HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-04-26, Page 1Single Copies, Four Cents,
ire Threatens -Myth Mill
The flax mill wa,s threatened by.
on Thereday afternoon when some
.hot ashes, thrown from the mill, ignit-
ed a gaantify of, inflasnmable: mater -
in close ptostitniey to the building.
The fire department was quickly on
the scene of the blaze and prevented
'What might have proved a serious
• blaze.
Died In Seattle
Word was received in Winghein en
Monday, of the death of Alex Robert-
on, which took place ae. Seattle pn
aday He was Go years of age -and
ie Survived by a widow- Messrs, Win,
Robertsdin, Geo. T. Robertson, and
Adam Robertson are brothers of the
deceaecd. and His John Menzie of
East Wewa.nosh and Mrs. Allan Spiers
a Brussels are sisters. Deceased hes
been engaged in the millieg business
Seattle for the past thirty. years.
hatching, from my heavy laying
pens. S. C. White Leghorns, Bar-
red Rocks, Black Minorcas and
Mahogany Russian Orloffs. Write
for price list, rhenbators and brood-
ers for sale. If interested write for
Duncan Keunecler,
Box te, Whitechurch, Ont
Phone 42-61r
Everlasting Clay Tile. When you
build use burnt clay brick, made by
Wnl. FiliOtt & Son, manufacturers
of Rug and White Brick, Drain Tile,
3 to r6 inches, Flooring Tile, .Hol -
/ow Building Blocks, Well Bricks,
Chimney Flues, also agent for Mil -
toe press and Rug Brick. •
Phone 6 on 403, Wingham.
Wm. Elliott & Son,,
Glenantiain Ontario.
:FOR SALE—Child's Cot and Matt-
ress, good as new. Apply at
The -Advance,
FOR SALE—General Store and Stock
in the County of Huron, nearest op-
position seven miles, splendid farm-
ing district. Stock about $s000mo,
fixtures $socsoo. Splendid opening.
Owner in ill health.
Box. C, The Advan,ce
FOR. SALE—Hatching Eggs., $1.eo
tor is, Baby Clucks, 20c eacte Front
rotire bred Barred Plymouth Rocks.
./elso strictly fresh eggs and choice
fat hens for table use.
joint Kerr,
Pluene 4 on 625 P. 0. Box, 277
POR SKLE--Goveremeite inspected
red. clover seed, at $r2 00 per bushel.
Apply to Alex T. Ross,
Phone 4-6s8 • and line Morris.
FARDif WANTED ---Business propei.
ter at Amberstberg to trade for a
faun. Rents big, up from hill where
Detroit boats leave every -fifteen
mirmtes for the 'Park Inquire at
` The Advance.
FOR SALE—Fiye; one -year-old calv-
es, Apply at The Advance. t
To the Fditur 4v th ',64VarICC,
. Deer Sur:— ,
rt sarnes dicer Is, to be no modish-,
tribtishun ay -sates' fer the Orit-ario
house at the prisint toinie so it will
take tree min to rnishriprisint ould
Haron at 1.7oroato, the same as be-
foor. The eliekshun is to be .hild ii
June au shpakin as a good Tory, an
an Irishman, I sappose I shnd be
hpoilin Let- the bight, but nivir, in
me whole toile, did I hey so little
sliturmitick fer a shcrap. Shure, 'twill
be no , daciet koind an eliekshun
at all at all jist a Donnybrook Fair,
an /airy man an wamman too, now,
wursp 'luck, armed wid .a, shilailay an
ready. to hit a head whereivir he sees
wau, Wid the Drooryoites,sherappin,
wid the MawrinsonsHicics crowd, an
the labor min xefusin to furnish the
fer Droory's koite army longer,
an the New Ontario bunch shta.rtin
,out veld a parthy av them- own, an
Currie an Fergueon both wantin the
layclership av the Tories, all Dewart
an me far out cousin, Wellington Hay,
laydin the double headed Grit parthy,
what koind av an elickshen kin ye,
ixpict to hey, ,arr what koind av a
governmint, fer that matther, whin the
elickshun is over? 'Tis a quistiort av
ivirybuddy wantin to be boss; awl
mashters an no min so to shpake.
