HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-04-12, Page 1.t; 0 do II ‘0 p rialrIci. the • 'Single Copes, lateter Cerits, New Spiing Clothes Sloarne, representing C9P,PieY, Noyes and Randall triad° to inieasure custoin clothes will be at J. Mills' store, TuesdaYa'APril ratite. aod everting •to demonstrate and take Orders. " lectur 4•44,444.4.1 under the saolormunmacucceammew races o the Hortic t ral, Society, Ingham e.44,44,44tamossawmasedassamel .0.4014,4444...444.444.4:4•*.a4.01. •414404.4momailloasilloc.40:1641$414114•1411J --- - SENTENCED FOR LIR THE TOWN tOUNCIL To the Editue av the Advance, Deer Sur:— Whin 1 wus out eet the ould far - rum a wake arr two ago, 1 shpint wan itoight'wid me ould fraud an oaybor, ,Shtev-e Staubbles. Ye know Who mane/fer be has taken. The Advance •fer •manny years, Grit an all as he is. Shteve is waa av the •beshe nun ye cud ivir,mate, an the quiet -est in some ways. 'r-le.nrvir •seved anny money, an barrin'ehe slitartin av a family av tin byes an.girruls irt loife, 1 an his good ould evoife Inv nothin to show fer long years ay harrud ,avorruk. Same av theer childer hev done well, alt want thim to retoire but they pre-, ftr to shtick arround on the ould far - rum, depindin on hoired hap, none ay theca own chador carin for farrum loife. Av coorse Shteve vvus glad to see me an we had a rale ouldfashion- ed chat. A$1 toeld ye, Shtcve is quare, at lashte payola tink he is, bein as he shtudies tins out fer hinasila not hey in much book iarnin. I belave if he had an eddication he moightelletr been a philosopher, arr mebby it wuct hev .shpoiled hini. "1 suppase ye do be enjoyin yersilf 'foine in. town, Tim," he sed. 'The chador want me an the missus to 'neve into Wingharn an they •will see that we hey iviryting we nacle, an m.ebby we are a pair ay •shtubborn ould pa plc nol to take theer offer. but we are niore eontinted the,ould. farrum, an plaze God, we will Ind our days here. 'T -will not be fer long now, fer our sintinee is nearly over, an thin we shall be at liberty.' "Yer sintince mant." sez 1, "1 don't undersettand ye, shore, ye nivar committed a croime in yer loife, an what wud ye be sintinced fer?" "1 uridershtand, sez, he, that theer do be payple in the wurruld who belave we are punished in this loife fer what we hey done in same future wan, but 1 don't take army sht,ock in that slitory eiesilf, but all the same, eviler wan av as, on the day that he Is barn, receives a sintince fer the term av his natural loife, an rnoslit av us wid hatrud, labor, Some, piebby git theer sintinces rejuced fer gortal con- duct, but it looks as if me an,you, Tina/loud hey to sarve out our whole talafee•••,, I hope the woife an me will hey enough money to kap& us troo to the ind, an that theer will be, .enough lfft in the ould fareuin, over .4444144.10,14,11440 14.7.14•440.4som.31.341/041011 WiNa.:ZHAM ONT«, THURSDAY, APRILA.2th, 1823 EvEgYoorrrsCOLUMN AUCTIQN, .,S41 -..F. -1'a 1 n, •F a r nt ' • Sat o c k Implement& •McLaughlin t o, Household. Furniture; at .14.0,atle half of Lot 2, Con."4,..More • isit Wedttesdaa, April lath at ,o cheek, sharp. ' " Je•T. Biydges Administratar ' ',• aanies• Taylor,'Atectioneere --Richard Procter Clerk. 