HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-04-05, Page 5We have I `fit passe ,6
Into ck 3I hlpmer
of Me s "l„d Boys'
Ir4EIN SI ' I ; t NG SUIT'
alesi model
elFite. ate _ d
erteetto ras.
FO op y
Suit it Y
w styles
ost etc.
d I , ,,, et
yrs, Sturd ;ry
to, MEN'S. SUITS—Made in good style of fancy tweeds
and 'worsteds,, value up to $2o.00,: Saturday special' ..
Withthe r ,
Pu chase of every Boys'Suit valtsed at xg.aso ..
. to. $15,00 we will give free a pair of Boys'"'Panc3r Golf ,Stock-
ie BOYS' S SUITS --Sizes a4„to• a
, fancy pattern
tweeds, Browns and Greys, good style, Teets -tend pxiee_
MEN'S PANTS•—Values tip to $4.00, es pairs to Sea on
Saturday for
12 PAIR BOYS' BLOOMERS—Made of good wearing Zash
tweed and lined, to clear
mfi 9110
1L1ess' tiit l lti A rt1liatiir the t r .
•of F dtle
Le,aeou. Passage—Geta. r2; x -e; Heb.
ex; 8 xol li ft
Golden Tart-"--4g,0aa�,
'1. he tribe to which A.brahain, the
great forefather of the Hebrews be-
iodzged, had its ftlt rank scat• in the
dzt 1y» N terth pr'A-syria in the
Mountains of South Arinenia, straight
s.¢uth of Mount Aranet. The name
Hebrew. was first given to Abrahawai
I'iy' 1 he Carneanite's, meineiu,g those, who
q., hadcome £rprn'beyond .the great river
Euphi:mes Th ,4irst 0i/tense, of trib-
al life appears in the migration of Tei'-
• ah, the father of Abraham, from hir,
native,,e oun,tain±s to the plains of Mese
dpotatnia What 'led; .'I'erah to mig-
rate with Ms tribes is not told us; pos-
sibly it Was the pressure of : other
Ill&; ,tf•ibes advancing from,beyond;-or per-
�krl' Baps. the iiidtacements was• the rich
pasture ,of the lowlands. " Hie family:
:consisted of three -sons a:ad 'one
daughter; Sarah the f uture'wife of her
li'aif-Brother„ Abraheten—.the children:
St of difieti'eht mothers b{it a 'common
father. •
Abraham grew, up in- the midst of
idolatryrand stiphretitibn firrnly estab=
ii:§hed in the eland to 'which They had
migrated; but his sonleremained pure'
as a "white lily ,ire muddy • waters,'
amidst the seductive "infiuences which
won over even Teral , his father, To"
Have kept true'in a household that'd
seryed pthee Gods ,than Jehovah to
have turned aside from tiu .:degrad-
false e iefs •surrounding>him im
plies in Al aliam a gearideur of soul,
aixd an instinctive perception- of the
true and•eternal which` place him in
the forefront of hureae greatness."
It was not all instinct, for,we are
plainly taught .in today's leson, and.
other Scripture passages of .a heav-i
enly revelation which tested and prov-
ed Abraham, and set the seal .upon
sure reward- following close upon un
faltering obedience,
Verses x-5..,
Now the Lord had said unto Abrah-
am, Get thee out of my country, and
from thy kindred," Abraham was a
youth when he Came to I-Iarran and
when.,he left he was :seventy-five, an
;old pian, as we count' age; starting`
out on a great, venture, knowing not
whither he went He left .his brother
N,ahor behind Ern in the plain of
Harran .and; he became the' father of
,twelve Arab tribes.; whereas Abraham.
bee m t
e a e e -€ether of w t e. t o
h 1 e tribes
of Israel, who were to form . the.
peiaple of God and give to the :world,
its Saviour.
Verses 2-3.
rc in this call to •Abraham obedience,
I w, is,linked'upwith a promise. In Acts
Iy: 2-4 we read of Stephen telling his
persecutors that this. call was a dire
ect Message from -"the God of Glory,"
aixd''that °' he was not - disobedient to
the heavenly vision. • He had to make
1,1 the, choice between. home and kindred:
and devotion to God. <We see ie him
E. the, fore -runner' of all., who see vis-
ions • and dream dreams and by the
fmake a
'a the right. d Abraham went $
orout have
ee ing only- the assurance .that there was.
a definite land• ahead which would be
shown him. There are different parts
to. the prornise, and they need only to
be separated to he illuminating,
:ist:—reaI will le of thee a great nat-
•end"I` will bless" thee.:.
3rd.=I will ,make thy name.. groat.,
• 4th.—Thou `shalt be a blessing.
