HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-05-17, Page 1K atchL -Koo, on't Fail T e This 0 derful Fantastique In Wingh rn o Mond.y and Tuesd • Single Cosiies, Font. Cents, EVERYBODY'S COLUMN AUCTION SALE—Of •Household goods on Saturday, May 19111., at 1.30 o'clock sharp, mostly dining ancl kitchen furniture, chairs, tables, bed, lounge, cupboards, two violins and cases, stoves, etc Must be sold as family is lestving• by afternoon train, tr. Burgess; $.4 Victoria St„ near Catholic Church. R Bennett, Auct. AUCTION SALE—Household E'urn- iture at Belgraye, on Saturday after- noon, May teth. . Mrs. Sproat, Prop, Jas. Taylor, Auct. BUY YOUR CEMENT FROM W. H. Davidson. • COMFORTABLE •HOME—Foi• girl who wishes room and board. Apply to Mrs, Walker, John St„ between • -Palk Scheol and St. Pants church. W1NGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 17th, 1923 .OR SALE—At bargain prices to make ?nom. Refrigerator, Cooking Range -with reservoir, three :burner Oil Stove. Thompson & Buchanan Hardware. FOR SALE -7A 'Brantolo and over a &ten records in good shape, also one pair of EngliSh Mottled Can- aries. Apply at .• The Advance FOR SALE—Hot .Point iron_ " Phone 6 on 602. FOR SALE -.-;Coal Oil Stove and' oven, two extension _tables, two lonitges, buffet, kitchen cabinet, two bed room suites, kitchen range and . heater, hall stand, etc. Apply to The Advance: FOR SALE—A washing machine in god condition. Apply to Ce D. Shackleton, THE FIELDING BUDGET To the Editer ay the Advance, Deer Sur:- 3stishter Fielding, that good. ould Grit,. has • given his budget: apache at lasht an the changes are •few an far betwaele loike hin's teeth. He has put the duty on cigarettes back to wheee the Tories had it, afther losing two million dollars to the bootleggers. The, reduction av half a cint a pound on sugar. will not be noticed at all, at all, as itwill go into the pockets ay the grocers; It wud hey been betther to heverejuced the tatiff on necissities av loife loike tay an tobaceky, so it wud. The change in the shtamp tax will only be a leinifit to the- rich fellahs, who wroite checks • fer $5000 arr moore. The tin per cint incrase in the prifirince to -British goods coining dir- ict to Canadian ports is the beiht ting in the budget, an is a good shlap at thim .Yanks. On the whole it wus a purty good Tory budget spache, an as a consequince thim U. F. O's. will foind .fault svid h, buteye can't plaze thim lads. . • Shpakin ay the tg. F. O's. remoinds me ay the Ontario elickshuns. The situwashun beNort Huron iS tinchang, 'ed. Lt remoinds me av.wan-day whin nayber's dog ran our ould cat up a tree an the missus wits trowin shiones at the dog troyin to droive•hira a -way. The cat wudden't come down, an the dog cudden't get ti an the misstts cucl- den't shcare him itwa.y. Tokape frum laffin an gettin in wrong wid the mis- ses, I wint down town an I don't know how it hided, Thim tree corn- ered foights are quare affairs, an not accordin to stature. In this wurruld theer is land an wather, both av thim good,:but whin ye mix thinye. hey mud. As .1 tink I tould ye wance be- foor, the.U. F. 0. parthy is loike the fate:av Nebuchadnez.zar's image, part iron an part -miry clay, an is botind to fall to ieces iv person shud hey p . FOR 'SALE -7A number of purebred twa hands, an two fate, an two oyes, York sows. Apply to . an two ears, an ,so ,fort, but if has ' Scott Bros tree ins -Mead ay two he is•a. freak an Phone 13-62i Route 1 Belgrave. is put in a circus, wid the fat lady an the woild man fruni Borneo. . FOR. SAI;E—tst, storey frame -house, Thim U. F. O's. fursht fellout wid 7 rooms, hard and soft water ana