Leyalty to his counthry is wan av the
besht qualities anny man kin hey, an
shtickin to wan's parthy is the same -
ting, whin ye belave that the pcilicy
av yer parthy is in the bisht interests
aY the whole counthry, but whin it
comes to foitrain into classes an
groups, not Ter the -binifit av the
counthry as a whole, but to get some
advantage fer the pertickular theade,
are occupashun, arr creed are part av
the,. counthry to which ye belong, thin
the whole ting is wrong. Ye can't
build up a. counthry wid silfishness, as
a foundation, But •moind ye I am
not blamin the farrumers fer troyin
to defind thimsilves, fer what wid the
manufacturers' combines an the labor
unions an the school taychers demand-
boigher pay, the fermi/ter comes
out at the shneall ind ay the horn whin
the year is over. 'Tisn't in human
natcher to shtandethat sort ,ey ling fer
:via The thruoble mid a lot av far -
ruiners is that two ate:. tree goed years
shpolled thirn. Iviry farrumer, who
owned .fifty acres on the soide av a
hill tought he wue a landed proprietor
art a gintleman, av leisure, so to shpake
an, be bought a car an shpiet awl the
profits ay the farrum buyiti gasoline
to attind U. F. ,O. conveashuns to
hear about the wrongs ay the down
tivodden agricultutalists.
A lot etv'Paerple doese vvorryin about
so- manny av our byes goin over to
the Shtetes lookin fer wurruk larr
lioiaher Wages. Afeslittav thine will -be
glad to get back befoor manny months
an will be a whole lot woiser thee
whin they wint away. What's the
differ what pay ye git if ye hey to put
t awl out agon fer txpinees? If ye tiek
hoigh Wagee,Will Make Ye. rich, ye bet-
ter troy Germany are ISpolftia., ter a
sl pell. Av coot -se iviry'yeung fellah
wants to knock arround an eee e bit
av the couthry befoor he settles down,
an good fer him so it is,ifhe kap-
es • hinisilf shtr,eight. betther, if
lie byes arr idle to go wIteersthey
can get wurruk, fer the greatest fbi'-
'insibuhl loss anny cotmthrykin hey
e a lot ay idle min slitaridin arround.
Wan goad ting altout the farrumirt
Itradeis that ,a-fellah is idyll- out -rtv
jawinair nivir trades to be if he has
"" sills'i/ours" till aixt wake,'
,Timothy Hay.
A New Discovery
FOR SALE—Kitchen Table, small
reined table, heater, sideboard cheap. i
- Apply to J. H. Nicholls,
Josephine St. t
FOR. SALE—Fifteen, Barred Rock, 1
Layinghens and ro.oster...• Last
year's chickens. : Apply to
Chas. Cooke. ,
• .PORe SALE -e -Purebred , Shorthorn
Bull, agedstwe years. A snap tor ;
. ;quick sale. Apply ,to.
Thos. Gaunt,
2i..10, Coe. Kinieta
A new aiinovern nod -a wonderful
awn to onseceepera is Lowe Bros.
'Neptunite:• Varnish, in a test recently
mule on a table varniabed With Nepe
i. wet .towel Was neiced on the
in -face and ironed .with a sizzling- hot
ron entil its wa; 'lsone dry. The :5nr,
ace Was in 3uee as perfect condition
• FOR S.AL,E—Motor ycle and' side t
ear. :Sell cheap fa 'cash,Qmek
A. T.bliotsan,
Witigham a
OR SALE -s -i Folding Davennort;
.1 Buffett, 3 Brass Bed, Wooden 'E
:Bed, Range. Enquire at
Thlhat cis atone
a before, no dieeoloring or markings
of any kind. • Floors finished with
Neptunite are provided with a hea.uti-
ul lustre, which is tough, hard, elastic
ind durable and will not chip, scratch
or Nark under the severe ueage which
floors are, subjected to. Being absol-
utely clear -will not discolor the light-
s!: patterns of Linoleum Nectunite
s sold in Wingham Thornpson.o&-
tichanan's Hardware,
, •
owed' Dead In. Bed
Mrs. Howard, Rivers, well ku'oWn
'rceswater and community, was
onncr dead in bed on Tuesday morn -
at her home, ste a reeelt of hearttiltim-
Mie, Rivers 'had gone to 'Owen
owed to secure position and he was
londa.y night. Mrs. Rivers had pt -c-
ared a lunch for him and pin: it on
he table and had laid down' on the
ed waiting for the train to come in,
iowever, Me, Rivers did not get home
nd in the morning, Olive. attempted
(;:o wake her mother, but without avail,
tid she ran over to Miss McDougal:1's
nd Mrs. Perkins, On their seeing
Its. Rivers they believed she, was
eact and- sent for Or. Fergusoe, who
ronouticed the womaii dead with
cart trouble.
