HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-06-07, Page 2It is p re fresh an wh s m
rid the fl v rist at ft t u
r e
'Woron41 dit•
The (lift
The �.ds
"I •
CHAP -TER V.—(Contala same time ruffling hist hair with her
can't say the year sew de chin
'Greeted from you, Chess. The Eneseish “Itas the water oprite. She has no
oefleer type is a little more prouounc- this time. I /surrender!" cried the
era tbat'a all/ remarked Culver, mandarin, lifting his hands and let-
glaneing radmiringlY at the lean firm- ting the bee& headbeen reading slide
ness af the face before him tanned to to the floor. , „es
up dusaion as to what
sta enle
a deep brown, and the eye, which life Let me gee, what penaltY shall irs's/as
bad Made a little keener, a little more exact? You're a naughty uncle. You thOnPolid
proper age Moategtetoeinavariseta,k
ttg' !eayiewe'
penetratitig, bet with the philosopher's don't deserve ever to see your. poor Lod
twinkle in their depths. "You've done Autumn Glad—no Sadness, any more, that' the Duke, who is 27 •and the Duch -
girl ninJestiee
letting hrmope all alone in 'the ram."w
nese who Is. e2, hit the ideal age.
son16 nice tt'
No doubt the British Government Chess. rnment "Please, Please, good sprite, 1 °there point out that any age is the
needed you, but ye gods, man, why couldn't lisre without nisi Autumni
r g one provided you have a sua
didn't you take a wife with you? You
don't know what -you've missed out of
life." And Culvert's glance rested on
Irma's smiliag face.
Reynold& lips lost their curve ae his
eyes followed Ms friend's but his tone
Netts light as he rnade answer, "Your
heapiness was an incentive, old ehap,
but unaortuna.tely Proyidence seldom
duplicates women."
- Irma laughed, while Culver replied
good-hurnoredly: "That comes too glib
When the wood is gathered and the y -for one who cleanshe has had no
Ere going nicely, cut a number of practice." s -
forked twigs on vrhich to toast walla- Irrna shook her' head. Pan. afraid
Mr. Reynolds finds the path of bach-
ors when the fire has burned down and
eloehood too smooth and easy an one
left a good bed of coals. The bea-ns o turn off. He tells me he is going to
may be heated by setting the opened leave us again almost inunediatel "
cans on stones laid under the fire be- "You don't say? Where now, Chess?"
fore it is set burning. If you set the "I'm following in your fpotsteps
cans on, the coals you probably would this time, old man—China."
melt the bottoms out a the cans and "What Med Just where Irma and
"spill the beans." A small can a I are off to,"
beans for each couple won't be too '"Neill" Irma rose to her feet.
"Yes, dear; I made up my mind to -
much. They may be given spoons or
day while in Tung Yung's. The old
clean bits a wood cut from shingles. }teepen cast the spell of the East over
The red bandanna handkerchiefs will
hie fife. I have not seen the child
since he Was 0, baby, but A friend of
/nine, "rung Yung, has kept a don
Yeateh, and through 'him I bave learn-
ed that my eister's son has had all the
culture America is capable of be-
etowingt and his ChineSe blood has, en-
abled hat to capture the greateat
honors of Europe."
"Honors, ,you say, Unteel"
' "Yes; did you not read?"
(To be coatinued)
Royal Marriage Raises Ques-
tioiti, of Age to Wed.
Th,e Duke ,of Y(orles, marriege bas
A WEARY WILLIE PARTY. story is halted until their return and
A "Weary Willie" party, when the the company amuse themselves by
'eats" can be served from cans in true shouting directions and comments.
hobo fashion, spells much fun and
little works Each guest may very
properly be asked to bring a "hand-
out." The invitations, written on
. roughly torn scraps of brown wrap-
ping pease; might read;
The Weary Willies and the Limping
Will hit the ties, unless it rains;
Saturday afternoon, while the sun is
up, ,
Bring a can of beans and your own
- tin eup.
(Meeting place and /tour.)
