The Wingham Advance, 1923-03-22, Page 8111
log 1 o almost
Pro-.*epare i r ihe
co t: g seaSO
Is IN) be Ile e-
ghtha NI des, Flat.
edt ilors
Gossard Corsets
Nemo Corsets
Perrins Gloves
Silk Underskirts
Silk Bloomers,'"
Silk Hosiery
Silk Blo-uses
Ladiesand Misses' Suits
Ladies' and „Misses Spring
Lilacs' and. Misses' Canton
Crepe Dresses.
Ladies' and Misses' Taffeta
Dresses. •
Ladies' and Misses' All-Tyrne
Fur Chokers in Minlr, Squir- ,
rel, Persian Lamb, Fitch and ;
anton Crepe Taffeta, Al! T,yine Crepe, Paisley Crepes,
Printed Foulards, etc, See the ne'isr King Tutankhamen. models.
1 the newest models in clothes for 'men and young men.
Sto.ois aved on a suit or Overcoat.
to -ti
Alvin Sharpin,"Mrit-dtall- •
' The Glenannaa Litenary Society
3 RI
' Mrs, Carsou of Wingharn, visited
M. Win. Taylor spent Sunday 'last at y,it6 home of Mr. and Mrs, Samuel
friend, M
n.ho was 111.
The sudden death of Mrs. jas.-Wy- I
, occurred on Tuesday last March
i3th., at this; home of hcr son, 'J'ames.,
She was ill only a few days, Mrs. Wy-
e was a highly esteemed old lady,
isnd was in her 88th year. The family,
and relatives have the sympathy of a;
'ierge circle of friends.
Owing to the changeable weather'
leese.liaaltega a great deal of sickness,
OUT owever we are glad
report all are recovering nicely.
'Xn Wm. Ilerkley has' engaged with:
Mr. McEwen, 20do line, for the coming;
R. R. Elliott aud baby Lois,
spent the week -end at the home of her '
parents, Mr. • and Mrs. J. Messer on
he bouedary,
Mrs. Jas. Niehol of -Bluevale visited
or a few days last week at the home
of her sott,
Mr. I:field°, Morris, visited for a few
days last week with his uncle, Mr,
:fohn Kirton,
Mr. Wm. Or has commenced tak-
rmg music lessons on his new gujta.r.
Mr. •Harry 'Wheeler, who has been
ill with tbe Grippe is able to be
oand again.
Mr. G. N. Underwood, has nearly
completed his task of assessing.
P, •King of Tarnberry, visited
at Mr. Stewart MeBurney's on Sunday
Ur. arid Mrs. Gibson GillesPie and
5ami1y of Whitechurch, visited at Mr.
C. F. Martin's on Stind,ay last,
Mr, Wellington Nixon of $t. Aug-
ustine, 'visited relatives at Fordyce on
Sunday last.,
Mr. C. F. Martin has now got hia
radio installed. and in As condition..
He can hear sermons and lectures and
ASO other programs from all parts
of Canada and the United States and
ipth., 19,23
Word was reeved ir, town today of
Lie. death in Detroit, of Sarah Mc
Load, beloved wife of Norman Nich-
olson "l'he htta Mrs. Nicholson and
bier husband ver e both forMer • resi,
dents of this section, having lived on
the zrid. con. of Kinloss; but moved
rti)r from here many years ago. Si
was in lier 70t11 year. The funeral WM
be • held to •South Kinloss cemetery
with services in •South Kinloss Pres-
byterian, church. •;
The local. -Oddfellows held an "At
Home," in their lodge rooms on Fri-
day night and all report the best At
Home this year, considonably over
zoo being present. • Prize winners
were for euchre, Miss Kate McDonald
and Mr. Tom Watson, and dominoes,
Miss 'Marion Carter. After lunch,
dancing was the order of the night
till three o'clock in the morning.
The funeral of tho late Malcolm
McInnes was held on Tuesday last to
South Kinloss cemetery and, was lar-
gely attended, Mr. McInnes was a
quiet, kindly neighbor and lta.d inanY
friends, having operated a threshing
outfit for years. He had been in poor
health for about two years and for
some time past, hope of his recovery
had been abandoned. He was a
staunch liberal in politics and. a Pre-s-
byterian in religion. He is survived
by his wife aud five sons and two
daughters, who have the sympathy of
the community. e
The Guild meeting last Monday
evening- was largely attended. -Mrs,
John Sheriff gave a fine paper on the.
subject, "Cultivating • Contentment,"
after which the meetirig was thrown
open for discussion in which several
of the members joined. Misse,s Lorna
Campbell ancl Vera Toidd each gave a
reading and an instrunterital trio by
Miss Mae McMoran, Joe Hassal and
Robt. McCallum w,as well received,
also a piano solo by Miss Winnie Gor-
don and a chorus by a number of
small girls.
