HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-04-05, Page 7•
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:O. 1.4,0
• 41.tieS, de!ligiviete, traYelrine0g.ii.ito•
WhOte Verean,H de,:ie• t.oe'eenaPe•-
• ,tirtee .f tome. the ''artifielai. atiOqe,'
lirE lia•Whical tbey liye, axd freal the
rigid etiqUette w1drsystrruxds
. , Queee. Mary, for eXample, has -visite meat indoors-. Recovery from thieecon:
',',.•ed from time to time, theapo.oreat (Mar- dation is often slow, but it can ba•hae-
,tens of London tendonaay other ,lil g tened la the use o a rue tone mi
eller •eities in the guise of a district eine. Strength and .energy can be re-
visite-reirer..guideoll'Aeliqra,1 Occasions stered,the atomac. toned-. up, head -
•being theRiehop ,of .1.,bncion.' .. . aches banialeedeand 'nervousness- ever,
..,P,agesernight,,be paled: •withe her. 'ex- 'come • through, a fair lase of , Dr.' Wia
Perielloea•inthea.ai,o!Pie 00144.s -of Loia lianas' Pink Pail. These Pills have a
,aeta,-,a, c1a.i,gy'rti,a,n,,,i6a. has wokeordirect action on, the bloode,enriehing
•.,...fnitany years in the East -end remarked and purifying ft, this Wetting ..new
-recmt1y-that•theree Were learadistriet. strength to every organ and 'nerve in.
- • iisttorseNho .1ellew!'•the poor .auartaes the body. • In Hi1e. way this. trietli:e ne
. •
eer',Lontion better :than Qaeen,' May, has braUgh't new •health to thousand
• agulethe number at :persons the has of *Oak and • despendent, 'People.
e• ' ' aidedeinetheir disteeee, will -never be Anteng.Ihorae who.,:ovve their present
ineWriCintaide the, fe* through whom health to Dr. Williams?' Pink Pil4s is
,..,.., ,'• Her "kajistY defiles on ,these charit- Mrs, Clarence E. allenerChipmag's
1;16'Worlfie!':; • ' ''''''''''''''''Broailt, N.Se Wlio says;—"I bad a Very
•: . .. e .,, x04': 0..-46Sf !, se-vere 'atta.ek of influenza,. but after
. aa, -_,:a. , • - • ,- • ,• ,
i.!nterest „ing ,-, the characteristic symptom of that
• `I'llealiingehai"hall niany ,.,. .
•.. . , _ .6..T1,3 0.e. trouble had passed, I was left in a r my
adventures• in disguise, on
t. holtee dt the ea and depeeseed; Cendit-imi., .I Could
•-,, „...eaSalett. 'he: anen-neway a..
not keel'eon'in'Y feet ter half 1111'11014r at'
:-,a,ondeii If:Capital as, -a medical etadent,
a theme and words can Scarcelytell
a fdct .that only. became known to the
' ! .9 r ., ! . hoibadlyI dd feI "a' 1;
ing the medicine, MY' doctor 'llie,
Ile has spent:the best part of a night gave
e. but- it. was not helping m. and aa I
in.'..a.-busy r4waY goode clearing Y-i"'A ;' bad used. Dr. Williams' Pink Pill$- on
anethaa :Often -listened to trials at the .
a Termer occasion with great benefit 1
Old,FiaileY in the public gallery,
decided to try them again. I got half
- On one .occasion, et,s the King WaS
• Butapart from the ,pleasurable• sal:We
•of freedom royal personages can ena
jOy when einandipated • from, the tram-
=els of: their 11411 It la only
DY conceallug, their, hientity that they
can. Make theineelvea eJequainted with
many phases of, We with whaeh it i$
necessary for them to hefamillar
Now is the Thrte to Ittvigorate
Your Systeriii! and ThrowOff
Winter's Ills. , •
Mi unusually 'trying winter is almost
oVer, bat the spring will flutl Many
*hose strength has been saPred and
sYetenia undermined by winter Colds,
influenza, Pneumonia or close confine-
coming out court -a ytanding
a dozen boxes, and soon after begin-
. of bos
------- ning their use, I could feel my strength
•riehrillin shouted out to his companion, returning. By thetime I,had used up
t"ii'WP,8 i,Yr;;IiIe''.rhe of -Wales!"