All will need to bring a. cup, as the
cups will answer for plates as well serve as napkins, tablecloths, and for
as a means of getting a drink. Only finger protection when working about
a few, however, will be asked to briug the fire.
beans; others will bring bread, weirs- --
ers ceokies or fruit. A hobo feed is I MADE MY CANNING OUTFIT.
angry, little Autumn Gladness. Gods
never an elaborate affair, but the Thinking perhape my experience say you 1111ISt marry." '
hosts must see that a am opener, a will be of help to someone else, I am • "Marry?" Tu Hee lifted her head
bread knife, drinking water, and eof- writing to tell how I made my canmng ant business I have over there is to and drew back. "Whom?"
fee appear at the proper time. outfit I hired a man to build a rock see the bey." , "Do You think your old uncle has
Have a red bandanna handkerchief furnace for me. It took him a haLf 'David, you mean? Has he recover- picked your husband?"' Weng Toy's
at thermeeting place for etch person. day, and he charged '75 cents. This ed from his wound yet?" eyes did not waver under the search -
Before giving them out divide them furnace was about fi-ee feet long, three "Not altogether, I fancy. Not that ing look from the blue ones,
into two piles. In the folds of each feat wide, and four' feet high. A smell the young jackaaapes complains to Tu I-Iee smiled. "It's China's cus-
me, but a letter can- e from his aunt, tom for beides• to be to have no choice,
bancittena going to the boys, slip a rock was left out of one side so as to Ms. Ashton—you remember her— but my. Uncle Weng as not like that,"
piece of'paper upon which is written place the irons in when heating. Heat- aed she says he is as restless as a seal A sbadow flitted over the mender -
the mate of' some food. Upon the ing the irons from the nide prevents in a desert:" in's face. Ile avoided the look of pr
slips in the girls' handkerchiefs will burning the handles. Two holes were "Poor boy!" feet trust' bent on hira. "You love
rne the names of foods usually apsoci- left in the top of the furnace, irons Irma's voice drew Reynold's gaze to me too well, little TuHee,"
ated with those given the boys. Such from an old buggy were placed aceoss her sharPlY• "By the way, Mrs. Cul- Tu Hee looked puzzled. "Uncle neony of the Banff-Winderm,ere motor Dame, will gives way soon to the in.
ver, how's Paul, the littleahaver I left Wang, I believe you have an eye on a road over/the Central Rockies are _be- 'roads of 2,041-06" ntury mechanical ef-
comleinations nidght be used as: Ham- these, A tiwash tub was placed
"When are we to start?" hana's
trembled. „, neck and pressed her face closer. "The
"That's for you to decide, dear. Say gods couldn't be so cruel for then Tu They rant a large income and an easy
the word and we go to -morrow." Hee would have to go too."
"Why tfiat's jolly!" exclaimed R,ey- "No,' no, that- would make gods
Joseph Hocking, nov,elis•t, believes
nolds. "What's to hinder us making
the trip together? I can arrange my
time to suit yours. The only import-
Gladness. Isn't there some other pen-
alty You might exact?"
, "Um, um—let see, f3O0. You do
sound penitent." Loosening one hand
eteieseay bulky beak Account,
lie,Bialinp of WeilOon and Dem of
Durham advises yo,ung 'peo,pie, not to
Tu Hee placed her gold' nail shield Marreaantilthee can Meng up a family,
against her hips centemplatiyalye but headds: "Yet early marria•gee are
Oise eye released,' the Prisoner blink- often eategoards againet temptation
ea up at her.
"Oh, you're peeping! Just for that
you shan't read another line to -day."
Tnd capturing the book from the'floor
andealeonscitive& for industry."
Caelson Keene:earn, a well known
wiiter; sseye'a. Man; should: welt 'until
he knows a giel. long ,ernenegh to knew
Tu Hee climbed to her guardian's %tee leervii, adding:. "Remember Helne's
and rested her head contentedly
saying aboieethe frogs, that would have
against his shoulder.
, (
Patting her hand, Weng" Toy said 6111°Bicl eh'grn,t'ewl ire Jumwater-wall enough,Pin,g, but they IMO a
eegrettally: "My" little 'girl grows 12.sat
• & ce ,
ionel/ with. Only an old uncle around well because they,knew that biace they
to play with." were in they could net get out. keine,
"Without him- around," corrected of ,couree, had forgotten about the di -
Tu Hee. • yoree. eeurt, but to future, divorcee's I
A sigh escaped Weng Toy. ' decline to glee advice. Th,e.y- will get
Tu Hee sat bolt uptight and peered ,
that, if they- an afforcl, it, from the
anxiously into' his face.' • "You sigh. laaryers."
You not happy. ra one more second , The Rev. Dimsdale Young, a. p•opu-
Tu Hee weep, Uncle Weng." •
lar preacher, favors youthful mar.