the Tories •an Grits, an now the labor stable, with acre of land also one min won't wurruk wid thim • any good kitchen range. For particulars moote in lasht av all they alt foight ePPly to - It ir7, ing among, thimsilves. A quare hunch s • RAISED OVER $1.1,000 The Methodist Church Closes A Most David Goldstein Dies At Western Sucecssful Year • Hospital, Following Accident In a blinding snow storm, on Wed- nesday afternoon, David Goldstein's junletruak was struck by a C. P. R. freight engine backing out of Wing - ham, the truck was carried over 130 feet and thrown in the ditch a mass of scrap. Mr. Goldstein received very severe injnries from which he never regained consciousness, About five O'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deans were surprised by the door opening and a train man implor- ing them to call a doctor at once. A strong wind and heavy snow storm were doubtless the cause of the un- fortunate accident, • Dr. Hambly brought Mr. Goldstein to Wingham Hospital and 'found him to be in a most critical co'ndition, Re- latives motored from Toronto during' the night and had him removed to the Western Hospital, Toronto, where he died on Friday Morning about 5 a'Ciahcek. Tfollowing is clipped from the. Toronto Telegram of Friday: Four little children and one about to I be born, have been rendered fatherless j by the death early Friday morning,' Of David Goldstein, following an auto I accident. Her face tear -stained, eyes heavy for , want of sleep and with faltering step j that reflected the heart- ache she had, just experienced, Mrs. Goldstein ar-I rived at her home, 441- Gerrard St„' West., at 5.30 o'clock on Friday morn-, ing, after remaining at the Western! Hospital to the end, with her husband,. who was fatally injured at Wingliam,. when a train struck the truck he was, driving. Awaiting her was Becky, aged 6, who had mothered the three! other children during the night. As she stepPed into the living apart - i T t a e a er lute a e one HIT LY C. P. R. FREIGHT On Friday evening •a large num- ber. of the members and adherents of the Wiegham Methodist church at- tended the annual congregational meeting. Reports were. received from the various organizations showing substantial increases in almost every department, making a grand total of flets,00.00 rasiecl during the year. The •reports were as 'follows: Tuxis Boys, raised $80.00; expenses, $79.00; Miss Verna Joynt reported for the Yoting People's Society, total rais- ed, $219.00, paid .Missionary Society, $20o.00)---ladal expenses, $s4,0o; bal- ance., $5.00. Miss Blanche Bennett reported for the Victory Mission Cir - Cie, amount raised $84.00, sent to branch treasurer,, $79.00. Mrs, A, E. Lloyd reported for the Ladies' Aid Society, balance on hand front -last year, $ito.00; raised during the year, $40.0o, total, $603.00, after purchas- ing a blower for the Organ and some furnishings for the Parsonage, the Ladies have a balance .of $200.0o. •Mr. Frank Howson reported a total raieed in Sunday School, general fund, $833.00, through classes, $65.00 .and with balance from last" year of $70.09, meking a total of $968.00, being an in- crease of $230,00 Over the previons year. .r.rheir, expense list shows the Purchase of a Lantern, a new plat- form anct they also inaugurated graded lessons, Mrs. W. B. •Wellwood re- ported for thl Woman's Missionary Society, which has a membership of (10, and raised $497,00, an • increase of $tto.00. 