The Wingham Advance, 1923-04-05, Page 1gle Cope, our Cente,
Aeld Day At Winghaert
The enifingham Bicycle Cub are-
'tsoldlieg a Field Day of Bicycle races
sated sports in the Wiligham Town
Pax* on Wednesday afternoon, May
enth.' There -will be half male, quarter`
Mile, mile and inile.nanes. The
prize.e are, well vvorth keen compels
ain and there altotild be entries from
-alltnarts of Huron County. Remern-
limn the date, Wedaesday, May soth.
Inas, All Saxes
The Advance has on 'display in their
nateidow "a' fine display of all siees of
,ggs. The Iargeet from a black units,
once in the pens of Samoel T-u-
nilL is 8ix7 incises hi circumfer-
entre. Other eggs on display are from
Mr. Jas. Irving's flock at Lucknow.
One is 81x6i, another is 8x6, another
,Oare., and another midget, 4sc3i. Some
nalsortment and while we have them
are are sure of 20t starving.
CTION SALE—Farm Stock arid
Implements, at north half of Lot
25, Con. tor 'West Wawanoshe
Thursday, April 5t11. e,
Lloyd' Phillips, Prop.
Elliott Auct.
, Cattle,
Pigs, Irriplenteeta, Hay, Etat., at Lei
e, Cott. e,, Tuettlaerry, 1 iqile west: of
Salem Church, oe
. "cantor & Son, Props,
folui ,eurvia, Auct.
_asUCTION SALE—Stock, Imple-
ments, etc., at Lot 37, Cora. 13, East
Wawanosh, on Friday, April 6t1.
'There will be im reserve as the pro-
nrietor is leaving the farm.
Geo. Ms Robertson Prop.
Jas. Taylor, Attet.
hatching, from my heavy laying
Inns, S. C. White Le,ghorais, Bar-
- red Rocks, Black Minoreas and
Mahogany Russian Orloffs. Write
for price list. Incubators and brood-
ers for sale If interested write for
entalogues. •
Duncan Kennedy,
t Box 2, Whiteciturch, Ont.
ined —24.2-611
-CLIPPING—Theeundersignecl will do
Horse Clipping atthe owners stab-
les Prices reasonable.
. E. J. Churchill, -VVing,hani.
Everlastine Clay Tile. liV,hen y-ou
huild use burnt ,clayebrick, made •by
Wm. Elliott & Son, manufacturers
of Rug and White larick, Dram n Tile,
a: to, T6 inches, Floozies, Tile, Hon
Dentinbe,. Blocks, Well Brielth,
-Chin-tatty Intue,s, elso agent for Min
toe Press and RI:1g Meek,
Phone 6 on 6, Wingham.
Wm. Elliott & Son,
Glenanean, Ontario.
FOR'SALE--About two hundred btia-
ehel of feed, barley, also one draft
three. -year-old mare. APply to
• W.5. T'nrdon,
ne 23-614 I:l.oute 3, 'Wingham.
trOR SALE—Two row. -and six_ row
teeed oar ley• ;:pi.ury pur euseest, ....o-
nly' to Jas Go ley & Sou,
notate n inghaire
- • -
FOR SALE-eA splendid cow, good
ker, due tot calve about. end of
April Apply. to
C H. Phippen,
1LOTVer Witigham,
FOR SALE—Isarge- Kitchen Table,
small Round Table, one Recker, Stand, Toilet Set. Apply to
1. Nicholls
FOR SALE—One good Pfeifer Cow,
'teeth calf ,at 'foot. Apply to '
T. Fells. •
FIIR.TILIZER-e-We are Galina Ag-
• -tints foe ,Shur Gain Jatertilizer and
Tankage, -from which you get the
nest results, Always a stock on
Wee Duabat, IthIgrave.
FOR SALE ---Two calves, apply to
jamee Pettey Marnoch.
