HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-05-24, Page 6lj to Jones,"This play will conataaenee at 7.45 Sharp Stat./Olt WW1 wW al' so run a itdi:te program on Tllut•acl~ty even ng at enp; " ;.m. The Detroit News Orchestra will be :featured along with;, solos. b,. Madam Ltiurpa,Sere and Madanr Maogald. Ota 1 xidaycveatingStation WGYwill feature musical numbers, For triose lssoeiat%on' o'f Musle Publish- who enjoy mane quartettes, the 10,30 which recently- coinntertced legal' con ra lie Gi/deserving of s eciajotii nu 'ewdiror aAahl•st the Raclin Broad- Quartette will fez -Melt the programe ems for uslna copyrighted musi, and popular selections w'li predonin- lxas obanteed its attitude after thor- ri1t;1<iy lnvestigatilrg the `situation, ate. hey have concluded .that it .is ire os- Sble for the Broadcasters to co/fleet WWJ -DHE DETROIT., NEWS any revenue from those who listen Eastern Standard Tinge tns under present conditiairs. Paris (580 Kilocycles); ill therefore hear - all the popular , Monday, May 28th, 1• li i1! eat lusie as pre',*iqusly: ; 9.3o a. til, -"Tonight's Dinner" :arid QW ' that the new regulations in a special talk the the Woman's editor. oitee governing the wave lengths Have 10;25 a. m.. --.Weather. reetr tried out kr ,a week, fans will; te,ga a, tri. ---Time. Kaye some idea of the improvement; 12,05 p. in -Detroit News Orchestra effected,. Station WWI of th,e De-` 3,3o p, in, -Weather. troit News now transmits on '5174' 3,40 p.,' nt.-Markets. meters and this station seems to come i.n , best under. the new, arrangement.8.30 p. m. -Markets, boil N9s scares,- 8.30 la. in. --The Detroit News 0r - Assignments of wave ;aengths are now cl e :. made for cities onlyr st TheAnne Town r I)etm"alt . meta . brow o stem- and where two Poet; 'town Cr•'er; Mrs. W. D. d a s of the sane power out- ,Seatt taut are, located in onec; Arthur Mrs., Frank Sternal, city, they are soprano; Arthur .Leffler, baritone. ',obliged ' to make their own arrange- ments so that they are not on, the air • 'I" e- together. It. is hoped that th's ruling i u aday, May 29th. ill eleaur ling 9.30 a, ria,-rr j --• i p a great deal of the mater- a y girt s Dinner and erence,,wvlvcla has prevailed in the special talk the the Women's editor.. `'past' Io,zS a. m. -Weather, ' Following is e list of .Ariierican cit- T1'55 a. m. -Time iter and the eorrespa.ndin wave len seeo5 p, m -Detroit News Orchestra d'1')1s4 irr force, eo g g 3 3o p. rn: ;Weather. Scl,eneotady 360 meters 3 ¢0 9. M. -Markets. : 1ew York City -. 405,4555 492 5,00 p, 'n. -Markets, baseba:''i scores: ittslaut'g , ._ 8:30 p.. ra.-The Town Crier; The Chicago' 32,`' Detroit News Orchestra; program b `4 the Chamber .!:!task Society of De Daveniaort _::.,;.. .:...:__ , :....-...:...._484 Detroit:. 5�7 troit, .Loeise Law Trio, Louise Law Minneakolrs •a1- Cohn p.anist Miss lldai'ion Francis an ea a.icy ..-;� 21 Coling violin, and'' Miss Dorothy Lou- rnaba Nebraska • 52j Tse. Colin, cello. This schedule will give an idea ,of : some of the wave :,erigtlrs of the pile- ,Wednesday, May 30th. eipal station While this information " 41.,30 a. •111,-''1 oniglit's,Dinner" and 'is, not very useful unless the owner a eliecial talk the the Woman's editor.. of a set has had all the dais calibrat 10.25 7• n1.