1.5CTXON 'SALE—I-lorses,- Cattle', Pigs, Play, Etc„ ab -Lot 3, Con. 7, Tarnberry, x mile west of Salem Church,°on Thursday, April „ TaPor-&'Son,'PrOps, John" Purvis; Auct. BABY CHICKS CHICKS AND EGGS FOR -- hatching, froth my heavy laying peris, S. C. White Leghorns, Bar- -red locks, Black Minorcas and affalibgaey Russian Orloffs. Write , for price list. Incubators and brood- ers for sale. If interested write for eatelogues. Duncati Kennedy,. Box 12 •Whitechttecn Ont Phone 42-6 CATTLi WANTED -:--For Pasture, - running spring and spting creek. apply to Mrs. jas. Bone, Phone r.41:621 Belgrave. "BRAIN Y.t.aUR FARM WITH Everlasting Clay Tile. When You build use burnt clay brick, Made by Wm, Elliott & Son, manufacturers • -TA 'Rag and 17tthite prick, Drain Tile, 3,to x6 inches, ,Flooring Tile, Hol- low 'Building Blocks, Well- Bricks, Chimney "Flues, also agent for Mil- ton press and./Zug Brick. - Phone 6 on 605, Wrn Ellioti & Son, Gletfannat, Ontario. 7? -0.R. SALE In the' village of Bel ..ii•ave," a comfortable frame honse, ,with seven. rooms and woodshed,' e ,lecre of land with stable and hen- house on lot, for further particulars, ,apply, to,. • Mrs. David "Sprbat, Make Grants and Decide On Wiring Town Hall The regular monthly meeting. of the Wing -barn Town Council *as held on Wednesday evening. A communication as read from the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, in which the regitested` payment of an accoura for care of a little girl from Wirigham. Tbe coancil felt that as they did' not send the child there and that the business men bad taken up a collection for her that they' were not liable. HoWeyer, the matter was left with the finance committee, A letter from the relief committe,e for Northern Ontario Fire Stifferers, asking for further, assistance ttieo statement showing them $17o,000 be- hind with prospects of a further $350,- oce 'needed, was read and fylcd. • A letter front the ;Hemilten City Council asking he Wingaarn Council to petition the Ontario Government to allow all amusement tar -fees col- lected in the town to be kept itt a fund for charitable institutions; hospitals; poverty, eta, and spent in the town or City in which snail amnsement tai is collected. On motion of councillors Greet and Mitchell their request was granted and it petition will be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer and for- warded to the Provincial Government. A petition was read from Henry Fixter and others askieg the council for a street lamp to be placed at the corner of James and Sbuter Sts. The council decided to make a few changes in street lamps and grant their, re- quest, . On motion of Councillors Smith and Willis the property committee was in- structed to adyeetise for tenders for the wiring' of the taktat- hall. Speci- fications for same to be drawn up by Supt. Herb. Campbell. Applications to be in by-I:Tuesday, May 1st., at 4 P. By -Law No, 913, 1923, -was read three times and passed,. This is a by- law to raise $15,300 by the issue. of debentures, covering a period of 2o as it had been during the last tour Posters—Willie Taylor, Dorothy was held on Thursday evening in the years and bearing interest at the rate . months, it would go. Several hydro Hammond, Charlie Mclaibbontown hail, The committee are Mayor i of 6 per centper annum, to Pay for ' ' Elliott, Reeve Tipling-, Mr. C. R Wilk- t the pavement on. Josephine- Street, articles were cited thca gave a much Winners of Medals— better • euarantee than similar goods South, • Hall o Friday ev ..Vpips,.migio.H.gtEm.4• ...MEDAL .COAITEST..,.' Collections Will Be Taken, To The In Niethodist Church Under Auspices Shop of W. C. T. U. The Wingliant Commiesioo On Friday evening last ,there was held their, regular monthly meeting on held in the Methodist elturca', a medal 'Tuesday and the fireworks shot be- contest, under the auspices of the W. tween Commissioner Gurney' and C. T. U. Too great Praise cannot be given to the woinen of this organiza- tion for the efforts they Put forth, and the Witold good they are doing in en- cooraging the boys and girls in public speaking and singing. We are cola vinced that the public