0.10 2-621. __,.,mehttehette
P. McCONNELL----Real Estate --An
extra special bargain, r brick house,
eenient barn and xi acrea of good
land will -be sold right.
al'OR SALE -•--A number on Yonng
;Rigs, also a bilbod sow. Apply to
Sam McBurney,
flume 22-620 Route 5, Wingham
„In the village of Whitecherch, the
property of the late Mre. James IVIe-
Cleitaglaan. Sloan frame house
smith splendid garden. Everything
tin good repair. Apply to,
Mrs. tn, j. noble, Wingham,
or Mrs, ITerbert Laidlavaja
Leeknow Ores ns
r,rtr,E POSTPONneD—Oweig to tin:
nevem weather of March 28t1t, D.
H. Martin's sale at Lot 28, Con, iz,
East Wawanosh, was postpotted wi-
thin Tuesday, April tattle slat i o'clock,
when everythitig will be sold withs
out reserve. Sale will be held. Loader
Over it neeessarY,
ea Eggs for hatching, $1,00 per
setting, 5 cetats each for eggs aver
1 setting. Apply 'to
Bert Taylor,
II:1100e 31-626 Route ,3, "Wingl ern,
nt:40 RENT --A etnotirit of
good pasture for ,a fertr towneeoters,
Uwe. Forbes',
To the Editur ay the Advance,
Deer Sur
Whin-thefursht nv April collies
fellah feela loike he weld ruther be-
ont on the land shtirrin arround,. an
elaynie ting s re,ad,as fer slapring, but,
av eoorse, we musht take the weather
as it coluea an belave it. is awl fer the
betther. I wuddint atoind so much if
the paypers wife moore intrustin. I Am
toiredaydie about the thrubblesein
oulet Ireland, an the murtherie Turks,
an titian Frinchies trOyin t b make
Fritz pay up, an thim. Yanks deniandin
sittlemiut ,frum John Bull to the
lasht 'cint. I Wish tings wud toiyen
un a bit, at ToroMo an Ottawa. Ye
wad talk tbian, Parliarnints Wes U.
0. picnicks, so ye nvud, Wan day fer
want ay someting betther to do
shearted ray -din a yvurnman's pa.yper
that the Misses takes. Shure, 'twas
no koincl ay' raydin fer a Irian wid
brains, at all, at all. Moslitly about
the latest shtoyles in dresses an how
to fade the baby—whin theer is wan.
I,toiald the missus I didn't see much
change for the betther in. the way
wiminin train ressin t Is s prang.
She sed if min wild moind theer own
bizness it wild be betthee fer iviry-
buddy, an that wimmin vand dresa. as
they plazen., so they wud, an that whin
min "shtarted interferin they had little
to talk abota. I noutd .her she- wns
roight ler wance, that shpakin ay
wimin's dresses, theer wussn't rough
to 'talk about, wid thirn bean too -short
an both indss 'Tis but little dress
goods is 'nayded now, 1 sez, an the fae-
tofies du be runnie half t,oirree an the
dry goods min cornplainia av poor
bizinesse 1 thin ye misned"yer cailin,
Tim, she sez, very safeashtic loike, 'ye
staid be in New York arr Paris ,des-
oigain hew shtoyles in vvimmin's
dresses, sez she, but, shure, I hey to
laugh at tie bare idea av it. 'Tis then
bare ideas that inakenne laugh tnesilf
whin I don't fate "'pike shwearin, I re-
nicaid, the. bare arrums, an bare shoul-
ders, an bare becks, an bare necks, an
bare.wishbones, an I3eyont, an awl
the-reslit 'anethe bare ideas, I sez. 'Tis.
the naked truth I do be Yellin ye—
Shure, 'is lueltythat lang years ay
eepayrienee • hey, taught me what to
ixpict, fer if I hadn't dodged. eett a
hurry the rowlin pin wud hey shtruck
me a wallop on the head. Thim wen -
min. are quare paYPlei'sb they are
Did ye rade about nishter Hoey,
*Ito came: frum ould Ireland foorthcn
years ago widout a cint, and wint
slicrapin hoides in a :Montreal, tannery
at setrin dollars a wake fer ,a stairt?