-)Afeather, eel orJcertain wnv^e lengths yet if he 11.55 a. ma -Time, verncnrbers the settings of dials' under 12.05 p: 1n -.Detroit News Orchestra the ol'ds stern, he can Y; guessquite 3.30 p. m. -Weather. readily what settings will be required 3.40 9. in. -Markets. t;q pick, up ally of the above stations, , 5.00 p. in. -Markets, baseba''n scores. ,It is nothing new tohear of con 8.30 9. ni. The Town Crier; The cert$ being •received' by passengers' Detroit News ;,Orchestra; prergram aboard a -train wh le"it is in; motion furnished by members of the .Charles bht.last wee!: the experiment of trans- A'. Learned Post, American nutting speeches and music front a Legion. moving-- train was sueeessfelly tried. - Thursday, May ,3rstt. out, An etipress leaving Los Angeles" 9.30 a. ni --" ' was equipped with a very powerful a Totheht s Dinner" icor. special talk the the Woman's editor, traalsinitter and when the train pulled 10.25 a. m. -Weather. out the transimtter was started, An -1 x2.55, a. m. -Time. nouncements' were made stating the • 12.05 9. m -Detroit News Orchestra tune that the tra'n would arrive at a various important centres on itsjour-1 3.40 p. m. --Weather. ney across. the Stat.es." 3.40 p. m. -Markets, . le trainNeedless to say, noo'basebal:7 scores, was; deluged with' interested' 8.30 p. rn.-The Town Crier; The :radio . at every point where a Detroit News Orchestra; The Cath - stall) was. niade, edral Mare Quartette Thomas • C, On Thursday evening, May 24th., Evans, tenor; Edward Geier, tenor; Station', WGY af Scheuectady will George Macdonal g d, bass and Jobe broadcast the dran,, "What happened Renton, bass. ',!elf°Ir{ "lath.;,"llifi! ?nee isf Deet I1Orr, .l scTr,✓ zatosticioA, ,tprit a •'Far m driers' abor :a ta 4n'.4'Rtls.loaatati and tiers cait impodeaole to: &ecu to order to mild work en' t e Karan, are Sur' overcome this difficulty many lattn since ,sing tractors, as they claim nce e Pei. lowered tat Prices a as cheaply a s a goad twain dart purchaseiseand ossible to accomplish c orer wa dna It is P more •worZt with one tractor than with re- team* et noreelf• i,. ilr or y`� andyou will bet your crops on time regardless of the late-, 'ness of the season. A. Ib'L • C .R. f F O uerita maierim 6114111660111161 1)r V,/ � ., S'orio {VMCTOf1 COMPANY OF CANADA 1..IMOTED usaantwoommatompraalactemoomanmulatenatmegogortamiposoadaFo 21 411 LOTS FEED We. have just received a car of WESTERN OATS which we are selling at 65 cents per bushel. We also have the following feeds: Standard re -cleaned Wheat Screenings, Samson Low Grade Flour Feed Flour ....,.: 'Shorts , Bran ......... . ,. $25.00 per ton $cro.00 per 20 bags '..$38'.00 per 20 bags $30:00 per ton $29.00 per ton Deasper cwt. ...... ....... ...... ........ ....$2.zo per cwt, arse oitr Five Lilies Flour for Bread, Nothing Better. Guaranteed. O 8a� !Flour is your Best and Cheapest Food. Eat More. d"'°,iiiwOl.-miwc sm,uwu ni;mntinu -m,;ucurfn,artaFo.OMOW.1.cxrVart r�aerxipmnguemrxnt •t+sivmor1nmmraoo lUl ill0lll01.1011isMOIlE1�N1 1lfC illi lilN�iilt�Ilhli Ill�Illl�IllloiRom'i11AA1111A11Jh`IIAI�AIIoMt�IN�llll 'DO�a;3 +I a fg a or o, the 'fleas Keep You ? . 11 ll� IT EG8 AND BARRED'RS El ftei Several years'. use of the Trapnest, vers can supply yota Chicks that will develop into :ZEAL LAYERS.. The first year we sed the Tarapttest our highest hen laid'ao8 eggs. Last year' out high- hitert 'laid 176 eggs, The male birds: at the head of our pent are ore these high recon! hens. Mbwril OP JUNE, WE WILL HAVE xa,oeo crrTTCT S I e laottis at 151 each. Rocks at x6c`each. NM Ili di Iat rib .is els Biax 3q. Phctile 4^382t flllll�l HP�IlllVtlillgtltll�lllil�ll11�1 f I�11"flq$1119�ti1It I�IIiOI�IPiill�hlll�lll 11r Hal 11111611i Et xli WXNQ Alv DV 1:NCt r il`rsda?, . May It.400.6 You OT t ro w;. t),:f " no. A -cReeoNI l QNs.. kLtSSut 3 , k.1.iM1‘4'`^( � t r '7(W C1onl`i" }<EEP Rum EA'T1 t' `i uf.z5 L� t.f,„1 "^ . ATI t~I tui 11.1r 1. C°14/1 -.r 1 'c�u„� �ltatsH (OURS ksN' 4 4 K H^NiaN''`{~' ui Z)pN^I" Z6 HOW YOU pjp IT 1. rout„ t o cr U TereiCi Friday, June est. 9,30 a, m. -"Tonight's Dinner a special talk the the 'Wornan's 10.25 a. 'm. --Weather. 11,J5 `a. rri.-Tirne. 12,05 p. nr-Detroit "News Orel 3.39 p. rim, -Weather. :3,40 p,,, aa.} -'Markets, ' T" .':o0 p. rn.-Markets, baseba11 s 7.00 9. ne-'The Town Crier; a e Detroit' News Orchestra; Miss j,essie Phyllis Kopatz, mezzo-soprano; ran i .. M:Idretl Seeman, pianist, P' o,Ir�s Saturday, June end: 9.3o a. nl,--'Tonight's :Dinner and a special talk the the "Vtrornan's editor, 10.25 a. n1 -heather: 11.55 a. m.= -Time, 12.05 p. nr-Detroit News Orchestra 3.3Q p.' ni,-Wethr•, 3.40 p, ni -Markets: 5.00 9. in. -Markets, Baseball scores, a ,l Sunday, June 3r -d. 11.00 a, ma --Church' services • from St. PauI's cathedral, 4,00 p. ne-The .Detro't News Or- chestra. one 'of the land-marlts.of: Canada and ane! j Lamented by all denominations Canada, and 'it becarie a prey to'the flames some time ago. Sister Mary St. John died in Daevson'city, a few weeks ago. She'. rests began work in the Yukon shortly af- ter talZ"'ing the veil ',rr189e and went to the interior during the rush for gold cores, where her services in nursing the sick miners were high: :y honored. ALL THE CHU.R"CHES AT ONCE • 133. B. of 13. .,An -long the noted v.'sitor- s f England to America this surnrne Rev. G. A. Studdert Kennedy, M. Vicar of St:..Ednlund's, I,ondon. D Ladd has secured 'him for a Serie addresses to be delivered at Berk Divinity'School, Middleton, Conn, broke into fame during the great as' "cheer -up" padre, the War Of relieving him of the routine of eh la;nu's duty, that he might follow unique mission, Tilos "Wood Willie" is a nickname picturesque suggestive of the service he rende and will be his to the.end of his 1 Rt. Rev. Alex. C. Garrett, D. D., decided on account of his great not to accept_ time .pres;,dency "of American House of Bishops; to tivh he was entitled by the decease Bishop Tuttle of. St.Louis, It is teresting to note that he beibnged a real clerical family, a line witho a break' for 15o, where his forefath were rectors of 13a11ymore parish, I land. Moreover be was the young of five brothers, who were all in Ho Orders, :1•I,:s first charge was in Br ish Colombia •but'has been -in the U ited States •since r86g, Fifty-fo churches were erected under•his ove and as Bishop of Dallas, Texa he promoted the' building- of ` S Mary's.Episcopal College there. Tl clergy of the "Free churches of En land are up in arms against' the pu pose of . the Chancellor of the E chequer to tax betting, They ho it "would legalize a profess: chi OCk's industry:" The Meth s of Canada are this week cele - rug .the Jubilee of Mission Work anan, 1t was in the rlay of en -1411 gs that the : pioneer circuit -riders ed beyond the needs of their own +. se settled .country • and had the r to begin work in the foreign Two missionaries, whose nam - re now honoured as house-lrord cls, .'Rev. George ,Cochrane and Davidson: Macdonald! M, D,, sent out by the Wesleyan Body, conference which dedicated thern g in session at 'Toronto. Ira the ears, the mission has gathered Cain community of 25,000 mein The "Angel of Siberia,"as the ded• rand imprisoned soldiers cap - by the Russians in the war cal is still 1110 -ring in the world or behalf. Her real name is Miss Brandstronr, daughter of.Gen- Branclstt'om, ambassador of Swve- n Russ'a. When the war conn- ed, she was "in. the embassy at etersburg and immediately enter - e. Red Cross service Very fre- 1ir it, was only with the threat ram r is C., earl s of- eley He. war fice ap- this bine and red ife. has age the it'7h of in- to ut ems re- er ly it- 0- ur r s, t, 1e g- r- icl an o - that wvlr (list brat in T thin look spat faitI field. es a woe 7Zev. were the 5011 5n y Chris hers. woun cured her 1 their Elsa 'e.ral dent mem: e St. I' ed tit quent that her Itheir would inform neUtT'1t( DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN rnYSIC p,t nations how Russia was neglecting the 8 N X An:.. 1�+} prisoner, and the rick, that she was J §jir m dile to make their unhappy lot at all 13OX a " u prised at Results In Such Short Time Another striking victory, for b Dreco, the famous herbal reeved t y -one bot- tle effects marked improvement in °Conclitiorr of Mrs. Wni, .Bonaiiey. Mr. Win. Bonaney, of 'Aldershot P. 0., Hamilton, Ontar'o, was greatly worried over the coed"fion of lies wife, who had suffered for years' with stom- ach, kidney and liver ailments. These organs simply would not do' their work properly, resuting in many dis- tressing and, weakening . symptoms. How reatl'ly these symptosis yield to the -corrective .influence of Dreco istypefiect in the .case of Mrs, 'f3ona- ney. a - "For ears my wife has uffered froniestomach, kidney and liver troub- le," 'declares. Mi. Bonaney. "She was very constipated and had rhetunatisln in joints and muscles. She lost her appetite and found it almost impos- sible to get .a good night's sleep. Everyth'ngrslae ate would sour in her stomach, caasiug gas. She had pains across her back frons. her kidneys, her joints` ached and 211e `'v1'oitld get stiff with rheumatism, She had a sallow complexion.; and. at tidies wound get dizzy spells.' "She tried almost everything,but nothing seemed to help and she con-. tin.ually became weaker, until she heard about Dteco and decided to try it. She has only used one bottle, but we are surprised' how different she looks. It is do.Ing• worlds of good for her and she is much stronger," When the digestive system gets out of order, it means that food "values are not properly retained anddistrib- uted to nourish the system., nor is waste matter cast off. Such a, condi- tion rapidly undermines the strongest constitution, Let the correctivepro- perties of Dreco, compounded from Nature's own medicinal herbs., and roots, tone and regulate the organs to their proper functions. ,The end of a rigorous winter finds thousands`in .need of a tonic and 'restorative, This need is met perfect!;,y; by Dreco. Dreco contains no mercury, potash, or 'habit forming drugs. Dreco is being speciallyintroduced in Wingharn by J. Walton McKibbon, and is sold by a good druggist every-. where. DRAIN YOUR FARM WITH Everlasting" Clay Tile "Or -hen you build use burnt clay brick; made by Wm. Elliott & Sone manufacturers of Rug and White Brick, Drain 'file, 3 to 16'inches, Flooring Tile, Hol.- low Building Blocks, Well Bricks, Chimney' Flues, also agent for Mil- ton press and Rug Brick.' - Phone 6 otr'Gor,, Wingliarn. Wm. Elliott, & Son, Glenannari, Ontario. COURT OF REVISION Take notice that the Court of Revis- ion for the Municipality of East, Wit- ] wanosh Township, will belleyld: on Fri- day, the 25th day of May, at:' hour of i o'clock, in the, Foresters' Hall, Iaelgrave to hear and determine com- plaints, if .arty,::ag Inst. the Assessment Roll of the said Municipality for the year 1923, Alex Porterfield, Clerk. ender unite Church meet rigs which are be<ng. held this year may be felt 'by rcacttirg''the report of the Baptist Union of Great Britain which has just been in session. in Loi able. She is at present in the d State�1, ,The tertlper of: the ifest from the beginning as the` elec. t ora or officer's showed and the ad- dress of the past prey dent made plaid. The successful candidate is the great scholar and writer Rev, T, R. Mover, D. D:, of Cambridge, whose victory is taken' to be "a vindication ofr;free-. dopa of `thought and ' utterance as against the attempt to muzzle the. leaders iunong es." Principal BI'oom- field of Rawdorr College, iia closing presidetatal address 'referred to "the wld. and 'whirling utterance' about unsound teaching in the 'col- leges", and used what"are `culled "stinging' words to castigate those who "!lard 'failed to observe the ordin- ary ethical decencies in controversy," The Laymen of the Lutheran church of America are stirring themselves i'n the way - of. denominational 'progress. A tlelrartrnent of Stewartsli.p has been Organized with Mr. C. G. Shatzer,'. dealt of Wittenberg College, Spring- field, Ohio, as general secretary. The reconstruction of the Basilica. in ue-�` bee c,ty has begun. "Phe new build iitg will be along; tate exterior lines of the former cathedral wh',ah ' was ]c'lon. . 'l.11e party spirit was man- CHIROPRACTOR Office Hours:' 2 to ,''and 7 to 8 p. m. Wednesday Afternoons by appoint- ! ment only. # Telephone xgx. `fAlleh Rb"'PrCitUtlP ; aOPiiyht Nil `tabloid biop hidk headaches relieve biiieut attache, taro, 2hd regulate the aliipinatiwrdi organs, Make you feel Fetter "Batter Than ;"III For Ltwir' IIItt"'... Frsr sale by WALrTO I' Mc IX i30N' 4!. THE MEMBER FOR NORTH ,. HURON` One of our exchanges suggests that Mr. John Joynt, M. '13: P., for North Huron, may bereturned unopposed at the coming provincial: election...His course in the 3.egislature according, to this c'otrteinpory has been .pleasing to Conservatives;::Liber,als and U. F. O's,; alike, so that he may We regarded as a satisfactory candidate for all three parties: - B1t then we read elsewhere that the Conservative leaders ,are counting on, winning 6o seats, and ' the followers of Mr. Wellington Hay, the Liberal leader, hope to 'return 55 members, to the new house., These are very hopeful expectations as they assume that there will be no U. F. 0., Labor or Independent members at all. :How-', ever, that would not have anything to do with Mr. Joynt's position as, if according tb.the exchange referred to, he is. acceptable alike to both Liberals, and Conservatives, each may 'fairly; claim! him. But it seems a little too smooth to be true. :Things do not go that way in politics. We have,no idea as to what the ;iberais or Conservatives of North greson_intend to do, nor do we know, he "designation under which Mr. Joy- t will run; but, by what We - can learn,, t is undoubtedly true that Mr. Joynt's ourse in the Legislature has bee!., ery satisfactory to many, if not all' df the United Farmers of North Hur- n. Indeed •there is no reason why should not be. Throughout the par- ament, Mr. Joynt has been a good xanrple of the. incleperi'dent member, ho does what. he thinks is right, whether his party likes it or not. Now at is just what the United Farmers ant; . though of course, they desire o,'' that .a member shall keep pretty ell',on the Farriers' platform, Little 'ejection, however, can be found with lYr1-. Joint oil -that score, as he seems have found himself 'generally in Ylnpathy with U. F. 0. measures: ut the'slain thing which cornriaends r. Joynt `to the farmers of North uron, and which ought to commend y candidate to anybody of electors, that he pursued the course that -he ought sight regardless of party in rests. Conservatives who helped to ect him in 1919 may beoffei.ded be use he did not stick'inure closely ;to e party leader but we do not see at independent • Conservatives or berals have much ground for fault- ding: . The elector's of North Huron ought return Mr. Joynt if for no other son than to show that independ- ie is appreciated.-Lucknow Sent, Are Both Satisfied? True:8.4E1y Stratford Beacon -I -Jerald :--- P. la Brown. of :Vitt:then, who. air+ l'illnillquI IOW lei -ought an union agetinet A. E. Dur -II--' ' nin, an apple buyer of Clinton, to re- I e• -e-... cover money for apples sold add de- ' _ livered to the defendant was allowed 1-6' Smith of tfie Supreme Coert in the IV altall1113111161111 111E111 1112 Lordship also .allowed thee defendant's 1 A.:-= counter claims to the extent ef $12.23.-1,1 ; 13100.1en.) additien to _costs- "so' that the ,._._ , . ..