"No; no, child. I am unhappy only
when I think of the time when the riages' heeatitse "the divorce courts sea
gods shall order me to join my au- less' et Deciple who Marry early than of
cestoes." s those who are supposed tebe more,
Tu Hee teaw an arm around"( les 'Ancient. Too many people mistake
selfishness hi this matter for prudence.
22 for the man and 19 or the girl to be
the ideal age, provided the man, can
support his wife 'decently. "isl,cet of
the, trdubles of married life result from
finanCial difficulty," he says, "and this
tses generally because there has
been no consideration of the financial
Camping.„Grounds for
Motorists. .
Preparations for' the opening cere-
Lifebuoy may bp safe-
ly used on the tender-
est skin.
It is wonderfully
cleansing for little
hands, faces and bode
Lifabooy baths havo &murk.
. The Web.
Slowly from point to point
Her web the .spider weaves,
Hanging her femey net,
Trembling, b,etween.two, leaves,
A delecate,.swinging trap,
Work of mienteat care, ..
Blowet by the merest breath
sra infinite air..
Thus music ,threadslike spine
rpm mind to mind her weft,
Using as, simple aids,
Thin strings and fingers deft.
Hangs it between two worlds.,
A freig•tleaSovelyenate,
To, 'len tbe.Vehtures lone
Who trespass. there. .
Famous Bells of Notre Dame' to loo
Electric -Tolled. - -
The aucces•s•ors,of.QuaSimodo, Victor
Hugo's fictitious b•elItingei• 'Of 'Notre
bsorbin American life like an eel husband and rou are altin for •
tarown into a new pond? e ye • ; that the new motor tamping .-round installed for tolling- tile first bell to fix him. Conf'ess nowl No ' • • • • -
eggs, bread -butter, salt-pepPerr 13ork- ovex• one and a -wash kettle over the a, A „ , • 3 w g J117. ing ra.pid y advanced and it is expec. e fluency, Ae electric motor is to be
beasts, s crackers -cheese,. an& cream- other. I put wire racks, which I made Reynolds *listened interestedly, you won't frighten me, for I.know you _
sugar. The boy whose slip bears the myself Irons telephone wire, the plainly delighted at the bor s achieve- wouldn't force me to do anything." near Banff as well he' the °ther camp whieli will be in the 'nature nl a try
PP g' grounds along the road will be ready out before the
knee she Stood be othersbeIls are similarly
word "aream" will of course look tor bottom of the kettle and tub. The tub ments. Sli in from h' kn
cost 76 cents, and we already had the "Well, well! so I've lost my wager fore him evaitirtg. by June 15 in good time for the open- equipped.
Whe'a the bays have found their kettle
. .
after a dozen years, let alone twenty, ' Wang Toy picked up the magazine ing on Julle.,30. The Banff,
• , . caraP' el'inard's t------42*--"—iniment forCorns and Warts
slill and located their partners, they my capping, steel cost $125, tipping and Pmesughty glad. The human race ham the flow: and began turning its situated near Mount' Itaincilfe, when , .
., . ---------4.
will to Wil- iron. 40 2
as the same root after all. India pages carefully. 'completed will be one, of the ,best
fuld sticks make "Weary cents flux- 5 cents, and lead
lie" packages for themselves and their 25 cents. I had a pair of tongs made
opened iny eyes bit that respect. I look
aghast at myold egotistical self. What
a confotmded, narrow-minded ass I
Tu Ilea watched this _proceeding a eceepped in the Dominion. It will be
little indignantly. Her hurt pride hted b electricity and .watee froM
partners, for lifting cans. These cost 25 cents.
The march should be under the That made the total cost of the outfit Tier' of respect intercepted her. And the BanffYsystem will be piped to the
bade her leave the room but her bar-
grounde. anlina17, lavatery and tele -
leadership of some boy who has the $3.90. • ' "Don't be too hard on yourself, then. to her surprise her guaedian held
gift of Making the company want to do SOme object to the furnace because Chess. Its a common failing." towards he a the American Magazine. phone eturv'elliencee will be .13r°71deth
anything:he suggests. A cowbell might It takes 'more heat, therefore more "Yes, and a lot of people -will have "If the allotment of a aeseanse A caretaker will be ill charge through -
,be rung by the leader to gain atter- wood, but when you live in the CO1111-+ to expand mighty fast if they want to Autumn Gladness, rested out the season and alone with the camp will be
,tion. There isreonly one thing that is try, where there is plenty of woodbe in line with the boys when they me, heie would be my choice." , subject to inspection by the sanitary
, it
come back from Euro a " . • • •
of a. tramp through the woods,- and hot it does.n't take much wood for the erateedYg• rma slipped t away to sun- likeness of a young mai, in the uni-
Te Hee's astonished eyes fell on the Officer. In all. there
lots for campers,. will be absent 250
likely to mar the jolly good -fellowship is cheaper, When you get the furnace .