Hetia now a TJ, F.,0. mirribir av parl-
iament at $4066 1, year, for13`ye puttin
himsilf_troo the'llethody College in
Winnipeg, in the mane toinee, ye -can't
bate the Irish. a
What d'ye tinJc Mishter Droory will
de atbout • the eedislitribushun av the
sates in Oinario? He tyus a party dac-
int bye Whin he , otto pollyticks,
barrin beinta U. F. 0„ btitaif he kepes
on he will soon be up to as Manny
threats as the Grits. Av •coorse, he
wild hate to davoide up the Piewvince
so ;that. tither wud be moore mimbirs
frum the cities an not so inanity frurre
the—comahry, fer that wud upset the
Ie. O. ;mina 'art, intoirely, so it
wild: 1 belaye Mishter Droory ertid
loike to play the game shtraight, if
they „were lane the mettlaer wid
but what kin, ye ixpict, wid awl thim
fel ahs he kapes errotand him.
Yours till nixt
Timothy Hay.
Get Your License Now
just a -frienclly note of • warning.
Some day, in feet any day now, an in-
spector from tne'inepartrrientnnf Pub-
lic Eitglaways is 'likely to be the means
of your paying a fine if caught driving
your automobile with an old license
plath on it. Some of We:see-lien are
reasonable, and10010are not. Better
be prepared. -
The Late Peter Deans
Another of the oldest' residents of
Wingham, passed to his reward ou
Sunday, viz., Peter Deens. He was
in Ins 77th -year and was horn in Rox-
borouglishire, Snottatind, and wlien a
young man, came with his parents to
Canada. and they/settled on and clear-
ed the farm wheal is still °weed by Ilia
brother; William Deaes just north of
the town. Forty-six years sin -o he was
married to hie notti bereft: partner,
who was thefl Miss Anges
of near -Whitechurch, The late Mr.
Deans was a, member of the- board of
managers of Si. Andrews church ever
since its inception. He farmed for. a
but. liyed in town for a great
many years. For it time be had a flour
and. feed store in the steam block and
was rot-e1ent/0. a member of the town
COU lie sine elm Wave changed
front a yirgin ftheact keen -fiat it is (0 -
(lay, Heoften 'delighted in telling how
lie saw the first house built in. Wing -
ham and how Inc people of the neigh-
borhood liaed to 1»ing flour. from
Illuevale and Goderith on jumpers be-
fore the advent of sleighs and wagons.
Besides his Widow, he is survived
by one son, Charles of Detroit, and
pale daughter, /Vies. Alf. Carr of niViets-
ham, hiS oldest sore Peeer IVIoeDoriald
Deans, died twelve yeal'S .4-igo Three
brothers awl One sister, also Surtivc,
William of Tureberear, Thomas of
Wingliama and Jewel; of Philadelphia,
also Mrs. J, W. Vanatter of Goderich.
Ia politica, Mr. Deans was 2 staunch
Liberal anti a Pvesbyteeian of the old
The remairas were laid to rest in the
Wiesshant cemetery oo. Tuesday aker-
noon. Rev, D1'. Perrie conducted the t
sei•vieta. Tian pallbearers were;
Messra, J. A. MaeLeara A. f. Foss,
VUiianl Clendeettleg, Wm. Powell, b
VVni. isbasIer ami Fred Johoston. '
PRIL5itlito 1923
apd Mrs. Oliver Thompson vis-, tilt. and rafth. j. j. EVans of Cobalt,
ited •tvitti friends at Lucknow, tare -visiting p.t the home pf Mr. ID.
ts w
Mr. ;Alex Merdie of Lu' -know, is thClo
e • -
new eirk at 1-11a llexall store' speleEitsstliAegEeaessteWr ylialacantlo7aotf tTite°raig"rrat°e'
Miss Edith KeW of London Normal, of her parents, Mr. and Ilsnrs. Wm.
