HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-05-10, Page 7a1atlrsdFty; M
Tl Wei:sham Arance
Wirt gh u , Ontario
every 'Thursd7y Merninei
A: (i, SA11TkJ Publisher
•Subscrlptioti_ rater: -�- ,One year,'
12.00; six /um:tis, $1.:00 In advance.'
• Advertising rates :on application.
Advertisements without specific di-
rections will be inserted mitil forbid
and charged accordingly.
Changes for contract advertise -
meets he ie the office by noon, P Am-,
` day.
sew ]nssecnamRno
Wellington Mutual Fire
insurance Co.
lalstahlished 1840
Head Office, truefph
Mills -taken on all classes of Insur-
able property on the cash or premium.
note system.
ABNBJfl: COSENS,-.Agent,
Victory and Other Bonds Sought and
Office—Mayor Block, Wingharia
Money to Loan. at Lowest Rater,
DRe . G. 'e ROSS
Graduate -Royal 'College of Dental
- Graduate Univeralty of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry
e R. Y
B.Sc., m.o., _ C.M.
• Special attention paid to diseases of
Women and: Children, having taken
postgraduate 'work in Surgery, Bap- '
ter -felony and . Scientific Medicin®.
®nice Ire the Kerr Rearden ce, between
the, Queen's Hetet eird the Baptlet
All bna1ness> given careful attention. t
Phone' 54. ',P.O. O. Box 912
Dr. Robt. ' ,;
C. ond
M.R.C.S. (Eng).
.., L,R.C.P, (Lend).
:, (Dr. Chisholm's old stand)
a ..
Graduate of .len/varsity of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate .o° the
Ontario College of ..Physicians and
Surgeons. 1
Office Entrance:
Office -Josephine
ar r
General Practitioner .
University of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine.
fit., ,two ,doorae south
•of Brunswick Hotel. •
281, Residence 1st.
glectricity, Ail 'diseases
Office` "adjoining residence, Centre
Street, next Anglican Church (former'
ty Dr. 'Menpenald'a). .Phone 272.
Quatified Graduate
Adjustments' 'given for diaeas.es of
all kinds, speciallie in dealing with
children.` Lady attendant, Night calls
responded to.,.;
Scott St,, Wingham, Ont.
(in house of the late Jas Walker),
flours, 2 to '5.20 P.M. .Evenings 7 to
$;p.m., and by appointment. Phone 150..
Old Gtlostershire.
The lanes of Glestershire:are sweet
With. hawthorn bloom td -day;
The larks are nesting in the wheat
• W:here'S every wdn•ds her way,
And •ancient men ase whetting scythes
Ere conies the time of "hay.
• Oh, Gl�osterslhire and Canada are many
miles apart,
But the old songs of Glostershiro are
singing in my heart.
The bilis of Glosteishrire are white
With sheep' now it is Mtu';
'VVh•ere gleamed the . Legion's armour
The.- Cotswold . y£eaii.lin•gs play,
And ti'b.isy-spa.ngiod is the sward
Above the Roman w'ay. .
'.0 Veen Glosrters7iire and Canada, vaaat
waters rise and tail,
Alt a tuakoo calls' at sundown its old
faanilimr call.
Great s+nine come into Gloster town
And sate at' amcll<os Ix9,
And 'little' 1io'a'ts with: sails of brown;
• +A.nd seeguils wheel .and cry
.s.t,ound to spires of Glostershire
When wixid and we're ere•h1g1r.
o G1•astbrs`hirey, in Canada. thy ebdldren
•thio.lt of. "thee,
and heart to heart is calling a,crcvs
the norther Sea. ,•
Don't .be of a%rt Oi' truth; she is no
%*�rery ' +1iffiatilty slurred over wil
your ': be a 'lest to t s' r oily ro oxo later
1a t li to 1,
Britain's Strangest Colony.
One of the strangest colonies in Eng
land is that of South Shields; where, in
part of the town near the river, • a
lergo number of Arabs have found a
permanent home.
The colony stretches for a consider -
hie distance along the dockside, and
:here are several hundred alien in-
tabltants. To walk through ou h the
ipal street is like visiting an Eastern
ity. There are Arabian butolrer shops,
adging-houses, . and eating -houses,
arhiie most of the pedestrians are
Arable signs'' adorn- many of . the
shops and houses while here and there
a sign has been "done into English
with comical resunts. Then there is
ane notice to the effect :that Mr. Said
Hassaii's, premises are a "1'icensed sea -
en's Arab lodginghouse."
