HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-22, Page 7A, $day, ipta FACTORS FAVORABLE To ReSiOne Tielk TO oliR VARME • , , ,, • ' , , , , Treaianeelt iS.ReC0111111.nellid4- - •• . Probably the xnost treacherous trou- lliSititent Dema for Derain- anrillg the whiter menth's is illfihenze / Trit' i ,t1f2 ,,, , .4, mt. oT la grippe, as it 1, ei•ten. called. The bis ,that, afflicts the pe,opi:caollmCaon:ttle:it 11011 S Iclare 1'1'"i,' irtaL• a-, IL 0,,e°' diseaSe is treacherous b .. . „ . ce,rgiegi Widely ,Kespessees after the characteristie symptoms of, the trouble ha,ve' disappeared it leaves The Canadian wheat croP in 1922, behind it a wealteued and debilitatocl larnetinting to 399,786,400 bushels, 'hi' constitution whieh makes the victiM estimated te have. P•iiodneed a reVelme an easY prey to, oth,er troubles. All. o $339,000,000, or nettrl $40 per head 'this ia due to the .fitet." that the attaek, for , every man, w.onian, and child 1i of influenza has „left he blood' almorna- C.an[acltt; a fairly gratefyieg' ehowing for ally weak ttntPthin. Weak blood nteanS a country. where urban and rural popu- impa4e1 cligestion,-, a feeling ;et latio•n are about equally'divicled. :The ness after slight:exertion, and often a three Prairie Provinces. alone account- nervous brealtdown, This condition 'ed for $307,784,000: Saskatchewan with $204,408,000; Manitoba with ,•$55,- 744,000; and ,Alberta with $47,632,000; The revenue o,f the, wheat 'raised per bead la the three.. Prairie Provinces was. over $106,far the 1922 crop, ' ESitima,tes of •th,e .Value ,;:ye the 1922 will continue until the blood is restored to a rich, red, disease ii.es,isting condi- tion. For the purpose of enriching and Stimulating the •blood no other medicine equale Dr. Williams' Pink These pills at „directly upon the blood, and through the blOod epon • . wheat crop are based on an average the nerves and in this way act' as a Price received •at 35 cents per bushel, restorative to the whole system, Although it.nay have 'happened „that Thousands throughout Canada have Vie United' qtabes prices quoted were preyed the value of ]Jr. Willie -Me' Pink semetimes. nigher than. the Canadian, Pills in ce.ses of this kind, among them this, does not mean, that the ,Aneericaa isMiss Ida M. Fraser, R.R. No, 2, Thes- farmer received more for his crop, or ealoa, Ont., who says: "I passed can pro.clhee wheat •at a cheaper rate. through a, severe attack of influenza With prices M the two countries equal whichleft me pale, thin and weak, the advantages are All to the Cana- Indeed, I was so weak I could °scarce'? dian .wheat producer. • stand neon my feet. The medicine I Sinos-tantially the value of the labor was taking in the hope of brieging ee the American fanner in -ay be. eon_ back my health did riot help me, arid sidered on an equality with that of the I Was greatly discouraged. Finally I Canadian farm,e,e anti the east 01 bia decided to try ]Jr. Williams' Pink Pills, hired help 'will be found to, differ only to an immeterial extent. Probably the biggest factor entering into th.a cost of the peodue,tion of a bushel.ef wheat is the value of the land peochicting it. greater amount, of capital a farm- er has tied up in hist holdings, the greater will be the cost of growing his produces• . Comparative Values of Farm Lands. Sheltie, eaeetuary min. compare With au orchard that I knoW, When April slips into its aleleS And swinging censers blow— When, 'neath its 'Wondrous traceries, The choristers that sing Are robins,. at their matins er Their vespers, in the Spring. A deeP sky stains its windows blue, And the nunlike breezes pass, Embroidering bright petals on It$ altar,cloth--ifte grass. NO, guide is needed. bu#. the heart, For every passer there May pause and see its lovelhiesS Ana Offer up a prayer. The United States Government has estimated The averages price of United States farm land, cultivated and un- cultivated, at $53 per acre. When the • large amount of uncultivated lend is taken into account this, places the value of cultivated and producing farm :lands