HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-04-19, Page 1"pin le :Copies, Font.. Cents.
Parebred Hog
The Tarrnberry Bacon Ilog Club
leave received a .purebred Boar from
the Department of Ar-gictilture. This
Knew comer to Tarnberry will snake
his home at. J. J. :Moffat's, barn and
will be for service at the usual fee,
Any proceedsreceived over and above
the cost of his keep will be giv-
en to some charitable institution,
'AUCTION . SALE --Stock, .i:mple-
meirts ,and Idousehoid effects, at lot
3c, Con, 9; East Wawanosb, at z
eaclock, ori Tuesday, April 24th.
Milton Bruce, Prop.
Jas. Taylor,, Auct.
hatching, from tt1y. heavy laying
pens. 5. C. 'White- Leghorns, Bar-
red Rocks, Black ')Vlinorcas and
Mahogany Russian Ortoffs Write
for price list. Incubators and brood-
ers; for sale, If interested write for
Duncan Kennedy,
Box ia, Whitechurch, Ont.
at Box
running spring and spring creek.
apply to Mrs. Jas. Bone,
Phone 14-621 Beigrave.
Everlasting Clay Tile. When you
builduse beast clay "brick, made by
Wm. Elliott & Son, manufacturers.
of. Rug and White .trick, Drain. Tile
3 to 16. inches, Flooring Tile, Hol-
low Building Blocks, Well Bricks,
Chimney Flues, alsoagent for Mil-
ton press and Rug Brick, t
Phone 6 on 605, Winghatri.
Win. Elliott & Son, ..
Glenannau, Ontario...
FOR SALE -Seed Barley,' 0, A. C
Apply to David Deacon,
Phone 23 on 613 :• R. R. No. 5
FOR SALE—General a Store and Stock
the County of•rHuron, nearestyop-
.position seven mires, splendidfarm-
ing distriet. Stock about $3000,00,
fixtures $soo.00. Splendid. opening.
Otvnerr in ill health.
Box C,The Advance
P'OR SALE—Hatching. 'Eggs. 1.00
for 13, BabyChicks 13c ac$
3 each, Rrom
pure bred Barred Plymouth Rocks.
Also strictly fresh eggs and choice
let hens for table use.
John Kerr,
Phone 4 on 625 P. O. Box 2
new Chevrolet or Ford Touring.
Car, the following: machinery:---1Fertilizer Drill, '12, hoe; z...sin le
tiding plow, bothg
John Deer make;
thirteen spring tooth cultivator; x
set iron 1a r'r
a ows • r.
I aanilton make, I Viking Cream
Sepator, capacity 600 lbs; e, set of
w log sleiglia. Machiitet--,%s brand
new and never been used. Apply
for further particulars to
Andrew Fox., Implement beater,
FOR SALE—Cottage, 3`or paitir.,ul-
a,Mrs r_ T g d" r
Pleasant att
We are '
Gu its Ag -
eras for Shur' Gain Fertilizer and
Tankage, from which you get the
• best results, Always a stock
5 on
wire. .otrrabar, is ligrave.
FOR SALE—Otte tots' truck, Ford,
with good pneumatic: tires. ,Apply to
C. S. VanNorruau,
_ Wingharn.
il'OrUND--Horse Blanket. Owner
may have same by proving property
and paying for this advertisement —
FARM'WANTED--Business pro,p at Aniheretbarg• to- trade ;for a
.fartir, Rellts big, tap from hill where
Detroit boats leave every fifteen
minutes' for tate Park. Inquire at
The Advance,
(PASTURE FOR RE NT—About thir-
ty acres in \'Vinghann, river running..
;i,11. season. .Apply to
• Atnos i'ipling, or
Abner Cosens.'
EASI`U.RR TO LET•-••-$ b o for, the
season. .Apply to "
Thos, Forbes.
