HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-06-07, Page 1k
Single Copies, Four Cents,
t Year Proves To Bo A Huge
'The Lions Club held their first an-
imal ineethig in their club rooms on
Ilittirsday evening, \Olen thelfollowing
officers were elected:
Preside/a-4. C, King
1st. Vicell?res.z--j, W. I-Ianna.
d. Vice-.Pres,—Dr j. A. Fox
3rd. Vice-rres,--c. R. Willcinson
Secretary—J, W. McKibbon
Treasurer—John Wallace
Lion Tamer—Amos, a'ipling,
Tail Twister—R, S. Williams
Directors—Eer two years, R. Van -
stone, a C. MacLean, Dr. Ross,
For one year—R. H. King and L.
C. Young. • .
The retiring president, Dr. G. H.
Ross, niade a neat speech, thanking
airtite Lions for their assist.auce dur-
Ing the past year.
At the luncheon held in the Bruns-
wick Cafe on Friday evening, Capt.
Davidson, Boy Scout Instructor, gave
kin outline of the work in. Which_ he is
engaged in with the boys. Mayor Mc -
(i in of Galt, was also present and
gave the Lions a hearty -weleorne to
his town at any time. '
lector s Of North Huron
A mass meeting of the electors will
be held in the Wingliarn Town Hall,
at 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon, June
Sth. Hon. Manning Doherty, minister
of Agriculture in the Drury Cabinet,
and Sheldon Bricker, 13, F. 0, candi-
date in North Huron, will be, the
'speakers. All citizens are cordially
itvited to attend.
R. J. Carrie, Secretary.
masons' Elect °filters
The *annual election of officers at
Wingham Lodge, A. F. & A. M., -was
held. on Tuesday evening, June 4th.,
and resultedas follows:,
L P. M.—T. C, King
W. 'M.—J. L. Stewart
S. W.-0. Thompson
J. W.—D. Beecroft
S. D.—W. Galbraith
J. D.—j. F. McGee
I. L. Bracken -bury
Ofeap..-LH.' F. McGee
Treas.—j W. McNibbon
See'y,—R. A. Coutts '
Tyler—Wm. Elliott
Auditors—Dr, Ross A. G. Smith.
FOR SALE --Cabbage, Catiliflowea,
and Tomato Plants, also all other
vegetables. .
Isaac Coles.
FOR SALE—Ford Touring Car, all
overhauled, two new tircs- Every -
*ling in first-6lass running shape...
Apply at, 'The Advance
• n.
FOR SALE—'I'wo Teal good rubber
ire top 1)1.-igg1esat sacrifice prices
for quick Sale, at
Crawford's Garage,
' Wingliarn
Ivlachinery, lu-
igading Massey -Harris Binder,
lbtower, Harrows, Rake, Wagon and
, »rill. Apply to
Chas. Potter,
.0 Lower Winghatn
.FOR SALE—No. r, Daisy Churn, in
excellent condition. Apply at
The Advapce,
LOST --Brown Pocket Book on Sat-
urday, between Teeswater and Blue -
vale via "Windham, Papers in poc-
ket hook of no use to finder but
valuable to owner .- Reward.
R. E. McKinney, l. T. R.
MAN WANTED—To assist with,
• farm work, Apply at this office.
ture for about ten head of cattle.
Apply to V, R. yan.Normaii.
PARTIES—Ietown wishing to se-
cure Alfalfa hay should give their
orders to Oliver Campbell,
3ot3 Brussels Phone. R. 4, Wingham
STRAYED --From the Tipliug farm,
. 1st, line of IVIorris, a red cow with
.a few white 'sPots,-. Inforrea.tion as
to her whereabouts will be thank-
fully received.
' Olver & Mitchell.
TENDERS—Tenders will be received
for the open part of the Fortune
branch o/ the Armstrong Drain
" from the Junction to„,aitake No. P41.)c
21. Tenders will be received by the
- clerk until the 15th of June.
W. R. Cruikshank Clerk
:TENDERS—Tenders will be received
by the undersigned up till Wednes-
day, June 13th., for the erection of
three concrete culverts in the town -
Ship of East Wawandsh, Tenders
will be received either separately or
in bulk. Lowest 'or any tender not
necessarily aceepted. Plans or spec-
ifications may be semi at Lot 40,
Con, to, East Wavtanosh, or at
John Gillespie's, Whiteelinrch.
