HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-06-07, Page 4nbed
EurIy Source S of Nectar and berriee grow abeadantly large crop
, POlielle are obtairted.
Caregana or Siberian pee tree is
The early sources a ntai aed poi- also a leeleve" Yielefee mid i$ beeoming
o beekeeper., not from the steedpoint of Imes where it 1 s being grown te Pro -
len are of great Mperteece to the very important in the Preuele prov- BY le BTEVENSOhT, B.S.A., Secretary and Supervising Direeter,
e Morning I 044,,,, ur
the splus honey they mey give, but Vide 'Windbreaks. In Manitoba and In Ontario winter CIaesPeLrtrainenatgrif- Aebrglreicia.ltTuhrel's faculty was coroPosed
I "
T1-1, Publisher because of the effeet they heee in Alberta a 'eurPlus its obtained freen culture and in domestic science are, largely of college rend university ,
ubseription rates: — Owe 3' stimulating, the bees 'to beavy brood this. plant. ' . held by the Agricultgral Represents- 'i greduetee with teaching experienea
00; six attentive $1,00 ta edvane d ersa ommenicatione to Agrairouna. ra Adelaide St, West, Toreets Prodaction end so previding a large Horse ebesteut, 'hawthorn, barberry, tives, and during the duration of the The Dorneetie Science !class at each
vertisine rates on application. ., , forte of worker bees in time for the aogwood, hgeeysuokle buckthorn and Agricultural Instruction Act 4,000 school had -the benefit: of a resident
nesemeate without specific de, , HELRING THE HELP pRoBlita, were hauled eighteen miles every daY. haevest. Wild mustard also yield small amounts farm boys have benefited. Out of these dorneetic sconce teacher, who in turn
tees eval be inserted lentil torbid DQ you realize the greet temeeeavingr In the hauling a perishable produce,w
ec„ :
i ..$ 4. . regions in Cameda produce a a nectar and are important in the , claeeee have grown the junior farm -1, was assieted by the visiting epeeialists.
halve accordingly. value of the motor -truck/ A Mane, such as fruit and vegetables, tIIe„ _ fair supple' ot these early ,flowers, aggregate, erre organizations,
of whic13 .there arej Classes were assembled at 9.30 each
melee tOr eOntract advertise' of horses with an averege load 4=1, gained by the use of moteretrIcits is eepecially the Maritime Provinees, * ' ' 104 Within the province, with a en&teeInonning+ except SattirdaY, and coo-.
be la the ofilce by lame 1*.ore hardlY Make More than five or six' an important fador. I Quebec, Ontaele and Heitiee Oolum- The first shipment of Canadian store bership Of 2,815. These organizations trilled until four o'cloele iri the after -
Miles an h011t on a fairly good road. TRAILER OETS UOIM HAULING COSTS* bia. In the prairie provinces, how- cattle for the British Market since are the 'basis of the pig clubr4, calf noon. ,
etee property on the cash er PreMinen ' take /dm practically half a workingi - ' - ' - - - ' excessive Parte of Canada and yield both eaten -427' animals ill the ehl:Praenti
ltS taken ma all. dieses of le 1 uses a horse end wagon the trip will heave road, on e Toad with fairly maples; they grow abundantly in most
ow syetene
AB COSENS, Agent, drives the team are lost during th ti: - ' ' of willow and practically.- all f tb types and of good beef quality. The '
Ti3f.$'1NESS CART%
Insurance Co.
zetabusaed is46 Polios;, tthoertlethraatfieree:drncirreerrhya
Head Office, Guelph itigton Mutual Fire
1 say a di ta f tee. I "I a If b to e -el s eep ur or gthrough early planes are: the evi,llows and, Agriculture, as
eusily carry a larger lead at a rate
day, and the services af the men who i good surface and without
hour under similar eoneitiounfeseue; 111.°48
of from. twelve to twenty
smtoornhiallugl, :10goilniee' or o*Toetonr_ketrue‘eve tehaagtheethme uastutb%
itself to he a big helper. The trailer tneenalraynytelocineelidtietleaebdeeita bdencimeriesdernec- sonally Inspected at niontreal by , the
powerful enough to enable the 'vehicle' The most impcatent of the very , other officers of the DePerthient of centres in the province are a similar• ing societies „were organize in. connec.,
erades however this reserve power is
h • tr e, -t 1 r hae shown ever, these eerie' SettreeS are limited the removal of the embargo was Per- clube :and Varioue cam etitions in- The reguter students at the eight
use of the reserve power of the
a es
and nectar. There are many species of the orthorn an Po '
have them build up strong enough for Hon. W. R. Motherwell, the Deputy great Practical value. The three-' and ' 260 'girls, Mang occasional stu-
tee main flow, Minister, Dr, J. H. Ge•istiale, and. domestic science now hole at eight interest to them': Literary end debate
an Dominion Minister of Agriculture,
Members of Parliameet.