generally, do not apareciate these efforts to the de- gree they ought or very much larger attendance would be registered at the business the scrap was over transfer- t •ts. • ring of the collections for Electric The Rey. Caaireee Craegt Pastor of the Power and light from the town 'clerk's Methodist church, presided and the Mayor Elliott was at times spectacule ar to say the least. The Advance had intended reporting it verbatim but we decided that a few of the sen- tences would not look well in print and so many sentences were repeated that our readers might think we had visited someone cellar before writ- ing it up. However, to get down to office to the bydro shop. . Mayor Elliott was not in favour of the collection being- taken from the clerk's office, nor was he in "favor df the running of the hydro shop at ill because he felt sure it would ,be a fail - following program was rendered. The quartette frore St. Andrews Presby- terian Church sang ',lead. Kindly Light"; Mrs: Armitage and Mi$s Jean Christie sang; "The Garden of Your Heart ; Mr. Hanrnore, sang "The tire. The council were not in favor Holy City"; and the Methodist Quer - of the running of a shop nor of the tette, "Carry Me back to Old Virgin-, Electric account beieg collected away ia." Rev. ,Mr. Snell of St Peels from the trea.surer's office, Auglican church gave one of Drum- ' Mr. ,Hohnes sctid. the commission mond's readings, on the French Can - were elected by the people and he be adians. lieved their judginent to be as good The contests both in Elocution and as the council's. He fitvored the Singing wereemost closely. contested.. change of collections so thctt people In Elocution only x3; marks between al could. see the goods tlicy had for sale the first .and second, and only to be- p evlien in settling 'their account's. tween, first and last. In the singing tiornemonnumil .111, tkfit, Sobe 1 this $0 e 1 s, T and 111011l 11 'Ho le WE HAVE 150 RUBBER I3ALLS TOPS AND BOXES 0 = 45 MARBLES WHICH WE ARE GOING TO GIVE AWAY— , Ls Mr. Gurney thought a was a fair contest, the competition was very keen proposition and should receive fair and all the contestants deserved hon - ,consideration. lf the mayor's.attitude arable mention, • . • was the attitude of the council, the an addition to the singing and reel - commission should act independent tations, there were contests in Essays of them.• and Posters. Mr, F. W. French in .0n being asked by Mr. Gurriey what his opinion was, Mr. 'Hera, Campbell seid: If the council' and eommission do not get together and quit knocking hydro it would be impossible for him to makeatbings go. He urged the•co- announcing. t winners le the essays. To every boy or girl making a purchaee of,25 cents will give them their choice of the above FREE --- WHILE THEY LAST --- SEE OUR WINDOW --- oa over, i 61( 9 or), rug Store . 03 Win 11 sr am, nt. 111E1111 II 1111411I II Ill 1111111I111111141.11 1111111113111 II il IIIIIII1111011112111F3111 rri TAG j tre41. Ste/le Phone3S rwl MEMORIAL COMMITTEE lary, with a lifean ember.shi pin SUIt''' took occasion to offer a criticism or ebb- engraved. Mrs. J. ,Corton. so on some who were too extreme in d G T I read ail address or appreciation o Holds First Meeting an ets o their presentation and commended Mrs. Musgrove's services and made very highly the three who carne first, Work I the presentation. Mrs. ,' Musgrove ' . i made a suitable reply, thane:tog the The first meeting of the committee iladies for their kindness throughout a.ppointed by the Magi -Lam town 1, her years of office, after which lunch t ouncil to erect a war - roemorial at o was served and a social hour spent, • Wingham, in ,accordance with the wish of the people as expressed by their vote given on New Year's Day, saying that their essays would do operation of every town official and credit to the and, or 3rd. grade in the citizen ,and more especially of -the High School. press. • He said that • under present The winners. in various contests are conditions he had no enc.ouragernent aS follows:— to go ahead. He thought that if the Essays—Dorothy Davis, Estella. shop was as successful In the future Bennett and Nora Beattie. 