The Wingham Advance, 1923-05-03, Page 11•1 1 1 Single Copies, Four Cents. °tinter Check )3ooics Merebente and others using Counter Check 13cioks should bear in mind that we arc: agents for the Appleford Counter Check Book and can feritish you with any style required, Call us - tip of COrlIC in and see the Appleforcl samplee, IVfn , Joseph Murray Dead Mr. Joseph Murray, a pioneer resi- 'dent of 13elmore, passed suddenly away .on Tuesday night at the hoine of his daughter, Mrs. D. K. Living - static, Wingliam. As we go to press orie.Wednesday morning, we are un- able to say anything about funeral ai.ra,ngements., H. S. .Cadets Reviewed, The Cadet Corps of the Whigham Egli School made a splendid showing on Thursday last in a parade down Main street, and while being drilled on the High School Campus. The corps consisted of about e5 cadets lied Was inspected by Lieut. Col. Gil- lespie of King-ston, who complimented them verY highly on the good work being accomplished, the slgzial section coming in for special praise, as well as the bugle band. „ Col. Gillespie complimented the baYs and their instructors on the ef- ficiency shown. He nexplained that ehe cadet -drill was not to fit men for war but to make men physically per- fect. He also urged the Wingham boys to attend the meet to be held in London during July and assured them , that they would be rnost likely ,to -carry off some of, the prizes, - EVERYBODY'S COLUMN BUY YOUR CEMENT FROM • W. H. Davidson. BABY CHICKS AND EGGS FOR- , hatching, from egiy- heavy laying pens, S. C. White. Leghorns, Bar- red Rocks,Black Minorcas and Mahogany "Russian Orloffs. Write for price list. Incubators and brood- ers for sale., If interested write for catalogues , Duncan Kennedy, 410x 12, Whitechurch, Ont. Phone 42-6IT ' net:RAIN YOUR FARM WITH Everlasting Clay Tile. When you build. use burnt clay, brick, made by Wm. Elliott Sr Son, inanufacturers of Rug and White Brick, Drain Tile, 3 to 16 inches, Flooring Tile, Hol- low Buittling Blocks, Well Bricks, Chim n ney Flues, also agent for Mil- topress an ug Bieck. Phone 6 on 6o5, Wingham. Wm. Elliott & Son, Glenannan, Ontario. JAVVIVS THE BYE To the Editur av the Advaece, Deer Sur: -- Some as Inc Tory frieds do be bleenin md fer rne skanie wid regard to lettin me frind, fawn Joint hev the Nort Huron. widout ani y elickshun, wid the undershtaedin that he wed support which iYir parthy got the biggest group. They same to tink I am turnin Grit, arr bein tarred, wid the II. F. 0. shtick, so to shpake. It bates awl how short soighted some min are. D'ye tank I wed ivir hev made the suggistion if I hadn't known the Toeiesewes shure to win? Av coorse it makes no differ, fer Jawn is goin to be elieked annyway,. but I tought me slcanie evud save him the thrubble an ixpinee av rumen an elickshun cam- paign, an lave him toinee to get his shpring wurruk done on his farrurns, forbye buildin a few soldiers' monny- mints an clanin up the Ward in Tor- onto betwane tonnes. Thin theer are a few Tories, who -don't want to give Jtewn the nemainashun av the panther, bet they are not manny, an theerwtoice worat be heard whin a candy.date is bein selickted, Wheel- 1 shud• loike to know, cud we it a betther nea,n thao jawn? Shure, he is a Tory, fursht lasht aft- awl the toirite, back, frent an down the cinter, an is a good Beit- ieher, an belaves in Protickshun, an the ouleleflag an Saint Jarge, an the Dragon -anethe Lion an the Unicorn, an Timperince an the soigns av the Zodiae'en kin lick army man, arr two min, the'Grits arr U. F. O's. kin bring out agin him. Jawn's the bye fer the jewb awl roiht but av coorse we do be awlways hearin the frogs croakin in the shpring av the year, but. Vis not much inflooence they hey. 