HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-04-12, Page 8v sum mamas; oung al ut : and '*gays' ing Suits, Af 4 QUALITY tHRU andyv l. 5 IR CROWN CLOTHES ; our customers go forth in n Crown hand -tailored garment secure in the knowledge that they have a quality garment.. They are continuously cox - Portable and satisfied' that they to have secured supremely high teeii er..eq quality uclothes'at a:surpris- 'IA'g.,.. alit 1ngly low cost. These quality , 9 it n p q•° ' :-.civ#ies are made to measure bs e Boys' Suits s with two pair of V. -1 t Knickers in fancy Grey and i THE Tweeds,also Navy _ , ;1 Brown Pell.- Serge,. Prices gi exclu- m to ive `®+ , whose motto is g 15.00+-.siveness to the -individual and- m TO moderate osices to the thous, 'm 11044 ands. i t. SI 141 ; FURNISHINGS tn60e New Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, wig, 4 @ °d , lott Underwear, Socks, Gloves, etc. ' ° etteeee... e ' leolt tere4.4 ,eftterli .Get Our Prices Before Buying 'Ba Il ' :° ,eats' ' a u 1 in earlo nabie•prlees tl en's Su>ats Serge, GreyWorsted, . Navy Ser, g Scotch Tweed in all the latest styles. Prices 18.soTQ35.00 'Jr .ling Coats an Raincoats , New Spring Coats in medium VA weight in light and dark shades, kaltri also Gaberdine Raincoats: Prices . sei 5000 TO 35.00 Pbeer, a Iry ill ma asp ®'tui. i 11;'1ji m 'YWi ,111 r WIZ Z tl ll THAM ADVAd111'+ F l ELMORJ 1111 111041,110111 1111141111r 11110111011101111ellfll 11101110; Preparatory service was observed,: t in Knox church, -oix Friday afternoon. :,. Thirteen uniting with the church -at _ this time. li Mr, Rolarrd Ilal lagh and Miss Nelda ilii,;„ , ,,m ,;„ „ . ;,; Wolfe were quietly merited at :the DiE. Manse on Wednesday morning. We ,pt .I-IipmENT Q R N E W M,. wish this:yourig couple many years of . SI'R TlyTO HATS, ALL SHAD, happy, wedded life,. fil_' ES, Alar R QE '. t IVIeesrs, George Herd and Henry Weiehar attended the school coeven N lei tion in Toronto: last week. - Miss Mary Stokes, who•hue been r ',#l quite Iii, is we erre pleased to say able # r '= to be about again: rl' { ` it Er Clarkson Douglas paid a flying visit" fi -, '1 1 , to Teeswater on.1 aster ;Monday; but 111 the roads .'"being bad, failed to reach @" St. Marys. IT -Tp ,. The Women's Institute met ott Sat urday afternoon at Mrs. Joseph, Hall's. The meeting was ripened by singint; "Believe' Me of All Those Endearing Young Charms." A most interesting, paper was given by Mrs, Hall on "Friendship." „ A,' reading by Miss Helen Mu1vey,t Roll Call, My .Favor- ite Proverb; Mrs, Thos. Abraham was elected president for the colnirg year, A luncheon of sandwich and ,cake was then served by Mrs. Johann and Mrs, Hall girls Four of our nicest young gi s not being content with the quiet of home wended their way' to the rink on Sat- urday night, wishing to have the first, boat ride of the season,: Miss Mary Aitken is in Mildrnay, nursing the sick. ' LUCKNOW 1.;itckrrow, Ont. April 9th., 19 ,23,. Word was received in town of the death of Wm. Irwin" of'Listo'wel, on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Irwin was well known here, having conducted a hotehin Ripley for years and about one year ago he moved to Listowel, where hdq bought the Queens. Hotel. He was widely and favourably known by the travelling public and the general consensus of opinion was that he was ' one of -•tire best,, hotel keepers in Western Ontario,Ie,was a member of Old Light Lodge,' A. F. A number of friends of i\l.r. Lloyd Alton gave him quite a• surpise the other day when 'they presented him. 