HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-29, Page 8THE WII„G]EIAPI ADVANCE Thursday, March2gtli., 19z3
m: ----nm ",:, � . reaeee areereerazaeaeeeeee-e-aaaaaeamaeamealeaemeeem- , •'ee"eem°4m.rwo.mm
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.rae'ii! H r`e. ata
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»r Sprt (i g Sl howin of the famous North -
ay anit Tailored tf' u:rilnefgs r Ladies,
livilsoes and Ctaildren is 'w rt ::y of your
o sideration. q and Et
t�nvate y 1ltt to in-
ssec our stock. `<Et Rhe 1° t st sty&s daY d
ibis are :H1.4lsW ?a'+IIS, 't ispli:.;y.
Ladies' Coats $12.50 t ti, 625.0'
Misses' C ats $12.0;1 O.0 o
L .,a. `t les' S1l , is 25 OO to 67.50
asses' Tq+free Piece Suits 29.50 tilt 45.00®
esses, w> t:zes $1:8.50 to /15.00.
ceased was a daughter of the late Mr. AFTER LIVE COUGARS'
The funeral will be held on Wednes- Ur. Bert Weliwood Accompanies SR. IV-Subjeiets examined in,
day from the home of her brother, Mr. Trapper
William Pollock. In the death of Mrs.
Smith, this community loses a most Lacombe, Alta, Mar. nand., x923
esteeinabl"e lady and one that has Dear A,G.
rendered valiant service for humanity. Remembering we have some real
She leaves to mourn her toss, two good sports around Wingham,
sons and two .sisters and one brother. I thought I might be able to direct
Her husband predeceased her several them to an excellent hunting ground
years ago.. where there is an abundance of large
Special Easter Music will be ren- game such as cougars, bears and
dered in all the churches on Sunday. moose.
Mrs. (Rev.) Clysdale. and children It was my pleasure to accompany
of Atwood, visited Mrs, John Mills the Mr. Baker and cougar mentioned
during the week, in the following clipping from Gate -
Mrs. Mitchell of Ripley, visited with way, Montana, to Elko, B. C.
friends in town over Sunday. "Robt. Baker, a well known trap -
Dr, Milne was elected Reeve by ac- per from the upper reaches of the
clamation, Mr. Joseph Taman having Yahk river, came into Elk, B. C.,
Jails Pollock of Morris.
Men's, Yoiting Men's and Boys' Spring ins eS' its
Spring Overcoats and Fur ishthgs at ;i;rte-
es that will please you.
.:Special Values in Men's Clothing
Men's All Wool Scotch Tweed Suits.................:....._........._.$2z,5o to $4o.00
Men's All Wool English Worsted Suits .... ._.__........ __$x8.5oto $42.50
Men's All Wool West of England Serge Suits...,_....._$25.0o to $4$.00
Men's Spring Coats, Latest styles ...........................-_._..__$x8.50 to $32.50
Men's Gabardine Raincoats ........ ._...... ._ _ _ .............._....._$x6.5o to $27.5o
rs , lino Hats, King Hats, Knitted Neck
ld ear, Silk and >;`a ool Neckwe r,,
Perri Gloves, Forsyth Shiirts.
$9.75, $t2.75 and $16.50
Boys' New Two Bloomer quits, prices
MUMl' t wh' !''ii `¢t!€ i1 r.;u `d.' RiP
Mr. Albert Walker of Elora was
dome for a couple of days this week.
We are pleased to report that Mr.
Ias. Nichol also Mr, and Mrs.
rving are improving after their 're-
cent illness.
Mrs. McKee visited for a few days
with her brother, Mr. Geo. MacDon-
Mr. H. Hammond received a car,
'of coal this week for his creamery.
Mrs, J. Little of Brussels, visited
her mother, who is not enjoying very
good health at present, for a few days
this w
Mr. Howard Stewart left on Tues -
'day for North Bay.