'Twas a great shtunt Andy Hicks puled aef fer the Tories, fer it will give army av thim that shtill belong to the U. F. 0. an excuse to get badc into the parthy, The Grit U. F. O's. will shtick to Droory. anit will be aisy wurrulc fer the Tories to elict theer min almosht ivirywheer, seein that the Grit parthy talks av puffin up a man in iviry roiding in Ontario. It Inks to nee loilce nearly a dame shwape fer the Tories, but av coorse ye kin nivir tell fer shiere, seein that thim Grits arr as full av skames as an egg is full a.v mate. Fer inshtance, the rnissus had been out callin wan afthernoon, an some Grit winuriin had been tellin her that Mishter Howard Ferguson, wus not as good a timpirance man as Bilishter Droory arr me far out cousin, Mishter Wellington -Hay. • Av coorse bein shtrong fer timpirance, she came home wid her moind unset- tled, so to shpake. 'Tis the way wid whtimin, they can't undefshtand pally - ticks, an arr awlways introclucin some soide issue. It isn't in the interests av good governmint, so it isn't to be -t-tOR SALE -A rgen Ford Treck with: mixin thim moral questions wid par - closed cab and rack, cord tires. Ap- thy pollyticics an whin all is said an ply to Tlie Advance, or done, iriel\btr Fergusoit is as to Stiinley 'Hare, John St. „ gooci's timpirance man as the moslet WINGHAM, ONT., TH'utt PERSONALS ,Mr. Harry :fdenSeliffe spent the eek -end in London. . Mr. Chas. jobb is visiting with Inc brother, Will, in VVindsor. Mr. Will Stewart has returned from a btisiness trip to Winnipeg., Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott spent the Past eveelc with their son, Mr, W. J. M Scott, orris Mi , M. and Mrs, M. W. Telfer and lit- tle daughter of Blyth, spent the week- end with relatives in town. - Mrs. Harvey Nivins and Mrs. Isa- bella Henderson are visiting with. Miss :Margaret Henderson in Toronto. Miss Edna Musgrove is home from Kingston for the holidays where she has been attending Queen's Univer- sity. Miss Edna Mitchell of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her parents, Councillor E 3, and Mrs. Mitchell, John •St. Mr. Ry Forsyth was home over the weelcrend from Buffalo, attending the funeral of his sister, the late Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Garfield Shoebottom has re- terned to her home in Cid-thane after visiting with friends at Glamis and Winghain. Mr. William Powell left on Thurs- day for Winniieeg, where he was call- ed owing to the illness of his son, with typhoid fever, Mrs. W. 13 Stanley has returned to her home in Detroit, after visiting with friends in Kincardine and Wing - ham for a few weeks. Mrs. E. Pettigrew and daughter, Miss Margaret,. have returned from visiting with friends in Battle Creek, MiCh., and in Buffalo. , Mrs Fred Morris and daughter, Dorothy, return this week to their home in Oshavva, after visiting with her mother, Mrs. Jobb, for the past two weeks. Miss Eve. Dawson, who ha e• been a most obliging --clerk in King 13ros.' store for some time has resigned. her position and leaves this week for her home in England. Bert Holmes, , formerly of Fairmount and Fiske, Sask., or any- one knowing his present whereabouts kindly communicate with The Estate e'rvice Bureau, Winnipeg, Man? Mrs. R. Marshall, (formerly Miss Laura Homuth), sang several select- ions for the benefit of radio listeners from station- CFCA- of the Toronto Daily Star, on Tuesday evening of last 247; A. Hancock, 239; G. Young, *28; eveek, Mr. 3. A. Mills was successful j. Ellacott, 218; N. Rintoul, 214; J. in tuning up this station but the Lep,ard, 208; J. Beattie, 199; -H. weather conditions were not very fav- Browne, 188; P. McCracken, 184; M. orable to clear reception. Campbell, x36; I. Sutton, 131; F. Hop- per, 115; W. Broome, 88. SR. II -Total,' 35o; Honors, 262; Died In Kitchener Pass, ero.