m tl 1 P.
n umer. Shestood ocia for a mo- form of aleritish officer: But he was - a
that is the wandering off of a few who rest of the clay. I exhausted all' my naent at the open window an the hall. not an En ' '
glishman or an American An Airplane News Jost Like the G:rls
thp tub and I d thek ttl
etre especially good friends. You can
avoid this by having them march in
couples and- changing partners when-
ever the leader orders. When chang-
ing, eachhoy drops back with the girl
for cookMg only.
I bought 1,000 tins cans, which cost
$30, We had 250 glass jars, so I can-
ned 1,250 cans of fruit and vegetables.
I canned 600 cans of peaches from
The suns was 'sinking in aaabed of gold Indeeds ealese 'her eyes were playing ' ' Mise aquirrel "Oh dear: th s a• arid crimson, and she smiled as her her falee, he was eat a fereigner at It reported that a newspaper is • • ' • • I how-
eyes -
followed one golden gle,ap.-1 into all, but one of her own cpuntrymee—
published ' aboatid. th 'd
e London an . .
er take all the curl out Of my
the far East. •
as noble -looking as any Mandarin or ta .
prince. Yes, decidedly the gods had Paris airplane (that ca,rries passengers -
be ween wo cap , .com-
east .belsind, the last boy moving up CHAPTER VI. placed special favor on him. The wide pieta printing. plant Is installed on the
to the front of the line. Most of the our oecherd, 200 oasts of tomatoes -For the tenth time in the past half
bee-wat eyes looked out as feariesel— aircraft ach day before thie ating
time they will he allowed to set their from nies club patch, 300 cans of beans, hour Tu Hee had wandered to her Tu Hee bent closer. Where had y
seen that same dauntless, candid look
own pece, but , s the conver tion. 50 cans of black erries, 60 cans of window to see if the sun had Succeed-,
just a se, ' b ' ' '
their arms and crow four times Iike cabbage. The pickles' and blackber-
begins to lag tileY will be 'bold t� flap Pickles and apples. and 50 cans of edatitni.epeepiwn: out before going l down. Ihyveeafss7 tethkereA-wflausshnocrdepoutbtto.ohferit_chteheekr.se.
for the day, But the big 'drops still
a rooster, or to doeetrot, walk Pigeon- ries were canned in glass, The glass Ph e d do , DroPP g o e floca 1 same unconquerable look in
the young Englishman's eyes. But
s e rested her elbew on the cushioned
toed, er backwarc;. 'The whole line cans were cooked on the furnace, just window seat and cositeinplated the there was something about this face
hear tee latest news, of the, woriel,
finateciaft .and general, is smells
est to 'the, edSter, During the Jgght
news, is. seat out. by wireres,s, from' Lan-
don and Paris. at :regular intervals; so
, that the aereal editor', is, in hesitant
must de this at the same time; If • that even the foreigner lacked. This touah with he le, eves isPre•
like the tin, except the water and jars bushes and flowering trees drooping
were heated together.—Ada Kirby. unn
der the' increden. u
Btasing burboy'sace, trustfulan Paled, set upafralrs•, and. thTe Raper printsd
the sight of the garden roved rathe.r I aPlae, aliri Th world haa not yet left during the airplane's flight, The ecli-
scargo" n the curved mouth, that tone axe delivered to the towns over
tantalizieg, in view of the ae a
Pf t .th t t
PINEAPPLE PUNCH.ould „have been almost effeminate.if which ,the airplane flies, by means of
Prepare pineapple and 'crush or its beauties were at present demed her. w
Her eyes, seeing eestlessly far a da the chin had not been so .firm, while parachutes', The Reveal ,n,ewsaape,r cen-
baek-door spread, bull dog, hand -oat. Stand aside for tvso hours. Place Drawing the book to her she iooked the foreign school which she had been ---
news! in general,
there are any strangers ut the crowd,
they will not seem like strangers long.
