The Wingham Advance, 1923-05-31, Page 4&hal ce uolmh roltirrt, Ontarie Thureciae Mornirig . SMITH, Publisher riptien rates: — Oao Year, ; ent an:lathe, floe° in advance‘' atertisleg tate, au applieation. tivertleemente without speeina etioae nvill be easerted tu'forbid lid ebarged accortlingla. cbStige0 tor contraet edvertts ate be in the °Ales by twee, Ion - graSii.ra$ CARDS .eiralgton'ildutual Fire insurarme Co, instainiened 11340 Head Office, Guelph Mena tatee on all classes ot Men able property or; the cash or premium eoto system, • A,BNER COSSNSr Agent, Wingba 1 $ rr,rt AM A ee, r aay reaS0u the weeds! the beet will do quite as Wall and st4 e have been alioeved to some into fitilt do better. blooms the t the quickest mid sureett w.rto amps. LI,vE mimy ststro, w47teofikleivlrtelleeedsatlle'ert a(IYlief°w_1= in theel:to gei1 ala-sti" Yail abject' «I don't let the ad burn them, cuatavaan, coral -Yana OtgATIVATE /•• b '113-urstlaY, Vfay , 19 ot, Home Eancation ItIrst School Ns the nanelly're--Freabel. ttv:eetide git;'W snynNtv7r le:egs an7w: ill1POrtatICS of Keeping Promises By tAtth L9Chrldge Reid 'where oil ray farm. , I always mew 4' lee oth- , 0 • SUC AD • a r .4 • * The greatest taek is in the fields' once isn't eeeugh, And whet do you To the child a promise is as tortoinh AnOther than8'hilese rolt"t, Adttrops vonuntodarktno Auro„,;,a AdSiatele St, West, Toronte containing row crop s and forage and do with the cuttings.? To irtow after and binding as a PrentisserY Ac)te to a' 0" In E!ke tfr 1C9Cling P"re-ises hearteely, Mart Owes out in the kit. small grain crops. Almost all fentahplants have begun to bloom and let banker. Not all notes are paid, it k b PACKAGES CONTAINING FRUIT drains lioatedi then it serves as a es recerze. the need of keeping' the; telivied'e' entiotetlicretleielaterklaeol tthiaperyoufgAbAll els must be adinitted; neither are' all eel:deal:1;st, faiDS:lae '81toel;';.' n"ReLlinag101117a Pertaanent record and will save time ground , etween the rOwaewteetoIrteinlle.: or wb, h . , e‘ Promises kept that snt Made bY . little while, dear, and when tre ao,t, , . lu, weita 41. co hh,1,11.h t ,,re and. iabon in future drat -lege work weedo, but not all are le this Plea is mad 4 ; atotbeas. Sometimes • e enact gets so .busy weal reed a nice long etoxy, t ed f tki ' / th f °n regn a ens liegar lig should ne located and Ineasuretnents Pat' • ell er Y a sltets Y t ems° vest, to bloom,. an therefore mature seed, in ' order to restore peace other a 4 contented] on the Strength' of g re mo peop e suppose, an whisPers. that if Johnny win keep atilt this preinlee, and after vtliat eeeme Damh.;i. a 47 !A DEunber of Permanent land.1"rbs nl'gt.ein in; bed it ttgb e%° E3 E,t In the firstdPlate, Planta often begin noisy at a club or publie meeting, and go Mary in all good faith plays galetly the Peeking of fruit for sale? mazked on the map from these t° the a clear lig out ie. the rows and keep- b n - on efo 1 • d d dr i e, e e Y have be ean have a nice big box of candy ages b.er °pee mere approanbes e e Eifter to ths e nd plea tin er , / • Frait Branch, Department a Agri- To laying oat systeme of tile, It Is corners. elenno the • once started bloorningr manY Plants afterwards. So.althougb it is mother -who is •now at the sewing ma- culture, Ottawa, foe_ a ear, Ot the Important to key the slope or fell as• Weeds have tremendous seeding have' sufficient vitality to ripen at hard work for th tot to control his chine "Oh Pin so anxious to finish e. th orders and eefulations, but, briefiy, taitorm as possi et sheltie not be powers, and it requires no more than least part of their eeeds even after le des a g ca ress, an -----------1 e , ey are ae re 104Va: Everr package, either open or eiosed, conta ning• fruit tees than 2 inches per 100 feet, and a moment's thougAt to make us real- the plarits have been mowed Or eli0P- and behaVe with the thonght of this read '/•01.1 a story if You're trern verY where changer:I euddemy a silt basin lee that the maglected or overlooked , ped