spent. Easter at her home here. , williatrlson -
Mr. Harold Mann of 'I'oronto, spent 'Misses Viola, Mabel and Clara Is -
with his parents in town ard of Toronto, viaited over the boll -
Mr. Hector Mutton of Toronto, vis- dayn with their parents, MT, and Mrs,
ited at his home here over -Easter, Jas. S: Isard. -
Mr, and
Mrs. Balline of Montreal,-
visited with IVir. end Mrs. R. racy:ell.' , Mrs. 1V1cLaughlin and deughter,tiiisist•Vheonler,sdaughter,elfalarOfDu
Dundas, are Fredisit
Mrs. Cars°11 lvh° has heel' visvisitingv,,L, Davidson.,
iDleurrebam friend's here. miss to her home ,i, miss Ma' Robertson of Dresden,
' visited over the holidays with her par-
withBandmaster and Mrs. Davis trisitod eats,
friends in London over the -holt- Mr4p.ri. ex,aonadd,Inrs• Wm. Robertson,
MisLaura Reid of 'noronto, is . - Miss Catherine Adams of Hamilton,
s vasvted over the Easter vacation at the
itieg her parents, Mr. and sirs Wm. bornewen her. parents, me and, mrs,
Big slaughter in Diamends at W. G.
Patterson's jewelery Store.
Man feels more efficient than WOITI-
an, but Ite can't slip eight minces of
cloth oer Is head end call hiraself
dressed, "
anarataret C. Caltler expects to
be away from her office from Thee's-
daya March 2eth., until Wednesday,
Apra! title
Mr. and ante John C. Casernore en-
tertained their friends on the fourth
of Ternberry, one night last week, All
report a jolly good time.
On ..ntinday morning -Pastor Harris
will speak on "The Exhaustless Sup-
plies of Christ," the evening subject
will be on "The Philippian Jailor,"
The lathes Club postponed their
dance in the council chamber on Mon-
day night, because of the death.of W.
D, Varey, a member of the Club.
We understand that there is every
possibility of elosiog up the counay
13,eid• ' W. Adams John St jail at Goderich And transferring the
Miss Olive Clow of Ilillsburg, is j mrs. Gilbert Thibidep of tew12, 7as
When your wa,tch stops take it to
prisoner or two to the Stratford jail.
spending take holidays at her norne in, caned away on Thursday owing to .,
town- ' i the illnesws of her daug,hte;, Mrs. Alf. the great watch doctor, W, G, Pat_
Miss Ada Haines of Hamilton, spent Robinson of Lucknow. terson. .
tbe Easter holidays et her home M•-. M. R. Beckwith and family
n r . Wileon C./odd-a, assistant "sec
'townvet try of the iviutual Life Insuraace „..., es- . - . -
wish to graitefully thank their many
t ood Waterloo, enewed equitint- linen t arta neignoors for the kind-
atliss Marjory knarrison of A w , nee, of r a
spent the holidents at her home in •ances in town this vvecknment.
ese showu during their sad bereave -
town. • . - Miss Olive Cruikshank, of Guelph
The family of the late Mrs. D. Fry-
_ Mrs. A. 5. Varalkee was cal,led to Agricultural Cotlege, spent tile holi-
fogle• wish to thank their friends and
Seaforth owine to the illness of her days at the borne of her pareuts, iVfr.
ttilnaillatelatalel It
A kNi, 1.41
Thi sday, Friday„ Saiturd yo /pfl
ITal- French Briar Pipes 500 value Senator or T. nr B. Tobacco inc
1,4 - Burriale Pipe Cleaners—The 3 for, e
$2.0 Hot Water 3, to- Scribblers anti a
Bottles for 47 an elegiatj se Lead Pencil fors --
i Odorklat Toilet Soap was soe, (There is no better Soap 'On ff,'
NJ Sae Lord BaltiMore Portfolio, a Pa(1 of the finesI Linen
iij Paper and a Package of FeasaeloPes ftiar ... • . •
toe Summer's Garden 2ri ;fix.,6o Fancy Rubber
911 and Flower Seeds, 4 for ti C Aprons .
g'• 750 Symphony Lawn Stationer], (The finest Innen Paper
Lea' made irt tinti) for __es . .........
- Goe Jordan Almonds ',Zees 5oc English Candied
Eg, per Ib - ------------------------).l'' Licorice, per lb.