'During the year the Lad- ies held a lawn social at Mr. J. j. Kerr's, also a public service addressed by Miss- Wellwood before her return to` China. At the meeting Miss Well - wood was presented • with a Gunn A DOUBLE FUNERAL Two Aged MacLepd Sisters Laid To Rest Together y, May 214. • A double funeral was held from the residence of Miss MacLeod, Victoria =- St., Wingham, an Monday afternoon, M- 10 Lochalsh cemeterY.' Her sister, - Janet, beloved wife of Mr. Colin .Mac- kenzie, died at her home in Winnipeg, on Wednesday, May 9th., and her sis- ter, Marion, widow of the late Angus McLellan, who died at Wingham on Sunday., May i3th., a few, hours after the arrival of her sister's corpse from tl W • The late-lqrs:, McKenzie was in her nth year and Mrs, McLellan was 68 years of age, Rev. Dr. Perrie conduct- = ed the funeral services on Monday. - • The MacLeod family are pioneer ' residents of Ripley and Ashfield and g were always highly esteemed people t' of Scotch origin, ' Miss May MacLeod, a niece of the deceased ladies arrived, in Wingham = on Monday in time for the funeral ser- vices. She came direct from Scotland sti to spend. the summer here. •PERSONALS -:- Mrs. E. J. • Nash visited last week :O.! with friends in Exeter. Mrs. H. Efiriscliffe visiting in Tor- gle onto with' her daughter, Mrs. Paul anNess. Mr. Wilfred MeVittie of the .Bank - of . Hamilton,. spent a few days in Winzham, Ont. Stratford. • = 111E1111 II 11 111111111E11111111 Vrs W J. Haines has returned 1 II 11 1 I 1 Subscriptions $2,00 per year, "exclotZeo orttoshisIlleill1112111E11110110111intio 1 ILL A tra w rWS04. Will save y the price new hat. Elkays Str Hal Dye is in sixteen tashiona le shades and colors. 0 c This is real economy cKib I . . . from Owen Sound after speeding the winter -there. - Mr, and Mrs. Weir Elliott spent the Week -end with the formers mother, Mrs. J. j. :Elliott; Victoria St. Mr. and Mrs. Connor of Wroxeter, were guests of -Mr. and Mrs. H. W. '1 1. ons Dr 27eo 611....ciasleee.,..E.• Store e Phone 35 1 11E111 riatimignicamil insinvoncli BASEBALL RE -ORGANIZATION BOWLERS RE -ORGANIZE Prospects Are Bright For Wingham Most Enthusiastic Meeting Held In • Baseball Team Years 1 t tt e G t • 1 • d Shane a couple of days last week-, • lase a ans at • lig w e, le ng er a- . Son-ola b.y the congregat on. le len r r, , g ; , Trea.sitter, Mr, j. A Mills in present- year, stirred in her cot, opening wide' Mr. Lawrence and his sister, Mrs. ing the financial report of the church, sleepy baby blue eyes at the welcomel, Modison, of Brampton, spent a week said that the year closing had been sig -ht of her mother. Then in response: renewing did acqoaintances in town. the most successful since the building to the outstretched arms, the mother i Rev. H. W. Snell, B. A, motored of the church. • took up her 'Youngest, and burst into! to London, on Monday where he will Receipts, weeking offerings $4060.0 ; tear , onvu s v so )s wrac< 1 g le increase, $898.00; Pew Rents, $461.00; body, as she sat rocking to and fro Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howson motor - Loose Collections, $628.0o; • Anniver- in her grief. The other little kiddies,. ed to Toronto on Saturday and are Sexy, $2350.00; Northern Fire Relief, Maximilian, aged 5, and Abraham, visiting at the home of their daughter. returned to her $280.00; Russian Famine Ftmcle aged 3, still slept, their childish Mrs. Swarts has s , theY wud be to run the counthry. $.1 2-t.00; C.onnexional Funds, etc., creams un stem e •0• -..FOR SALE'—One three -burner, new I shtill tint; the electors av Nort $9 k 1 f $88 "YOur father is dead" sobbed Mr • Ile d 0 te `3 i 97.00. 1 'rand total o . 97.00, an , s, r att. 1 r. n Buffalo for the win- • Perfe.ction. Coal Oil Stove, with HurOn slind take ould Tim's advoice increase of $2300.00. A.fter meeting ,Goldstein, then she burst out anew ' ter. . Oven, at .