well as by several
There were
ngn mestic. Seience, nee or
mostly Course Schools in Agriculture and
monthe' courses in Agriculture and dents attended theclasses of epeeial
crop production, all of which are of sc leo s ma e a grand 0 a 0 9 boys
The Three Month Courses- or Long, '
ganizedf thin' meuortn.43.16peTieex'd,
Do, very lew iv'ehhehehc7ml.pared with the
tion with each
The cos of these schools has been
co f thet h l being
student eenrte ft or nirfl ethfeer three
Against this, the motor -truck will
wino= 1 „ , _ g a I seldom used and thus becomes avail-. ? 0. ein +' geee._22 as an extene on activity 0 e
horses may be badly Deeded for other g Vass'Y Minister stated his belief that the e re” Agricultural Representatives Beancli
of the Ontario Department o Agri- . '
(mg period, Besides, both man rued- awe for drawing a trailer, i are -visited by honey bees. The
On the other hand, a motor -teach carry, it has been found that a motor
can' willow' (Salle. In:color) is usually the munition after a eel od of 80 years,. f . • oarggraienniietendre sacndo di relmgeatiine, seelrernneeenaary
sugar or rock maple box elder or
first to bloom. " Of the 'maples, that of store cattle shipmeata would lead
, io the gradual deeelopment of an im- culture, in four counties, Middlesex,
The schools -were held at the, foie
Just as a horse or locomotive
pull a much heavier load than it ean
ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. I will make the round trip in a little Vehicle can not only carry the weightHuron, Peel and Wentworth. The .
, , . .
' Seed. most, xeleasing both truck and driver 1 chile haul gne trailer Fer17."`".r seeroiene British Coltunbia the large -leaf mapleFrance the controversy h tweet, various groups of progressive peoepple'. The elites
courses were very snecessful, and the lowing vilf:,1.1reetsin'br000,noeloirw'" oodeTwiee:
es' in •Agneulture received
, etory and Other Rends Bought and l over an hour, or two hours at the Which it is desi d to but ' the Narway maple are important. In —
swamp maple, red or soft maple, and. portantexport trade". .
lin n, IVIallorytown and Orilliane
office—meyer Stock, Winallane for other duties. e. malung use of the Agriculture
trailer bearing an equal or greater (Acer macrophylluen) is very impofeethe cities and the country over day- reee . e ,
But this saving of time, due to the light eying has been sett ed by cone- neauves service's in those counties instruction in Animal ,Husbandry,
Agricultural Botany, Horticulture
little later in the season the cern_ clocks turned ahead one half hoer to: 11 7 ' •
:. government orders a were vei desirous that the schools be
repeated in 1922-2a Four other ... . , ,
Apiculture Farm Mecherecs Poultry
Farm Drainage, Sens and Fertilizer -s '
an Other plan that yeeld pollen at
R. 'SIONIE increased speed of the motor -truck, 1Qaci4 in other wards a truck-traller the
combination can haul from two to
elm4._ same tane are the alder, ash and Promise. The
has other advantages. It opens up three times what the truck, tractor oe' s . .
new market% ape. enables the farmer automobile could haul alone. Yet, de -
in -o -n dandelion and fenit bloom; apple, h S b inste d f - counties,. Simcoe Leeds, Prince Ed- . . --,--- . ,
arm Forestry, Ecoeo-
y, at Danyeng, Farm
at a distance, who owns a truck, to epite the greater load capacity of the
compete with the man who is nearer a combination, the added expense of op- pear, Plum, cherry and the wild fruits -
i Greenwich time. ward, and Peterimro asleed that the
Three Month School service be Management,extend-
Husbaedr 'p cm • ,
Elementary Chem -
particular market, for a horse ean era ed to them. This made a total of eight
11 G . ROSS
ki hardly haul -a lead more than twelve 25 per cent. ' .
