HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-05-10, Page 1Sin le Copies, Four Centta ,Wingham IVfarkets Thc .follovvieg are a, few of dee Merket quotations at Wingham on Wednesday rnoleting. Eggs, 24 to 25; Butter, 30 to 37; Cream 29; Hogs, *e.nt ...Unveiling Of IVIonument l'he unveiling of Soldiers' War Mernorial at St, Helens, will be done with full military honors by. Col, Coiribe et 2 o'clock. on Thursday after- noon, May 24th, Lucknow Pipe Band arid Winghare ,l3rass Band. Several addresses by proininerit men. Further paaticularS ilext week, -EVERYBOI)Y'S • COLUMN AUCTION.- SALE—Of Hoesehold goods cm Saturday, May xetle, at /.30 o'clock sharp, mostly dining and kitchen furniture chairs, tables, bed, lounge, cupboards, two violins aralecases, 'stoves, etc. 1Vlitst be sold as family is leaving by tafteinoon traie. • F. Burgess, 54 Victoria St, near Catholic Church. T. R. Bennett, Atict. .A.T.ICTION SALE—Household Furn- IttliT at Beigrave, on Saturday after- noon, May reth, Mrs, Sproat, Prop. Jas. Taylor, Auct. BUY YOUR CEMENT FROM W. H. Davidson. DRAIN YOUR FARM W 1 T H Everlasting Clay Tile, When . you build use burnt clay brick, made by Wm. Elliott & Son, nianufacturers of Rug and White Brick, Drain Tile, ,3 en 16 inches, Flooring; Tile, Hol- low Building Blocks, Well Bricks, Chimney Flues, also agent for Mil- ton press and Rug Brick. • Phone 6 on 605, Winghatn. Wm. Elliott & Son, Glenannare Ontario. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING AND Electrical Fixtures for salt. `E. R. Alexander, Phone 8 Electrician, FOR SALE CHEAP-LT(7;rd Sedan, a Ford Touring and Ford Coupe, all in good shape. Apply at g Dore's Carriage 'Works, FOR SALE --Second hand refriger- ator and cooking range in good con- dition. Thonmson & Buchanan's Hardware FOR SALE---Iodian Runner Duck Eggs, 5o cents per setting of ..n. . Apply to W. 5. Henderson, Wingham function. FOR SALE—A number of purebred York sows. Apply to Scott Bros.,, Phone t3 -62x Route x, Belgrave, FOR SALE—LA storey frame house, • e' rooms, hard and soft water and stable, with e acre of land also one good, kitchen rano. ?or particulars apply to 130x T17. , FURNITURE FOR SALE—Kitchen ' cabinet, cook stove, Quebec heater, ' bed room suites, dining rooni chairs, ' prgan, kitchen chairs, etc. Apply at , This Office, - leeeR SALE—Nineteen acres of good pasture lagid. Said parcel of land ! being a part of :lot 26, in the nth ' toncessiott of Ternberry, neet the " Holmes' schoolhouie. There are 4 I or 5 acres ef it well adapted for 1 growiegevegetables such as celery, 1 onions, cauliflower, cabbage, etc. : The price of $3oo cash, or $50 cash and a rime mortgage at 5 per cent interest for the balance wilt be ac- .I cepted, or tenders for less will be ' entertained. The lot will be sold. R. Grahant ' , Box 3, Wingham, FOR SALE—A house on Uirmie St. Centrally located. A.pply to Win. Blue, Minnie St, , TOR SALE—ro acres Just outside the corporation'of Wingham, good road, good buildings, good water, never i been offered for sale before. Ideal 1 place for retired farmer o,- poultry I man. Possession at once, Apply at '1'he Advance. 1 FOR SALE—Hatching Eggs, $x.00 ( Lor x3, Baby Chicka, 20c each. From pert bred Barred Plymouth Rocks, Also strictly fresh eggs and choice t fat hens for table tise. t Jobe Kerr, I ?hone 4 on 625 le 0. Box 277 t 3 OUSE TO RENT—Good frame i house, water and lights. Apply to 1 Box 364, Wingham. HAVE A HEAR.T—I may have had a run of tough hick, and I May be ,- out, but I am cereemly tiot down. ,, I an still ready , to buy poultry, , wool, junk, beef hides, geese feath- 1, ers at good cash prices, and I will , ttee you, just as fairly now as I have iu, the past. For quick sernieet e phone 240. f Watch for next week's advertise- 0 mein. Harry Wardsman. 