off, as witness the dandelion. Intetded for sale, has to be markedshouldunusual reward. Then the meeting is good until then," eayS mother. Then e he builtThree- , inch tile weeds IS. left in a field can furl:deb more. Seeds of these eloped off plants fall finally over, it is late and when John- a caller cemes and after that it's Ivith the illitlals) aurnamet end e''''` the smallest. proilteble size, and as the than enough seed to cover the entire into the soil where Nature wraps dm/es a the paeker, the name of theny begins to clamor for payment tloe xnealtime again and Mary's.eotlitience volume of gathered water increases' /men with a luxuriant growth a them up carefully, apParently peeper - vs -rider, and the grade of the fruit; as promised, mother dodges her obli- in promises goes Ilithering. She so the tile shoeicl be increased Until weeds. These out-ofothe-orclinart. ing for the possible "seven lean gatioa by eying that it is near sup- stamps her little foot and pouts, so thePachgelsi.reeeleked nmelbe the niain drain nor a twenty-aexe field placee are so extremely ireportanti years."' . / per time an she mu t get home and mother says "'Well if you're going to so endorsed.an' 'IT 'w-"enl; Immature having a fall of 5 inches per hundred that particular 'endue should be taken fruit," which is fruit not ripe enough P ; The stubble of these mowed or there 4 isn't any store near -by where act paughty and vvorrY =Other, I'll destroy the weeds on 'them. Such cho ped -off far d..-e-ert, must be so described on fee4 should be laid 'with eix-inch tile. to Weeds neatly always candy can be purchased and won't read; bring your book here.i" Then and properly filled; old marks if an gov igely e by the d pth at if they have een all w coin i ed to burned ID •• • • f _ sends ;up new branches which. o j• y P EASE be sat fied she'll w o y P Y bl orn ohrin L is if rth ut an s int o sEnpath or DU IEY II LIYIES The distance betvreen tile drains is weeds should be gathered and b - the package; the paekage must be welt erned Iii . b o e nr-e' and bear seed. Sometimes these promise to pop him some corn -while j lit she reads the $ ortest stor en. oyme Y n Yt which they are laid. Much tile has full bloom, to kt11 the millions of! on the paekage must, be obliterated. .3 branches' will lie almost on the she gets supper. Is it any -wonder she can find in ceder to appease been laid from 2t? to 3 feet below the seeds they carry. grow.vd, below the usual reacb of a that Johnny site down on the side- Mary's tantru , rn and she considers she BARRISTER, SOL ICITOR ETC. Victory and Other Bonds Sought and Sod. Office—Mayor Block, Wirrehare R. V STONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to Leas at Lowest Ratua. WINGHAM . H. ROSS Graduate Royal College. of Dental Surgeons Graduate tiolversity of Toronto Faculty. of Dentistry OPFICE OVER H. E. ISARD'S sToRD D UART ni atisiciaLts B.Sc., Special attention paid to diseases a litimea and Children., having takeu postgraduate work in Surgery. Bac- teriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr Residence, between the Queen's -Hotel zr.c11 the Baptist Church. AU business given eareful attention. Phone, 54. P-0. Box 118 SIZE OP BERRY BOXES. Fruit Grower, Niagara—What are the require.ments of strawberry, boxes regarding size and capacity? Answer—The regulatione reade Every box of berries or currents packed in Canada for sale in Canada, and every berry or currant box menu, fettered and offered for este in Can.. dry ada shall contain, when level full as whet they aee flowing. nearly as practicable ote or othem surface. The present tendertcy is tot When you come right down to it, mowing -machine, and it is frequently walk .and wails and kicks bis heels has kept her promise. laY tile shallower. At these depths there is no excuse for weiptatstaikt". a fact that unless properly done, mow-. and 'makes a scene? No doubt pass -1 So' our ,fitst thought as mothers for field crops it is usually sufficient such toll from farmers' to place drains 100 feet apart. Then, they C011 be exterminated. The trouble' In- a may actually increase weeds. 