Mr. Gordon Hall has sold his tai
bred Durham bull to Mr. G.J
laher of Belgrave.
Messrs. R. Johnston and F. Black'
aeac hshipped a car of hogs from here
on Saturday morning.
Mr, Everett, McGee is suffering
;front an attack of ,appendicitis. We
140 e hewill soon be well again..
rs. Thos. Waddell and daughter
of Newton, are at present visiting with
Viler parents,,Mr. and Mrs. L, Jewitt.
There wilt be a congregational
Mrs. MacGregor and Miss Irene
Moore visited one day last week with
friends at Langside.
Mr. .and Mrs. John Falconer and
Nora, spent the week -end with friends
in Culross.
Mrs. Garton sr., visited last week
with her son in Brussels.
Miss Greta Fox of Wingham, visit-
ed with her parents here on. Sunday.
Mr. Archie Jamieson of Guelph, vis-
ited last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Wilson.
The Ladies of the Presbyterian
church shipped quite a number of doz-
ens of eggs on Monday, to Miss Ratty
of the Young Women's Home in Tor-
Mr. Arthur Moore started the maple
syrup season on Saturday when he
Mr. Joe Tiffin had the misfortune
to cut his foot one day last week,
when chopping in the bush. He will
be laid up for some time.
The Young People of the Presby-
terian church intend holding a social
evening next Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid and fam-
ily of Glenannan, moved into White-
church this week,
Miss Lila Humphrey of St. Helens,
spent last week with her sister, Mrs.
George Walker:
Mrs. Samuel Thompson of Donny-
brook, has been visiting with her son,
Mr. Frank Thompson.
The assessor, Mr. Wm. Robinson
is on his rounds again.
Mrs. Oliver Gallaway and children
of Wingham, are visiting for a few
days with Mrs. Thos. Nichol.
Mr. David Dane made a business
trip to this vicinity on Saturday. •
Mr. Thos. Nichol exchanged horses
with Mr. Harry Adams of Wroxeter,
last week.
Mr. David Dane of the xoth line,
bought a colt from Mr. R. A. Taylor.
Miss Edna Taylor spent a few days
with her cousin, Miss Alba Carson of
Comp., Spelling, Art, Geog., and: Lit,
Total, 450. Honors, 340. Pass, 270
E. Swanson, 400; N. Homuth, 400;
G. Fry, 379; W. Tiffin, 369; N. Beat-
tie, 36o; Y. MacPherson, 359; M. Is-
ard, 359; M. Sanderson, 358; G, Rob-
ertson, 358; M• Thurlow, 344 E. Fin-
ch, 34o; A. Irwin, 335; D. Haney, 334;
M. Seli, 329; W. Johnston, 310; M.
Musgrove, Soo; D. Haller, 300; G.
Rintoul, 296; C. McKibbon, 289;, E.
Boardman, 289; G. Dobie, 289; M,
Hi111, 287; W. Elancock, 282; W, Tay-
lor, 282; D. Scott, 275; M. Simpson,
274; D. Preston, 265; S, Blatchford,
257; I Stewart, 257; D. Hammond, 25o;
F, Angus, 249; D. Davis, 244; C. Fry,
one day last week, bringing with 234' A, Swanson, 2211 F. Field, -217;
him, a live cougar. The animal
measured nearly six feet from tip
to tip, and tipped the scale at x75
pounds. His method of capturing
the mountain lions alive, is novel
When he sights a cougar, his dogs
are sent after the animal, who im-
mediately he scents danger, climbs
the first tree he can reach. The
cougar then falls easy prey to Bak-
er, who climbs the tree, taking with
him a long wire noose. This he
manoeuvres until he succeeds in get-
ting the noose over the animal's
head, then pulls it taut. The cougar
usually puts up a strong fight, but
is slowly but surely strangled into
submission and then pulled down to
the ground where it is then an easy
matter for Baker to hobble him.