She had been about her household
tasks that day,rand had visited some
f the neighbors early in' the evening
nd seemed to be in her ttanal health,
lthough she had been .complaining
or some time with a pain about her
dart, Mr. Rivers was gdfit for and
ev. Mel<elvey met him at Ran.
ver with.his tar and drove him home
our there. The funeral was held on
Vednesday afterecion.---Teesw-a t e r
FOR SALEGADOC1 upright Piano for
sa,le, Apply to •aa. Vinteria St; ,
§gE—L. Ketinedy for used cars, B
Getty -Dods, • Chevrolets, Fortis,
Cottpes and Overland, all at bar. F
gains, ,
TENDERS—Will be,„feccived for the it
wiring of the Wingham Town
tp to Tuesday, May ist, at p. m•
'Specifications may be seen at the f
leffite of the Town Clerk, Lowest '
dr any tender not necessarily ac- S
xpe„eted home. on the late train out
•eepted. e
W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk,
'TAKE NOTICE—All parties liable
for income taxation locally must
Make returns by April aeth., accord.
lag to assessment act, any person
failing to do so, a fine of •$50.0.0
,eats be imposed.
T. j. McLean, Assessoi.
virooDWORKERS—With autotno-
hilt) body building experience pre-
ferred, State eage, experience and
*ages expected,
Carriage Factories Ltd.,
Orillia, Ontario
WANTED—A, few bright, intelligent a
girls of good character to learn the a
egg packing and grading, • f
The 'United Farniers co -Opera- In
tive Co,, Winghani, R
• 0
llitl'ANTEb-'i-A girl for general hOttat- fe
*rOrk. Apply at
The Advanc
Mrs. (Dr.) I-falliblyis yisitina ciithr
her pro:erns in Toronto.
Mr. add 'Mrs. Robe Currie, Sr.,
ited in Belfast on's-Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. R H, King and little
son, Jack, 'are visiting in Buffalo,
Mr. Mark Cassels of Palmerston,
spent the week end at his home here.
Mrs, (Dr,) Tarnlyn is at the borne
of her sister, Mrs. C G. VanStone in
Miss Ethel Chandler is spending a
few weeks with her sister, Mrs, Roy
Callaway, Elora,
Mr. Warren Fintayson of Detroit, is
visiting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Mc-
Pherson, Frances St. ;
Mayor H. B. ,and Mrs. Elliott mot-
ored to Ingersoll on $aturclaY, where
they epent the week end
Mr. and Mrs. R A. Currie were in
Listowel on Wednesday, attending the
wedding of Mrs Curries brother, Mr.
Stanley Kemp.
Mrs. Alex MoWbray, Mtg. Jas. Mor-
rison, Mrs, Thos. Taylor and Miss
Vine. Stnith, visite& with friends in
Dungannon this week.
Mr. Will McRae 'has, purchased. the
property of John Berehill, which is
next to his oevafarm on Con. 2, and
will take piassession soon, and will
keep both farms.
Mr, C W. Pocock of the Canadian . . s ..s..
FORMALDEHYDE—All practical
Bank of Commerce staff of Goderich, A MAP FOR MOTORISTS agriculturalists and experts agree that
has been transferred to the ICingston ----. --- it pays to treat grains with ,Formalde-
Road 13ranch, Tot -onto. We wish this
A thoraitele revised map 5< lit out by
e nytte. A fresh supply, guaranteed full
young man every success.
the Ontario Motor League shows in strength, eoc per pound at Mitthell's
Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Milne of North accerate red outline the Provincial Drug Store, opposite Brunswick Hot
• ••••••••••••••*•••••****.
