The Wingham Advance, 1923-04-19, Page 6" " rs •-es• '• ""pa. a !WR.,94.9.44094.749.70711091}MIt7i094441914.09.94,1449SIN9111091904110994#0194514.90M1999147!97999..9.9..99.4.419.1,99.9.9. 'Nu Rs elhe 'reroute se:anew for incur- lfeesiUqu with iseilesere end. Ilea •Now )or e 011Y. *Mere throe oreerte Comae ig Train - tree te Teuee Womenbeelne the rs- quired eeueselen, lane eeelrous of be- -conies. wooers. Thie aloe/ate' bee iteloeted, the eight-hour eyesore. The Pee' le recelas uniforms of the echool, 3 AlIVAIN•ett GRA.NDIVIOTHER'S SHAWL. old wash-sta,nd or kitehertalale to t441 111.1t that Wing Peeling. th gtrgifft°0TN:411;°1' to rt pre1,0g, Ili e days of our it dear mid -Vic- this lase. Ii" It should be made of du - it =entity allowance and treist.reiling auperInteetiont. 00,04osesseemesseseesss torsi grandmothers, when hoopskirts able materiel and covered with a hard Op' extended the ProPortions of those finish so that it cap be Waehed te keep "--"e"----"---• every fibre of her being% What Pen- worthy ladles far beyond the confines it clean and sanitary. l'irbeels from I ' of a coat, the shawl, of necessity, was an old baby" carriage, 'PartletslarlY'if alty should she ekact from herself that be Gift Olt Th 1 tOry, would be sufficiently harsh/ Incense- an IMPortant article of dress. rubber tired have often been, found• 1•00 . offering seemed a poor ungueut ford Of the many varieties a these gar- useful for these homemade Wheel . • offended coneeimiee. She would keep ments in vogue at that dathere were trays. neighboring hill for a month. EVen, manufactured in the beautiful Vale of . -TO FILL THE CRACKS. (groPTeighil4 nAn rourz. ewaY from the foreige home on the two of distinct elegance, the cashmere as Tshe resolvedshe was startled at Cashmere celebrated in song and the proportions ber sacrifice assumed. story, and the Paisley from the an- cient Scottish town of the same name. CHA.PTER, II, l at hirer with wide, serious' eyes. CHAPTER L One or both, ;of these lovely pro s w el "Thuele Weng wire do yea 10.ate the, Tu Hee kept 'her self-imposed proin- ' of the hand loom were apt to be in cornstarch. The words trilled out gal,a -- -11 et.: the oPeleSite hill are so pretty. They outings were in an opposite direction the wardrobe of any lady of affluence This will make a white filler. To• . f , girl paused in the act a .?,,.. lai neelaugh and nm Sall claece, Yesterday to the Amerioans. To-claY, however,' a generation or two ago, and no darken for ook add one teaspoon of e r carne ttp an as us in. unee e emurre one. spoon. of Venetian red, half teaspoon A good formula to follow in making a homemade crack filleras: One pint of linseed oil, one and one-half quarts duet ofturpentine,one pint ofwhiting or "It's riPping funi Uulde wenrci: "'foreigners? Anierican girls on Ise faithfully,. • For five weeks her A .Lifebuay bath • cool, fresh, rested' side tingling swath health and comfort— . Peeling eleteser than you • ever felt before— Because of the big, creamy • lather of -Lifebuoy. enemning ball. "That's a toul, 1111.- '1 cosreed Lun to stand and watch them, Try o gain." Her bat was poised. ee-e- and one ei I d ked " fly and tills, time met the ball square -'t "Did $01,1. go?" There was an easily sending it ill 'a straight,clean detected aneelety ie the Mall'S VOICe. a social function compelled her to pass bride's trousseau was thought to be raw umber; for walnut, add one tee- the sh d placeSh had d d'completewithout at going, but Weag Toy insisted that! The cashmere, 'exaniples of which yellow ochre: for Mahogany, add one - word,, tite into' a distant thicket- "Xocourse notaiiithout you, her M be bapv and gay and not mopei cmintry at the present time were ex- teaSpoon Bismarck brown; and a tea- . Doctor (to office-b•oy)---"Has nobody • she must not exile herself. He wanted. are occasionally to be found in this quarter teaspoon of yellow ochre, half Betty, that's a home run for you." . Wore To looked about pu=led. Ilerraissier------------ioey eisir zne in to-' around the ouse •ke a love-sick; . d I?" nal en ee , quisite works of ert—so soft and fine- spoon of burnt senna. h, e gi e vo ee was w stfu ng /Zee Bright Boyi 'Wheee are the other players,1 rP 1 1 I her tru reason She could 131 woven that althoneh of enormous teetumn Gladness? Did my approac Wong Toy looked down at tlie eager, not pain him by confesSing what a size, they could easily be drawn, id "Lun is one se and m I'the other.. Y°1111g. 