HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-05-17, Page 3Thursday, May Iatha 93 ISRIEWEBIRM1111011111MIS 7`77- THE WINGHA* ADVANCE' PIE EillaillitilliiiialliatdriMillial It. mm a . k t Z IA .1i NI IN N N Ed N IN Orie t -V3 S a ▪ . a OUR SELECTIONS OE WASH GOODS,' VOILES, GING- HAMS, RATINES• AND CREPES WERE NEVER MORE COMPLETEAND ATTRACTIVE ▪ • • THAN AT PRESENT • VOILES—An exclusive range of patterns in Dots, Sprays, N ▪ Checks drtd Orienta1c1:esigns'iri., many" colorings. at Sict 65c to $2 IN U FANCY RATINES-LVerY'attractiVe 'Checks., and. ±o one .pat•- ‘', terns in a fine weave, specially 'adapted, f�r 'friocks ,and • Skirts, Orange, . Copen, Henna and Copper;36- inches" • Wide at , .41,25 . . • PLAIN., RATINE'S—Burnt Orange, Rose, Henna; Mauve, • - „,- ,Lemon and Copan -shades, in a splendid quality., ideal for 11; Dreisses and. Sport Wear, 36 inches wide at per yd. 70c • in- • . , al... • coLokED- PONGEE An.exceptionally good wearing quality LSI MI •.in a fine, even weave for Dressea and Smocks.,•gia,rding "LE Blue and Old Rose,,36•Inches• wide, at per. ..... ....... 1111 LINGERIE CREPE—Pink, Mauve White, Copen, Pale BlI”' ' . N an excellent c1oth for unclergarm' eats and childivrls;wear, • /111- 36 incheis Wide;'per yard • , .35 111 IN • . • • • ' •• • „GINdHAMS--Scotch Ginghams .in host of ,,,ptterns, over:• IM checks, Plaids arid Checksaalso.plain.Chambray, 32 inches IN wide, at .per ,yard 35c •' • HOSTERY—Vents "Pure - Silk Hose sha,des and fArtcy .111 --oss•- clocks, hicluding the neW summer shades at $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 a sal SILK HOS—A fine cl,nality silk Hoseat this -1o* price in'• GI 'Black, White, Brovin, Navy, Grey, Nude; Palm Beach, a • Polo and Bronze, all sizes, special3Na1ue at pr $aoo ••• • - -"' Hats, baPii, Shirts, Underwear, Hose., Ccglays,.Ties, Suits and .• • N ▪ ". 1111 NI OUR 'GOODS ARE THE'BEST I f 13Silde RiarE1.1 Rhymes Creation My fellow man's a curious cuss and feign *Old . know why things- are thus; forever a.sking what is what, his •mental eye is never .shul, In these rude:I-Oulu that look like Pioie, I've told hoW liuman life arose, elatidated unto you, some facts that Bryan neVef. krievcr, This ',good old world, the beat of tdpics; raiow explain from poldS to tropias, The nebitlar hyPotheSiS is Useful for a job like this: When' back, far ihnl<, • our -vision passes, we find a universe Of 'gases. - Although that gas was het and fizzy, at. firatAt, was not- whirling dizayabut as the mixture cooled we think, probably began. to shrink. Uneven shrinking caused ro- tation' until she spun like all creation. Then eatth began her coin -Se to naa, and sistor glanets one bk" one -ere thrown off from the central sum. Still does our:earth, though seenaing quiet, show • traces of her early,. riot, die crust, has central fires to move it, our -earthqUakes and volcanoes prove ,it, And,. like the earth, (purr., sOals •bave spruiig frim sornething. old hut e-s-rer, yOun.g, Paii-ets-of God that, everYbne; .Tevo ye, arbutt •parent 'sun. Ho*- 'ever. thick • the- crust of 'Sin Sdnie primal fire still, bUrili it 11 evermore upon us be t eternal floods oklitlat and heat until this stubborn: .sotl 'Of ours is blessed •at last ,with fruit and flowers.