212,, that'!ent ain't nay- supply of pills, my old-time
' strength had cense buck,1 .could. do
!; ,
'Run and tela; the :gent that, .,ex
---- my housework and keep on my feet all
claimed his cerapanion, "and 'e'll give
yer Jail a •day witho.ut-feeling used up as form-
' arthcrPrIzown."
, atrhe was thenehad
erly, • I feelailiatth
'eae Pigs have been.
...Bt 4e • _
worth their weight M gold -to ine,..„and
• driven of -I before: the boy could reach. I- strongly recommend them to other
•! . •him, • .weak run down. people,' . '
The:King and. aeon have often tra-• .You can get. these pills through any
veiled abroad itiobgnito, usually as: the dealer in medicine or• by mail, post-
•Eoecasien a rather amusiOn onarl and Countesa of Chester. ng paid, at 50c a box from- The Dr. wil-
' e ' - ,
experience awaited them.hamsMedicineCo, Ont.
A suite of
' . remits at an hotel:bad been engaged Failure may be quite as important
, fort/rem) but by some -error the rooms as success in•charaeter-Makifig;
, . were booked in the, names of Mr. end
Mrs. Chester. . Minard's Liniment used by Physicians,
--- ,
'Curieusly enough,:the proprietor There is one attempt in which fail
ure is unforgivablethe 'attempt. to
the hoitel had patron's. of that name , -
,be funny. . .
1.:, ,.•. , -who' were very well-to-do, and he con-
!' ••''...,"q' ..''!.•'- .'• 'eluded that t.hey- were'the:PeOpae who
, ' . ' l'''-,, ' ., ,>'--..,-,,".• had. engaged the :rooms.
• , . .. . ,,... • . -., , ...
• -,
',••:. ' '.i';'..., . .. L',/ .:" • When the -if . IvIajesties,-„with whose
, .• :,,,---::';'!,...'.:..,, : ',. identity he was quite 'familiar, arrived,
---''','' ..',...,' !... .....,... '.,..- he .rushed lorward in- despair to in-'
•'.i.',- ' ,7:. '- . "„ " '' forrii a member tef :their Beate' thatehe•
•!• L : ';''',e‘ : had. no r•ooniaiava,ilabeee but alittba ex-
'' • . , '' ' . ''. ,!..„. ,'.. '•p'eanation soon put .the prepeietor at
' " ' I- • ' ' '. ' his ease; and the 'lensesinhis register
•• ', . .i ,-... were quickly altered,
• World's Fiercest Fish:
_which . is the fiercest figh? The
shark is terrible enough, but he is e
•, iamb compared with a small fish that
'haunts the rivers of South America.
, The Pirhana, as it. is 'called, does
•not grow much bigger than the perch
• or roach of our wat/
ers but it is pro-
• vided evith an enormous cavern of a °ate, is still in existence. • Deaton i• s
mouth .filled with long dagger -like the name of a place in the comity of
• teeth. Should an amwaty traveller , Bu eh:Ingham, England. .-
•glymii bathe his feet in- rieree hei The manner by which_ bile colunitt-
will.be attacked, first by a single Ash, iiity got its name. is a sanple one.
••an.d.thenbY a whole shoal. If lie does "Dan,' in the speech of the Anglo
•not beat a hasty retreat he will be Saxon, had a slightly different mean -
dragged -under in a few moments by ieg from that which now is commonly
scores of finny demons and devoured, ascribed to it In the daysbefore the
• Tho pirhana is dreaded „by talll coming of the Normans, it indicated a
• beasts, for he is absolutely fearless degreased section of ground or valley.
and will attack any animal, no matter Naturally such g7laCe.e. were likelyetee
-what its size. • The shoal seems to be vreo.ded andto become the refuge
know 'almost at once that ,one of their otanimals; hence the modern frequent
• nuniberhas found a quarrjre for no ilgurativemea,ning of the word. Den-
, aaerfer is the victim • attacked- by a ton simply meant the "town in the val-
. single Tirhana than the water is thick ley."
withefienzied fish biting and earing
as though possessed with the fury of
• killing. The siativea.rlread. them, more
than' the giantealligato.is that haunt
• the same waters.