'nee" Placiess his hand under magnet the foxeigners still were to through a lady's finger ring. The wool anish 'them? 79 oned, Are you her. . for these shawls came from a certain The rest are make-beheres. We saw h e11:111' 11 dissatisfied with your old i Genf -hating emotions crowded on: breed of goats, from Thibet said to them playing the game yesterday at. growing le the Airericans on the opos A quick, protesting shake was the' Hoy's function. When the last gold, pray the finest clf this --that lying Delicate and fugitive shiverings. They call it baseball." answ pressing against her cheek- You, r . , e Lae:uric s company, little Tao Hie?" her as. Lure prepared her - for Madan' be. the most beautiful In. the world. to he side of t e ardmal--wasil used in the manufacture of shawls.' that id b • surve the lovelinese that gloWecl from ' 'While the sun teem his 'hive WINGS AT, DAWN. • Dawn Is dense with twitter, And the white air swims and sings In rapid wiugs ^that glitter, • And the flashing of wings -- called, during mytwo de, s' absence? "lursdaY, Apra 10230 TRADE TREANES AFFECT CANADA ADVANTAGF4 AS PART OF 13RITISH EMPIRE. Canada Has Won for Herself 'An Excellent Reputation Abroad as Trading Nation. One of the most strlIcing features ot• Canadian development in the yearal the,t' have peassed since •the. war hart been the Dominioe'S ,aggra9sionx an outcome of e now national con- scioneness of world Impertanee Cana,: de acquired in the war. well& has, leeett added by economic circumstance. Co-nz sestently maintained efforts have re - suited in a. cordtai. and pro table trade carried on with forty-four countries et the world and the Dominten's almo,st incredible rise to a posfilon where, ono a basis of impulatian, she leads the globe in the value of export trade, • Events are tiler/spire/1g each clay 3' wlhich augur for Canada a yet greater I' lett this, silate here for callers to future in the world trade affaira and cenaltiered enteleigently, 'must, write their names' on, and It is perfect- ly clean." • Page—"Oh, yes, Edri. Dote of people ere and the girl caught his hand, button WM fastened and Lull pushed 11. t "Indeed.? And you like the Chris- it• • " lie in front of the Ion mirror to ex h The dews curl up in haze, -elan game?" "it like the foreign. game," •corr.ected'. uncle weng . How could I be anyf- the mauve silk gown her heart beat The lovely awl intricate patterns for Like a giant bee ablaze the girl, a teasing reprimand in er - voice. She had dropped her bat and, thing but happy, when you are so good raPidler and her feet tilted, impatient these garments were heeded down . / It's a weeder I'm not a stuck -to be cad and away, her own carefree from. time immemorial, from an in - now crossed to the bench, where *alt.° me • credibly ancient Hindu ancestry, the 11.13 prig, the waf you spoil me. Butlself again. mien was seated. Sinking into a grace-, originals of which were preserved as 1, these girls, Uncle Weng, they look as! "Of course I shall enjoy Madam Pal attitude at his feet, she looked up happy as I. It is true they are per- Hoy's party," confided Tu Hee to her heirlooms in ancient castles and were - haps a little boisterous, but when 1' nurse and maid, "but what I should regarded with almost sacred ven- hear them laugh and see them run like most of all would be a ride on a and jump, little quivery thrills run all pony—not a meek little beast either, eratieh* ' ' through me and I want to do the but one with an arch to his neck and The Harness Plaid. same. I could, too," she exclaimed fire in his eye." „ .1 The.Paisleys, more frequently to be springing nimbly to her feet "Poor i Lun paused in the act of placing the met with in our- own country, while things, they wear skirts—American big jade pin in her mistress' hair and often exquisite in texture s,ncl. of the skirts." She look -ed down with con- ' peered wonderingly into her face. siderable satisfaction at her own "But Missee Tu Hee never ride pony same Asiatic designs, intricate and silken trousers. Then with a gay' —mule maybe, but pony, no." delicately lovely as old Venetian pojnt, lauah she darted away disappearing' "Ah, but I've seen other girls ride are, after all, but imitations of the tr, .