--1. Nortrop, 336; W. Dow,.°ne newspaper. 1 he Stratford Beac- , - Deepest sympathy is extended to e3o; N. Dow, 3e.6; M. Biebee 30o• J of VVingharn and vicinity areopporten- ly esteemed by all who new her. fhe on -Herald will be the name, these two MAY d, 192'1 7 Sr. IV.--Tetal 750; I-Ionors, 560; May is here and with it came beaut- Pass, 490. iful May weather, N. Tiomuth, 636; W. Tiffin, ,62o; G. Horeebaelc ricliug has become quite Fry, 617; G. Robertson, 656; E. Tam- a fed in Wingham. 61Y01;,;' 6Y1,6;MNae.P181-ieearsttoin: 569°181;; MM: Thur- hpleretCielanreieneeLgililldnosleLliffe bas secured low, 594; E. Swanson, 589; W. Taylor, e8xe M. Seli, 578 13. E. Finch, 573; A.. Mitehell, 57o; W. Hancock, 568; C. MeKibbon, 552; A. Swanson, 551; D. Haney, 544; A, Irwin, 542; D, Davis, 529; L Stewart, 527; S. Blatchford, -„524; 1). Preston, 519; D. Scott, 618; G. Spottone 515; D. I-Ialler,- 514; Simpson,. 507; M. Sahderson, sod; G. Rintoul, soe; F. Ford, 500; P. Angus, 4.97; G. Dobie, 496; W. Johnston, 495; D. Haminond, 495; M. Hill, 492; M. Musgrove, ,4.9o; F. Field, 486; E. Boardman, 485; C. Hingston, 472; C. Fry, 449; M. 437. JR. IV -Total 425-E. Dolan, 374; L. Cragg, 371; V. Fox, 370; L. Thorne, - sou, 366; M. Robertson, 343; H. Mit- chell, 332; M. Weir, 326; B. Bra.wley, 32e; W. Colgate, 322; K. Williams, 315; E. Lott, 3o9; A. Beawley, 305; S. Bennett, 292; 13. Armstrong, 281; L. Bennett, 280; J. MacLean, 2-79; R. Rae, 279; R. Armstrong, 271; K. Reid, 269; B. Hopper, 261; W. Seddon, 256; NI. services- Cloaketg 238; H. Field, 232; M. Carr, We are sorry to kern that Mr. j. 230; N. Carr, 230; V. Campbell, 228; j. , Menzies had. a paralytic stroke one Hamilton, 219; F. Fells, 213; J. Stur- day recently at the home of his daugh.- dy, '211; L. Peterrnan, 209; De Holt, ter, Mrs. Robt, McGee, Victoria St., 583. Win gharie. SR. 460; Honors, The fegular monthly meeting of the 337.-C111ss King, 427; E. Mc- Women's Auxiliary to the Wingham. Kay, 41-4; V. Lennox, 409; B. McGeei General Hospital, will be held in the 404; Mary Mitchell, 393; N. -Taylor, Council Chamber at 4.45 p. 011 393; E. Lepard, 39:a; K. Somers, 384; Saturday. C. Carr, 376; L. Hopper, 30 Mn le er Procter is walking with Smith, 354; M. Mitchell, 347; C'rt-' the aid of crutches, Some few weeks 346;,M. Redmond, 3291 C. Pilon, .go,while coming down an icy ladder,' heslipped and fell to the ground bad - 328; 0, lloinuth, 324; E. Ross, 359. L. Hutton, 258; F. Burgess, 220. ly sorkining one of his legs. Class B. -C. Deans, 350; R. Cope L - - • • land,'31o• S. Reeves 3eg• W. Gurney The Masonic At Home in the Wing- . - 0 t. -0 '0 1C ham Armouries on Friday evening un - e90; dome., .400; Sutton, 272; R. McDonald, 262; E. Blue,- 221; j, der the auspices of Wingham. Lodge Clarke, 204; H. Bareett, 191; v. mil. A. F. & A. M. was very successful G. ateigg, end everyone reports a pleasant even- 119;ler, 574; M. Coutts, 131; E. Stoakley, 96. nig. JR. III -Total, 400; Honors, eoo; Mrs. E. Bosman's many friends are Pass, 240.-J. Tiffin, 364; N. Coutts, pleased to learn of her being able to 315; I. Smith, 306; L. Broome, 286; be around again, after her severe ill - H. Dixon, 278; A Coutts, 266; M. nese. She was in her place at the King, no; R. Hancock, 246; G. Wen- Wing -ham Methodist Church on Sun - wood, 238; V. Pilon, 2x9; Shrop- day morning. shall, 218; L. Hayden, 209; D. Miller, A meeting of all those interested 207; J. ,Dinsley, 196; A. Stokes, 186; in the Wingham Bowling Club will be J. Carr; 164; M. Mason, 535; 13. Mit- held in the Council Chamber at 8 chell, 523; J. Angus, 97. o'clock on Tuesday evening. A full M. Currie, 345; W. Angus, 314; 13. representation of the Bowlers is re - Fox, 293; K. Smith, 286; J. McKibbon, quested. . 