1 ersby rem arks what an ugly disposi-I muet be not to makem too any promis- hould it be found necessary, others with us is that we want a sort There seem to he two different tion that child has and how hard it es. Better a surprise now., and then, can be laid between, making them 5,0 "get -rich -quick" method. eoft_ -we aren't Methods of mowing when the object must be te manage him. Now this than a promise broken. And second, feet apart. willing to be more thorough each is. to hill weeds- First, vert frequent mother niade two mistakes. First, she. once a prcanise is Made, never fail to The efficiency of all drains dependtime; and yet it Is just this little bit cutting te prevent blossoming. gee.. never should have made a promise fulfill it, not from the viewpoint of s largely tuon a satisfactory outlet. It of eatra effort which spells the differ- end, cutting Just as the majority of that was really a bribe. Probably mother and her interest, but entirely must be large enough for the purpose encs between positive success and the „ weeds are beginning toBloonei little son was too small to take to such, from the child's attitude of expect - told be low enough to drain tbe tile mediocrity. 1 This is the time ,when plants are a long meeting and remain quiet. But ancy It is difficult and inconvenient . . . of the following quantities: (a) fuur64.L00K BEFORE YOU LOAD LIVE - fifths of a qoart; (b) one pint, and elan be 4% by 4% inches at top and -STOOK. hotto d 1 i elt d I ' Go out and take a look at the near- using their maximum strength to put bribe or no bribe, once she had piem,o at times, but not nearly as difficalt est patch of bindweed, for instance,I. forth seed, and ie they are cut at this ised to get that box of candy she! asit is to 'regain the lost confidence whoge roots -are somethnes found six time, they are caught when they are should have done so if the family had4 of the child, for if there is a keyword feet orinore in clepth and whose tops. most exhausted and tbeir stubble nothing but sandvriches . 'foe supper,i eueeessful discipline it is CON -n have tureters anywhere from one to_ longer to send np new branches. Cut- because she was trailing a candy shop. FIDENCE. m an % n es eel); (e) two- Ins tion of "7"0-0- arrivin ears of t at tins time is the better -tf the pee g twenty feet long. Does any one thi.nki Pg. flails of a catart. stock at seven of the large markets he can -kill Gut such a plant by oc_i cattengs are burned., or thoroughly plant including biosioms or seeds, and FARM DRAINAGE. by supervisors of the Packers and easional choppine or plowine through; destleYed in some ether way, Is send them to the Experimental Faria Stoekyards A tiministratiocua,iturtrzihteat: it? There wojd be last about as: absolutely essential that the seeds to be named, and ask for special di - The drainage of farm lands should shown that shippers would do well to Logdosodacshrgalenme fnorwseuakeceesnseabybsyuclhoninhni fireisf rraishould h d tr d d rections if' any are needed. . In other is certain destruction. States Department of Agri o ng e es oye , an Dry ma- words, make intelligent efforts to con- , receive Increased attention. Many Make careful ,enerninetion of cars be- door life would have of thrashinet terial of some sort should be piled trol or kill the weeds on your farm. f-a.rixis and evea whole districts are fore tom -tine them, Jack Dempsey. you have got to use Wrt e ou mg an the Pile lighted Don't lose your work and time and Live Stock Branch point out that a not as fertile and productive as theet "The railroads maintain satisfac- the right method. and keep at it at once. Delay gives opportunity for shriek your crop by going at it bap- noticea.ble feature of the lamb. market would be if drained. A drainage sys- -tau car -inspection service at the A sand_bur ripens /mare tnatt 42,- the seeds to. be scat-tered, and many 'hazard. It will cost more the first was tho absence of docked or