John Gillespie, and
Robt, Cottltes, COnticillors.
TENDERS—Will be received up to
/title 2tOth,, for painting the interior
of S. S. No, 13, East WawariOali,
daring the sumfeer holidays. Low-
st titiy tender not necessarily ae-
eepted, Particulars may be had on
application to
Mrs. Cyrus W. Stott,
R. R. x, Belgrave,
To the Editur ay the Advance,
Deer Sur: ---
The pollytickle situwayshun is
clearin up to some ixtint in Nort Hur-
on, now that thin Grits hey decoided
not to run a man av tlieer own, but
to sliplit up timer votes betwane jawn
Joyat an Shelly, 13ricker, arr shtay at
home an warn:1k on theer farrums.
An rnoind ye, some ay the besht an
clanest farruiner 1 -ivir knew wus
Scotch 'Grits, so it 'is loikely a. Jot av
thim will tink it will pay thine betther
to slipind June I 25th warrukin on the
land eulher thae. to go out an vote fer
ayther 'candidate; whin. they heyn't
wan ay theer .own:alttroipe runain.
But don't let ,aiy person tink w -e
hey heard 'the lasht ay fliim Grits by
army- manes. They . arethe lads to
play a dope garfte, an we shall na.de to
luic out fer thin]. whin 'the nixt elicic-
shun comes arrouncl. To hev put a
man in the field -tkrud hey been loike
thrumpin t1 em! partner's ace, so to
shpake. Ould Napoleon Bonypart wus
a good giniral, an Whin lie had two
armies aein him he preferred to lick
thim wan at a toime. 'Tis the way wid
thint Grits. , They, figger it out that
ayther, Jawn Joynt arr the U.F. O's.
-will git a bad thrinimin this toinie,
an they don't care much which, so
long as theer will be only wan inimy
furninsht thirn nixt toitne. 'Tis a long
headed shame so it is, ah mebby thim
Grits are not so shlow afther
'Tis the foine showers we do be hey-
koind av a way widout a ,,Try Gov -
in, The counthry kin git along in a
ermnint fer a long toime art- fer what
sames it
but, shure, we can't
shtand t inanny wakes -wiclout ram, so
we can't. Iyiryting is lookin foine troo
the counthry. The fall, white 'wus
nivir betther, an the shpring grain is
coverin the ground, the grass is grow -
in a hurricane, I an the orchards are
covered wid blossoms. The papers do
be sindin good news av plinty av rain
in the West, so it luks loike good re -
trims .frum the farruins 'awl over Can-
ada. If, we hev another., year as good
as 1922, shure, not even a ,Grit GOV-
ernmint cud shtop good tonnes frum
comin. Av coorse weahe:v the wealth
that comes frum our forests, what
part av thin' the Governrnint has not
allowed to git burned, up, thin we hev
gowld in New Ontario and Quebec,
whin ye kia foind it, an the fish in the
watner if ye kin ketch II -Urn, Out the
main -source av wealth in this coun-
thry is the farrurns, an ,whin the -far-
t-timer has money ivir'ybuddy gits a
share av, it, but whin it takes awl he
Liti sell off the land to pay for hoired
man, an the trasher, an the school.
taycher, an the roral tillyphone, an the
fellah that runs the gasoline pump,
awl av which tings hey to be paid in
eash, sliure is it anny woncther he has
to ask credit frum the dochtor an the
editor, an the blacksmith, an the
,shtorekaper? -
But -wlieer the farrumer, makes a
enislitake is in supposin ivirybuddynin
Lown is gittin, aisy- money ,wid eight
arr noine hours to wurruk, an thin go
fer joy roides art- to the pickter show
at noights. The farrtnner, who gits
that notion M his head, has .another
guess comin, as me bye that wus in
France sometoimes sez whin he
throies to be- .slimart: 'Tis plain livin
an !thigh tinkin fer rnosht av the pay -
pie in town. How wud a farrumer's
woife loike to run her house on a
point ay milk a clay, arr make a cake
wid only wan egg, arr nivir git a taste
av chicken arr duck arr goose ixcipt
at the fowl stipper in the church
wa.nce a year?
a quare wurruld so it is. A bye.
art: girrul will lave the ould farrurn
wid its wavin fields av grain, an swate
smellin clover an apple blossoins, an
go to live in a big city wid tin bad
shmellS fer wangood wan, ,an wurruk
awl day in a het office arr factory, an
if ming av thim ivir git enough, nioney
theer wish; is to bny, the ould home-
lehtead an ind thcer day theer, wheer
they may hear thee'robins an the mead-
ow larruks an bob -o -links wance
moore. Shure -wuddin't IL hev been
betther fer thim to hey shtayed them"
in the fursht place?