The animal is then dragged
through the bush to the highway
where a cage is kept in readiness
and having safely been caged, Bak-
er drives to the nearest railway
point and ships the cougars to the
Southern States where there is a
big demand for the Iive animals for
zoological gardens and circus men-
This is the eighth cougar that Mr.
Baker has captured alive this spring
and brings his total capture to zoo.
The cougar is a very vicious ani-
mal and his kill in deer alone is es-
timated at fifty a year. The govern-
ment has placed a bounty of $4o,00
per head on them, and trappers are
fighting hard to banish them from
the mountains.
The animal did not appear to en-
tirely aprove of .my company as ex-
pressed by his low growls and large
piercing eyes.
It was interesting indeed to hear of
Mr. Baker's methods of capturing the
wild animals.
He did not appear to think as much
of securing this savage animal as a
boy would of catching a chipmunk.
Snow is very deep in central B. C.
Not much in Alberta, but we are ex=
periencing almost all.kinds of weather
every day.
Hope your family and staff are en-
joying best of health.
Sincerely yours,
W. Weliwood.
i. -The Council of the Corporation
of the Town of Wingham, has con-
structed as a local improvement, a
concrete pavement on Diagonal Road
from Josephine Street to the Town
2 -The cost of the work is $29,000,
of which $18,xoo.42 is to be paid by
the Corporation. The special rate per
foot frontage is 18.5c.
The special assessment is to be paid.
in twenty annual instahnents.
3. -The estimated lifetime rme of the
tip• ark is twenty years.
4-A Court of Revision will be held
on the 12th day of April, 1923, at 10
o'clock a, m., at the Town Hall, for
the purpose of hearing complaints
against the proposed assessments or
the accuracy of frontage measure-
ments and any other complaint which
persons interested may desire to make
and which is by law, cognizable by the
Dated, Clerk's Office, Wingham,
the 26th day of March, 1923.
• \V. A. Galbraith, Clerk.
The neighbors gathered at the home
of Mr. Percy Hogg on Wednesday
evening, March east,, and presented
Mr. and Mrs. Hogg with a beautiful
Ieather rocker. The following address
F. V+ord, 205; C. ?;dinigston, lox; E.
Tamlyn, x99; NI. Mitchell, zgg.
JR. I V -=-Total 500-L. Cragg, 425;
E, Lott, 422; M. Robertson, 416; L.
Thompson, 406; E. Dolan, 405; H.
Mitchell, 4o5; V, Fox, 393; B. Edgar,
392; N. Carr, 385; K. Williams, 357;
L. Bennett, 356; W. Seddon, 356; J.
MacLean, 347; M. Cloakey, 334; H.
Field, 329; 8, Brawley, 327; R. Rae,
326; K. Reid, 316; S. Bennett, 3xx; A.
Brawley, 299; J Sturdy, 288; G. Mc-
Donald, 272; M. Weir, 251; W. Col-
gate, 239; L. Peterman, 225; M. Carr,
224; D. Holt, 219; V. Campbell, 154;
R. Armstrong, 116.
SR. III -Maximum, 450 -Class A. -
K. King, 396; E, McKay, 392; V. Len-
nox, 388; M. Redmond, 386; N. Taylor,
385; G. Snell, 374; E. Lepard, 36o; B.
McGee, 36o; L. Hopper, 351; 0. Hom-
uth, 336; C. Pilon, 330; L. Smith, 322;
E. Ross, 3,g; F. Carter, 291; M. Mit-
chell, 264; K. Somers, 237; Mary Mit-
chell, 237; C. Carr, x9x; F. Burgess,
98; L. Hutton, 22.
Class B. -C. Deans, 315; J. Clarke,
315; M. Saint, 312; C. Coutts, 310; R.
Copeland, 288; R. Sutton, 278; T. Gib-
son, 272; L. Carter, 252; S. Reeves,
222; E. Blue, 220; E. Stoakley, 201; W.