! • "„,, • ,
THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, 1923
MER '11..INGHAPI1n:.110.Nofifp.
. ,
Thomas '1301 of -Fs'es.ithamnton Pres'
ident of the Bell Furniture Co., of that
town, who celebrated his 8oth birth-
da.yem . on April 'szth. Mr. Bell is a fOrm-
, , .
Mayor irtg tat C rs.
ard. Vanstone is a • 'daughter.
at Sfatlaerds,
oe'Raidenats at reduced prices
' For a nice, smcioth, easy shave e try
R. PI. Stewart, ferano tener, is in
town. Kindly leave orders at Queens
If etch
T. regular Wednesday half hob -
'days will be observed in Wingham as
usual this year commencing on Wed-
nesday afternoon, May and.
Rey. Mr, Brown. of Red Deer Alta,
occupied the pulpit of St. Andrews
church on Sunday evening and very
strongly opposed church union.
The Dominion Day Sports Corimait-
tee met on Monday evening and de-
cided to hold a trio/tater day of Cale-
donian sports at Wing -ham on Mon-
day, July snd.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held in the
Council Chamber on Thursday after-
noon, April 26th., at 3 p. m. Mrs.
Copeland and Mrs, Williamson will es. -
have' charge of the meeting
Razors Ifoned., a first lass job vier- 111;
anteed ,at Cruickshank's.
Miss B. E, Anderson, Commercial ==
teacher at the High School, was talc -1
en ill during the Easter holidays andli
has not yet been able to return to her etee.
work although reported very much tie•-•
itnprove.d.—Walkerton Telescope
' rh
Bay, were guests of friends: in Wings
ham this week. Mrs. Milne is a sister
,of Mrs. D. K Livingstone., Victoria
St. Mr. Milne is a well-to-do lumber
man in North Bay and formerly kept
a mill at Ethel. e.
Mrs. (Dr.) George H. Ross, Wing -
was here last Monday enjoying
the celebration of Mrs.. D. C Ross'
birthday and conveying the congrat-
illations of Dr. Ross, the elde-se son of
the hostess, who was unable to come.
—Brussels Post,
Rev. C. and Mrs, Riley and three
children of Chicago, Mr. and, Mrs.
Basil Blackball, Mn and Mrs. Clarence
Blackball and Iwo. children -of 'r...
Highway system of Ontario and the
best roads in Western Quebec, New
York State encl. Eestern Michigan and
gives the location of all the cities and
principals towns :Ind villages, lekes,
rivers and summer resort* in this area
of over cieseciO square miles.
The roads shown extend all the way
fram New Ydrk city to Sault Ste.
Marie and from too miles east of
Montreal to too miles west of Detroit.
A motorist planning a trip anywhere
in this district will find the 0. M. L.,
road map of great assistance- The
relative importance of roads has been
shown by three classes of lines—red,
rnediutn, and thin black.
ons 62,00, pet
Hjoi*Rikkii la,
pray o
r Tre
We have all, the beI Spraying Compounds
Winrchata, Ont.
IIIlls IlIiinIllbiIl
Orl s ruo-
•Ptileseso Snore
II 111E11111M110111ffilleil
1 II 111M118111
Phone 35
111E1111/10111 111E111 11 111211111331
Qf Furnitere Firm Htmeted ',Interment at Win&haer.
Some mischeviotte cereen entereci. Thos. Bell, president of the .
inc romaine of the late Edivare
Mr. F. 1. -Lewis' garage in Turnberry, Furniture Company, Southampton..
Waid, who died in Drumhellet, Aita,
one evening recently and tore one of celebrated his 86th birthday on April
his new license numbers fr'orn his auto. t7th. The employees of the company on Tuesday, April 17th, are being,
it will be a sorry day for the party if stopped work at x to clock and ',sent brought home for interment in the
Fred ever finds out just who it was as word to - Mn Bell to come from his family plot The funeral service will
he cannot see the joke and the offense office. R, Laughlin, on behalf of the be held on Wednesday afternoon, Ap-
is a serious one. employees, then presented hint with ril >sth, at the residence of his sisters,
Wingham Fire Department, wishes to in a neat speech expressed, the seeti- Misses Hattie and Lottie 'Ward, Min-
nie Sts., at 3 o'clock The sympathn
a bouquet of Bo roses, arid Ma Green
Ma J. F. . Crandall chief. of thud
of a host of friende is extended toethe
meet underlying the gift ; .t, en.„,,,A
thank Ma F. W. French, on behalf of
Mn Bell is the, oldest manufacturer 'ere(' es"
the fire department, for his kind don- •
of furniture in Canada and is still act--
sent to show his appreciation of Died tel Sleeping Sicknese
iye in the managerneat of the business,
the services of the firemen at the
small fife at his home on Monday ev- School Concert
to, are all at thc horne of their par- The map has been compiled from .1 'The pupils of Blyth Continuation
ening of last week.
eras, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Blackhall, the most reliable sources of inforrna- Come in and have a shower in our
, nil, 'school held their final. Literary me et -
We are pleased Ito report that Mr. tion and has been designed with the new, white sanitary Shower Bathin Memorial Hall last Friday -sad
Blackball, who has been seriously ta one objeebsof isseeting the requirement Eveeything'convenient at Cruiele-
invited the general publie r heir (awn
is anpi.e/eteige t . of motor teeileists.' It is the best map. Shank's Barber Shop. invitation crowded the hall with an
leir. and Mrs. John Stone were i
Peres this week attending the funeral
of their geandchild, John Kennedy
a ,
son of Mr_ nd Mrs. F. KennedY, Tim
little fellow. was a victim to that
dreaded dieease, sleeping sickness.
the only map in existence, covering Last Sunday morning, Rev. A. • C. audience of some six h.uildred and Stone will stay with her delight-
, - s. . .
equally well the roa.ds on both sides Riley, 13. A., B. D., (of Chicago Uni- fifty friends, who are now loud in .1-T''s. ho is net enjoying the best of
health. The many Winnhara friends
On the reverse side of the map are the Baptist church, In the evening, girls can do.
their sad bereavement.
Turning Out The Licenses of the international 'border, versity,) preached ver3r acceptably at their praise for -what the
Last Friday afteraoone A. G. Smith, printed a nupaber of city plans, a list RCN,. E. j. Harris preached on bap- The long program was a creditable
boys and r +L. t
of ass: iamily sympathize ivith them in
issuer of Motor Licens.es, motored of ferries, local • and international, lista) and afterwards baptized one success and encores were insisted un-;
over froin Wingham and according to speedotneter readings for important young lady and three young men in on so that the curtain was not allowed I
advertisencient handed th •
out e minces- routes ai d full infoineation regarding the presence of a packed house, to fall until eleven -thirty
sery documentsto upwards of too customs and license regulations
to be Next Suriday eveningRevE3The school orchestra and the tring
owners of bars and trucks in Brussels observed by motorists in crossing the
, . ; . s
Harris B. A., NAill preach his fare- quartette gave excellent numbel s for
and lodality, His headquarters were border between Canaclit and the TT S., sermon
• a society of young folks. tA one -act
at he Post publishing house and anti a detail map of Muskoka district. wec He will retire in the city of Hamilton.
when it is stated he issued -upwards The map is lithographed in two The mornine subject will be "God's
of too tlicenses in about three hours, colors, ree and black, on the finest 'Threefold RIquiren-teris according to
folk will know he was reeling them bond PaPer, 38 he .42- inches, and 'fold- Micah." "Panl'e View of the Present,
play,. choruses, solos" and duets pave
,nicely balanced program and the
al number showing an extraordinary
meeting of the Blyth Council for spec -
off at a good rate. Licenses and No. ed size, 4 by g inches, price per copy, Past and Future," will be the evening ral and important business gave the
plates cost from $14.00 up. The visit- 5o cents.---Soid at The Advance office. e• staid town fathers an idea of what the
jug -of the different centres by the re- s messes, rising generation imagine a council
presentatiyes IS a matter - of comien- . Big values in Ladies' and
ience and instruction as points of law,IBUSineSS IS Good Spring Coats at Isard's. Another accomplishes.