1: LOT xs, CON. 6, TURN)3ERRY, to tent for pasture, for informatiou, lapply to P, Powell, 1 John St. Wing -ham. ' ?TO RENT—Ftirnialied. Horne on Al- t fred St. Will be vacated by June xst. c For pat -titulars apply to s B. 5, johntion, 310X 0,5,, Wallaeeburg, , WANTED ---A .secoini head lawn hose, Apply at e 'The Advanee, REMEDIES OF TIM'S To the h;clitur av the 'Advance, Deer Sur:— Did ye ivir hey much ixpayrience wid thirn dochters? 'Wan av me nayr bers on the nixt sittrate had an attaelc av lumbago, an I didn't hear av it till he had been bad wid it fertwo wakes arr more, an 'Alia takin pills from wan clochter an tablets from another, an rubbiti traternint from the nixt, for - bye usie two diffrunt koieds ay lini4 Mint from the drag shtore, an wus gettiii no betther awl the toime. Iviry- bode' wus givin him advoice, tellin him he shudden't s,hreolce, arr drink tay, arr ate mate, an that he shud wear woollen underclothes awl the year round an a hundred an wan other, dirictions, none av thirn worth a copy av lasht wake's Globe newspaper. As soon as L heard av his thrubble 1 wine over to see him, fer hevin had a woide ixPeYrience wid lumbago, mesilf, 1 filt I wits qualified to give advoice. Theer is only wan sure previntative fer lum- bago, a bilt av coon skin worn shte,acly wid the fur nixt to ye, arr betther wan made av ekunk skin, if yer missus doesn't raise a fuss about it. If ye neglict to take the nicissary pre- cawslums, as we awl do sometoimes, an her a pain go troo ye loike a knoife, thin the only ting that will do ye army good is the oil fru m a black bin, (the oul•der the betther) killed in the dark av the moon, an rubbed in as hot as ye kin shtand it, 1 awlways kape a supply on hand, so 1 tuk a bottle to me nayber, an in two days lie wus out wurrukm in the garden a shmart as ivir. Av .coorse the xxxissu pr,etinds not to belave in me rimidies, an see the man wus nearly well befoor I sittarted wid him only he didn't know it. Annyway he is goin to hev Billy Sheridan git him a skin* skin, an he sez he will wear it in shpoite av the winunin, a-ven if he hes to ate his males an shlape in the garage. 'Twas a aimiller loife we led whin iviry fa.rrinner's 'kitchen wus a -little drug shtore, an iviry attick wee shwate wid the shmell av dried herbs, bonisita an ,shpearinint, an sage, an catnip, an a dozen others, an whin army av The childer got sick ' the mother wud put thirri to bid an give thim a big drink av herb tay an they wud. be well as ivir the nixt rnarnin, afther it evils pasht toime to go to school. Arr mebby in severe eases goose grace an turpentine, arr. a dose VVINGI-IAIVI oNT., THURSDAY, MAY 11.0th, 1923 WOMENS MISSIONARY SOCIETY Hata Most Successful Sessions In the Wingliam1VIethodist Church The meetieg of the Woman's Mis sionary Soeiety of the Wingbarn Dis- trict, was held in the Methodist Church on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, May 4th, Mee, Willis, District Superintendent, took charge of the sessions. There war a large and rePresentenive attendance, twenty out of the twenty-two auxiliaties of the District having sent delegates. In the afternoon Mrs. Finlay of Gorrie, gave a very inetructive talk on "The Duties of Officers," treating each officer separately, this led tosan interesting discussion among the dele- gates, A feature of special interest was the reading of a message to the District sent by Miss Wellwood from China, telling of her work there since her return. The Convention was for- tunate in having two excellent speak- ers from ,the Mission fields, Miss Edith Sperling on furlough from China and Mrst. Sutton from Lethbrid- ge. Miss Sperling presented the con- dition, and needs of China in a new and interesting manner, treating par- ticularly the work among the women and children and the new child wel- fare work that is being opened up in some of the cities to save the babies of whorn £3o per cent. die every year. Mrs. Sutton was most interesting, corning from our own Canadian West. She spoke of the -work among the Uk- raulans, there being 400a000 persons in s Western Canada speaking that la.ng- s liege.' She also told of the • work among the non English in the mining camps, each