A very iateresting meeting was held
by the Epworth League on Monday
evening, under the attspices of the
Missionary Department. Readings
-were given 1.1y Misses Wirmifred Fer-
rier and Etta McQuoid. Instrumental
duet by Mes. Jas. Webster and Miss
Craig and a. vocal duet by Mrs, J. G.
Anderson and Miss l3. Robertson. In-
strumental solos by Austin Reid and
Flora Andrew and a report of the
Winter school held at Kincardine was
given by Miss Irene Rathwell, • Horne
made candy was served. - 0,
The high wind on Thursday last
put quite a kink in the Table Factory's
smoke • stack. It has been repaired
and will probably stand for some time.
• Mr. Melvin Orr has,- -returned to
town after an absence of four years,
and we understand .will open • up a
shoe repair shop. '
Mr. and Mrs, W. j. Little were
North Bay last week attending the
funeral of Mrs. Tom Little, a former
resident -of town.
Mr, Moorehouse Mitchell was in
Owen Sound last week attending the
funeral of his sister_
Miss Ethel Howe, who has been in
Windsor for the • -past few years, •is
held th.eir March ineetieg ,•in the spending a few holidays at hes home
school -house last- Friday; etglit. • 'rile here. - • ,
main featurei* of the evening's enter-mcssraJack and, Douglas Oster-
tainment WaS a' Box Social.'The hout, who are ,among the ffrst to in,
ineeting opened with the President, stall radit) outfits here are Preparing
Mr. Wilfred Murehison- in the chair. to; gasc a demonstration in the town
A good program of mixed numbers hall in the flax future,
were given, including, dialogues, read- xemasseac Boy scouts,. Hockey
ings songa and the prophet's address Team came down on SaturdaY last
1)y Mrs. Reuben Appleby, after which "and play -ed a friendly game with
the boxes were distributed A social 1,ticknw oBoy Scouts ,ati'd were de -
evening was enjoyed by all. The pro- feated by a ACOre of 7 to 6. liovvever featect and the motion carried,' A let-
cecds of the social amounted to over they are good sports, eat like the ter Elam Hon. Manning Doherty re
•-• ' s f th National Anthem .,
Tlie• Battei Live Stock `o-:--,,, ---- -,
d." e on t teir senior team
Johns of Witigham, and datigh-
or Miss Pia lys if Stratfgrd l\Tornial
visited at the flame of Mrs. Jas. Bone
on Sunday. '
M.r. Cliaa. Johnston had a wood bee
on Wednesday.
Mr. ,-Alex Porterfield is suffering,
front very sore eye.
Mrs. Oliver Anderson is laid Up
with a bad attack of the flu,
Mr. John Coles' was ri.'inoveci to the
Wingliare tIospital Qn Monday,
Mrs, Chas, Campbell was in
hain last week waiting ou her grand-
daughter Miss Gavencloline lVfcDoav-
who.was very ill with the flu,
Mrs. Robept Ovvens is ,very 111 at
• Miss Nesbitt spent the -week-end
with Miss Lila Leaver,
Mr. and Mrs, Geo, 'Walker spent
Sunday with her parents Mr, and Mrs.
Wilt Humphrey of St,
A quiet but pretty wedding was sal --
eh -Seized at the manse, Bluevale, by
Rev. Crawford Tate, at high noon on
Wednesday, March z4tli„ when Ethel
S., eldest daughter of Mr. alid Mrs.
David Jewitt becaine the bride of R.
Whitney, youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs: Thos. Stewart: The bride look-
ed lovely in a dress of pink silk jersey
trimmed with pearls, and she wore the
groom's gift, a beautiful string of
Deltah pearls, After the ceremony
they returned to/the home of the
bride's parents. After hearty congrat-
ulations, the guests numbering about
twenty, sat down to a sumptuous din-
ner. The happy young couple left on
the afternoon, train for a short trip tp
Palmerston and Owen Sound. The
bride travelling: in a brown velour
coat and brown hair cloth hat to
niatch. On their return' they will re-
side in Bluevale.