273; M. McBlain, 260; C. Blatchford, The Junior Women's Institute will hold their annual meeting in the Rey. 3. 3. P. McLennan of Cobourg, will preach morning and evening at the Baptist church next Sunday. Rev. Eugene Harris was presented with a fine electric lamp Last Wednes- day evening- by the Baptist choir. The funeral of Thomas Neelands, for twenty years editor of the Hen - salt Observer, was held to alensall cemetery on Thursday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Thompson en- tertained the members of the Eastern Star club and their husbands at Pro- gressive Euchre on Monday evening. Mr, Wm. Wilson sold eighteen ac- res of choice land in Lower Town to Mr. W. G. Boyle. This gives Mr. Boyle a -nice farm of over forty acres. Rev. Mr. Beasley of London, occup- ied the milpit of St Pauls church on Sunday, Miss Adeline Mooney of Rip- ley, sang in excellent voice at both JI 7 III el III III ill Sebseriptio • $2.00 par year. 7" e4(4441 stek.4' ; Spray Your Trees ta: ere - •Sit winfai.... Ont. ire !MINIMS!' 11631111231111111illellt II two =mg We h ve II the hest Spraying Coinpounop and Chemie is. It ALCIKILL ,LIME SULPHU LEAD ARSENATE SPRAVI E ORDEAUX MIXTURE PARIS GREEN BLUE ST NE s rug St re 22fr Seive Phone 3 5 8a80111 81 11 it. I Silial8 lialtiEt8 lit lilt' HMO . ••••• . • Purchaeed Whitechurch Creamery Start Bros of Hamilton, have pur- chased the Whitechurch Creamery and are now in possession. These two, young men come very highly re- commended as Ax Bettermakers and they are fast making friends in this vicinity. We wish these young men every alleges% Bottle Travels To Wingham It might be of interest to a couple of young ladies of Morris Township to know that the note which they put in a bottle on March 23rd., 1920, and threw in the river was picked up se- curely corked in the bottle by•Mr. A. Buttery, while fishing in the river near Winghain a few. days ago. It mes, g, took the note a little better than three Beemer Dead years to travel a distance of about Deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Mn 3. Beemer, for miles clown the stream. , merly of Wingliam, in their hour of An Instructive Demonstration sorrow. Mrs. Beemer died at their cil chamber, on Wednesday evening,' A demonstrator from Lowe Bros home, sox Glenlake Ave., Toronto, on May 9th., 5923, at 81 o'clock, in the factory will be at Thompson & Buch- Thursday, April 26th, in her 64th yea,r. town„leall, Wingham. A full attend- anan's Hardware store on Friday end Deceased had not enjoyed the best ance is requeste,d. Saturday, May nth and 52th., demon- of health for some time., Her maiden Stratford will in future have onlyistrating.Lowe 13ros. “Vernicol" Var- name was Mary Ann Reynolds and. Free Books Practical style books given free -at Isard's Pattern Counter. Ask for one. Blyth Assessment The folloveing is taken from the Blyth. Assessment Roll as compiled by Asses&or Cowan: Population, 646, made up by the following religions, Presbyterians, 272; Methodists, 228; Episcopaii,ans, 529; Roman Cathelicse we; Plymouth Brethren, 2. Males frotre 21 to 6o, /27; children from 5 to 8, 5e; from 8 to x4,, 63; front 54 to 16, 24; from 16 to 18, 57. Real estate, $63,930, buildings, $281,758; business assess- ment, $21,56o; income taxable, $3,941 Total assessment, $308,t 