church, trying to do its bit, and sounded a strong note for Church Union as the only safe work- ing basis in those places. The program was varied with solos from Mrs. Johnston of Bervie and Mrs. Joynt of Lucknow. Supper was served in the school room, daffodils making cheery decorations. During the tea hour, Mrs. Cragg welcomed the visitors in a few bright words, this was replied to by Mrs, Peters of • Belgrave, Mrs. •Perrie of the •Presby- terian church and Mrs. Anderson of the Baptist church brought greetings, and each told sornething of. the mis- sion work being done by their respec- tive eocieties. An ineritation was • accepted from Lucknow, to hold the next convention in thee town.• The reports from the auxiliaries were both interesting and encouraging, showing a total member- ship in the District of 547 and $2415 raised last year, an increase both num- erically and financially over the prev- ious year. ONEIDA IRWIN IS DEAD av Cherry Pectoral arr Electric Oil wid the camphor an whiskey awIawys ready fer burns an rnuskitty boites. An the families av noble an tin a -vel raised up to be foine shtea,ppin min an winunin widout a break, an the father able to kape up wid the besht av the byes in the fields, an the mother not takin the dust frum anny av her daw- ere, arr grandawters ayther, fer that natther, in the kitchin at sivinty years v age. Shure, twas a sh-w'ate, clane, ealthy, outdoor loife we lived in thim days, so it wus. Theer is nothin new in .the polly- ickle situwashun here at prisint. In South Huron an Cintre Huron the iffrunt parthies ate hol-clin convin- hurls but in Nort Huron ivirybuddy is vaitin to see what the other fellah is oin to do. It luks loike a slitraight talk over fer Mishter Ferguson v,ed Grit an U. F. 0, hoides nailed to the lace loike he sed he wud nail thin -J.. Did ye ivir keow such a mud shlin- in bunch as thiin 1., F. O's? The asht sishion •av the Oetario Ilouse us a disgrace intoirely, wid mimbers rowin dirt at wan another inshtid ddressin the shp,aker in a gintle, Wily manner.• But; shure, what cud e ixpict from a 'partite, consaved in elfishness an barn in sin, so to hpake, wid no platform at all, at all, arrin abuse fer the ould parthies. Droory ,an Misliter Raney, he. two bisht min on the jawb, wud e glad to get back into proivate loife' gin, an it luke as though they wud oon hey •theer wish, so it does, t Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. owling Meeting The meeting of the Bowlers callnd or Thursday evening has been post - creed until Monday evening, when an ffort will be made to have a large ttendance, Marty are not in favor of $3o.00 a year fee, and it is up to here to turn out an Monday night, one To Elmira Bert Whitten, who has been with unns Ltd., at Wingbam, for some ime, has gone to Elmira, where he las accepted a positioi-t as superin- endent of a large cold storage plant. is place at Wingham is take e by .tvlr. W n. Phair, who comes to Whig - tam front Harristom $eoo,00 Dona.tion The president and directors of the urnberry Agriettitatral Society are ery thankful te the Winghain branch f the Women's Institute for their ind dori,ation of $200,00. The gift will reatly assist the Agricultural Society Welt has been struggling along On an pejo eight for some years With de - Left of abont $soo,00, The Society •re badly itt need of buildings and we elieVe this will put new energy int° he directotS to carry on. The Agree- ltural Society is purely educative, no ersoe makes anything out of it, and .11 the money is expended on priaeS or the best grain, cattle, horses, etc,, bus encouraging the better growing f grain and rasing of better quality tock" These things are inost essent- I in this comunity where agriculture the leading industry. Winghatrt and ieinity would be the losers if the Ag- tuiturel $ottc,ty ceased to be, and we 1 owe a debt of gratitude to the lad-, s for their gift to the Society. • The residents of Wingham and vici- nity were deeply grieved on Thursday