Many old friends will regret to learn
of the death of Walter 'Anderson, of
Chicago,, ii,dac, passed away on Mardi
4th. .His wife died on March 7th.,
three days later. Pleuro -pneumonia
being:the cause, • •Waltel- ,spent, his
boyhood..days on.. the .4th of 'Morns,
I -Ie was' nbrother of the late Robertr. ------------Th-ting will' ls,e held on;
a 7
Mr, Albert AValker oi Elnrn
'overiiozrte `the week -end:
Mr, John Allen jis, has gone to St.
Marys and: his father has engaged to
de ehores for Mr. Robert' Hamilton,
a ci.".ylr:s. Rhoalitt,. :cow° isofaf,1)12entccii bmerat.rolyturrild.'
M. alfztie6rhahridstyroechexznsttoinlln.$ehsisp.ped:a ci;ttr
to Tororito, Satuida. y and'
Mr. Fleming' Black, a mixed' car of
MT. and: Mira Ed Irving are both
on the sick list at present.
Mr. and Mrs. jaS. • Masters arisited
relatives at 13elgrave Sunday,
,Mr, )as. Nichol is at present on. the
Whuln Fsoriecily lmadoireixsiintom tthhee-
early train Thornton went to get it, he aliPped
and fell on the ice, dislocating
shoulder. We .hope he will sOop be
0. K. again,
After returning hoine from his lion-
e"yinoon, Mr. Whitney Stewart took
ill with the flu and Mr, Wesley Leg-
gatt is drawing cream for him. We
hope Whit will soon be better again.
It is reported'that Mr. H. Diamond
has disposed' of his fine farm' to 1VI
Ed, Barnard of London, who is to get
possession on October ist„ next.
Owing to the large number on the
sick list the attendance at both cburch-
es was rather small,
Mrs. James Messer iS on the sick
list, we hope she will soon be better
Mr. Stanley Hall, who has been ser-
ionaly ill with plearisy is orethe mend,
we are pleased to say.
The council rne'eting Morris Town-
ship, March r2th., 1923. Members all.
present. Minutes of the last meeting
read and approved. .
A by --law providing expenditure on
the TownshiP roads in accbrdance
with the Ontario Highways' At was
passed, -
The following. accounts were paid!
Wingham a.dirertisihg, $;
Charles Garrow, solicitor, '
Fraser aiid‘ Leith, tile for McCaughe3r
Drain, $12.16o; James W. Brown tUq
$7.9o; Blyth Standard; tdiTerti§ing,
ST.00; Lewis Jewitt, dragging road;
$aoo; Municipal World; supPlies, $8.21.
Aadersom• I Monday, April 911a, 1923. •
A. MacE-Wen, -Clerk. '
Several Shareholder's Here
The bursting of the Is R. Steel
lnibbIe leaves many, -who can ill -afford
to lose thein, minus ,their hard-earned
savings. -Thetime. surely ought soon
to come when people will learn not
to risk, their money in such swindling
schemes. If those who have scone
money to iavest and who are not sure
as to the best plan of doing it would
consult some disinterested person,
avho has some knowledge of finance
much ioss woulct be ,avoided. But it
is a, safe course to follow for all who
have but small sa'vings' and who are
dependent -upon thein to fight shy of
all, `but the most solid investments.
Let those who can, afford to lose a
fei,v hundred of thous,and, as the case
maybe, try out these new schemes
• March lath. 1923:
The Municipal CounCil lield irs reg-,
alai-. meeting on the above date with
all rneeibers present an Reeve
Naylor presiding. -Alibates, of last;
meeting were read ,and adoPted: on
minion of Councillors Medd a.nd:Tay-
lor. A motion' by Councillor's Carr
and Forster, accepting Mr, Garrow's
resigeatio,ri as Township' Solicitor,
was carried. A motion - by Councillor
Forster that Mf.-Vanstone of Wing -
Sham, be: appointed' ,solieitor for the
municipality was seconded' by Coun-
cillor Ca.rf and carried: ,The by-law
confirming the appointaient Of R.
