Health 1
a t
y Shure,
solidlyJ 'twas a hat: ud lode mtoirely fer mos
n this but wan. day me ould dad sins ine
wro to- down near Ba.yfield wid a harse he
ha.d.,sattld, an it wus theer I met tlie
missus an proposed to her ,shtraight
ouries- aff the bate in, a mariner av. shpakin.
under Av coorse,sbe kept me wattin fer a
b: Ad- wlmile? an I „had go .down to see
n §.30 her two arr tree .tonnes befoor T
test and no favors will. be sho
':ap3ro e.
. .
Dance 'in the Winghain Arm
1-riday night of this week,
•stke anspices of the Tennis Chi
2Rission /5 'cents. Dancing froi
:016.2 O'clock.
• FOR SALE-tabbage, Caulifl
-:and 'l'ontato plants,,also all
v.egetables. .
Isaac Coles..
OR _S.ekLE--Two realatood rub
lire top ling-gies, at sacrifice prices
'for quick sale,- at
traNyford's Garage,
• het- answer. Me ould mother gave
nee a pace ay her moind an sid wud
COLUMN hev bad hick awl- rne loife fer the
way 1 wits actin wid Katie an: Nora,
ower, but 1 wus, clane shtruck wid the mis-
other sus, an married lier as sob n '-as she
sed the wurrud, an hev nivir had ray -
son to greit it, barrin •mebby wance
arr .twoice at house claynin toime.
don't tink it will do me frind,
fawn Joynt much harrum- to hev a
Grit. in the field, fer he will inebby
take'inoore votes fruni Shelly Bricker.
than frum Jawn. Ay coorse ye nivir
kin, tell what will happen in army
elickshun; an it is harrud to. git payple d
shtirred up -to vote whin theer are 11.0 Vlr
big qttistions, loike conscripshun arr c
the tariff. So. /nanny say 'tis not a I
itiatther av pollyticks at all, at all, an cl
wid the -Winunin votin the' besht look- d
in 'Irian is loikely to win. Av coorse, C
this makes .it awl the befther fer the u
Tory candidate, although tliey tell me
that Shelly Bricker is a foine, up- M
shtandin, good lookiit bye an ,that the
Grit candydate has a way wid him. sa
I can't take toime to wroite army ill
moore this wake, fer the missus, wants M
1'ne to mow the lawri an hoe' the gar- at
den, befoor we go out to the.ould M
farrutn this avenin whin the young ed
payple come in wid the ear. Afebby
kin put in a wurrud fer fawn Joynt
theotmthry' among. the U. F. 0.
Yours till nixt wake, •
Tituothy I -fay. '
• •
'•k".P.kc.,4ALE---"-Three' burner Oil 'Stove,
•t-a..hargairt. .•
•••••••,,...Thompson'8c Buchanan'hardware
iOR. .
,SALE-Farm,Machinery, :in,
. Massey -Harris Blades',
..,..1tOWeri,Harrows, Rake, Wagon'arid
Aly to
' • Chas.. Potter,
Lower Winglia,m
-LOST-Key, with several keys
•aittaelied, finder will ,greatly oblige'
if retufned to • The Advance.
-PASTURE TO RENT -Good pas -
•Ore "for about ten bead of cattle.
•• Aplily-to V R. VanIcorman.
htaoywnshWishing to se,
30?1,3reould giye their
R. 4, Wirig•liath
• Q REIN:I-A good garage, conven-
ieritly situated. Apply ,to
,The Advance.
• SE.Sealed..-,tenders will be received
• •:1;Y•the undersigned up till June 5,61.11.
COntractors to • supply paint. Two
Ycoats required, • Lowest- or any ten-
' not 'nece,ssarily accepted,. Apply,
„stating price to •
• .A. Posliff, •
• Treas. St. And.t.L Church,
•'WANTED---1-louse to rent by first -
,,'class tenant., must be in good, eon-
ditiOn• and not too, large. Apply at
• " • '•The Advance.
TENDER:S-I.Vill be received nit to
, /tine 2oth., for painting the interim-
' of S. S. No. 53, East Wawanosh,
during the summer holidays. Low-
est or any tender not necessarily ac-
• cePterl. Particulars may be had on
applieation to
Mrs. CYrus" W. Scott,
R. R. -5, Beigrave.
AIN TED -4A young . 'to aSsist
•in-,,gerteral hbuseWork., Apply at
Tenders1 for the, laying of a den-
ete.sideivalk• on Albert $t., from
.4/ice tO .:Shuter St,'„ will be re-
Ceived .„ •,the ; undersiqne.d up to' 4
:1,1i3Ol/ • J114; "28rd,, •
specifications may •be•,the office of the undersigned.