60,6o. ' • ' • I bl 1 ' I 1 fats ive the people s te was a most esteema elady, ugi- papers havingamalgamated W, jet ity very seldom offered. to. meet orie funeral WAS held to Prospect, Mlle - of Woodstock, will be the pre - and the four' little Hancock children, CaMPhell, 314; j. Brackenbury, 313; .Ta-1•Yi/Dr • sident of the. new company. -FORMALDEHYDE--eAll practical Mr. George Hancock, Mrs. Forsythe Copeland, 31 6; S. Campbell, 355, • .. . aNr thine - highly experienced and prepared to tery on Saturday afternoon. FOR SALE or TO RENT -Fifty ae- It cosht Tee a whol•e lot eie blarney offer expert advise in the use of var- Willie, Ada, Ruby and Florence A.-Louttn, 309; E. Zurbrigg, 309; O. nish and varnish stain. iPast Master's Night Wingham MAS0111C Lodge on Tuesday Barney 13rowne and Will Scott re- night, the occasion being past master s ' • h f Hanunond, 272. G. Davidson, 267; E hyde. A. fresh suPPly, guaranteed full • !eeived bacl falls from their horses, night. The second degree was put mil McInnes 262' 'E. Henderson 259' F. , strength, soe per pound at 'alitchell's 1 re farm 10 Ashfielcl Tovenship,. Ap- an tin dollars fer a new hat to get _the whose mother died. in the F'reepor 108.- B. Walker, 3o5; E. Rae, An interesting- time was spent at Sanitarium Kitchener on Thrirsclev wio• R Herrison ego; M: C:larke, 284; !agriculturalists and e.xperts agree that , • Thrown Fr:oiri Horses • moind av he misses goin slitraight ;Ay to Edward Worden, Wingham ' FOR SA:LE-Nineteen acres of good agen, an anen at that irnebbY- "-id' April 26th, where ehe was illfor some J. Mitc:hell, 28o; M. McIntyre, e.76; A. it pays to treat grains with Formalde-1 • ' ' '1 • 11 d • • . .1 10 ter Pasture Land. Said parcel of land time. ecees f. only that 1 wus able to point to.jietyli being a part of lot e6, in the nith Mrs. Forsythe and lived in Wingham concession' of Turnberry, near the Joint as wan av the besht pule tinapir- for some time. The four children have Colgate, 253; R. Haste., 252; M. Lud- 'Drug Store, opposite 13runsevick Hot - nee irun in this part av t ic counthry. 'been living with their grandmother, wig, While coming down Patrick St:, near were occupied as fol ows. Holmes' schoolhouse. There are 4 250; E. Reid, 244, J• oil, -41, • Shuter St. in company with other rid- . 'limey n i. c e R. ei- e aeree. er ,e, well eilapted for • .h 'h . „ , . t . Mrs Forsythe and attend Wingbarn D. Hart, ?36; C. Fry, 231; H. Burgess, During the summer mouths, The ers their hoi•ses collided and the two' S. W. -Dr, Rethnond; J. W. -Dr. Tr- . Shure tis the foine weather iutorely m groveing vegetables such as celery, / ‘.ve (In' t'r . eri0nall ine eats: is 609- Public School. The funeral was held. 22-7'; C.. Fml2f, 226; S. Roberson, 221 ; Advance will not accept advertise- lads were thrown heaetily te the' win; T. (le -A. Al. Crawford; S. D. ---t• onions, cauliflower, cabbage, etc. ., , on Senclay afternoon to Wingham -11, Cruickshanks, 202; S., Mitchell., 199; ments on Tuesday. We are endeavor- ground. Will Scott, who drives (Aver W. McKibbon; J. D.-Olivee Ilionip- into the ground in grand shape so it while riding horseback on ,Monday. in an excellent manner. Tht chairs • itT rhe price of $3oo cash or $5o cash . • cemetery, - M. Idingston, 169; E. Homuth, /37; R.. ing to take the weekly Wednesday & mitebeins butcher wagon had his son; S. S. -G. L. BrackenlettrY; J. S• Timothy Hay. • • ' otirs till -nixt wake, , Escaped From Asedttra , wrist badly sprained and as ii result ' -Dr. Fax; Secretary -R. A, Coutts; and a time mortgage at 5 per cent . Agnew, 129; L. Duruin, xIt; M. Fitt, half holiday this year and ask our Residents of the tenth concession JR. Il -Total 550 --Gordon Smith, way. weeks, while Barney's face was badly ing was concluded with the fointh de - will necessarily be off duty for a few I Tyler -Will Elliott. A pleasant even - Residents . 