5th. -I will, bless them that . bless'
will cursc•:theni that curse
,` t • M
'11V11 -11L bJ e
to he .,-ang
!1 gr��i�ii
,Buy your hardwood flooring by •nune and
insist absolutely an Seeman -Kent ''Beaver
Brand,"' See that the naine and trade mark'''
aro on every bundle that you receive. The
bane "Beaver' Brand" is your guarantee
of permanent, and complete •satiseactioii,
if you wish to lay your floor yourself,
wtte us for A copy of 'bur folder on the
laying of , a hardwood floor. The
vioti•k presents no unusual difficult-
ies, 'provided that you are ns.
nee "Beaver Brand," which is
to perfectly made and match-
d that with .ordinary
care fine result's
may he obtained.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Cutt of Goderich,
spent Goocl Friday with their daugh-
ter, Mrs, Taylor.
Mrs. ' Walker and ' S 11 of ,,11h01•o1d
spent thb Holidays at the hone of Mr.
Stanley 'Cliellow
Mr; Harvey Mason of Part Elgin,
spent :Easter with his parents.
Mr, ` S :Leslie hasrpurchased the Wil-
ford property and will oecupy it ;in
the neat futlxre.
Mr, and Mrs. A, 13. Carr spent Eas-
ter at the home of Mr. Stmeleter, of
A 'quiet we`ciditig took place at the
home. of Mt; "axid Mrs. Simon %Matt•-
tie, thillett, oit'C'hursday, March loth,,
when their second datiglitt r, Miss
t�ltvi , was r uiiited.,.in narria?ge• 'tb. Mr,
Nelson Teer,'soii of Mr. and Mrs. Fd
ward Tear of Blyth: Rev., jee A ince ,
pastor of the ?resbyterian a , tch,,of-
6 e -N;,.
fioiated. .;The ta,civlq' wed coii�ple tyilt
take up htnc::ek±ft tilig,oit 'tttol:gt'ooin
f,au in 1ft1Iett. •
•, Special :.'aster:Services wore con-
ducted in the different congregations,
Service int ie Methodist church both
niorn`iiig Land' evetiiMt' Services were
ritspiritional,, the eholr were at their
hest 'acid rendered several fine anth-
ems. Mrs, Walker, •a visitot ixt lows,.
contributed solo at the evening ser-
vice. Speeial Eraster flowers were in,
evidene,e; frotit;Mrs, 'tiV; Sloan, `Crura-'
to and ]i>fr. tterbert Young of Niagara,
in rtxemory of their deceased paretate,
the late Ur, and Mrs. W. i1., "ii'orlxtg,
Correctly. Pitted
W11NG7.' Ps ,ONT..
111111111141111181jillllilll8111IBIIIIIIIIINIIpIIli11111111111Ci181111INIIINiflll11111101110 .
Oin .Audierice
If you could gather info
one hall the people you
would like to _ do bust-.
mess with,
and could tell,
theft your story through
a microphone .so they
could hear every word
distinctly, is there .. any
doubt in your laid that
you would reap a rich
reward of orders"
Haw much would it cost.
you for such a 'hall, and
- fork such a' gathering to-
gether of all potential
Long Distance "enables
you to pick your audi-•
elaec, at very :much less,.
cost, and your prospects"
will hear your sales taut
as distinctly as if you
spoke through a micro-
phone. -
The voice -reach of Long ,
Dist°arkce' includes `every-
oxle you co�lld do' bust-.
nese, - with.'•;;Speak! :They
will Siii613,: listen t
vroryr l# b j 1''eridiltoilto ry ar
oloiloo Moffatt
a i 111 L, E Ili it i1,,,1 •,.I,r IItf 1
e.anth,, lie 1J1!ett, Tp tltee a tall alk families of the
z tri
f , rte Ja'�t tail
tet be ee,eht the t.roWtie
iefC'Waal:tltte. Here tet•re; ft re i l e tti'the
Meas1 th lei whom rtil.pr orad es are 360,a
ands kiett •
Vtirse �x.
Abraltsrsrtqtset• forth as the head of tt
largo ,.bixtly of trib'ea/nen Tl1 is
know ; beoausei ra ' feve years ldter cif
chose Erect? ,among teuol, thriller "buhd '
red1axtd eight eri tradito tl lArkt ai5
sue' Cheduntolfaer Xis very=fiN"irttti't?ai `
querWcirds,1JIeatt Stanley de's'erikfe ° tlif;3`' +`•
jonerieyl Weeettate "the follaWing pars.
