HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-04-19, Page 8( "s i^'l if
OP MOM 'idMi
tl6 14 t� i
4 hi
Rugs all sizes in Wil-
ton, Axminster an d
Brussels, new patterns,
suitable for all rooms at
.moderate prices.
Linoleums and Con-
goleum Rugs Reavy
printed linoleums, all
widths, imported inlaid
linoleum z yards wide,
Floor Oil Cloths all
Plain green, plain
cream Duplex Shades,
with lace, insertion or
plain and widths, • at
moderate •prices.
.DRAPERIES - Scrims, Marquesite, Madras,
Lace and Net purr ;ins
All the newest ideas in curtaining, suitable
for Parlor, Living Room, Dining Room, Bed
Room, Den, Kitchen. and Paltry, all widths.
Prices ssc to $r.so a yard.
:;BRASS RODS-All•sizes in single or doable
New S
New Voiles.
New Ratines
New Homespuns
Linen Suiting
New Raincoats
Dress t't' l,;.;:
Table Linen Spring Suits r
Table Linen Sets Spring Coats
Linen Table Napkins New -Dresses
Linen Towels New Blouses
Linen Towelling New Skirts
• Ta
EE N!"sHid uEt: ll1i =aa l l
q marl 0.'n
he Sign
tie of r
VIvkk X118 sI,.r ge„ `c: a scree drama wit
a DG
It ranks ami ug the beS4
Fri.,' at. April 19, 0, 2
Also serial a comedy.
m tl j Hearts" Special
end a hL,u; special caste. A st,ery IIn thold
world I'I$tves,
ti .Wed., .Aril• 239 24,25
9 2 ,.
01511116011,10M11,101•11301. 0010
mama a' irk a;, 1•uur HMI NI
111 •11111111;511111111111U11111i1iri•I1111 111 III HEW
'Are fou Going t
II III 'i` IEG;ithi 1139N111{I€IIII's, moo'
se Ciean,This Spring e
Why of Course
You Are
Mr and Mrs. L. C. White Celebrate Interesting Event -Received
Many Nice Gifts
Alia and Mrs. E. C. White, highly cake was made and sent to them by
respected residents of Cornwall, cele- their nephew, Mr... Thomas Behoe of
bratect a happy event at their home Toronto. •It was much admired as
on: Pitt St. on Friday evening, April' well as greatly 'enjoyed by all the.
6th., when they observed . their 5oth guests.
(Golden) Wedding Anniversary: Mr. Mr. and Mrs. White were heartily
and Mrs. White were married on congratulated by all on attaining the
April 6th., 1873, at St. Lawrence Par; Golden Anniversary of their wedding
ish Church, at jersey, Channel Islands, and the wish is general that they may
by Rev. G. Orange, . Rector. Mrs. both be spared to celebrate their
White's maiden name was Elise Bis- Diamond. jubilee and live for many
son, daughter of the late Edward and years after. -Cornwall Standard..
Elizabeth. Bisson, of St. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. White's many Wing -
where she was boat. 76 years ago. Mr: ham friends wish them many years of
White is a native of the parish of St. health and happiness together.
Heliers, Jersey, Channel Islands, and
is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White.
He is seventy-one years of. age. LUCK NOW
About 'two weeks after their meta Secure your teas, automobile licen-
riage, Mr. White. left home for Can- ses from A. G. Smith.
ada, hassling a position awaiting him • The marriage ' was solemnized by
in Sherbrooks, Quebec., and he was Rev. Gibson,. chur=ch of the Ascension,
joined. by Mrs. White in September Toronto, of Daisy Mitchell Kennedy,
of the same year. :.They rehiained in R., N., fourth daughter of Mrs; Mar:-
Sherbrooke for six years and then garet Kennedy, Tlessalon, and of the
went to Montreal where "they 'resided late Capt. Jas. Kennedy, and grand -
for' two years. At the end of .that. daughter of the late Donald Kennedy,
tune, they returned to jersey and re- Quebec City and of the,; late George
mained for two years attheir former Chisholuie Owen Sound,- to .William
horn; but returned to Montreal and Morton Connell of Lucknow. The
then moved to • Lancaster, Ontario, bride wore a three piece travelling
where they were highly respected., ken- suit of navy tricotine with Oriental
for a per'i'od of twenty years, blouse and silver-grey flower trimmed
They returned to jersey with the poke hat, and carried a bouquet of,
tenition of staying there permanently, •Ophelia roses and ferns. Her only at,.