4 53, advertisers to.kindly assist us in this R. Lyrahain, en when a man, -waving his arms and Messrs. I -I, 1-linscliffe and -Wallace cut and he eves otherwise severelyigree. Ovee forty of the brethren \rem of East Waw,anosh were panic-strick- 455; Merrill Cantelon, 424; Vera Bur - Box 3,-.N.Vinghant Mr. Hiram Smith, Lower Wingham, uttering horrible profanity passed -FOR SALE -A house on Minnie—St, was surprised to find a monster sized down the road on foot on Sunday . . Centrally located Apply to goose egg in the nset. The outer shell Morning. On the way he called at a ;Was verY soft and when broken 4 per. house and the woman on opening the interest for the balance will be ac- cepted, or tenders for less will be eritertainect 'Die lot will be sold, ' Goosp Lays Golden Egg te. . w feeder good yoke and white came out, door, end seeing the man ran scream - Wm, Blue ininnie eit. but in the centre of it was an ordinary jug* with fear to a neighbors. Officer sized goose egg. with a hard shell Phippen. later brought him to • Wing - Probably this bird cannot be called ham and handed him over to Chief Al- Shirley McCracken, 265; Jun Cloakey, the goose that laid the Golden en, len. He was brought before Mayor 243; Willie Lediet, 177e Mary Dobie, FOR SALE -go acres just outside the a large egg. Wednesday afternoon, \\Then he will SR. I -Total 450 -George ' Beattie, Reid. 39o; Dell Welker, 382; Percy Clarke, corPoration of Winghain, good road, • I come before Police 'Magistrate good buildings, good water, never They Had a Sweet Tooth I The man is believed to be insane and 369; I3everley Small, 351; Marry Fry, been offered for sak before, Ideal 41 When $edrched was found to be carry- 334; Edna Stoakley, 322; Donalda Fix - place for retired' farmer or poultry peeeirieial Officer Phipaeii was call- ing razors and k'nives. When question- ter, 303; Minerva Finlay, 287; Harry mail( Possession at once. Apply al. cd upon recently to investigate a raid ed, 'he gave his name as Knopp and:Temp email, 1177, 'r , eee; The Advance. on Ken Paterson's sugar bush, near stated he was a German. Be admitted! Robert Chittleburgh, 246; Bruce Cain- - • - Whiteeherch. About 35 gallons of escaping from an agylum• some weeks ebeil, 239; Harry Brawley, 2/5; Noe- urday night. Both pedestrtans and ,. iii. the Counte- of I-Iuron nearest. op- arrival of the raiders, some of which is about 35 ioara of age, sandy coin-, 1st cLASs-A, oass-Totai, 475; for we doubt if a-ny city streets are ing district, Stock about $50oo.00, shanty and was found by Officer end weight about 190 pounds. VOR SALE -Rose Comb Black Min- orca eggs. 82.00 per setting. J , Boyce, Wingharn. gess, 418; Albert Rintoul, 411; Ruby Hou.gh were appointed to attend the sbaten up. present. Reeve, 4o7; George Robe,rson, 397; Grand Lodge of the I, O. C). F. which * LaVerne Williams, 379; Leila Wild, . meets in Toronto in June, The dist- "- 379; Rae Thompson; 358; Murray Rae, rict representatives to District Lodge ner.1402=1.11,11,3. -,... ....,45,-.....1.2=1=11034.11.9.11=1,002220610OFFC 355; Harvey Groves, 349; Andre.w in Brussels are Messrs. W. VanWyck . „....._..., ..., , .,._ e Scott, 323; Kenneth Lott, 307; Violet and A. Bell. Mellor, 292; Helen Beattie, 278; Cath- g critic Varisickl'e, 274; Earl Gray, 267; d‘M:r. and Mrs. Joseph Joice, Grafton, tentario, announce the engagement of their second daughter, Mabel Martha, to Dr. Walter Roy