.agraph4 "All their sebetartee tiler theyy'''
ha.&. gotten' 1e lieapec high' on hie'
baeks of thetn+•kneeling carnets• .like'
staves that 'thee, had •'bough°t" in f six=
rant reit} ti:tang ey':theit sides,I Round
theini^acre their flo'alc'e of sheep anis:
ggats;. and tlheeasses'tfovgrig.,bunea.th'
th i towering; forint of the earners The
'chief isthere, amidst•the stink of move'•
metit'or reeting at••noon 'evitlitn Iilh
black 'te"nt, •nriarked o'at fitofiI •the ie"a't!'
by his •eloaleeo£ ori Banti s'pai4let, 1py ?rite,
fillet„`of•,roi e *deli letxid's'rtlte loas'e'
haxidkenchieP-tonna. 'his head 'I by the
spehr :Ivrliich he h'oids rtn hr� 1Jtarld e,5
Wilde t'he•enareh, a'nd >b rfa '`the len"
caAnprne±t' And f11fie 'they j'cidrrt`e
ed oo:email 'they Caine.rani the land
oft .Gariedin-
Helirews XI: g na;• l' y
Had -'Abraham beeni' Ole y °t e•head°
of an Arab'.itrilie merit tier 1» fam'
our 'nn •his° d±;`his neeere wot}id helve`
perlhedeli3tr +ago. -+Than gelsr'reiedi=
ed stitl'islettte'to leis liaviti t iien:'
t'h 'e'
g, Fav
tt ue ! feligioii fti nidiiltl•ih'd;' "He stafids
out a grand figure—the #artful ulnae'.
amoiigt+the faithlss, ' H'aviif,g left �e
hinilhieh qibrife and• fx:ieuds, •lie°wart
des at. God's'''tommand 'to 'uriktiovyn' :'
lands that • he ina'y ixnd and "'establish,
that spirittial'fiteedorti: denied him ii ;
his native country. In Gett. 18-ig e
have his benuii«e'+'fear? bf God recon=
ni etl by Jehovah, tIn Ge.n. 'iq 'i8 -2o
is tee!be fournel`a w.record of the high`
fore1gn races'7n h?'se i udst .lie watts.'
dered:: Fie lived'by faith. 'I1he 'in-'
iluenoes of idolatry deirianded a 'rare
motel: courage to Stir -Mot thein even'
though tie had 'le'arne'd to' `frust 'anti'
lean upon t.he''Un§een. `
In these 'verses in 'Hebrews the
writer `makes special reference to two
instaesce,s of 'the,Power• of faith ex-
hibited' by Abra'hain. • Each of these
rentlif'ed confidence in God'to" an ex-
tradtdinary -degree. The' first has al
reedy'h'eele'dealt with:` in this lesson,
neenely the leaving of his home, and'
d andi
go ng ;away. to sojourn
erelong strangers -Though ally these
years Abrahhm'herd to the 'promise
tltat this sae'lnpd was to he the pos=.
roii''of lams 'posterity rhe second
instance Is ie verses t7 rg when Ab
rat/am shortred'his 'readinees to sacci
five' his own 'son"in: o`bed.xence to .Ehe.
will of; God,' This is uiid'oub tedly •the'
strt:hi:0st illustration of Faith,; which;
has ••ever been nianifseted bee men' in.
this 'world. By'this strange test was
the "strength and reality of his faith
He had been 'promised a great. pos-
terity through' the son he was called
upon to,sactifibe. There waso;tly one
.way in which this promise could be
fulfilled;: and that Was 'through his
being raised,'again from the ,-.dead.
Abrahain fuly believed ,this would bel
done, far' in Glen e2-5. we reed; "Arid.
Abraham said unto 'his young }nen,.
Abide ye here With the ass ; ,and X• ani
the lad will go: yonder. and worship,.
and come'again to yott." Thus early:
in thehistoryof the world were man-
ifested 'wondrous faith in an Allwise,
all powerful • Ruler :of the ;Universe;
and surely it is not more difficult for
people . today to give unquestioning,
impliett obedience to God's :will for
us, and to live looking. "for•.a city
which hath foundation, whose build-
er and rnaket is God."
Mr., II mold: P.obiuson of .Toronto I
Medical College, is spending the holi-
days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm: 'Robinson.
Master Warern James of the Wing-
ham Etigh School; has been very ill.
nt - his home here for the past week. .
t Mr. Sandy Young of Galt, is spend_
ng the holidays with his parents ou
the loth.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas, McGee, also Mrs.