—Bob Adams: ••WROXETER • ,Mr.. V. Dickson fornterl of this • phiteNtiOkho lia,beeri living in Tor- onto for the past few years, ha'S chased his old home and 'moved his household effects from l'oronto"-- this. week We weleon e'1,1 ern: a k ' Mrs. A. Goodfellow and _daughter, Raincoats. IN Margaret, of Toronto, arrived in town on Saturday arid are. visiting with ,her • daughter, 'Mrs Tait and other friends • in nd arbUnd. town, In Mrs. •Alek• MeDougall and nephew; Casemore, left for Michigan last N ▪ Tuesday -to attend the funeral,of tlfe • former:Mother, •, .01,112 PRICES: RIG -HT Mrs— - Sanderson of Harriston, • is • spending a ,few days with her. father., sons gi Mr. le.);. McDOugall. . . Messrs. Geo. and Fred Davey have' 'purchased new cars. m nom rimonsimenwinimina ovr ter Automqtic7-Sure continuous service—day ,and night—always unclerpressure. - A TORONTO Pneumatic Water Sys ternwill give you this service—noise- less and .best .of -.all, -aiisdiutely auto- matic..Operated by Electric motor dr TOROTO Windmill. • •. Enjoy this convenient service now and save yourself and farnily from the continuous drudgery O'Inirnto- ing and carrying . your daily water supply. TORONTO Outfits- can be quickly installed, 'Drop in and let's talk- it over. Prices and full information gladly furnished. See me to -day. W, H Olvidson ' I 1 1 1 . i . i • . . ' ... . . . . • . ...,, Waming . . steps- o pi°. epti, cp..) person ,.,,1 r. .. ' The oouneil of the '111'unicipn1ity,,of, sons found drimpinF•, ref:use • of-, any' the t.oyilsilii) ,of Titruberry, will .4..lke1,:intt. on :,,tliy, putilic fil,oltwitx. • , .. ziyor#774, .ITESTAR UNE iwar4: WIrM1iSSTHS• 0,APERY i3 U Ei SteallIneir Grey lotuld Excqrsi 'r ettorn T E • ..' tt1\1411 E10. Ah JL. ti4E ,Only onee•a year '..comes this.glorious excursion to Iletroit opportunity to oif Trip • viSit the amusements • there and do your • - shopping ---and enjoy 'the baltorlake ride, the time- .• ingl.the meals, and the concert • ramie aboard. ' Leirving Goderieh 9:80 5, m, June 1Z thestearner Greyhourtareaclies Port • lautot 1:3a p. tn., and•Datroit 5:30 liquntIsd?4,!313,rtnlil;7.1,N131.1)!1;.itl!:14g. etare trip to Gbderien Is wade. :Laist,rlf.) to Detroit IsaVes GOder1011 PrIday,, June 15th, 9:30 25 thie Way MotidaY MOON- '50.0 ' 41Ife 11 k,IGI1T 2S0, 1)o. ilQt alt to enjoy the thre6 tour meonliiit ". trip, oat, of Goderietalvionday„everilag, Noe I a, under the aatotteti et the 33ra rieghteat Band, .1 Finzeht Oreh.estra or clanting aboard. WHITE STAR LINE TEESWATER 50 J.YEARS HENCE The following written' by a tiVeliie year-old boy in one lTour in • school. Elgin •Kieth;.Continuation. School. ' . am now an old man and my thoughts are turning'to my childhood. 1 can .see distinctly in My, mind the Old farm where T. have spent so many happy-YearS. As I sit by the window. t 'can heaij• he Electric • trains go , shunting bad: and forth between, city and city. 1 think howeasily I can go to' TedSwater. 'Yes, 1 will .gb. go 10 the car -Stop and the sche- dule indicates that the net car is due in ten minutes. New we:are. away. How fast we gol SoOnwe are nearing thcaeleventh largest city, ie canada. We alight from the electric car, (I spell • eleetrfc withOnt a- capital it • is such a common woid),,and take a car to Clinton' Street, • Now we shall see the sightS. There is a Publishing House, won- ders -of wonders, look ,at the size. -- Twenty -',stories, ifone! That is Brown & Sons Printing Building. It prints books,- magazinds, papers, etc: Here' the.- •Woolworthbuildijig."S,,r eats ago:I'can remember when the. Wool- worth building Was a: one -Storey drug Store, Ilream!s store abut half the size of some of thc: smaller. reS.i., denCes", Here: is a sky -scraper. It is as big as New Yorks, • I. , • We Will now see the river:- •fias been -dredged and dammed. It is.one- ou,arter of a mile wide ,and very aleep.