Most of
he, Arabs• came ams to. this coon
nit seamen; during the war, and"
since then many of them, unable to
find, berths, have found thernselvee
strended in various ports. • There are
argue numbers of then in: Glasgow,
Liverpool, and Cardiff.
At• South Shields the colon , has its
own ministers, and at inarriages or
ltimorale the strange ceremonials of
the bast are observed. In the -cane: of
funeral•% the mourners execute a sola
emn "death dance" in memory of the
departed. -
Betrothals and births are signalized
by rejoicings,' which' in some :cases • `ex
tend over several days.
The colony has been considerably
depleted recently, as many of the men
e succeeded in .getting hl s
hav_ su a s p and
returning home. In •eonie•easee, how
ver, have settled down With.
ever the Arabs w w
it . iv and families and have
wives ,
found variousways of earning a liveli-
River Craft
' 'Tugs.
At noon three English dowagers ride.
Stiff of neck and dignified,
Margaret, Maud and Mary Blake,
With' servile barges;; in their wake;
But filhou tt
s e ed at midnight, . •
Darkly, by green and erlmson tight,
Three Nubian queens peso down the
'Thames •
State it
1 "
Y with flashing. gems.'.
Old Barge.
She musbe
must like hacked.•
common wood
T o -marrow, yet despite her doom
Here in this evening solitude
Her'` lowering square -cut timbers
. As firm against the pallid sky
As rountain-heightswhose crowning
w _
Throws "challenge to eternity.
--George Rostrevor..
Chilly Work.
The dear old gentleman got into con.
versation with a young man.
"And what is your job, sir," he ask-
ed, "it I may make so bold as to in-
"I travel v i in underwear," was the re -
"How curious!" said the old' man,
rubbing his spectaelee. "And• --tar
what a cold job it must be in the win
Sound Your Horne
"Mornin', Hank! Whatehier drain' up
'Waal, the old woman is figgerinn'on.
girl in th' car an . I m• a- a
v m kin the
garige door five foot. wider." • "
4a ."dMla..rHanim«'are".,".,s°,.;:..:.
There's time In the • package
Time to do the many things ordinarily
put off on wash -day; ` For Rinse does not
keep you standing over the wash -tub,
rubbing until your back aches and your
hands are red and sore.
Z•ira:so, an entirely different kind of soap,
soaks clothes. clean. Rubbing and boiling
are unnecessary. , The big soapy Rinse
sudsentl. loosen the most • g rOtillcleile
g y
wli '. t ' ear tri
dirt tll.�t�i l�v �n g a single ahead.
Veal a package today.
On sale at all good grove,
and deparltnefal sa!ores.
e, P1i:i^1('1:."
He—"IVIarie told me you were afraid
I was going to try:' to kiss you."
She --"Nothing et the sort. I was
,afraid you wouldn't,"
The Eyes of the Blind.
I )'rave a •friend, the sweetest friend
That ever . you "could . find,
.nod,' though he lights the way for. sae,
'They tell me he is blind.
But, oh! I know my friend can seem
Much more than l `or you;
We are the sightless: he is blessed'
With visions ever new.
So ,.quiet, so serene his face,
His' smile so quick, to bright—
He sees beyond the things we touch
And .needs no earthily light.
Hie- spirit' bears him on, although
He knows net night form day;
The shining beauty;ef his soul
Lights all the darkened way.
Our fleshly eyes that have not seen
The glory yet to come, ;
Can never follow such as he
When he shall reach his ?Some.
The joys to us so new and :strange,
rad encs and the eonE, •
To him will be but old-time things
That he has iove(I _so long.
Soul blind and groping for the peace
That he -who sees=has won,
We know when we, would guide . his
'Vs he who leads us on,
—Ella Grandom Smith.
le there a baby or young children in
your home? If there is you, should not
be;wit'hout a box of Baby's Own
o• ..
lets. Childiiod ailments comekI
q y
and means should always be hand
to promptly . fight • them. Baby's Own
Tablets are. the. ideal . home remedy.