Gurney, ter; V. Miller, Iyg; M. Coutts,
152; G, Alien, Yob; R. McDonald, 78;
A. Barrett, 5o; P. Gibson, 30.
JR. III -Total, 37o. -J. Tiffin, 336;
I. Smith, 3og; K. Smith, 296; J. Mc •
Kibbon, 284; G. Young 274; A. Snell,.
274; T. McCracken, 270; C. Blatchford,•
260; H. Dixon, 26o; M. McBlain, 235;•
M. Currie, 235; J. Ellacott, 231; B.
Fox, 223; L. Broome, 222; H. Browne,
215; A. Hancock, 215; G. Well -,wood,
210; M. King, 202; N. Rintoul, 202;
V. Pilon, x99; W. Angus, 184; R.
Hancock, 183; L. Hayden, 183; J. An-
gus, 172; A. Coutts, 169; J. Lepard,
167; J. Beattie, 166; I. Sutton, x62; J.
Dinsley, 161; A. Stokes, i57; M.
Campbell, x56; M. Templeman, 146;
W. Fitt, 143; N. Hayles, 140; M. Mas-
on, 139; E. Shropshall, 136; B. Mit-
chell, 133; J. Carr, 118; D. Miller, 82;
W. Broome, 39.
SR. II -Total, 300; Honors, 225;
Pass x8o-Class A. -J. Copeland, 278;
E. Reid, 264; A. Loutitt, 256; W. Dow,
254; M. Bisbee, 254; A. Hammond,
251; E. McInnes, 25o; J Brackenbury,
249; T. Moir, 249; E. Zurbrigg, 249;
0. Tiffin, 248; I. Nortrop, 241; 3.
Mitchell, 238; E. Homuth, 224; E.
Rae, 223; B. Walker, 220; N. Dow,
216; C. Finlay, 216; S. Campbell, 215;
M, McIntyre, 209; P. Campbell, 206;
G. Davidson, 2o3; . M. Clarke, x92.
Class B. -R. Harrison, 238; D. Hart,
Just "P
fur ,
I' aR;JI 1 in Reg 'r
m g Sto
e re co lucent r Sp?Sh ii l Seteett l a >r>l
up-to-d;,.te Footwear is >ImIIwsl• rIl Arse
in this quart ',LI ester Ontl;.;,rioo
any new sty),::.s
ac S't &11tt1ra:Cll1V
sh. W y 8;; u
ven s
dlLL hr+�
re b in , s ow
shall be
I t o new - creations
pposiFlu d
wish iia: i nyo
la t
Next Fri y lea ;, g Gd Friday h+t'uli, tore
w�tIlli I>I,e cl sed all day.
PEN T'HU! d°S;1.�` �d'i UNTIL 10 P. M.
The Leading Shoe Store of Huron C t ilnty
Phpile 129. Wing- a
11.* 97
was read
To Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hogg, E. Henderson, �i H Burgess -
Wingham Ontario i 194; R• Hastie, 193; C. Fry, 188; L. F
Dear Nellie dP
have gathered here on this, the Hap 1 J CrS. Mitchel 1_8 . S. Rober
r e ie an Percy:- Durnin, 187; F. Colgate, 183; M. Hing -
We your neighbors and friends
„ t 16�.• S Mitchell x55• R Agnew,
on, , t
piest evening" of your life. - 54'
You, Percy have lived in aur midst( son, 95; M. Fitt, 88.
all your life and have proven yourself JR. II -Total, 500; Honors, 375
to be a loyal friend, always willing to Kenneth Lott, 409; Merrill Cantelon,
lend a helping hand. We feel we could 397; George Roberson, 387; Harvey I
not let this happy event slip by with- Groves, 387; Shirley McCracken, 382;
out showing our appreciation and kind Albert Rintoul, 375; Catherine Van- .
thoughts toward you. sickle, 356; Gordon Smith, 344; Rae
We ask you to accept this chair and Thompson, 331; Vera Burgess, 326; i
niay you both be spared to enjoy it, Mary Dobie, 290; Leila Wilde, 287;
and a tong and happy married life. Violet Mellor, 275; Andrew Scott, 265; - Phone 30.