• A , jibfr r,,474:4L'9ir f Bursts dizzily alive—. - And through the glow a thousand - swallows dive. Light like. a storm Deluges the grass, And:birds' in a swarm Wheel; dwindle and maes--- And their wings are slit silver as they pass.' , —JosephAuslander. POTATOES HASHED IN CREAM. Cut warm boiled potatoes into small even pieces and add a half pint of like a nymph among the fiowering them. And Lun"—here She dropped incomparable cashmere. In the home boiled-oream and a teaspoonful of salt. bushes. I her voice, but her tones were emphatic, of its birth the- Paisley eliawl, how- Heat slowly for ten minutes. Tu Hee, .or A.utuean Gladness, had • —"I've envied the foreigners riding ever, is not so designated, but is called —ea -- imbibed the subtle charm of her native them, especially the English"' girls. a "Harness Plaid" (pronounced Menard's Liniment for Corns and Warts hills of China. The cream of her skin, They look so—so chic. w. ade), the word harness •indicating relieved by. touches of rouge a.nd, "Cheek---cheeken—cheeken is fowl, daintily painted lips, gave her the ap-IMissee Tu Hee. Tee hee—my, my— the character of the design. aearance of a radiant tropical had you very funny! Just what DM During the time of their manufac- promising to -unfold wondrous beauty.' thinksungraceful, badmannerly-- ture, when 8,000 looms were kept busy Her naturally arched brows were peraljust like cackling hens." ' all day long meeting the demand for riled into a fine line, while masses of "No, no," laughed Tu Hee. You them, three grades of the shawls were liid give Your black hair crowned her an oriental do not understand. That word is woven—that for ceremony, which was StOlgilarde a Nitt„, princess. Hoops of lustrous pearls French. It means smart and attrac- naturally the most lovely, that for shone softly from her ears and seem-' tive looking." every -day use, and the tartan worn ed to enhance the youth and mystexyl "So?—h'm." It was evident that of her. Trousers and a loose coat of for once Lun openly disagreed with by the men of the clans as a distin- finest embroidered silk were the final her child. Then, a lurking doubt in guishing insignia. clamps of the Old World on this her tones, which she evidently wished 1 The shawl of ceremony, which was maiden of the East. There was one; to have banished at once, she ques- the finely woyen one with Asiatic pat - part of her, however, -which all the tioned,"Missee Tu Hee happier than; tern, was nester worn by an unmarried arts and incense offerings could not foreigners, eh?" I wornan. On theSunday following her Wilt - prevail on to blend with the oriental' "I suppose." But Lim fancied the, marriage,. however, when she was not' • • A true friend will multiply your joys and divide your sorrows. Provides setnte Iiit al sweet" in 6eneficiad gems. illtelps 10 cleanse the teeth and areep them healthy. • D35 coloring. It was her eyes. They re- tone a her mistress lacked decision. "lcirked," she appeared for the first PUIT1 tained the deep, smiling blue of the "Missee Tu Hee merry rich man - time in her "harness plaid.e To be- sides. idazin.—have sons and happy right',• "Idrked" meant SIMPIY that on the Light as thistledown, she sped along" here in China. No go away or do' • the lolossom-bordered path and threw like foreigners to make happy, eh?" I first Sunday after the marriage cere- 11..or the Home , e Larg*4561° ift N TRONMTG, "with a Het - i point Iron, becomes a pleasanttask. This f amous iron is so constructed that you simply tilt it back on. the heel stand without hav- , ing to,lift It at ell. As a result the tired feellne, so many women experience after ironing, is entirely eliminated. Por sale by dealers every- where. , ".1Ande in Canada" by Casuedien General Electric Co, Linlited Bead Office Toronto • herself, panting a little, on the bank.1 "Lunr Tu Hee grasped the wo- mony the bride and grown,. with their of a large pool which barred her way. man's hand. Her eyes were wide, and; attendants, appeared at ;church in a Two large willows drooped languidly' hre face looked pale despite its make- ' body. . . • " over the water, casting it half in up. 