4, 'Mot -ed by Councillors Mitchell and from other companies. Mr. Gurney suggested that the com- p 0 . an above the mortgage, to bury us Smith that -the following. 'custorna'ry allow.$400 for collections at etato ale who assisted to make the eee Smith. The only absentee was Mr., Elocution, Willie Brawley. • Singing; Gertrude McDonald: A special vote of thanks was tender- inson, Mr. D. E. MacDonald, Mr.. Reg. S. Williams, Dr. A. J. Irwin, Mr. Ab- ' ner. Cosens • and Councillor A. G. NOTicE! 1`01\TE -CENT SALE graYea aa• (Jacinth. An What does it .matther grants be given:— imasion The sen-annual•One Cent •the store and that $roo be allowed the ening such a great success with spec- Cosens, who was ili at his home, Mr, ROR SALE—Two Calves, tetee whin, laiee Whithereye laye tin, National Sanatorium . . ....... 5,00 clerk for the remainder of the evork.lial mention of Mr. Posliff and Miss C. R. Wilkinson was appointed chair.' 1 --week,s' old, Apply td , thousand dollars, arr twinty thousand Town Band 350.00 Mooed by Gurney. and seconded by; Reynolds for the f..great interest they man and A. p. Smith Was appointed • arr a. million fer that matther, arr only. 'Wingliam Fall Fair ......... . .. ..... oroo.00 Hoanes that electrical worlabe done had. shown and efforts rnade in !weer- secretary-treaSurer;• -4-00•00 in the shop outside of treasurership 1 ing the various contestants. The committee are advertising- for Lower wawaara tin cints? Ye can't take witty an it wid Wingliam Gen. Hospital • • ye. . The.. ould king av Aygipt troid linron Colloty Childeen's Aid....., 5o.00 designs and specifications of mentor.. • d f • that le e v oo—' Sale will hen at • fildibbori s Mfg Store 'FOR SALE-a-Ba.by Cerriage: Apple thattganie, are now; efther tousands ay. Wingliain. Horticultural Society_ 25,00 Carried. '10EGlliourneytvoantd Hd Naolmese. voted i Made To 1Yleasure Clothes ials costing from $35oo to .S5000, April 1 9,' ,:20, 21 : • Mrea Tindall Ritchie. years they bruk into his tomb an The understanding with the Agric-ea, Order your new spring suit and fe •w •we e r of the opinion that the:, FG OR SALE OR EXCHANE—On ai,staole awl his •tre.su ares," • lateral Society is that by iecre,asing • . • Yand t e Phis means that after this month overcoat at J. A. Mills' store , on Tues- only place for the monument would :•-a .• Av••coar8e•1 can't reminther half that alien- grant, • they will leave their tne sending Out of accounts For elec- day, April. 7th. Ee:elosive models and be in front of. the town hall and othe.rs , hew tvrole't or Fora aleuung • . • • agrounds open all 'year foe the us0. of thought the little triangular Corner on 111.'etilli tric power and liglit and the collection; fabrics • t t • • a very 1110C era e pi it CS. 'ter, the following machine ry lRertilizer Drill, 12 hoe; eingle ald.,lbg Plow, bath John Deer make; thirteen spriog tooth cultivatbe; set iron.