Menzies are all very ill at the present
Miss Irene; ,McDowell of Wingham,
spent the week-encl with her grand-
parents at Marnoch, -'
Misses Mae McBurney and Eccles
Beecroft left on Friday to spend the
holidays with theiruncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. 'I)atid Beecrofl of New
Mrs. Leash 1vfcGeehas been very
ill for the pasttwo weeks.
Mr,' Aslant lvic13urtrey of London
Normal, is spending the holidays with
his father, Mr. Joe McBurney,
The trustees of No, 8 school ap-
pointed Mr. Ed, Walsh to attend the
Trustee convention in Toronto on,
Wednesday . nd Thttrsday.
Mr. and Mrs, George Walker' spent
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Humphrey of St. Helens,
Miss Ethel Dreahman spent the
weeke-tick with her aunt, Mrs, Wm,
Miss Nesbitt spent the week -end'
with her parents in Palmerston..
Miss Edna James of Acton, is visit-
ing over the holidays' with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs Wire James.
Mr, ,atid Mrs, •Toss Xing of Turn -
berry, visited with her, father, ' gtr.
WM. Wigittman on Sunday.
Mr. Moses is spending his holidays
at his home in Toronto.'
C. White ,teas hi Toronto nn
business last week,, •
Me. Robe Rolston: is St present vis-.
iting his sister in. Detroit,
Mr. lOhn Adams has .secured the
contract for the new Agricultural pal-
Mr, J. R. Gibson is shipping seven
earthed of switch ties to Trenton'thia
wee;. tor the C. f?, R.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDougall spent
the week -end with their daughter,'
Mrs. Sanderson, :at hiarrist or,
Me, }Zaagh ltiEe ea.n o:f I a,rri;itota,
arrived in townlast week ,said is ire-
atteedatce with:. his brother, Adam.Iltwi h is a, .rust -class 'nurse.
For the`wa11;s'yarid'ceilings a any r?om ilk ', cruse, most
delicate and
Jx' armotraqus affects ran hesecured
�+^yoff'pr,(1- f0,�. .T?saiel AYer and more Sanitary time.
i wall
p r . a d , w 111 ":last°' sri weld ;sloaagep because it csari. ' be weafied
without ,aktury. Tit `s ti'+te well not
1� �'' mate
7E 1 7['@�F1L is;ma.le i i eigliteesa shades, and: by the nem of voteless tints:
. most pleasing ooinliiiiati ?a' r.;+be senueed.ii.
NEN: 011M Is easy to apply.a and leaves bavas& rtax>i�ixa
-velvet It -covers well
producing a dull- soft, vet
in the horse. ' -- iaraislt whichwill lend charm to any room
Any surface may be eueeessfully treated 'itis
NEU-T0141r-Pia ter,wood,'burlap,or;Imetal..
Cali end let --W; et us expla;rt�,tiiue•'irl i'Ars�.a3f ..this
other`Iv$ARTi1V-SEl OIDR. fittiahee. '''For every
pturpose`For:every surface. Otxr'stock tis coin-
plete and we can give you fisld information.
e... moor('
Rao T
leen, at;, wenn
rtit3O%' Pu
For buildings,
outside arid., in:
It wears and
wears and
beautiftes and
preserves. Oil;'
Clot and. Lin-
t° 1Ma1hj. lte'n.
Floor F:isish.
The onep erfect
" Wood -Lac"
Improves the
the old.
Mrs." Jes.''Huffiiraa ,' who has Leen
spending the 'Past 'week visiting her
sister, °Mrs 'Milton Parr of Ethel, re-
turneaKhome'`on -Monday last.
We ;are sorry to 'learn ;that Miss
Annie Vosburg, who -has: not been en-
joying good health, for, rookie time -is
at present'sii'ffering from a severe at-
tack of la • grippe.,
. We are • 'sorry to state that Mr.
Adam McLean is tot ' improving > i
• fast as his, many ,friends would .was
He is • still confined to the bed. «:I
' business is in charge of Mr. Georl
Day of Wingham.
patterns we are showing this
Spring reveal a wealth of new
ideas; in Wall Decoration. Partic i
laxly is this true of the fatuous
BOXER ?apcts, of which we Have a
fine assortment --all 234 inches wider
i ir.
tltait the old tytype. -of Wall Paver,
This means easier hanging; t'}s' ..6 , but, ltlt?re.
important still, it means that you
have a more beautiful town, owing
thc y fewerscams and the more attrac.
it Id
tine designs tirade possible by the
increased width.
Our collecting never before reflected
so much of taste. and richness.
Por your Spring ' decorating to s
advaattagc of the splendid assortment
the are showing,
rlr,sr?5 err 1r2 tarn
11 'tr
1th their ;citc•r .t