'Alton r has t it, . i of 1 with a radio 0 been confined" to the house for over six 'years and has been unable to en- joy concerts, lectures, etc., so that the gift was .a very welcome one,indeed. He listened to a sermon last Sunday. evening preached by a minister in De- 'troit, and this was the first sermon he 11th CON. HOWICK had heard in over six years. • •Lucknow is becoming more like and Mrs. Robert Brown visited Nev York every day. We are now to. at Mr. John Wright's on Sunday. have four pool .rooms. ,.Messrs. L. Mr. and Mrs. George Baker visited Horne, T. Watson, T. F. and with Mr. Lorne Laird least Friday., Wellington McCoy, each being Caine.rant: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Vittie visited ed a license. Mr. Horne has purchas-. Mr: John Sternal recently. the brick building now occupied by a Mr. Dick Bennett ,visited with his Chinese restaurant from the estate of father in, Fordwich, on Sunday. the late Wm. Allin and has purchased • Mr. John Galbraith of Gerrie, is hir- his pool tables and will run his bar- ed With lilt, -Henry :Woods till after ber shop in connection, Mr. Cain has seeding, also remodelled the interior of the Some of the farriers around here Cain House to make room for his tab- are busy making maple syrup.: les its connection with his bar. Mr. Mr. John Reid intends cutting wood` McCoy has rented a store from W. J. by circular sari on Monday. Little acid will instal a barber shop Miss Lawrence, the school teacher, in front: and his, pool room behind, is spending iter .holidays in Durham while Mr. Watson has not decided with her parents. , what to do with his license. This is • Mr. and Mrs, Wm,: Montgomery of somewhat of an inovation, for Luck- the I7the con. of '1:3.owick, have settled no -w where even one license has been in. their new home which they recently refused for years and many of the rented frorn Mr. David Dane, filitHELIN Anvanced irrprovedFaims To pay: -part purchase money or existing morteenge ; To erect buildings or improve present buildings; To buy stock; To pay off Bank Loans., etc,. . Farm Mortgages Purchased Or Loaned Up,t 1. Do all your long terns .borrowing from an old. established mortgage loaning Company. your business will he confidential. You will always know -where to find your lender and your desires will receivc'prompt and business -like consideration, Write or Call ninon The ditarV a - D t r Dundas Street and Market Lane iLi,Ti FI{7 LONDON, 5' i 13 We can save youmoney on Your new Spring Hat. Try us and see• Our prices` are' very • low.; 31 We maze• ctlyr.to your me lire for I E. . IT1QA rr ' "Noted for their'little prices" ee- I, ,1t ®111 111191111lllli l1111115111113111111111 111E11' " Ili ri$ motoiroamtari TORY CORNERS Erogigni L. We are gladto see Mr Bert;Harris 'l around agaric after a very severe Gold, Sorry:' to report that little Clifford,. Wylie has been very sicite We hope ; the little fellow will soon be better. Mr. E, Galbraith called on friends here this week. e Mr. John Weber of Carrick, is en-{. gaged at Mr. Stewart Finlay's tor, the Summer. • Mr. and Mrs, T C. 