- harrcees.scler, Peter •aLtntiltan make;. I Viking Cream SIlteVE Said,. ter 111.C' is Oat • ' ' what a Wal1C.0 , 11S ta e. about , sP of same will be attended to by the which Mr. Cosees insurance office is _ g"-1 ; Wedded At Evanston, Ill. tocemdee tile ,av a shioky /Tie brother Flats, which is considered by many • • • lir and el rse Archibald McGilli- place if the land could bc purchased -• bank deposits will be left with Mr. a • Illaallaelllatillfaill111111S111111 loile beht a sintinceaso to shpake, re- an afteenoen on the Lower Winghant in the hydro shop and a copy of the , situated, would make 'an excellent •a•I - • WAR MEMORIAL Matt tould ene about a• fellah :in the an a ea • camptug ground, vi•ay of Wineammoannounce the mar- and suitably 'elevated and terraced. Ls - West that they call6d. 1-!eaee River The mittter of closing all eating Galbraith for him to cnter' the,cash hooks riage of their daughter, Jean, to Mr. Others are in favour of the monu- Coermittee • 'appointed,. to N beparatoratapaetty d,,,,..d,,,,..lbs r set of Jim, ?Way back he the early' days he- .h0 e us e • s rply - /45 on -Sunday ev- . Doubtless tin audit will be made at thc• end of the month. = make final arrangements for the 112-1, Dalid.Robertson, on Thursday, April mem being erected on the Presbyter - •at• C- • • - 1, f 111011Y wae performed by Dr David a•ould be an ideal location as it is most it- memorial at Winghant„. in rade- — gs came in for a good deal of etia, laeanstoli, Illinois. The- cere-lian church lawn on Jesephine St.:This 63. ereetion of an appropriate war ea.* log aleighs. attitehinery•is 'bread f"r theer wee nnich railway west a -v• enin, Mae CamPbell asked chairman ol- ,e-ee „oa - eee- eee.. ...—e • a ear— Wm ei peg. This fellah se( f met, and the commission permission -• • 1. lei e to cot Icism. I Ticei teat a coup a a • for 'further particulars to • a Wii"P. • ,t in, a book that nobody cful tinder- Day ikc. a, long eat' oa s nt ncelPerege ph • from the .„aoreen Lord's D i i Act wi et t states tro6sbave the new hedrant fait in on e ephine St., opposite where the old • - Church Mr. end Mrs, Robertson left 1-Iugh Jones of the Fihst Presbyterian alrew Vox, lenpletien.e•Detilere I • 1 • • Y• 1' immediltel , for Toronto where they ' I Jim's only remark evus,,alarrud loines,' every (ay in the week mity..,gore meals tilizer builclitio• request wee r c.. t att p aees regularly seriing mea s •• • : lutclh shtand, whie.autyting Whit :wrong,hydrant was at thc corner of the Fer- FOIe' SALE --Cottage. For pa'rtietil- an he let it go at ahat. Anny losses I all day granted on motion ,of Commissioners W. D. Varey Laid At Rest ars, apply to Mrs. 3:- T. ,Boardmaa• Pleasant Valley. ERTILIZER—We are Girths Ag- ents for Shur Gain Fertilizer and 2Tankage, from which,' you get the best results. Always a stock- 011,the mq rru b t b. d t $ we observe the Lords Day and not make ,c 3 1,1 U. onk o -e kin change enny av thine For a a day of buying and selling. Tt Wm. Dunbar, Beigrave, summer an whither, h, the intention of the council ee they , ac • Sunday. rile sale of goods to ..arr delays arr eeaa,tioee be' sed had as , be taken off the premises, iS however, Elliott and Gurearj The members of the Lions Club, al- asmucli to., do wid the ;nap:nil iv tinge Illegal, rile following inoentory and it was in order to put a • • ' taP• to •thistahat the by-law• was put of the tended the 'funeral service of the late , wheer. the worriats whit staraight a, •am the )oo s. 1 k stock and sales at the shop was read lea D. \Tarty, which • was held on ' alien,a evidout• e slitop. All dam tings' ana foled: It seems too bad to make stringent Thursday afternoon iii the Vainghani that worry us ear l'once punktuashon ' Sales for 3ttnuary, e$297,14; Febrn- rttles in order to compel foreigners to Methodist clon•ch. Rev, C. E„ Cragg marruks. in a' book an help OW' Witt ary, $; March, $433.81; Total .conducted the service, and urged the should repeal the by-law 't FOR SALE—Wicker Baby 11,1.,......,... been troyin to git a parthy organized i to see to 1 a""aaa to thrayel overland to the Peace River and parlor organ. Apply to Counthry an At lasht he sine:Ceded. tune $37.5.00, -.............................1011 Paruntil Monday morning when —__ P. MrcCONNELL.