'Upon reaching the camping place,
seat the crowd in. a circle, and give
each girl some word suggestive of the grate. Place in bowl and add. lighted on one en the forehead—. Ta Hee sighed in de- taineasteek quotatione, .special features
art of hobeing, such as blind baggage, 2 eups a powdered sugar. version, incidentally
the setae of an American ma agne. light. She had once seen a picture in '
wocisi Pile straw Pile, er trainia Give in saucepan, 2 cups of. sugar, 2 cups critically and 'a little wistfully at the told was that of a saint. A saint, she
; thought, muse be a foreign god. At
'the beys 'the same names, thus a boy of water, . ' foreign beauty smiling at her from
, the time shahacl wished her country's
mid a girl will each have the, words, Coolafor ten minutes, cool an u
d turn the frontispiece, • , .
gods were weer to look at. She would
"You are vex pretty," confessed
"blind -baggage," and so on. over the prepared pineapple, adding have liked very much to have put the
Tue Hee aloud. y ."No, that word is
- The ring leader begins a story of juice of 4 oranges, juice of 6 lemons, saint in a picture, bat of
crushed too insipid for you. You are beauti- 1 fereiga
hobo life; the wilder and more exeit- 3 pints of water, 1 quart of course that would have been sacra
ful far mere beautiful than I could
ing the tale the better. Whenever he ice. , Stir and addl. banana cut in dice.
mentions one of the words given eat,
the boy and girl 'having that word SOFT -BALL GAMES.
must leave the circle and scout for a ,
HIT OR MISS --The players count aut face when I laagh instead of two., ,my was spellbound, ,
ligious. But here was a brow at beau -
ever be." A sigh accompartied the last
tiful as that foreign saint's. All over
Words. "And yet my nose is straight
like yours; my lips curve the same; its smooth serfage were written the
and there are three dimples in my words, "I serve liumanitY," Tu Hee
eseapie of pieces of firewood. The .
to see who shall be "it"; then all the
others scatter.and choose each a tree, big difference, Miss Ameriean Beauty; expression on his child's face. Ile had
, eyes are blue too, and yet there is a big,1 Wong, Toy watched well pleased the
Revealed by Their Bark,
After Ev ry Meal shrub or stump for a base. If the; yes, a great big difference. You're studied her too many years nOt te be
game is held indoors, a corner of the!White and I am yellow. And some of able to read it like a printed page, end Baena'Teaeher "If You went
Toole windOw or any other definite' yeti white -skirts are as 'nice as Yon look, he knew Paul Culver . had already 1 among them, wouldn't the treee re -
C ew your food
weflihen use
d dew.o
It altsi Iceeps
the teeth clean,
breath sweet,
ppellte keen.
thing tan be used. The players beckoniT11° Young white-slemned officer foe touched a heart -string. .
exainele, and yet Len warns me to be In a reverie Tu He held the book
to one another to exchange places, and -
careful. I wonder way? But Lun out to her gual-dian.
as they ehange, "it" tries to hit them i idn'tinsal the h little lights in his eyes', aa}le_ is a Young mandarin, Uncle
with the ball. A player who is hitthat
hae one chance to tarew the ball and, Chu Singlets leng ets in his too, but the: ' He is nay sieter's ehild."
. e. 0 . Fatly and soft.lWaseg?, ,Or a prince, maybe?"
Int ate, .1/.. she fails, elm takes the: triore they shine the harder mid more "Rat hew comes he to be in English
lace or "it." When mailY Playere, cruel they leak.. But what do meea garb? • Asid if he is my cousin, why
ease part the game goes faster if there!Mattet, eXeePt Uncle Wang? I'm a' have I !sever before heard of him?" -
are two or three 'ate" and each has little idiot, as IVIiss Ameritan BeatItyl "It ie a painful story, child; at least
a ham, I Weald say, for reousiiig it the raisij" , painful to me. That is why 1 have
DAsamThe players divide!
