HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-04-12, Page 5'.l'hi rsday, April lztli„ reite IT PAYS ISARD ffOIVIE CALTFO'RN14 That word home. sounds good at times, especially to when one levee iii as such 'a fresh, Ittvil oreting climate as ma old Ontario hate Airs. Stewart' uid: I left San Diego oli Tuesday, Iv1arch 21:11.„ at x .o clock p: m„ ou the Santa is Fe train for Los Anee.i.es, Kansas City and Chicago and Ilona Chicago to Port Heron and London to Wing- Tbe toil" �h h ham by G. T, R•., where we landed on Saturday evening at 8.30 >. be- im ing an almost continuous ride on the This is OULtfVihd Ion tor you to vI$I* l0r cars, we were both pit.tty tired, Mrs, am Stewart's sister, Miss E, Cloakey, did n not return with us as she would line Our Stores to see a few more months of Sunny 111 California. ` While at the coast we put �y 11111 in most of the time in and around ,pring S * San. Diego and 1 feel quite s, ttisfied that we did so ae b spending ' three 1 ti Here" ' 'and. one half mouth ' s in one.lot>ality, !!1!I you, get to know considerable about: the climate, the people and a general' outline of the way things are • doe. The ejiinate this waiter has been de- lightful, 1 do not think there were over six half bad days in the three and one half 'months we, spent fhere, and the•people, (most of'then) would sooner live there than go to Heaven, at one old gentleman told a'. preacher, so that 1 can quite understand the ®' people that the climate suits to be And a new sensori means NEW needs for you and NEW stocks for us. AAui s W EVERYTHING YOU NEED QRWANT AND PLENTY OF IT. NI DO YOUR SHOPPING HERE AND SEE HOW CON- VEw'TENT ITe A0 i0 �• boys, and Children's, Ready-To-'V+leat'. nt �0 VA E— -w� , SPECIAL, LU Tn,%adxes Silk Canton Crepe, Serge unci- �' Tricotine- Dresses, �r $10 15.00i-20.00, • 0.J: � + our �l.D`.N..a.�.y Seevalues a let, sAi! d;sa� a� �y u !!!!fa s 9 F e7eQ0.A 9 0 Our 'Range corn fete ita ti isP t L dies Sp eg Coats, new models in all 00l See hemi at d shades, $14.00, 15.00,' 18.00 ®. µ -;� GI.IITGHA1Vi, DRESSES—In Children's, Misses and Women's sizes, - ®. n: Nicely," made in best styles in Plaid and Fancy Check, .fast color Gingham,' Inspect our values. INEEEMEN Coyne in and, inspect our excellent" value in Women's, Men's; good o ostrs , as it is reallywonder- I.,ADIES'.KIMONAS—See our range of new Crepe a� ��yy 0 Kimonats,Silk Trimmed, Bargain at Hca+ a NEW BLOUSES -Correct Models, in New Silk and Silk Crepe 111 • oflousesvalues ate .our range t afro B, S1 �V'9 &,90, •,7in it I G CHOICE' IN WASH GOODS AND EXCEL- _ 1 of a LENT' V'ALUES'. See out large range of Canadian, English, W and Scotch Ginghams,• Ceu ns' English Prints, Chambrays, • In Organdies Silk and Cotton Crepes, Ratines, Plain and Fancy , 0 Voiles and Mu1le!.s 161 sosMwroawo�a,a®►eeaamoeaMaaen..•oM,ra ilk a AGENT FOR LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS- • I laYou don't have to wait for patterns to be sent for: They are here ■ in our Pattern Department. • ti. In0 in 0 In In ®. I in -ar_ Y _ fel to have the bright, ,sunny, warm days,- winter and -suntmerr. However this beautiful climate does not suit al people, 'for the good tinges T'.had,'th best of meals ,and feeling contented is every way, 1 feel -that 1 shduld'have gained at least fifteen pounds bit alas, I went a little the otherway.. I think some people would require to be there a year or two before they wpuic get properly climatized, then they might be ..alright, Atiy way I .arn,well, pleased, that we have; had the vacation: ana feehtliatwe will both be the bet ter of it, Of course most of the friends we.met are sure we will be back next fall to live, but we will make no, rash promises at present, being dyed in the_' wool Canadians. ai I'lrS Wl'34"a]'Ytd :sit4014. paper for weeks to write ever, •t few sentences on ea ila of the interestin,G places and products of : the ;sunny south, for instance, the climate, the people, the trees, sluubs, and, flowers, fruits, soil, t anydns and anouutains. The, placing ofwater sewers and rains, gas {lining;. and the:, duality of water and howl= supplied. The.