••••;•414-::),owest:Or.any tender -not netessar-
• juizo 5923.
,.:. W., A, 'Galbraith,
• '• Town clerk.
Tiere Wilrbe let, by Competition at
• .school hotio6,No., East Wawanosh,
u June''•21;t11•; 508) at' 41,„ 0?tlOdl< 10
Ole.:44e11110011y,,.a job• .of Putting cement
•foundation under:woodshed alsO paint -
i'4. -0-0606k • ScheOl hots&
• • ••• •••• • . V"oting,
.be'.teeeived the Mt-
.'dersigned„ItP•till Friday, Itirta:'vt3t,,
4C2.,o'efeefe' for the .:cOnatrUctibt of
*.7re-ittforeed.cancrete •••bridge''' On
• !!.*Idelind 780:St :yr°:',
'Iyaitosh,, .ength spati,,4 eat
41 46 •fecbt'readWay.',. Plaits atief
. 'seen,. at 'the
•'tldfles office On1l4 atr
A -'0,t'ke•CI: .1tegn• for.10,pot',
of t1*:o.i.ekoot ,irtt4t; aecOrtp:;
Anitder neet,:beteSSioily,aeeePteet','r
R h
hfi' h;, , • . '0,
I h
• ,
7• W. R. Hamileon A. Fotherg
W. Haney, W Colgate.
8. Wm. Stewart, Hal.:“ MacLean,
W. McKibbon, F. Howson,
•9. D. Somers, R. S. Williarns,
H. McKay, H. Carnpbell.
A. Crawford, C. B. Robinson,
C., R. Wilkinson, Wm. Currie
it. J. Hanna, T. W. Henry, C. B.
Armitage, -Mr. Radford.
12. C. P. Smith, H. Shane, A.,,Tip-
ling, H ,McGee. •- •
A. E. Snlith, Dr: Irsvin, A. E.
• Lloyd, H. E. Isard.
14. E. J. Mitchell, Fred Orr, A. L.
Posliff, Dr. McInnes, •
• If you are asked to play at a Cer-
tain time and some of your men can
not get out, you are allowed to dupli-
cate, providing you ,do not, take a
schecluledmao in a higher place.
New Pastor At Clinton And Auburn
Rev. Ernest Parker, latelji of Lon_
on; England, has for the past few
ceks been in charge of the Baptist
ongregations of Clinton and Auburn.
--1e landed in St. John on Easter Mon
ay came on up to Toronto on Tues-
hy, the next Sunday Preaohda
linton and -Auburn and received an
nanimous call to become their pastor.
rs. Geo, 1VIcCtirdy Deceased '
Mrs, John Anderson• received the
d news on June 2011., 'af.the serious
nes from pneumonia, of her sister,
rs. • Geo. McCurdy, Heward, Sask-
chewan and left' for the West' on
onday morning- but her sister pass..
away on, Thursday n-iorning• a few
Dorniniorf.Day Celebration .
Final arrangements: are about coin-
plete for the Dominion Day celebra-
tion to be held in Wingham on Mon-
&, -y, July prici. Wingharri Brass Band. -
and Lucknow Pipe Band have been
In -the morning, a baseball game will
be played in the park, and the after-
noon will be ftillY taken up with- Cale-
donian games, •
A Scotch concert will be put 01. in
park in the evening.
Church Union Carries
The Geneial .Assembly of the Pres-
byterian/ church has spoken on • the
question of drganic union with the
Methodist arid Congr e g at ional
Churches .By a vote of almost' three
to one. at Port Arthur on Sunday, the
•governing, body of :Presbyterianism •in
Canada decided in favor of proceeding
immediately with the consummation
of union, The vote,.which was taken
at six o'clock the. afternoon,?• was
426 for the notion and 129 against.