Tossing aside the magazine T
CAPTAIN ped, to hex' feet, shook out her nephew was adopted by an Arderican
u I•Iee not before mentioned it to you. My
o eqhal gi oup , eachglees) gown, evhieli riPPlea in a silky mauve doctor. His grandfather, who is now '
elsooeds a captaiti and then, facing here' sheen to the tity rose Slippers', and dead; 'permitted it through znisplaced Yet 1 n'Irl ntpt prepared to own defent
linee up about ten feet in frent tsf her.i darted from the room, i gratitude, as the foeeigner had saved And say there's naught at which I may
Frage captain toes a lipe and teased She aeused at the head of the :nail- eleel. ,_ _
llea bail to the first player In hers, eeee, listening intentlYr but as OnlY I belie and trust; and, trope aria feita
' te I
groUP, then to the eecend, and so on, silence greeted her, ehe sped lightlY are sweet! i
Mita the ball has astesed alorig the( see ground doer, "Where She again Sonia day I'll find MT -work---and do '
tted She rocteded A little niOre
veal themeelves to you by th,eir bark?"
Seadent-a"No, sir; with one exceps
tem; (Any the, clogwbod."
My Work, -
I can do something others -cannot do,—
Let me Rnd that, and de that olie thing
well. "
I've -failed at many things I've tried,
Have ,OoMe to grief more oft than '
eat tell(
,====rcialrecsr. vosua=”
Embroidery, Crothet,
Needle Workers
We sell your goodo on ooneIgnment.
Send a stamp 1'U- reply.
, Lingerie and Speolaity Shop
12,0 Danforth .Avenue • Toronto
The orejvalise
you'll Bice them/
•IN,IS.Ftag,•Ci. •
„ pal • P it well! .1
entite lied and has' been returner& to r eaereomay now, and nijo reachhia the,
the cf,klYtti,in by the lad gi.A. The eaP-1 door ,of her tiecleel study stood aleee
faille thee tau earwatdi eaels paeeea fee* any sone& Reassered that, the,
• , The Toronto Hasplial for Incur.,
Aliases. In arrilitition'With Ttenevuii and
Alliei Hospitals, New 'York , CitY,
ofrerS k three ,7"te,p,rs, Course ot Train-
qInuffretaa ercinuczialotinsfil dhAvtrilelatleI
rilbOtea. fhb aight4rotir sygtOm. '1,116
pupils reeeive,uniforms (to •Slohoot,
world will ot' lossmathing if yon
U. monthly geowatiee • id no
priiehees to euel frbtu.NoW York, '0,Or
inrorrnation a'oP1V te tho
. •
e her fulfills ()Ver. big 6.yeS, tit the i
Think twice be ore. you pronounce '
onee lestual her group Lela rune Miele, [Way w‘as clear, she tureed the bratei
The iiide wine whose: captan firgt bandle of. the heavys door sold areeila
011tgagThis Nooultal hits
an opinion on ineprestant 'matters, and
se-ogees:bet getting Ihie. leolsea ,a$Vtinseliess to noiseeven alien, More ften then net, the
gad erepe natesa the Ing room, where artravelli
'Wel744. iteat, in 'an errnehair ,i;aetle
reinaln, Silent .
s.sstenare Yo Enaiiina glecaully. Tu. Hess 'Claesse
Minarclei Lleirtiont ear Coughs; di. Colds
A‘vADA19 L3E47./
a haft& raswer
4114 ho:vio
• straresserearie teams,
cabala atatelaslatta•
sleitata *meat Platte
isstJ NO,
7, 3 era.
Canada's Fur Catch
Shows Big fncrease
' Fere ,consetitute oe,e ef Canada's ini
portant resourees, and In ilia season ot
1921-22 the, value of furs aterketed ins
creased over the previous season by
eves. $7,000,000. Tees information is
given by tee Dssininion Burean of Sta.
tistics in a statement jas,t is,sued erom
which else the tolloeving, faets are
takee: • --
nate total value' of Pelts Of fur-beme
Ina animal's taken in Canada clurine
th,e season ef 1921-22was $3.7,37'7,834;
an increasie over the previous season
of $7,226,240 or '71 per cent. Tee num.'.
ber of pelts of all kinds was 4,344,e16,
an increas,e of 47 per cent, over 1920,
21. Tlies,e figures compris,e pelte et
animals taken by trappers; and •pelts
of ratioh-bred animals, eleskrat pelts;
inereiseecl by ever one million in nein.
bey and by over two million dollars in
value. 13,gare,r pelts, increased from
164656 valued. at U,686,472 ii 1320-21
to 231,645 valued at $4,258,579 in 19214
22. According to value the principal
kinds of. pelt's In 1921-22 were: meek, „es
rat, 14;687,818; beaver, $4 258 579- -"ea-
mink, '$1,839,785; marten; 21,212,903e
silver fox, $732,674; -white fox, $1,610,s
337; red fOx.1472,847; ,fisher, $424,063-,'
Otter, $3-72,604; skunk, 311,040.
