HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-05-24, Page 1"
P. •,• "4, `j1',.• •
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dli".7,74Ellyfrfl'edaa altere),Teariti
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Sitigle Copies, Four -Cettts. liVINGHAM ONT THURSDAY MAY 24th 1923 , ,s'Llb45criptiorls $ateo per iteer
Vit4h6dist'Chill.ch N°1:eA ' • PAVEMENT LIKE CORDUROY' ' - ..., PERSONALS ..:',-:- , , N. :'1N. B A • GROUPS ' . '''''',1(ATCHA-K00 ' A SUCCESS . .
i . , .
Setidae, May 27th.,'Iea3, x,,T a. m.— . 7 • ' • ' e.-...-.„
Idol -nine Worship, at this service tile To the Editer av tlie Advance r, 1)3ivid Petrie of K110}.-. CO'/ege, DA G. W. Howson arid Principal- G? The preaentation of the Orienta
, .
Rev, Dr. and Mrs. Pert:e. were delegates to the organization chti-Koo" in Wingliam on Monday'
daughter,of Kiramotmt, are visit'ng Basehalik ASSaciation, held at Painter- by capacit I TI
vote of the cortgregatioe be tale-
oe the 'iraportaat rnatter of chang-
, inee the hour of Sunday School from
to immediately follow morning
serviecf, the same te, be on tr:al to the
vfeW ear,31also changina, tile evening
irorn 7 to 7.30 for tile months
June, Jetty and August We hope
' ail tin:: niembela will make aspecial
effoat...to be preseu 7 p.m.--Evt.3.aing
Service. The pastor will give his
stionibly ad -dress to the young people.
Music led by male choir.
Junior Women's Instititte
d The 3anneal meeting of the junior
Women's Institute -was held in the
Ttiare Winghton, on 'Wedtiesday
evernng, .May idth. when the follow-
, f*raig offieees were elected:-- ,
President—Miss Lena Chamney,
1st. Vice'Pres,—Miss Gertrude Rob- she, vad theca -dogs runrun avoild over
Deer Sure --
Now, that ahpring,„ is here 'Os
thrubble I do be wid the niissus.
'Tis not the ould thrubbles wid house-
clayn:n malcin the garden an
to Plant the gladiolesses an the
punkin a heft rifirince too, but wid
regard to leapin our chickens -shut up
arr allowin thim to run at large. Ye
rerairriber the good tesoloosinins •I
made at the shtart ay the year, an wan
av titian wus not to let rue ehicicins
aunoy the naybers, The inissus thoks
that althea the poor tings hey been
shut up awl winter they shuddle a/ -
lowed thecr fraydom fer a whoile, an
sez that wid the schore 1 hey agin me
already that wan moore broken prom-
ise will not make much differ in the
loeg run, "Shure itis moighty consid-
herate ye are ter the naybers," sez
:211d. Vice Pres:'31.-Miss \react Procter.,
Sec: lt'reas.--11f.ss Alice Godkin.
. Direetors----Misses Belqc )y-ight2,nanr,
May Leint,et. •
Distdi,et Director—Miss Annie.
- 110'1134'1,-333,---"3\33 3-,3SeS Rol -
Ethel av Adam the wirminiii do be 3aettin
the rnin into thriibl)Je, ao ainiy av
inc naybera shut]. ace Me chicle -in in
theca gardens they will liev to sliPake
to the missals about it, I wash the
/lands clime av the whole business'
\-3.3ondlier whin our Couneil will
,rne onion' bids, an bei-y_in shmelly
bones an -tong 'me, tulips an • elle.S3 n inc
cat up tele plum tree,. eLet thin be
either kaypia theca dogs. toed •au
thin I will leepe;the. chickens shut inid
alie Sea.: 'Tia the' Way av the,wurrnid,
an awlways has ;been Since the •days
3ean, Wilton
1)re55, Repter---Miss11\tary Eadie.
, ,„ fill up the holes on tile Xrain Shtrate,
ECTRI('' \IVA wus Lticknow wan day to see me
PIT he Ad\ detc to make fun av our pavemints-
r'FOR SALE—Ladle', Second Head corduroy toads we used to hev f:fty
eilieyele, APO:- a' years ago. just tink av the nerve av Mr. and Mrs David Currie desire
The Advanex, hire— Lucknow man hevin the to their friends ailoid neigh bocrds
chake to roitid fa ft id a it jar kindeess and synma or extend
Toronto, it visiting' with hia parents, L, Brackenbrity, of the Frgh. School, P,311eric-in Musiceil 1;11nasticatte "Kat -
Mrs. (It'ev.) A. G. RintouI and little meeting of the North Wellington apd Tuesday nighta, war weli received
Y 30t S The pretty ahtidea
with her parents at the manse, sten on Friday. The grotiping is as of oriental costumes and tile weird
Mr. Bert. McElroy of the friti of l° 3 ws' and ateicrit scenery o the abara-
C, 'McElroy, ,Sz. Son; grocers; was in.
,oenior jith's private temple of Buddha, R.as-
G•oup 1—Flesherton, ; Owen putin India, make a br leant setting.
Vfralla0eburg thi's week " busiqes.S. Sound, J. R P. Brirnie, Convenor, The 'Banner in which the entire Pro -
Mr. John R, Adair of a'arnberrY, meet at ()wea • gram was given ideveais the great
was called to it/fount Forest 00 Mon- Group ,---Wingliam, Clifford, Pal- amount of training which those tak
day, owing to the death of his brother. merston, FIarriston, Drew, C. G ing part have had, and Mr, FT, S. Pic -
Miss Anna Robiuson, who has 'been Washburn, Convenor, meet at Flarris- kett, under whose personal direction,
with the Tizzies for the past few nion- ton. the play was mot on, is to be compli-
ths, left on Saturday morning for Group 3--Chealey, Walleertora'Han- merited on the success ach'eved.
Windsor. over, Neustadt. W. C. Binkley, Con- Synopsis of the Play
Mr. and akes., Craig of Toronto, ''en0r, meet at Hallo'ver• • T1/4-ansfixed before the Maharajah's
spent a few days at the home of the GrottP41--GoderichrWitchell, Lucan private Temple of Buddha in Rasput-
in, when the piece opens, is a notor-
ious fakir of 1-Itinga, by the Dann Qf
Ka1.0101-Koo, He can do ciicredible
stunts—like all East India faleirs•-2-.aed
Katcha:-Koo's speeialty Is standing for
weeks perfectly ininiovahl'e without
Laking food, He always SelectS some
inappropriate and objectionable spot
so as to annoy and irritate his victim
latter s brother, Mr, E. R. 1-larrisora, Crediton. 111r, Whetlievvaite,
Diagonal itoad Cenvenor, meet at Mitchell.
Mrs Rev. C E. CI age, and 1131i5S Group 5—Elora, 1-Iillsburgli, Grand
Or-angevilte, W, Watts, Qr-
I-Tazel Brancld'a are ;attending the
'Woreen's lefissiotiary Society Conven- a"ev3llee
tion in. London. e°nvenor, meet' at Grand
, Gaoup 6—Strathroy, -
Mr. and Mrs. Richard, .Park, Mr. Junior
joint` Reid a so Mrs. fl'as, ,12cid of Group 'a -Palmerston, Harriston,
Dang'2113100., Adr. and ,Mrs.
Robt, 1)eyell last week.
Nit% Walter VariWYck was in
Orangeville last week attending the
funeral elf Ills mother, who 'passed to
her rewai'deon 1Vlay 13th.
141r. Erie Reid and sistea, Miss
Dorothy, of liana lton, are visiting
with Me., and Mrs. Jas, V. arecn and,
other relatives in this vicinity.
Mrs. Wrii. Henderson. and Mrs.
, •
10 —C7fjt.'d t')F A inect; ..)°Yht an a fellah slita;rted Pfarve,,y Nivms nave...retitle-led , home
said they WEIS as rough aS the ould ma-eiaret lieaderson, Toronto. _
11° after spending- a few weeks with Miss
SALE -----One E.leetric Table
feaelp and. 'a Braatolo With O'ver.
, 'd.ozen. records', Apply to
Mrs. Adair,
, Route r, Wingharn, ,
FOUND—Purse Conta,iiiing a 'sum of
itioney: '0Weita may have sante by
aPPIYIng to, Miss Dorothy , Piper 'at
the. Central • Bakery' and 'paying 'for
this advertisement. - •
'FOR SALE—Baby ifitg•gy and babjr
,: cutten dark. green wood; both al --
-most as • good as new. APply: , at 3
',„ - The Advance,
tOR SALE--Thrce frame buildings
Diagonal Road, suitable for
in'etteehine shops. 'Apply to'
The Advance. t
FOR SALE—Electric, ,Rcading Lamp d
, afalth shade. 'Apply to' d
vt. yt g
Wingham. 1 shad ink a slimart inan dLl'eir rae6nt. bereavement'
boile Jawn joynt wudden't vaiit,ti,, ,Dx. D.H IVIcIniies and family ritot-
li,ve in a shrnifil Scotch Grit 'vil1age33,ored_ tb London On Wednesday last.
lolce Lucknow,,avliin we wud be glad T'lle doctor attended the Drugless
to hey him in tbe .good, ould,Tor, „I'llYsicians' Convention in that city.
Irish town av winghatn„ I suppose aeker will be away front In
it lomat be nicissary to lacy a few good office on: Thurs-day and Friday of thi
3010 schattercd arround in: the dark week, attending the conventionin Tor
onto, of. Ontario Osteopathic 'Physic-
Drayton, W. Hawke, Convenor, meet and the people generally, Now he
at Pahnerston, has chosen the. Maharajah of Hunga
Group 2—Section A., Walkerton, as his present victim and placed bim-
Durham; Section 13,, Owen Sound, R. self directly in front of 'the great
J. Moorehead, Convenor, meet at Buddha image.
Even the powerful Maharajah him-
self dare not lay hands on Katcha-
Koo, thongh he has offered an Mt-
ar ise reward to any one who can
Groups 4 and 5—Goaerigh, Clinton, move the fakir. It remains for two
Mitchell, Hensel', Exeter Liman, ingenious Americans to negotiate the
Gamy 3—Grand Valley, Fergus. B.
M. Carinngham, Convenor, meet at
Sharman, C-.oderieh ,Convetior ineetljoh. 70
oagoompaaalo'itmatetu'ig,44441044ffim's 'faew 'atoicextuppo4implipa#3444.44w4orty.fimpoiggl.N4.3pRorm.../.41,•..aumr.o.a.ww•uoisala;,,ui....,,,,,,,
your old Razor.
aranteed y the
manufacturers to
contain same features
that made the $5.00
set famous.
Here's your chance
to eliminate the --
constant purchasing
of new blades to feed
McKibb Drug Stoi-
at Exeter. 'Phrougli the widottv of a wizard they '
,!last of its kind. Each separate gar -
1 -tient retains the characteristics of th
, original oviner, The trousers,
Frenchman's, full of politeness an
desire to dance; the shirt, a vaga
bond's, making one carefree an
• happy; the vest, an Italian's, full o
love and arias, and the coat, an -Amer-
ican's, full of life and "pep."
This magical composite garmen
they sucecd in getting onto Katcha
Koo, whose --Career then begins. Hi
subsequent actions are domina,ted b
the trousers of a Frenchman, the shir
of a vagabond, the vest of the Italia
and the coat of an American. ,
ACT 1—The :Maharajah's private
temple of Buddha, Rasputin, Ind:a.
ACT II—Mrs. Chattie-Ga.ddin's es-
tate. near Riverside Drilie,,New York
Inne-1 resent.
Cast of Characters
Katcha-Koo, Mr. H. Sherboncly
Solejah, (widow of the wizard), Mrs
lb. A. Currie; Urbanah, (Priestess o
the Temple), Miss` Velma _fohnston; meats with the Fa.rtners' Sun to club
' The -Sunset Hotel-, Goderidh, will be
open. on ,Juae Ixth. .
Keep' in mind the Bicycle Meet and
Field Day at Wirigham 00 Wednes-
day afternoon, May 3oth.
. VT. A. Curricainderwent a minor
s operation in WiiighS1 Hospital on
S Tuesday. -One of his toes ,was amput-
shoots av the wurruld.-
Oe. Sedan -clay noights 'tainiatilly
ataksoeigatIT-atolksde°em";11w1 itot71.21,13,1aanutsohstuieofin'teicts Mrs• J. H. SinittCof Turnbeary and
up along the slatrates an the crowd ii\lif,rDs.tin,aalniVi„onrrii;,:tnaa°efeiaBealt-tgernavd7i'igwteirie
av peyote goin up an down the soide- nc then
r sisteh walka,e Mebby 'tis a soign av wealth -§,,1;;Te.-.V. —r- -2-amas
an proshperity an mebby it manes
lebt an extravagance. 'Tis not far Capt. Divisiotial Supt. o
mild man loike me to say, but sup-fh P' T-Pald'dan official visit 1°
1030 ye nitisht be in. the .ainvirn ,as ingiam on, ties ay and favored the
hey say in Kincardine dttr:n the noy audience at laatcha-laam with a couple
.ayson. But allure, dheer is a grate °I. 111°1'.61°P;ues'
iffee since the toime whin I used to • Mr. Kent Smith of London, is
roive into AVinghant wid me o‘ten iting with his father Mr: C. P. Smith
Thompson & Buchanan are local
agents for the genuine "Wear -Ever"
Altuninamware, and help to pap -town
taxes, and should be favored before
, .
pitying trona house • to house canvas-
The annual meeting- of the Wing -
ham branch of the Women"s Institute
will be held in the Council Chamber,
on Thursday, may 3,iste, at 3 p. All
members are requested to be present
as the officers for thc coming year
are to be elected.
The editor of The Advance is in re-
ceipt of three little pictorial booklets
showing the beauty spots of Vancouv-
er and Victoria, B. C., and Eastern
Tou,0 throug-h the CanadianaRtiekies.
TheY. were sent to ns by our good
friend and esteemed towilsmaii, .11fr.
Adflibert Wellwood.
Guess t alien ance at opening
baseball game at 'Whighani and win a
$4.50 Waterman Fountain Pen, •One
peas to a' person, and guesses 'free.
ickets dr Cord a ruickslranica' Barber '
Shop and W. R 1.-Tam'itort's letveLerY
Ladies Would you use a better hair
net if it coSt no more than the (OE
kinds? Then try the Gainsborough
Hair Net. Made from silky Iniman
hair of like lustre and triple in-
apected, The largest selling ha'r net,
in the world. Singie. and dOuble mesh,
All shades. Sold in Wingliam at
Mitchell's f)ruIreStore.
Maple Leaves
e Misses Anna Chitt'ck, Catherine
a Nortrop, Vivian Tiffin, Do-nalda
Fix -
ter, Dell Walker, Constance Colgate
Nortrop, Marion Mitchell, Bar-
bara Colgate, DimPies Stewart, Agnes
Louttit, Velma Carte'-, Mary Hirst,
Alberta MacLean,' Mary Taylor, Dor-
othy Hutehison, -Lena Groves, Patsy
Cather'ne Fry, Annie Mc-
Gillivraaa Elizabeth Taylor, Margaret
Mahood, Nellie Henderson.
A loadeof laay turning.off Josephine
street to 'tlie• towriescalesbehind the
:town hall; capsized- on the sidewalk.
on Mond.ay afternoon. . •
. Nfrs. 1\A/in. M. R.eid aa aaatlee ateaady loaht"thitn jai a 'bear, Mrs. Fred. Clarlae,;riod little daughter
• .. ' ' 1 ledsau V lie • tole wIteer the. llank av Haiiiilto to of Cliatlrerit are visiting at ti 1
• .
, FOUNT-)-e--'i..a-dies tlnihrella. ..Inquire t
. ' - '1'11 eaAdyance:
,. - ,1
FOR ski E--- d nuall)er of purebred 8 -
York saws.,1-danily to • - 11
Sc.ott, Bros.; 1
htands. 'Whiskey cud. be bought in of Mr. ..1`, West.
him days at the proice gasoline is Me. and. Mrs'. Roy Callaway also
low, but who wrid 'Link drinkin Mr. Wm, CallaWay of Elora, motored
asolmc? Shure, 'tis only fit fer a up and spol3i.: a few days al Mrs. Cal-
ash cen wid a !natal shtummick. Wan 1 a way'seap ar en ts 110100, Mr. and Mrs'.
big hey upticed an that is that if Wm, Chandler, Turtiberry.
aYPI9 can't shpind theer 00 Mr. and Mrs. - Richard- Johnston,
'van ting they- on another. -is t4e13luevale, Ontario, .annoutice the en-
yay av the wurruld; sOtit ' gagement of their daughter, Grace
Theer is no ixeriitinini Nort Edna, t� Mr, James C. rethery. .Thc
Turon °Ver, the elick'Sliun up td thee marriage to take place in junc:
lis -fit. The Grit parthy is as dead -as
hat 'ould Eg-ipshun king, whase grave Mr. and. Mrs, Stewart AilcBurney,
Phone r3-621, I-Zoute 't, Ilelgrave.
