HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-04-26, Page 34411111111011tiiiii111111111611110111 111116111111N1111111111#41111011VNIONION00NOINSWI Things To Do'To„ A Car Whie , '., ; ,-; ' ; •• . ;;•',.'- ; ' . psi ' Stoo4. lend" At voliter • E llt V';-1 . * . -- ,,, ., , ; •-4-1,1 -• "the fol/Otving stiggestionS.'.'re MCI -4,----- ▪ xe emit ,41. s. ill • , . • ,,. . . ,t 44P 4.l.1111,, 10. eel vic.t. it„ c, r 11 .,.. . . been laid up doting. „the "off ,se 1111 111 rouse F:).4irligiltirli :,. I .or itorses'on which is has been w 1111 letting .. ,. the , --,h;.: .Before it down rroiii ' I'M : M 01,11;fift Ist,t , 511 111 as 'OUR STOCK*OF RUGS, LINOLEUMS, OILCLOTHS, CUR 11111 TAIN MAItERIALS OFFERS; YOU A FINE RANGE 11EI ; TO SELECT FROM RUGS--Wiltons, Axtninsters, Brnssels in ie' eOlorings and 1,F1411 'designs at moderate prices. A full range of' sizes in stock;Mill al 1121 Mill Mill 51 Pt 51) LIhTOLEUMS AND OILCLOTHS ---New pattenrs in Can- adian and Import Linoleums, neat block and: floral designs for din- ing rooms, living rooms and kitchens, a wide range of 4 and 2 yd. *idtha to choose from. - • LINOLEUM lZIIGS-An ideal rug for air floors, they wear for years and are comfortable, attractive, inexpensive and easily • cleaned, many patterns now in, stock at very' rnoderatte prices. fq CURTAIN MATERIAL--Tuscan-Nets and Laces, Marquis.: Mill ette Scrims in a full assortment of natternp and color effects, ex- nil 1.1411 cellent Values and qualities at z3c to 1111.00 a yard. / CRETONNES AND ART SATEEN -An extensive range 1.1 of patterns of Art Sateen, Cretonnes; and Casement Cloths in 27 in. 1.11 to 50 in, widths; suitable for Comforters, Hanging's and Curtains. ii :V It a. a OUR GOODS ARE THE 'BEST -AS E :44 11' HET V. • 51 *ralarnerammoseneranucaummost4slattrot..--,....zauterumutio lil • Mill fim OUR PRICES RIGHT lilt r, tS1 iii 014; •4Ip. 113 7,111 hi BEE 1 will not he responsible for any left her bed and board with a cause. debt contracted -by my wile, having Thpmas Casemore. • mmummummumn smaimmommaims, MEMEMENEREK . Your Pippendable I 111 ET CASH --.CREAM la • - „ FEATURES ACCURACY.- Of Weight and Test Garan- - ai teed. ' • 1 , Constant E zdeaY�r,Mo Serve '7f YO'rouiay aNtnd s- antly. is PRICES -- nown or ;.ye.l.r-ro Rellabiluity.. 414 4 . 141 CAN Western Ontario's LOgest and Finekt Equip/bled L.reanuery. • ; _ ilas Cameron, Wingta., 0 L Geddes &,Sturdy„ elgrave,,,Ont. egiumpoEivalusimmi 111;i 4P4' '-t! -t' ift IP 11 151 st, :11 'Of III A, la ii - 1115' 4•14, 'till 511 I-Ic EMM Et.0 iiv4111'141 4.44nagimagansualunmersias4=14144mic..1.444i4emnemeamcnacelsaucartmsamointamontansmsnnum fIt RustD'ryg-B'ecuse v l'here's one feature in partkulat you'll appreciate about Toronte Stable ment.This is the fact that the "hot" galvanizing method we osc thoroughly covers and connaktely coats both the 'inside and outside of the steel tubing • with pure aim spotter. This method • Takes it absolutely nist-dsfying, and pfoof against strong stable acids for the maximum period -while the method in- clinarily used simply applies a surface coating and goes only a short distance inside tubing, Toronto Stable Equipment will make work easier -keep cattle healthier -- bring more profits. Let me explain the many advantages of Toronto Stalls, Bull Pens, Water Bowls'. and Litter Carriers --or get some of the Toronto literature, W. 11. Davidson, Win., hum „ , • r • . ' , • , • .4 4.1444•,1,44,4 441mom1*144.**ntmn*aontrsratnprp'...urkt,e4.h4nt..*'44'4,.+..i101**.-eiv4.444.0.4.444,*444*4*io'o**mhix.444m400.iig444tln.v tilt „4 44,411. r 1,74'1.1111,444.11,11711,1414.1,4471117 -1414.4.4114.414.11,,,.1.111.1,44. 