$10,0a Apply Box C' an- lioulcl a joynt ct,onvinshun, so .to ' all expenses, the• year closed with a in fresh spasms of weeping. 'Becky Mr. and Mrse Robt. I3osinan of ' . The Advance. shpake. Ay coarse a lot ay thien U. balance of $408.0o. One gratifying came to where her Mother sat and: Leamington; motored no and spent a di b d home on Shuter St. after visiting- with.. .FOR SALE—Nineteen acres of -good • pasture land, Said parcel of land. being a part of. lot 26, in the Hal concession of TUrnberry, near the .1-lolnies' schoolhouse. There are 4 or 5 ,acres of it well adapted for growing vegetable's sueli -as celery, onions, cauliflower', cabbage,' etc. The price. of $300 cash, or $5o cash and a rime •mortgage at. 5 per cent 'interest for the .balance• will be ac - or tender§ for less will be entertained. The lot will be sold. R. Graham,. • Box ,3, Wingham. :HAVE A HEART—.1 May haVe had a run of!totigh:luck; and I may be out,. Vitt I -am certainly not down. nt F O's wucl objech!. ler themosht ay feature was the marked mcrease to putting her arms cibout her 'leek, trier.ifew, days ren5lvmgaccluainiances . . , him! do b6's•Sisipictin to be• appoinle'd Mi i Gi i • I a: ss ornery y ngs, ast ye r, $1 1 5400, to c.omfort her, tears. also trickling this vicinity. stDeptity R.etumin kwficers arr oll this year, $14.60.00, increase of dotvir the child's cbeeks,and falling on Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Shane enter- . delighted to know that prospects are bright for an even better baseball team at Wingham this year than be- fore. The club was re -organized on Thursday' night and the following officers and coininittees appointed: Presidente--W. J. Greer. Vice-President—W.. H. Rintoul, Treaserer—Oliver Thompson.. Secretary—H. B. Elliott. ManagingCommittee—W 'Boyce D. Rae, A. M. Crawford, G. L. Brac- enbury, Jack Mason, J. J. Johnson-, Herb Campbell, C. E. Judson, Dudle3i Holmes and A. 'G. Smith. 'Grounds Committee—Herb Camp-. bell, \V. H. Rintoul, NV., J. Boyce. ManadO ger—H. L. Sherbondt. ifthey don't get nominated fer $306.0. Mr. j; H. .Christie repos -ted the little baby. tame t Mein TWellty-five men have been signed mimber. ins a clear case av a lot av for the•Choir whish has a'inembership 11.1rs. Goldsteie, when her grief had Star Club and. their husbande on Fri- , up, a few of these are young players • good min gone wrong, but if we don't of 34, attendance at rehearsals and somewhat subsided, told The Tele- day evening. • . • J who will be heard from for the first , he ail clickshun mosht ay. the Tory public services was very- large, and gram she had been married seven Miss A. H. Clayton was in town:time. It was decided to Jet the play- waris• \Neill ..pstee back in the mild parthy the utmost harmony' prevails among years and that her husband had al- reeentlY in the interest of the :junior; ers choose their ot.1,0 ettptain. tight. [he .G1 -it U. F. O's ti inore the members. The Pastor reported, ways struggled to support the family. Red Cross. She was the guest of Or.) The boys have entered in the North shtubborh, 11 c61 1101.to the nature av members received dtiring the year, by Fie had been at first a junk collector, and Mrs. Parker . NVellington League and we may ex- thitrt, ,aw. if only •it few Tories will letter„so; on protession of faith, 86; starting en a small way, but soon he 1\fr. A J. Nicholls and Miss Millie, 14peet 1.6 see some really good eeenes at ‚.ht 1) Wid 'the U.- F. a game they total, Ise, Removal by letter, 30, by had saved up enough to gel a wagon returned to Toronto, after spending-, Wingham during the year. ; in kape the ,C'rits frpm goineback to death,_ro; ceasing' 10 be plembe -s 26. and thee, becituse so much success at IL p -t 1 111111 - ...,.. . 