'Taylor visited;.. at Me R. A. Taylor's one day last': week, l Miss Mary Galbraith spent- a day i laweek eek with'.her niece, Mrs, Thos, Nickel: 1Ir. Johi. Wylie bought rrtr valuable cow, from ivf t'. R. Clegg 0f the xetli line, Mr, William ,[lays is having hes•' kitchen. over hauled. Mi :R. A. Ta.y- lor is:doing "the carpenter work." We are sorry to report that Mr,. ll:ubli''Wylie is not improving as fast as his many friends would like to see., Mr. T. 'Wylieand his mother spent'. one day last week in Winghan, :Miss McEwen hes returned from: spending the holidays with her parents near totidon. w s,41. Suit-, ex- r0 N r--;„ The ]King's Birthday Mr. By a proclamation which is just is- sued, June 4th., .will this year be ob- served in Canada as the birthday of His Mxjest,y,''King" Georbe V. June 3rd. this" year falls on a Sunday and. -- the proclamation provides for the fol- lowing day being observed as a 'nat- ional holiday. Methodist Church Notes The` services ' in the ..Methodist. Church" ori Sunday net will' be as fol- + lows:—t r a, in., Public Worship con -1 ducted by the pastor; 2 30 p. m —Suit -1: dey.School; 7. p. in -Evening service, Because of the general interest In the Future life, the pastor lntoposes to 1 preach a series 61 monthly sermons .. on "Life, Death, and the Hereafter." On Sunday evening,` the special theme wilt be, "Titc importance of the Sub- ject.' Good congregational: singing vi11 be led by a choir o§. 3o voices .A hearty welcome awaits you. Monday evening,.. the Yottng Peop- le's'Meeting. The principal` item on the program will be a debate : on a loc- , d subject of great interesteeThe pub- DIED 'tic invited. Wednesday evening, mid week meet- Johnsto —Int Ford.wieh,"on Friday, g in for prayer and praise. Marchi 3oth;, 1923, .Margaret Cx'unp- Just • neormleamcitesagas;m6rIsmoup ap X4 e. now- and eautifut • Plow Boots. will 'aoorx, Verse, quiresi and our titocls: vas clever • better, iiz fact we, dottlit if euee • so gootl'as•a't presiettt; 7he"cut'shQwwiitrewiith•it; ane illustration, of titre • of: our, beat' '.values; The leather is "hr,6itTy, cal$' $a " tanned; being" a mad o€ ;earther that will.tu,rn the'vvater.ae'good'' as .any shoe . xna fie- ant4:at toe"" same. time • will not- get • haid., 0 W lt : a. v fit° es a ;+!+ ur: treasonabI€ prices. The Leading Shoe, Store. o Phone 1292.. .ui*ou (Coti nt .7itt s. t do not think any to kindly et •tzen5 toward the council for granting four TEESWATER licenses ina town with a population •,,\, pretty wedding took place in of i000. Mr.. McCoy, who held the ICnov Church,'Teeswater, on Wcdnes- only license here is a returned soldier day last, when Florence \TioIette,. and has always taken an aetive .inter- youngest daughter• of Rev, W. A. est in the ,athletic sports of the town, Bradley, was united in marriage to Dr. and nearly every one is of tixe opinion 'Lorne Russell 'Pattison, of Well,artd.:, that. he. alone should have been grant- The ceremony was perforated by the ed a license especially in view of the bride's father. Miss Mildred Bradley fact that lib complaints have been re- was bridesmaid, and the groom was gistered against hire, during the time supported by Dr. E. V. Elliott of that he . has been operating a pool: Dunnville. The wedding music was room. played by Hiss Altbe Bradley. After Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Bridge gave. a a short honeymoon in Ottawa and delightful party on Friday night in. points East, Dr. and Mrs. Pattison honor of Miss Harnnir't't of Hamilton, will reside in Welland. `eyho is visiting Mrs, Bridge, About bell, relict Johnston,' months. of the late- 1' Joli