• There l,;$1 abranch of the Quakerr.,Oat Mill, Here is. Kellogg's Cbru Flake Mile the:Teeswater 1,Voollen Mill and, the Tees'SVatdi Float- Mill which main" tiftutt u 'all grades orfloilr. ' }Tow futile and :sinall man Would seeth• ainong those petverful'inacitities. There aae street -cars, • subterranean railways. and radio stations, in ahnost every -block. Telephones are very alit- igite and are, seen as 'curiosities.. Thpre are, great Art Galleries, two of which 1 .ahall mention, one the Holmint,. the other thc Trench: •Yon:. Can have funny portraits, on others driairti in an hour at•: either 'elle, Tees -Water iii not laeking in famous, personages. There is the great Law- yer Logan; Nel'tO is Called tlic Silver., (oil gated Orator of the world arid has ntade 'Laurier a- mere Shadow. •Then there•Js Macdonald and Mc.Kenzie of the:. :1\lacdonalti-Me1(enzie laiui Cor- poration. They are millionaires and own Ono* a whole township of land, instead. of ...saying "Get up Dobblia',", t hey $a4r„•,,• "GiVe. h e r rite .fos I3nd dy, to the•operittors 6E th•c tractors. • House I -las Close Call The residence Of Mr. Milton Naylor ,ort Havelock St., ,had a narrow escape from destruction by fire pp Friday afternoon last week, 'File fire seemed to originate semeWhere about the kit- chen. chimney and was not discovered until it had inade considerable head- way, An alarm was turned In and the - fire brigade with equipment was soon on the spcit, aad the -flames Speedily gotten under. Control, This, however, was not effected before the kitchen .was pretty well consumed and the in- terior of the house ,especially the at- tic., was a good deal (lama-gut—Luck- DOW Sent.113el. ' LUC-KNOW • The Lucklieliv, Presbyterian- church celebrated the 5o0.,anniversary. and Jtibitee on SundaY by .sp.ecis,1 services, •The -morning speaker Vias Rev; Jas. -Wilson of Toronto and the evening speakerwafs L. MeKetiol alSo of TorontO. Witsdn'is• an 'Old LecknowilaoY,.Who,bas become one of the leading ministers ,in . the •cit y 'of :Toronto; while, Itr,..• MCKerS01 is 'a' former pastor.Of Lucknow church, who also forged, to the froat raaksaof 'leaders in the PresbYterian ;church. Beth' tlicsd Men dra'V'eri popular tbis loeality.,and have a large host .of adMirers, They • are':' both eloqifent :speakers and deliverdeVery 'fared -flit .and excellent addi•esses'to large and - attentive 'audiences, in fac.t. the crowds ;were so large that many were turned. away. In the evening, Rev. Ma, Ian addressed an over flow tneetin, in the basement; but tbis also, preyed'in- 'adequate to accommodate all who wished to gain 'admittance. It is doubtful if there are two other Mini- sters who have such a hold on the 'af- fections- of the people • here. The choir under the able leadership of Thos. Watson, ex,celled itself, - never Oefore, tenderinghetter ,,,numbers, or music more apropriate to the occas- ion. They were.asSisted by Mr. aud Miss Belcher of' -Gederich and Mr.S. MacKenzie of Kirfea-idine..On Sunday afternooh 'a Sunday School rally' Was held, addressed by Revs. Wilson and ,11..feKernol. On Monday Mrs. IVIcKer- . ,rol addressed the members of the W. M. S, in her usual excellent style, the chureh being well filled, SupPer was, served from 5 to 8 -.o'clock,, this part ol the program. being also well attend- ed, after which a meeting,was held in, the auditariunit of tlie church, Was again croWded, addresses being delivered by Revs. Wilson, McKerrol and others, and- special music by the