faiely high. In fact it may be. generally accepted that few, if any, producing farmSbould be secured tor less than $100 per acre. In compari- son with this, ,the„ average value of tfbe • occupied farm lands of Canada, which includes both improved and . unim- proved land's., together With dwellings, houses, stables, barns., and other faem dWellingee Was only $40 per acre" in 1921. . ,Higb, priced oecleard lands •enter in- to the calculations, which result in this figure and the prices ef the best wheat lands are irery Mech. lower. In the three, Prairie, Provinces, where the bulk of the annual wheat crop is raised, and which has produced the world's champion wheat ,for eleven years out of twelve, the values decline s,ubetantially. In Alberta the average price of farin lands is only $28 per acre, in Saskatchewan $29 per acre, and in Manitoba $35 per acre, and it .1s this very same land which has been -proved to have none superior' in the production o,f the best wheat in the w.orld. Western Canadian- agricul- andfroin th.e time I had taken the first Each one, can say his /resers well Ih that' ola orchard close, when the Sun sends dying blessings Its deep aisles, as he Z05 Aid through those aisles en acolyte Comes stealing fromeafar— It is the Duk and in the East He lights the Hvening•Sta.r! —Virginia Jeffrey Morgan • , . Curious Storage of Hay. ' There is practiced ill Kashmir, las die, a neve' method of putting fodder up for' Winter use The,country lies in a valley among the -Himalayas. The chief industry of the people consiSt5 of raising fine wool and in making this into fabric's which have Carried the name of the country all over the.world% • A curious cuetone ia some place's is that of •tianging quantities, of hay up among the branches of trees. 'Why this is done is more than the stranger can guess and he is much puezled iintul some native informs, him ,teat In win - box my health began to improve. I ter the snow lies five and six -yards in used six boxes altogether, and, found as a result that,I was -again strong and healthy, and I think that in cases of this kind they are Worth their weight' In gold." If you have passed through an at- tack of influenza, your speediest- way to regain full strength is through ,the fair use of Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills: You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. depth and that the supplies •of hay, which as he now looks at,them seem only as if, intended for giraffes, are then easily reached by the flacks of sheep which abound there. .• Cornmeal in Soap. Cornmeal is a leading iiegredient of a recently patented soap that removes stains from textiles as well as being' valuable for personal atse. Minard's Liniment iised by Physicians. X'' •,, Similght rnd Cvoin. Everyone itnoWS the danger of 1015' takes in p.tt empting to select colored articles in artificial light. ,Only the White light of the sum, containing' all the elements of color known, tous, can be trusted in such singes to reveal the actual bites Peseetieed by the objects under exaininatipti. Starting with the fact that in a Photographic dark room filled with • efsby colored light, bright scarlet cloth appears white, it was shown that when no white light whatever is ad nutted to a dark room the power Q the eye to distinguiell colors is temporarily lo,s1 anti all objects appear of various shades of white and , By mingling blue or green with red, light tlio colors of objects can be made to -undergo remaitable ehaages. The quantity of light alone also affects the ,apnearance of' a ccilior, particularly cer- • Lain tints of blue a,ncl violet, for which reason, eve•n in the ,absence of artifi- cial lights, a perspn- purchasing color- ed goods in a &ark store must carry them to the door or windew, where a strong illumination can be obtaiaed, in order to- melte certain of the precise shade. 