n ;E aged' 75 years and 3; + • 3o were present and Spent a"very en- TURNSERi2Y Prizes .were won. by Miss K. llacDon- a week's Holiday,ras returned an , ,,,,,, „„ joyable evening in progressive genies. miss i4%;argaret Rkss, after enji ytta THE MA1TLAN`'CREAMERY If you are otie of our patrons, tell your neighbour about us. "Put him wise" Bigger volume znearts,bigger returns to the pro. ducer. We want to make a million pounds of Butter. hereb hist year, ' Yon' can help us tto it. - PATRON ON BB A BOOSTER -- LETIa 71I{' Ph &Z United mens Co.0 er sive a 1 ly ma,mm2smae„ a,eime amemmm,,amnPmm a ssrm• astaapvievr oo aaa^u urx a. 1 . msu snaiitaisIlliannummmemsosemontmortmlitial BEL ORAVE 't'hc residence of the late George ''r cter, has been sold to John,Cotil Te ,, 7. a.' lee - 81,000. ••'s Price w .between the r f..services ) w secs, ygrcl: lirir of ,Sten i , The union ye noon, It has beery: rented by Nt.'; byteri:ans and Methodists during the Sturdy;; rvhb "canis from Clinton.i past three xrtonths worked :admirably. An invitation has been ,proffercdi Ser•viees were held. in. Calvin church Davison,'of '["upper•viile,1 Rev. Messrs. ones' and Teeters con Rev. SydneyJ formerly of., Boigravbtil b .conic pas- ducting the services alternately each s 1 Mer - i` y, • or tor of thd: 7+Letlt:odist clsurcltc, or i I Sabbath morning, • 'f t was a very lit circuit, ltsse.t County, I ],appy: and enjoyable combination. Miss g I'`lora dau titer of Rev,8,10e Sunday evening, Rev. and ars, ' Davison of Tupperville, has been iii } Vetere sang by request, "When Peace General Hos bital, for the { Like ';t River. the C,.i .. Chatham C 1 , 1 f tonsils and adenoids, 'fie • t r;rti ay.tt o o 1 "1`l 1 lie 'tirf refers to a relative of C:Ongr•atttiations to' NI r. a:nd vice Was resumed its the Metho- dist churches on iiclgrave circuit, vizi 'Srick Chiswell,. at it a. nt,; Sunshine at 2,30 p.; rtt,; and Belt rave at 7 t) in. aid and tr. K. Murdie • commenced duties in S. S. No. 9, 'rhe play, "An, Early Bird, by the We are pleased to', report that Mr. Lucicnow Dramatic Co., was given in Robert Sharpin is gradually improv - the town hall last Monday evening ing, after•his severe illness. and drew . packed house, with chairs iss Grace Curtis spent a few days. in. the aisles and every 'available inch last week visiting with her aunt, Mrs, of standing.rooin taken up. The Dra- Jas. Kirton. Matic o., again upheld their repute- Mr. Archie Idolater and little Haugh- tion a'id proved its ability to present ter of Newton, spent their Easter hol- e drama in ,god form ,and also make idays with Mr, and Mrs, Eldrid -Nich- lots of fun. al, The Lockno ,r•• Boy Scouts are hay- i Miss Marie P,ennett has returned.to tesume her duties in S.,5. No. 2, after spending her Easter holidays tit her home in Wingh'.tn . ••iMaleing maple syrup isthe order oG the day this ytteek, A good run is, re- ported by all. - lrbpe she will soon be as well as ever.r IVCORV.IS The o wr, former 'Methodiet:pastor of hely Oliver Campbell qtr the birth r ' numb' Conference, 'hes a n Of t:.ssex„ reer;ivedl word froth Rngkt id of the spent the holidays with her parents, Who has 'been a Mr. and Mrs. Root; Hetherington, death of ells Fatlxer,.wvh 'days local ; reaclterr'iri the '1?rittritive Meth -1 Mr. Rohs, 'tdunter spent a few y odist church for 46 ,.ears. , t'he end tit Mr. John,7;3aines". cAlpe very uncrdpected,ty, as,Mt. Pam» r Mrs,.,lacy. Rintoui and children of ;toy, ; r., had preached in the old hoixtc 1 l,tussels, spent ,•t few slays xt Mr, Jas. whtrr'elr; ri few,,''days :befhre his taking, Goilt.y s. atv»`iy. 1,t is aline years si.rte , Ur. ''t Jose bix ry rico T'iirnaby tact ' yaw his fittiter", ,rill 11. prnvitttt as est tr Vi'rrit pllrnning AO cross the oerean ,for would hese, that pi'srt)fsse this heir;[, A•' brothers k r.: tris Mrs it,, Il Ceyutt, ' and ter its' the lwl:ethodi t elriidi* rris peril the.