castrated tem is essential in this humid, teniper- large markets, but not all ears sent 000, &tea a fontan will mature ,merei thousands of them will be ripe the day year to do it thoroughly, but far less lambs. Whenever an odd load of ate zone of heavy rairtfal.ls. Fortun- to country.shipping points have in°17- than 100,000 seeds. The chickweed! after the plants were cut. The cut - the second. Even two seasons' work docked and cagt-rated lambs was of- : . ately, throughout the greater part of ed directly from the -.terminals. As which grows au over tile place pron tangS Will PerhaPs be ten green to of this thorough -going kind will brin fe ea f • th price li d' was: for the Top Price. In the animal, review, of the live stock market and ,meat trade situa- tion for -1922, officials of the Federal g sale, e rea m Eastern Canada there is adequate a eonsequetce many cars have defects .,duses five generatatons a year, W0 ./ burn up entirely, but the big point is natural drainage. The land is rolling that may cripple animals or even each plant is capable of bearing 0'00 to heat the seeds enough to kill the.m. Dr. Robt. C. Re ond or 111Y The surface formation is cause their death. Of the ears in- seeds. No wonder it takes seen eaces..i If this is done, their inisehief is ended. M.R.C.S. (Eng). L.R.C.P. (Loud). PktYSICiAN AND SURGE011 {Dr. Chisholm's old Maud) R it L STEWART Graduate or naiversity of Torootti, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate ot the Ontario College of Physicians aad Gorgeous. ' Office Entrance: OFFICE IN CHISHOLM BLOCK JOSEPHINE STREET P3-101'4E2D Margaret C. Calder General Practitioner Oraweate, University of Tomato. . Faculty of Medicine. OIRce--,losePhine St., two doors sootb of Brunswick Hotel_ Telephones—Office'231, Residence la DR. F. A. PARKER 'OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN' Osteopathy, Electricity. Ali diseases ' treated. Office adjoitdrig residence, Centre. Street, next Anglican Church (former- ly Dr. MacDonald's). Phone 272. Trron. Ire era trarasrtel DKr D„, it more or less porous and water, even spected in this investigation 7 had sant hoeing to get rid a it after once! The stubble of annual weeds Cart be after the heaviest rains of summer, holes in the &ors, 91 had projecting it gets started. And justafer a "big-iPlowed under; also many seedlings in disappears within 24 hours from the nails in the well% and 88 had cleats gest fish" story, Iet's stop with thet staring and fall ean be kilted this enrface af th that might, and probably did, cease There are many farms that have; bad bruise.s. Eighty-two of the CaTS fairly good natural drainage, but not; were without bedding, a large factor sufficient to remove the water quick- i in the sa.fety and comfort of animals ly after heavy rains and spring fresh- in -traneittt eM.. These can usually be greatly bra/ "No matter who is responsible for proved by a system of surface drains the condid`on a ears, it is to -the including the Plowing of fields in interest of the shipper always to make up to certainly it definite outlet. is him to see that lands so that each dead furrow may! an inspection of his own, and most be a drain with a Heavy soils and lands that lie so the right kind of bedding is provided. surprising results. Egg -Laying Records. The progress made by the Record well above that of ordinary lambs and -they were always the object of keen • competition. These statements were made more particularly with refer- ence to the Toronto market, which is of Performance for purebred poultry, ;u;;1iedfroatheban1ttttoeTa humble purslane, or "ptessley," Which; way. Plants caned n.erennials must conducted by the Poultry Division of.Province of the Dominion. - is credited with 1,250,000 for a single; he treated differently. If you don't the Live Steck Branch at Ottawa, is] In the bulletin "Sheep Husbandry plant. Nor are these cases exception -1 know what your plants are, dig up Indicated by Report No. 8, which has in Canada," the author votes the al. Hundreds of the Plants we