Yours nixt wake,
Timothy Hay.
Celebration At Brussels
There was a large attendaitce at the
celebration of the Kings birthday at
Bressels on Moeclay, which was in the
form of a sports carnival in the after-
noen and early evening, followed, by
a dance in the opera house at night.
The weather was ideal.
The program opened with a parade
in_the afternoon from the school to
the park. The Kittle Band of Sea -
forth, headed the parade, io. Which
about 5 in faitcy gostume took part.
The afternoon program comprised
a baseball tournament with teams
front Stratford, Palmerston and Wind-
ham, the Stratford team capturing
first honors, The opening game' be-
tween Stratford and Palmerston went
to the former nine by a score of 15 to
12. The batteries were; Stratford,
Parks and Griffin; Pahrierston, Law-
rence and Joheston. Umpire,s-1-101-
rees, Toronto, and Johnston, Lack -
• The seeond game between Stratford
and Windham was a better exhibition,
with Stratford on the -heavy end of a
to to 6 score. The batteries in the
secorid game were: Stratford, L,avelle,
Young and Griffin; Wingham, Mor-
den, Irwin and Johnston. Umpires--
Hohnes, l'ororito and Horning, Pal-
In the evening a league feotball
game between Listowel and Brussels
rave the home Learn a win in a close-
ly contested battle by a 2 to t score,
Sills of Seaforth, Was the referee.
Three Candidates Nominated But All Turn Down Globe Proposition
te-up Town
The Liber -al nomination and elect- The regular rrionthly meothig or the
ion of officers held in Wingham Town towa council was held on Tuesday
Hall ,on Tuesday afternoon, June 5th., evening, Mayor Elliott presided and,
drew a small attendance, Mr. Cosens the reeve was the only absentee, he
was in the chair. The election of of- hel‘i.
ig, act:f1Rie. ewouilkItiYoseonnli,uil.
Beers resulted as follows: l
chairman of
President -_-Morgan Dalton, Ashfield the war niemorial committee reported
1st, Vice-Pres,—john Gillespie, his committee haying decided. to re -
Whitechurch, commend a certain memorial at a cost
2nd. Vice-Pre.s.—Chas. Campbell, .of $.5000.00. This monument stands
East Wawanosh. ' about seventeen .feet high and the,
3rd. Vice-Pres,--Williani Elston bronze statute of a soldier on the top
Morris, ' stands 7 feet 6 inches in height. This
Sec.-Treas.—Alex Poiterfield. monument is a good one, and corn -
Mr., Wright of Owen Sound was the pares favorably with any we have
speaker and'urged that a man should seen in any other town. Mr. Wilkin- -mi.. and Mrs, matt sprotde and
he in. the field under the Liberal ban- son also .reported that the committee Will Sproule of Lucknow, spent a day
ner, He said lhai in the last election favored the site On the north of the last week with Mrs. Wm. 1-Ienderson,
several (probably g, per cent) of the Post Office, providing the. govern-LBdht
laiberals had voted for the U. F. 0, mein would perMit the erection there Mrs. ester rowe andauget,
and they everyone regretted it now. and would allow the taking down of MiSs Frances of Owen Sotuade. are
f Md MR. S.
He rehearsed the increased expendi- a portion of the fence next to St. And-
geests or. anrs. .1\fcGee.
ture of the II. F. 0. Government, stat- rews church lawn. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Richardson of
hag that they were not nearly assav.. Moved by Councillors Greer and Durham visited at the home of Mr.
ing as theiWillisthat the report of the memorial
previous one. He said the ' and Mrs. R. A, Coutts over the week -
Liberal leader was.,a man to he proud committee re design ,of monument be end.
of and that every LAberal 'should see acepted and that the thanks of the Mr. and. Mrs. W. C. Lepa.rd and
to it that their riding.. had a Liberal counetl be tendered for their splendid family also Mrs. R. Clegg and Mr. W.
candidate ia- the runnieg and hoped work.—Carried.1 T. Booth, motored to London on
the ppople of North Huron would A firm sent a sample silent police- Monday.