25c Rexall Cook Books, These Bookscontain over moo vat-
uable Recipes and Household Tips for •
• Winehana, Ont
Triother. • and mrs. Geo, craikshank. neighbors:for their kindiaess and sym- nahaantan alma, it annual'
pathy, clurtng, then.- recent sacl bereave- "ss"
bon's Dru_
2746.- SeortlY
• Me. Herbert I.-lelwig 43f towe, spent M • isses Mary and IVIargaret Robert- ment.
the week -end with his - parents, , at SOO Of Toronto, visited over the East-
. . . , . . ,
Neustadt, . - . er holidays" \arida their parents, earProfAHTomlinsonBSA.
will address a
IVIrs:: Skinner of Stratford, visited at and Mrs. Gs -T. Robertson. meeting in Weigher -1,
on April t3th., at 8 o'clock in. the
the Ilona e of her sister,' Mrs. Oliver Misses Azelia and Thelma Sander- terests of the Horticultural Society.
Thontason, r" son of Hamilton spent the Easter The address is entitled The Best
aMr, W. Burgess ivas..Up'I'from Tor- holidays at the home of their Parents, Trees,' E've.rgreens, Shrubs and Per
onto spending' the holidays vvith his Mr- and Mrs.. W. A. Sandersonennials, for Ilome Ground Planting
family here. . - , • Miss Bernice,. TilibidoTi of tow., A atenence' that can censure movie
' Mrs. 'A. ,I-1, Simpson spent a few spent a. few day's in Listovvel last films and prevent them being offered
days in Toronto .with • her sister, Mrs, week with her cousin, Miss Audrey to the public should not hesitate to
G. T. Jarvis. ' ' , Ducklow and many other friends.
censor wild -cat stock certificatesand
Mr. Harry Dore of Ingersoll -visited Mrs. A. Falla.hy of Torbrain seent list those so censored for the pro-
over the Easter vacation with his par- the Easter holiday with her mother, tection of the public ignorant of the
ents in town. ' Mrs. Jas. /viartip, and brothers, jaswiles of unprincipled promoters.
Mr David Perrie of Kaox 'College, and 'Chae. Martia of Whitechurch. Commenting on the, fact that an
Toronto, spent the Easter holidays De .Ernest Einklater of Wallace- Arkansas woman has cremated her
at his horne,here. burg, and sister, Miss Eva of Toronto, third Ituaband, the St. Thomas Times --
Master - Gcadon Deyelt is enjoying visited for a few, days with their par- journal re1lects on the injustice Of the
a few daysholidays with friends ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 'S. Linklater. situation by remarking that it is un-
around Dungannon. . .,. . i -Miss Ada Buttery of London, spent. fair that some should be old maids
Mrs. E Pettigrew and daughter, ' the Easter holidays at the home of her 'while others have husbands to burn
Miss Margaret, are visiting with parents, Mr e and Mtaf A. Buttery, She Big Closing Out Sale no* going on
friends' in Battle' Ceeek. was ,accompanied by her friend, Mr, at Hilliard's store. Everything must
Mr. Wrn. Hillman of Stratford, vis-1Fred Hill: ,. • be sold regardless of cost:, *
ited. over the holiday ato the home oft Dr, M. C. Calder and Miss M. E. A carload' of "eggs" consigned to
,..A/r. and Mrs. wm. Dore, , t 1 Adams, superintendent of the Wing- the United. Farmers in Toronto, turn-
' tham General Hospital, are spending a ed" out to be loaded with winskey.
Y'l couple of weeks in New York and N
Infra. 'Writ. McGill of Turnberr
eedless to say the U. P. 0. knew
spent Easter with her mother, Mrs., '•
a Atlantic City. • , nothing- about it. Things are coining
Jas. Martill, Whitechurch.
Mr. and Mrs. K. R Howard of Tor-; 1 e
1 noes Lillian Gr'nen, -who hes been to a pretty pass when even an egg
1 Th Ad I ' • '
onto, spent the Easter holiday with tete e vance tor eorata time went must be reg•ardect, with suspicion.—,
her sistea Mrs, R S. McGee. ' • '
, , to her home in Llinton on Saturday Farinera' Sun.