111RD ON 11113. . f , , urnames 'o.knct Their Origin NORTON Rdcial Grigin—English. Source—A locality. . If your Dame is Norton, and you wish to knowits. very first origin (foe — . being one of those names derived from a locality it necessarily had an origip as a place name as well as a ,tamily name) you can pretty nearly figure it out for Youreelfaavith little more than a very general knowledge of history. Its rneaaieg, of .0011TS'e, is quite clear: ,"north -town." The ending re- veals .11 as of ,Anglo-Sassen oeigkin, hen:us 1the ;probabilities are .thatthe name existed before the Norman' in; vasion. But, it may be objected, are - shire, a section. which was distinctly north to the Anglo-Saxons., but which would have been considered abuth by the Scots. In the time of the Normans or later, h,o wever, it would have hardly been considered eo exceptionally far north as to warrant -the name -of "north -town" being distinctive. Though one could not say so certainly, it looks as though the place had been settled prior to the Norman conquest. e NEVILLE. Variation—Nevil, Neuville. Racial Origin -- Anglo-Norman and French. not place names coined to -day with the Sourel- A I°c alitv ending "ton?" True, but hardly in Norman times. The peace names One of the premier things about coined by the Normans do .not end in family names ie. the manner in which "ton," -and the ending did not come in- many of them, develop in one country, to use by the Anglo -Normans (except and under the influence of one leng- es :they adopted names eleeady'. ex. uage, from place names in other conn - taut) until their French .had become tries and languages. • fueed with Saxon to Make English. af Feudal units, while still existent and -strong, were being subordinated to na- , tonal authorityin the persons of kings. The migratory invasions of Wesbern. Europe were over.; - papule - tions were settling down; : peaceful arts and, the middle classes were ris- ing; cc:simnel:ea was Increasing; mer- chants' were, traveling from one coun- try to another, often, settling down in other lands, and skilled w-orkers werw ixt u ht from one country by au- The whiter season is a hardesne on the baby. H1 More or -less confined to stuffy, badly ventilated' rooms. It is so often storrny that the mother doe$ net get him out in the fresh air as of- ten as sne should. He catches colds whien ra,,elt, his little. systems iiistone ace and bowels get out or order and he becomes peevisn and cross, To guard against this the mother should keep a box -of Baby's Own Tablets in the house. • Theyeregulate the, stomach and bowels, and break up -coeds. TheY are sold by medicine dealers 011 -by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • Hiram' Explains. Hank—"I don't tenclerstaed them thertherneters." enough. You ,see, when it gets, durn cold the mer- cury sorter huddles together do -we in 'the bottom, so's to keep warm." MONEYORDERS. Rernit by Dominion Express Money Order. .If lost or stolen you get your money 'back. 1)ST mr.,ATEiv, 4'1 Decires Taydgt, itored or FUllk Whorl A M.'. Ner- ,vot.T$ Witers',.;14-7-Gains 14 POOnchi• "'ratline restored my health zo cern- pieta's, three years ago that I haven't had to take a aingle .003e of medicine since," -says Mrs. Cera Weternian, 145 Unnroe Ste Toronto, One. "I don't believe there was a WorSe case than mine in Ontario. 1 had berm suffering for about 'thine yeers and was practically 4l p1acticcaolu1 lylc3eat e rcr°•u:rcaely0.t1 rid 13117 1siiginQ•al re , sleep was almost impossible, and rheu- matism in any bernis,, wrists and arms "alaaost drove Ine (Usti. ae t cl. I event every cent 1. could lay my hands An for medicines and had about lost hoe° of • ever being well again. "But 'ranlac'end•ed MY suffering and saved me a great many dellars. I re- gained f.ourteen pounds", too, Whieh I 'still retain, and I feel as strong and healthy now as when a s-chool girl. I have been praisieg the Tanan treet- inent three years now, and want to Send out this message to help o•tners." Tanta,c is tor sale b7 all good drug- gists. Over 35 million bottles eold. turists, have conwaratively little -cape the place name Were coined in yely tal-tleef up in their lands. In mane' -Inc-dera tithes see would hav.e.enotamilY cases they secured their epic -I -legs