Sqbscriptions $lop p
To Mrs, Harry Hopper spent Sunday In
A G. Smith and family,, spent the
weelc-ead at Stratliroy and Port
Mrs. T. j. McLean and daughter,
Miss Eleanor, were in Stratford on
Misses Annie and Florence Bar-
bour of Toronto, were home over the
week end
Mr, Geo. Bonnett of lvfolesworth,
spent Sunday at the home of his sis-
ter, Mrs. Wrn, Austin,
Misses Flarietta and Burdette Mc-
Crackea have returned from visiting
with London relatives.
have a catididate in the fieldman to Wingham some time ago and . mi., c. Ay, Pocock of the
The nomination was then gone it s purchased for $18.00, on motion Canadian
Bank of Commerce of '1‘oronto is vis
ahead with and only three nalnes were of ouncillors Fothergill and Greer,
mentioned ancr'none of the three men Mr. E. J. Mitchell reported that the
could see their way clear to accept cemetery committee would have to re
the nomination, Those mentioned place 55 posts in the fence at the
Abner-Cosens of Windham..
MorgaDalton of Ashfield.
Chas. Stewart of Ashfield.
All three were of the opinion of
tchadii.ndaeetinigi ttlheatriltr1I.r:&i.,sooVedi;ele a
Keep your eye on W. G. Patterson's
jewellery Store for June Gifts.
A load of members of the Eastern
Star yisited Drayton on Friday even -
County, L 0. L, meets in 1Virigham
Orange Hall on , Wednesday, June
Mr. George Boyd motored to GP -and
Bend, Where he spent Sunday With
Mr. Fred Walker.
Florence Automatic Oil Stove Dem-
onstration on Thursday morning,
June 7th., at Rae & Thompson's Hard-
ware, opposite Queens Hotel,
Mrs. George Phipperi received the
sad news that her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Nelson Shrigley had passed away at
her home in Essex, She was in ill
health for some time and died of
pneumonia. Her husband is at pres-
ent very tow with the ',game dreaded
disease. r
Gifts that last, at W. G 1.'alterson's
jewellery Store.
Mr. J. H Christie is making exten•
sive alterations to his new store form-
erly occupied b-jr` Hilliard's Bazaar. Mr.
Christie will live over the' store and
it is his intention to build a side en-
trance and stairway at the front.
The—monthly meeting of the Wom-
an's Auxiliary to the Witigham Gen-
eral Hospital, will be held in the coun-
cil chamber on Monday afternoon,
June rah:, al 3.45 p in.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jas. Sims, Blyth,
announce the engagement of their
datighter, Lyda Margaret, to Mr. C.
Lorne Dale of Wingham, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Dale,' Seaforth, the
marriage to „lake place in June.
Ladies( W.otild you use a better hair
net if it cost no more than the ollid
kinds? Then try the Gainsborough
Hair Net Made from- silky human
hair of life, like lustre and triple in-
spected. The largest selling hair net
in the world, Slagle and double mesh.
All shades. Sold in. Wingham at
Mitchell's Drttg Store, •
Or, Irwin's dental office will be
closed from July 51h., until October
Messrs. C. R, Wilkinson, Abner Cos -
ens, P. S. Willianas, A. Tipling and
A. G. Smith were in Palineestori, Har-
riston and Fordwiclt tn connection with
their work on the war memorial com-
mittee, '
The 'Wing-114in Jun in' Farmers' Im-
provement Association and the Junior
WPmeit's Institute, will hold their reg-
ular meeting on. Wednesday, June
the Council Chamber at 8
p, in., sharp. County Representative
present. Everybody come. t,
The St. Augustine Women's Ilisti-
ttite will hold their regular meeting
at the hoiTe of Mrs, John Redmond,
on the x4th of June. Mrs, Jos, MeLel-
land, of Sarnia, will be the speaker. It
is expected that the Dungannon ladies'
will be present. All ladies cordially
invited.. •
Weare glad to report that Mr.
'Gavin Fyie is able to be. out again and
back to his duties with Mr. R. A. Cur-
rie, after two weeks severe illness.