choir:- These serviceS were inall pro- bability, themost'suceessfid ever held in that church and it is believed much good will result, at any rate • it will be some tune before they are forgotten. The Lucknow Lodge of Oddfellows -celebrated their soth anniveriary, on .'Wednesday evening it the lodge rooms by holding .an "At Horne:" An excellent program was given followed by, lunch and a dance, the' Princess j Pats Orchestra supplying RiatetataKoo;• Oi-i•erital Canadian 'thtingh the weather. was anything but :•1\fusita.1 COMedy, to be staged under pleasant a. large .crowd was present , the auspices Of the Lions : Club at the and enjoyed a .very Pleas -ant evening. V\ringham Town Hall on May arst., ace;gnr-iPaA-niecf.:hySils\e!vrervaolodotloaefrsLitivnisdit°end and 22nd.; stupendona and brilliant amateur af- is said to • be the most town a cot* of days last week and ,air ever • presented in this vicinity. completed arrangements i6 get This is the Opinion of those who have verwoods' Lucknow . Creamery wider witnessed the daily rehearsals Which -Way. Men are busy at work putting are being held -ender the direction of the plan -Litt shape and a staff of egg 1 Mr. H, S. Pickett. men will be at work this week They Katcha-Ko•o will surprisd. everyone also expect to be delivering ice cream by being just about the nearest to a !professional • Presentation ever 'given. from this point this week„ while it iS .expected to be manufacturing butter by local 'talent. `the .mystery of the by the middle of Juni. . " Orient and the practical patriotism of The Family Theatre which has been 1-11-Odern tithes are artfully conibined under the - inanagement • of Mr, amid weird and spectacular scenic ef- Smith for the last three years has fects, shadowed lights, Oriental , tap - closed down' and gone elseWheneada, estry, briuliant costumes and the lilt of Smith put on some splendid shows. sweet melodies. There are scores of here and'the show will be very much I preity girls in every scene, while the missed,' as it was always crowded. Mr, closing .; tableau entitled, "Liberty Smith claims the ratiag was too high, Aflame," presents •the most -attractive hi( 6,xPenses were a great deal more group of younger and older ladies than he Made, HOwever Mr, Snlith's j that were ever •Assetrthied on a local building' Was not eMpty long as 'Mr. !stage. spgxT nr.r..DREr)q OF DOL-'4140.(110111111311011101110111011111i,1101110111011101110111111110111 111114110111 11101'1101110111111111111111,1, Mrs. Rite f,oundrelief fat last in Dree sheearneStlY suffere would give'11.tis. W On darfn ;i0npd.Y' Mrs. J. Rice from 91 Naplar Stree Hamilton, Ont., suffered so • sever ly froni"'Indigestion, gastritis; Pains i the back and dizzy spells that f years she hardly new what it was 't enjOy- a willcIa1r, Medicine'a fter 113 e icine she tried, spending hundreds dollars, without the Slightest improv 111 exit in her condition tip til finaib she, heard of Dreco and tried it.,Le her tell you what ,two bOttles, pi thi sop,ndid herb and, root: corrective, a cemplished, . : • *-"or 'years I have, Stiffered'iroi sto.macli, liver and kidney trouble, Wad chronid indigation andgas NVOitl• always fOrin in my stomach aafte Would also geteSetsee're pain atro-sa my back andaat times, get ter ribly dizzy and spots floated befor 1313r eyes, My bowels were irregula I was intensely nervoue, could no sleep and my appetite was iery. pop I spent hundreds of dollars tryrn different *Medicines, but My suffering continued uncherked until l• Static taking -Dreco- It Was just -what needed, for,it steined to go -1o.