'Who says I marry mandarin? 11 Of great length—the ga.ernent meas - shade, and in and out of its shadow- Not Uncle Wang? No, no, I couldn't ured three and one-half eraeds Tong by flecked depths darted fan -tailed gold- bear it" one and three-quarter yads wide— fish. Musingly Tit Hee trailed her "No, no." Lun was soundly fright - gold nail shields in the water. Herit was first folded in the middle, then ,. ened at her indiscretion, and hastenedl reverie was of -short duration, how -Ito reassure her Tnistress. "Only Lan i across to form ..a triangle, the tipper ever. With a graceful bound she was' say so. It not be if Missee Tu Hee say point perhaps a foot from the bottom on her feet again. Deftly she un -Ino. Course not." Lan patted the lit- I one, and then thrown across the shoul- bound the heavy braids of her haira tle hand she held, and her voice was ders and fastened with a large pin letting them fall in two long raits' so reassuring that Tu Hee ggew calm' made especially for the purpose. A fiat of white blossoms from a tree be- voice was a trifle sharp as she ad - side her she twined them over her' monished "Please, then, Lun don't - ears and down the long, shining say such foolish -things again." Then braids. Then bending over the pool, noticing the hurt look on the other's she surveyed herself appreciatively in face she placed her arms around her the watery rnirrcir. Clasping her and exclaimed impulsively, "I am • hands on the back of her head she happy with just you and Uncle Weng. swayed back like a gzaceful willow want no husband—unless---" and smiled up at the white puffs sail -j "Yes?" prompted the Chinese wo- ing so airily across the blue of the,rnan. sky. Then, spreading her arms like{ The girl's heavy lashes drooped a bird its wing, she abandoned her -!shyly --"I fall in love." ,self to the joy of mere living. Her; Tu Hee ,peered happily from be - small, satin -shod feet gleamed in and, tween the curtains of their rickshaw out among the flower beds. Her heart on the way to Madam Hoy's. The life • supplied the rhythm, and so perfect of the thoroughfares never ceased to over her shoulders. Gathering a and,' again alpeest immediately, but her I silk bonnet tied under the chin with a big bow was worn with this, and quaint and coy indeed must have been the fair Scotch lassie to robed on her "kirkine day. Fctvorite of Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria, dear old lady of tradition that she was, loved the Pais-, ley to her dying day, and every gill friend of her little Majesty knew well that on her wedding, day a present of a rare one from her beloved sovereign would be hers, Always expensive, now since their manufacture has ceased—some fifty she was paying homage to life in a 1 There stood the old man indite cus- years ago when the -vogue for shawls lio'pepli woraderf iiia)ritlitoiven4airo Vhdisr.levrt'oci 0011 sieele44itOorWeeheligsleh-0,dieeles$4 gelfasstees.tietteseeSneseotet was the attunement that she forgot' interest her. • foreign waya-forgot, she was betray- tomary corner dishing up ears of boil- oe every kied had waned—the art has ing her Chinese training. ed greet corn. A little farther along, become almost a lost One, and their surrounded bY a group of children, price consequently is above that of •She, saw as in a mist her uncle and Lun approaching, but she could not was the candy man, delighting them rubies. They are literally worth their stop. Her heart was too light to har- by his deftness in turning out animals weight in gold. Far above the price of rubies or their weight in gold, how- ever, are they valued by those in whom is a deep-seated reverence for the past—for things hallowed by their contact with life's expetieeces. Grandmother's shawl! What mem- ories it evokes! What dreams aneloorn front musing over its history! What stories it might tell I It is something more than a mere garment to be worn and discarded at will. It