1111.1.4 4. 444 -7,,....4.4.*14r41r,„4444 THE W1191-1AM ADW. ea, it is Well to make sure ' tin • rear' end • Mid ttansMissioriele have not ' become "set;": so that do not turn freely. Rotatingbett wheels,bY band,' In the -same air for a n•rionienti, will indicate. WI these parts move readily. Very 1 before purrniPsigtbe tires, it rue advisable to put" deny valve P cars, While still Off 'the floor, ttr the band wheell:Will shew'whelli tot the, steering- oar moves and will "wont' in" the- oil or g. Which has been Si:limited its point Johns in the brake linkage anti control rods shoUld be lubricated a half-and-half oil and kerosene titre, -so as to loosen them if they beeonie` stiick: Attach the 'hand, and ;see if:, the -;engitib.,will tura and if it is stuck inject: oil ker •mixture into 'each cylinder; let i and try cranking again, , Afte turns 'freely inject a little Oil into Cylinder: Quite likely when the - kg -system is filled` with. water 'rubber connections May need t ening or. replacing or the pump kg may require setting up. In re. kgth,e.battery,,be• sure. that it is in"right end to," that the hold -d elainps-- are tightened and that 'the minalsrare 'Vasa -bled, securely tical ed and that the right:Cabie is Cen ed • to 'eaph.,:, if, the fuel.; System been drained the ,traentim tanks be partly filled with gasoline' thro the phig-ged Opening in its top. D -run the engine if the oil gatide Ito shbw pressure immediately, trine -the litbricating system wit/ 'supplied- through the plugged hol the. pump or relief valve. Be there 'is Plenty of oil in the crank -c transmission and rear axle, and the' universals are •Itibticated. D go od the rortkl until' the Brakes Ii becu tested. ' -• n' • " IF ANYONE HAS - Killed, a pig, Shot 'his wife; Got married, Borrowed a -stamp, • - Made a speech, joined the army, Robbed a bank, - Bought a Ford, Sold'a „dog, Lost his wallet, • Gone fishing; Broke his neck, . Bought a house. Committed suicide, . Shot a cat, . Been. away, Come back home, • -Moved. his -office, Taken a vacation, Been in a fight, Got licked, • Had no oil stock, Got rich, Made a bad be • It's news - SEND rr TO THE EDITOR. -Mead Co -Operatic "The White- Star Line announc the, big low fare, annual excursion the Steamer Greyhound from Goderi to Detroit ta„nd return, leaving Go rich on'Tuesday, June tzth, at g.3o ancr:artiving. at Detroit at s p.' A day and a. half will be given all; e enrsiOnists in Detroit, the return d part -use being, as ,usual, Thursday p, ni, . • The fare is so low ,and the accom oclations- are services of the.-Greyhou Eti:,6 so very good an-crew-aortal:Ile, th no one can,aftord to„ntiss this annu opportunity to viSit one of the large and most wonderful cities on the co tinent. Detroit's great industrial pr greSs.„has attracted -the attention of tl whole world and it has a •reputati for being the most up-to-date in i manufacturingtniethods, and of havi the greateSi-:41ichistrial institutions the world. Delegations-, and commi tees froixi governments and manufac tiring•'69;ncernS.'Ootn- all -t he wok] d at visiting Detroit daily to inspect tl wonderful plants, and their method of pr,Oduction: They do away amaze at the tremendous activity of modes manufacturing methods, and alwa 'predict that nothing can stop.Defro from becoming the greatest'.111clustri centre of the world, . .A certain' business • man calla h stenographer by the name or her•pr •deeessor about thirgie:.fotirtlis- of th time, reports acmiternporary, "I don Mind it so innch," the Steno saYs; In I'll bet if he•pulls 'that absent,Minde stuff With 'friend wilie•verY :often., heff have ti- nice, healthy triangle .on, hi :. • ; • •• , . . Nntice. To Crediters • in. the Estate. of Maurice R. Beck with, late of the Town Of Wiugham in the County , of Huron, Baker, de ceased. . . Notice is hereby given pursuant t section •56, Chapter tax of R. S. 0. 