eN,ening last, when it became known that Miss • Oneida Irwin had been found dead at Lake Joseph, near elle summer cottage where for the past four years the family had spent their summer vacation. So ear as human knowledge can pierce .the veil of the mystery which will always serround the cause of her death, it can only be attributed to mental distress and over- whelming fatigue in. theface of the !strenuous examinations which face a gradwatieg student, her condition be- ing aggravated by a recent severe ate tack of influenza. • • Oneida waS a senior, just complet- ing an honor course in modern lan- guages at Toronto University and Professor Will who attended the fun- eral as a representative of that insti- tution expressed the deep regret in which tbe untimely ending of •this promising young -life was held by her professors anda large circle of friends and fellow students. • To Dr. and Mrs. Irwin and. Arthur, we wish to extend heartfelt and sin- cere sympathy in •their hour of sad bereavement. ,• • The funeral took place from the re- sidence of her uncle, Mr. VVm. Wat- son, of Nile, to Dungannon cemetery. The private service at the house and grave being conducted by her pastor, Rev, Dr. 'Perri. The pall bearers were her cousins, Messrs. Will Mc- Crostie, Will Watson Jr., Harold Sprung, Alex Willson, Allan Watson and .Harry Watson.' • The floral tributes were unusually be,aittiful and silently expressed the loving remetnbrance itt which.Oncida was held.: They included pillows, wreaths and sprays from the Board of Directors of Wiegham • General Hospital, the Session and' S. S. of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, the staff and pupils of the W. H. S., the University of Toronto, the girls of the , modern language course of 2Te, the University College Students, the Med- 0 kat Student Volunteer Band, the Un- iversity College Studeet Volunteer Band, the girls of Argyll. Home where 0 she was in residence, Miss Elizabeth Ferguson, Misses Edith Clark and Muriel Fetterly, y, Steppen Will and Mrs. Watson, •Drtrim. arid Mrs. Kennedy, Of high ideals and a loving, helpful disposition, Oneida will not soot be forgotten by many, whose lives she helped and brightened but we have the promise that when vac pass through the valley of shadows He will be with WINGOAM TOWN COUNCIL The regular trioathly council meet- ing was held on Monday evening in tbe council chamber, Councillor Greer was the only absentee. The eremites weTFehereiLdll a' In' de I eapdboorid.nt ee C o , asked the town's pernuaaton to erect po es on Alice St., and Charles St., and to have an inspector supervise' the erection of same. The matter was left with the property committee. The British American OH Co., wish to make Wingham a distributing cen- tre and asked permission to erect an all steel garage and store house also a large tank on their property. near the C. N. R. tracks. Their request was granted on motion of Councillors Wil- lis and Smith. The assessor's roll was returned and shows the following summary for the t Government Property - Land Assessment $ 3800.00 Buildings, 49200.00 4,53000.00 Municipal Property - Land Assessment ...... . ..... „."4 45oo.00 13uildings, 1635o 00 4;169e/50.0o Schoel Property Land Assessment $ e000.00 Buildings 43000.00 $450oo.00 Liable Local improve oftlere$229e00.00 Liable School Taxes only 33750.00 $262850.00 General. Assessment fixed by Statute Land • $ 23/680.00 Buildings• •778760.00 • 99450.00 '7418.50 Business Tax Income $1x3o3o8.5o The population is 2,440; between the ages of 21 and 6o, xxeo; between ages of 5 and 21, 54e; between ages of 5 and 16,436; Number on School Roll, 437. There were zo births and 21 deaths, There ,are 77 dogs. find during the year there were 36 families removed from the town. 36 families removed from the town, while there were 35 have taken their place. T. J. McLean, Assessor. The following accounts being certi- fied correcrwere -recommended for payreett:—Dorainion Bank, Int. Coup- on, $22.5o; Jos. Johnston, Int. Coupon, • (Continued on page 6) Will Visit Maitland Lodge Grand Master Sharpe of the Pro- vincial Grand Lodge of the I. 0. 