The vote taken just previdosly on the
amendment introduced by It Rev,' Dr,
Drumoncl was X37 for and 4.15 againit,
Thus ended a debate which probably
was .without parallel in the, annals of
the hurch in Canada, and thus is a'
page of Church history' closed and
anothe,r begun, •'
Garden"Parties •••
beTher. will,' a Garden 'Party un -
del' the. anspices ,,Caltrin. elturch,,
East '"WiwanciSh,, ori4I1-;.lohn
lawrh- Friday eVetiing,,juite 2911.
A good program is being ptepared..
All . are 'cordially, invited to come,and
enjoy a pleasant evening.; Admission
35 cents and 5$ deirtS., rf .particulars,
see' bilis, , ' •
On Friday eVening', Time ''r51.11.„ 'a '
Garden Party, will be held on the
Wingham Junction School GrOUnds,
Supper' front 6 to 8 o'clock, PrOgrarn
by•Wingbant High School Orchestra.
Everybody come. AdinisSion. 35 cents
and, 25 tents, •
• A tartlet/ Party held on
Wednesday eVerrittg,-,Itine, .
'W'm,•Carttpbeles, Lot • Cott, 'to
Ttirriberty, tinder the auspices of',•
los An excellent pros -ram
by LbelepoW Pipe,8 and, R.ever's
hestra . and several, , vOcal
Tea.. Will• he serv0d, frolti 8,"O'ClOdk,•••
Art: .aSStired; Ad
irri-$401t; •
.,rtin 0, ;'"10'Peit
11rai't141•114t$'11:0#'1!'itcek,,---!•••••:- • .:,
If again ,elected my highest ambit-
ion will be, as in the past, to prove
myself a worthy representative and a
Ie.respectfully ask for your vote and
influence on June 25th.
I am cordially and faithfully yours,
John Joynt.
Large Crowd Listen to Hon. Manning
Mrs. McCurdy ,was in•her 37th year,
hot/1s before her arrival, The 'late in the Winghain toWn hall -.on Friday.
The'U. F. 0.. political meeting held
afternoon was largely attended Chai
and is survived by •:her . sorrowing,
husband, one son, 'W.. J., and two
grandsons; also one sister, Mrs. John.
Anderson, Wingbam and.,
John McLeod, •Toronto. The bereaved
have the sympathy of this connimnity
where they were sower' and favorably('
known, Mr. McCurdy is a brother
of the Misses McCurdy of town.
„ .
man. Rutherford Made a brief address
in which 'he denied the report that
the executive had, as an execative,
asked John Joynt if he Would be
their candidate, also a report that
-Drury, had Sent word to the North
Huron U. F. 0. that he did not wish
iern to oppose John Joynt,
Mr. Sheldon 'Bricker contradiCted
reports that he was a pro -German. He
said empliatically.that he was as good
a Canadian: as anyone in the hall. He
did not.see what right •Mr. Joynt
had to the support of the
0. If elected in HurOti he promised
to, assist the Government as much as
it Was tresSible.
I-Ion...:Manning Doherty spoke in
To the Electors of North Huron,
, Ladies and Gentlemen :--
At the request of Mr. Wellington
Hay and the executive of the North
Huron Liberal Association, I have
consented to become the Liberal Can-
didate in the. •forthcoming election. As
sonal canvas of Oe riding is impos-
sible, although I shall do all that is
in nay power to meet as many of the
electors as possible before the polling
day. Itake this means,- however, of
reaching manS? whom shall not be
able to get in touch with in' any Other
way. - ••
This is not a.political election, in s
the orclittary senes b the word, as t
such questions as the Tariff, the Nat- a
lonal R.iiilways, the Bank Act and Sol- t
diers' pensions do not cone before
the Provincial Legislature. It is more e
a question of electing a government s
of sane, econonirbal business men to p
conduct the arritirs of Ontario. In this ;
respect 'neither of ottr past two gov- ti
ernments bas bee h conspicuously sue- t
cessFul, as witness our rapidly grow-
ing expo Ida .1 hydro ti
rates, the waste of our forest wealth hi
by fire,, and by grants to speculators g
without adequate compensation, the p
discontent of New Ontario and ManY c
other things I might mention did G
spate permit,• 11
Of myself I have little" to say, h
was born in the county and have lived
twenty-five years in the good town
of -Wing-ham, where I have many
ft ends and to enemies so far as
My business takes inc aver the most
of the riding and many whom I do
not know personally May • recogni2e
the when they See me. If so don't be
afraid to speak first.