1044, that -all persons havingclaim against' the . Estate 'ofMaurice ;Beckavith, who died •on or about the twenty-sixth day -of March, A. D,, top at the Town of Wingbain, are reguir ed to send to the undersigned, the'Ex ectitors, on or before 'the rdth day o May; 0., Toza, their names and ad dresses with full particulars of their claims in writing and. the nature of the securities, (if any) held by them, And further take notice that aftet the said 16th day of May,. A. D.,inza, the assets of the said Estate will be distributed by the said Exectitora among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have tiotice and the Estate will not be liable for any claim not filed at the time of the said dis- tribution, Dated at Winaltain this ryth day of April, A. D„ Ina. H. B. Elliott, ,,, Dudley. Holm '" F.Xeetitor$. i .i. A4.1.4 , inter,- nent t: 1 2"Flar. Iciiiller ,y lung- ruing Sr iasily masa 31' All . and have • IIL13"; °Yrcro 'sone 1 set reacillt 3001- the ght- )lac- ten- lect- has ;lust ugh ont„, Fails but a ha ;tire ase' :nat Dn't ave in. es m e- '• x -- e- at a - Id St 3- ie- , n is g -tri '1 ct.;. S' itg d 14 ... Years '' The be .A.nyono health; aches or real interested Martha Ral4librs9.,rsdNeW.S.olf'e was lion able ., . ofA Then. . effect only relieved Peh-rOse°?;&""h. At Limited; R a and in xne,.tietne dealers 0 ay Wonderful and, pleasure. dreadful -every 1 tried. was one . -" • ' ..e4424•0;-"ita" third Pratte Food . . and U li II '''' I 111111TI '''' • Endei Medein 0 miserabll Read to get any will bi Mrs East Shii years: Constipa was miser in the way help late " and' Cfn tcikin completely a nett size She - ' ' , - ' spent ' Baby chick bird. of Constipation mlinita-tives". who suffers who istorturec,l-with who out in this de Wolfe still'erer'from Headaches way,Totliing ;• „seer:lea "Fruit splendid; box, and now oxi 6 fox: or • Ottawa, • ,,,,,,, , ,-,-..: : 4431, 4 --•‘-',- r'Be- -e--- „1-,. i12.414 ' ...,-' of a Buttermilk makes profitable for fruit with le unable of life; letter,,,of of says ' 4 VOP and I 1., 1 .i. to- -a -fives mad after I was ;feel -like $.50., trial from Fruit-a-tives. Out, . ,.-,....,,,,,,,, - r 44 twat; - ,-; : - i • WAKES L• cmtrits - cent extra every poultry at I.;• ' 3 11 •; , . .; i. .1 , .s. ,------- t , A It ...• ' ...;,1 ' , - One on Chick a healthy, Everything Flout . C. ADAMS Feed • Wingham .... .. ..... - .._ BUTTERMILK FOR The will dispose by contract Apply Sta. r SALE , i .- i 4 .., Whitechurch of their far the at wros. .. . ;Creamery Buttermilk season. once to ir,„ r rips .„, 1111111111111 = ril - r -L:'- 4tpepl4 = you 2 = Can T-, of Now . s. lit 0911V.iii44,at ...., You , can # ..4 CIEVFLA suPply:you C. C. knocks to etc. Baby all T to buy your „ --3 and, - • Make $35,to , -. I sol = 11133111111111' 111111111:1111111113111111113-111 is the 4.--',.v•-• I .....* wlit j....„. get M. The $3.20, Carriage general time ;,. ,:. of 7 111.1- 6-1, Mi zg-• 11, -Mi of T. to a . il F...F. = LE Ed :r41 E I I,• ,, ... a Bicycle "dash,',' It in ' .#.4'.. Biefe'le revised the 'bottom lists in Peddles repairing and the w.ith fron-,1 accessories' price, Wheels e:1;*' full :'o', • , any . out Covers $a -,so retired at n s it l' if 11 . s -...- ','•,' ffil t :„ -g3•1- / 74_ S 11111511M1114111111,111131111u - $65., list ti previous - $2.40 $2.75, ES El and = VVINGHAM = 1 • IACHINn -------. • * ACUR - 11111111MIN111111111111111111 SHOP•---= , ...;;;;;,15X,tafXrid . , - t 4 1 . 4, kilt " CIIIROP HEALTH proper The entire, the body spine. I shall ther in benefiteof gairtim 34 ALVIN HoutS 1, consultation, ati-rz, . : : 41 VERTE 1 - k;''AL, AN( US ' ;., . 1 ,,' RESTS vertebral nervous is connected be glad to Chiroprattic and maintaining EitiaTi . ACTIC adjustment. system explain the • 0 .1it'- . a upon with great hi health. the of the fur- re- It pr 1 '.;\, tr. VOX, ChirOprattor gag, 74. 1110iie, 41 11',- . '' . ' .. . 4 .. .. ,, "'•• -''.- 47,irc,xlriow • • --. ltial11010J/11111111/Pitati 3011 10( i Milialif in.M111011111113111JUIIII011.1101 /140111011 / 1 ill4 1 I INI i k!tti illiti 1 IT041,r • . .. . , , Ti A .raclio-„-eollcert.: was•. given ,. in ttl,,-,.,-;:, , ' ' , : . , I , - . . , . town hall last - r;r3a Oa)! DQ - las and jack Qst crbotit,- Sem of,,:. Osterhout, paStor of the local. Meth-, odist church. The weather, was very unfavorable,- rain being, reported from every state alOtig the Atlanic, and. as far west as Ohio, with considerable electric disturbance;; which seriously; interferes with the air eurrents which carry whatever sounds are broadcast-, ed, 'About coo persons were in the hall Rev-, Osterhout gave ;i short talk on the radio.' Other- citizens of town are installing'radio outfits in ' their•hoMes,' • The -Guild on Monday night was taken by ths choir; and tile program was ;pile of the best given this year. Mr. Stuart Robertson was in the chair and . Miss Martha Mc:Calif:1in read, the scripture lesson, 'Splendid papers were given: on tile lives, of BeetheVeA -.4nd Shubert by Misses Joan" McCall.; him, Norma Thompson and Helen Thompson, MISS Margaret Geddes gave a reading on maldng music a hobby. Messes. Watson and Carrick Done -las tendered a duet, while .Miss - os lefary,,A4'ehison and. Carrie Geddes each gave a sole which were much en- joyed. St selection by : the choir byought the evening to ii"-elose, -Mr, Roy MeKenzie has taken a po- sition as mechanic at the Central Gar" - age. . , Man' Jackson of' Glasgow k4t! 1 , I 1,1 1 II CANADA'S LARGEST RE'tAIL GROCERS 11-4 QUALITY -- CLEANLINESS .-SERVICE it-- WE SELL TO STI15.3Fle •kg 1.0 lbs. Granulated Sugar too lb. al.. ,$11.45 PEANUT ill ca? PLAN'I"OL SOAP BUTTER, . 3 . • cakes for .. Pt MAPLE SYRUP 4!)1.6 SPECIAL BLEND .r„..0 No. ro tin . . . . TEA, lb, . ; U41 'Ti CLEANSERS _ ....:•;', Old •Dutch, o for .. . . ... sac •,.. X.! Rabbits . 9c t:3 Lux A.; Lye, s for, iiste IN Gold Dust , = Seep Chips, for Ride, g lbs. • Corn. Flakes, 3 for eon , CERgAL$ • - ,J pecl uff2f: oipaffedRice, is ' -Ear----------------- 35cone 7111 RctmabnTitsi.eal: . 1:4 Meal ------ -----------------------'31c . 33e xrurriiec Quaker. Oats 1170 4111 PURE GOLD PUD- ri • SELECT BLEND, fw tat; COFFEE Iiii Scotland, visited for a Shortme tiwiDINGS, = P , 2 for • her cousin, Mrs."K. Mac ',cod of town, El. • ., Mrs: Jackson is going to New York-.' . where she will take charge- of one of ,!$'1 /Butter andEggs•Taiken1/V ,-INCHA. ,M; ----,•We Deliver. • the hoE'phals there- ' . illE1111111111110111;111111411111111110111111110111111111111111:1111111112111111111111111111110111011011101411-111filW,' : Rev. W. G. Brown of• Red Deet;. Alta,, gave -an address on Church:Uri- ion at St. Helens, about a dozen from emu --La.;!,nGW tp,: tit out to hear Wm, , Mrs. (Dr.) McLean of Welland, and Stir, Berwick Sheriff of London, are visiting' their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Sheriff. Mr. Sheriff- is at pre- sent very ill,- . Mr. 