—Real Estate An nivir sew a happier man then Jim Chief Allen reported having weigh- d. eel coat from the wag,ons of two of the 1922' P435'38' the funeritl ',.v..t.s held to Wingliam extra special bargain, 1 brick touse, frum whin they slitarted out till they cam eter3r. •ceineet barn and II acres 0 gond got' to the intl. av the journeY. "Tis dealers as follows: From Cantelon's -land will' be sold. right. Roy aftindy. Me brother Matt trivia ilia that he that no restatizatit is allowed to sell $ee.4.0; rent e4,50; Total al0a7•05. from Loe A.rigeles, the remains were 10.001101001.164.100000101100110000101300043101020.0112001011011000P central but whether or not it will be chosen is with the board of managers of the church to say. The committee will meet on Mitt - at., to open the tenders for designs. 1 Appreciation Of Services A pleasing eerent took place at the on-ian M issio Lima eoeuey eeting of the Methodist church on Tuceday afternoon, when Mrs. .Musgrove, who stock on heed.. Maach 3oth., 1923, men to take warning by the sudden has been Treasurer of the Society for the past twenty-five years was pre- sented by the members of the Auxil- erial, $579.45; labor, $99.8o; shades, fact ,that a brother had not arrived $1313•89; Analysis 01 sales' LattlPs, death of others, and to live each day $88.6o; appliance& $282.3o; wiring mat- as the3• would the last. Owing to the = embrance of the boys, who gave ea tat e.e. their lives en the great 'wee of 1.4. - 194-1918, respectfully reque.st the citizens to send in the full .77---= names of any relative or friend, e-,... who was a citizen of Wingham, aTa when they enlisted and who has F. atal. been killed or died from eervice • Le...a. in the war. Seri,d, names to A. G. Smith, 7-2.- Sec'y. of Committee ED:, 1 itn1010114111111Millitilll III 116111/1111111100111111114 on•• Sunday, if they are Callg111 thE ----Y Contracts tinder way at the Present taken to. R. A. Currie's 'Undertaking will be severely dealt with • 4110,11SE AND LOT FOR SALE-- , Itt the village of Whitechurch, the property of the late Mrs. James Mc- Clenaghate Small frerea house with splendid, gardeo.Everythmg passesan the W e floerS b100mlx4 fua rn- Sae sh was ,ut i0 repllOU that each schols. If WItigham school received enth•e service will be in the hands of o iin good rePair. Apply tai, insht the thrall., the woilet ducks build- seek weighed about 24 lbs. We would the saine grant cis rural schools they the Sundey School. The music will be Mrs. R ,j, potpie, whiaham, - , in theer 11011115 besoide the lakes, an therefore judge that both coal dealers would receive about StSoo per year by a Stmday School choir, while the or Mrs, Herbert Laidlaae, R 1, the pons faedin in the valleys. Vis, are giving good hottest rneastt're. The Lront the GOVer11111ell 1. instead. of the, -, dravers, lessons and sermon will be in - taieknow Ontario, s 4 goo c 1 ity 'ti • d ou ILI ' but 'tie betther eOuncil 'requested the chief to weigh large stun 01 $92.00, which theY re- charge of 'various members of the school. of coke Grants To Urban Schools Mr. Will Herod of the '1'. Eaton Co., it long thrall byee " he wud say "but. Nvagon, a load of 16 bags •At a incetin of the larbao Associa- represented that firm at the funeral, tis a foine count:hoe at the hid' aa the WhIch Was selling for iteao lbs. weigh- ed 1043 and from MacLean's wagoe, non a strong las journey." • D'ye, notice how much • . . caution was framed St. Pauls Church Notes clearer the air is as we calmly near a ,sinolar load of T3 bags weighed calling upon the, proviecial Govern- Next Senday evening the -services the stmeet. 