Stackhouse, only son, of the late William and Mrs. Stackhouse of Blyth, Ontario, the marriage to, take place quietly on May isth. , With the opening of the auto seas -.1 on. in this district, the old time crowd was on the Wingham streets on Sat - but she cei tainly can brag of laying Elliott on Monday and remanded until 160. , FOR SALE --General Store end.Stock syeup wee on the premises before the ego; but Where he could not tell. He men Shropshall eog• Fred Saint, r80., .1 I motorists should be ever on the watch Position seven miles, splendid farm- was secretly hidden in an old leg elexion, heigiu; about 5 feet ne inches,1Honors, 356; pass, 285 -Vivian Tiffine more crowded or dameeretis than is fixtures , $5oo.00, Splendid opening Phippen, but tile larger amount was i . ,, ‘.015c8a; ns,I,oh4e36:PitiNtly)seoritia, Ma, that portion of- Josephine street from leepard's Hotel to the G. T. R, tracks Owner in ill health. missing completely, etihile. the pans Thank offering Meeting ' Fred ,Menor, 413; Margaret Mahood, 011 a SatuedaY night in the summer! • Box C The Advance !and all the utensils were destroyed. The Easter Thank Offering inect-:403; Anna NEcGillivray„199; jack A very interesting service and one Five of the leaders have been found ing of the Wornee's Misstonery Soe-, Burgman, 382; Betty . Taylor, 379; long to be remembered by. the large FOP. SALE H' Eggs. $1.o0 and it is expected that the others will jet>, of St. Andrew's church, Wing•-• eVeltha Henderson', 376; \fere Fry, conteregation present, was held in the for t'3, Baby Chicks, 20C each. From soot be brought in line and all made inat erg lad ,t A iii Teta A ler e1 368;Leah eab Robertson 6 • Rent :el tl l' t 1 -eli n S (la rnornin The minutes and business of the meet- : Hiwe, 335; /vlargaret Taylor, 31-; Ar- peesons. were received into church Jelin Ineer, North Wellington Organizes ing was discussed and it was decided ther Aldington, 307; Elaine Small, membership, twenty-three by letter, Sat hens for table use. r4orte 4 00 625 P. 0, 1.3ox 277 to seed -Mrs. Carr and Mrs. Robinson -, Small, 305; Bobbie NNIcBlain, ' 270; the balance on profession of Faith, — C.. (1. Washburn of Hareiston, was as delegates to the Presbyteriale imp . . , ' , 265; 1. I r Reid, making in all one hundred and sixteen FARM WANTED -Business proper- elected Presideot of the North Weir in Belgrave on May istle, and it was 1,256; T-Torb Feller, 254; Roy McIntyre, during the conference year. At the ty at Ainherstburg to trade for a lington -Baseball League, at the au- also requested that as Illahy of the 246; Sterling Williams, 21:2: I-Iilda close of the reception se.rviee, the farm. Rents big, up from hill where meal meeting held he Palmerstou on members as possible would try to at- Fitt, 134; Mary A gnew, 82; R alph C'orntin ion of the Lord's Supper was Detroit .4.)oats leave every' fifteen Wednesday. Mr. Washburn received tend. A splendid address was then ;Saint, 41. ..„,, - administered. to the lai•gest member in ' nes for the Park. Imedire at . tin: office by acclamation, followieg given by Mrs, (Rev.) I-Iarkness of : II, CLASS-- 1 otal 475; Honors, 356g. the history of the church. This cease The Advance, the reth•ement of D. P, McFarlane, Ripley, her subject dealt with the need - Pass, .285,-Taura Clarke, 355; Rosa- . is enjoyieg a period of prosperity un- - who this year was elect ed presiderit for misgioneries and money to carry ' belle Pitt, 302; Jack Beningern 300; der the able leadership of its pastor, riOLISE TO RENT -Centrally locat- of the 0, 13 A, A. on the work of tlie Gospel in heathen; rad: MeCall,,e85; Hai -old :Burgess, Rev. C. E .C:ragge who has been tin- . < s 0 P g 3 „ 3 4, .,For -0 10(18 '11:1/ y g pute bred Barred Plymouth Rocks. to suffer for this mean Pieee of busi- attendance of the ladies were presentisyt le 352; Jim Thonipson, ‘343; Mary last, April eptle, at. which eighty-eight Also strictly fresh eggs and choice nese, All Modern conveniences, The resident rule of the North Wel- lands, sonic .pf Which- at,•,present are ! 