SEE i,. Kennedy.. for used cars,
Gray -Dolts, Chevrolets, Fords,
Coupes and- Overlaud, all ,at bar -
;gains. 1
,TENDERS—Will be received for; the
' wiring' of the Wingharn Town Hall, I
p' to Tuesday, May. xst., at 4 ,p, 1n. •
pecificatioxas may be seen at the $
office of the Town Clerk, x.owest
-pert. any tender stet.' necessarily ae- c
W, A, Galbraith, Town Clerk..s
TAKE NOT ICE•• Alt iarties ' liable e
for income taxation locally must
make`r'eturns byApril 2eth,,; accord- It
ring to 'assesstnertt tart, any person ;t.
failing to' do so, a flue of $50.00 g
tea be unposed, '
T. J, 'Mel ean, Assessor, t.
iir,001.)W0RICERS_`Witte automo- aL
bile 'body building cxperiextae, lire- I
feared. State age experience and tt
WAROS ex ected. p
g p, tl
Carnage ,(factories Ltd., F
ere Orillia, Ontario tl
t -
INA 1TED-A few bright, intelligcrat f
Siris of good character to learn the
t packin . ail '.radirt .
tag S', 1� � et
The Treated Partners Co-Opeaia- fl
tive Co,, Wingbartx, ,_ re
To the Editor av "•the Advance,
Deer Sur:—
What d'ye d'ye tink, av that little
plosliun lasht wake among the U.
O's, down at 'Toroilp? D'ye�no
what I•tould ye a year arr m,00re a
Mishter Droory air Mishter Maw
son, an Mishter Hicks and the ri
av thim arr,,awl good enough U.
0. min whoile timer jawbs lasht,
whin the break conies Mishter Dro
will natcherally foind his way ba'
,to the Grit earthy, taken awl he
wid him an Mishter Mawrinsota an
Hicks will try to see that' the Tor
don't lose',anrtyting on the dale. This
rayley what 'is at the bottom av t
whole thrubble at the prisint tot
Some av the Grits an U. F. O's. w
troyin' to come to a: wurrukin arrang
mutt behoincl the backs av Misht tinkiii: the rriatther wus g
Hay and Mishter Droory, . Misht
too far„ an' not seein annyting in
fer ,ayther lllinsilf arr the Tory part
exploded his bomb in the house las
wake, Now, Misliter Eclitur., I beta
Mishter Hicks is a' good man an
can't blame him fer not wantin to
the Grits get the shtart ay the Tori
wid thins U. F. 0. Inds. `Shrill, I a
afraid hewus prenrachoor wid his di
closhures,. so to shpake. 'Twould he
been betther if he had Waited till 1
wtis•shure he had his fish safely laoo
ed befoor he pulled the loine. 'Tis t
tlarubhle wid thim young pollytishuns
they,,don't ttndershtand the • gam
Shure our Parliamints do be filled u
wid aanachoors , at 'the. prisint 'minut
an the profeshional grafters an con
ntishun rein put it awl over taint. Som
payple taught tings wud be betthe
if the U. F. 0. fellates got into Powe
but kin anny man, who is honest wi
himsilf, beleve so now. The bish
governmint we kill hev in this eon
thry is a Tory . wan, an the sicon
bisht, a Grit •wan, wid a shtrong Tor
opposition to:watch tings.
ex -
e -
Wid regard to.the eliekshun we ar
to hev in June I lieu some advoice t
tinder to the elicktor's ay. Nort. Huron
pervidin it` isn't ridishtr'sbuted off th
map. , M'ishter• fawn Joint, as iviry
buddy knows, is the prisint' mhr ber
an possission is noble points in th
law,. as the fellah said. ,Now thin td
shtart out wid, we 'heir lawn. Joint,
elickted by the Tories, votin wid the
Drooryites,. frindly wid the Grits, an
popular wid terirybuddy, includin the
ladies. Now. the situwation is about
loike this, the.Grits-haven't Aman in
Nott Huron who wants to run whoile
on1 th' other hand, the U. F. O. hev
hardly wan av tlieer minzbers who
doesn't want to, awl on account, av
the-shnap they : tink Jawn King does'
hevin wid regard to the Tory par -
thy, if:(they wud unite on Jawn Joint,
they cud elict him widout army thrub-
ble, Ie bi..
t it
nes timer er arr fellates in
the tit•t r
p 7 y, who wud loike to fiIl
heti n s place, an so no wan' can tell
what will happen. ' Now considlaerin
the fact that no Grit wants to run, an
too manny U. F. O's. want to run, an
the Tories don't know what they want,
what wad be the matther wid callin a
big united convinshun av awl' iiarthies
an let- fawn- Joint be elickted widout
opposition on the dishtinet under-
slatandin that he give leis indepindint
support. to which ivir parthy has the
largest group whin the new Ligislat-
tire mates. What'. wucl yc tink ' av that
Yours tial nixt wake,
Timothy Hay,
Splendid ,Talk Illustrated 13y Beauti-
The illustrated lecture' given by A.