'Tis a good 'counthry even too 14S, COLIneil 112r Smith enquired merit to give the game grants 10 nr- here wid the chinooks blowia. le•oo the from the chief what the Weight of the ban schools as they now give to rural in St. Peels church Will be Sunday School Missionary Services and the OST--1-lorse Blanket, sornewhere tnrer the river, The loines do be gettitt bread arid test milk sold by dealers, ceived.laNr yej„•,. etnirch., on-Marelt Eieder 'I to be Ta0 ' ' a • na.ft • • VV 0 T1 "1. 1 0 C t 1111 1 ian . -1 .t1 tue, . . Built. A •Residence , P1 12111,, a Mis- e between, Wiegham •and Whit; e- aisle r to undershtctrid, Theer and eic hope to loave a report itt the , dly leave same at this office.; Used to think. ' . Ort the lasht day of the journey, jinx Tto ,Lommittee.o the, what(' and eoul•ale vaeOlii• 101s and tin:" ' offering will '-(,;(i in aid of AV A. • work. service f the to m . College, oc- moind if hepushedalong be himailf, . 'a • • hause on Minnie .St, It Is Mr. Wraith's , Mr, Beasley of Huron lade yarn mitt :inthde., somewhere AraWingttarna 241as he wanted to slimed a few lour intentim1 tO a large new- dwell- , cupied the pulpit of St. .Pauls cburch rt- • sionary. 'ace will be given by Mrs. ,J, After the meetine the council went Mr, Geo, 'Wraith lois Purelallsed a F. McCracken from 3 tO 5.30. The ' 111 LOST-BlaCk Fur -Mitt 'Wilk red "and asked "the' other byes if they wtid ciscussed the efficiency of the fire Stable north of ,Mr. G. T. Robertson SIMI tadtee hooted. .ate kaidta reio,e•;:at:thi,office.• awl alcme he the. soide' ay: the o'reqt tIOnatiOns TO HOspital Inc house on this sue, during the sum- on Sunday, owing td the absence of • . 1?ea.ce River' he had been troyin awl 1 Itt. following donations have heen 11101 1.10 very much pleased to Rev. w, Snell on ttecount of ill - e. (TEN ERS 1/V be recetvctfor the hie lotfe to rayche, An so it wtis they received by the 14ospit$11. 'Tlu'rrtk you, le 1131 of Mr. Wraith's e,nterPrie, and ness in his hom0. wiring of the Winghant , Iowa Halt, ttp to Tuesday,.May at Specifications may • be seen at the office. of .t11.0 Town Clerk. Lowest • or Any teadele hot netessarily ac- cepted. , laa, A, Galbraith, Town Clerk. ENDER,,5—,-Will be received for the renting of the Winghatn Grounds, Ltd,, itt either, of (he rol- xst.— 'he pasture outside the race Jiin had. read his 5111111100 10 to the in& fo.V eases ,of scarlet fever Winghare, Wineliam for to stay, erhe floods are where he since followed the employ- '21td•-,-The hay in centre of tmck ntoore .av it, btu, thruslytin .0% ------1,101...1,.tfor the co-operation ot een, . , • t I f a found him besorde the level' ale mxt e„,,olue ..agalm. The Order of the Eastern to keom vial ars1 tau i and le at 0 toug,ht. 1 e had a shtub aV a phicil grave, 6 lb. beef, I cake; Mrs. W, j, severe attack of the flu, Word was received on Saturday of 13e1- both well again after their receat Died Iit Manitoba Mani:ill tapin pacefully as they star, ;i1.0.00; Mrs. W. Robinson, in his Wend, an naceevraten in his note- Greer, 4 kitchen aproes; Mrs. 'sera, e t he death at Waskada, Ma it, of John • „ . , , . , . book, "So this is the ind ay the Jour. e jars area; Mrs. kn. .t . „. The Flood Is I-iere . / ( lil& on, 5 jai s ......— Stalker, a former resident of this sec- neY; well, it has been it long wan art fruit; Mrs. Dodds, 2 jurs fruit; mrs, The Wing -ham prairie and flats arc lion. He was a son of the late Fran- moshtly pleasant. 