N -d "
•mekittg out application fertile; etc; are , The mission was charged and no
faaases sans a saaa as wheat, shipment this week. See them. °
appeal for funds was made but the:
explained where necessary. Mr. Smith' and all ithe world grows fair ' and -convention of the W0111 -
V ``,N. • -
large a a
is the genial proprietor of The, Wing -
ham Advance, and is a -good man for
the job, doing his work neatly and ac- prunes. The grocer, who has had 'e
curately.—Brussels Post the blues, now buys his wife a Pair
Blyth Bowling Club of shoes. That ten the shoeman thinks e
God -seat, and runs and pays it ori the P
The /awn bowlers of 131yth met in rent. Next day the rent man hands a
the bill to Dr:Carver for" a pill, and $
the Commercial Hotel on Thursday
e xx ,t1 Dr. Carver tells hisefrau that business P
taeir annual meeting. There was a
en's Missionary Society of the Wing -
sweet. He bums a coupla cheerful dollars in silver for the voting folks
tunes, and pays the grocer' for his ham District, will be held in the to use at their owndiseretIon for Atli-,
u ience contributed sixty-five
lethodist church, Wmgham, on
futreday, .May '3rd,, , afternoon and
veiling: Special Music has been pre-,
ared and Miss. E. Spading; Mission-
ry on furlough from China, "will
peak at both sessions to which the
ublic are cordially invited.
e ye, .• ie purpose of. holdieg is improving now and cheers her 11P
good 'attendance, with M W. Telfer
in the chair.' The financial statement
was peesented by Mr..G, B. McTag-
gart, secretary -treasurer, and. it shbev-
-eekt-the club ,ottt of debt and: a. cash
Stialance :on hand.
They decided 'to make' some im-
OVemeilts to their green. and will.
bold a number of local --tournaments
'end said, "My dear, you've been quite
Found Dead In Loft
feeble for a year,. Ian. thinking. you'd
better take 'a. trip out West." And in John A. Skelding, .drover, for many
a couple of days the frau is on the years it prominent eitixen of Shel-
farm •of Joshua Rowe. ' She pays her 'bourne; and former councillor, was
board to farthere-Howe., who takes the found dead in the hayloft at the rear
bill. and says, savow, here's some: of iris residence on Friday.. He had
thing that Just can't be beat! This to aleappearantes taken weak 'spell,
bill's the one I got for wheat." He Deceased was in his 65th year.
e hums a couple. cheerful times and goes - Deceased was a brother-in-law of
for tilehf 6". members' du4ing and buys a lot more prunes. Mr. Win, Eield and Mr. Thomas 'Kew
stun:tiler and will likelY: hold their 'an..
,nual tournament as 'testial;' the' date to Some Pert TZemtirks .
• of Winghim; and these gentlemen
were at his funeral on Sunday.
'lie' fixed later
.The &lame of power is a bank hal- . • •
Thefellowing officers were aPPeint- .ance, ,j7he eeety et d lefethodist Church Notes
ir gets us rewa, r ,
ed Jar the' year; Hon. m
-- but the early worm becomes the late The .serVices in the Methodist
. e worm. Adam had his faults but you Church on Sunday next promises to be
rlreaeureree,G,. McTaggart; tottraa- miss.
Aaother svaet to. get be as follows': wee° a. na—Communion
Hemilt • P R H Fl •
Vice -Pres.— F, • Sowers,: Secretary- can say one thing for him he was an of special interest. The services will
ment cotrunittee---Robert Sowere
Chas, leecellellend, D. Stalker,, .T. Den-
s, thin to music us to try playing an ac- Seiwice,ethere will also be a reception
hohn, . A. Sowers; membership • Com- ct;rdiatl for a living, Hard times are of members. Over thirty adults, be -
just lettleintervalS of timidity betiVeen sides many- young people have already,
mittee-ea mcl:'aggart, Tel. periods of :tonna' growth, Hell, 'for handed in their names to unite with
feri Grounds Committee—M. W. Tel -
fen W • Robinson, Pred.Sowers, some people, will be a place full of the church on Slinday morning.