'• •
• .
, • • • I „ ,
I '
. •
.•. Compelled -Belief, • ,.• ,
'S'o bnautiful and charming
. .
, • .
Apeil, you'v.6 a coniely 'name/
What may be its root.?
smooth as cherry "bark •
Must have berne.sueli fruit,
. • .
Who'd have thought -,"apprio,'
Gai-e the sweet degree?"
Open WindoWeT, Open braeks,
. Are its PrOphee3t.,
;!! „ •..„
Open. eyes to loveliness •
Of the heldal.spaing,
...In a midst ef emerald
Shylyabarg,eonang, •.'
Open souls to -greet the gifts•
Of a heavealy hand,
Pouring glories without stint
O'er a radiant land.
, ,
Oiaen bird theoati, rending buds,
Add their Timund share;
With such hires the open sloughs
We can surely dare;
• Unafraid of stieking bogs
In the woodland lanes,
Tramp we home with mired feet,
• Proud of our campaigns.
"April, April," how. it lilte
With the bubbling stream!
"April; April," thrushes call, -
• Through the shower and gleam.
Winter, „Lhen.,,our open hearts
• Shall no More aaney;
They shall greet the April. dawn
With an answering joy.
- —Eliot 'White.
epic -Lien as she is wrote"She gave
hien a black look and he turned white."
Surnames and Their °rig*/
Variation—DI/1ton. •
Rada I twig I n --E nett isle.
Source—A plabe name.'
You might suspect from the ending
of this family name that iteliad been
originally tile name of a -place, used
•first to indicate the place of residence
of some early bearer.
. And so it was, "Is" is a better word,
for the ton from which,. iktis name
came in the vast majority of instances,
so far as the available records incla
wife seems never 12) settle
down,'• •
-Nor be to 502215 hp,' ,•
'e A Stfurcated Honeymaera •
. saki the colored suitor,
!"Whee we git,s •married you ain't
..61;:yfrie to give •dat Jtib ybit hes
for de White tollcs, is Ycif
•, • 'Ala ain't, we gwine , to,
• bozzeynvion a1i take a trip or,‘tle
• ifOineWliare?"!
.H''()11.0 at us Irligla Deee
Eith 1 t1iig Isoltilo mo,.bnt yen's got
. •
•,• ,
Nariations--Farmim, Farnam,'
Racial Origin --English.• •
, Here is another. family name whichl
is simply the development of a sur-
name' indicating originally that the.
person bearing it had come from the
place; referred to. ,
The place name; like, the, surname, is.
spelled. Farnham; and it is located in
Surrey, England. '
The name railhor clearly reveals, the
method by which it originated, and the
fact that it ie a combination of purely
Anglo-Saxon worde. The lather fact
indicates; aside, from -histowical re -
Cord, that it was an established a.O.M-
Munity before the coining • to England
of William We Commerer and his Nor-
man hosts.
"Pearn" in the speech at the. Anglo-
Saxons means "fern," being in fact the
parent word of our modern English
word "ham," as has been explained in
other articles Of thisaeries,' is, an ele-
ment frequently found in English.
place • names, indicating a village, a
word vthich is obsolete in the language
to -day !except in the tonn of one of its
diminutives, "hamlet" . Farnham, there-
fore, bears literally the poetic name of
"the village of ferns:"
Irma Job, lis Yui Key.
‘,.x win never get ahead here There
is nobody here that care$ a continent
'al Whether I,get on or not. it deeSnt
make any difference how hard I work
• or how I do ray Ivor*, nobody pays
any attention," ,
Now, I often heareerarks like that.
grill21,0Yees say, f`What's the 'use? I
den21-, propose to wear niy life out for
nothing.. 1 :arn inst going to do enotigh
to draw my salary I will look for
something better," •
• My friend, d you realize that that
Something better waiting for you, de-
pend e on hove well ,you can do your
Work where 7011 are right now? Your
present job is the key that will open
the door to the place above ,you, and
the deer is not likely to open until
it S
1400 Ci'ot'opOi; 'Declares ft Re-
•,., .•,,
asiIirete 1
litored Jiealth of Deitcate
Panghtor-:—Gained '11
• gaiihda • •
For, • SlUggish L1V'r
Qr Coristipated
t'. •
rron : ,or kie,,s4e.! :ena 'tq!