Mr. and Mrs,'Flemitig Ballagh de-
sire to thank ., their neighbors and
friends for kindness and sympathy ex-
tended to 'them in their hour of sad
Broke Jaw And. Arm
Witile riding on a hay press' elleritng
down, the .hill at Leask MeGees oit
the troth of East WawanoSh, Will, the
15year old Sen of Win. Hallahae, of
East WaWanoSii, was drawn front his
seat to the ground beridath the horses
feet, when the bOngite broke. He is
nOw- in Wieghato Hospital sufferlitg
ftom a badly broken :jaw and a
i' arna
iting with his mother, Mrs. R. Pocock,
over the week -end, .
Miss Norma M. Foxion and Miss
ceinetery and that they recommended litaxine L• Edgar of Toronto, spent
the painting- of the tool house. , it ie week -end with Mrs. M. j. Foxton
A couple of bylaws were passed And' - •
fanfly Culross'
making minor changes 'in former by -I Mrs. W. Ir. Stevvart and son, R6b-.
laws also the usual by-law to borrow ert! and daughter, Elsie, of 'Milton,
naetieY until the taxes come inhave been the guests of relatives in
The Citizens' Band presented a cre- Winghani and vicinity
ditable financiril statement duly audit- Mr. Logan Sr., accompanied by Mr.
ed by Mr. 5. Ed. Cove, Their report and Mrs. Everett Logan of London,
'showed receipts totalling -1720.25, and ' visited with the former's sister, Mrs.
Wm. Dawson, Shuter St.
-expenditures to the amount of $841.1o.
The balance on hand May 1st., 1922,
was $359.83, therefore they still have
a balance, of $238.98. Moved by Coun-
Cillors Greer and Smitlt that the re-
port of the band as read be accepted
and that the thanks of this council
be tendered the Citizens' Band for
their splendid business management
and care ,of property.—Carried.
Moved by Couns. Smith and Greer
that the ttsual privileges of the town
and use of the platrk be granted to
the Dominion Day .Sports Committee
for July and , and to the County
Orange Lodge for July LAE—Carried.
Mr. H, C. Gray of the Bank of
Hamilton at Niagara Falls, spent the
week -end at the home his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. W. a Gray, Minnie St
Mrs. Boyd and little granddaughter,
Marion Gilmour, spent a, couple of
days at the home of the former's
daughter, Mrs. T. E. Manning, Lon-
-.Mr. W. F. Honnith has returned to
Lown after spending the past few
months with his sons in the West We
are pleased to see the old gentleman
looking hale and hearty.
Mr. Dunn, .representative of the Mr. J. 0. Hableir.k and family mot
Toronto Globe, addressed the council ored to Seaforth on Sunday. .
with a view to writing up the town Miss A. Bax, principal of Ripley
in the Industrial number which they Pubhc School, spent the week end
will Pub'ish wittia the next few with Mr. and Mrs. 5. Button. •
months, 'There to be 4000 of these
printed*and distributed among the
different chambers -Of commerce
Ms. and Mrs. Casb-urn Austin and
two children and Mr. Joe Austin of
Kitchener, motored up- and spent tile
throughsut the Nvorld and aiso daY's week -end at the home of their par -
publication. in Globe, ate cost of
same to be $5.;i0.00. Cowls. Smith and
Greer moved‘That the council pay half
of this if the Utilities Commission
pay the other half, they believing it
is assist in. sec.uring another in-
dustry Fr Wingharn.
ents,. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Austin.
1 Mr. and Mrs.. J. E Curtis announce
the engagementof their eldest daugh-
ter, Laura Viet*, to Mr. Jack McKee,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKee, 262
Evelyn Ave., Toronto., The marriage
The motion was lost as Councillors' to tai`e P19te111 June'
Haney, Greet- and Smith were the Mr. and. Mrs. j. G. Stewart spent
only men supporting it.
The Late Mrs. Joseph Taman
In the death'. of Mrs. Eliza 'fantan
at her home on Hamilton St., on
Thtirsday last, has rernoved another of
the pione,er residents of this section.
One whoSe passing will be much felt
in the family a$ well as among many
of the older residents of the commun-
ity-. The late Mrs. Taman had been itt
failing health for some time, but tipuntil a couple of weeks ago was, able
to be about and attend to her house-
hold duties. She was seized with—a
stroke of paralysis and after lingering
for some clays, quietly passed away.