'Cuthbert' Galati left last week to accept a position in a drug store in Hamilton. He had been for same time With E. McKinitere: The first Thursday of May will Start the summer half holiday for ,Lneknow 4nrrchants. - • The Oddfellows Will attend Divine Service next- -Sunday in the Presby- terian church at the morning service, The members will gather in their lod- ge rooms at 3o3o. O'clock., • • We are sorry to report Or.' D. Pat- el -son is on the sick list, TORY CORNERS , Mr. Oliver Gallaway passed through this burg one day last week on busi- ness. Miss Ena Gamble spent the after- noon with Mrs. Thos. Nickel. Mr. Robt. Graham of Gorrie, was on this line looking for a team of horses one day last week. Mr. Robert Brown of the lath line made a business trill' to Mildmay on Saturday. Mr. Thomas Ellis of Gorrie, has fin- ished up the wood cutting, and he knows how to keep it running. Miss Edna- Taylor spent one after- noon with Miss Dane, z2tli line. Mr. Stewart Finlay was to Wing - ham on Saturday on business. Mr. Win. Dane lost a valuable horse last week. Mrs, Harry Smith of Wroxeter, called on friends of this burg one day recently. The people of this vicinity should be proud of .the road to Gorrie this year in the way Mr. Robt. Irwin. is keeping it. It is a big improvement to other years. Mr. Norman Heinbecker spent Sun - "day. . with frxends Wroxeter. ON VIMY (By William "Nobby" ClarkT) • (-Late of the 28th Battalion) At dawn, the Sun peeps out the east- ern sky, ' • Proclaims with glorious light, the new born day. The poppies' fragrat nce wafted by sof winds, Which sigh in sacred language seems to say, - • • 4 - arm' not death, whose bodies lie on, Viinjo" . PtPtPtPtPtPtPtPtPtPta Pt § St 111111111111!11111E1111111111111311113111111111Int11113111111111$111/31111fghli011;211/011111111eitionnuipm We have some odds and ends left in BOoks•whieh are • now on sale, Boo -Its- regularly priced at 50c are on sale at 35c each or 3 -for $1.00, .BooltS regularly priced 75c on• sale at 45c. a Boys' and Girls':Annuals, Chums. etc. priced at $2,00. Pt at Mi Pt Mi 411. to 3.50, while they last at 1.25 each. Si ii, LI TT Books, Stationery, Magazines, Town Ticket Agent Canadian vs National and Grand Trunk Railways, Ocean Tickets via all lines. 111E1 11111111 I 1111111131111 11111111 11111111 II 11 11 11 1111111111111121131111 11113111A;1111111111111111 .0112141,601M19121211ALUEINIME.A1.911,1•31...9.M.09 Ill Pt ii Pt Pt 11 14 1111 14E11 lii ihirallIPtihlerihl 111E111 111E111E11 hiniallid11ffini1lhlin THE SALVATION ARMY SELF DENIAL CAMPAIGN El SER,,,E BY GIVING TO YI;IE 1.1 AR irY of THE HELPING HAN ADAC,EAST SELF-DENIAL it ;JECTAVE Pt CA Pt itt Pt = The Self -Denial Fund keeps; the door open and ell the wheela' 62,117 - moving. It is the one Fund -which assists all sections and 'departnaents $260.i,000 WINGRAWS liBJECTIVE $250.00.' Pt ift of work. • gi Without it our Homes and Institutions would be compelled to close, and suffering men, women and NIdren would look in vain for ti The M • •,, • a • saying Give ye them to eat' and th =-; pectant crowdsloeals s lti tothe Army in their need e eat- .115 Will you fill the Helping Hand? " We "ask in. the name of Him, who -said: "Inasmuch as ye have done" it Unto me ,of the least of these-- 171 Pt Pt Pt ye have done -it,.