0. .F., will pay.an official visit to Mait- land Lodge I. 0. 0. F., on Thursday evening, May 24th. Every member of the Oddfellows, who can, should avail themselves of this opportunity of t hearieg the Grand Master, Maitland Presbyterial The ninth annual meeting of the Maitland Preseyterial Society, W. M. S., will be held in the Presbyteria.u. Church, Belgrave, on Tuesday, May 15th., 1923, *Morning session, 10 a. ne, afternoon session, 1.30 p. re., evening ession, 7 3). in. Miss Palethrope •of Korea, will address elle afternoon session. The ,evening session to be addressed by Rev. 5. L. Murray, Tor- onto, Pretty May Wedding A quiet but pretty wedding took place, at noon on • Tuesday, at the home of Mr. and •Mrs. We E. Braw- ley, C. P. R. depot, when their daugh- ter, Miss Bernice, became the bride of Mr: George eArallace Black of Wrox., eter. Rev. C. E. Cragg tied the nup- tie! knot in the presence of a few im- mediate relatives of the bride and groom. After the ceremony a dainty wedding dinner was served. Rev. Mr. Cragg proposed a toast to the groom Qiich was suitably responded to by Mr. Black The bride wore her travelling suit of navy blue tricotine with grey squirrel neckpiece, the gift of thc groom, and hat of robin's egg blue trimmed with burnt orange. The many' valuable gifts received by the bride • front her girl friends • in Wingham, Gorrie and Wroxeter test- ify. to the esteem in which she is held. The father's gift to the bride -was a walnut dining.-roorn suite, , The happy young couple left on the afternoon train for Detroit where they will spend a short honeymoon before eturning to their home in. Wroxeter. Winner Of Two Scholarships Congratulations are in order fox Miss Dorothy W, 13, French, who won he Emma F. Pratt Scholarship also he Univerity Scholarship le a class f thirty-eight graduating nurses at Harrtilton General Hospital School of Nursing. Miss French is a daughter f Mr. and Mrs. F. W. French of Wingham and Mr. French and his son, Mr, W. H. French, attended the gradaating exercises on. Friday after- noon in Hamiltoti, Miss French re - timed with them and visited over the week -end at the home of her, parents, Diagonal Road, She left on Tuesday afternoon to take up her duties as hea.d nurse in the Stony Wald Sani- toritnn, in the Adirondack Mountains, New York State. The 'University Scholarship is of the eine of $350.00, given to assist the older to take the graduation course t McGill :University School of Grad- ate Nursea. 'The Emma P. Pratt cholarship consists of a gold medal tgt 4,100.00 in cash. It is given to the tudeot, who obtaitts the highest aver - go standing in both practical work rid written examinatioris iit admit! of _ Subscriptions $2.0o per ye BAD • AUTO ACCIDENTS. Mis W 5 Rilhard BarBY Hurt CoThstop, A had smash up occurred on Sunday 'night about 10.30 on the Belgrave gravel, a couple of mites south of Wingham, when. Mr. W. 5, Hilliard's Ford crashed into Mr, Robe Owens' buggy, -which was driven by Mr. Nob - The auto was turned • completely over and badly smashed and the buggy shared it like fate. The horse bolted leaving the wreckage, including his driver behind, and dashed madly into a sweenp along the road where it was found next morning and pulled out with the assistance of ropes. Mrs. Hilliard was pinned under the auto and when rescued it was found that shewas badly cut about the head and her collar bone was broken. She was rushed to Wingharn General Hos- pital wher.e she is doing as well as can be expected. A gash behind her ear required several stitches. Mr. Hilliard and the occupants of the buggy es- caped with only a slight shaking up, • The auto is in W. C. Reid's and eee the buggy at Wm, Dore's. eeti It was just one of those unaccount- FE fee able accidents which are so easily 1—= overcome by onlookers after tbey I te have heard of them. Fortunately