H. Tomlinson, I3. ,�. A., Associate
Professor of Landscape, Gardening,
and Floriculture 'of the Ontario Ag-
rictiltural College, Guelph, in the town
her, Wingharn,,on Friday evening last,
was: splendid and those, who were not.
present hissed a rare treat in this line. ' some time at the home of his son, M
Mr. R, Vanstone was the chairman 1Nlorley Bell, aoth, con,, Howrck,
the secretary
the lMss Elizabeth localE b tr
of the :Flnrticaltttral Society, ivLr, J, f to Ottawa, after spending two wee
E. Cove, took charge of the lantern, . with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Cha
Folowing is the gist of Mr. Tomlin- Barber,
son's' talk.: Mrs.e
Thos. Henderson, o
s n 131
13 ue
f m
o making
home R
g the Road, has
e iced home, after spen
ground interesting need not be a� mat-, ing a week with her'son, Roland
tremendous expense or: work London.
but there are costs "and labour to be I Messrs. Col -ion. ,B ce Lawren
considered. Briefly, it is a matter'of ( Campbell, o ' t n
making the, buildings appear a part. of r peel , George oRn
the landscape. This may be done bying Henderson left on Monday filer
ing for Detroit.
the planting of evergreens or coni- s
fors; ]awn; shade or deciduous trees;' , fir'. and Mis..W. Frank ValtSt01
shrubs, perennials and pe haps.'aii- leave returned to their home on Jo
rruals. Should the house already be Street, after spending .the past fr:
placed amongst a setting of trees and � weeks 1n Toronto.
conifers' this means something worth . Misses Marjorie and Thelma Gib
while. ,A little planting around the son, of Wingharn, spent part of las
house and Perhaps some groups,' of week with relatives and friends here.
shrubbery and'perennial `borders and Fordwich Record.
lawn space . are necessary to bring Miss Jean Wallace of Defoe, Sas*
about the fulfillment of a scheme, pro- and Miss Edna Wallace of Fordwic
viding paths' and drives have been are visiting at the home -of their aunt
properly arranged. If the house be' Mrs, E. J. McGavin.
built with; na planting of trees within Mrs. C, Shackleton and Miss M
sortie distance, one'should consider the Fleuty attended the funeral of thei
necessity. for. planting and what: 'to cousin, the ' late Mrs. Wm. Calver
plant, for example, for shade, which is in Kincardine last.week
fiery necessary in the hot summer;
days, decidixotis trees should be plant-' t,1 and iVTrs. Win. Ad':a r of Turn
ed, some fairly close to the house, es -' berry ;and Mr. Frank Prast of :Han
pecially a tree with not too dense fol -over, visited for a few days last weer
iage' like the Silver Maple, .inches, with relatives in Wawanosli.
Popular and Walnut. For denser fol- Miss Annie .McMurchie of Kintail;
iage trees, the Hard; or Sugar Maple, and. Miss Tena Carrick of Lucknow,
Tulip Tree, (Southern Ontario); Nor- visited with° their friend, Mrs. David
way Maples, Oriental Plane Tree, !McGill, Pleasant Valley, last week.
Lime or Linden Tree and White Elm,1 Mit. Geo, Schaefer and little daugh-
the Catalpa, too, is first-rate in south- iter are here from Timmins staying
ern sections.. The smaller trees should 'with . her'. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
not be planted. less than thirty feet' McCool. Mrs.e McCool has been it
• part, the larger ones= -like Hard Map- veri
p' y poor health for the past couple
e, Planes and Etna not less than forty ; of weeks,
feet apart. In the winterseason, a ++ Mr. and Mrs, Hubert Clark of San
e windbreak is very necessary on the?