know t some of each kind, taking the entire just been issued. The report coverers:jests of sheep buyers who stat.that the record year 1921-22, and shows 'the neglect. of castration is the most e - Wage Itig on the Enemy - We must be early and eternally be thoroughly dissolved in a small ready to ontswi't the insects _and dis- amount of water before mixing. It is that the natural drainage cannot eas- Frequently, partitions are used in eases that lie in wait for our gardens. most inmortant in spraying to spray ily be determined ustit thy require stock cars, and because of this a care- The best methods of handling in- as soon -as the first insects appear and underdraanage. A so/ is frequently fel examination must be made for sects and diseases are preventative before they become a se•reifilis Pest. cold and wet on acommt of an inmer- projeletizig nails and eleaM that may, ineth suc. encotrnging a vicr_ Some of the _Poison sprays ean be "dons subsoil- Other soils are of very have been left when these partitions onus and resistant growth by proper applied in powder form. If applied in little agricultural value because of were removed. The floor is the most tat, „Artier emits and groups of this form on a still and preferably seepage. The tile draining of such as important part of the car. It should 1-- el ;eta -tea- destroying ail damP theY are verY effeetive• practically- the same" percentage of prominent defect in the sheep raising industry. That it should .continue to be so is astonishing because the op- eration is simple, quickly done, and carries very little risk of loss. 'nag tails a:re regarded as an evidence of fled for R.O.P. certificates and 12.3 poor shepherding. When they mean. craalified for advanced R.O.P. certifie lower prices, they become a sure sign eates. Ontario with the largest imm- of • poor busin„s. Whether it be ber of entries had a qualification. of horses, cattle, hoes Or sheep or even a basket of fruit, it is always pzofit- able to present them for sale in at. condition. If lambs are to birds qualifying for the 150 -egg cer- tificate and -nee 225 -egg or "advanced" certificate as the year previous. British Columbia leads in the Re- cord, with a percentage of .47.8 quail - 22.8 per cent. R.O.P. and 3.5 per cent. advanced R:O.P. Saskatchewan and _Nova Scotia had a better percentage these is a valuable Permanent im- be gone over thorOughlY tuid mlY egra°rPiencr°sefule and weeds, and plowing Dust sprays should be used cautiously in qualification but their combined make a good impression next autumn, able the farmer to seed Ins atop repair and tthen the cattle ar otbr . eff b tin s ets PlYing them. Ontario. In bath British_ Columbiai this spring, and the earlier the better provemeut to the farm. It "will en- holes patched. Doors must be in good in fall to kill sone iasects. Spraying as some people are poisoaed when ap- entries were not an eighth of those of the •aurgical operations must be done earlier and to grew healthier and rivestcak ais re Ioetled, eecurely fastened. and some diseases while for others it The nmst convenient device for ap- and Ontario Leghorns were to the after a lama is ten days aid.. pamphlet much larger amps. It will be bette.x "Last year at one middle-wesmrn. of no vain, at an. Plying :sprat solutions to the garden fore but WYarldottes. and Plymouth, No, 9 of the Sheep and Goat Divielon Ulan 'insurance against draught and market 1,700 cattle and more than - Plants is a hand compressed nir sPraY"- Rocks figure prominently in the en-; of the federal Live Stock Branch de - Spring' frosts. It will increase profits 2,000 liogs were found crippled in TWO CLASS r•S OF INXTIOIDtS• er. As epray materials will corrode tries from the latter Province. Quebec scribes Inc operation. and save -valuable fertilizing iegrecl- cars. In December mote than 1,000 There are two general classes of metal) tha solution left- over ehoutd figtires 'largely with Plymouth Reele.s surface of the soil. lents from being washed f.rora the, crippled hogs were received