-into Me." • • "Us eventide, and shadow" lowly ='; 11 Will-yoOt-ilp to proyide both the atnbulance at' the foot of the creep • ; precipice lo0151n humanity, and the fence at the top? ' • ; • . The libaiirpr,Traine.d Service Corps stands prepared for action, Ea anxious to I:Mitt-Out the hand of help. ArtlidSt those sacred crosses, thnre to st ay, . And church 'bells calling Ilion' to,pray- in sweet wild solemn tones, they seem to say: "Their souls passed on,' whose bodies lie on Vimy." The silence of the nfght. has fallen And amidst those silent, crosses moon- - beams play, The wind still sights, anti poppies gone to sleep, rhe stars in heaven twinkling, ' seem to say: 'They'll rise again, whose .bodies lie on N; . III-- :t i,i1111,s tfi!it'ittMi fl ,;111,11;; .4, .4 '111,te ,11 1.i ilt Fi rt, t 11r, ,tP ogle , ,11.2 to tone and strengthen : organs of digestion sad O hnination, improve) eppetite„ stop sick headaches, ?relieve bill - oneness. correct constipation. They act proniptly, pleasantly* Mildly, yet thoreughly. FOAMS art° WY I4ff • ‘stfe• 44; 17'1.;.• --raw-•wts" ' '444,,ai.;-2-*•„s..ea•••,,..,;$ , k 'Yk. It* • 't 44;44, 44-1 Gist a . - : • Vests 26o. 1301t "''' t.- ettititio Pot, sale by . 'WALTON IVIer<31:13BON' -5 'Join them in Self -Denial, and give generously to this splendid = Bti fund. He who said: Freely ye have received,. freely give." f•-1 will add His Nosing. The Founder, General William Booth, 36 years ago started a ti MM "do -without week" and Salvationists gave up something in order to help the cause. This has continued year by year, -this is the Self -Den- ial Week, An Official Collector will call, or a contribution may 'fie sent to P"' CAPTAIN WHITFIELD, Box vas, Winghatrt, Ontario. WIL3., YOU G/VE ti; GENEROUS GIFT AND FILL THEPt I.: Pt , HELPING HAND? - 01,k. i,t1131111111111111111111111111111111111311111i11;311111111 SCHOOL BOOKS ' (Kincrdine Reporter') Wm. McDonald in the Chesley En- terprise, shows that Eaton doesn't publish books at less than cost. He • gleans the follbwinw front Ontario's public accounts: • "'NNE; hear a great deal these days `The T. Eaton Co. sells the public about free text books, when the • . Seim& Board will put up the cost. novr school readers at the following low borne by the parents. These round - prices, Primer, four cents; first read- hom the -individual to the cr, six cents; second reader, six cents; istilit)iilllitelpality;lind goyernment are quite about systems of shifting the respon- reader, sixteen cents. The average ate, third rade, fourteen cents; fourth popular among cvrtain of tho elector- . person thinks the T. Eaton Co. char - tae nepletion of Mie natural resource,' bcgloetas°11k(118,PtTothhacetiVOle°trsitisti•oliolng.GpolNivbeoilit.sililmiliynegnattiplolealsi the :hue is not far distant when with the increasing eapenditurefor edam- ' but thinking men see that with little sum of $13,712.20 to -make up non an highways direct taxation will the T. Eaton Co. last year the neat . . for a fairprofit on these text btioka comet in provincial affair. We got U and the P.Yrson press, which publish. tastt of it during three cars of the . es the. Public School History of Can; war when a special levy of one mill ada„ at twenty-fiverents, and History on the dollar WEts Ilia(10 payable to the of England, at the same price, was Provincial Treasurer, collected allowed $45,554,4S as supplemental to ihrongh r ottlatN. IteaSurers in the Ra't'a 0 Itch' retail- price; lists, Copp Clark Ce,,' way as 01,3r ntholdpal iatl.,s,d was paid $2375550 and the .whole ainottitt paid to book: publisiting'firins 1 • out Of the Provincial treasury to help them out was ,$26,14577.' The Goy, eminent certainly' does Well by the . book bubliher. . • 110 • .. • .