'PO TX-II'fi,Tae,
a daily rePairieg "Pleas, 1,nma feepia, • - • „
• leg helps pay for ince:hire, 'Wilke Artilex!!!!,•
son "'Szuleanirdng 00,, ,0-01 ICI;ax !, •
1.)).:‘:t1h7ern,19,06:0°,11,34ygociaTua'aliata;r 0 vie/ s 17- 1.•,•13,4,A1 • ',14144!
Is , seventeen, and I wish could tell 1 ILA annual. Write , for intareStmg• '
;3. 1O' 2‘YtaSraStlaitg%I.:tte'.11TaQbr°43.4gat°h' 5)1, g
ground. Her cheeks faded, she was:
,dreadfully s.et thin she
was just a frame. Her nerves ware so
excited I feared 1 Would have to take
her out oe sehool, PO while doilig her
• Cleau your bowels! • Feel flub!
Whea you feel Oak, dizzy, uPsat,
eactea 3,0141. head .10 du -11 or a,objeg or
your stomach is sour qr gassY., last
take in or two Casearets, tarelleye
constipation. • No gripiug-nicest laxa-
tive -cathartic on earn. for grown-ups
T1 aildren. 10c a box. Taste like
n, 13. :IF•6140-,r. R...R!! ndeitogA.,
• • ' '
4.inetietes intisteett pos., stongiumno :!!,
and fiQW tO rood
4r$ th.P ALLwur;',
1by '1:a-101114°4,tarlf49evta6r7011::4.61:::.
yt)11 open . uccess,doarsdon't open , 1.20 eat 24t.kr Street.
lessons,sbe coald hardly keep still and cantlY.
),Tew :Karla
themselves. • They dorilt • open very
easily. --,0. S. Menden, •
'phe Canadian SPrieg weather—one
day mild and bright; the next raw and
blustery, is extremely hard on the
baby-. Conditions are suck that the
mether cannot take the little one out
for the fresh air so inuche to be de-
sired. He is •Confined to the house,
which is Often over -heated and badly
ventilated. • He catches cold;' his
little stomach and bowels become dis-
ordered, and the mother soon has a
,stick baby to ,look after. To prevent'
this 'an occasional close of Baby's 071.1.
Tablets should be given. They regu-
late the stomach, and bowels, thus pre-
venting or retieving colds, sineple
fevers, -colic or any other of the many
'minor ills 'Of childhood. The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a bex from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont.
Owing to lack of fuel and capital,
20,000 miles of railway under the
Russian Soviet has been closed.
• It is .always safe to send a Dominion
Ilxiares.s Money Order. Five Dollars
costs three cents:
• The highest trees have the most
pointed leaves.
Minaret's Liniment for sale everywhere
• _Forest Fires.
The season of forest fire danger is
approaching and the forest services,
federal and provincial, and forest pro-
tective associations, are making pre-
parations to combat this great de-
stroyer of forest wealth. Everything
that modern science has devised will
be used in the 'campaign—patrols,
lookout stations; telephones, tele-
graphs and heliographs, • portable
pumps, gasoline trucks, power boats,
railway speeders,and aeroplanes.
These are all valuable aids, but the
great engine for fighting forest fires
is public opinion.
Nearly all forest fires are caused by
human carelessnese, therefere when
public opinion sets itself solidly
against this carelessness, and holds it
-to be a crime against the nation, a
large part of the cause of fires will
disappear. Patriotic citizens can do
a great service for Canada by being
scrupulously careful with their own
use of fire when in the „woods and by
helping to build up, whether they live
in the city or the country, a• body of
public opinibn about fires which will
deter the careless and strengthen the
hands of those who protect the forests.