at one ins tickles (insectespray materials). always -be thrown out and the sprayer and easily led the van with Rhode i I of. the eastern markets. These num- Thee; are,or sto"macle ens' ecti_ rinsed before setting-lt away. Island Reds. Fre= Alberta, Saskat- My Remedy. for Lce.. For any drainage work a sketch. or bers are small ha comparison -with ta- cities and contact insecticides. OW/Z=0MM; CUT WORKS. eliewan and the Maritime Provinces, I have found a remedy that will /nap is essential. On it should los trd receipts, bat they look. -mighty cid wir6 wonns white. Plymouth Rocks took the lead in the kill liee on daiiy cows or any ineeeted placed the data obtained from ahueree to the shippers wha owned the Pthsan' °r etemach. insaa deldes exeth grubs and stalk borers give -1r t equen nennber of entries, but Manitoba was stock. Calves especially will ttot tat' of the farm, tontours marked and animals." used for insec, ts aving biting mon parts such, as cabbage worms a -ad striped cucumber beetles. Insecb."- trouble. All of these are controlled, numerica.11y strongest in Leghorns. well if troubled with his I have , n a.ve used r. the largest number of Individual en- this the destruction of all garden rubbish one altogether dace testin it nominating Taa Barred Ply -g and weeds. Cut worms can be killed tries' mouth Rooks, 450 Single Comb White sect powder, one part sabadilla -.seed - pie The mixture is: one part Persian -in- Sometimes helebore and London pur- with poisoned bran mash, made in the Leglaorns and 12 White Plymouth, six part flowers of sulphur. - are usedbut they are less effective. Proportion of 1 quart of bran, 1 tea- Rock.s. The University of British' ' ' obildren. Lady attendant. Night calls If only •a "Saint Patrick" wonld Ask yourself what farmer in your worms and similar insects' 1 ounce fat of molasses and enough water to For young potato beetles cabbage spoonful of Paris green, 1 tablespoon- ; Our local druggiat -has so much call , Columbia made a uniform entry of for this mixture that lie keeps it • to some extent b II I vi d Tire Ontario Agricultural College had tried other treannetts b th s With Br By Mrs. E. R Hailing CHIROPRACTOR cides of tlila class meet eommonly -used Qualified Graduate Adlustinents given ter diseases of all hinds, specialize in ilealing with is are Paris green and arsenate -of lead. responded to. °Zoe en Scott St, Wingham, Ont, rea re at Presen banish the weeds" It beices many ef- locality has the best financial stand- of arsenate of lead paste per gallon, moisten. T.his mixture should thee. 115 eaeh cd White Wyandottes Bar-' d d' tale t forts long 'continued and well direct- leg and see if it is not the one -with of -water or 2*. to 3 pounds per 50 he scattered along the rows or near red Plymonth Rocks and , Single Coinb .90 cents per pound. I applied this (in. house of the lats jas Walker)., ' ROM'S, t0 5.30 EVerethgs 7 to tauTek ess the best -kept place. gallons van be sufficient. With amen - S pant and by appointmeat, phone len ex -terminate them, and P.enImPs, On The one big problein on a general ate of lead powder or Pans green one - second thought, woald zet qtEite farm. is the production of crops.. "If, half f these anunmts poieon are I Why They Go,. The farm family as we knew it as boys differs from the modert farml family of to -day. In the old days with', ten or a dozen children growing up on i ety farm them was little need ofl iinzoigrant--the 'needs were largely inken tore ,of by natural increase. It in different to -day. The ebildren in: the modern farm 'harm are frequently tot abundant enough te replace the tatter and mother. Under present totelltione the farm population is on the deans. 