" exposed sides, and o c -'Francisco, are .visiting with. Mr, and
expos s of thti may plant � Mrs. W. S. Vanstone, Turnberry. Mrs.
P native White Prne, i Clark is Mr. Vanstone's sister, and
White Cedar,' Scotch and Austrian tthe have not'
Pine, or a mixture is worth' while. A !they y seen each other for over
good thing would he to have a Lem- ! true ty-eight. years.
er's woodland planted so as to protect' Mr. E. J, Reynolds, -a former local
the house. Perhaps a single row i,'manager.of .the Bell Telephone Co.,g' or
a .,
on,'was ,el
double row would be more ;in, keeping a welcome visitor in town, last
with' the place than woodland ox-.vveel-a Mr. Reynolds now represents.
clump planting: For this purpose, the lihe Northern Etectrie Co,, with head -
White Spruce is first-rate or quarters at Toronto.
the Canada Balsam ,also, The 1 Mr. and lvtrs. A
Norway A. E. Llo d+return
Spruce, if the others` are: not easily on Monday eveningfrom spendingpee
procurable, may be planted. Fora winter in Florida nd' Cub. Ware
planting right on the lawn the Blue pleased to see them both hale ,and
Col r a
o ad .
Aor_ hearty1
theand Silverr d t- a
o know that B1 v ratt`4I•
sant are
splendid. � greatly ���ra
d. reenter
For t
p perpendicular is
eiimproved. idtcuIt o
rat III ed.
pl 1v
or 'dwarf Conifers varieties of,. the' l
Cedar and,Juniper are unsurpassed.' . .
Of the -foregoing trees and Cnifers Died In Alberta
thenative a e
v species
may procured Word was received in Wingham on tin
frorxt Y.h' woods. The ,exotic. types Tuesda ni li tl t Ed t
Miss Mary Madigan of Torcinto,
visiting with friends in Wanghana,
Mr, Prank Prast of Hanover, is'vis-
iting his father-in-law, IVIr, Wm. "Ad-
air of Turuberry.: '
iVir. Mark Cassels has gone'to Pal-
rnerstolt to take charge of, the Domin-
ion Stores in that town,.
1VIr. Bell of-Winghaiu, is spending•
of -
r -
Prices Down
Wonderful values for one dollar.
See our bargain tables on second
floor at Isard's.
Debate On Cleaning River
At the Young People's Meeting in
the Wingharn Methodist church on
Monday evening, a, debate Was given
which should be of more than ;ordin-
ary'interest in,.Win ha.nr; Some` time
ago The Advance brought up the mat-
ter of fixing up, the river• and clearing
out the stumps. The debate on :Mon-
day evening was the outcome, it was
Rtrsolved that it is in the best interests
of the Town of Wingham to remove!
the stumps from, and otherwise im-
prove that part of the river Maitland,
opposite the C. P, R. Station, ]making
it suitable for boating; also to sin-
prove the;roadway close to the river
bank from Lower Town to the Wes -
ere I Foundry, malting it suitable' for
iota fist traffic. '1/4
Affirmative, 1V'iss A. .Procter and'
i Ir. S. Hutchison.
Negative, Miss A. Honiuth and Mr.
W; .MeCool•
The judges were Mrs, C E. Cragg,
Councillor W, H.! Willis and'Mr, A.
d. Musgrove, and they gave their de-
cisioll. in favour of the negative, We
inccrcly trust that tlic decision of the
ridges will have no effect on the
fearing of this pond in the:not far
listaut future, Stratford has a beauty
pot on their river bank and in con,
ersation with a gentleman from that
ityabout a yearago, he told us that
c could remember the time when
tacit• river bank and bed was just like
he one here, full of stumps and over-
rown with weeds. The view which
raveilers have from the C. P. R. and
Canadian National •trains is not such
s any progressive town would. wish.
II dealing with 1±e expense - of the
iidertaking, Mr, Hutchison stated
at he rigid the assurance that the
Iortietiltuaal Society would lend all
ae' assistance' possible and that five
t a:nesters would give their teams. free,
or a couple of days.