' RI, 1,\T A NT U. r ore Wo /-k,
c•apalfie of keeping books,. Ap`oly to
. C. Adams, P
FOR RENT—South side of t
a,„et ise,,aaa's eralien_,Cletinre St., 8
ero()nts, otir bedrooms, .8
and douldle patiora, bathroom, run- s
nifig water, electric lights, furnace, a
soft arid hardfwater, half, ofegarden, t
' $14..00 per Advance adults
preferi-ed. KeY at Mr Heti-it's house.
Wdite to Alas. ,griox,
. 274 Vy'reglit Ave.,
Toronto, Ont.
and, daughter La.vma. also 'Mrs. Win.
I•u•s; '':°b11).'Irl a f-c-w''‘'valz's.3 'g°' S. King, Intirina antid'Ivir. Percy 'Kitig,
°meting •loike this to me ould hind,
andy• 13anks wan day in Sam Young's ' naotored to Moronington on Monday,
and spent the day with Mr. anti Mrs.
inithy, an he said that. the Grit par-. w D .d .
hyde. Nort Huron is no deader than III' `•• 4V1
the rary parthy, awl over Quebec an 7,\138. j. Shoebottom of Chethain,
Nove... Scotia, anis the way avid, thini fit Witigliam at present owing to
. .
ould harrad, boiled Grits, they do be the illness of her sister, Mrs. VVini. 3.
awlways sayin someting mane. . Shoebottora, who anderwent an oper-
ation on Saturday, in the Wingliam.
General •Hospital, We all hope for a
speedy recovery. „
'3. Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright,
42.9 Vine St., Preston, Ontario, an.-
ncrance the engagement of' their
daughter, Edna, Pearl, to Mr. Harry
E, Ward,, son of Mr. and 11/13:s.. H. G,
Ward, Peterboro, the marriage to take
Place qu,etty itt june.
Mrs. Jas. Webster of Burl:rig-ton,
Mrs Thornas Pocock of Toronto 'end
Mrs. David Pocock of FordWich
tile Association ranges on June 616 returned -home after spending, a few
ext. A committee was named to ar- days the bedside of their mother,
range a prize Eat and 3other details an who is ill at the 310311e of her clanigh-
connection with the match. • This ter, Mrs: Richard Pocock. -
committee met on MaY Ioth and inade /7 —
the f°1 wIng lidngernentb A Banana Snake '
,I—Confirin.ed that: date of the
atch be Wed.nesday, June 60. Frank bondi o Newmarket, hi °that
.2---Raeges 200 yards and 500 yards.; 'of Chas. 13oncli of Wiligitam, while
3---Numher of shots, seVeri to score opening up a biltich of bananas was
aml ono sighting shot, sighting shot; surprised. to find a large; poisonous
optional to..elioote's. I banana armlet hissing at him, Needless
4-11That each association furniSh 10 say he lost 110 111110 in killing it. -
two register keepers, -"tea. a.„, 0-, convention
5-ETliateUte. offic'al range officera
be Mr. 'C. a bet tson and Mr. irdon. Umted Farmers of North, laltir-
6--1.11-fat thete 1)e thirty-five priaes; on, will hold a noinitating Convention
in the priZe list with 'an ' additional in thee Towe Hall, Winghain, at 2 9.
prize'for ties. , ,111, on Tuesday, May 29th, fat the
7 --That. assoc:ation hav'ma a, purpose of sciectitig a candidate ,to
team 'competing' furnish two markers,: cepate•at the ddinaaan tile coming Pao_
for the targets at $2,5b each, per day.; vincial Election, Prominent apealters
8—Position. to be prone without rest. i ai•e expeeted to 1)e present atid deliver
pattern, regulation sig,•its.',iddresses. intdreated in the U. F.
ity Pc A , , , , „
USea eXCC111„ 0-N:tem-don 01' tele- [ 0. „Movenieet are cordially invited to
ape sigitta,
Further information will be given •1,3•Vei.' Raftlicrforde Presidc.nt,
out refreshments oil the grounds. R, j. Currie, Se.el`etaey.