'Overwork, necessitated by the la0e of sufficient help en thc. farm% has driven more boys from the fatal daring the past fifteen years than any ether cause. With work ataritig the youttg men on the fan= in the fmte. tha tendency has been to tempt mere than their etreagth, Ponta warrant. The boys get tired of the long 'hours and ,drudgery made sexy by. lack of Sufficient help ttid eek tome other outlet vex:ilea/AA in An 'Orchard. , al the v.014,21. to the Sparrow; shoald lnstl13/ like to know a anzioas human. beluga atal and worry sou' * 1 Robin: k Must he ' no rdy Father trod me," willing to banish them from the lace then, the labor of cultivating and giv- used. When old petato bugs are to of the earth. Many of them. are so ing the crops a chance to get a good. be killed these amounts may need to lovely that if they were rare they start could be lightened, it would be be doubled. Arsenate of lead is the would be almost pricele.ss, as for in- a real economy- of tirae and money,, most desirable of this class, as ip stance, the Mexican poppy, or teen both of which could so wen be expend -sticks to the foliage better and does Anne's Late, with'its deneate, 111.4' ed ,a1c/ng other lines instead of hayittg net burn it nearly ns reach. Pettis Most Vegetable diseases can be con - white dowers. the plants. When this is used, anWhltLeg erns, t e foremost layer powder to a saddle mare that got poultry should be kept away from the being one a the last mentioned with pretti well plastered with lice one garden. When stalk borers are found 805 eggs' The highest layer at the winter when the was not used much. In a -garden, the best thing to do is Ontario Agricultural College was a In a minute or two 1 could see eery to destroy the attacked plants as soon Barred Plymouth Rock with 294, but louse in her hide start climbing out as they are noticed and to be titre a White Leghorn came close with 288. toward the ends of her hairs with the and cleat out and destroy all weens` At interesting' outgrowth of the greatest enthusiasite When' they ar- and plant remains in tam- work is the fact that during the year rived at the end of the line there Record of Performance associations seemed to be no place to go, so they were fornied in British Columbia and Eta d th f len lin be use again immediately in going green ear be itacle to stiek better bee t Y P P p ant mesa ean be reel control of insects, especially by crop oe. et , V. , for k tens an eli. As a class, weeds have et a certain amount of cultivation is es- danger of 1.2a. burnin,g lotg black list againet them They, sentla4 but the point is -that it could limed ley using a nide more lime, ley1 retalden and rulthish tlisPosal4 Per I Ile -"rifler s rand Pail. 1 on:To're applitation to cateh any rob the soil, thus defeating the very be done se Itnlell more easilY and:weight, than Paris green in the sant some diseates at leaf blight, forms of Ready -mixed paints. save money for , nits that possibly hatched out finith- end for which the fannar. stains— eneaply if the weeds around the edges doe. Calcium arsenate is a oorneivehich attark cucumber, tomatoee and the farmer who knotas how to use .ed her up. 1 have since used it on all that of giving his crop plants the very' atd..in the mews -were kept down m. paratively new insecticide width can' Petathest Bert:lean:a' mixture is a good theM. Most farms have buildings sort.s of stoele and always with the i rolled b ro er rev ative Bnt if you gi'Ve them an Intl, theyeil over the selfsame innute Of course, ; adding soap to the solution and the sures PrevirmslY enumerated for the Alberta by tile bree„ders themselves. ing their feet. Then they droPYPed off best possible chance to make good the least posable rim:abet% need the game way as teed arsenate. remedY- WM& need a Mach a pallet every same success.—A. D. Bordeaux mixture is made by dis- eeason, 'The house, t,he garage, the growth. Thay. retard the work ofi Cultivation 'has two PtirPosest to • nontrn0n rs7,smi'mts, solving 4 parade ef copper sulphate it ice -house, the granary the big barn ot 1 harvesting. They increase the labor , coaserve moisture in the soil, .and to ' : - . f in 4 kin Coated naseeticades are osed or -3 galling of veater, slat g 4 pounds or the wagon house—ail call for their of cleaning the seed at threshing -than" clear the laud of all but the Plants e .4 AY. ir. ,or% ... ...,...1-1r-irtti. wkreiT4:14. partg. ; of stone lime _and addiag enough ehate of attention. It is well to ar- Some of tbera injure dock, as for ex-,1dealred, evhieh brings us ta the reader '''''s 149'''46-• ---'*".""