. behalf of your neighbors Earl Gray, 240; Ruby Reeves, 234;
Signed on
and friends. Murray Rae, 202; Helen Beattie, 181;
Norma Willie Lediett, 153; Jim Cloakey, 148; t4
Harold Moffat George Beattie, 343; Beverley Small,
'f;'fitat stash is �l la
lard a`rtialtai • '
It181.11itlilffiIf!'F.Illalli1011161118111a!l:I�dlll5slil li!llllll flit
�a.nes for Theis®
at the ---
x Quart. Aluminum Sauce Pans
Heavy Weight, spec -33
Aluminum Potato Pot with
Cover, regular $s.50 1 075
- ,
Aluminum Covered Roaster,
regular $3.00, special )
only e a, L•
Black Beauty Covered Steel
Roaster, reg $x o0
Special only -- -._ ` C
pay in r�
Trade, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, per dozen:._..___..... '�Jh
1 Farmers bring your "Fresh Eggs here we will
Sani-Flush, the Sanitary 3 Toilet Paper, special big
Toilet Cleanser
value, 7 rolls._.. _. _ -_,
" }'Cedar" Floor Wax fives
"Hercules" Cold Solder, for re-
pairing leaks in all best results, special •
Metals ' C only. _.__......_.._._..........
V21.16 oorlm449�MOID 0...0¢uW30DR .66MRU6D406.6T11.9 .661.1144 I.O®10.111 b9�y
I e $10.00 IN GOODS FEE 2
We offer ONE only Steel. Range with High Closet ,and Reser-
voii`, Happy Thought Make, and $ao.00 worth of + ' Q
Kitchen Utensils . for !�
Se Our Stock of Butter Bowls, Churns, Washing ng Machines;
Prompt Service. Phone 30.
psi R:, a iIA°
Died In Windsor
Harold Lewis MacDonald, son of
Mr. and Mrs, Angus MacDonald of
this town, died at Hotel Dieu, Wind-
sor, on Thursday, March x5th., aged
23 years and z month, from pneum
onia. His wife and mother were at
his bedside when he passed away.
The funeral took place from the
residence of Mr. John Haley, Sarnia;
to the church. of Our Lady of Mercy.
The funeral mass being celebrated by
Monsignor J. T Aylward and the Rev.
Father Power conducted the graveside
The late Mr. McDonald is survived
by his wife, father, mother, three
brothers, John of Sarnia, Frank and
Roger of Wingham acid two sisters,
Mrs. John Murray Niagara Falls and
Mrs. Julius Laudry of Detroit,
meeting in the Methodist church here
on Thursday evening, March 29th,, to
which all are invited to attend. There
will be reports givers from the differ-
ent departnients, a program and lunch
will also be given.
On Saturday evening Stanley
was operated on by Drs. Redmond and
Stewart of Wingham, for a abscess
on his lung. 'Nurse Fitzpatrick of
Wingham is looking after him and we
are pleased to say he is now getting
along nicety and hope he will soon
be well again,
The service in the Methodist
evening will be
d ev
n a
:next Su g
Church Y
in charge of the W. M. S., and they
have engaged Mrs. W. H. Willis of
Wingham, to give an address.
The trustees are having the school
walls land ceilings cleaned and painted,
during. the Easter holidays, as they
lgot very dirty while burning soft coal
ast month. Mr. C. Goll supplied the
hardwood for the school at $4,00 i>er,
'There died in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, on Saturday, . Marchi 24th.,
Mrs, Sarah Jane Pollack Smith, IDe-
Walker, - SR: I.. -Total 400; Honors, 30o- =
The groom made a suitable reply
and the remainder of the evening was
spent in cardsand social chat, lunch.
was served and all repaired to their
Mr. Albert Walters lost a fine cow
last week.