ting the niotor veldcle is only. about are very iniP itan i
len and nectar, and in favorable sea- • e when ou wou d eep - .
heart, to stall y 1 w
Lea. ing to cover up an ach e
--- counties benefiting by -this for f Ink ' EnthinelegYn
' extension work during the past -winter.
in o
,..... yielding both pole istry and Pbysice, ,,Civice and Rural
ee, e to fifteen miles and return the eame The use of' trailers also saves time sonsea good. surplus may be obtained. is what everyone must learn if he . Organization, Coe -operative Marketing
TlauladaY, ./ene 192e,
The Ontario Long Course Schods
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates.
the In terto life. The Agricultu.ral Representative se- Veterinary Science, Gas Engines'
Graduate Royal College of Dental clay, whereas a motor -truck can easiler for the trailer can. lie loaded or lin, In the Prairie Pravinces 'InanY
Surgeons e do afty miles during the same periotl. loaded while the motor -truck is going
' wild ower c utri p — county, arran,ge the muni-
fi s o bute srriall sup lies
of the wou vet
H d withit• .
- laded the location for the school iri
EneillieslijaaanadealtetHhernmatiEcs e'n ,
reifies re -
un of Dentistry prodects to ehipping points by team trailets, one loading while a second ie e
fruits eurrania, gooseberries and
of nectar an Tete ollen he To the motorist a child on the high- .. . ec o e c
weay ie. always a danger signal. When cipal authonnes or others concerned
f th f ants f e'
or e use o u gs, gr Pr Nursing, Foods and Cookery, Laun-
Graduate University of Toronto Besides, it eosts more to haul farm on another trip, and by using three d so p . T busli _
ceived inetruction in Sewino HOM
o g n third es on ahead slow down at once •
with the truck, the loss, a time is omits of eiectee and, where wild rasp- and if you are in any doubt, stop.-
greatly reduced.
mime, ti.e.re.s OP MiLILERR.
There are three _plincipal types of
canie up on a farra near Yellow trailers: the two-naleil, the fourSPringe. Two men loaded the truck wheel and the serni-trailer, 'ell of
with alfalfa as high as they could which are being used by farmers, the
pitch. The lead was two azd a half paeticular Lype selected depending
tons. Hardly had the truck started upon the iridividual needs and prefer, -
for the road when it tame upon a enees of the user. As -with motor -
wagon -load or one and a half tons of trucks', certain manufaeturers of tre.11--
U ansittesa given carefree attention,
OFFICE OVER H. F.. MARE) S S and wagon than it does by motor-
An interesting ex.ample of the eralue
W. R. - MBLY
OM, of the motor -truck- in an emergency
Wee attendee old to alee,aaes a
WS3X1411. and. Children, teeing taken
nostgra.drulte work be Surgery. Bete
tarldos7 and Scientc Medicine..
011ie* let the Kerr Residence, between
ithte Oneetess Hotel eeci the Baptist
. . raepnernes also etrees1.3. large are- you see one . ,
the roadr+entri.ng expenses, equipenent, Prizes+. derive Household Administration,
Home Education
"The Child's Firs -t Schoce is the Farnelye—Froebel.
and other minor essentials necessary
All Domestic Science students may
Millinery, English, and Mathematics.
rtourcaolnyduenettha. well organized schoo_l for
elect to attend the classes in Poultry,
The resident faculty at each point Apiculture, Dairying, and Horticul-
where a school was held consisted of ture. Special lectin.es oh subjects of
the Agricultural Representative, the interest were arranged from time to
Assistant Representative, the Domes- time. -
Unspoiling the Spoiled Child—By Mary E. Underwood tic Science assistant and the instruc- Schools of this type take :the college
- tor in Enghsh and Mathematics. The, teaching into the back districts and
i`Toe is so awfully mischievous," hislwbat some parents claim are absolute- travelling faculty, visiting all the; reach young people who can not for
mother eomniataed to me. e ly unavoidable cirministances.; one in- schools for a definite period in accord -I various reasons attend the permanent
stance being a sickly child whom the ance with a well -ordered plan, was + le, organized Agricultural College at
in a soft spot, and the Most strenuous daily designed for farm work. Mena with the clock, every lack o -r screw, a.nd
Phone $4,. leo. sox lee alfalfa. The load had become Mired ers are specializing* 'in espe- ply takes the house apart, meddles
Parents think.. should not be itritated, made up of the best instructors avail-' Guelph.
eZores xailed to extricate it. Finally -of Inc best raakes of trailers now °n we never Imow wbat terrible thing crossed or walleyed in any way. A
Dr. Roht. C.