*" '''''''''''''' ample, the needle...terms, squirrel-tral of destroiing weeds. i ',Mier kni the inseets by the Inat.n-rial. water to make 4 gallons, When need- range it se that tot ell of them will ; attlaallY getting an the insect and cor- ' ed add enough water to each solution du t b I t d th grtheaSgaltmetesqatnhde,°IriSostrieisf '171.1hdielelvga:atit blintatol CUT NMEns tal PASTLEMS, ; mding its tissues or by strangling it -.I. to'enake 25 gallons aed mix the two t%eteuse diveiditgeul)patilli: expert?em. e 7tar' eatiag. 8otne weeds, eneh as hemlock , whieh will prevent weeds from vita the aphids or Plant line and the squash rettiietel2f* Se it deteriorates rapidly th,ehill 1 fi t brush ta the eyes of the etodi wiine elley are Some teethed. slumnd be adopted The most common of these insects are, eolutions, This Should be applied int: ltrueliesolaioseriehigati Wel:the-7 am - loco and many others, poison skick,i to seed in -paaturee, If Nrirae are bug- Insectialdes °' this class are,It 13 unPrirtant alWays to have a little ounts to $2.75. Itor that reason it thus causing terious loss of time and PartichlarlY bad, then something ie soap selutiots, keret/mut erantsiot and more lime in the solution than copper pays to take oar a cif brushes, lt is Ta0ney„ .Thee and nmany other sins, wrong. Possibly tne pasbere is ever.. tobacco decoetions. The keneeetei to prevent foliage injnrY. An exess ;alisY-Itt°11.11iteir letiltabil•dlicsnits attIllir)lankesdpoWill'etdil. are lead at their door, and Lew are tlie.' gthelg°1 Whatever' the trGlIble may arilsi'311 dis 07 sodaepblyn diet, gszteilivlotegofc'hnoe-t4 Qaltleela°PtPLelmifr ecu Ise le.bleedd:tien'ettoedthbeymrilinptPuirneg. ThOusatids a dollars are wasted that d (Dimities ontle 'which to 0 eti,lbe.„ it mast be reattedied bef'ore there hag pound t / gmri be a very marked iinrevornerit Nviiter then riakdng with this 2 gallonsi If in excess, a coating of copper will way every your, As soon as a ,briteh pasture., may be mowed te gat Dia af a kerosene till the whole is thorough -1 be precipitated on the knife blade. An Is out a tt.4 job, It ought to be wadi, - o obnhasoliebnime nwtheolsntd shaiteteeenteeletainet:aenlictioed tla'neraaltit,iflejia freTrahisizattom2k5t'tit:::11 Ais '4 rrigeos8ne°1413 blirIlle:gliovbeer dsoettneceteda tbhebmibil'xv't ltheaVwillitgli bsorliTsluTsIdeveor:rttrinwhatt4, li*ot Wtliirain / thistirsp tato,„eada .,,,,i sittraber a tithacco nxtrtota are on the; ture in a poneIala cup, in widen ease tame, In 'linseed on. Oda 071 I had' ebtractor, and laz means ef aa Market which are Vali effettive anda thin scum Win be formed on the uld be almost r mitten equirt gasoline into „The ent. mom eeirrardent than kerteene einul,-; surface of the water. After the plants "KOsherv meetfor jowleb eon. ofrmia. This win la the e/d. pi an ts slaty ,ehonid be 'applied at the,' are badly diseased, spraying will help sumption must be' "cloaas tem htlrv°tintbefanrignst time coat' Vatti if you are carefal to pun tin the'' rate ellelalled "en the -Package 1'11°1! Ver.,' little, hut if e garetlr'n er 1°611'4' Testament definition 'of the WOrd as p and yIeld latter returns.rseedlirgs whic” ./Ala volunteer Ifrora cer4 L•v4 i1207.2hled With ant' of These diseases, Apposed to brow the ritually "Orialoan," The v. word ih,osie lab teed net go far froM lime to inne, tiro Stasuil-ti of puch eever ft be had it Check by roper in aithful work will tioahe a big differ- in inne saationo ative epratapro eg. ellebte L Sciemtd sc Anyway, lttre. Chatterton p Y'Sdatlitr thetl;teagilXi.tb,h111:4Lagarsitol gteh7:isand Iftiebaett-,-"te that ail? 1 never kept alma but Itai saro I've heard yoa nee mato than that." ' MitnY :Mott Seek', irtain itt order tobe mdtpendent; t1tc unbi retina, seek nbentitter, the. OtlY. true :source taf imisponticaci4: