HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-29, Page 504-.•
elniurodaY4.21Carob on
/14104100 PRIONIMPONN NUS* tust amswisinnim
By B. of B.
▪ We
1 int 4,
A et
s Latest In ,udel
rea C etur, File
ave in it passe
to elk 3 Shp emits
u'•s d Toys'
04r ne siy I e s
wi tiers. 1r
save ,4111 y
flYy4 buy it
Ctine lel a
4,ur sloe .
ur SpridifyJ
to MEN'S SUITS—Made in good style of fancy tweeds 1 9 a5 Egg
And vvorsteds, value up to Szo.00, Saturday special-- 147
With the purchase of every Boys' Snit, valued at $10.00
to $x5.co we will give free a pair of Boys' Fancy Golf Stock-
eciails for Th rs y, Fr id y, silureay
d ins
4411 Ili
•••• neae
1 tee ee
PrOfeseor Dkeidson of Knox Col-
lege addressed the Ministerial Assoc-.
ietien of Hamilton on Catholic Fellow -
rehire It had .been reported in ' the
.press some tune ago' that au orgatu-
'eation coenposed, of prominent clergy-
men: of the' leading Protestant church-
es had been formed with the view of
exalt-ail:1g church hiStory symp-
athetic interest and to converse for
.the .benefit tie all what , time and use
Prevefi te1e good in all the ages.
It tvad taken to lie a new epproath
the great churches of antiquity, both
Eastern and Western and thus cathol-
ie hi its einbraCe a.nd spiritNo One
"emit' betterexPlein the sins of the fel-
lowshie then this Young scholastic and
he gave. the 'Aesoeiation an hour .of
rare Value, :The subject was too large
to eovee the whole ground but he
dealt with that' part�f the Creed:a-The
:1Ioly Catholic Church.. That is he
endeavored to show that as Christ fill.
d the Offices of Prophet) Priest and
FM King; so His church has been organ -
tp serve Him in this three -fold
Itewas while the professor
.was discussing the pries* office of
the chtiecli that his ideas were some -
What "High Church." There was an
animated discussion and it was . felt
that another addteas wasrequired to
deal with other questions merely
touched innin. • •
A; • f.
ALSO se BOYS' SUITS—Sizes 24 to ece fancy pattern 1117
tweeds, Browns and Greys, good style, Week -end price_ 4.)e 6 a
MEN'S PANTS—Values up to 400, 15 Pairs to sell ori 2 r 4
Saturday for CD 43
Is PAikt‘BOYS' BLOOMERS—Made of good wearing' E01
tweed and lined, to clear ,ICP
, 11
The F;.
era Fertilizer Co. Li ;ted
*I it it.
r 1r
aitatitleetteitAC eent inexameana aNleirt0
Our goods are guaranteed to be in perfect mechanical condition.
There have been several libellous statements made regard -
big this Company, which are absolutely false, evidently made with
a view•to•hurt our business. However you will find us delivering
the goods.
The Farmers Fertilizer Co. _Limited
THOMAS TAYLOR, Secretary -Treasurer
A7illiailllaraidatillalitarran=antrolEMiumialroz4)dell,V=71CI wileStaMill=t1MThiramarralistrd=a1p=mettim:=002172111ERMUCIEVIZiattWatte.,
Any Wonder We Get Mad?
Is it any wonder that the patient
of the editor is often tried to the limit
when he gets a letter from a subscrib
er in Winnipeg as he received this
week, in which site states that she has
1 campaign for publicity, showing the
1 advantages of good and frequent at-
e, tention of the teeth. This is only a
few steps removed from the man, who
' steps out and asks the printer to print
his announcement where alltnay see it
, in the daily press.
i! Professional advertising may be
making slow progress, but it is corn-
' big.
1 Insulting the Ladies
We would not be surprised if the
married ladies should go up in arms
when this year's voters' lists ate pub -
i lisheda.
I They have been led to believe that
, they ate full-fledged' citizens, with the
i privilege of a vote, and all that. Their
I names will be listed along with the
lords of creation as evidence of their
elevatiOn. • • ,
But there'S a joker ,in the pack. Af-
ter their names will be slipped' in the
simple. little initials; all. C." Now
what do, they mewl?
"Not Curious?" No, not ehat
Citizens?" No, not, that either, "Nice
Ceeatures?" We -11, perhaps; Ent not
No; they mean ITOT COUNTED!
Rot counted! The gall and worm
wood of it; the irony of it; the scurvy-
itess of 'lhose men."
Only to be listed as the hill legal
equals of men, and then to be deliber-
ately "not counted." Why was it ever
And because they are "not counted,"
VVingha,rn will not have a deputy
reeve, Rad they been "countable by
aw we might have had several deput-
es—and the county council might
not reeeive'd a copy of The Advance
sincelanitary x2th, of this year. Each
week we mail it out of our office with
a lot of other papers, the address,
box 7o, is printed distinctly on the
label. She paid for another year about
the end of January, thinking we had
stopped the paper because it was a
couple' of months in arrears, and she
received our post card receipts. It is
little incidents like this that are going
to be fought to a finish by the Press
Association and not before it is tune.
Slow, But Corning.
(London Advertiser) ei
A Toronto 'deittist has beet up be-
fore the Royal College of Deetal Sur-
geons because he used newspaper
space to tell the people he was. there
to serve thein, and also giving them a
epubItc intimation Of what the perform -
aline Wee likely to cost them.
Professional etiquette says tide is not
the right way to do business, and!
there are many very excellent dentists
who Would nattier ie their signs
• than have to drum up business in this
way. Thee men are quite shier in
their stand, end there is something to
dmire in their professional pride.
But this offeeding member has
found that it pays .him to advertise;;
more people know where is, what I
he can. do and what he charges, There- i
e he will continue to adverhse.
an tome places dentists unite On a
'Near vies of great perste
neva' fail to interest the pnbli
the tmoment in „the Pres
Church* in Canada, the'great m
ary, George Leslie MacKay, he
attention. of' multitudes. Dr. M
len for, so long the •able past
nctic cbgrch, Vifecidstock, de
the clay, fifty •years ago, whe
young man bade farewell to a
father-, at the station and .by fai
came the first foreign missionary from
this Province. He, further tells of
Canvassing his native county of Ox-
ford for the funde.whicheenabled them
to build Oxford College, Formosa,. a
work in which the zealous missionary
tirece out companions but seem-
ed to never feel any fatigue himself.,
Dr, 13,4 P.-ItIKKAy, General Secretary
Of Missions eyes eileohoo1-mate of the.
tnieeiptiarya., He -spealcs of his hardy
boyhood days,:, his ntaateiry ,ma behalf,
Of tempera:peer:hie fhtse choice, ofilthe,
Medical. profession but.finally of mils-
eloneaveeelatger ,velikeitehe was specially w
fitted. Mrs. Ross, wife of the. late
,Revjohn.R.oss,rIlincefield, who was
known as "The Men with the Book/' an,
tells 'some original stories about him.
One was the •provideetiel act of his
young ,atudent.Aaraloa,,who.-persisted,•
on one occasion in following hint .and
when tureaed back waited a little be „a .01
turbedeby the -splashing of water. He 7.
quiet place On- prayee, then .was dise ee
saw his master, who had,slipped into ee
, the deep river struggling to save him-
f self.-It-twasamly:annomeet before he ee
was able to, eave, his She also .re. •ale
latee,e story; of.etow hie taet reconciled
several unruly pupils rougletouna
try school in Huron. Others refer
'to .5..!r
his great faith and constant .optimisni.
The, Unitarian Laymen's League Of tea
Boston, have invited Rev. Theodore G. ert
Soares, D. D., professor of Practical eve
Theology in Chicago T.iiiiversity, to fro
speak on religious education. He is a ma
Baptist minister, whom several promi- gat
nem, Uriitarians heard last year dis- T
cussing the same subject at the Isles ee
of Shoals, X H. Hence itnan unsel-
fish triieeion to all the churches, this ma
League has invited the Federation of He
Churches in Greater Boston to co-op- Eng
erste in the meetings. erat
The Archbishop of Canterbury,
Randall Davidson, has just compl
twenty years in.that difficult and
alted position. He is referred to
being not only a "great ecclesiast
statesman," but also a "kindly hu
being." An instance of his brad
terests is, noted in his recent le
of sympathy to the Congregational
of England, in the loss of Dr. R
VVells, their secretary. Another F
Churchman, Dr. Scott Lidgett, W
leyan Methodist of London Engle.
in referring to the closer fellows
between the Established Church a
the Non -Conformists fostered by
archbishop added the following pr
er—"Thank God for the great qu
ities of Christian, Moral and Soc
leadership which you are exerti
over. the churches far beyond your
own great church." On April 7th., if
he is spared that long, he will be 78.