011 the animals Imre tuthit,ched and tlae the market embody the most approved :going en happen ne.-ct," To illustrateetalieeTrdess°theeagrteedatcluviacruYe. rodiLlatsrl:faloiFf' /
iK.Ro.s. (Engl. t er,egon. load of alfalfa was hitched be- feattrres. of the enottnetruck, and are she told me of art =pleasant exPere-, sboeeing irritation. Tillie 'u1 'g
!i hind the truck: Tie motor -truck, able, without difficulty, to follow in ence which resulted because of Joe sl
e.....R.DeP. (Londe, which 'had pletety of power not only the track a the towhee vehicle wfth- mischievous/lase- One, enerrning when cini, . cth.-nd iisn..1.2Y. ti.„-evel°Ps, .?: se..jdo'Seh'
P14"ICIAN "12' 'BURG'E°N =lied the " el wave ' t f th t bbila overtarnin
h - ,+e 0-d starer .... , - raIxe .......n ou o e GU . or eorein he was alone iri the roone he opened, seif-centred, sett-seeeeng adult, wee in
Med, beet -teeth the extra load in eclat- to grief -whet trienbg corgners. g the te.lephone and looseizeil the wires. i the end pays a heavy penalty for it all
On Chis ealn____.e
r , a t2'1011 tO ita intial, creased the field and: The following exam I 'II trete A lew henrs ai ara a neighheri 117 being gene:14111Y- fiL411rea. -'- -
>Dile Re /se SIDI T -f went ou to the barn, nearlY a mile:the varied IlSeS ti) videPhestbel trusan'ers hastil7 cam:at: :raijti for rhe
'al! m'erttaa itr a ceofincraratevelYas leePulrvesear-1
away. are being put by farmers: farmer ore. teleph.one
graduate at unirerottr of Torostea!': A motor -truck is fat:ended, COUrSe,, erate.s a whol,esale milk rente cove ee; tnis Present knew what to do' joe. iet7 ef "SP°11edness". to °Ire" if 'the
BannitY ar Medicine.. oenuate the,Ifor hauling. In an eme.reeacee thought, twenty _five tidies a day. with all aotcal was at sehool At the supper eabie; reother., goes at It wholeshearted17, see- .
Ontario Cotiege Pavar
whose business it was to kill a bird,
-eencians andj it ea -a. do other Jobs. fermer had mobile and trailer; a fruit grower, eeee's mother mentioned the 'incident, ling. .to et thee the child never gets any- tIon, but which has been much enjoyed
Burgeon -1- sienty-six acres a wheat which had hauled his' entire ech. to
Cate Entrance: pe.. crop =IX- goe calmly annoimeed that he lenewe for it. - the b s, blue a wrens, a
"how to fix it. Thia he aid "And, •;" The child -who malusly teases other fe.atlaered denizens of my gar. •evh
thmg by czymg ' • rob in 'ay and •
wi. out iettmg go of each other.
When the head of the snake with ifs
A bird -bath of simplest construe -
to drop to the ground and hold their
' feet and hands high. „
Snake and bi7.ds was played by the
teachers and the children. The direc-
tor of games'told the youngsters that
"the lovely teachers"- would be the
birds, which were to be caught within
the circle by the sriakes.
Then he called sixteen girls, and had
them line up in fours. Each line- 91
four, locking arms, formed a snake,
peer: badly fee rms, There net with a light passenger car end a
e sto
gege we.s a shortage oe aorees hue the eourewieened trailer aene,gieue.. elooeeee coneluded the raother, -fixea Joe te' an:inlet.% does it perhaps because he has den, is here describe • free arm caught hold ef a bird the
40SEPHINE sTREET - — remeeeee,r not to metielle with neeer been' trained or taught to treat The cover of a large sized galvaniz- rest of the snake quickly encirolei d it
Dr ithgaret C. Cald
General Practitiener
Gradnate University et Torouto.
Fatuity of Medicine.