- way justice is meted out, the •cburehes 'and schools, 'There. being -no Sunday law in California, if you feel like working cm Sunday, .you can work. Yours truly, J. G; Stewart,,•' SALEM Mr, Cecil' Mince returned' to Toron- to, after his vacatidii with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Mines, Mrs Wm: Weir 'returned from Vankleek Id,ill, where she Itas spent - the winter 'with her daughter,' Alrs, John Hartley. Mr, Harold Weir, Misses Hazel Weir and Kethleen Westlake, return- ed to Stratford Normal, after the Eas- ter racation at their respective' homes here. - Mr. Alfred Meahan's sale was sexy well attended and ,very good prices were realized for the stock. Making maple syrup is the order of Engagement' Announced Mr. and Mrs. G. P. 'Nickel of Lis - fl =towel, announce the engagement of I their : daughter, Katherine, to Mr. e Stanley J. Kemp, .elder.soi'of Mr. and 1 met a lot of genuine Americans- and found thein to be very friendly. and talkative. One of our close neigh- bors, a Mr. Smith certainly gaVe me some good car rides, one of ;then„bet ing nearly fifty miles to Ocean side, passing through 1,a ,Jolla, Tory Pines,., Cardiff, incanatis and Carlsbad. This trip being along the. Ocean Breach all'.. the way This was the second good ride' T: had with Mr. Smith up the Beach.. Well "I would not be .doin:g' justice if 1 wouldnot mention Air;: Thos, Porten again. We may tharxk, him for showing tis a large .part of Southern California. "T' contd.-Mention: a few very interesting trips .we had, with Mr. Porter in his car, that eel - :peered to be quite at home, going 5o Siriles''an »hour; but at this time will just mention the laet ride with him about a week ltefo'e we left. The Cuyinaca lake and mountains situated about 50 or 6o miles from. San Diego and being. about 5oo- feet above sea level, hold a little snowuntii•the'early part of summer, so I think Thomas ® was anxious to get a snowball and 11111M11111111411111111111111111INNIENMEMMEMSEINEMIS therefore on the morning at 8 o'clock, we headed .for•the mouutain with a well filied'lunch basket. The day was .BL1JEVALE Mr, A,` E, Sperling of Vancouver, spent' a day . ,las t:, week .- visiting; his mother, at the _home ,of his sister, Mrs. Ed.' Johnston, est., litre; 'Morris: Miss Zelma Turvey.cleft,gn Saturday for her school near Wallaceburg, after holidaying at her .iionie here. ,;Mr. Geo. Eckmier of Jamestown, has sold his' blacksmith business."and .borne to Mr.. Irwin. Mr. Eckmier intends holding. ;a sale on Saturday _next. 1-Je'''intends moving to Ethel, their many friends are.sorry.. to lose them, what is our loss is.Ethel's gain. "Miss V; Berne Eckinief aeettrned to Toronto on. Saturday after spending the Easter holidays with:,her patents. Mr. ,and Mrs. Peter Scott celebrated. the ebth anniversary of their marriage on Monday, April end., at the home of their daughter, Mrs. J. ,Fraser,' Grey Township. Their many friends hope for them many more anniversar- ies. 'Miss. ;Emma Johnston returned to Toronto after spending -Easter at her home here. Another . One Paper Town The .Stirling :News -.Argus and The Stirling Leader have been amalgamat- ed and sold to'Mr. A, .R. Alloway, late of The 'Oshawa Reformer and at one tune' Business' Manager of The Stratford Herald, Stirling is now a one paper town, • ;i. deet"4' !I� :era #h;i'G4 IWiG a, kty 'r;:1' , 11,14 i;t u g • ,,d;"Y a 4,r.:` .. /gym,,.. ors# • •=..mti ..ate W N 5,u F Here's ren Bland Paint ` " 't Fades ar r. HIG,T OA" IRMO TAINT IV.HY S.9 u fw ��:111 That's exactly what it does. Instead;pf growing lighter ' and lighter ;and litany 'looking like a . vt~ashed out blue, it starts in x vivid green "and -then gradually turns darker until it's reached a rich deep green. Then it gets no darker, nee