They regulate the bowels; sweeten the
stomach; banish constipation and indi-
gestion; break up colds and simple
fevers—in tact they relieve all the
minor ilia of little ones. Ooneernrng
thein Mrs. Morse Cadotte, Makatnik,
Que.,writes: "Baby's
e Ow
n Tablets
are the beet remedy in the world for
little ones. My baby suffered terribly
from indigestion and vomiting, but the
Tablets soon set bierright and now
she is In perfect health." The Tab•
lete are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams? Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Higher.Tax, Lower Revenue.
Ainteresting` example of the way
In which
high taxe
s defeat
purposelequoted bythe Financial
At pv'thousand,
were heavily• taxed, Canadians
so:naked nearly 2,500,000,000 a year.
The tax was increased Iast year, to
27.50 a thousand and smokers turned
to pipes and to roiling their own.
Cigarette consumption dropped by
about; half a bullion a year and the gov-
ernment suffered a net lose in revenue
of about $2,000,000. The higher tax
actually provided a lower revenue.
Taxes that are too high will always; de-
feat revenue purpo•see.
Fish That Sit consider -
Nature.,never produced
Q:' morere-he creators than t
Though they are called •gcI:dfisb,
their scales range in colo
to bronze, blue, ,black, an
shades such aa toast cra
never succeeded incopying .They have
wonderful .tails that rein
bridal veils or fans, and th
on these whenever they feel tired. •
'Nature has ;provided them -with a
strange means of defence,
are ttelescopic. That . is to
can manipulate them in such a way
that they cart see what one
ins thew, rear or flank, No
tore has .such a wide range
The Japanese goldfish le
able value, some of them
Pour or iiVe,pounds, and q
trade is done. They are
specially.built aquarlums, heated and.
ventilated in such a way
cupants are not affected by
he Tapanese
r from pink
d orange, in
ftsmen have
end one of
ey tit down
Their eyes
say, the fish
nriy is, chas-
other crea-
of 'vision.
selling for
aide.e large
imported in
that the o -
changes of
Not Perfect.
' An argument between man and wife
hard been going on for sotne.tinte, and
at- last she exclaimed: "I suppose you
think t 'teperftct Pool?"
"Nolle of 1i5, ity dear," 'came the
tett answer that does not .turn away
anger, 'le Perfect,"
$104 A SICIi4 i IIE.NIi3?ltcriIN ifc
t SFl \'A'RD I
Out of-to'l1r@ oiaclers ; rntit'I t. attention.
li �
Lingerie nod Specialty Sbeim 120 IDee- ,
tei-t'h Alit/lee, T(hi`ontt'4
,M wg,yuW!ww• ., .wwaw.wW1"N'I" ""'f'w.fMw•.gw,�f�+�•n wn+
This Trouble ;IL+sc4te4 III flit,
Bland, and RPtiee ".` Comps
TilrongIt Better Blood.
Rhenntatlsim comes with thin, im-
pure blood, and can oWWY le• driven omit
of the system by .enriching and puri.
Eying the: blood.•
• The chief: syntptem of rheum .tisnx is
pain. '- The most• suecessful treatment
is the enc .hat ui kl ag
t g c y b n rhes this
disagreeable' nymptom. Many thee -
matin people suffer pains that- could
be.avoidedby building up the'blood.
The" value 'of Dr, Williams' Pink P1118
in rheumatic trqubles is proven by the
testimony of blra, A. Bryson, Arthur,
Ont„ who says: ---"I was 'so used up
With rheumatism In my shoulders end
neek that I could not iturn'in bed 'with -
Mit the help of ray bu"sbamd, and the
pain at tinges was Almost..:unbeariahle.
I took doctors' mnedlelne which did°`fine
little or no good. Then I began taking
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills eand have
sinbe been free from rheumatism, I
can also recommend the pills to young
mothers, as in my own case I ,found
they are •unexcelled. I may also add
that I recommended Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills to a neighbor -who took tainting
spells at the change•'of life, and' Who
could not walk any distance. She took
the' pills for nearly three nionths and
they made tier' a strong well woman,"
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
from any dealer in medicine or by
mall at Boo a hox from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Source of Thorinaite.