Ofilee---nosephine St., two doors south.
wheat had -to be harvested. The tame- crates or, e.ae.h teip, the total weight: thePteinlephnne „ othem. letelly, or because he has seen, ea garbage can was used as a mold, and the bird wee pronounced dead and •
+- peratere stood at lle deg. P enelang" of emelt load being them more than
aTailable to work more team an hoer runabout with a twe-wheel trailer for' "spoiled chile needed was not Punieh-*to aniectels. Little ebildren are cruel ed paper.. tshneakseeawenefidtatnoaktheeweanadsoeft Ithreee,linanedartacte
Soy Lee at it time.
it ieapessi'ble for ever -the few horses 3,060 pormds; a farmer usea his light. rt wag. verY Plain -that whet this, those about him Carelass and uniu).,id after being carefull7 lined with greas- reitaved -from the circle, while the
d rtohoard;
VastoeautnitnirketohetritLererananel dtletitherheeautt otofhafniuLte,nusesge7anttlhaasviueve_13 Tv.vDersaleasoiTvuhinliymger.oa:hMisaalithhet'enowerer.. 1:foewhi;ndmindoethardthaeeer tcaattl:: wireleyin.-:.:eaudtht yindnefanochr:ndigidreninit9elsbetelerunuelbgesthar aloelmetldwea-: - gecemnTteillnyet aeosnloydwerlayenwhaaratasdnefiltlnyleeddwialthatbwoauastw
However, a tree -ton truck was hitce..,padeac coast farmers haul- Thousands,, Mealiest:ions but a chance to make use .ing that they are eruel, Itinclnees and Imirths fun with cement; then as the noneruen:01 kalle.epthetrb:(1,.s;rgetdaged.
Horseba4; tag was the next game.
o iged the
Brunswiek Hotel, difficulty
ler made several ten4rng„ care., he, owned a go„,„/ -thois saa._.personelee experienees. Ev-ery littlei Pa, dale, back from the centre and to- performers -had to straddle the
ac -
petaaes--Ofeee al. Residence 151,,p sinena.;iy, anoilmr. fernier usedotwitth ouuLeew.heei trailers for liana , some good ea .nerankel beats. loe's rhild Should hare a chance and should,,, Ward the „edge, lentil, When the, cement of their fellow contestants,
LF. A. P
Oateopatity, Eiectrleite. MI disc s
0 ce adjoining residence, Centre
Street, ‚next AnclIcan I:Thumb (fon:eer-
ie Dr. lietantonalrl's). Pao= 272.
ott.it_.,___I.,,ze,Lz.,_ Iasi ...,,,easirz tor xe,,,,,..-,...11--.....t 1.-..a......4, .,..Z....,,"_.,.„....„,,.....Z,s ...,,s,,,,,, „,„,.,* at...a.,,, 1...,..•An'......z..1. 'retreats obtained the set for him and be required to care -tor some livitigeifinally "set," it reached upto the Till,. t.
wheat in the field and by their ho the threshed wheat to the sheaving'
--1" 'r tie ed eta be ea tee
- -- I ire tMe-- aaineal or teleee naig nee the cover *t the edge and, sloped ea. eel a.