For the benefit of Wingharn we ebt-
rely hope that the day is hear when
th dreams of the 'affirmative will be
Rev. Edward 'Cragg of Calor Hot
ored g y
At the last meeting of the Canadian
Club in the city of Calgary, the Rev.
Edward' Cragg,; father. of Rev. C. E
Cragg of town;' was presented with a
Me membership certificate by the
aztenibers. In 'presenting the certifi-
cate His Worship, Mayor Webster,
said "That li t
a no man stirred him with
more courage or inspiration than Mr.
Cragg and no man. stood higher in
the esteem of the public than our hon-
or•ed guest."
� v
r Cragg will be 9q.:years
old on the 8th of June and is still hale
and hearty;
1110111101451111 flaw,
12.no pe:r )''o
A:e4abel "4111114111104M4111211
f the Spring Shopping Season , gTgpgg
u Ca rp
it Afford to Miss Is —
Will a
• pear 3 Days Onlyft
The Farnoi S
Rev. Edward
"It seems that most people are ne-
glected and deemed useless when the
reach an `old age but it is not so with
me," said Rev: Edward Cragg on
Wednesday, in an address to mem-
bers of the Canadian Club at luncheon,
and at which he was made a Iife mem-
ber, •
(Continued on page p4)
Late Dr. Kennedy's Father Dead
Rev. Jas. Kennedy, a resident of
London, for the past30: .ears
a number of Y and for
years, assistant pastor
at the First 'Methodist -Church, died
to ..
o1 'r
nr tg at the faintly
residi;tice, 516 Colborne St.,89
years. 'Virliile lie had beenaged th
in ill health
for some five rnontlis, he had only
been confined to liis bed -for the las
two weeks. past
Rev. Mr. Kennedy was one of the.
few surviving pioneer Methodist mini-
district. t.
Ordained ra
e at
Methodist odic
Conference d the
era t .
ce i
ra Brantford an
tford .'
186r, Gr
, lice.
n n -
t very active and
zealous worker in church circles
throughout g Western e•
Ontario rt
o i
s nc
that time. - In the early sta'es of his
work, when ministers were not any
may be ,purchased front' nurserymen passed away at
�! L fel I !�I l ISI I ill I I
131 r`1i t4 Raas.n
HCl hhlinlllfous perlor a,! , ce 8 24 lam 1•� & fn.
alrinehatn, Ont,
no t 4a a .9ib*eg
g Store
Fir en
ys �_.
I1I ul0:ir ll 111�1111iYfillllllllIli:t,llllsal
1If9111f9i1i1111�l11Bn,Ii�llht!1ll�lllllallllt�111is�ll{�lilk:f 1�9(Ii�klG��ri i !$%
Sale of:Men's Raincoats at reduced,
prices at Lard's.
Tuesday April 24th., in Town
Wingham, eight people, lots 0f Energy,
stuff, nice music, good singing,
The e
services -
in . St, church
nxet Sunday will be conducted b th
y e
Rev: Mr Langford of Luckn o
The High School Cadets will be in-
spected on Thursday, April 26th., at
2 p. m. The public will be welcome.
"MacDonald Comedy Co.," are
ting on a show in e
Lucknow, on Apra],
igth,, in Wingham on Tuesday, April
Mr. W. F. VanStone was
a aStone elected!
' of ther`
� r
g am High l
School Board at their last regular
in Wingl,am General Hospital for ap-
All practical
agriculturalists and experts agree that
it pays to treat grains with Formalde-
hyde. A fresh supply, guaranteed" full
strength, $oc per. pound at Mitchell's
Drug Store, opposite 'Traits -mica Hot -
The "MacDonald. Comedy Co.,'; of
Kincardine, will put on• a show in:.the-
Town Hall, Wingham, April 24th., un-
der the auspices of the :local ' Texts
Square. Admission 250 and oc child-
ren, 15e. including war tax. Rese
seat plan at McKibbon's Drug Store. g Store.
The Victory Mission Circle of the
Methodist church, are presenting a
humorous'playette, entitled, " A :Per-
plexing Situatiolr, rti. the lecture rooms
of , the. church on - Frida • evening p-
-11 loth. The program' willo' _
p g also: Bort-
ist of. music, readings, ere. Come
nd enjoy ,a good ]aur fl. Admissions
meeting. a
'Mr. E. Zurbrigg a been ; s
cordo. g 5 en elected re-;
r treasurer for the Chosen i a
Friends to succeed the late Maurice
Mn. an
Mrs, ,
Boyce J e
X enter
ne l
C the Star
their err Trus
bands at Progressive Euchre on klott
day evening.