It Is said that the mineral thorinatte,
now largely used in the manufacture
of the mantles for incandescent gam
lamps, Is at present not known to cc-
scur eisewhere than in the island' of
Ceylon. Its' discovery was due, to the
operations. of the Ceylon Mineral Sur-
vey. It Is exported to Europe' and
When ordering goods by mail send
a Dominion Express Money. Order.
An Old. Law.
.1?urpil What keeps us from falling
oft 'the earth when we are upside.
dow, zzr
Teacher—"The law of gravity, of
Pupil--?"Weli, how did folks stay on.
before the -law waa`passed7
Mlnard'a Ltnlment for rude everywhere
Not a Fit Place to Visit.
Little Ella-" I'ra never going to
Holland when I grow up."
Governess ---"Why .not?"
Little 1515a --"Because our geography
says it's a low, lying country."
Don't wait for someone to
be in pain to get Kendall's
Spavin 'Treatment in the
Ferrell external hurls and pains
—for all muscular troubles,
KCendall's Spavin Treatment makes good..
x&RAST0 December ar
Ifi. Stsk. .Dere 1921
'ASeee have ma one copy a u7ouSp in 0 Se for oy m
gI, y,n I have ifou pita no of the best ln.imenure for oyys
elare,i prare and Lodi it ono of the haat llnlm 210.f
I have
error nsadlnr 4lllttada ofsotaa (Sigsee)•EL ZuMAN.".
Get distils at your'druggtst'' today. Regular
forHorae Treatment—Refined forHuman use.
Enosbatrg Falls, VL, U.e.a.
Lift Off with 'Fingers
Doesn't hurt a biti Drop a little
"Preezone" on en acb=lag"corn; Instant-
ly that corn stops hurting, then shortly
you lift it right off with list.ers. Trulyl
'Ydur druggist sella, a tinybottle of
"Freeeolie" for a few cents, Sufficient
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or core between„ the toes. Rind the cal-
luses, wi'hout soreness or irritation,
,A eaer icabe s'iorteer Doe I.otteeatere
.1 D1'SE, AS •a'
talus Dow to teeed
lvtaiied ,II'rse fo' aany Ad -
dross by the Anther.:
t5d13*l1' mbt "O'b.r tuvw
129 eO 241h $ltreet
Na'av 1 irk. ltt.3.A.
Deolarso Terrlse Restored Her
9nitPketteir When Health
Waif PracticallyDestroye ,
i'Tha .' 'l ztlsii tr tp ent restored m1
laa;a,it'h d ,a�trer,;t th end 'inereaend my
weight twenty4ottx pounds two y'ettrs
ltgo, and I are one of th'a`happiest wo-
men in ;'.Canada, for I Itave been feel-
leg line ever elutes' declared 'Mrs,.
Alice }T rba,e`tx, highly careened re*
dent of 26 Du a i s St. W'., London,
"I was so nex'vous I trerznble4 like
one vrith the palsy and feared ta. com-
plete breakdown I cauicliet relteix` my'
tood, many days 1 didn't 'eat a thing,
and Iost weight until nay .clothes were
way' too large for $12:13a. I. bead piercing
hea:daehea, wane :0 k I would give
Cut before the middle of the On end
at night ,$net seem.6d, to hear the clock
strike •ejrery hour. I suffered more
agony than tongue can tell.
"But Tanlac ended all my troubiee,
and if I had my say I would put a bot-
tle In every home. It has won my ever-
lasting gratitude, and I will always
Praise it."
Tanlac Is for sale by •a11 good drug-.
gists. • "Take no substitute, Over 37
Million bottles sold.
Another Question.
Mother ---"Don't ask so' many ques-
tions, Este. Don't you know that
cu"lulled a; carr'
Elsie—`riosity 'Wits' t din thevat
want to
know, mother?"
Mlnard'e Llelrnent used by Phyrsician&
There are 40,0.00 lakes in New-
Enliven Your Eyes
through the Daily Use of
Murine. The AlluraaSSparkle.of"
Youth Quickly Returns to Ryes
yvvlitch hove become: behead Life-
lee. . veld safely for many years.
Bold by Lhuggiste Everywhere.
Itched and Burned. Face a
Sight Chticura Heals.