no °tie was killed. Mrs. Hilliard's many friends trust she will soon be around again, LOCAL AND GENERAL Mrs. Sainsbury of Toronto, •will sing in the Wingham Methodist church on Sunday evening. Dence in the Foresters' Hall, Bel - grave, on Friday evening, May i8th. Winghant, Sextette Orchestra. Mr. Stewart Fialay of the ta-th con of Howick, has a cow that has given birth to • four calves within eleven months. • A dance will be held in the Fores- ter's Hall, Bluevale, on Friday even- ing, May rith. Fryfogle's Orchestra. Everybody welcome. Mr. Levi Harding dug up an old Bank of Upper Canada Penny with the stamp 1857, while digging in the gar- den of Mr. Lewis, Edward St. The person who found the' $2.00 bill will do Mrs. Goy a great favor by leaving it at The Advance Office. She is a poor lady and the money was for working at the hospital: A meeting of all those interested in the Wingham Bowling Club will be held in the Council Chamber at 8 o'clock on Monday evening. .A full representation of the Bowlers is re - ti . Mr. C. H. Charles of the 2oth. Cen- tury Clothing .Co., Toronto, will be at Hanna & Co., Ltd., Mens Store on I Thursday, May loth., with a compItte rangeof the newest coatings and grat- ings to measure. Lucknow High School and Whig- hamHigh School Baseball teams played baseball on the Wingham High School Campus on Wednesday after- noon of last -week and the locals Fon by it score of z3 to 11. Rev. Arthur Sinclair of Centralia, will preach in the Wingham Methodist Church on Sunday next, both morning and evening. He will visit at the home of Mrs. Sinclair's mother, Mrs. Jerniern, Bluevale Road. • Divisional Superintendent A, T. Smith, District Supt. H. E. Burrows and Aera Manager, j. J. Griffin, paid official visits to the Bell 'Telephone centrel this week and report every- thing in excellent' condition. The musical fantastique "Katcha- Koo" in Wingham Town Hall on Monday and Tuesday, May 2/st. and 22nd., under the auspices of the 17Z/ing- ham Lions. Club. Proceeds hi aid of Wingham General Hospital. Some- thing worth while. Secure your tick-, cltsLaeastayeek Mrs. J. Ritchie put an advertisement in The Advance for her ring of keys which were lost.- The day after the paper came out Mr. But- tery, who is janitor at St. Andrews church, handed the keys,to as, he had picked them up on the church lawn. "It certainly pays to advertise in The Advance," says Mrs. Ritchie. Clean Up Yards , Citizens of Wingham are requested to see that their premises are cleaned , up octore May 24th. By order of the Sanitary Inspector. ' Bad Blaze At Wroxeter The Wroxeter Woollen IN./fills own- ed by Ba nton Bros. was :burned to the ground on Tuesday night. The loss is estimated at $xo,000 with less than $8,000 insurance. The origin of the fire -is unknown. Money In Honest Hands One day last week Mrs. Goy drop- ped a $2.00 bill out of her pocket while coming down front the hospital where she had beet scrubbing. A day or so afterward Mr. Levi Harding found the money and fteedless to say, lost no time in finding the owner, No matter what is lost, if the finder is honest: it will be returned to its miter, Badly Sprained Ankle After being under the doctor's care for the greater part of the winter, and now just ready to retarn to sehool, Linian Sneath, daughter of Mr. ahd Mrs. Wm, &teeth, had the misfortune to fall from her pony on Satiday after- noon and badly sprain her right ank- le. First aid was given by her Parents, who have taken up railroaders' course in this work. us, Not now, but in the enraing days, v It may he in the Better Land, h. Well read the meaning of our tears, g 'Arid then, ah then, we'll under- g etenti." ' S "We'll catch the broken threads again, a And fluish .adiat we here began, s Heaven will the mystery explain, a /yid then, ah then, we'll teder- a • stand," •t • he three years' course. a 11111111111110111011Williffillell Spray eA44:414ei Storgi Your Trees IT PAYS We have all the best Sprayftng Compounds and Chemicals. KI HALCILL