„ Average Prices', Higher. -
The average Prices paid for pelts in
the season' 1921-22 were greater theta
,those th-e previouess,ea.son. For "
ample the average price of beaver 4vaa.
$18,38 'as against $16.31; white, fox, ,
$39.70 as against $S4,62S muSkrat,
21.53 as againe,t $1.24; otter, $27.26 al,
agaiitet 124.02; fis,her, $74.66 ae against
258.86; 'skunk, e2.34 as against $1.73;
racoon, $3.68 ass agaiest $3.05; wereer•
ine; $17.56 as against 513.90. One of
the few decreases was silver fox;
which • brought $117.36 as against -
51S1.99 the prealoas year.
The value Of fur production by pre
vines& in 1921-22 Wee as foalows:
Prince Edward Island ....$ 448,766,
Nova S.cotia 188,887
.New Brunswick ..:.....-.. 162,421
.Quebec 3,326,64.
On,tarto . .. . ............. 4,949,787
Manitoba ... s' 1,670,546
Saskatchewan —.a—, • 1,673,6a9,
Alberte ... . 1,256,326 ,
33ritisle Ooluinbia . : 12506i:13,480072'
North West Territories 1,827,455
Yukon Territory
Canada .. ........... $17,377,834
, A Tsetse -Fly Barrier. .
Plane to ward -off tsetse tlies, the
scourge Sre vast .region.s, ...A.erices'Jy
growing a plant. thae,es alsearalusible
Rs' forage, are well' iinder'Wa, a.ce,ord-
Jag to theslond,en Titee,s,. The new'
fodder- plants which, was discoveaase in ,
Angola in 1921, is, an oieseere,ting
.grase, se distas,teful. to the tsets,e fly
that it acts as, a natural barrier against
It. From 'October te ,May furnisihees
excellent pastuee, and cattle seem to
prefer it 'to, other forage. It has bite
further ,advantag•es .o,f, being very pro-
lifie and of •spreading rapidly by self-
s,eeddlia. If the experiment ie sucoe',..--
ful Vast areas in Africa now almost
_ueelleas to man. will become available
for settlement.
VVOodpile 369,0001Wiles
The people of Canada and the United
States us,e enouglh, forest materials in
a year to make a pile ca loge four Soot_
high•and three hundred and ,sixty thou-
sand miles long, OT fifteen times
around the earth. .
This e,norni,ous, drain on the forest
wealth has so alarmed the public
aistialotitifia that protective aoll•icies un -
.heard of e, few 'years, ago are, now be --
41g brought into force: Canada, the
Quebee 'Goveteament has closed all the
agelles,t 'teaVellers except en
writeers aeranit Pram a fire ranger or -
other official. A few pears ' ago, this;
would thave been ceneiderea araetic
but with an annual reeord. et ilia thou-
sa,ne cgieflagretions ,set in ;this. Ho-
leinalensbae:campersafisliterteens settlers s
since other elasses (Who 9,TO the people's
who really Son moat by what they ace,
•trey) the goveriments have ne other -
(Seaton than to save what remains, 0,1'
the- foeests' ,by obi -later measures.
One camp, lite in (enteric) destro'yed
fitty six yeaa-s' supply -ce :mammoth
Ottawa, ValTay lumber mill. band of '
pro,spectors another district eaterned
twenty years?, supply of one of carjas:
cla's, largest paper An•cl nesse of
the. enormouesareas, thus •clestroyed can'
,repeoducecl under 150 yearst
'Refrigeration and Mining.
eltefelgesation is a modern SOi011CG
that hada neatly 'flees. 1 nalnlng
ov,ercorries, two great difficulties: the
influx 91' water in. 'pordus foi'matiOhs
and the teateef door) shafts. By Treez-
ing the 'sur,rotosdin,g, rth, minerseitn,
carry upon, eleatte through water-bear-
-ing strata, and by supplying their:-
eaten:se-with ?eel tee they cats penetrate
tho'earth..to grog dopui,,
l -low meagre is what ]the
average person gets out of life
compared with what he 'might
et I How *little ..,we 'zibserb
roux the, great, beautiful
world packed,. with limitless
possibilities; and howpoverty
iaten is.- the average ,life
Most of us live. in Penury', in
the inidst of .the abundance
that God has cr:-,,,atedr for our