The Knights of Columbus in Chic-
ago are making a success of the Cattle
olic Home Finding Association. The
work is in connection with placing
abandoned children in homes where
they are adopted. Last year 148 or-
phans were placed and they have the
credit of finding homes for see sinde
the association was organized.
• ,
‘Froll-a-flves" Relieved Beth
Dropsy andSmit•Kidoliys
- wonder. of•. Fruit, Modloino
• TrTehub9lse6--' rj4wIthh`p4vaeb441ind.i'tlieYe
back-LtSito are free,nOitiY iktiigJt
--willereleorne the riews
ties', the, wouclerfel medicine made
from , fruit juicesranct 'tones will
positively relieve Kidhey end Bladder
Troubles -55 .proven bit this letter.
Out'e had Kidn ey Trouble
andDropsy—her limbs an d body were
all swollen.' We decided to try:
"Fruit-a-tives", Inashorttirlie, the
• swelling went down. • Now, she is the
healthiest one of the family",
Port Enbinsen, Ont.
line, a box, 6 fcli $2.fie, tied Size 25e.
At dealers'' or from' Frult-e-tives
limited, Ottawa, Ont,
Brief Notes—The will of John Wes-
ley, which was drawnup in April 27th,
1768; was bought a short time ago for
et) guineas and presented to the Wes-
leyan' 'University in .Eriglatid by the
President. It bequeithes as follow—
"Ye notes on ye New Testament and
nalities ye Book on Original Sin to each:tray-
cyi.dtesrFtiahoner elling preacher."The Presbyterian
ission- Preaching Mission in Chaim e r
Association of Ottawa, are holdieg a;
Church, Rev. Dr, Woodside, minister,
cMul- during Passion Week. The missioner
Or of will be Dr. George Pidgeon of Toron-
scribes to.
a•gtelide Rev. Howard E. Snyder of Christ
with be -•
Lutheran Church, Chestnut Hill, Pa.,
has taken such an'interest in deaf
mutes that he has learned their sign
language,and preaChes to them. He is
considering the matter of giving all
his time to ,the deaf,and dumb. Priet
fessoe George Bryce, L. L. D., Win-
nipeg, was designated the same even-
ing as the lete 'George Leslie MacKay.
The ;eervice was in eld Gould Street
Chureli, Toronto, one candid ate
founding in his life time the,eduee-
fional system of the .Canadian West;
and the othee becoming the organizer
Of the successful miasion in,Forniesa.
• .r
e ertn.er ia.atell left, W.
odd, 'SeceaarY, of the United Fa
s has. been leaned:
e Temperance Party' for. leoele t
ming cartipaigie 11els a truce b
d a Presbyterian miniSten, PO
us XI has .Celebrdted liis first Ann
nary. Cardinal Bozine,.. former
ostnlic delegate to the United Ste
senghigh 'Mass Sestine chap
the Vatican. ' •
Moving Pictures,in churches is a Ey
eition in England. -Rev. W. Carlyl
ad of the Church Army, is in fivoti
using theni ire halls but not to di
ce regelet Worship. The -Fre
urehes • throUgh Rev. T. Nightly.
e,the5ecketary,, rePerted that the
Id he used effectively in preacliin
Gospel, but Dr.. Scott Ludget
rned the churehes against' the low
ng of the standard of Worship.. I
ry case the, pictures. are to ham
. a coinpany organized not t
ke the business one for commercial
he Rt. Hon, C. F. G. Masterma
England, has written to an Amer
journal his views upon the Grant
Turing- Controversy in New York
refers to noted heretics in the
lisp Church, who in the next gen
on became the greatest dignitories
Dr. in the land. , One instance will suffice.
eted He relates how two archbishops and
ex- twenty-five bishops pubiicaily denoun-
as ced the work entitled "Essays and Re-
im! views." Nine years later Mr. Glad -
man stone made one of the chief authors
in- a bishop, notwithstanding a storm of
tter protest from High Churchmen Then
ists thirty years later this so called heretic
J. was raised to the see of Canterbury,
ree the well knotyn Archbishop Temple.