blit after four years, the lure of Can tendant was her sister, Miss Josephine
ada seized them once more' and' they Doly Kennedy. After the ceremony
started oil their long journey to this thee left for a short honeymoon and
country and came to Wingham.,.Ont.,.,,will later reside in Lucknow; Ont.
in the fall of x957 they came East and
settled ani: Cornwall, where Mr. White ,II111�6111�111
opened a tailor shop, and this has',
since been their home, and Mr.' White' =
reidarked' while in conversation with
a Standard representative; that they '1
Syrinp• making and wood cutting are"t
the order of the .dac around here.
-Mr. ,)aches •Muir, who ;spent 'part of
the Winter with friends here, has re-;
turned to' his home in Dakota,
Mn Richard Wilton attended the
funeral,. of his brother-in-law, ,'fr,1
Bell, s.t Kincardine last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Huggan visited last
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i
Win. H. Marshall. I
XY,irs. Hawke of Wingham, visited
last week with her sister, Mrs, David
Miss Margaret Ross was a week -end
visitor with Miss Rena :Ratiglr.
Mrs Oliver =Stokes; Misses Myrtle
Bennett and Mabel Stokes, spent a
very enjoyable day last Saturday at
Mr. David Fortune's sugar camp,
Mrs. Stewart of Hoavick is spend-
ing a few weeks 'rvith:'her daughter,'
Mrs. Richard Jeffray.
The regular meeting of the "Glen
amain Literary Society," met last Fri-
day night, after the minutes of the'
last meeting were read, a program:
which consisted of singing �npurli or-
gan selections, readings, also a geog-
raiplay match which caused much en-
joyment 'lhe fieeting was closed by
singing the National Anthem.
Miss Elva Ramsay returned home
after spending the winter rn Paisley,
looking fine. 'town life rntsst ;have I,
agreed with Elva. ,
A. j.. Nortrop's bleat wagon.�kvill lse,
in this vicinity` just as soon as the
roads ire good. .
i$ one of the handiest tools for thotough house cleaning ',cloth in-
steattly detached, can be washed, wrung by hand or wringer, ,just the
thing far dusting walls and ceilings, is also, splendid oil mop when
treated with 0-Cedhr tlrl. 7
,ura Special values at; �
won 0 -Cedar Oil for , w,s'6c doe Liquid Veneer for . -see
t$oc O,,Cedar Oil for w::„.:. w oil S tniwFlush' 35t
0 -Cedar Vloer Wax for "rr'C 'toilet Paper, 7 rolls 5c
Aittt to lease with i 'ttality anti, Service
lPhone ko.
i i9f lllE> 111 110411 1617 11, 1911 illi 11110111111111 11111 f111 (Itri {11 1II Ctil[iGlif
expected they would spend the rest
of their days here. i =•_
Mr, White has always followed his
occupation as a tailor and by strict
attention to business and giving the
utmost satisfaction Co his customers,
both in ladies as well as gentlemen's
suits and coats, hesoonsucceeded in
working up an extea,sive trade, which
the still holds -an evidence of the
good wilt of those with whom he has
dealt in the past -and their good cv
words for his work were always an
assurrarree of further patronage, ep
About thirty-five friends of the ven-
erable couple, assembled at their
home on Friday evening to help cele-
ele brate the happy event, anti a very en- Gil
joyable evening was spent, A dainty
wedding supper was served in the
.dniug-,room which was nicely 'decor -
eeg CAO
;mEl 611.55
ated for the 'occasion, yellow being
the predominating color.' The table P 10'
was adorned with lilies and other G
Easter flowers and plants. Games and - x
cards helped to make the evening pass ! ��
only too quickly.
During the evening, on behalf of l
the members of Nurse Cavell Lodge, Ilre
No. 336, T. 0, T. A. Mr. Duncan 411111111111!Ill111111111 111E1110111121111111111
Monroe read a nicely worded address -------------
congratulating' Mr. and , Mrs. White :ll 111 111 llir'`1111 111 11IIii1111�I11M11111111011111II111E
on attaining such a distinction' and j I e
wishing thein malty more years of �. A L' D.p�CATTLE
Mrs. 12, James of Wingham, spent
day calling on old friends. �.