In proportion to its size a fly walks
thartY-fiv-e times as fast as a liurnan
• The Arctic Ocean is said to be age,
ting warmer, with the result that ice-
bergs are getting scarcer and herrings
are being found in the old seal -fishing
grounds. -- •
...• '
-'. !
44,'• ..
The way 40 satisfaction, comfort and
health through Instant Poatiztr1, has
become a world-wide way.
This famous table beverage which
has stood the test of twenty five years,
flits every requirement of taste for a
hot and invigorating mealtime drink.
Unlike tea or coffee, Instant ?watt=
.6 •
1% -.0
sioNifforent pails
A1M.111 portiorr of 1,1afis1'F-L11,'' 4,
,.. 1
Y4,14414410 4V ...
SLUM Corea! Cornpan eas ft
7' ' , -rm ig-111,11.r4
contains nothing that can irritate
nerves or disturb digestion. Even the
children may safely enjoy it.
• Wouldn't it be well for you to avoid
the harm which so many have found
in tea and coffee? • You can protect
ileaIthwhile plea singtaste, with whole- -
S01/10, satisfying Instant Postum.
Alt your Grocer's in
sealed, air -tight fitM
ant •
acstiu wortlEALTEi
"There's a Reasol$"
A generous si!oit.)pItIplin 0fZiiSf50t,1Dostriin
iient, p otu.isttici, re)r! 4o in ottanips, 'VP"ril'er
Canadian rostum Cereal Co., Limited, 4i Pront To rOnto, P4tiOkkory: Windsor, Ontario
• .., 1.1 ' •
at tides equldn't „write at ,all, tier
appetite was so poor alive scarcely ate
enough to sustain life, and her sleep
was so restless she was always tired
and wean c u t,
,1 biesa the -day I bought the first
bottle of Tanlac. 1Vly daughter has
gaiifett eleven pounds, eats heartily,
sleeps soundly, and - her studies areparkling, harmless. soia. and
Recommended by All Drussiscs.
like play. , The Taialac treatment is'
'grand, and 1 believe it should be in
The canctal of the 13suile of England
, ,
is S72500 000:,
.Refreshes MaryEye&
• WhenYour Eyes feel 'thin
and Heava, use Murine. It In.
-Makes them Clear, Bright and
every home. • •
• iroifYavo EYES
Ta,ndab fo or iale '14y all good drug-
gists. Over 35 million bottles sold.,
ow to Purify.- .
the llood
"Tiftean te thirty dropsof tjrtract
• of Root, eMmnionly called got*
Seigel's Curative Syrup, allay 4e'
ob taken in water 'isith maids and at
•,bedtime, for indigestion, consti.
• pation and bad blood. Persist.,
ence,ia this, treatment Will giae •
permanent relief in nearly every
case." Get •the genuine at
i druggists, 50c. and $ 1.00. bottles.
im......ntgan.......ulti.......tail.....,44. prowolog _
1 ^
C En_
"California Fig Syrup" is
Child's Best Laxative
Hurry Mother! A
"California Pig Syrup'
()uglily clean the little
few hours you have
child again. Even it
teaspoonful of
' now will tiler -
bowels and in a
a well, playful
erose, feverish,
bilious; constip.atel or full of cold.
children love its "fruity" taste, and
mothers can rest easy be eau s e it never
fails to work nil the souring food and
nasty bile right out of the stomach
and bowels without griping or upset-
ting the child.
Tell your druggist you want only the
genuine "California. Fig Syrup" which
has directions for babies and children
of all ages printed on bottle. Mother,
you must say "California," Refuse
any imitation.
Why Are Negroes Black?
There have been many theories as
to why there should be black, white,
yellow„. and red people in the world.
It has even been asserted that Adam
was black.
The latest theory regarding the
color of the skin is that it turns en -i
tirely upon the question of salt. The'
writer o.f aningenious book brings tad
Other a 'mass of evidence 'to show
that thct darker the race the more
lacks salt as an .item of diet.