es: After noting such "vicisstudes of time
rid, and the futility of fighting against
hip the freedom of ideas," the writer gives
nd ti
New St. 3 ohn's Presbyterian:church
lin the North End of Winnipeg will be
opened on April rst. It is a large
brick structure, with fine appearance
and admirably adopted for the work
in that section of.the city. The form
er pastor, Rev. J, Philip Jones of
Lethbeidge, hes 'been invited to offic-
iate at the dedication service. The pas-
tor is Rev, Dr. Theriot& Fraser, who
recently went West from Owen
Sound. It is aleo interesting to note
that De Praser these Missionary
work as his calling and served for a
time in Formosa, the field' which is
just celebrating its golden jubilee, On
account of Mrs. Fraser's health, he
had tO conic hottie, but his interest
and knowledge of the Far East are
constantly appearing in his writing?,
one being a popular story in which his
experiences are sketched,
Evidence is erwaYS welconie Which
shows that the state of Ireland is im-
proving. Reports have come from the
Methodist Church in Cork from Rev.
William Corrigan Superintendent of
the Circuit, which state that whereas
the church had suffered in the past
from persecutioti, resulting in death
and flight of some of the members, at
present things are more hopeful, The
pastor has become optimistio and be-
t the tear future, the totiw
have been as bin'
s the Legislaure, ieves t
enjoy peace and quietnese.
which is the reSO*1 kr it an, try will
le policy followed by his own church.•
"Let both grow together until the har-
vest," he quotes as a rule of the arch-
bishops of England. Sudden and ir-
revocable action against heretics is
prevented and he states that "sera
rnons such as those of .Dr. Grant are
being preached today in England in
hundreds if not thousands of pulpits
by men whose loyalty to the church
and the fundamental ideals of Christ-
endom' are unchallenged and unchallengeable"
t`,I •
Ittor •
,J11 P4:4 eati,,1 •
WALL ?Alma mutt etrerything to the successful decera.tion of the home. Make
sure of having designs ancl colorings that accord with your own ideas as to 'what is coo -
and beautiful. Seleet your patrepAsfronkth iety produced by
ainatters cifWIN=
'Thele 15aftr67'ide1tifilbwn for their
�nthlityuid ebdttnt-14Chide a fine as
ortMent'of the Plaih,'selltinned papers so
well suitedto walitilai):16t This treat.
ment hasbecome a pbpular feature of
home .decoratkn. • •
YOU Vill fttidi the :fold' type of Wall
Paper exoWed in width' by the new
"Boer" Paprs, by IX 'finches—which
3 14
t4.1. " (140-41.t 4,44
nee Oahe:traine poSeible tater. chatted of
design, bar also tneans ' in' emi! and
consequently iropioved appearance. , Easi-
r hanging is another important featint of
these wider papers—also economy, as a
result of the fewer rolls required.
The name BOXER on the selvage
is your assurance of a quality
'eaiteleaette a a- tea tert ,
• 111144
• joirmr RAPS litIORRISON
Speaks Strongly In Behalf Of Huron
and Bruce.
John Joynt took "brother J. J. Mor-
rison," to task for talking blue ruin
at farmers' picnics, and applied the
trm, "sad -hearted and despairing
gloom bugs," to all, who say old Ont-
ario is going to all bow -wows. Chief
cause of depopulation in Huron and
Bruce and other Western Ont ri
counties had been opening up in the
West, and same of those, who swarm-
ed West years ago, he added, would'
have done better nHuron,
imrrS. Wm. Galbraith of Gorrie, is at
presenevisiting at Mr. Lorne Laid's.
Mr.,!enry Woods had avery Sue-
clessful 4wood bee last week
lirs..;Claire Pritchard spent a 'few
dayswith her uncle, Mr. Robt. Sharp -
in of Turnberry.
Mr. Oliver Stewart is laid up with
an attack of La Grippe.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Laird 'visited
vith Mr. and Mrs. Percy Copeland on
Mr. Joynt greatly interested the
House in a pamphlet issued by the De-
partment of Agriculturefor Old
ev- with Mr. and Mrs. Frank King on
Country use. It dribed the achi
eth Sunday.
ements in apple growing of Kenn
els from Mr Tho. Bradnock, south of
Mr. Bert King has purchased a farm
Osteopathy Electricitaa
Wednesday last.
Mr. Gordon Vittee is laid up with a
badly bruised leg, which he received
in Mr. David Dane's bush. Hope to
see him around again soon.
Mr. Robert Brown made a business
trip to Mildmay recently.