•1,,,,sythry holidays 4 tiro it t'ht{ hreiti:e;of the latter s' parents, (ht llttiiellty' slid' irgrli 0 t`)rdot of .ei. Mr, ai d Mr : it CI'.:li'etircrtnlltcoi <i. baby boy. ra`vct:."itev, 11 ,B :C 'arnaby of 'Flee y, y, just 'Miss' Lizzie ing the i41acDottald: Comedy Co., to give a c.oneer•ton April rptit. The, T ucknow Hardware & Coal Co„ has ;been dissolved and the busi- ness will now be carried on, ender the firm name of Wtn. Murdie 8z Son, Lucknow merchants are holding a Dollar Day on Wednesday, April i zth. The L O. `O,' F, ;.held its last "At Houle" of the sexison on Friday even- ing last when a most enjoyable even- ing was spent ancltbe ltirgest crowd of the season: present, Ivir. M; Tii•idge and' _Mrs., A. E, \Iillson avet`e.. the: Mize winners " . " '0 • The death .of Steele Hunter oc- curred hour on Sunday. • curved al air y morning at his residence Here. The late Mr. .timer had been a .resident of Lueknow for maty •years and w,as well • known in surrounding country, ite having driven stage between Luck now and Godertch for 'sotne, 'time. " About a year ago he was taicett ill and since them he had , been gradually growing weaker. 'F Ie was. its his 6oth year stook is survived fr 13y,,,. in the Presliy- terian church on Tuesday afternoon to •the Greenhill cemetery. Mrs. of 'a ilctlrcriricdt0 tore is riot bit tiriutry tr i*ii6s ;i iia ll -i al.rh,lr 7 , rt , ., Ir.7.. Milieetele eitelieleeteI4;+eVeler _.S {I. to FIS.: 7 J 11 1 lll811111111118111111111111111111StlllSill 111E110111 110 G A NIM1" CATTLE i • trf psi p We have another car of ngs,,welxiclt ,.,os of•Sta t - dard re -cleaned Wheat screen,: 'ma.' rraeGec lent feed i or Cattle acid `" for. either i fdsgs . which sells for $17.00;per tori,, hd fine with ground, and ;t;rtit IA special plates,.,last ...car .,.seas kg sold inane week, so place yo>xi. order at once, ill s . farmers' Chop'ng CHAS. B. LE?ARD "Prop. Illi lliM li11 1114 111I11II(1911111MN114111111111111111111111111111 Illustrated LectureA,r Prof. A, H. Tomlinson, B. S. S will address a rnecting in NATirtghant, on April t3t1i., itt 8 o'clock, in the-in- rryrests of the Horticttlttrral Society.: The address is entitled ',rbc nest "rcet, tvetgr•eens,+' Shrubs and Per- ennials, .for 1Tonre' Ground Planting;: Mr. 'i'orliliftson : will speak to the school children ,at . 4.1:$ in the town, halt 'i'he everting iaddress for adults tvi t,, tropine tee at 8 o'ttloek and it. sr1W vr.•r..colleetion will `he,t@shell' to•def,ray', e ltitses. FOR Good tvvo 'story 'dvrelling with Stable on lot, will be scold cheap ;o *Ind ttpl art" estate.., l rtsuruttee isNXtdalNaiauh; ar driu a9luN MADE IN:. CANADA. For ',ound service and °ailing ood appearance, there's nothing ke the rt klue suit serge or unfinished std And for smartness, .a nothing :. and . t they give the blue suit its c mete4 We have a full assortment of neW suits 080 Salt's 1VCaaestic Serges fully guaranteed by the. '1VXakers. evartely fr4iiti annaLO ,