Don't forget the special collection i
in aid of the Wingham. General ,Hos-
pital on Sunday next in the churches
of the town.
ar at lad -len u t e deceased had as!
Drurnlielle • man: as ter., I Instead f the u
r Alb r - y cl - star
or through the local Horticultural eta. nit dies, scattered in
tural Tlie remains will be brought
_ varix
Society. Shu to Fling us parts of Western Ontario, tri
Y. r bbery should• be plant- hazn•for interment- Miss der his''ch
ed around -the four a t' e� Hattie and charge. One of his first iiar-
datono• ,r'•
f the Chaxlotte�l� aid Minnie Sts are sis gcs was in Mount Bryd�•es who 1
corners and blank spaces would be
ng tat not too thick] at the -
y, he tors of, OA tiecehsecl.
best It is not wise Services By S. S.
s to cover windows
or tilt whole foundation, except such A large congregation. r
should be veryugly. itebatioii was present
tg y. "The sllrybberies at St. Pauls clturclt on Sunda
for planting may: be White `Sia l Y evert_
p r ea, ing, •w when the complete service was
'Fart Houttei.; the pink, white and red taken by .members of the Sundad
bush Honeysuckles, the dwarf red and school, The prayers were offered and
pink Spiraea Anthony. Waterer, dwarf sermon preached by Janes Allen in a
Japanese •Barberry, (immune from manner creditable to an.'ordained
wheat rust troubles) and the names clergyman, the lessons were read b
varieties of Lilacs. These are per- George • Lediett and Barney Browne
Baps amongst the best. -- For groups in good clear lrolce and splendid ex -
of shrubbery these may be considered pression while the offering was taken
again •and also Highbuslt Cranberry, up by four of the smaller boys, The
Hydrangea, Deutzia . Crenate, Dwarf choir, which was made up of about
Willows, Weigelias, Japanese Trailing thirty-five children's voices rendered
Rose and other species. Amongst the excellent music and the sweet singing
native shrubbery there are the wild of the boys and girls in the anthem
• (Continued on page 5) was much enjoyed by all•
While diamond wed ling' .
t f,saic
ion ally celebrated, h is quite unusual
to, attain the distinction of a 65th wed-
ding anniversary, but Mr, and Mrs.
Richard . Porter of. Wirlgliam, who
°were married at Goderielr on April
14t11., 1858,' have achieved this remark-
able record, When after their mar-
riage they settled ora a farm near•
Wingham, the country was then a
tract of virgin forret. Living in this
p ,,01 the country until Mr, Porter
retired front foaming, the family theft
moved. into Wittghazn, of 'which they
have `been resit1 nts for Tile peat
twenty years. There, were eleven
oecas- ily,-eight of whom survive: John and
Jetties of Wingharn; Mrs. . George
Bloomfield and Mrs, Frank Hervey
of Detroit; Mrs. Marguerite Biomes
of 13rantford; Mrs. VWintrifrett Mac-
' Kay of 'Wiarton; Mrs, J. W. Pattison
of Port Elgin;and Miss Nellie Por-
-tor of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Porte
have seventeen gr�•tndclrildren anct ten
great grandclaildren. 1.'he veteran.
bridegroom and hiss bride are enjoying
good health, Mr.'Porter is the last
surviving' member of his family, while
Mts. Porter still rias two sisters living,
Mrs. Cox of Goderich ,anit Mrs. folio -
stall of Saskatoon, Sask. M'r, and
Mrs Porter celebrated their 615th gens-
ver•sat'y ,with a lasppy,. taniila reunion.
('1121dren far U. 'end lifts. Porter's tants
did splendid work in preaching—file
Gospel to his scattered flock. --
Other' churches in which he occup-
ied the pulpit, were Siloam, Dorches,.
a fortnightly
dinner, the Lions Club held
sive euchre a Progres<.
party in their club room
on Friday , evening.