Mr. Dick Bennett was a visitor
Cameron, near Lckow whose ei
acre orchard produced toe) barr
in acme Mr. Joynt himself happen
to buy the r ti y n ev
challenged by Andrew Hicks, (So
Huron) as to the accuracy of a sta
ment in the booklet that one oId t
prodeced in barrels that same ye
said he could not swear to it. Su
facts, set forth officially by :Ho
Manning Doherty's department, la
joynt said, shamed brother Morris
and showed what could be done
orcharding by a man who knew ho
The North Huronimember referred
eloquently to Ontario's great leade
of the past and roused the House to
applause and laughter by bringing its
tributes down to date.
"We have great 'nen in this assern-
ly," he said. "There is iny honorable
riend from Grenville, (prolonged ap-
lause from both sides) We have the
rime minister still alive. (Applause.)
y honorable friend frorn North Per -
h (applause), the ex -leader of the
iberal party in this House (app/wise)
ne of the most brilliant men. But I
aye never heard mentioned in this
ouse the women of Ontario. If there
as a great Oliver Mowat, there was
great Mrs. Mowat, There was a Ur&
incoln who told her son he would 1
be president,"
Mr, joynt urged extension of hydro
to rural districts, and electrification of'
e T. 8r N. 0. predicting that all lines
Old Ontario would one day be elec.
'Mr. George BennettileliVered
bpi:se the other da3r for which he rota
delved.n. handsome sunr-oflfreney. :
Dr. D. H. Mcirm
Qualified Graduate
Adjustments given for diseases o
all kinds, specialize in dealingwitI
children. Lady attendant Nighg
calls responded to.
Office on Scott St., Winghatre Ont,
(in house of the late jas. Walker
Hours, 2 to 5.3o p. m. Evenings, 7 isa•
8 p. m., and by appointment. Plumb
4 "1
en A nuinber irom this locality attend- Office adjoining residence, Centne
ed Gorrie.
' All diseases treated
ed Mr. Will Stewart's auction sale Street, next Anglican church, (forme
te- near Fordwich last k.
ree weeerly Dr. MacDonald's), Phone 272.
ch Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bell visited Office open every: day except ealli
art in Wingharn
for a few days this week. I Monday and Wednesday afternoon.
n. loavartleamatielmtterrrermeamsrmasom.monratermarnmertrnctramantoemvaramosrosraamemarmatarmirr,...m.,........no.
0 n
r. TtVrVaEET;SSE/Zr...;174ViWtenin'rnMSZ11Z.....x..i.u,44...441L52ldaVtZ ci Crget=
W. .--.*.......f0 i...............—**.1 Nctu
', 141,47(3 AFTER
Stray St CD Ck
Wit HAM &TOM aiS2P.V.T1 P
weNGIliktell ONT.
ter.11711•1•A•Mithelke....*•••••••••411.0.11nals.••••••04:1*Inl•••••••4•11.0.... L
a •
t ie of the purest and most ra
• wholesome made in Canada pro-
• ducts. ilil
Place your order now and be
sure of the
With sugar prkes sorirtg the de- ti
cnand is sure to exceed the L.11.1
. . •
The O. T. A. was doing good, he
said, and urged chnice of gond men as
inspectors. No Methodist preacher or
any other preacher should be engaged
in that work. 'The member expressed
opinion that Hon Manning Doherty
had a hand in inising the British cat-
tle embargo due to leek in meeting up
with Lord 13eaverbrook He was
shocked, however, by a statement,
whieh the Government had not con-)
tiaditcd, that $4,000,000 of lumber
was destroyed by fire annually.
"I am not a millionaire," said Mr.
Joynt, "but if r were and as Minister,
of Lands and Forests had to admit:
after ,4 year of office, that that loss
continned, I would forfeit my wealth1
itt A moment."
et.,.., -..!..3
1 nee
put in etea rtein amount of wire feneing every year emit your whek farm ia
• fitted with hog -tight, horse high, full strength Champion and "CANADIAN"
Fence strung on American Steel Posta, This is true ectnenny.
We kli Champion Breed "CANADIAN" fence with the utmost eoned
in Its satisfaction on your farm; Right Priees-- Right Quality, laigtitSei
backed by the guarantee of The Caeadlian Steel ac, Wife Cc,, neeited,
Hamilboti, Ontario,
Sold by W. J. Dull ilinevaleo OL
J. A., Gedd.e,s, Belgrav pt.
ThoMpson & flUehaitan, iinaham,
33 14.4
. . . , •
tOrnq .141Matratgiiiiii.AkfahltiZIOW441