foluad no difiactity in keeping- ep with r let- t en' thie way, beet elikerel bling- he'- prov e._ c ...., wreat ne grow le g, _
the thresher, irhieh vas herrescri4e leg the wheat eeroes the fields to the;„ usee4zee the teeejs ago. reaeieg tee books human symearna se,a and instincts in elie toward the deepest Peet m the centra To all lovers of flowers the garden
..„'ineeded_ He found grea, te pleeasare le through soch,peractites can. the finer Itery giell.,t_ly.,and Fadual.ly lownward I ne r Lower kmaraeri in aprmg,
!. twerity_fioe acres
it day. plarinz tle thresieios, manhine...gepooseiti and before lenge gee, instead of heing,e.hild be awakense- and daveiePed. 1 It was set upon a , low mound of in spring is a most enjoyable place;
[summer sP.v.on 1.,009 basheis a wheat; Le,y. ' an annoyance to everyone, becanue. a;.The desite ef a -child to tease others stones, about which gay red and yel- here one meets old friends among the
I very genuine source of pride to the is often the (Ikea rennet of the Aild's low and white aortulacas were plant- spring flowering plants, which per -
,...1,1 He had a -corner in the home eeleronment. If es since* the ed. The birds seem particularly to Italia one has Watched the develop -
POULTRY tor grszin. trom fi-ve to six weeks boas. which he called lais "shoprecoiMnonest of parents' !in8 tp. tease app,re.m.e. the bath's bemg set sucon- rment of for years.' In many geiedens,
1bent* g w.ene , ,,,eeeleenee ornagatad ail ke- de neeore-giuseeeheer Nitre Children.. I do not. need to -Vemently low. that it is easily within lioweven there is a dearth. of spring
raen leek in, -sonle fw22, ' in- ,,j, Alfalfa rnn'keg eXIMIlellt green. feed Red heeealoes. raeohmdcal toys. ' i suggest particealarseherea Mast of us- them Teach as they hop about the flowers, hut, as . there are so many
D. . Mc , totes an 0-%ertelal. Part of ale7 well '+,, for geesewiregr- eta* and when cured is - The -Problem late:re-4
poultry ratiou, whet.heee for il eat e ee n - - i. =teem, ' - - - • -
ted he' the (+did. eau sepply ehena fro. m . Our emuen, lawn so that this spot in our garden harde desirable plants this could eas-
. le, gay all surraner long with bright- ily lee re.needied 'if there ie the desire
,... I Lorungde chitim, greNdag sleek tor edort- the added ,arirsn' tage of being able to rehvG au'arlte!nsfavil)laellreryt15- ullHeoLheenge'''en1742211L,Periwarlis:eand laving parent:a-am reale:7e hued biosteams and happer -feathered M de 'so. . , ,
00411Sr:el Graduate i Theitwilbstand Pralieuged 'drought- The child who has thie behit is almost in-" that if tieteir thengltlesSnesS and Ude Preatnres- ; '''.. ' - As Span atS the snow is gPTI- one may'
Adiestments given tor dieea.see. a,
, , medern tendeney. s to give a i faxon'te Teriebles are -Grimm and riahl Mid Tft I, '%-, I arned Teem' of eudgmeet have resulted in, sponiree Aairrillar bird-bath.wat constructed , have 4.,he 8110W -drop; SnOwilake, Cratere,
eecenewhat narrow ration eantairerg:',' Tureenetan rem -ye c. ee 0 a- e .
a kinds. s-,adalize in dealing with . . — „ Y I. • li , !in/0e teet !crying bareleatd creee in exelerete. ineure the hapeeness .4,,i4 ,,b;s4y.t!tionwel,,,trp.p.itri:-7,131.1m.F,h,;, i:nir%tceitaidite,tb.e4aagi .Cotti6iiceetoodehx,Nortiniedw:aciltl,1 4tilaneennpeafrbuledbils,
zvs:ooceegdrez.,taeie:iy.a,tto.eeelant., 7.4,....e,n..,,ee ereles. 7131.,...,pnereeina intartia himigetlerla4;coneeenwitrattecirargardorea..!0,.el...anbialgelelr of otti:greeleleee-esugeeetter belu,laferlorternti tg..tbleeedgeenomeentisngth.ehi:toetr.ceerlemal. ee-mrspoareme. og
f.. theiirs;:illearea ch.l' ithicie.:Zu:tk 4 eleAvatedettii;tukileodu ei,tr. lithedeeii7sNita2;.e draiii_pipe
e: `• - inca Tulips.' - Hatdy ,Prinielee sbon
oe hotie 4,4, ,a,.., 1.tx, Joe weekeree..yrueeaney zcm. egg izokitEcaori, SS are si wern =RI garterao,y ern,' ,...a.., ate. - .
(Moe on seat st... Itsgagara, out! !!_lv_'LL.-411,,,' k.eSt 14 tamat..„.71ec't and 1.ea' ____ _.,-,4e;; tie', are eses.,,F'7 aree; this .,orectice originates Truro unAertaken.
was used iii the Meld for thee pedes land 'Peppy, TrillitiM,':-Trollius,. poi,.