�).l the 1J�•A J
evening, a number e of candidates will
be ,ba
p The he subject will Ue, �
Ewa t Ob d'
llilgJlllal 11
! I�!! 11
The t'olntatittee appointed
i 1 ornted to
telco final arrangements for the
z tris church 00 Sunday
c e fence. ' =
ter,. Belmont, l3rrr and Thorndale, T
Following' his superannuation 1 da s will b d 1 if 1 h been killed 1 1 f
, le Y e observed m Wingham as � •rn the war.
was a,ppoizated as assistant pastor at
usual this year, commencing on Wetl-
y illethodist clxurcla tvliere he nesday afternoon r , ; Send names to
.lyLa) ...rid, - _Wil
{rren s of iMr li ' is
will be pleased to know that he is im-
proving sincehis operation
erection of an , appropriate war at
memorial at Wingharn in rear- Fe
etnbrance of the boys'"
their <r
err -lives in the „reit war of
r1 4 g1s, respectfully request
the" citizen to sena in the rfu'i
names of any relative or friend, .
who was a citizen 91 Wi.nghaln, •ar,,
when they enlisted and wllo has
l or c sec from service _.
regular Wednes a' '
rendered valuable service to the con- I ' d til rI A. G. 'Small,
r frtd G M Reid = Sec'yeof Committee
He is survived by one brother, Rev. proven fa
D. M. Kennedy, of Portage La Prairie g vorab7 la�A�lll9tilll 111 illiffiIlllts{ll l'111�311I H1�111 Marna
two sons, Dr. S. M, Kennedy of Lon-
don and George E. Kennedy of Delta,
Alta; a daughter -in -lave, Mrs. (Da) J.
P. Kennedy of Wingharn; a niece,
Mrs, (Rev.) R. 5, Garbutt of London,
and two nephews, Dr. George Ken-
nedy of Halifax and Dr. W. J. Ken-
nedy of Nova Scotia.
Katcha-Koo At Wingham:
"Katcha-Koo," the*up-to-the-minute
musical comedy being presented on
May :1st, and 220d., in the Tawn
Halle sponshred by the Lions Club,
proceeds of which will be dtlnated to
the Auxiliary of the Wingharn Gen-
eral Hospital is progressing with
'-leaps and bounds. Practically all the
selections , raving been made for the'
caste,. choruses glad dances.
";atelia-Koo, " is both oriental and
Canadian. It tells an interesting story
of a Canadian Aviator, who hest in
India, masquerades as an oriental Pak
1r, ,and meets with many thrilling ad-
ventures. • A vein of rich comedy runs.
through the piece, acid 'there are rtov-
{'cl and brilliant musical* :spectacular
effects. The patriotic idea predoriain-
;aces throughout and there is a won-
derful patriotic finale in which rail the
allied :nations participate, 1.7
' Some of the characters aireedy
chosen are; I)r. -G. II. Ross, as Kat-
cha-koo; R,. S. Williams as the Mahar•-
ajah of Hunga; Beet 'Abell as: Hurry
13radstane, a.collcctor of adventures;
.bliss Aileen' Kennedyas Mrs. Chattie
Gad. iii,
d x rich �.ar • • li
C unci art
Widow; Mrs.
R, S. 'Williams as Jolly, a daughter;
Mrs. R. A. Currie, as Prudeute, anoth-
or daughter.
Cordial ea -operation all along the
urge has been received front everybody
who has been cabled upon to assist in
the pt elhitninary work, and there is
reason,to look forward to a fine af-
Stoakley--In Wingham, on Saturday,
April 14th,, to Mr, and Mrs. J. E.
Stoakle ,• Catherine St„ a son,
Holrncs�dn Godericii, on Monday
April ibth., to Mr. and Mrs, Dudle
1i;. Holmes, aa. daughter.
We're ready for Spring plowing with a Splendid Iine of Plow
We are showing several good styles and les a r
g Y we guarantee evmry'
pair of Ferrn Shoes we sell, because the ver• best 1
y t eatIier arid
shoemaking goes into them.
If you are interested in good Farm Shoes, you'll be interest-
ed in ours, for FARM SI O:I S could not be made better.