1,, \I Cheer °end parthy.- 'Tis neeissary to total 66, net gain 5o, making a total tended his work, be next purchased a G, Patterson, Miss Aieholis • spent [Clean Up Yards . use yet brains in the pollytiekle:gaine, membership, not incliedieg the boys truck, in which to collect junk all ov(r. Sunday with Mrs. R. M. Hunter, Kin -i arr ye may sbpill the -banes, as t ie At: -. ana gins under r5, of 602. the province. • cardine. _ . I Citizens of Wingham are requested : to see. that their premises are cleaeed • ee _ , , -, leth seise .. • -•. 1.The best of• good will prevails ' Goldstein was drivirig his truck- Mrs. -(Dr.) Tamlyn returned from .... journe.d meeting in the Town Hall on Monday evening at 8 o'clock; when the last year officers were 1'e -elected for the en.sning year with the excep- tion of the Secretary -Treasurer; A. G. Smith,. who wished to be relieved and his Place was taken by Mr. C. R. Wilkinson. The others are: --Hon. , Pres.—A. E. Smith; I res.—Antos lip - ling; Vice -Pres. ---Rev. H. 'W. Snell; Bonspiel Corranittee-.-R S Wil- liams, A. G. Smith, W. • R, Hamilton, and Rev. Snell. Grounds Committee—A. E. Smith, A. E. ,Lloyd and E. J. Mitchell, Mr. W. R. Hamilton offers as a prize to be played tor each night, four little gold champion buttons. There will else be a schedule drawn up. It. is mon, than likele• that the club house will be shingled and the grounds pin in better shape. Last year there were very few paid. up members, but the club are starting this year with a membership of over fifty and great enthusiasm is display- ed, \Ve understand that the tennis club will get AWay, to a good start in a couple of weeks time. Organize A Firing Party Lieut. A. 51. Forbes will lie at the Wingham Armouries on: Friday even- . ing, Mar 18th., at o'clock, to arrange , for the taking, of a firing party to St. eleus 0,11 May 24th. Col. Confine • ; would be pleased to meet as many !veterans as possible on the 24111, :as he wishes to eriveil the Joynt Mentor- ; ial at St. Helens svith - military honors. Is It Any Good? • • ; Mr. Thompson of London, who last week advertised. three Prod cars for 'tittle in The Advarice called to tell us on Monday that he had made two sales from the advertisement. Mrs. VanAlstyne advertised her house to rent and called on Tuesday to say how pleased she was, the advertise - !meet did the trick. Speed a quarter and see • if our Everybody's Column W011't help you sell that old article. Her maay !up before May 2.0.11. Shpakin av the LT. do not throughout the church, and under the across the railway tracks at Wingham Toronto on Saturday. I 'It guicance o wool, junk, beef hides,;geese 'feath- ers at good cash prices,,aiid I will ' s just es fairl now '18 heve • in the past. FOr quick, service, phone 240. • Watch. for next. • week's advertise- ment. Harry Wardsman. •By order o ht Sanitat 3 In. Tate . mane that they hey no good civalities. ' bi- I.' • 1 t ' t • .1 friends will be sorry to learn that she thrade haeses wid Charlie Sutton. 'Thetis exceedingly briOit for the, coming, standing motionless • started baeking attendance, and het siSter, Mrs. C. C. • land throwing him from the 'vehicle on Mr. and Mrs. Scattergood at .I•New the . conning fuer or . 1 • It • I. H " • b t th York State have moved to town' and, on; South Pitiron, George Layton of Brucefield and for (:entre Huron, Al- , e1-1,0-lISE TO RENT -:-Centrally toe- : ated, all Modern Conveniences, Ap- ply The AdVance.