ie a,symbol. Romance elinge to it. Love, tragedy, self-sacrifice, joy, -breathe within its lavender -scented folds. bor even pity. Neither the rebuke in and birds, which formed mysteriouely the mandarin's eyes nor the horror in as he blew taffy frone a straw. her nurse's fascinated gaze touched An old beggar, ragged and dirty, her. The youth within her had called prostrated himself as he saw the on - and she had had to obey. So she corning tickshaw, and Tu Hee tossed danced on and on until she fluttered, him a few cash as they sped past. a breathless heap, at Wang Ty' 5 feet. "We shall pass the Americans', It was only then the enormity of her wonder if they will stop us to -day," offence rushed over her. Clasping her Tu Heel mused aloud, but there was •lianas she dropped her head lower and lower until her forehead touched the 'mossy ground. A quiver shook her as -she wondered if the Evil Eye had cast a spell me her while she gazed at the foreigners at play. "Melee your head, Autumn Glad- ness. Do you not trust your 'Uncle Weng to know that yeuth and happi- ness cannot be ourbed? Why that droop of theme in your eyes?" Tu Hee looked un and her oyes were wide and questioning. "You think it ' not Oil thee toadopt so quickly the American lolly?"' "Youth mirnice youth, Fret not ereeeself, child," Gently he lifted her to her feet, but he could riot banish the shadow that rested on her face. As they walked Ments had ehariged. her whole person - alit?. She had tiO longer been the beek to the house, where tea was ' strange. rapture that for a fo.w ready on the veraridah, Tu Ilfee , was silent. She was musing over the Gift of the Gods while the de/med. The, fact confronted her, emphatic and nedeniable, that during those htief redletents elle cl rem t At4t11$41lIA,W, KA0011100014,V, Ittrootrt ef-n it el -at bto hitielnbib,c$ftt' iffrANVflf 11.11 f [Mei an eager thrill in her Voice. (To be eontinued.) Minaircre Lielmerit for Coughs & Colds ' 449197.. t-59.6.69916.0. e's.."enst, s'Serse On With the Dance. Bug (to sweetireart) --, "What au Ideal dance dearest!" WHEEL TABLE IS BIG RELP. It it nothing less than the effete tea wagon of the society novel that is made in a fashion big and strong to do the work of the Tann wife, that is corning into high favor. It has beet found to eave, countless eteps. Whole meals' can be served With only one or two tripe from the dining -room to the kitchen and it is just as useful in clearing, the table afterwards. The dishes can be stack - ,ung ladeas, to take a Theesi Year* ed on it as they are washed, and Aenerai Nuralrlit did4Ontarial wheeled to the eupboard in ono -trip. ) The wheel table is also conven• f .110snitel, 964) Oradea Street W'eeri Iterate& 4211,00 es reetith With bleat& . • I • le or ,Inelfeitos,, aid., laundry, for the Ara Jervmg `).4 1111.61" in any ree111 'lessese . vise, teem:0e eve% tmli atm,. of the hotted .or, oti the porch. Intmtn fesaate,.. /450,fe4ebte tit* be, hataeati of sickness it it". invaltr able. 's e .1 and' undAr ;I) 'pears, a ,a154, ' Apply to This wheel tray or table .need not IVIedfoitauPerinted4ta„.ohtoup mos,: be expensive. If friend husband ie Vet With Alien eho-tion e stirring l'4.1"aleUreleter ' handy with 'tools; he can tranefoem ari inageI4 ' egesliee,,,erse4Slislia4ieSeneseeaserieel,,,,,,,,seekeheseegeseesare,_,,Seseseastailisesges4ii, and• the slate got eo felloof names that t.iltoraoriiiing I had to rub theta 'all off. to -inialte.rooni. for more." Most people prefer it, because itis'easy to digest, and delicious, with a full9 juicy, fruit • flavor. • It is easy to make tasty desserts with McLAR- EN'S INVINCIBLE .Jelly -Powder. Sixteen Different Flavors One package serves eight people. At all Grocers Insist on •• eVICLAREN'S INVINCIBLE JELLY POWDER Made by McLARENS LIMITED, Franilton and Winnipeg. euvr.11.,11•AVA,,,,rtti.1.9.3 ATA. •E°A'Ii a box of little raising' when '..iagiyou feel hungry, lazy, tired or faint. In about 9% seconds a hundred calories or more oi energizing nutri- ment will put you on your toes again, For Little Sun -Maids are 75%' fruit sugar in practically predigested fortn—lvulose, the scientists call h. And levulose is real body fuel. Needing