We are pleased to see Mrs. George
Simmons out again after several
weeks' illness,
Mr. George Falconer of Wingham
High School, took suddenly ill on Fri-
day last. We- hope he may soon be
0. K. again.
Miss Edna McKenzie of Winghatn,
spent the week -end at her home here.
Mr. Frank Wocks hada very suc-
cessful auction sale last week.
Provides Own Funeral Sermon
The funeral of the late Dr. Curtis
was held Wednesday afternoon, at
Stettler, Alberta, Archdeacon Hayes,
officiating. The funeral was the larg-
1 est ever held in this district, war vet-
erans and friends within a radius of
't it directions attend.-
337; Percy Clarke, 3r2; Harry Fry,
301;.Dell Walker, 300; Donalda Fix -
ter, 287; Edna Stoaakley, 279; • Bruce
Canipbelt, 266; Minerva Finlay, 254;
Harry Templeman 227; Fred Saint,
224; Robert Chittleburgh, 215; Fred
The M. F. S. will meet on Friday
FIRST CLASS- A. CIass--Total, Mr. and Mrs. Sturdy of Clinton,Clin Toonafternoon at 2.30 p, rn.,
Honors,',So; Pass, 225. -Fred -.have mover): to Belgrave. Mr. Sturdy Miss Mary Aitken, who has been
Mellor, 366; John Pattison, 362; Dor-,alas. taken a position in Mr. Dan Geo- nursing the sick 2211 Teeswater ' and
othy Deans, 355; Margaret Mahood, 'des' store,
345;• Alberta MacLean, 344; Vivian Mr, Jos. Grasby, passed away last
Tiffin, 34o; .Rota Forsyth, 324; Betty . weea, and was buried in Blyth ceme
Taylor, 319; Jack Burgman, 314; tery.
Margaret .Taylor, 306; Elaine Small" Mrs. John Campbell is quite ill and
285; Jim Thompson, 272; Anna Mc-
Gillivray,the 26o; Bobbie McBlain, 255; • her son, Harry.
Vera Fry, 251; Weltha Henderson, I Miss Minnie Campbell of Clinton,
247; Mary Hirst, 243; Roy McIntyre, spent a few days with her brother,
225; Herbie Fuller, 225; Mary Agnew, Harry.
207; Leah Robertson 175; Ralph ' Mrs. Percy Scandrett has moved in -
Saint, 169; Arthur Aldington, x65; to the village with her father, Mr. F.
Audrey Reid, 149; Sterling Williams, Anderson.
139; Hilda Fitt, 46, Glad to report Mrs. Robt. Owens,
Paints, Oils, Glass, HARDWARE • Perfection Oil Stoves..
71'i1C''<II1ltlllll®IIiNlilMllEM 111+ all''MAIM '.IIfollIllf1!ll mom mom -mom 11rt'il
Howson, 184; Norman Shropshall,• BELGRAVE
Mildmay has returned horrte.
Mr. Roland Ballagh visited with. his eta -
sister, Mrs. Carter McKee at Galt last
We regret to hear of the accident
which befell little Bobbie Sinclair, sou
of Rev,. and Mrs.. Sinclair of Tiverton,
having both bones in his ankle brok-
en while sleigh riding.
Miss Nettie Butchart and Mr, Gor-
don Mulvey spent Sunday ,at Eden
Miss Jean Babb visited her parents
at Teeswater on Sunday.
B. Class -•-Total, 225; Honors, x68; ' who was operated on last week is Mr, Clayton Newans had the nus -
nicely, 135.--Rosabclle Pitt, xpi; Laura doing nicely, fortune to lose alis heart on the rink
thirty, mt es in. a _ Groves, x69; Gordon Lediet, 169; Mr. John Cole underwent'an opera- ora Saturday night,
I'itig The funeral arrangements wereHLatira Clarice, 165; jack 13eninger, 137; `tion in the Wingham General Hospi- Miss Ruby Baird left for Wingham.