LIME SULPHUR LEA ARSENATE SPRAVIDE BORDEAUX MIXTURE PARIS GREEN BLUE STONE IVIcKibbon's Drug Store •5,104“2217.,• Winaham. Ont. "P. Phone 35 itiatifistriminsill 1; Itimotonintimaislopmeinismouriontailaulociataileff 0111 1 -:- PERSONALS -:- R .A iika.firersr. ,s A. c R. ev.Hunt)spent the past week in Kincardine on Sunday. - renewing acquaintances in town. ,. the week -end at the horne of Mr. John rnerston over Sunday. e • tion in Kitchener. Mr. Joe. Austin has taken a posi- tion Mr. W. G. Colgate.was in London on Monday, • Mr. Mark Cassels was up from Pet - • Mr. j. McDaniels of Detroit,. spent Mr. A. J.Nicholls of Toronto, is Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McGee were in , Percy Sutton of Leth- bridge, Alta, visited her eousin, Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart, last week. • Mr. and Mrs. E. Zurbrigg and fam- ily, spent the week -end at Fordwielt, visiting the former's parents. Mrs. H.,Davis and Miss Maud have returned from Toronto and are oc- cupying their home ott Centre St. • Mr. Mert Rogers and Mr. John Black of Detroit, spent over the week: - end at the horrie of air. and Mrs. John • ,Mrs. Id, R. Beckwith returned from Toronto on Tuesday eyening. She was accompanied home by .her daugh- ter, Mrs. Earl Cummins. Mrs. Arthur Sainsbury of Toronto, formerly Miss Jean VanNorman, sang a solo at the evetting service in St. Andrews Church on Sunday. Peeve Amos. Tipling went to De- troit on Thursday aed was aceompan-, ied home by his little granddainanter,! June Buchanan, Who will spend the summer with her grand parents Bandmaster and Mrs, Davis and, daughter, Dorothy, • left on Monday i morning- for Kentucky. Mr. Davis has secured employment at his trade as , Miner in one of the Ford coal mines,1 Dr. Torrance Galbraith who a present renewhig old aequantances Wingharn and Gorric, is just another of the Huron Boy -s, a -ho has niade his way high up the ladder of success. Tie served for over three years AS Captain with the Canadian Army Veterinary Corps, after graduating with honors from the University of Toronto. After returning, he served as Veterinary ia- specter for the Dept, of Agriculture, and at present oecupies the position of Chief.. Veterinary Surgeon for the Maple Leaf Stock Tonic Mills at Kit- - chener. Go To Sunday School Dominion wide Go -t to Sunday - School Day is to be observed on May 2oth., and is being promoted in Ont- tario by the Ontario Religious Educa- tion Council, The Wea.thet At Wingham As we go to press on IN ednesda.y, the snow is coming down as though winter was just setting in. However tlierroisture will be good for the crops, Katcha-Koo First Rehearsals The young people Avho are tc, iy,r- ticipaCe in the “laatcha-Koo eairava- ganza met the director on Monday ev- ening in the town hall, and last even:- ing the principals .and older. choruses had their first "try -out Everyone was delighted with the fit -sI reading of the piece. The lines and situatioes are un- iversally clever and much hilarity re- sulted in adjustieg well knoan people to the roles and hearing thent read some of the comedy lines for the first time. Not only does Katcha-Koo tell aai original arta' amusing story, but there are also many brilliant dances. The - Auld Lang Syne Group Foal Dance, Oriental Veil Dance, and Yankee -Dix- ie Groups, e.specially are -unique and effective aramersoomrteannkmalsa If it were possible to make and sell better Low sheea, then the sort we offer out- trade, we would have then We are showing Oxfords of speceal merle --Oxfords of the best models—The productions of special makers. 1 Atot1.9.4t64..........1.0.410. WANI 40 AMMO 0.X.O.VW-01.3.1% WOW. Vt. ft tvii We've 'handsome Oxfordin Black leathers and in the New Tan leathers Medium Toee and low Pleels---Some very smart perforated effects. Our Oxfords tell then' OWn atory, they Are decidedlY better and different. ,,. esetaweeeeeieweittii,!W064,4**Owesseealiasmi46inestee*NriA46014,4iNvii4eleteleeti+Mil-n s • THE 00 so .1 1