for • mere filing,' and .1,1 is merely steady- cultivation and continuous, set- tlement which have created, the pre- sent values. It is ,plain, however, that • they -can produce the iverlcVs:.,best Nyheat at a lower rate than the Ameri- ' can farmer can grow the softer and lest' desirable varieties. Some U.S.. Rates Higher by 50%. Another factor is manifested 1 the Marketingof. the wheat cron.. -Cana- dian' farniere, can get their wheat to • its outlets from the country very Innen moee cheaply than -can American farmers. Grain- rates,- from VT•esterli 'United States poifitS t6"Arrierican la,lee- terminals are materially highee than frem; Western, Canadian points to Canadian hike terminals,. For in- stancei,a, hundred pounclS• of wheat will travel from Winnipeg, Manitoba, to Felt "William,. Ontario, a distance of. 420 milee,".•for 14 centS,- whilst -a ccni-' 'Signeseht Of hundred. potinde ' of Amerenan Wheat frosts Leeds, Nerth Dakota, Le Duluth, 41.7 nalless the same distance, 'pays 203/2 cents. The same hundred pounds. •of wheat going trona Ca? gary, Albeeta, to Port pays a freight ra,te.of 26 tionits for the 1,243 miles; whilst„ 'the, American hundred . pounds going ft= Been:mar, Montana, to Duluth, 1,254 miles, approximately , the same distallee, paya 51V2 emits, "or , nearly clotible: Freight rates from all r's,Vesterit points in the 'Cinit.ed States - ilea. Canada Are propertion, , The forego -Mg geee to eltoess that even when. Aramaean wheat pric.es are substan tially greater than.. Canadian, ether factors which must ba talten into .cortO'deittion create a ,situation• whicia nevem ' tire Canadian grower. • - Like - 'Mee, IL Musit be berile d mind that jiractically the% entire Canadian wbeat • crop is of the' hard variety, which TOW teations •oll the United States- Can 51•0- ffited--3 vaeiety whielt as it iseeonies Motee loaevere Is creating a mese) inelstent deleat ndicl- seizing ms-11.`ket8 whiele torMerly were sot-Wied Whit the; • softer geeills; 1 CsOod 152 5109 like bicycles: , they lteep, goiu1g0u1iY So long u.s some one lteops name from it. If et were formed fol- lowing the fusion, of tongues, the period -in which a family name might develop from it was comparatively short. But if formed. in Anglb-SaxOn tithes it would have ben, there always as thc basis for a family name. • Consider it from anothee angle. The town of N'orton actually is in. York- Literal Interpretation. Teacker—"In this verse, what is meant bY the line, The shadesof night Were falling fast?' " - Beliby—"Itimeans that someone was , pulling clown the' window blinds." • . Chimney of Glass. A' French gunpowder plant blows the fumes ;rem its _gun cotton factory through a chimney lined with glass, -fticla resists the chemical action per- fectly. Dynamite is made by misting nitto- glycerine -with sawdust. ngers ilessee Doesn't iurt a little Dreie "Freezene" on an aching corn, iastarit- 1Y that corn stops hurting, then Shortly yoe lift it right Off with -fingers. Trely1 • Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of 6"Free7.oRe for a few cents, sufficient to renieve every hard corn, soft obrn, or corn betee-se•n the toes, and the oalluses, without soreness or irritatiou. mastrus,===mscasso=ramotur-argarsga, assafeicieals riecineor eaoi-easseale Book on DOG DISEASES and 1.10*: to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dresa by the:Author, itx. tiny Glover CO.; Tao: 129 'West 241b:S.treet New York, U.S.A. • Fgr Lasting FfagITITICe Lse'CuticnraTaIcun Thereis nothing 'better than ,Cuticura. Talctirn for -Powder- ing and perfuming the skin. It appeals to the most fastidious because of its fine, smooth tex- ture and delicate fragrance. 