$•'1:13. very root, ofuy .ailthents right fro thajstart• • .1 an: a new woman 11 OA and very tbaukfel. that I can -recom mend Dreco to all. who„suffer as- . ., Wonderful as her recovery seems. t a . Mrs. Rice, it is but typical of the ,ef feet of Dreco- on internal disorder such as hers. Dreco, comPotinded o Nature's Own roots, herbs and leaves tones and regulates the system in natural way.. It„quickly -disperses n�x ious gasses, restores the appetite an brings Soothing, restful sleep by mak hag stomach, kidneys,liver and bow,e1 fundtion normally as Nature' intended .NO miter how lon'k standing or PIS satiate your case is, Dreco will 1)reco, is , being specially introduCe in Wingharn by -.J. Walton McKibbon and is sold by a geod.-deuggist every- where. . MARRIED . ' Dane—Smith—At the Meti-opolitaii Church-, Toronto, on April oth., th marriage was solemnized by the Rev. T 'Davies, of Philena, datigh ter of -• Mr. and Mrs. 'Lewis Smith,' of Midland, to Allan; son O Kr. and Mrs. W. -T: Dane, 6 Bert • mount Ave., . oropto. Adams—Grana—At. • St. A n dr e w • Manse, \gingham, on Saturday, April nst., by Rev. Dr. Perrie, Jean Alexandra, only daughter of Mr. an Mrs. Jas. Grant,. of Grey, to John 'Cameron Adams, son of Mr,, and Mrs: Win. Adams of Howick. "XATCHA-X00” IS UNIQTJEAND :BRILLIANT Wellington McCpy Vts eompleted the;• Among the dance's which are all Moving of his Pool room. do)Vrt there. very different -from. one another are He 'believes, that it is . a 'ninth better'. the.'ATeil 'Dance, Polo D,anee •and. the .4ana. - . . . • • a a --- . . ,...,A.Auld, Lang -Syne Grotto, The latter , .. . , ma \vim Johnston, who . has • been wIll he greatly. enhanced by the sing- .• . .. 'unite: ill in Wingham Hospital, we. are . ing of "When -I -Went to School With giad to . say 18. lime) • improved and You," ' by Dick and 'Dolly; Portnaited . . "able 'to return home, His many friends • by Mrs, la S, 'Williams and. Mr. Gor- - After a long ilineSs'•Mr .A.ndy Shop-- don Mac Loan,.)•; ."Katcha-Koo, a I -a hiinself before •tlie Maharajah's Temp- . v be glad to hear lie is .getfing 't- ill ... . ., hottoly - passed ..away ...at; the .'(-aiii le for. weeks at a time without moving. House- on'Satitrday, Where .of late he 'He is also-•sald 10 ccHllr°1: all ampuut has made his. home.•. MiaShbebottotri. of genuine 'curses' sufficient to .bring took -a .bad spelt late in the. fall with .fear to the hearts of the natives,- - his heart and since then he lits never. The Maharajah's nerves, badly shin - been well. The funeral was - held ter"- bY the Persista"" of the Fakir; :from the English church to Kinloss ,orchtrs the ladies of his household, 1.:7r,- .emetery. on' Monday• afternoon . In ' hal-10, 'played b.y. 'Miss Velma John - charge of the A.. V. 4 A, A.I. of whieli son and Selejah,.elia•Widow of a Wiz - (MI:. H. L. Sherbondy),..transfixes a'as an old. memben. ard, taken by Mrs. R. A, Currie, to Reeve JohnStan was in I'Pm on this' gi'Ve '1\1". Kiticha-K°° the "gate." The week. ' t pair .failAniserably and the Maharajah' Mrs, Temple Clark.e. of Gbderick; consoles them with the fact that he and Mr. ancl "Afrs. Richardson' of TeeS- uteri,. poison and then use water, visited with the ladies' mother, them as fodder for the 'trims° Mrs. D. Douglas. , . growls can- he heard ,off stage. The Dr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Connell returned MEthilraiallts personal •slave, home. Saturday night, from their' hon- Pith, will be portrayed 'hy Atr.