Deceased, whose maiden name -was
Eliza Greer, was born in Beockvillo,
il t844, and 5867 became the wife,
of Joseph 1 aman. In the year 1878",
they came tO East WaWatioeli oeto
the farm now occupied by Mr. E, C.
Smith, and. there they resided until Art. C. Adams accompanied them to
thirty-one yews ago.
On February 5111., 1912, sha was be -
raft of her husband and since then Qalbraith-Morrish Nuptials
made her home with her sons, the late
Wesley and DeLoss Taman, She Was At Walmer Road Baptist chureli
a woman of amiable disposition, a on Monday, June ath., the marriage
kind and ' thoughtful mother and al took place of Gladys Frances, daugh-
good considerate neighbor and friend.' ter of the late Mr. and Mrs, John F.
She was a meinber of the Methodist! Morrish, to John Franklin Galbraith,
church and in earlier life, a regular I Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
attendant at its service's, Galbraith of Winghtim, Rev. Johe
The late Mrs, Taman was the MacNeill coansdtgicivteedn away theby
mother of a family of nine, six. -of w
whom survive, aareciy:—Mrs. (Rey.), cle, Mr, J. M. Stanley, and looked
Mary Irwin Haitford Mich Mrs I lovely it a navy blue poiret twill suit,
Annie James, Windham; 11Irs. Marg-
aret Cox, Scottsville, .Mich,0 Mrs.
Addis 'Vincent, East 'Wawanosh; Ex -
Reeve Jos'eph E., and DeLoss Taman
of Blyth. Two of her family diesi hi
infancy and Wesley, passed away on
the 21151, of Atignst, last 'year,
, The funeral took place on Sunday,
service being held at the house. by
Rev, A. C. Tiffin, followed by inter
merit in the Union cemetery.
The pall bearers were—Messrs,
Chas, Fraser, 'John Maine,., W. FL Mc-
EIrdy, Wm. Sims Jas. Lochie and E
C. Latiridy.—Biy-th Standard.
the -week-end at the home of their
daughter, ,Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, Au-
burn. The occaSion of their visit be-
ing the celebration of their little
grandchnighter's sixth birthday.
Mr. anct Mrs, D. E. MacDonald.
motored to St Thomas on Sunday,
where they visited_ with their daugh-
ter, Mrs.. Mel. VanWyck. Mrs. Van-
Wyck and little daughter accompanied
them back to Wingham for a short
Dr. J. A. Fox, W. P„ Mrs. O.
Thompson, AM., R. A. Coutts, P. W.
P of Huron Chapter and Mrs. (Dr.)
J. A Fox and Mrs. R. A. Coutts at-
tended the District Convention of the
0. E. Star held at Drayton on Friday,
June ist, 1923.
Mr. a'aid Mr, Parker, Miss Cather-
ine Adams and Miss Haney, a former
Kindergarten teacher at Wingham,
motored ep and visited at the home
of Mr, and Mrs, Adams, John St, Mr.
taking up their residence in Blyth Hamilton on Tuesday,
Nethery—elolinston---AL the liorrie of
the bride's parents, on Weditesday,
Julie 6th., Gre,ee Edna., daughter of
Ma. *led Mrs, Riellard Johnatbn of
Bluevale, to Mr, James C, Nethery,
Morris.Rev, T, Wilkirion pas-
tor of 13,ittevale NiethodiSt eharch,
with trimmings of steel. French bead-
ed coral waist, navy blue hat with
stool ostrich mount, a.nd corsage bou-
quet of lily of the valley and bridal
roses. Her bridesmaid was Miss
Myrtle Young, who wore a very
pretty frock of grey canton crepe,
trimmed with navy blue, grey hat to
match and wore a bouquet of sweet-
heart roses , The bridegroom was sup-
pordied by his brother, Mr, Wm. Gaf-
bral‘th of Windham. Mrs. Stanley
looked well in navy blue flat crepe
with black hat and corsage bouquet
of orchids. Mrs. Galbraith wore a
becoining gown of black canton crepe,
and black hat, and carried a bouquet
of roses and orchids. Miss Alba Gal-
braith wort a blue canton crepe gown
with blue .bat ansi carried a bouquet of
Sweet peat. The church, was beauti-
fully decorated with Palms, ferns and
Persian lilacs. inmiediately after tlis
teremoily, the happy totiple left on an
extended tent, and on their retina
will reside at 78 Ilinscarth Road,
Miiiinimmiimiuminicil 7,110
ii. •
• • ••Edison
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at Reduced
Increased output and decreased
manufacturing costs enable the Edison 2
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making Edison records and phonographs IX
cheaper than ever before. if
"Ambercia 30, only,..,$39.00
Amberoia 50, only.... 67.00
Amberola 75, only._ 99.0.0
All Bine Amberela Records .. . .. ......40C
. Anyone ean'itoW own a Genuine Edison Diamond Arnberola
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Owners of Amberolas can now buy all Edison records at the
,ridiculously low price of 40cents.