Vanstoae, as Township "S'olicitor, was
read three times -and passed On MOt-
I'On of Councillors FOTS d'il7L37
itioved" by Councillor, Vierster and' sel-
N.aricE ended' 133r Councillor ;Taylor that. AV..=
oftwea.r Is, u s
fixtvithis;,part 1' Western iftlitat
;144,Cauty faerdir styles are
ost tar dive.
w y the
I show 1
e shall
evia e
evehru,s PP st ,37
OtAvishio 'an .
r n as r a. a n nmac-sw una n ra
he'L dling, ,e -S12
1155 a1'511s
11110-tottli it it tti Ittgetizitimmit
11511' it 11 III 11,1*11P;IllitIlligligl;,,,;•;
-Perfection- OA Stove
the Stove of most eatiafaction,
so; simple in-. operation a child,
worlit,witliont the slightest
danger, it.being, absolutely fire
= J. "rhompsore be paid' $asoo "for his
a—The Council Of the Corporations ;work as Clerk fin- 1923, thi's ainount• 5 -
of the Town, of Winghani, has con al ro be dedikted; from Peeseut. Clerk's:
;structed as a local improvement, a, salary' It was moved in 'airlettabient =
concrete Pavement on Victoria' Ste,: by CouncillOra Medd' and Carr that illi' ,
from Shuter St., to, the'westerly,Town the Connell' bear half of Mr. Thon1P- i Phone!3O--
jamas. Son's account: Amendment was da- —
. --
Come- and See the -
Perfection laernon-.
stl:aterl' 'on; our Ho: or,.
2.—The cost of the work is $27,46o,
of which ,t.1,699.67 is --to be paid by
the Corporation. 'Ile special rate per
foot frontage is 18.5c.
Th, ,..n.PC;at fiCAPCStriellr ic to he flair'
in twenty annual instalments.
3. --The estimated lifetime of the
work is twenty years. ,
Court of Revision will be held
on the 28th day of March, 1923, at to
Municipal Demonstratibn wood lots
$20.0o. The meetiag closed. by the imported bunch, who represented Kin -
The folio -wing acccatets Were read' and
TORY CORNERS the .G. T. R. station on Wednesday
Chas. Garrow, legal services, $13-02o;
last, afternoon and eveuing and was
Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Doig apent Sun- , visited:by throngs of people, and many
o.t1 the 1)7th eeth: corrflieting reports are heard' as to its
ca3, with ,friencis
A,fr, an Mrs. sam ane visited
v,ras re,ad." but no action was taken.
ordered paidon mottoupt .Councillors
Carr. and aitedd. ; •
Fred MOSs, contract g,ravel, .$9.9ss D.
•Phillips, moving safe and' M, W. Su
usefulness. ;
with friends in Wingliam one day last'
P -
plies -19,7s; W., J. ThompsOn, Clerk's
, The sick in. town itre -nearly all re- -o'clocic a, m. at the Town .Hall, for
Mr. R. A, Taylor and Miss F.dna, Pcul-ed 1-'111)r°vitig- the ptirpose of hearitig comPlaints salary and postge, $2zoo; W,
for rAiirtt
attended the funeral of Mr. William
Roe of Gorrie. h
Mi. and .Mr. 1 Nich61 spent
Ph ursday Wingliam.
Miss Ethel Boyd spent Thursday
with her sister, Mrs. Stewart Finlay.
Mr. 'Hugh Douglas has been on the
Sick list for a fevv days.
• Boyd the
got comfort,ably settled on his new
farm near Fordwich.
The Prs:Yet Identing held by Rea-,
Jones at the homt, of A. Longley was
well attended.
and Mrs. Geo Wylie spent Dol-
lar Day in Witighain,
Mr, and Mrs..Nelson Gowdy (roil)
near Orange Hill, called on the form-
ers parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gow-
dy one day recently:
Mr, and lid4rs, Chas, Callers spent
last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Hoperaft of Wroxeter.
can near them as plam as if the per-
m was talking by your side, it is a Mr, and Mrs, 'John Gowdy spent
sit and listen to some of these oice bttet's brother, Mr, Da-vid Vogase near
lectures. Motes -worth. •
Glad to hear that Mr, Joseph Chant-
ney, who has bad a very bad attack
of the shingles is recovering as well
as can be expected,
Mr. and Mrs. Halsey Woods visited
lit the formers home at St. Ifelens,
one day recently, la,st week. The funeral was held on
Mr. and Mrs, Geo.. Naylor visited
1:4.,ith' relatives at Lneknow on Sunday 1"ida3r r Wroxeter ,eattleterY and
bat was .,we I attended, considering the
Glad to hear that liAtg,. W. Cha;Trkp, COnditiOli Of the roads, She was barite
who has not been well of late is at to the grave bY het" 'llaltdaiSes,
,cint improving nicely. -
Mt, Neil' :Reid, of Paisley made a.
,short visit with friends here last week.
Mrs, Albei-t Green of Wittghara,
visited on Friday at the home of MIN
d Mrs. Thos. Weir and also took in
the box social on Friday evening,
, George, Thitherford Of the bowl- 16/1.01RIED
has b'oen wOrking for Mr. Roland
the Township of
atid"..,.,MtS1;0741ter lauggan, who Culrossi 2,4:0/1flay, March
A& at ilet'litarshall'Na,re AO* 1993, WS'S PrCAsit, 11,/[offat, datilightor
veturniag. tb. thelt. Ivnt.d, .61.! !,)rit.sp&r, M'r. ChaideS Steel son of Ms, 6nt
one day last !week at the home of the
4 -and instrument and a pleasure to
The Epworth League spent a very
enjoyable and profitable everting oil
Thursday last, at the. home of the
president, Mt Thos. Abraham,
Mrs„. Jas. Wylie, an old and respect:
ed resident of this community passed
to the Great Beyond on Tuesday of
Messrs, T-foward, Greer James
George Wylie, James Fi'lth and James
:McBorney. She -was ElS years of age.
The friends have die. sympathy'of the
neighhors in their and hereaveinerit.
What makes Mr. ThoSi MeMicheal
wear' such a broad Smile tbeSe days?
that little baby girl, congratula-
vidt withiiieridf,t!i1040100;!!bokire, of fvfx, MTS. WM, ,Moffat,„
! (leo. oteel, 10(1 11 Culnoss,
The Wrong Mau
An Arran wornan•suspecuid that her
husband was in the habit -of IciaSing
the hired. girl, and resolved tosdeteet
him in the act. e 'Op Saturday night
she saw him pass quietly into the kit-
chen. hired. girt was out and the
kitchen was dark. The jealous wife
took. a few 'matches -in. her hand and
hastily placing a sha.wl over her head.
—as the hired g,irl ,often did—entered
the ;back door arid immediately she
vas 'eized Rad embraced in. an ardent
manner, With heart almost bursting,
the wife prepared tosadmmister •ter --
Able rebuke to the faithless sponse,
and testriog herself away from her '
fond embrace, struck a match •and
stood face to face lured
an,—Tiira Leader,
bead Letter Offide Pays
It will be news to many readers to
learn that the dead letter office of.
the post office departtitent. is practic-
ally self-sustaiaing, says the Kitchener
Jotirnal, the revenues reeeiVed from
misdirected letters containing irioney
enclosures being sufficient- to pay all
the expenses of the large- staff' perm.-
anently engaged in 'thri endeavour to
fid correct ,adcliresses for the upwards
of 3,000 letters winch are received
daily, ,
One of the special trolibles of the
,,,,b1fr is the trustful, citizen, who en-
closes five to fifty dollars la a letter,
signs himself, Joe; jiat or 'Charlie arid
then improperly adnresSes the envel-
ope, giving no proper elite to 'his iden-
tity hi the body of the 'letter, ,Sitch
noney, unless the sender's identity
can. be ascertained, finds ii,s way into
the pcnit office department treasury.
This, together, with 'die reitums from
the au(' -,,tion sales of misdirected par
els (of which there are thousands)
aetically pays for' the: upkeep Of the
dead letter braille -1i.
In Spite of the wasiiinges frequetitly
ptiblished for citizens te t,alte special.
cart, in addressing. letters containing
rnegity,. and also to always put die
ddress ;.4,nd hill name of the sender on
ery such letter,, the volunte Alta.,
Wed itsuffidettrly addressed let.-
C,r,) tititte iiioniet lipwarilt
against ,tne proposed- assessments OT
ill tit ot 11 to- maim to-to-gto-tOttalott
Tale Peefection, Oil St e wili
il water.. quicker with oil
than -any other oil stove on th
market: ASV pants easily remov-:
eciL.Nothing 'to.) out of order,.
liontit tit to -mat to-titztit tattoli iltadinsut 1,1101111 1'
tenders not necessarily accepted. Ten- Municipal Aitrorld, supplies $7.40
ders received up to 1st. of April,„1923.1 111-otted by W. H. Alaishall and, J.