• . coirple 'every happiness, voutm Cum'. At thia point, Messrs. Dick Horton; 030noon trip, 'We. wish..the THE POLITICAL., POT Ti was thought onl ri t Close who eallY l• rd°11 "Lea°, tc.,11e. bltisilgg. '11.311ed.t lalit)T)telastrmoten, ttkes'ne:0111.13'e" and Liberals of Centre Heron Will hold. a nominatiag •convention at'Sea- forth 011. May IgIh. Att. W. Hay, Liberal 'leader 'will 'sPeala • The Con.servatives ot Centre, Hu ron are calling, a norninating convention at SeafOrlh on- Wednesday of week, May .0111:, llarnum.of mdr, will li•C 'the''P,rincipal speaker.- Ex-MaYior': 'Wigle;:, of Goderich, is the 1115111 who—will be Most likely.to..:get. the convent:ion. • * Thc Sonth Huron: Liberalswill meet in Hensall on Friday, iNlay,•;t8lh., 10 select a',candidate for tbe 'coming el- ection. Mr' • Tottilie, “11. of 'Windsor, 3:111 be the. speaker, for the afternoon... *.• * * • SCUltil, COnserVatives hold their nominating C.'onvention. •Hen-. Sall, 011 Thursday, May Oth., -When they will select a candidata,' ',Mr. ',Harold Barnum 61 Aylmer, will ad, ciress the meetiM.4., Some of the nairt es mentioned as possible candidates are:W. 1-1, Tabb and C. •G. Middleton, Goderielt Township-, 11/4•tr, Geo, Petty, Ftensall; Mtessrs, Elber,lr,x-M. P. P., and. Mr, liAliott of Oa Sooth. and evening, So in future doll katclut-Koo rip in magic - gar - the librarian takes the half holiday ItiolciiitewiTotive,e11 tt.0•attlislee arsitfalsarajhh's four lc,)l• iss Bessie ltirdie Of London was Nilviovicasi; spli:111,itchd by Misses 305111 (uri-k', b,orne for the Jubilee, . Miss Verna ilfc•Otrillan of Stratford Erskine, Of eonriie, this doesn't help N.ormal was home for the week -end. Mr. and Atiaa, Thos, Aitcheson aad 'XII.. Cliff. A-iteheson; 'visited at he home of. Jas ; Day last Week, ; H...• Carruth spent .81Mday Wit h. her' Mother in Cliiiten. • " and 'Mrs. Ern, .,\itchesoe and children. Motored to ;Clinton' on Sun- day laSt. Mis Gwendolyn •McLeod has ,re - tinned.' to• her, in ChiCago; after Visiting with her mother,aMrs... Mc- Leod. • DRUGLESS -PHYSICIAN . f) R.. . A . oxiiRopfAcToi4 Office Hours: to 5 and 7 tr,,, 8 p, Wednesday Afternoons by appoint- ment Only. • 't Telephone tor. 1,12. AIL the littharalah s .disposition and more eoniplieations result; on the whole, supplying' ati interesting story • and lots of fim throughont the play. One of the .reasons people go. to amateur shows is “:) see how their friends lobk. "made-up." How they conduct themselves with an audience looking at thent • and how much of their personality they keep in playing the parts orreal ;tetors end amrcsede, (-)f course, the • audience doesn't mitid if in the Meantime, it hears good good songs ahd clever lines, hut what tickles the fathers, mothers, sis'a tors and brothers , is seeing their friends in novel sitnai.jons. Seeing two. tivolessional players, strangers, mak- ing love 611 the stage 18 no Well knOWU novelly: because it 'seems real, but seeing two persons that are woll knoWn the .andienee, making love serves as a delightful entertainment. If the persons Making seilOrt8 1.0V0 "- — ,....,.. 11 ' ion Stores Limited i CANADA'S ,T...4RGBST RETAIL GROPERS r r --- W 1:- g WE SELL Tit . SATISFil, - ' - 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1 20 ! t , s^, 100 11). • g.. .. ...... .$11.95 ..... .,.. ,. n ••;,. ,,C.A.KE .SPECIALS HEINZ PORK & BEANS ..- 1 '''... Valencia, per 1,13' 210 Stnall; tin x4c i d," 7, Dundee, per lb, ,.: agc II/tedium, tin . . 