0SerrP25c. O5niment2band50e. Talcum25e. Sold throughouttheDonenion. CanadianDepot: Lymane, Limited, 344 St. Paid 15., W.. Montreal. WCulacura Soap shaves without 'Dug. ;)4 - other. - Comunication between France and England -was rather close. , The name of Nevil, or Neville, was, of course, French in its real origin. It meant "the new city," and it was the name given, to a towa Isa Poton. "Neuve Ville" was the French of It. There is no telling, in the 'individual case, whether it was brought into England as a family name (in the Norman form of "de Neuville") at the time of Wil- liam the Conqueror, or later. In some eases it is knoveil to trace back to individuals, who did crass to England with the conqueror. But in any event, once in England, the succeeding centuries and -the ten- dencies of the English speech which developed from the 'mixture of Nor- man French and Anglo-Sa,xofl:changed it into Neville and alevil, the prefixed "de" being dropfed the course of time. cessente---easeee. "A„.littEtiAot.- ' frftirem 0E44 pnd 6114146111,11i Pont lin) 47;61'6;10DR tJitLcntathlitg t.Wil5ft,/0" HEN you envy the calm and serene person who always loOks so comfortable, juSt remember • that his condition is the reStlit of healthy nerves and 'sound, refresh- ing' sleep, If you are nervous and irritable —if you cannot Sleep at nig. ht, he ue of tea ancteoffee,vvhichinany At yottt gracer,s. in Sealed, ail -41114 tills people cannot drink without ser o harm to their nerves, and .conse- quent interference with health and comfort. Drink, instead, delicious Instant Postum—the yvhblesonle, healthful table beverage that safely charms and satisfies. A enerous ,sarnple tin of. Instant Pottlith nent;•tioSt., ,9a110140 in.g I atup5.. mrt it 61' Cenedlen Poetilie Cereal Go., LtmEtd,,45Protiffne Y°R HtALT11 'There's a Reason' ratite), ry: Viiitidsor,Ont, pascarels" icc For Sluggish Liver or Coffstipated Bowels Clean your bowels! Feel finok When you feel sick, dizzy, upset, when your head is dull or aching or your stomach is sour -Or gassy, just take one or two Cascarets to relieve constipation, No griping—nicest laxa- tive -cathartic on earth. for grown-uPs arid children. 10c a box. 'taste like candy. • . Look to Your Eyes, Beautiful ey.es, like fine eth, are the result of constant care. Tee daily use of Murine 17* 'makes eyes clear and, radiant. Enjoyable. Harmless. Sold and 'recommended by all druggists .Avisva ay- r EL, v in, tig V' FOR )(WM EYES OPIMEMZE5122139 •Constipatio amshed a A druggist says: "For nearly a thirty years have recommended the Extract a Roots known as a. Nether Seigd's Curative Syrup, for arresting and permanently reliev- (,,9 2 ing constipation and indigestion. 9- 5 it is an old reliable remedy that 411i neVer fails to dothe work: 30 drops thrice daily. Get the Genuine. 50c. and $1.00 bottl es. :0 2 oe.seeeecABeee-teeeeseeese- Holds Cake of soap. • Set into the face of a new bath brush are movable jaws which will hold a cake of soap of any size. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere Hungry Pike. The pike is the hungriest sled the fiercest of fish. Fish, flesh and fowl seem alike acceptable to its palate, and it does not disdain mineral pro- ducts; rings. spoons and other similar artieles have been frequently taken from its maw. Four English boys went to bathe in Inglemere Pond, near Ascot, in Eng- land. . One of them, who shall be called Tommy, walked into the water to aboutdthe depth of fent feet, when he spread out his hands and tried to sonmerneemoonntenemsameasismm 1,111 At that Instant a large Bah came up ' and took the whole hand into its mouth, 'bet finding itself unable to f) sivaliow it relinquished itS hold. and the bey; turning round, prepared for a hasty retreat. His Companions, who gem the fish, scrambled out of the pond as fast as possible. • Tommy had scarcely turned around before the fish came up behind, and, seizing his other hand crosswise, In flitted some very deep wounds an the back of it. The led raised. hie 'free he,m1, which was still bleeding, arid etruelt 'the great fisilr a hard blow 'on the head, when it disappeared, The ether boys took him to a surgeon, who dreesed seven wounds in one hand, and so grea.t Was the pain the next day that the, lad fairtted twice. The little linger Was bitter through the Wail and it Was mere then sl% weeks before it was well. An ordinary thimble will hold 100,- 000 of the ,smallest screws used ili 'watches. The world is fall of babbling and . words, anal. never saw a Man that cloth no1 rather speak mote then he lie ought, than leses.