It seems that in some parts of
Africa salt is such H. luxury that thel
Negroes suck rock salt as we would
confectionery. They describe a rich
ns one who eats salt with his
The•author of the salt theory states
that each ,Briton 'eats about sixteen
pounds of salt every year. • In India,
however, salt is taxed, and the aver-
age consumption per head may not be
more than three or leer pounds. As
everybody knows, the natives of India,
although they would, resent being,
Called "black men," are cm -tail -ay not,
It is remarkable how Wide is the
difference in complexion, Say, between
the. natives of Samoa and those of;
New Bri tai n. •A ntheopolegisie would
say they were or different racee, and,
probably they are, but it seems that!
“aceess to salt" is the came of thei
difference between the blacks, and thei
light browns! •
So scarce 12 salt in Tahiti that Cap-
tain Cook, the great navigator, de -i
scribed how salt water was it royal 1
driela taken with great solemnity, ss!
sip at a time, on ceremonial occasions.I
Skin T es
ith Cube ra
If you are troubled With pimples,
blackheads, redness, roughness,
itching and burning, which disfig-
ure your cenaplexion and skin, Cuti-
aura Soap and Ointmentwill. do
much -to help you. Always Include
the Cuticula Talcum in your toilet
preparation -a":
Soma 256. Oiatraeat 25 and 50c. Talmo 256,, Sold
throughout theDomMion. CanadianDepot;
L'San, Mit/6d 344 St PaerSt., ; Montreal'
Cuti ora Soa zha es without mu
II' 1114 i
• !
The quickness, the mono,*
with which Sloan's brings ret
lief has made it the -standatd,
remedy for rheumatic pain.
Apply Sloan's to that
sore, stiff joint or aching
muscle. The pain that • has -
seemed so unbearable disap-
pears with amazing rapidity._
Sloan's breaks up the inflm-
mation behind most rheu-
matic pain. It goes to the
source of the trouble. It
scatters • the congestion that
causes the pain.
dllade In Canada
Sloadi Lment-hillspdhif
For rheum atism, bruises, s trains, chest colds
• ,
• roup
Bind. the neck with dannel,
saturated with hot lilindrd's
Liniment. • It penetrates, It
soothes, it relaxes the, muscles,
clears the passe:9:es,, brings, ,
back easy breathing.
The. Family Medicine Chest
• al
. .
Instantly! 'Tape's biapepsin''
Corrects Stoniach so .1 •
Meals Digest
, The moment you at ,a tablet Of '
"apes Diapepsiti"-your indigestion.
gone. mere &Stress Prom a .. •
acid, upset. stomach.. ,Noflatulence,
heartburn, palpitation, or isery-mak-:,. •
trouble. , •
a feW earltS. Bach Package guaranteed„7•..-• • •
Ing gaseis. Correct your dagesti•on ter I,
by druggist to overcome '.stomach-'
• •
A Letter from Mrs. Smith Tells How
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Corapound Helped Her
Trenton, Ont.—" I am writing -to you •
1.n, regard to Lydia childrenwt was
sdPsl seabinttiircoerthrbmaiwwr arphe:oaarrssu Compound. hdl 3e. cia iztogr:et:di.
it before each of my
out it. I have taken
fal3edfoirteamgyrifar:t hbealPhy.
would not be with
in my ears.
12e -it as if I would •
never pull through,
One day a friend of •
any husband told him what the Vegeta-
ble Compound had done for his vrife and
advised him to take a bottle home for
me. After the foue--th botcle waa a •,--e-
dierent woman. I have four children,
now, andI always find the Vegetable
Compound a great help as it seems to
make confinement easier. I recommend
it to my friends." Mrs. Yetn
SMITE, John St., Trenton, Ont.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound is an excellent medicine for ex-
pectant mothers, and should be taken
during the entire period. It has a geri-
eral effect to strengthen and tone sip the
entire system, so that it may work in
every respect effectually as nature in-
tended. Thousands of women testify
to this fact. .
liNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you;
are not getting Aspirin at ail •
Accept only 'an "unbroken 'package", of "Bayer 'Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions :and dose worked out
p lysiciarts curing 22 years and proved safe by inabons tor
Nettralga Neuritis
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