19c a 0 „, Madeiras, each a5c Large, tin • age a ' ": Infants Delight, 3 cake,s or•V•Z a, an foot Sash Cord -Cloth- a e- - for " es Lines, each...a . a.. ... .. , - 'd t T-1 Cornfort Soapa 15 - $1 00 Fancy .Blue Rose Rice, 325c -.' r •-; cakes for •: . .:.. . .. a lbs for , ;1E • CEREALS '' '• JAMS d' -di , , Post Toasties1 pkt. . • ,• xic Wagstaffes Bramble Jelly . .....3e E ',..1•Ej Kelloggs Corn -Flakes; fo-r..:29c , Wagstaffe s Marmalade ,r27c a ''.1 1-74 • Rfafkeedr i:iocrne F217okres, a for 3rescc St. ZeltatstriCznatbapple 2,3,55cc i ! F---2 Rorrian Meal, • — , 33e Strawberry ._... .... .., ...... .. . 35c i •,.„..— Brunswick Sardines, 4. ,,, . el M,„... Peanut -Butter, Toy tr),QA.. i.-• tins for .. • 400 Vito Pails • ' 60 v." 4." = . . 5 i , Botter and Eggs Taken—W1NGHAM—We Deliver, a f az a 11111111/1111111111liallitillaallIal111 III 111111111;311131111111111011111111.111K1111111111-8011112111t111115111111111K12;13 OIWNW MEMEMEMEMIIMMEMEMEMEMEMEMIBMEIMEWMMEIn ' M • ..= / — B 1 i P , ., .. MUMMMWMEM Ai = i . i i i _ . fa." We have some odds and ends left in Books which are I - now on sale, Books regularly priced at 50c are = - on sale at 35c each or 3 for $1.00, Books : i = : - . ill• regularl)- priced 75c& sale at 45c. . _ _, i • =- tilE 0 ANNvi. Boys' and Girls' Annuals, - aa to 3.501 while El •...:,=7 _ , 6 a Books, StationecyrMagazines, ii National and Grand Trunk Railways, ... liM MMMEMIIMMMIIM MOMEM 1 _ i u ....,S i i Chums. etc, priced at $2.00 they. last at 4.25 each. til! — . , L1STT _ 5 Town 'Ticket Agent Canadian _ Ocean Tickets via all lines ill ii MOMMU MEMEMEMEM M MMMEM M MEM --- - ------- . ' '1,014.f o_EfAirSAM„VMDELLIMIS .14triti" ' 4, iti ,42,,ci 4 _ , •„...:L•-...,...„... . -.. ST 'YU, ...., tgt. - .;;;;;;A'r 4 ..., - 4- • „ Iv t • 141, • kirk.,. ''';:::-.7:11I -19';',•••...,„:„•'; I •••v: .... • . , . •,, Al. ,,... 8-, 1 t-. ... z , t. ,§, til4t11.... 4,t .,•„,. -I I he V -• f...., ....,,nd Imrt1 k:j 1A.I'4 sort C.rZ.4,?›. hard -,,... .0,.No e.' N.-0 and kj . ; „, 1k 15:hints's ct ...,-,-- Thempstil ,-- ,..- ..,•row-•-• , a , Nr..1' 0.0 n 1 .d..-,811 When we only when and reed toutilicr and .7.5 .,..- - ' that at Stays say hard, when its hot. stays hard to tell it stays, the 2noro .., '. 453 ' ' DrieS Hard Hard wa don't mean cold wor,ther, and We motat it dries all the time., you that ihe harder the lonz-,,ev it • it wears, & Ruchanan ar, , ' ..i . , 4A•1•8 nrface :, .... t1 ' A . , ,. •,.••• ,,,, ..1' ,,• , It „4•1•M' - '%.$ 10 4''''' , 4.41 4, ,S, , 4 '1* 1! , ..,. ' • ; e,. - , iii -3W 51 V116111,”, t .; 17I ''S ,ls are 'natural comedians in plisata the 'audience is all the more entertain- ed, It •Is the personnel of the 'east that goes far to make up a auteessful ainateur pioduction. • - The- east . eliaraeterS will be as follows: Katelat-Kort•-•,-H. Sh(l'boody. Solejah—Mrs. R. A. t'tirrie. tirhanah—Miss Velma Johnson, I)idk Horton—Mr. Gordon Mke- Harry .lItailstone.--...MT,. - Maharajah Flunga—Mr. R, S. Williams, Boodypall--Mr. A. Maharajah's \ViVe:?-..--Ereflell .Sliss Effie ErsLine; Trisdi •wife•—•,'Miss Helen Go iss ese if-a,Xlias Nnrisli iti(. 11,111; 1l1'5l111511( vi hall i( rr iLrs chattiv, -tladdin--- Miss Eileen • Kennedy: Miss Dolly (litdd -,Mrs. R. S. \Vil sTias Prndenee • Solo 'f'ialtc.ter,..—Mrs. 1Nalt.et Van- • Wt.7111.')roses that Qoinfirise the produc- (ion ,trt,, The ()dental Ladies, I rtestS, Slaves, Neil Daneers, Polo DmIcersg Auld Lang Syne ('horus, Iinglish, ..laekies, Yankee r)i,*KlOt.1, 1'1'0 11e 11, Ital- ians, 111111080, Dtl 1C11, lkittia 11S, 1 pi Utile 10l:•1 ealled Maple laek Carnick and.- his 4atendi1li1s. 11