li;rhter, dust stays the way Sou want it to stay. Neither. the salt' sliray of the seashore, nor the lt,ot `pelting" sun have any 'effect epee. it. ' Its narile re 'Love Brothers Per•nianettt Green., Yott can't get` it every- where, but.yon can get it: here. Drop in and we'll show you the color..' Thompson; $lA OWARE'A1 d aveY L' X11 rftr e�Y gitagg perfect and we kept climbing till -we all got the stow ball, we also exam- ined three or four of the old discarded Gold mines that, as we supposed,, did. not pan out, The change of air was very . noticeable on the mountains, more more like Ontario -We got - home about 4.3o p. tri., all tired and sleepy after ouz ride of nage: iles.•-,,• On Wednesday, January 24th,; Thos. Stewart of I3Iyth, landed in San Diego. and was stopping at Mr, McCumrins, next door to -where we were living, so Torn and I spent a couple of weeks together. Almost every day we spent considerable time on the plaza: enjoy-' ing the sightts and sizing lip the daily visitors.. On February, 12th e; Thos, and •1 took. the: train to Los Angeles,•:a distance of about r25 miles and rwas met at the station by j. G. Ross, (in I3luetale:in our boyhood days: we call- ed hire; Jack), so Jack 'took ire home with him. to • Inglewood about 15, miles, where a - dainty: dinner was awaiting us, for leave it to Mrs: Ross' to get tip a -tasty meal. ,„,After having a good old, time chat we went to bed, The next morning, Jack and I and his daughter, .Frances, went to Hawthorn n the forenoon and after clineei, Jack, M rs• Ross and I went to Hermossa, nd'Rodonda and spent an hour or wo on Moonstone Beach, On Feb, Ieth, we went to Los Angeles, passing some of the notable places and streets also vii ting one of the old time Wing - ham blacksmiths, in the person of David Stewart, who was married to a Miss Groves, a:sister of Robt. Groves, Lower Wingham, There are "a few here that will remember Dave, he was a powerful man and he and myself, Thos. Kinsman and jas, Fitipatrick, had our pictures taken one day at noon, with ocr working clothes on, bout 38 or 39 years ago, so needless o say there was a pleasant meeting or a couple of Tours. '.I believe Dave ome, well off, anyway he has a beautiful We also 'visited Pasadena,w fere we net Walter. and Earl Hall, they are looking well and prosperous and were pleased to see us. 1 was sorry we missed, seeuig•Albert Coiling, 1 wile, not forget J. G. Ross,' Mrs, 'oss and daughter, Frances, for J. G. d nothing for the week only keep s car lit good running order and itertaining their visitors. We visited ollywoocl, the 'homeof the movies,, 1 Shda, Del. Ray, Venice, Ocettn. ark, San Amonica, ` Glendale and ong.I3eacli, where we hacl • some naps taken, and from there 1 took re Auto bus to San Diego, a distance about Soo guiles along the. Ocean each alt the way. There' is so much to tell after spend- ing', three and one half months in Southern' California, that I don't know where to start, for 1 feel it would. occupy LaL considerable space in the. a a t is h. 1r di hi rt tl of lbw tectly t';itt Syesisdisse:. N''.A!`O. °jralar A 'I1401HA:t+f ONI''. Mrs; R. T. Kemp, Listowel, The marriage to take, place this month. Mr. Kemp is a brother of',Mrs. R. A. Carrie of Wingbarn,' EAST WAWAN0GI;1 Aiieses May McBlireeir and F -scans l3eeereft, ,returned; Moine from; thr it visit to New .York on Monday. 