Jack McCall, it 135; Preston Ledret z3a i Monday. n Monday, •
made by the G. W V. A., about rev- ac r ..c a; to on one ay. o o Y•
entybeing present. Clifford Holt. zr8; Velma Carter, 112; Mrs, Percy Scandrett is having an Our. general merchant thought 'be
• i Mac Gibson, 109 Harold Burgess, auction sale on April 4th. was .going to have' a late customer on
To be Given Monday Evening, April A pathetic incident 1n connection 10- • Stewart . nothing
as that on the Sunday the deceased rob, Noirnlan Lediet, 4, Mrs. T. Proctor spent a few days Saturday evening, but n gdoing,
xnd., in the Methodist Church, was, Carter, 81; Leonard Bok, 77; Harry with friends in Wingham. -Gordon-missed the train.
This Epworth sock we give to you h• s "death." His sermon PRIMARY --Class , Hess trip to London this week. better ,Sunday.
Is not for you to wear, �.«,.r..�o . .1. . �..« ,m am.. , .. on Sued W. m�^I .,
e conducted
ick he was o
I 6
I Colgate, o,
1 the service in the Anglican church aril
Agnew, 72; Constance Cog Mr, .Andrew Proctor mad a buss
ins subject wa I --Total 180 --
was all carefully written out and this .Mildred Reid, 172; Marion Fry, x59;
Jack Boardman, 136; Stewart Scott, •
e - Clarkson says the bitch -hales were
Arthur Stone153; Frank Cragg, 3 ,
size byw
' 1 yourlimon
in 111 �funeral s
Please uthe
Yout as
And place therein with tare, Mr. W. B. Wellwood of Wingham,
Jtn1 Weir, x3 11• ,.. McInnes
x28; Reggie Broome, 12,5; Cart c-
Xray, Iz9; Lorene Haller, or;Marg-
aret Aidington, 105; Percy D'eyell,
Iri, pennies or in cents, was in conversation with a gentleman 132, t , C t M '
Just twice the number that you wear who had just returned from the fun -
(We hope it is immense); ' era)
$18.00 f ; r a Ca rl 1. a+f Cream,
So, if you wear a No. to,
You owe us -20 see i 1 88' M 1
Which dropped within this little sock
tit 'lee.
e Yt 'N
'tour s
Will fill g
'Tis all we ask; it isn't much,
And hardly any trouble.
But if you only have one foot
We'll surely charge you double.
e dear
quite a Trend t
Now if
You'd litre to bring with you, y
Or if you know someone who'd eotne
Will gladly give you two.
So don't forget the time and date,
We'll answer when you knock,
And welcome you with open arms,
Proceeds for the Missionary Depart-
Good two story dwelling with
stable on lots will be sold cheap
• to wind up and estate,
Abner Cos ins
Insurance ac Real Estate
5; George Brackenbury, 92; Rollie
Hutton, 9o; Dorothy Forsyth, Mil-
red Field,
Class II -Total, 155, Lance Browne,
xx6; XD. Hutchison, Ix2; Harold Mark-
ley, Io8; Anna Chittick, I03; George
Bisbee, toe; Lyle Ludwig, rot; George
King; lox; Marie Carter, 83; Alma!
Murie Elliott,76;
Norma Metvers, 66; Vivian Cantelon,
55; Bert :Reeves, 43,
Class TTI- -Total, 75 -May Wilson,
72; Frank Collar, 64' Beryl Mundy,
55'; Fred Horn, 49; Chester Stewart,
44; W, Carr, 41; Albert Campbell, 36;
Marvinato e iCarte , ; Alviitn r:„ ed ,art. 4,
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