I believe that the • great need of ha
this country at the present time is ei
economy in • Dominion, Provincial, ne
:Nifunieipal and personal dealings, so we
that, We can lift ourselves out of the Ca
burden of •debt that we are finding fie
*the interests of Mr. Bricker for about
t time. is short, anything like a per -
two and a half hours, He stated that
le had known .Ernest Drury, since
they went to school and he knew him
to be clean and upright, and that the
U. F. 0. could not afford to let Drury
go back into private life. "If you read
the papers" said Mr, Doherty, "you
1403? be led to believe that the U. F.
0. are going to be defeated, but there
ertainly is no chance of that." He
tilted thaelie was surprised to learn
he number of people in the towns
nd cities who were behind them in
his election.. The times at present
were worse in Ontario than they had
ver been before, because the Con-
ervativeS when in power all °Wed all
robletns to pass and did hot care a
ap as long as the war' was won b
e British; and now these things ha
o be looked after,
In regard to the Teinperatice Ac
te people voted in 1919 in ravor of
• ,
id it was the privilege ,of anyone t
through the country to get a eatn
aign to have that law changed, Th
onservaiives say' that the Drill:
overnmenr is dry but if Yergusot
vas for a couple of weeks longer, Pre
e'll be drier than Drry--Aplause are
t • Mrs. bosman sr, .Frances St, mot-
() ored to Brussls. with her son, Mr.
Harry Bosnian on Saturday to attend
e the funeral al an old friend, the late
Mrs. Tilos, jewitt. Mr. Lewis Jewitt
of Morris and Rv. Geo. Jewitt,- ex-
sident of the London Conference,
sons of the deceased lady-.
he engagement is announced of
• Subscriptions $2,0o per year,
Mr. T, MeCreight is visiting
with friends in 'Toronto' and Sutton
Messrs. Alvin and Milton Groves
motored to Stratford where they anent
the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. VanStone spent
last week at their summer. home at
Kincardine beach.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cross of Brook-
lyn, are guests of Mrs. Cross' parents,
Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Currie.
Mrs, J. Raby has' returned home
after spending a Month with relatives
in Grand Rapids and Detroit.
Mrs. Duncan McGillivray and child-
ren of Detroit, are • visiting at the
home of Mr. Arch. McGillivray,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Grant of Wind-
sor spent a few days at the home of
her sister, Mrs. W. F. Burgroan.
• Messrs. Roy Porter, Wilfred Mc-
Kagne and 2vIzirray Ross, took in the
excursion to Detroit on Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hare and son
jack, and Mr. J. 'W. •Rah3. spent the
weeke-nd with friends in Forest.
Centem i 1 Pi
Mrs. `lh.os. AleCreight attended the
ffillin111111111511111111114111O111 rhg•
at ReclLtc:$E)d
. •
• Iricreased -putput. and decreased
manufacturing costs enable the - Edison
Company, to rnake these big reductioxts,
making Edison records arid phOriographs . •-. •;
cheaper than ever befere, • • •
, • • 2 •
Anthe ola •
Autberola SO only 67-00 '
A hero l 75, only._ 99.00
=-. AH Blue Amberola Reeo ds ... - 4 '-'-`
.'41. .F.,...-.7'
I Anyone can now ovvn a Genuine Edison pia-rnO.,nd.'..A‘rn.1:er lel 'Feili '
ii- Phonograph.
F.:..= Owners of Arnberolas can now buy all Edison records at the •::::::.
L.-..., ridiculously low price of 4o cents, Ill
a exile- at McCarst on's
Mrs. W. D. Button and cl Id
Ravine, Mono Centre, this week.
ren. of aa...
Vanguard,. Sask., are visiting' with her ".g.
mother, Mrs. Copeland, Shuter St IL'
n of 13 Wine -hem. Out.
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Shackleto
'l'oronto; are visiting with the la
mother, Mrs, Cantelon, Leopold S
Mr. Percy I:"_1err of St, Thoma
visiting with his pa.rents
cKibbcon's rug. Stere
7"214? ar....../Tizie, Stare
t. in 111PdliglifIR11161111211fisill'killO111
/ Phone 35
s, is
Mrs. John Kerr, Lwer Wingham.- (Picture House Is Sold
rned 1 Mr. L. Kennedy, who has suc
s fully conducted- the Lyceum Theatre !Abner cosens Decides To 1?un In
Miss Laura'Casemore has refit
after spending the past few w
with friends in London and :Stratf
Mr. and Mrs. George Mason,
Ro t. Beattie and sons, George
JaCk, motored to London on Th
Mrs, A. Carruthers and little
Jerry of London, visited her pare
Mr. and Mrs. Al. VanAlstyne
ord at Wingham, for the past ten years
sold out the business to Mr. Hyd
and P Stratford, on Monday o
this week. Mr. Kennedy, who i
urs- agent for Studebaker a-nd Overlan
autos at Winghain; has received large
son,' sales territory and found that he mus
nts, necessarily 'spend more time in thi,
last line of business, and therefore decided
to sell the Picture House.