Rev, and Mrs. Cragg of Winglran, ;
spent; a day with Rev. and Mrs. Peters,
Mr. Albert Horne and wife spent I
Sunday with the former's mother, ;.
Mrs. T Proctor:
Mr. and Mi`•s". Alex Stewart of Lou-
desboro, spent Sunday at M % John.
Mrs. P. Scandrett spent a few`dcys I
u Wingham. t
The marlY friends.. of . Mrs.. P�obt.
Owens are pleased to 'see... -her home
again from the Wingham Hospital., ,f:
Mr. J. A. Braattended the fun- - , Glad` to know Mr. John Cole is ins-
eral of.M. Hadder in Dorchester last r proving nicely and will soon be able
week. •
to rctitrn to his home.
`I'1il.irt4.ay, April .x9014103:3
r r� FSI:a"6uai-;
ry Popular This Season
The illustration shown, here-
with is an exact reproduction
of one .of our leading` lines
and is an exceptional..valtte
Made of a good side stock
Oak tan soles, rubber heels.
On 'the newest shaped; lasts
and in both Brown and Black.;
kklote the 1 w' pie $5.45 per pair
ha all sizes for en
•.le have more exile -sive. lines n
a.d we have chae:.per s i toes bud Hee
a ra; ove -`are valu s hard to
equal anywhere
V . . . ,.
The Leading Sho.e Si are of Huron County
Phone 129. Wtin h" m, ant
°a:'4 �:", "'t%witsaflr. ,,•`ti�?�T9 tni�i1 ` ih`"� '�c :�rma ti3,i;;5e, G'hil3
ailletteaa +;
Mr• and . Mrs.; J. A. Brandon at-
tended the funeral of Miss Durnford its
Brussels on Monday,
happy wedded life, and Miss Linda
Clark presented Mrs. White with a
gold handled umbrella and Mr. White
with a set ,of of gold. cuff links bear-
ing his monogram Mr. and Mrs.
White were also recipients of a hand.-
and-soiree China tea scat trimmed in gold
from a number of otherfriends, Mrs.
White received a later of congratu-
lation and good wishes from Mrs,
Netten,. wife of Rev, W,'• Netten, M.
A., Rector of Trinity Church, accom-
panying which was a handsome silver
casserole, frolic Mrs. White's fellow
workers of Trinity Parish, as a'marl
of . remembrance of her wedding day
of fifty years ago.
Mr. White presented his bride of a
half century with her second gold
wedding ring, and in return Mr.
White was 'the recipient of a gold
ring from his "young" bride.
Besides the gifts already referred
to, there were many other handsome
remembrances of the occasion "'from'
friends both he and out of town,
among them being three lig.00 gold
pieces and two gold pieces of the $a.so,
denamitaati tt, Mr. and. Mrs. Whites
also rece. d many eoatgratttlatory:
cat ds, as well as a telegram wishing
them muds jay from Mrs (Or. j'ac'k:
McCarthy, of Sr." join -I, N. B., an old
A handsomely decorate(' wedding
Weehave another car of Stan.
dard re -cleaned Wheat.;sereen-
ings, which make excellent feed 11,
for either Hogs or 'Cattle and
Ei which sells for Seven per ton,
ground, and groundfide with P
• special plates. ,Last '...car . was , pa
• sold in one week, so place your ;a,
order at once.
Farmers Chop. ng IUiiI.1
B. LES ARD Prop.
II1111111111 11111/11 1111N11iC11I1111i111 111 111 111 111111111
V •o alltlx.^ asultarcItzvtu NweemMaleni5f
Good two story dwelling with
stable on lot, will be sold cheap
to wind ttp,an estate.
:Y . Ciltlies.
1vd.AD.E•••Y ' l�,I�7ADA
Scotch Mist Tweeds are the thing
this season; it's Abe, e o alar verdict
The .ell dressed ma.n eeks th !.�
usual version of -the accepted
we have it in the excluSi "e ' oeiet'
Brand Fabrics Their style,' their
tailoringeven more important or,
you -are quite as distin it c : as
the fabric.
Spetially•designed'Scotch Mist Fabrics in all the
good'm.odels, a very rich assortment, • With the
ICaiat Slip waist-band—an exclusive Society 1 -and
feature -:keeps the trousers up find the shirt down.
'variety from $30,116$60
Co Ltd