Mingle with the bulbs. as do the Ice-
/107mo,, eit to, sszo :p.m. 1,,,,,,,,,,,s 7 eo :large praporthra a the htrds. on our Menemoth Lorg Red oe 'gate 'Peet Tar,: ted, thenipe being thertnighly greitied Onicuni, Epiineditirre-and' Other early
!tee gree.n feed rainirranes the dangers Mei Itargela Should not be fed '111711,aiste- :TtletriPtEe EW:TR _,
enna, this mold was broken to .Pieees Becket end Insee; end mate.. others.,
el page, Led are ervramtmalt zheaa nix', Cazaarlien farina- during at leeet fivealeUeLe are preferable, as they, oentaire it...,:ia before ':the .genient *ie.; pentad "Spriegilowars;While.clese*behind are
mouths of the year. A liberal suroplY„: a higher nercentege ,,,z dry matter., into:. it. After the cement lied hard- the Columbines', Bleeding, Heart, Sweet
:,i Ulla system be adding b,oth balk sack ly s'.fter being harvested, 40 where very; to set the pedestal free..-=-Ilarriet jobr. 'As one lode,: at the garden -is it'now
varieee to the radon, and at the same' fresh they might ,eause bowel trotibles.0 ------e is, One can pletare how it 'le -mild be
' time replaces a certain. variety al eThe .retateaeret Arliatike, and espeLl'
Fret -ch TRY THESE N'Ew GAMES, another if; in. epoee year, tnere
ke :.1g1152** Ideal ette VaiZtag 'Otb: Vleiti,i
>ea; Here 'are Some - gaines ''tlitit were were 'fieWe" Where there are n's fit'w-:
lag the lateen $eea la ventehle4, tot only for' au-Attires:Incite atteneen frem Poullzar-; .
Ate; seccatmee, Which reale-ee itenaltet-ileen. rot:smell $1a7dy and nreh'Er6 it,-*
g able te poultry, hut also IVettlIs4 itv C24 INt groIra a*DSt en,rwhere Tank, „..„.. il willeiscnoestic:eltpiareittoce:tittistehnooteulrlfultssii. e,7ditsnitui,61, ,ergt ,rt.o7; etillere lyelltows. r:dt laelrl wvliaitIlet
would add to the general effect; where
iddle e ak iileattaizr4 mineral ton#er, intinalhzg nu., uriaar en'Y zonate-0ms._ The graen4
,,,,,....,,,._„",,,..---.5.,.: ..,.,....,;>__...>„..-.,....-5,.... uitaalut ato colitheteettaant.m:.1„tvilli oh j..,;erisasi eio :::;1,1.", bNi.a - oo ri Iwed: . ,'gii ilivrool :NI:el it4,Phleni:klabialep°i",:rfaonrc4;tatfh'tel$1::.
koleit outade, 1:teem constitzte,, utoessary to sus- shulks form abundant shadie tad anal :'
tones e gm" tea blue f tain life. promote growth„ and eseereee t anient f'd for growleg stook thei
.../ .- toes; the unfortnnate player had to things
. afthi. the sPring has gone, a
mountains meit into my ', reptoductEan. ratetannt arong the..-ze alusenesa ef the fe4ge be:Ns tO 'theker , --1,-.; , ••••,,.,,c bee'ertae cite, ' e goodplan la -to write on a label or
i eonsdheents ore the Tito,rniol.4si t.21 : 'eh- 'eta 'week 'stile fbe 'ftbers kOen we -14i ' . .4.____ ,.., ..,._ .. ,..,,,,1,,,,, ... v,..,4Niaoetkget :ciaoatikehpt,:t .ilstIt gyro41.3b, tiyoov. ,sheat111.1 eiteedee$,Leifreedvolittil :11.13,:bleivelda.coefhlaeall.:
'',1 mem ef otth ttaaa. any rejden„ ' ate ItaByted fat 'ICI -inter feed for larZne
1 'rher4ore it behooves every poultry , Deall5 Irega. 'tt-e'z'
whether fn bacons, animals or bird; :belle au,d learl'S sPring fegd for tittle.',
;Will al Vionately ptleve .fatal. : .. . 4, chiclm A
ioti and „,.,
.J,, , •,.. , nose with one', 1773d,. lendonyooll:or fo:t ital:reV'e,,inn,:nt ealti, 'le 1:::::°:!:11" wh7
; with the 'other.. It yell can keep ereur. ths proper tilm .1°1!' Plailtinl 41.1.1..ves'
,;Iceeper.„.' Whether "barlq,arderr, spatial -1'1r 10'11'4 2Ta t1116 'th''''' , 1,aikv.,,,,,.11 ,aati.da, :,,-.6..pd ,,,,,,lzut, , iiii :,vett 4. 114.