----Mentaigrte. 5SUEt•lo. 11-28. est Col ? tiy this method That chest cold can be broken up—no matter how - stubborn and deep-seated it may seem! Apply Sloan's Liniment to chest and neck 'tonight. Its tinglng, glowing warmth goes to the root of trouble. It breaks up the con- gested, inflatned condition. Relief quickly follows. Get a bottle of Sloan's to- day. All druggists carry it. Its effectivenesTwill surprise rm. Made In Canada Slimes Uniment-liiiispgie For rbou Mutiim. bruises, strains, chest colds seespa for ithe see, , . 7 or Lena ee peesee, .'aseeeeer ,Toiec,10.F3tatnp CoMp4.,0iy, nod°, :pew; 1,1.E.1 WOOL f1.4' -i.7,$, LY. a:nd from oil ar ,ergasc, J'or e0r5g2irtg01J ,00.0 'action, gins, Cle0g4tniwn, OrkLario. , . ci.ovra , ujj;Ajvf' pLOY124,TIW Li R217)130.1, '.(eVOrA', fo.r batureat forinatiou, 10. Illra.r;er, 1115, 2. 111, Ontario. zaa•41••.px.. 47,3 15 ADIEs, 9 ,1 utitehing and , picoktng. tittaet/- rnents st any', anaobine; Sent einieet $2.59. Co,gen Wante6'. Colorado Attach- ment c.Box 2210, Denver,, Colo.' 0 coiLe0crtd. T.,..0afscoeilleg,5is- an exttlinsiast . Poultry and, Dog Panolers, anlmat trainors ann breedera .nncl clan y use for iMiriard's Liniment as preventive qua rarogdY, Write for signed cleisee of experienced men: ralitiard?.$ Lithirnerit The Animal's Friend MgragtgamorainwEattrr,icti,iaramm.,iiim7 STOMACH MISERY, — GAS, INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" Corrects Sour, Upset Stomachs at Once "Pape's Diapepsin" is the quickest, surest relief for indigestion, gases, flatulence, heartburn, smileless, ter - mentation ox stomach distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief. Correct, your stomach and digestion mew ter a few cente. Druggists sell millions of packages Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcg- etable Compoimd Relieved Her of Inflammation and Great Weakness West St. Jolm, N. B.— "I was in a general run-down condition following the birth of my twin boys. I had a great deal of' inflammation, with pains and weakness. Finally my doctor. recom- mended Lydia E. Pinkharres Vegetable Compound. He said that your medicine would be the only thing to build inc up. T. ?Lin sure he is right, for. am feeling much better and am gaining, in weight, having gone down to nmety-three pounds. I was in bed for over amonth, butam up again now. I have recom- mended the Vegetable Cerhpeund, to my friends and give you'permission' to use my- letter."—Mrs. ELMER -- 82 Rodney St., West St: John, N. B. There are many women who find their household duties almost unbearable ow- ing to some weakness or derangement. The trouble may be slight, yet cause such annoying symptoms as dragging pains, weakness and a run-down feeling. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cora - 1 pound is a splendid medicine foreucla countoef di:otios.Imthanays.in many cases relieved those symptoms by removing the cause of them. Mrs. Ritchie's experience is b , You might 'be interested in reading I. Mrs Pinkham's Private Text -Book upon the " Ailments of Women." Yon can et a copy free by .writing the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. Cobourg , 7 • Ontario. c UNLESS you see the name "Bayer' on tablets, you. are not getting Aspirin at all Accopt only an "Unbroken package" of, "Bayer Tablets lof Aspirin," which contains directions ,ftnci dose.worked out by physicians during. :22 ,rears and provod safe. by roillions for Colds Headache Tootlyache Neuralgia Earache L,urnbago Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain Randy liayer", boxes af 12 tabits-,--Also bottles', ef 24 and 100.--priif!,got... .,, , ,. enpirin is the treee mark troeietorea se cartatuo ZOO, itF555ui0.5t111o er M0110- cte,etir'ac,letoktt. cq sinteestreree W1015 It luwoll 1100154 that Aspirli) nierinu mete- . •wsatIvartetum, to siost the DiNie esetiriet tinItaars,the Tablei'l of ',X,srtyrr C.amplsrlY. .W/11 be. ntataped Witir. 'theiir 55255 trade *ark, tile "nlessas cross," ' . .