'ind goos wutluxliiidy to theirnew W. C. Good's resolute)» in Dom -1
'Miss Lizzie Rutledge of ;Brampton., home in Pembrolee this week. , inion Parliament, to retnove from
visited with her aunts, Mrs. A. '-"E
n'' mr, j. W. Vmaatter, publisher of race -track gambling the exemptions
Fothergill and Miss Rutledge
- -. , ,
the Coderich Star, Paid The Advance, granteelnit under the' Criminal Code
DrGeorge Musgrove of Niagara a fraternal call on TuesdayHe ws
being defeated by vote of g6 to e:6,
Falls, spent Eitster at the home of his npere • attenng dithe funeral ofhais with 65 members "shirlting" the vote,
brother, Postmaster Musgrove, hrother-in-law, the late Peter Deans. does riot truly represent the public ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stewitrt returned ' Miss Minnie Pringle has resettled opinion of Canada.
on Saturday evening from spending, Position with the 1,1.1CknOW Table The University of Toronto has sent
the winter months in California. ' Company, after an absence' of several otit over twenty thousand graduates
Miss Lea Curie. of -Toe-ma-to,- st,e,ett weeks . bete:men. of 11 e- letiss Mar- during the , seventy-five srears of its
the .Easter holidays at the lionte of her garet Page relieved during her ab- bisroty, of whom 2 ,soo became mem-
pa.rents, Mr. and Mrs. David Currie. settee. . 111
one .35 M
Removal Notice
Mr. R. a Jackson wishes to notify'
his friends and 'customers that he has
moved his Massey -Harris Implement
Shop to the Gracey building next to
Field's Butcher Shop.• He also han-
dles Brantford Windmills, Pumps, etc,
Dies Suddenly _Inti Toronto
Another of Wingharnis citizens has
been called to the Great Beyond with
very little or tio warning. Mt Wm.
D. Varey went to Toronto to speed
Easter with friends and on Monday
morning he suffered a hemorrhage
which terminated fatally., Citizens of
Wingham were shocked when the
aews reached town that he had passed
away. Mr. Varey was • president of
the Western Foundry Co., a position
which he has filled since the death of
his chum, the late J. 3. Cunningham, Harry Bradstone, a Collector of- Ad
who died suddenly -while visiting with ventures. Mrs, Chattie-Gaddin, it rich
friends in Toronto one year ago last Arnerican Widow, Dolly, her &tight
Christmas, ter Prudence another daughter, Solt -
He was born at Niegartnon-the- jab., Widow of Wizard; Urbanale
Lake, Ont., a SOTT of the late Eli Vara High -Priestess of the Temple; Boon-
ey. He is survived by a sister and ypale Slavn; Chin -Chin Foo, Chin
three brothers: Mrs. (Rev.) John Me- ese Wife of Maharajah; Brazillitate,
lames, Vancouver; Charles A. -1.rarey Brazillia.n Wife of Maharajah; Patsy
A novel and brilliant musical pro-
duction entitled "Katcha-Koo" -will be
given wider the auspicea of the Lions
Chits on May 21S1 and 2211f! „111 711,
Town Hall,
• Title ,geriental-American Panastique
earries the audience from 01171 of the
privete temples of the Maharajah a
Hunga in India where the first Act is
laid, to New York at tat home of Mrs.
Chattie-Gacldin, a rich American -end.-
The leading dramatic talent in to•wn
is to appear in the Various role?nand
in the beautiful dances and choruses
Aanong the principal characters will
be:—Katella-koo, a Fal ir, Maharejalt
of Henga, an East Indian Romeo,
Dien I-1orton, a collector of Antique,
, Vancouver; Henry L. Varey, Los An- Kildare, Irish Wife of Maharajah, .T.a
Mr. Will L. Hinsatliffe of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Dick MaT32 and babe
spent (lie week -end with his parenth'y of Toronto, and Miss Emily of I -lentil -
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hinscliffe Shuter ton are spending a few days with
St. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mrs- J., A. Smith and 'daughter,' Mann, before leaving for California on.