Mr. Parker and his wife will be wel-
comed- to Wingham He con'. h•
f : ' •
e Like a bolt of thiinder from out of
,i a clear sky came the announcement
on Tuesday morning that Abner Cos -
ens had thrown his hat into the ring
'• in the North 1-11.1r011" political battle
andthat he -would rtm as Liberal
candidate, At the Liberal Convention
held last week his was one of the
names brought forward, but he ith-
, drew and has apparently
' Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pugh of Lon-
don, are visiting with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pugh,
Frances St.
' Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Dobie and babe
of Acton, spent the week -end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dobie,
Diagonal Road.
Mrs, J. W. 1-lanna gave a show
at her home on Tuesday night in
ar of Miss Edna Scott prior to
approaching marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston
Whitechurch, also Mrs, Geisha
Johnston and children visited: wi
friends in-Howick on Siinday.
Mr. and Mrs, Jesse :Hecker an& so
Billie, and Mr. and Mrs. San Robi
son, spent Sunday with the latte
niece, Mrs. Joe Thompson of Se
Ella Cloakey of DiagonalRoad!
iwho las been visiting her brother,
ames-in San Diego, Cal., for the pa
six months; returned to her.- home o
Saturday night.
11 -Ir: Ivan and Miss Carrie Vid
Bell of. Wingham, spent the week -en
,of the 24th of May, visiting with the
father, 11.farshall J. Bell, Toroato, an
Vida received a very handsome pre
ent. ,
Mrs. Rockwod, Worthy Gra.nd. Ma
on Of the, a E. S., of Toronto ,an
ly recommended as a Picture House
man, and we understand, he has al-
ready decided to make several im-
provements at the Theatre.
Holy Name -Parade
1 Although not ver y well advertised,
1 at least not to the public, the Holy
her Name Rally &inducted by the Roman
on -
Catholics on Sunday was fairly suc-
cessful, The weather was perfect and
or a: special train arrived at 2.45 With ;'
2111 people from Goderich. About three;
Ili hundred and fifty men and boys par-
aded with banners of the Holy Name!
n, Society from Victoria Park to the
11-1Sacred Heart Church where altar
r's appropriately covered with candies,
a- flowers and ferns was built at the
south of the chapel and open air scr-
vices were held. The Wingliarn Citi-
zens•' Band Ied the procession
1 sidered and will run.
: Institute Erect Officers
1 The Wingham Branch of the Wom-
en's Institute has had a very success-
ful year. The financial report shows
'that $77o,4o has been raised during
the past year. At the beginning of
the year it was decided that whatever •
surplus money was raised during the
year would be donated to the Agric-
ultural Society. The Institute was
pleased to be able to hand over the
sum of $2.00.00; also gave to invalid
lady, $214o; for providing cheer at
Xmas to _aged and invalids, $19.00; to
Salvation Army at Xmas, $1o.00; to
Toronto Institute for the blind, $36.00;
Then too the Institute purchased,win-
do I d .
s s e 0). 1, pp e flowers for sick members,
o these. special' serykos by Fathers and took charge of the rest room, In•
a ,G,Ntlii.g.rtairsttliof Goderich Iforian of St. reviewing our work for the past year,
, Goodrow of Riversdale,: '
we feel that we have accomplished
d Plahaven of Teeswater Dean of something worth while and trust that
ir Kingsbridge and McLaughlin of Lon- the coming year may be, still better.
d . don. The latter was the first speaker ' At our a.nnual meeting held on
of the oafternoon and explained how '. May ,3151-, the officers for the ensuing
that such a parade as this was not year were' elected: Pres.-Mis M.
to show a sign of strength or to show Anderson; 1st, Vice Pres. -Mrs. For-
their protestant friends what the
u • c o in case of war but as a tok-
y bes; 2nd. Vice Pres. -Mrs Wright;
Secretary -Mrs. J. J. Elliott; r......