„.. Plaintiff found l'inlaelf $34:30 in ttie I I ' Our receipts of cream. are increasing in gratifyin ratio. We ae. It was brought out in evidence that i hOPe otlt service Is satisfactory. If so, please tell your neighbors; if _ Broivn and Durnin entered into a eon- 1, i not, tell. us, tract whereby the former waa' to pur- I.e....a-- chase, e -rade and pack apples for Dur -1.62- , ,,, MARKET NOTES nith Ba'rown took seriously ill and ,, neeenee Y- fOrF•4, 1 o.7kt S-myte1:, ka, cob or corn cobs, The movement of these' products from the , quarantined . area to points outside` is prohibited. are now included in the uar' g antilae Tile cities of Toronto and Hamilton territory, consequently the markets in these cities will be open to all grow- ers of sweet corn, with the eixceptoin of those situated in the Counties of Elgin and Midd1esek. It is pointed out, however, that quarantined pro- ducts must not be shipped from Tor- onto or 'Hamilton, to any point out- side the quarantined territory. United Stateg Quarantine No. 41, prohiblting• the. importation, without inspection, of various put flovaera and vegetables from Ontario on aceOunt of the European 'corn borer, is still in force. The Dominion departrftent of agriculture co-operate with grow- ers again this .season• in. making -all reasonable inspections and fernisbiag the necessary certificaka .for propos- For fur -titer information. dealing, with the European corn borer quar-', antine, or the inspection of,products for expoit, persona interested shotild Tbis picture will•give our readers at a distance an idega of the amount of snow that fell in VVingharia and vicinity last week. Mar Will .Sneath took.a snapshot'of Mr. Levi Lott out kr a cutter ride4early Thursday morning near the 0, N. R. tracks. To pay part purchase money or existing mortgage ; To erect buildings or improve present buildings ; To buy stock; . -To pay off Barik"Loans etc FAortgagesPitalchased or Loaned Upon Do all your long term borrowing from an old established mortgage loaning Company. Youa business wil1 be confidential. You will always know where to find your lender and your desires will receive prompt and business -like consideration. Write or %Dail upon . Dundas Street and Market Lane " LONDON, ONTARIO al I 11 momomommmomom mi it reamer 111111111111111 woman 111 WINGHAM while confined to his bed the apples i seat Durnin were not up to the sten- dard. The result was certain cars were rejected and Brown did not re- ceive the money for them. TSurnin's counter claims wave for apple boxes held by Brown for a share in profits accruing from 0 seperate sale made by Brown and for prospect- ' ive profits Ite dict not realize as ,a re- t o t Inferior fruit sent im MANY TOWNSHIPS ARE QUAR Order To Control Corn -Borer I Effeet Again On February 26th., tpa3, an order - in -council was passed which quaran- tined the followieg territory Ont- ario or) account of the. European corn ,The counties of Essex, Kent, Lamb - ton, Elgin, Middlesex, Norfolk, Ox- ford, Haldonand, Weiland, Lincoln, Weinviorth, Brant, Hewn, Waterloo, Perth, Huton, (with the exception of ' Ashfield, Wawanosh East, Wawanosh West and :Hamitic townships), Peel, as well as Culross Township in Bruce County; Ottelph, in 'Wellington Conn - York Connly; Picketing, Whitby; East and Whitby 'West, Ontario County; rearlingtdri and Clarke, in 'Durham ,Connter, and Brighton Twp.,1 NOrtbumberland County. On ac, count of severity- of , the. intestaCon it Elgin and Midcilese.x. counties they have been plaeed under double. quar- lations are corn fodder, corn stalks, including broom torn, whether used . for packing or other purPoses, green weet corn, roasti'ng ears, corn on the td.. We ,have Shipped considerable of our butter to New York thia, ea, i'' a'at .week and vvreAbhik this a tribute to the quality of our product,. ., L'''': as to get on the Nei/le:York market we have to overcome the handicap FA ..-,-e. of the F.ordney 'Tart' f. of eight cents per pound.. " ri ea 11 THE,UNXTED FARMERS. CO-OPERATIVE le01111.PANY,' LTD. g..._ 111113111111111131111116114111116tIllf;2111011611111166111101111t11114I1112111A16114113.01116611111511(galgalle1111 III 1116 oors Se' 011 Everything must be cleared regardless of cost., Conic early Alto gel your share of the, Bargains. SI