1 am tored an het- .1% J. 301111$t", 2 iars •IellY. Mi .s 'a 1 a covered with water from the yearly cis and Mrs. Stalker, of Mullett bound- , s, „ ru c , titer yo to shlape, thal Whin the Mowbrey, jars fruit, sprint; freshet. 'ro the pel.son, whO !ary, and his early boyhood was spent other byes come the mathin. eve had not seen this groutal flooded be- in and around Auburn. He was mar- t Vt. Help Check The Disease -can cross over tee detect' an take up fore, it seems it$ though a lake l.en teed to Miss Amy Scott of Morris, , toaowitig parcelsao, , claim% wheer the betther l'utd is " Owing to the fact th1. at there OAT a sprung trpm somewhere and settled and went \N eet twenty years ago, • • c. ' tmd.erehtalidin sOme av it, guessin at Dr, R. L. Stewart, M. H. O., wishes 11100 not nearly so bad this year as ,,they meat of auctioneer. I)eceased leaves C • aa ' familyI 1 E A il tl 11 'd' tt 1110 entire grounds inside and tohnoi, an tow he had come to a full, every citizen keeping this disease us 1111(1 on aster tin ay, or. 7 a, an( one son, a tea teg m le est, enthi'de of track, , shtop at lasht. "Tis what will happen from sp,reading, We reprint the fol. 1912, the water waS UP to the floor Resides his immediate family be is 'retders to he seated and le the wid us all, leaving' 'Extract from See, 53 of the or Ihe root bridge a heigla or twenty-. survived by four brothers and two Sil- 4 P, on Friday,. April e0th. Timothy Ilay. mice to conummica.ble aiseasei-- titee Peoptc were rescued from their Stalker, East Wawanosh; Witham of e,St 4;if arta' teed& , not hect8Satily hands of the secretary on, or before • 'Y'ours, till Matt wake, ' 'Ontariti laeblic Health Act with refer- tN,vo feet froth. the river bed. At 1:114, tors, namely: ..Nitessrs. Robt. and F. D. r •• 44 "Whenever any householder knows or homes in boats and others moved ' to ' Woodstock; james or ilapanee,; Mrs, lisS re4$9,p,to4 suspect that any person the. upstalr, apartments, arid at that ',R. J. McGee, East Wawanesh; and ce,-4!!1"tAe." 0,' Smite Seca? A loette I he" MacDonald C tedy Co.,' of within his' family or household, or the water was only a few inebes from ,,' Mrs', D, Geddes of tielgrave. 'rhe late j ', t ' re .e.p will ti It ' t 1 , ji 0,: i le g wi .1, I i 1 a'th li s, Grotto 8, Ltd, —.mew —Itid, put 0 , ft S. OW in the aoatd, ig y .ot, n witit ‘i m 1 8 any• .. e eel, rig , 'John Stalker was in attendance at a k k.,, , „ . r C ,i.,.., ,. , .4"'''''''""'''' ' TOW11 Hall, Winahana April 24th., nut communteable disease, he shall, Within '' he oWners of the 'Nice it '1111 Might faintly 11 0111011 held at the home of J;t3)-",k,„00111,,,,„ers, o„„"' borders. der tile anapleas of the 10(teb' Tuxis twelve ' hoties, givo notice thereof to do well to Put on, boat tat:es, we be.. his sister, Ivira, D. Geddes at, Londe's- ars, \I'm, J4e11_2., '", Sqtntre, Admission 25c and 40e1 child- the Secretary of the local hoard of hove it would be as good a scheme 1 boro, four years ago. Shun'. then the Veasanf, Valley.ren, lace itteltallag Wae Ittaalhaelared health' otl to the' mediae! tater of , financially as the' horse race8 have , 'Stalker tattillY have had Rtr'e deatl1S,— Wm. CrU0St'S'h011Se. '' aeatplan at VeKibbottls l'')raki Store, health:" ' ' , ' , , 111(10 during'the Past l'A'AM ,Y,611.`% ' BlYth' Standard.' , , , • A 0 .10.4 We're ready for Spring plowing with a $pleilcltcl line of Plow Shoes—LTRE BE,ST THAT'S MADE. We are showing several good styles and we guarantee every pair of Farm Shoes we sell, because the very best leather and' shoemaking goes into them, $3.50-", • you art ititereeted, in gaod Farm Shoes, you'll baiti ed in o ra, for EARM SHOES could not be made better, '14 0 OD 8140 T at- • 4