011 and reverence and esteem to the
most Divine.
le COUI1C11 chamber,
st Rev. Father Fallon was as t d s d
Mr. Taylor, Past Worthy Grand
Matron of Preston, paid an official
visit to the Eastern Star Lodge at
Wingham on Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson of
Wroxter, announce the engagement
of their eldest . daughter, Margaret
Sunham, to James' Selby DObbs, son
of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Dobbs of
Becton. Marriage takes place on June
Me and Mrs. Alex Scott Winghani
anaounce the eng,agement of theii
tighter, Edna Isablle, to Mr
eorge Goldthorpe AlacEWan, only
O or Mr. and Mrs. P. J, MacEwan
Goderich. The marriage to take
ace the latter part of June,
Mr, ancl Mrs. David Stewart of Los
Angeles, Cal., are visiting with the
lttr's brothers, Thos. and Robert
Groves in Lower Wingharrt.. Mr, and
Stewart are --on a motor trip
through. Canada, They •have engaged
chauffeur to drive their new Mar -
11 autombile.
Mr. Doherty -:pratsed the chracter • of 1 T
Mr.. Drry; stating that. stieh men are Ve
needed to run our country and Petur- Mr.
ed Mr. Perguson as standing with one of
foot , on a . banana. peeling and the son
other on. a' bottle of whiske. Th
The speaker told. of his • trip , t(i'
togland in an:effort to have the ern- Pre
barge on cattle removed and was anc-
cssful although efforts to that effect
d beert unsuccessful for: twenty-
' 'Whep. in England he
ver mw an apple froin Canad, they
re al from, California,, while the
•1' 1 • ing the! part
ld.s hetauSe business methods I pupi
re lacki,g in makting. goOd,,
claimed: More ',advancement was.
Made. 'during the last . four years than
thre. had been, 1 tOot PreViOusy,
aittougx.:theY. were said to have been SoIs
extravaarit• titg:0 i$C4t
that;: thO-ratepaers Ottron
et beltncl:Seldoit •Binkerithe ;i ttbn
rna Clinton youngest daughter of
John and the late Mrs. Armour,
Tronto, to Mr, John A. Thomp-
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A,
ompson of Toronto, The marriage
take place quietly at Kew Peach
sbyterian Church on June 23rd.
Misses Bertha MGee, lielen Field,
Mildred Redmond, Norma Coutts,
Vesta Vox, Ruby Dixn, Louise
Thompson, Marjory Gibson, Thelma
Gibon, Muriel Redinond and Marie
Livingston and Afaster t k
licayy,'''a lead' to :tarry; 1
4 have already many unsolicited'
iterS',:of front whOronncr1y,atc4 ti. 1 0.,
1,-.iy.:.4611,',i§''t0'::the1eleeeits of 'North
I interested in •tlte election of
joytit as Menthl' of' the Leg-
Asseinkly, are requested to
no rneting the
SdiIchanber, on '11tur!Sclay'
in the recital of Miss Gordoit%i
ls Teeswater or% Satttrday even -1
er, Mrs. Bowers; Pianst-Mrs. Rob
inson; Press Reporter -Mrs. Forbes;
Th special services are being con- F al,ver CommitteeMrs. Young and
Heart Church.
tinned all this week in the Sacred Mrs, Robinson; District Director -
Mr. Currie; Branch Directors -Mrs.
'Walker, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs, Robinson,
Mrs. Casemore, Mrs. Williamson;
Miss Shiells, a Kincardine girl, who Delegates to District Meeting -Mrs,
was teaching school at Bridgewater, , Moffat, Mrs, Dean, Mrs. Swanson,
and another girl lost their fives in the Mrs. 'Sanderson and Mrs. Robinson;
river near Tweed on Saturday after- Auditors -Mrs. Hambly and Mrs.
noon while in bathing. Hill. •"'
'bte Foot
A splendid assortment of new styles, in fine Renskin,
soft Bukshin, or White Canvas, some all white,'
some Patent trimmed, Oxford Ties
or Straps.
Prices $2.50 to $5.00
20 pairs a Wetoetes White Cauras Strap Slippers,
Sale Nice Saturday only •$lt.98
TZ -Th dOop,s06,0,t