- "Tis the could backward. weather %Speculation coecerning the date Of do be hevin, btit hey seen' Wurse. .F• the approaching' PrOyincial general LOST—In Wingham on Tuesday rierumber wan. year Aye did'nt get ,the 'election was set at rest Wednesday night,. a gum of neoney.., Finder will be rewarded On leaving same at • ' The Advance: ."• Tis joiltf2 dsty :1* wue throym tot pseetar, Reis. C., E. Cragg, the outlook tram which he believed, to have been is. in very poor heetlth. A ""-"e n•i 1" Appointed Returning Officers Mr. John Jamieson of .1.slifield is, ottld harse had -wee purty thin fee, year. strikine th tract- in the centre VanStone, accompanied her home. I hadn't Mlle et him long enough to 1 get lUm fed up,- an 1 WU,S. 4.hal 91015111 up to Charlie an showin .aff his good PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS . Western Hospital on ThursdaY after- have taken up their residence ni the , Points, "Ye're roight Pure" se z Char- ' J.,;;:e 25th., . noon and it was foiled that lie had sus- ‘ an,elstyee residence on Scott St. Mi. lie," the baste h'es a lot av good points Ontario Elections On tabled a fracture of the skull. He died Scattergood is an experienced auto 111 roie;q1C, an -some tti, thint-T.ettd liiing N'omina.tions to be Held June 14th :at 5 a, 01. 00 Friday without gainieg mobile mechanic and will work in . , me hat on.' I consciousness," :Roolyis-TO LET—Coral. -of, John and Willi -ant St.., Apply to • • The Advance. ,., • TO RENT -Furnished Home 011 Al- fred St. Will be inteated'by June 1st, For particulars apply to • B. j. Johnson, Box 205, Wallaceburg, IWANTED--A Second' hand lawn hose' • Apply at The Advance; wi\ NT ED—..A.9.` once. A capable housekeeper, Apply to - Mrs. Tamlyn, 'Card Of Thanks eattle Ont. on the grass till the fursht afternoon, when the Drury Goyern-. Messrs. MacKenzie-, MiSs MttcKen- zie and Miss MacLeod desire to av june, an thin we had dray weather ment definitely' selected Monday, etd aate was thank their neighbors and friends for an by the twilfth av July the ptishtures • tl wus bare agin aa we: had to shtart cuttin grane fade, to kape the cattle fr•shtarvi n. T him wuS the r u d den MeSevain of Mahon, while foi South Brnee the retuerung officer named is •Bert Cartwright of Walker - %el c . ton. Mr. and Mrs. 1', H. Gibson of mother, Methodist Church Notes Wingham ,and the • latter's Mrs. leleKee, motored. down and visit- 10.15 a. m.—Claes service; 11 0. in, ed with relatives here last Wednesday, —Morning Worship, subject—"What Mrs. McKee intends leaving on Tties- Young People Demand of the Lead- . •qhliic . 'tl ere ot Canada." 4 p. in.—Sunday C 0 Spet agrecd upon by the Cabinet members, kuldness and sympathy extended to her daughter, Mrs. J. D. Young, at School and Bible 4Classeet 7 9. 01.— . 'them U1 their recent double' bereave- Glenboro,..M Evening service, subject, "Exceeding after which it was incorporated in the an,—Pordwich Record. Speed Limit, or the Reckless Scorches formal' U1 114 Council asking the 'nerd:. , . Mr. and Mrs. John Walters and m • .\\,'ji ham on 1 111 Highway." Wards. The byes on the farrums 11011 1 granting OF the request by His Hon-. di. iNcter.a. tb3aair•rbeetre seheolti0 01 hi ,10),-,0 in -Aliss Charlotte c urners., Miss Myrtle Wttlters, Listowel and ' Nurse Emma Walters, Toronto, are - --- - • --- tonnes, an ef a fellah slipint a quarthet Lien'', Governor for, the dissolution ig Ile wud.fale it fer tree months afthcr- of the present Chamber. With the . .,_ : Died In Brandon don't know annyting ,about the shtrug- i or, a mere formality; the Fifteenth ' Witt Holmes' shoe repair shop, died Nurses' Graduation at Victoria Hospi- London this week attending the ' .... gles us ould idintities uSed, to hey to Parliament will have lost the fictitious . . m biandom Man., on Tuesday of last , tat Miss Nellie Winters, dautreiter of ' ' • ' I 'I the e an ink w .1 Mr. Barrett, had it barber elle and Mrs. John 1,\ alters, is one of I time of the passage of the dissolution i wilds. i, I order, . • . , going' the Graduating Class. ; shop 10 Brussels prior to his i' The .dissoletion. order -in -Council it -•:West, , l 'Mr. and 'Mrs. John Stanley, Bins- kape our heads above wather. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hays G111111. Son-ola In China. (self is rief and pnrel r y ,Ormal: Unveiling Of Wawandsh Monument , carth Road, Toronto, announce the 1501913 ,, catmints T -lis .1-Ionor with the ... engagement of their niece, Gladys A letter Tim.: just been received from Government's desire for the immediate • - The Joyet -Sieniorial erected in Fraeree, daughter o.f the late. Mr. EtIld , ' NESS WCIIWOOd stating that,the Gunn ,' dissoln.tion of the present Honse, and . meranrV of the heroes from Wawa-. Mrs, john F. Morrish, to 'Air. John • Soll-ola has ar`rived safe1Y at C'henttic for a general election to he held an 1 nosh Township, will lit -unveiled at St. ,-Franklin Galbraith, Toronto, son of i\i' ' • .' 1 r ' • •-fko ' Helens,. Con. 1.0, West Watyatosh, nn • Sir, and Mrs. John Galbraith, Wing- , WAN11to run the sixth "Ian' ' - threshing syndicate machipe. Ten- ders addressed to the undersigned, will be received up to May 3tst. Signed, first—An engineer; secondL A separator man; third -7 -Men and 'te,ams to go with engine. ' • Cyrus W. Scott, Phone 11-624 Belgrave. • NOTICE The first sitting Of the Court of Re- vision for the pterpose of hearing com- plaints against the Assesstnent Roll of the Town of Wingham, for the year 1923, will be held at the Clerk's Office, on Monday, May 28th., 1923, at 7.30 p,151. Dated, Clerk's Office, May (5111, (923 W, A. Galbraith, • Clerk of the Municipality and of the said Court. • presented to Miss1.4111111. . lIIIS WeEtwood by the specified for Thursday, Jtme the MaY 2411" the ceremony will ham. '1 he marriage to take place • •• • CI ••I1 commence et p The P• tiet Church •it e rn 14111,, people Of the \Hingham Methodist statutory 1 dalr$ befere the election • be condected with full rnilitary ; eme,...y on _lune 4th., at Walmer Road church In August last • before she re- !Itself, •monument will be unveiled by C. F. Libby, for several years Fifteenth 'Parliament .• orOntario turned to her mission work in. China.' mmanding Of-. I local manager of the Clinton Knitting Col. I-1, B. Combe, C0 AB that was wrong with the machine: which' thus passes out of existenceficer of , , fop, the (16141) HuronO 's verseas Company is ' in town this week, hitising was a button' knocked off, When one was elected on October 2Otia; considers the great ntimber <5"f miles, and has held four sessions, 'When it Battalion. After the neveiling cere-: come over to assist his daughter -in - yea, hundreds of them, over Which a I rose 00 may 5t11 Last, '55 members Following addresses will be given by the; law, Mrs. F. I,ibby, to pack tola get 1140(1 to be present: ;IS M. Goventock, intend residing in future, Mr. Libby ready to move to Boston, where they machine must be carried or drawn bY, were sitting 'on the Government side Following gentlemen, who have 91001 11' it •is bettor understood why .the of the Chamber, ee . were among the ' months of tedious journe3r and 'Wait- ' Conservative benches, and 27 were. ..H. P. P., for Centre Miran; Major; is looking remarkably well ttild assur- ing. Miss Wellwood eagerly -opened with the Liberals. . '1,V, H. Fenton, M. C., M, P , . re, for his frie es nds tht ahe's just as svell as j North :Bruce; ( apt. C. H. Bucktand, • he looks, Agenial soul, who made' , the machine and started a record- 'We , M. P. P., for South Wellington; thejmany friends during his residence would suppose that 'a few of tlie mit- : • A Popular Minister , . !140n, C. D. Carmichael, a S. 0. AiL heite. Mr. Libby has been warml3'. ives will Idok upon this inteSie. box as, . a most marvellous invention' if •not Rev. A.. L. Bridge, minister of • P. P. for Centre Grey., besides focal 1 ,tve.comed but his return to town has. almost a strange idol which should be 'Clialmer Presbyterian Church, Hamil- , speakers. Mr. Blemamin Naylor t „ 0,-,..., Mit renewed the regret felt at his re - reverenced, Mr. Kenneth J.. Beatoe 1ton and a former C. C 1: student was' Reeve Of West Wawariosh, win aet.,,movai to teneeteet place of abode. -.- as Cliairmae. . • Clinton'. News Record. has also received a phonograph but , calling on old friends in town last• his did not arrive in the excellent week. Tichad been• attending Synod The citizens of Wawanosh, :under• Our invictus massage can't be beat, shape in which Miss Wellwood's did. at Stratford and in «Milian to his ' 1111 patronage of the C. ouneil and t ry 0116 at cetneesnannee Credit for this should be given" to clerical duties finds time to do con.; Women's Institute, will furnish re- , Court Of •Reviston those who pack.ed the n B C-ourt of Revision to he held in Gunn Son-ola factory tit Bluevale, in Council 11 63, at 3 o'clock. Miss Welhvood wrote , on the 29th clay ef 'May, 1921 Tenders for the Aainting of Linton's Bridge. Contractor to remove rust 'before painting •and, supply paint which is subject -to approval of the Council, Tenders' to be in hands of • the Clerk by the 29th day of May, • 1923. . W; R 'Crtikshank, Clerk, H ' fresliments free for the occasions All • • • n • 1 Men es )ecielly invited to at- - Mrs. unker passes lachine in the siderable journalistic work. e las , Winm ingha. . made something of a reputation or , The' •LrieknoW Pipe Tiatd, the. 'there passed away in Wingliam just prior to !himself as a reporter of General As terld• , . ay ,: Win ghani 'Brass Band 'arid the T.U0k-' (10004 ti T.Iospital,. on Sunday, May. nother city semb y meetings an is , lloy Scout Band will furnish the ' t3tIt.. ne idea of the contributor to 011411y newspapers of al 41011' illVitd. "G011 , the pa!ltrse';ittrito11111t1(tIstask"0:. Tililaltd,11<serre'siln vel,:tlie're, she church. news feature called "The': imisin• V-yerY1)00 out& accomp- Era. . v i Save 'rhe Xing." . T 0 ' 1, ' wl t 11 her. daughter, Mi.s. lolin Kerr, , unks and her- M -, 13 i 1,,e i' ' • former Wawa- i Benjamin !Nayl r, l\cove, 1 Bitievale 1.Zoad. Slit( (V4tS ill her 64th. starting on a ,journey to hi China andAo give sof way people have to tra writes that thirty men w any her to carry het tr self a good part of the Readers of this pa.pe delighted to 'hoar Iron wood. way, 0 are alwayS I Miss Well nosh boy and is held in. high esteem !•year. The remains were taken .to i 'bei hundreds of our readers, who look ' • "Dance in the Foresters' Vali, Bel- , Oshawa on Tnesday morning, where (plot oir Thvirsday afternoon. forward each week tci,hiS contribut- ! grave, on Friday evening, May x8th. !interment will 'take place in the family ions in The Advanee.. Wingliam Sextette Orchestra. 's Tie for refoot Sandals ade iii serviceable 1row Leathers, single strap patterns. 'Sat 11 sizes, 4 to V, MOO Chit ren's sizes, 8 ao • Misses' sizes, 11 to 2 ... .$1,50 Women's sizes, to 7 ....$1.75 See our White lack and White Canvas Shoes or W men. 14 THE GOOD SHOTi STORY,'