Wanda, of Kincardine are visiting at Thlirscinar,
the home of Mr . and mra. R. o, eac.., Other Easter visitors in Wingham
Gee. were• Mr. end Mrs Chas lao le • f
BoltonIl ; Miss Frances Lockridge of
Mrs. A. G. Smith and, two children' or NOi'4,
spent 115 et m
at the hoe of her par*: '-'113r; Mr. Jack 'McK.ay-'' of
Moorefield; Me. and Mrs, Arnold Ed-
ents, Mr. and-Itfrs. JaseIrving,
, M
gar of Wroxeter; rs- Chas. Hawkins
' -.of Preston; Miss Anhie Davidson of
Mr. Earl johns of Toronto; and his 'Toronto; Miss Bessie Moffat of '
sisters-.aaIse 'azee• of PortC11 o
l rile, water -' Miss Agnes Walker taf Tor -
visited with their mother over th serttca miss Christie Robertson of
holiday, IalcoheimeMiss D. Brawley of Oren -
:Mr. teal 'Mrs. FAxner Shackleton of geville; Mr. Robert McKague of
Toronto, spent the. Easter holidays Teeswater, I7111 Geo, McEwen of
with the la.tter'santother, 31 5 Goderich arid Miss 13. Kemp of Lis-
Cantelon. •towel. •
bers • of the medical profession. Tor-
onto remains what it long has been,
one of the leading centres of medical
education on the American continent.
Brine on your repairing- to W. G.
Pattersoa's Jewelery store, where you
get it repaireo. properly.
geles, and Frederick Warren Vitrey, Belle Elysee, French Wife of Mahar -
Toronto. . . ajala. .
Mr. Varey was not in the beet of Other's wilt assume the rolee 01 --
health for some time, but: none of his iental Ladies, Peiests, Slaves, Attend*
frieeds dreamed that the end was so ants, Polo Dancers, etc.
near. • A patriotic finale in which America,
Deceasednetras in his 66111 year, His , Joan of Arc, England, France, ..ttlay,
wife predeceased him over six years and the allied nationa appear will be
ago. He was a member of the Lions., one of the features of the production.
Club and of the Methodist church. , An experienced professional direct
s\ public sers ice. will be held at the; or, supplied 1331' John B. Rogers Pro-
Wingham Methodist Church at /.3o p.; dining Company, wilt attend, to the
ne, on Thursday, April 5th., after correct staging of the play. S'pecial
,which the remains will bit taken to R ;aitenstry tared COSTalr..f,'S. ITC" .SLIonl;f'd
A. Currle s Undertaking Parlors to R. L. Sherbondy is chairman of the
await the arrival of relatives from i1 local committee, Others who wilt
distance. • • help with the production are L C.
The floral tributes are beautiful, in- , Young, C. R. Wilkinson, R S. Wil -
eluding remembrances froin the staff Hams. A. G, Smita and J. W. MeKih-
surd officers of the Western Foundry , bon. It is expected thet rehearsals
and from the Lion' Chlb. Will begin about May eth
, ,
EVILOgelist Turnbull finished his
mission here on Sunady evening-. He
gave his last message to a packed
house on Sunday evening at the Bap-
tist Church, His magnetic personal
qualities drew many to him. Hs help:
ed believers and was God's instru-
ment to win a number to Christ The
best wishes and kindest thoughts of a
host of ft-a:nets go with him. He begins
his next mission at Harrow, Ont.
'Vane were about to publish the
weather predictions of 5. B. Bowes,
Chaiswortle's far-famed weather prop-
het, but after 'reading the probs, for the month of Ivlarch we tossed thern
amen the avaste basket end threw our
,almanac in on top of them, This is
Al the °netting of this conference -Aar, j, T. Lennox has just entered his guess for the month of marcli.