Practically no digestion, It gets towork and revives you quick. Full of energy and iron—both good and gond for you. just try a box, • I ittle • etweenV1eal!' Raishlta 5c Everywhere liad roitr Iron Today? append forcibly to every bueines.s trut and in,clividsial anxious, to expand hie - trade and: enter into wider world. -.mar- mar - leets. It Is fairly'safe tos'say,,In 'view of the -;evideirce die cies ed that within a short tlin.e' Canada will he in, a bet- ter pesition as regards, foreign trade relations then most, and probably all, cousubriei. Canada Has Many Trade Advantages. Canada, as. comPo.nent ••eirantre of the British Empire,' alas, always had Many idlialltl'ogea, ver Ellett 001.1rATiai as are.not within the rect.ejecie. Thews, trade advantages, in the 'nature Of 'pre7. ferential tariffs, at the present time, extend to ,thieUnited ICingtlioin, British West'Indlies, New Zealand, Australia, Smith. Africa, Rbiodesda. and Cyrirus. -Canada1s given various preferences in - trading with these -countries,' and na turally foreign: -Arms manufacturing ix Canada have also, the benet•t- of' such preferenees. The propinquity of the United States In the pastioefset. these preferences to • the -extent of Canada's: ebere hex first Market and the Deminime: came to, leaulleavily upon the'Repub- lie. The...imposition of the new A.merie ca.n tariff thcirouglaily disorganized' this state of things, and-thie. urgency 'and. •adilsibility was impressed 'on Canada Of finding ane 'developing other iiiar- .kets, everseaa,. In thoexeellent repii- tation, Canada has created for herself '" and the knowledge of the wide variety..., products 'she had to ofeser ae well as , .in th‘e new acceptance of the DonainioU 'ea a wored nation, tier ministere• ,ded not apparently find this a vergelthicult matter. The France -Canada Treaty. According to the berme . of the Franee-Canada ,trade treaty; Canada and France , mutually accord c.ertain. trad,e ads/ex:takes, which, 2: amongst other things, placesi'Canada ona foot- dng et equality withthe United. States in dealing with :Trance. Follewin•g thlis,, a somewhat .similar treaty been. conoludecl between Canada and Italy,thertigk at the time of writing the particulars are not yet forthobraing. Nese:relations, have, likewise been cap ried OIL Wit11. :Strain. earl Ir . tt.11B recently concluded be- tween eat, country and Great Britain. Is a clause whereby the Spanish GOV- erninent agrees that Canada may be- come a party to ,the treaty, ,Panding . consideration et the 'action to be taken, a -six_months? modus viventiri with Spaixi has been arranged, et the encl of width time a separatetrade treaty wtLl hematle. Furtikerniere, as a -re- sult et negotiations with Belgium, it proneleecl that when: that calm try ea- tabliatias its, favored natiori tariff, which is ,expected -shortly, Canada will obtain all etaadvantages. Canada's Reputation as Trading Nation.. The strecees of the Canadian min,le- ters *ho went overseas to • expand Canada's markets eas been segnel, and the reseit of their efforts is the meet eloquent tsstimony poseaCe of the re putetion. Canada ha,s won eda- herself abroad as a trading nation, Certainly, • Dwoltnioanialolnarrzeiageh/ariventssuca-bissteaiunclueacl, i vantages, over nrcset countries in tracl, Ing with the world's first markets. American leuiserie•ss firms and others have in increasing numbers appreci- ated. the •distinct e,clvantageis of locat- ing plants In Canada to obtain the pre- feeences of intr-EmPire tariffs,' and with these trade preferences extended to embrace other important world mar- kets., the laserwIedge should result in a tremendous eXPansion of such este b- . Needed The hill was steep and the load Was heavy. The donkey, did itir nese; -but at last It. stopped, ,and, Would not budge anetiree' • Juet then tihedrivr saw a Man pate,. "txchse Ina," h uoia,.. ;could you help me to get title laze to the top of terS hill? , It'o. too' /retch foe one donkey." Some Ilticies'Can't Be Tuehec. The let ' easteir estong th.e this are knewa so the "Tiritoechtiblee,". becausieliterely to touli theist poaltinad A Hindi' of . Thereally conceited raanig he Who' la so conceited as 't.o.