Jas. Hooper, refund in taxes, $12..00;lagaia, oil May ard , 19233 at Bluevale;
A. Straellan, 4 Brussels 'Telephones,' at 1' P. In -
$52400; A. McEwen, auditor', $14,00s; Cruikshan 'ArkicEWe'l,
. R. Cruilcshanle, auditor, $54,0oS .1 Clerk.
.1 'In rig r ..11
inents and any'. Other"' comPlaint Whieh
olhe council acVottrned:: .1:9 • meet • on
April -13th.„ at p:. • 0.1
the accuracy of frontage measure -
persons interested inajr desire to make. Durnin Phillips, 'Clerk.. ..m°`
b •
Dated; Clerk's Office, Winghain;,
this 12th day of March, 1923.
' .
W. A Galbraith, Clerk.
.......arvikagnnwattrontkesromnsme...ammanurreems.h.00mnsoerms •
and which is bylaw, cognizable y the
III 111 111 1115111N1111 11
it insintiolitil
One of the. purest and most lee.
= wholesopie made in Canada pro-
1111- ; • ,
— ducts. , , Et.
Place 'y,atir order .fiow .and be, ;
=•.• sure of the a_e
• ; ,15
sugar:prices soring,,
lili 'tpand it turre to eltceed the.
111511i1111110 11
Good two atory dwe ling with
stable on lot, wilt be sold cheap
to wind up an estate,
Minutes of cotincil meeting held in
Bluevale Friday Mareh 16th 1923
, -
iAlembers all present. Minutes of
last meeting were read and approve
on motion of D. Fortime and W. H.
Moved by j. Breckenridge and J. 5,
Moffat that the council buy a No. :4
Sawyer & Massey Gaader—Carried.
MaMrsolviaelal, lt)13riatj,byILlaMwolNfElot, 8anbde Wisas. passed
appointing Wm. 11(1,unclell, R. S. Muir,
W.• S. King, Jos, T, Haugh S.
Vanstones J. E jas, McDoug-
all, E. Orvis and W. R. Gallagher,
Peace Viewers.
By-law NO. 9, appointing Feist. Me-
Kague, T. Appleby, H. Gilmour, A.
Gemmill Jas. Kirton, P. 5, McEwen,
Jpaosi.inDaoxugeleapse,rsE.. Orvis, 0. Wilson,
johit Mundell and W. II, Elliott,
'-fiy-lbw No, to appointing J. J. Ab-
ram, John Gillespie., W. H. Mutate%
Hugh Caineroa John McKague, R. 5,
nickson, jas. Stapleton sr., Wm. COW^
lOS Jas. Godkin, 0, StoltesI R. Stokes,
S. Marshall,,W. Murthison a I-Ank-
later, R, Johnston 13, 'Holmes, Thomas
Mc Ilya a A. POrglei A. Hastings, T.
Hatigh, Carrathers, W. Deang, 5,
Srt.appglewtoeiiit M. vv,111.,11 jtsohLri. vilioernrnisiongn:
M. Sharpie; 5, King, R. Elliott, A.
1-looper, P. 5, MeEwen, :A, Douglas,
11, Ilttpfer, R. MeMichael McEwen,
R Sanderson, John Fell, 3. Under-
wood, I -I, Diamond, M. Proetor, John
Maclean, R. J. McKenzie, H. Shiells,
Geo.. Ganuett, 0, McNaughton, Geo. y
Cruikshank, Geo. Walker, H. Merle- (
ley aro. Neil, A, Gemmill, Ed. Palmer, '
John 'Voting, A. Mills, A. AlcDottgalk
Geo. Orvis, John MeEwe.ti, john Pot-
ter A. Welsh, Thos, Dickaon, and
Robt Musgrove, Pattnnar,ners.
Moved by J. f. 'Moffat aiid W. H.
m-arsalnit, that the Auditors' Report
for 1922, be adopted,—Carried,
Morc.d. by W. I-1, Marshall and J.
Brockenridie that tenders be aSked
for a roan and three. heirses for caelii
of tato light grade's to commence
the call 01 the Reeve, Lowest
ve decided to coritlraie a
Lf 111s'eave latiOnVY dea 'Ntr
e pay ighes ices tor amer 1U!
18031 for a Can of Crea
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For -the bast returns bring ytntt,,,,ier
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