"My face came out ell over In
Uttle red pituplets'. and then it would
itch. I would rub and
scratch it and little crop
ee� and
tions would come, They
itched burned andat
nightwould bother me. My
�' face was a sight. I tried
�., diH"erent without
succege ' endremedies then began'
using Cuticura Soap and Ointment
which coin letely healed the in two
weeks." (Signed) Mrs. Eva M.
Toothaker, Cundys Harbor, Maine,
IVla.rch 13, 1922.
Use Cuticura for every -day toilet
purposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe
with Ointment, dust with Talcum.
Sample BaohFreeb ttatl.,Address:'Sgmene,IJn.
tied, 844 et. Paul st., w., Montreal; Sold ever -
where. Boapllo. OtntrnentMarried. Tedoumgee.
"Cuticure Soap shaves withoutmug.
Jlstres -ant rtizz want sg^ s to hC
they rnnzt .17e laid In at tufa pl /'r
i#ids (i'li niletiop It, to the hen
Oft ; 'YYer at, ' rel lea'
noirltr$: SYRUP
topate Sum! t"ydtdnl .444itiar
I'lc(sont:k4 Sive--pinssaut to
t• Guexktnteftl': pmly vee-
•tabt and aba0lut ir•h less.
}� w co ties e
It ul l o ox
diarrhoea,. fietuleney Z`
other Pico disoenlere.
The..sieea 1»Xti nhed
forieula a ears n
every J�.e
4ke4ltt gglio
minors penetrates to the toot of (511...
trouble end gives "quids relief. 0pleadilit'
for Kg* A11100, sprnine, 1,1u1aE4.. d,
'74614, ihtng ro, 4t..,>'p'
Entirely Remedied by Lydia,
E. bkharn9 s eg table •
E1•aerts fent.—,e I started rt..d with cramps
and bearing -down painst
a the age O
eleven years, and I would get so nervous
1 could hardly stay in bed, and ha4
suchh ains
p t atI would scream, and my'
mother would call the doctor to give me
something to take. ; At eighteen I,mare
reed and I haveu
fo r health. eh'
but 3 still have paha in my right side,?"
I' am a farmers wife with more.wor*,
than I am abieto'do. Shave taken threat
bottles of Lydia E. Piiikharn's Vegee
table Compound and T feet' that it lb
helping me every day. My sister -in -lbw,
who: has beentakingyour medicine':fot!
some time and uses your Seri ative Wadi,
told me o t a
b u itand I recommend
now, as1 have received great .relies
from t,p —Mrs, Ns l;sozr Ter, R..
Eberts, Ont. .
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable. Com.
pound is ;a medicine for ailments coin -
Mon to women. It has been used :fent
such troubles fornearly fifty years, and
thousands of women have found relief
as did Mrs. Yott, by taking this splendid•
If you are sufferingfromirregularity,
painful times, nervousness,` headache,
backache or melancholia, yonshould
once begin to take Lydia E. Pinkhain'S
Vegetable Compound.. It is excellentto
strengthen the system and help to perm
term its functions with ease and regguro
rarity. O
You Make Most M.'. uey Who
You. Speed
Is takes 12 hours labor to produce you 1 acre of wheat.
At 12 bus. ,per. acre yield you might bay costs.
At 25 bus. per acre yield you make good money. '
200 lbs. SHUR-GAIN Fertilizers make gains
from 50 to 60% on grains and other crops.
Order SIIUR-GAIN Fertilizers NOW.
Consult our Agent or write us.
Agents wasted to territories
where we are not represented.
1204 St: Clair Street
J..JI\ILESS you see the name ''°Bayer" on tablets, y"t
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an 'rtinbroken packager of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians daring 22 years and proved safe by iliillicatls for
Colds Headache
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain Pain
1 itndy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets -..orae potties of 24 and 1110— `b ,ag fatt,
.Asptrtr Iia tale trade Mart :(r^ of tt,r, 1 hi f lin:ir a) of no;y'er :,ftt5l gaetut"a a+ ebov
aer•llohradestsv of Ottllcvlleeei5.' 'Willie it iv ltnown the, Aspirin mastic )3nS1,14
Ykf.Ai,uLArtYfrt+, to assist the riuhtic :lRefuel; i,oltuYtonar, Y1YA Tablets oC-"i;tyor CiotYS,pari(f
k7lti be rt11Yripod with their d(k1,St'raxl 00.46 n,5alc, the 'Layer Cr, e."'