,rohn Webster of St. Heleea offers , •
privy. to the person. making' a' P0s- Liberal-Conaervative Convention
sible at both. ranges on. the tia3e of the A convention ealled by the Liberal -
match. , • Cohservative Assbciat'on of' the rid-
- --- ing of North 1-Itiron wdl be held in
Meeting OP Huron County COuncli the Wingliarn Town Hall, on Ifonclay,
The Council of the CorpOratiou of May 28111., at 2 (1' ClOCk, tf Ot the 1)11r.
Hinon will meet in the Council Chain. 00Se of selecting candidate to ,,con
her Godericla, at 2 o'cloelc in the af- test the riding in the coining provhi-
te-tnotaii, of Ttiesday, the 5111 day 01 eial election, We wish to malce this
:rune, :teen, All accounts against, the a mass reedit:1g afetbe electors .01 this ,
County intist, be inkthe hands of the ritling gad all A,00 ilivited regardless of
Cleele not later than Monday, preeed-
111g the meeting of Council. fitsd1Kreistrong, Pres,
Goo. "W, Holman, Clerk, ' T. Joynt Vice -Pres
Gotlealeli, May axat., 1923, :Mrs, 13e0. Walker, See'ye
TO R.ENT—Fuaniihed Home on Al-
- fred St. Will be vacated by June xst.
For partiettlars apply to .
13, 3. Johnson,
Box 205, Wallacebarg
WAITFED—By the day, alSo
washing done 'at homei
,Mrs, 5, F tt,
Albert Street.
'‘A-N7.1,;EiT---'1S-1;:ial`,1, second-hand sale.
, .
3 Apply at . The Advance.
,VTANTED-----1\31611 to run the sixth line
syndicate machine. Ten-
dets ...addressed to tile tiadersigned,
a, i,11 'be ;receiv-ecl up to May 3ist.
i„ltigited, first -L. -An engineer; second_
'sepat:ator tnan, third, ---Man and..
.,„:•,,f..taarri to go innehine.
• Cyrus W.,Scott,
'Phone 11-624 Ilelgrave.
' The first sitting of the Court of Re -
:vision for the ptiapoee of hearing com-
. plaints against' the Assessment Roll
the Town of Wirtglialifafor the year
.1923; will he held at the 'Clerk's Office,
00 ,Montlay, Majt 2813.11.,11923, al 7.30
Datod,'Cletles Office, May t5Lhe xo2.31
W. A. Galbtaithe.
.Clerk of the. Ifunipipality and of the
, said
Court Of Revision
Cottlet of leeviaioe to be held in
Eluertle 'in Couit Hail '1. ' 1 •dt se
OIL the 3ISI day of May, 1923,
Tetialeas for the p,ainting of Lititon's
Bridge,Coni aactor to remove 4 rust
liefore painting and 5119917 paint a
whieli subject to flpptoval of the
Council. Tenders to be in hatids of
She Clef* by the zoth day of May,
W, R. Cruilcsliank, Clerk.
Tenders will be received up to
June 9111., by Wingimie Publie School
Board for 50 tons stearn coat deliver-
ed at soltool, The, lovst(tgt. or auy
teadee not necessarily aecepted,
Addreas tenders to the SecretarYf
W. 'T. Booth,
Your a triad wake, •
' `I'imothy Hay:
Re -Organization of the Huron Coun-
ty Rifle League Effected
A. meetibg was held in Dungannon
on Monday, A.pril 23rd.; 1923,110 re-
organize Rifle, League and
it Was decided Ia. those 'present to
hold a league. thatch 'on' the Coitorno
Public Meeting, June tst.
Capt. Itiddiford, grand organizer of
the Orange 'Association, will give a
ptiblic address in the town hall on
Friday evening, June tat., on "Pro-
testantism." Everybody is invited.
Capt. Riddiford is a most entertain-
ing speaker and has ti message for
. '
Lightiung Struck Knox House
A severe electrical thunder storm
passed over this vicinity on Sunday
morning. Lightning struck the Knox i
house, beside St. Andrews chureh, T
while service was going on, antiknock- 1
ed several bricks out of the. chimney
and tore op 0 feW of the shingles. The
house is occupied by kfr. and Mrs. c
Hunt electrician 1
The Late Robert Currie
Sympathy is extended to -Mr, aed
/qrs. :David Currie and family, owig
to the death, of their son, Robert, at
the age of 28 years and 7, months,
whieb took plate on Wednesday,
May ieth. Deceased had beet in poor
health for years
The funeral was held on Friday af-'e
ternoon to Wingham cemetery. 3
t Jack Thompson
n Miss Canada—Miss Margaret Pet-
Mrs. Geo. C. Hanna was the ac-
companist a!lal violin and coronet mus-
ic was furnshed Mr..Geerge Fry-
fogle and Mr. H. Mason. . • -
Ram. Needed in Sask.