year, the auperintendeet and officers a ,neta, coetielet on. Ruteil Route No. i, First week, treter cold and unsettled
of the Methodist Sunday School. de.- for another four cam term, He bas want heavy snow till about the muddle
cidedto, increase their..conteibutious now been dtawing mail for ten yearsof the month. Remainder of the
to Missions by 25. per cent. Because :This is a very good record for ,a 01111 roonth very mild with weret rainea
of severtal bad Sundays in the first of man, It shonrs that he certainly has Such rot,
the montlinthe school was $4' 00 be given good satisfection to his box
hind their objective last Sunday, a holders. We hope that he 10111 have
special aepeal was made soul the con- the health and strength to continue medal contest
teibution was sufficient to go over for many more year. Box Holder. • , ,
the top, reaching the objective of $25o, Weds In Toronto Medal Contest will be, held In
. theA alethodist church on Friday c
Cke Weighed Lnough - rl
ralarriage of MaeY Elleabetil &ling, April 6th., at o'clock,, under
The followings incident may be of . (Bessie) Kennedy, elder d-aughter of the, auspices of the W, C. T. U. The
kit:crest to any householders who may Alat and Mrs. Lattehlin Kennedy of contest consists of Eieays, Posters,
have thoitglita that they were not get- Wingham, to diaries E, • Weeks of Elottationiat ane Vocal Selectione,
&meats School Offering •Mail Courier
ttng full weight in their coat sacks ; Toronto, only San of ltnr. and Mrs,
011 Monday morning Chief Albin and George Weeks of Strathroy, took
/Ur. T. R. Bennett weighed the entire place on Saturday, March 31s1., 1923,
load of one coal (feeler, vcrii limit giving at high noon at St. Pat.& Cathedral,
bilat anY eventing, and, totted ra sacks Blom' St's; Toronto, by the Rev. Canon also be germ Admisatou 25 cents
of colte which weighed ireta lbs, The Cody. The best. winhes of the bride's and T5 °eine, Excellent cash
sacks weighed 37.1bs, Ostia the dealer, many friends !tete goes with them eon be given, e
we are glad to be able to state, was for a long arid happy weddednife. ,
giving e 1 s. of eeal overweight. Anether war Caaawelty • March Report Of Scbool Nurse
Major 11, MacLean. M., C. and Se rgt The March Report of the School
A. j. Nicholls and fantaly receined A. Forbes attended the funeral of the Noose, Wingliam High School, 8 vis-
ite': sad 'news inToronto last weal of late 'Major !neat :Hetherington, N. C., its; Wingham l'ublie School, 8 'visits;
the. sadden death of Tete Id. Beelninttle at Goderielt oo Tuteday, Major Brusels, 2 ViSitS; WrWtefer, visit;
a former employee, Also of Mrs. S. etingtort was gassed overseas nod died. Gorrie, t visit; Fotdwich, i visit; lel-
aeaborra of Neepawa, Mara, with of tabereulosis in Byroe Sanitarium, grave, 1 visa; Bluevale, I visit; No, 7
whorn Mr. Nicholls and Millie, spent He is survived by a wife atul four Fest and West Wnwanosh, I visit;
f)lortsaut visit lest summer, -Mem in children, Many will remember the No t2, East and West Wawanosh
he West. IVIr. Seabotn will be re- Mejoe as a bcarty ebap of about 200 Visit; No,5, te
, Tmberry, PuCils
nernbered also as a former employee lbs. We understand from Mr. Mee- examined, 7,33; New defects Fund, 66;
f Mr. Nicholls, Mrs, ScabOrta wag a -Lean that he had wasted away to a Defects termiented,, 30; Horne visits
tight young woman of 22 years. P. mere skeleton, weighing oo lbs.' at the made, ge.
sant very much to hear of the (teethe. time of his death, N. Id. Robb.
Don't' forget the -date, Intiday, April
6th. Everylsody come and encourage
the children: in this splendid work. A
good program of other numbers will
Isearned 'With Regeet
Many of the Intibber Boots on the Market are absolutely worthlees,
We sell no Rabbet' Boots that are not of Standard make—or Boots
. we cannot
rit,74 ARAN:TEE
We have the Short Boots, the Iltiediton eit Are
and High Booth, . .. _ .. ...airTna,Pts7 a-PU(011.111U
If you buy a pie of Rubber Boots here and anything goes wrong,
we'll 'MAKE THE WRONG right in every way.
to:opoti, SHOE ST'