Winsrham. Ont,
IVIcKibbon's Drug
Buried In One Coffin At Exeter On
One coffin containing the charred
remains of the six members of the one
family, who were burned to death in
the destruction of their home on Sat-
urday morning was reverently interred
on Monday afternoon, The whole
community paid tribute by attendance
at the graveside.
The service was conducted by Rev.
A. A. Trumper of the Church of Eng-
land . Silas 'Stanlake, the husband and
father, and Beatrice and Harry, the
only survivors of the family were pre-
sent, as were also Mr. Stanlake's aged
mother and his sister.
Whale the heat was still intense and
the embers of the destroyed home
smouldering, the remains of four of
the victims had been found, but it was
not until later alter the applicatiost
of more water, that the remaining two
were found n the same spot. It
would seem as though the mother,
when she returned to rescue her baby,
had gathered the young members of
her family -about her and thus faced
the end.
Six neighbors carried the remains
to their last resting place and the
cortege extended over two 'miles.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Huron
County Breeders 'Association, will be ,
held in the Council Chamber, Town
Han, Wingharn, at p. m., on Satur-
day, June r6th. Membe'rs and others
are cordially invited to attenii this
S. B. Stothers, Secy.
IVIethodist Cherch Notes
Sunday, June toth.---The services in
the Methodist church next Sunday,
June loth., will be as follows:—II a.
in—Morning Worship.. The Rev.
Crawford Tate of Bluevrae in eirarge;
2.30 p. nn.—Sunday School; e. p,
Evening service. The pastor in charge.
"A Retrospect and Prospect."
Don't forget the Sunday School An-
niversary services, Sunday June anth.,
the Rev. C. W. DeMille, 13. A., of`Tor
onto, n charge.
Little Two -Year -Old Son of Mr. and
'" Mrs. Fleming BallagN
Deepest sympathy is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Ballagh of Bel
more and formerly of Wingliam, in
their time of sad bereavement. Their
little son, Leslie Bruce Ballagh, aged
I year, 10 months and rO days was ac-
cidentally drowned on Thursday after-
noon. The little lad was missing when
his mother called him for supper and
a search for him found his little wag-
on nearnthe bank of a small creek run-
Mng near the road and his little .body
was found in the water nearby. It was
only the secoed time that the parents
had known him to wander any dis-
tance from the house..
The funeral was held to Wroxeter
cemetery on Saturday afternoon arid
was largely attended.
Hicks Will Vote Tory
Andrew Hicks has pledged his sup-
port to N. W. Trewartha in the com-
ing provincial elections and will elect-
ioneer for the Conservative candidate,
provided the Liberal nominee with-
draws- from. the field. His 'position in
the contest -was definitely stated and
he feels confident that the Conservat-
ive will sweep the riding of South
Huron on the 25th.
"I will cast my vote for Mr. Tre-
wartha in any event,'" stated Mr.
Hicks to The Free Press. "Subject to
the withdrawal from the field of the
Liberal candidate, I will also support
him on the public platform throughout
the constituency- Conservatives will
poll a very strong vote in the south,
as the Townships of Stephen and Us
borne are practically solidly behind
Mr. Trewartha."
It had beeit reported that Mr. Hicks
would support the 11. F. 0. candidate
but he denies that such wiil be his at-
MI. Hicks was a Liberal before he
was elected under the II. F. 0. stand -
All kinds 'of the neWest novelty
Jewellery for the Jane Bride at W. G,
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Empress Strap Shoes
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We are showing the best lines of warrz C.AltIVAS AND ,
WHITE IiItYCIC SHOES for Women and GirlS, and at money euv.
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