Tuxford, Saab., May 381h.1, 1923
Dear Sir:—
Enclosed please find, postal note for
sum of two dollars, as renewal to your
paper, The Wrighani Advance, we
always look forward to your valuable
paper bringing us the home news. I
might say wheat seeding is practically
finished, have had a dry, cool spring,
we need rain as there is no growth as
yolt,..iostitircscetrsusiyI, remain,
Wm. G. Knox,
R. R. 3, Tuxford, Sask.
Br.ussels Is Fifty Years Old
1 ins should he jubilee year ia Erns-
Sele, as the date of incorporation was
.,,, 1873. fdow tone hae flown since
Special Offer For Farmers Drusaels waa subatituted for Ainlay-
. v lle and "Di 314e' POS t office ceaaed
f The Advance has made arrange- to 'ing out the chaeges, The person-,
nel of our town has undergone many
changes in the half centary few of
the the old timers. heing- residents to -
Dick Plorton,• Mr. J. Gordon Mac
Lean; Harry Bradstone, Mr. P,ert Ab
ell; -Maharajah, Mr. R. S. Williams
Boodapah, (a slave), Mr. R. A. Currie
La Belle ElYsee, (French wife), Miss
Effie Erskine; Patsy KilAtore,
'wife), Miss Helen Garniss; Chin Chin
Foo, .(Chinese wife), Miss Norah
Sre th; Braziliteita„ (Brazilian wife),
Miss •Jean Currie; :Mrs. :Chattie-Gad-
Misa 'Eileen Kennedy; Daly
Caddm, 'Mra, :lb.. S. WilliamS;.
cace Gaddm, Miss, Elizabeth Gilchrist.
Oriental Ladies
• •MiSSes Alice Reading, Frances -Mof-
fat, .1-N,41e Dinsley, Mrs. Garnet IThker,
Misses Bertha MacKay, ',Pena lsbister,
Edna Musgrove, Janet MurraY; Irene
MacDonald, Aleatha Hopper,. Luella
Hopper. and Nina Haugh.
- 'the two papers as an inducement for
our aimei friends and readers. The day but through it all, our tight little
we i t'S t 11S—The F'armers town has held its own fairdy well, We'
; Sam aed ,ktIvance for six months for
$3.75 and for one' Lagar the two for
e$3.5o. Tbis offer is Only good until
June' ist., on that date the regular
rates will be charged.
Why Not Chamber of Commerce?
The goard of Trade meeting held
on Friday evening in the towa
was: not very well attended. It was
dte...nded, to start a membership cam-
paign :le, the course of the next few i
' days and to immediately re -organize.
Mr. W. VanStone wishes to be re -d
lieved of the chairmanship.
The board discusaed the building
of a transfer switch between the two !
roads, C P I - T
. N. 1;
Mr. BUrginan and Mr. Brawley were I
present and were not very sure that
anything' would be done as it is very
atoubtfel . if the project would everH
pay for itaelf, The secretary, Mr. C.
P. Smith Was authorized to write the.
R „"on in the mater. ,
The matter of securing new indus-
tries was also quietly discussed. •
I t' 1 d
Priests •
MeSsrs. Gordon Buchanan, IE, - J.
Nash; Gordon Cruickshanks, 110
dross, Ken Carter.
Slaves •
Messrs. Ted Mead; Frank ManDon-
aid, W. Mann, Clias. Pattison, Currie
W.1- • •
Veil Dancers
Mics Gertie• Robertson, Viola
Robertson, Dorothy :Piper, Alba Gal-
braith, Dorothy Brydges, Gertic Bry-
dges,. Eva Rintoule Ena Currie.
Solo Dance ----Mr, Walter Van-
Wyck. •
Polo Group „, „
use .the word "tight" withoatadi re.7
fel'ence tad the "dry" condetipn nary
pre vaihiitg. l'robabfy in 1924 another
Old Bovs' Renu'on may afford an op-
poetunity of celebrating the :fuhilee.