'Mr. Lewis ,J3,one hadtlte'misfortune to cut hisfoot with. the axe on Moir., di y xraorxti.ng, severing 'an artery": He w;a;; putting on a fire to boil down sap, • Misses Edna and Lila Jaines etaturn- ed''to their schools •rxt: Aston, and Grand Bend, Ittiss ,Stella James had her adenoids and tonsils removed in London Mos- pital, during the holidays: WHITEC1 U,RCH Our teachers ;and students have all returned to: their respective schools this week,' Mrs, Wesley Leggatt and children, Leila andGordon, are visiting with bhrera��y parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mow Mr � Miss LAndrei)aw I-i„Foxurnp,, hrey of St. ,elms, spent the week -end with her.. aunt, The U. F. 0, received their ship- ment of grass seed lastweek and are expecting a car load of gasoline this Mr. MiIas McM Man's horses thet were tied at the, elevator on Thurs a dy morning were frightened by some dogs, running away, turning the load of straw upside down in the ditch at, the station.gate, and then running ort,. got around telephone post and broke the harness, Mr. Thomas Field of Wingham, •i» tends tor st.i t a beef ringin these parts) in.. the' summer and deliver on Wednesdays. of • - ss NorahFalconer ha.sone to La r6 nbside to attend to her aunt, Miss Astoomars MF 1'.ALVLIS} }r.l £!.1 a"PRACTIC, ` a1U -:n F'x' O ELSE,:. YOU'LL RIFT„ Proverb DON'T spend all yon. get. 'Ope'n a Savings Ancotn:rt and deposit all youar. surplus dollars there regularly-., 11 yon spend all your anning:.a;s you ,get it, the'day will comeevedeen, you are coma peIled to stand aside and watch others press forward to grasp the prizes of life. ' 'WiNQHA BRANCH -C. P... matt, Manager � cJ Ellen .Falconer, who is suffering in GOOD NIGHT! tensely from rheumatism.' I've •a 'letter in my pocket, ket don'tMiss Maxie Ivlitchell Wingham, want xiy wife to sett. , i ,1' spent' Sunda at the Manse.she e If she finds:it; Ill have trouble, Born -;...an 4 Men, Monday, April 9th., to will spoil thedayfor': me Mr. and: Mrs. Denney.. 1 p I? ..T, Ia�Ga�gor...ot: i� carat bitten it � and �^-Wou • nit �, x td -rc: Teeswateii, •a son. lo throw the thing away., Mr. , r. A' 'ex� ltilo'bati 1 w r of B 1 ra e�a e $ v , What if any oiii'sh.auld find i#. spent . sp Sunday with his parents liege. There would. be the ..deuce„:terpay, Mr. Alex., McCrae has purchased a Here d ane upon. the threshold of stay Gilson engine and sawing outfit front happy homier alack! Guelph, ' T? ,and expects to be busy saw- 1, was told to mail her letter,;and I've Mg wood: soon: brought the .darned thing back- I=1 At Left: Heavy weight: •All Silk Canton. Pleated panel front, new irregidar hent Brie. • Soft-,.oned embroicdery adds ind'viduauty on sleeves, also glimpsed at tvaistundersofely bloused bodice, Black, Navy, Negro. r6-ao, 36-4a At Right: Flying pleated panel flutters over.. fluted side draping. Oddly beaded ornament holds panel; and knife -pleated Georgette forms part of sleeve terminating in a petal cuf. Ail Silk Canton Crepe. ' Black; Nauvi Negro. :16-20, 36-42. hou it PARIS MODELS be, Limited to the r i .I a t*,:r Few a HIS Spring and Surrtmer ycnx can be ds smartly gowned as y thou h you g bought on )Fifth Avenue or the Rue de la Pair. McMULLEN makes' the art of being' well. -dressed possible forwomen of .modest means.. .At prices you . can well afford tet pay, you can now indulge your craving for exquisite dresses of silk and sports fabrics.. in a flock of rare colour bleedings, wirier some silks and modish There is in every McMULLEN model a touch truly Parisian -the verve and lure of advanced styles that will not be seen elsewhere for months to come. No natter how low .MCMULLEN prices may seejta to you, you will find the silks of a rare quality, the tailoring and work- man ship ork-manship exquisitely done. So very unusual is the combination of style, quality and price that Well-dressed women Who are prepared to pay more are content to pay less . Look' for this Label out' fabrics, trim flattering lines, Oeitui»e2yfchfi/iL1NDreacs McMULLEN frocks and sports dresses will kee o , ail, ,"rF Ali pace ahead of the very: neWes'i spring and summer fashions. The ONE frock trade for .YO£,I, adapted to your• figure, your txsste,per- son al aer-sonal ty, pocke,t-book is waiting liar you. See the McMULLLAr Dresses rit the store which advertises thein in .yOur local -.papers. Sold at the bet tore. • The HENRY McIviLi LEN GO, LIMITED, Montreal n phrts stor6 n, ni m ith a reputation for ;Pine iulercllandise rill' gladly show you the newesr 1.1.clyttratN Styles 4