if e,11. Al platIt. ia ifUt th 're it will not
, , ..-'...-.''..... be lortg oarore taet.e vt.,,,,,_ ea, Se reaekee
o es ger- ,. ist, or farrner tot rook., provis,,vit :got i 4iMeS Of green feed .wItt, he .. , 'in ,.1, . ,y,ou win lan einem, /ale whatever yen improVement In the garden in spring
0,„ 1ampie allpply of green feed in se:',',11'264 *4 ST an 'tS 1,.'6133•1 s;:irt0 ;.'. -.........a4.,.....----
rlirm a ,,,4, ,e tt st, . lt ga=1.121.t = vglitt Irmor bo ib-':
i Ittgr, Its'. vorir,g Saszna„ ami tatt lateitat'aea fres h". a P1.6"4".--vz;$ .
I itin in Vr`v 01.t e eel:nett +te. I * . ee.., ,..4.,4: 54,,
,, -
t," --,....,-....,
(too, dstoria;t41:4tggootoonf::::: nroteteh:gtomeilso anid..,mttb:.,stu,:tih6.oidovceal:i :wee ft. os 1,1 01176: pWlitttnh
or roll win he tagged: e e ' ' good, TO$CItS: tor the egiole-e-eaeon.
d 4 It A (en feed auey be divided itho tivai'l e,.t.,.,av,„, th„, ! riog, axprira.o,et is rear, riott,-,,..a i remote, Departr-, vent a Agilangit4te,-,.
-kind% th,.$4,,, hiteltdotil fOr imrusdiata,caza le„..11,,
titosspititit. 4sst$ tb.sik tohlth is tot iso , - ,.., ..
. el
,.. ,-.:- ,..., , 0d,e:„.:L.;,,,,„:..,, „.„,,,,,,,,e,f„,,,,,,i,,,,,,:..,,,:,,,:it,;„:,,,:,.,,,,,,:::.,:„,:,,,,,,,,tre:,, ,.„,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„,,,,,.01:1:1,te,triliitiiitlilt ivIlt:.'toirci;.p,.6.,:iliraiet,d6'tin , alylle:Itt: treader
'Viet Position refahni 0 ., h More attractive ---IV" T., lIacoun Do -
.nese, To he ,feeen hogpir,. t,„r"nd io, _ono 111 4- tlie ' 11.01110 grounds atueh
for tottatif vs's, Otstaitt v*ototteS4 ', !me eft to
otor„ nee ,gtaatt for both pratpaies,Jiglire Eoreee;
it ei g tttentarly 'trite of grasses, =ere% by Idle igh ,pie
ze etiCt 41. ' 1, Otblitit, titillate hatfletin al
=met in the skc,
quiet water plays
ittleeti 4'eed5 valib *tftAld're..43#0#04,
bt Mod 4011.40db MI 004% ospo ' litho .his. toitilitot '4s; toso•L,
beat *st 1611 ti 1)J f US ,iqotOitoitre15 hot :;f/siitis!his itaat.sr.0
attiltr Attii I11t1 fat' ioor
issooOsS, ,os
. theaoetneh; bet it's fen, just try it.
' Arrilietene 'Wee e genie for the girls,
' Itere the 'gill*k•0 be immune from "it.''
t %Old. make. a luns,,,,-e for 'each et1iol"4
arddes4 Of course there were some'
.. .
hat Itroaly 4tt.;kd tte the hilarity "Maltiag .01411 comiptustits;, strippers
e ir'.1kildif,en. ' ' ' *00,;.14.1Ae to (Wade!. ,the rent -1[101=a
''*100.11 4.474rt?.0 i'd.,1, net hop. '!'regUlati(nia haVe:00Wheera renew:1-
' '4'' artdett'1 b1101.14g thlii, Lid'' all Ktittaaetim ,ot nggn in tho,
00, At hft,:iii,111.hni)nnAsi'th,, ' subjeet to
l in A fel i1i66::'*11.4 nt)dii.'" 0* ptit 01,
t, X ir it, v** ostsig
ittruirtilagilibi,1,1441! 11114 Or.
=Moe Hortieultureet,
Hitherto eggs =potted into Ceeede
I'iItse tlem ten -ease lots beee tot,
been eabjected inepeetime end by
Ig 1,40,111i1
t: ftc