265; Mae Gibelera,63; Laura („rruveS,, tiring in his 'efforts ie. the building tip Box 26/, Wieghann liegton Leattee was.' clanged to 'Jane beggiett for more hein. and enlightr!a6o; Velma Certer; 245; Clifford' Holt, • Of every department of the eberch, • • t k enment Mrs. Rarkness has spent 40; Gordon Ledia, 212" NOrenILII KEYS LOST -A'. string of keys, ilarY 1st!' instead °I' MaY Iste t° e ' !the of the trouble:that so nearly paused deal of the assistance -needed M the stance Colgate, 6p; 'Harry Agaew, 53.,1 ...nee. new. „e., an. eruption in Alia league laSt year. . • neork. The -offering for the ,aftertmon PRIMARY-,--Totel, 350 -Class Ir -1-1 I • sollewhere in wing/tab," oh wearies, effect. at the beginnieg of the p1 tent some Years as' a 01 11011113 in c hina iet, 175; ,. ieston ,...,e.,e , nig; Stewatt '0 . T A: . , . day, *Pinder kindly leave 8a111C ato year. This will do away -With a lot and Korea end eould tell us a great Carter, 144; 1-eonarcl Sok, 78; Con - Advance () RENT ---Garden, splendid soil. Others officers elected were:-I-Ioe.,anioulited to $62.16. A duet was ren- Te. Melenes, 31e; A. Stone, 35x; R.-, Apply to Pres. -W, A. Clarke, Pelnierstortei detect by Mrs. A, Posliff and Mrs. E. Hutton, 3/1: J. Weir, 3o3; F. Cragg,, Mrs, D, MenThereen, Pres, -C, G. Washburn, Harriston; is i ITerrison, which was much enjoyed. ,208; C. 'McKay, 296; Al. Fry, :292; J.; lltitinie Si, Viee-I-Ires.-'R, G. Holtom, Drew;At the close of the meeting Itineh WAS , Boardman,' e6o; S. Scott, 251; M. „ ..,.. ...n. - 2nd. Vied -Pres. -Rev. le, A. Kellepal eereed, A very Pleasant afternoon ; Pield, eso; G. BraekeebetrY, 247; D, WANTED -A girl for general house- roan, Chestey; 316, Vice -Pres„ --E. Bel- was spent: and it is hoped we may Forsyth, 228; 1.,. Haller, 223; M. Aldr" Work. APPIY to -' luny, VIcslietton; Tt6a8,----Dr. Twav -Io- he still more of i the ladies attend { ingtou, .1t7; :M. :Meson, 213; P. neyel1,1 Mrs. Alex Reid, son, \Vitigham; Seety,-R. Horning, 1 our regular molitiiir inettirigs in. fut- nee I, leidevin, /861 H. Vferkle'Y. 171. • 1 CI \SS IT ---A, Chitlick, ,188l 11.. gd*iit'd Si, 1.'altnerteti, nye. Reeve,. 278; 'M. Carter, 22(); N. Mcw Evets, 222; G.. King, gi7; R. Pitt, 210; 11.111i9W11' ct'll'itie'IT's LI 'C. ilson, p , • 0. , Mitchell; T.'. Williams, /61; .(4, Bisbee, 558; A. Shropshall, Lk6. • CLASS TIT --Total Wilson, 1,50; F. C011,q, 140; 11, }Ionic, 122; W. Carr, T04; Stinitil, 84; C. SteWart, 79; A. Ceeembell, 58; R. Carter, 48; SdRitOble, 46; 11. MittulY, 421 A. Led- iet, yrk,..............swavasessoceorteed.sfams=zwernencretrzow IntilMirnte..11[1.1•4611.111....133=1151a/Ra. If it were possible to make and sell better Low shoes, than the sort vire offer our trade, we Would have them We ate showing Oxfords of ,special neerit•--Oxfordet of • the best modeler -The productions of special Makers. 41Ont.b.010.11.311.1Palio.11-kla.trolOtenotom. NewWe've handsome Oxfords in Mack. leathers and in the New Taii leathers, IVIeditnn T,34, and low Heels--Soine very tshtneayratrepedlocirdaetcendyebfefteic:%101amd'if0f4roeritt'd.s tell their own story, $56007 $60007 $7a00 and 000 AO*44101t0,00111311.04110,0414.A.V.11.1iatiboatitOxpidral•bilscibt....*POWI1s,..4•00*O•h11114•O4Vii. THE qport,61-I0E STORE