endless delights, all 'mercilessly cox- p. m.—Evening service, subject—
L h Cl b sore& You can't expect much ,rom- "Books as Life's Teachers ---dealing
'rile fortnightly luncheon of the lit -band ties and som of the nicest book is based on our Lord's words,
Lions Club was held at the Brunswick poets are bald. Parents of a small "To him that hath shall be given, and
Cafe on Friday evening last Mr, R. boy, who holds his breath when. derv, from him that hath not shall be taken
Vanstone presided as Goodfellowship ied his own way will understand Eur- away even that which he seemeth to
Chairman and Mr. T. C. King acted ope rather well. 'There is no fun in have
at Chairman of the Luncheon Com- being a diplomat when cannon fodder
mittee. won't gnash its teeth in supPort of T\ .1
Father Fallon was the speaker of your bluffs, Paint jobs are SP well Mr. 'and Mrs. Albert Sanderson were
the evening and he gave an ',excellent done now that it is difficult to tell the iu Orangeville over. the week -end at -
address on the subject of "The Per- age of a car without seeing the mort. tending the funeral of Mr. Sanderson's
eonality of Man." After making a gage. Ali, well, the modern gitl may father, who died on Saturday follow -
number of witty remarks which cvok- know less about making bread, but big a stroke. The late James Sander -
ed much amusement, he took up the she knows more about making dough. son was in his Stst year and was a
more serious side and following a At any rate surgery is making strides resident of Wingliam about fifteen
coarse of sound reasoning, demon- in teaching people to talk about their years ago, prior to his Moving to
sirated the difference between the intimate possessions. Women arc Orangeville. Fie was a pioneer of
material side and the spiritual side of fanny. If it's a 1922 gown, it's a dis. West Wawanosh, near Dungannon.
man: The whole subject was very grace. But if it dates back to two His wife predee.eased him some years
clearly dealt with and those present it's ultra modern. ( ago, The sorts and daughters were
expressed their appreciation at the all present at the funeral, viz„ Mrs,
close of the address, Ur. W. V. Van- r,weit ill be hanged,” said the cin. Isaac Davidson of Toronto, Ursa Rob.
upon by the ebb -malt and gave a brief . of Alton Mrs Smith of Pembroke,
reply, iris nook.
Wellington of Orangeville and Albert
solos in his usual fitsa style and after worms but he is the chap who gets his Mr. David Johnston of Morris and
Mr, Fred Hanreore rendered several The early bird may get a few morelof Wingbam.
the useal sing -song, the meeting ad- potato erop frost bitteit says Geo., Mrs, racklin of Grey, were also ptos-
jottrued, *i et t at their untles funeral
or nig, t y nue eon o 'ions u mice in an age when art'sts wear four- with the right- of the strongest." The
Stone, who was a visitor was called
,mose atotind inson of Orangeville, Mrs. Mel,entari
vitt as they slipped the
1 vonzamincli menapioniti 1 twommit
i g
"Me Committee appointed to =--
-F-Z. make final arrangements for the Pi..
'It!, erection of an appropriate war ''-'-'
• memorial at Wingharn, m r
Iti embrance of the boys, who gaye 1-M
- their lives in the gre,at war bf rg,
: 1,..,9:t40-ivg:18, resp. ectfillywregiuest 7.,
.E.-_-- names of any relative or friend, ER
- the citizens to send in the full
when they enlisted and who has E. --
OS a citizen a... .., n o 2.-, r —
= been killed or died from service -
* .
1.--4. Sec'y. of dommittee _
Pall ligitlaInallnagThallitalnelinil IR
letic supplies or for the Literary Sce•
'rhe gratuitous concert front s the;
young and the g,ratnitoris silver eel -
lection from, • their eldera spell
"Blyth Spirit."
= in -the war.
- Send names to
111A. 0. Smith
ranInraEalt==========arelS2131281AWINIMVSX sagli=utafte..—.12=V=.33=7=17150.31132ffir
We're relicts? for Spring plowing with a splendid, line of Plow
We are showing severed good styles and we guarantee every
pair Of Parer Shoes we sell, beeausethe very best leather arid
shoemaking goes into them.
$3.50, 4a00, 4.50 5.00
• If yon are intereated in good Parrn Shoes, you'll be interest-
-ed in ours, for FARM SHOES could not be Made better,