Brussela is to be congratulated On its
Golden AneiVersary.---Briissejs post,
John Wylie Passes On
There passed away at his "home at
Gorrie, on Friday, May 1•81.1.1_, John
Wylie, one of the most highly e.steem-
ed residents of Howick, in his 55th
J'-''' I.,..;ntel dliout t..velve yearS .ago.
the family resided on the 6111 of 'Turn -
berry. The funeral was held to Goatee
cemetery on Monday afternoon and'
was one of the largest ever seen here.
Besides his 'widow, he is survived by
two sous, James of Toronto Univer-
sity; ,George of Wingham High
School, and Bessie at home.
On Sunday Mr. Wylie sufferedna
stroke from which he never rallied He
W a a ataunell member of the Pres-
byterian church and a director of the
flow& dgricultural Society,
s eac an everyone put their,.
shoulder to the wheel and boost for
a newly organized Charaber of Coin- Come to Winghain Mondaye
merte. July 211d., Caledonian Sports.
4 Misses Dorothy' Piper, Marie Liv-
ingston, Mitt Galbraith, -Kathleen
Dinsley, Agnes Scott, Dorothy Web-
ste.r, Agnes, McKague, /Fred Piper,
Phil Dyer, R.usscI Hopper, Tom Cur -
rip, G. Stott, Fred W. Carrie,
Auld Lang Syne Group
Misses Dorothy Piper, Maide Lir-
ngston, Dorothy Webster, Agnes .Mc -
(ague, Agnes Scott, Kathleen Dins-
Engliah jackies
Mise a Jessie Taylor, Marine Mit-
lt ell, Macf,e.an, Alarg.aret Pet-
igrcw, 1,31.dita Carr, Olive Stokea, Ag-
McKagitc; Marjorie Gurney,
Yankee Dixie Group
Nisses Ptelen lieattie, Betty Walk -
)r, Olive twin, Rae, jean Cope -
and, Betty Dow, Mildred Bisbee,
Iary Dobic, LaNtOrtle WM/0in S,
• • , :French Group
IN/lisses Mary Moir, Annie Inglis,
Grace Mitchell, Gwendolyn \lcD
11, Lillian Garn'ss, Edna HaStings,
'toilet Robertson, Cora Dixon, Ada
Fanners' ExtursiOn To Guelph
Tinder the, attspices of the Junior
Farm ers Improvement' Associations
and Junior Women'a Institutes OE 1
:Bruce, Huron and Perth Counties, an 1.
- Dutch Grpup
Misses Lillian Hopper, Nancy Tay -
or, Vivi*. Pilon, Wilma Dow, Einora
'Tarawa. 'Vesta Fox, Louise Timmy -
on, jean 1.epard.
Chinese Group
Misses Wornta rixter, Alberta Wat-
er, Eleanor McLeae, Hattie Sutton,
'Ana Mitchell', Veronica, MeGue.
Belgian Group
.Misaes Bertha MeGee, Evelyn Le-
ard, Estelda Bennett, Kate King,
':ivendolyn' Snell,. Ackley IlietWiey,
„orhett, Corinne Scandrett, Gertrude
atidersoin Sarah Cole.
- Italian Group
MiSses Evelyn McKay,. Katharine
fon, 'Mabel Angus, Irene Ellacott,
Chittlebuegh, Mary Mitchell,
Ititcursion to Gnelpii will be run on
:lune 19t11.
Prograraitle- of Day 1
TO to 12 a. m. ---judging Competition
of junior Fanners' Teams in. Dairy s
Cattle, 'Beef Cattle and Horses.
Io to 12 a. in.'—Girls will have de-
monstration at 1\fAcdonal(1 Insiituto. k
.12 to 5 9, in,—Frue 1,111“•11
provided by College,
t lo 3.30 9. 1.0.—Iti$pection of differ -
era 1)epartnienta.
3,30 10 5309, tnanaged ,
1)y Alex MeLaren,
It's Time for
13arefoot Sandals
Made in servleeable Brown Leathers,
singile strap paitte.-ous,.
Sa all sizes, 4 to 7i, . .
Children's slzes 8 go 10,1,
1Vilisses' sizes, tit to 2 . .$1,50
Women's sAzes, 2,110 7 I.U75
See our White Buck an(1
Shoes tOr Women.
THI1 GOOD 1t -t014.1 TOIZR,`
at idee ti Reid, tatter ac „eau, 04.7r, wh000somoi,030,,,ig