HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-22, Page 61111 ,il4 ,
:I ik
I 11 17i1L"iq y ° g117,
A won: flow spoils the look of your home and
is impossible to repair, but if, you keep your
floors painted feetcannot touch them, ,Let
the paint wear but save the wood. Save the
Surface and you Save all.
If your 'boors
are hardwood,
Marble- lie
The Floor
knish with a
money -back
guarantee. It
wears and -wears
and wears. It
will not mar nor
scratch white.
and is not af-
fected by water.
is easy to use, dries very hard with a high lustre and will with-
stand 'a great amount' of hard wear.' No skill is required in
using SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT. Anyone can apply it..
The result ;will greatly enhance the beauty of your home and
much labor will be saved for the floors will be very easy to ]keep
clean. t
Come in and let us give you full particulars.
We have a full range of shades in this and
every other MARTIN-SENOUR Product.
There is a MARTIN-SENOUR Paint or
Varnish for every need. We will be glad to
advise you,
!Mt,' ARU OF at?, I,A r
So eetitraes Readies OtitWhere A IRit
tle Common Sens,e'Wotild Do As*
W ell
This is marble time—and the small
boys are jingling pockets full as they
go along the streets. Here and there
especially around the se oels, you will
Lind them ' engaged in playing,"ring,"
,house; "birds in the bush, and hear
the yells of "everts," and "fan -fob
ble," .and the boys are playing pretty.
But down London, Ont. way con-
siderabie publicity has been attached
to the case of two Loudon boys, who
were placed under arrest because they
took a wire door; mat and ren owed the
marbles which '4.1,,! ad been placed in
there probably for forming an initial
Boys that do things like that arenot
in the criminal class. I't is a safe bet
that there is not a 'Titan today, who
has not :done something :silly, inns-
ehievous as .a youngster. `
If there are any who 'have never
made' a mistake, will they please .told'
up their white will
so that we all
can see them?
They may have been very good lit-
tle boys but they have missed a. lot
of fun.
Pulling marbles out of .a wire door
mat is not a matter that Calls for the
arm of the law.
In the 'spring of the year a pocket
full of marbles is .a mighty big thing
to a small boy:"
The rumpus stirred up over this af-
fair is ten times as big as the offence.
How we .do need :a Tittle less of the
arm .of the law .and .a little more corn -
mon sense, a little boy vision, a cer-
tain amount of love in dealing with
these matters!
(Clinton News -Record)
The three months' course" in Agri-
culture and'Domestie Science, con-
e. ducted in Clinton, under'the -direction
of Mr. S. B. Stothers, District Repre-
•sentative, came ttit.an end last Friday
evening, being Wound }ip by a banquet
in the council chamber in the evening.
The banquet which .:was served by E
Wendorf, was altl that could be desire
ed and,was most heartily enjoyed. ;by
everyone and, at its conclusion a:toast
P .-f.
list. was carried through, Rev. H. W.
— 1 Snell of'Winghani, who was one of
`�`"`�` "' ®�° t / the instructors during the course, act
,sa , ,11'" '7„ , , ../ -w t
-amr•eil msml�,et • ',// —5.. ing as toastmaster, a position which
�?16^.�iyp^aars *":u� \ t? he filled most gracefully and well.
rand.,„ S';ir v,c:; tt;[to,,, . ,7 "s ngmt”
r-r*REreZt TfPagi.Eiltar.ir
_ r a
The first toast, '!The'ing," was
om– s emsporided to by the Hearty Singing of At T
ir -7Ave, -41
:. `MEM.S&`',.F- i.nM, Y the.Nttional Anther. "Our Country-eg eSsx"•ma t eTz�m. ,a ,m",, =:srRIMR ,r,r ...,yr
was: proposed by Mr. Irvine Tebbutt,
in a "neat speech and res ` onded to b I
d $go.00 and Costs
Robert J- Button, a butcher and
it er of Lucknow, failed to make
attcattle tai; returns in x919.. The
iglit cost:. hirn .5o,00 and costs,
t 2 vzs <
'�° y � b } :'�� "� the singing of one verse 'of "The Mau -1
le Le,af." The Girls' Cou -se was i
when his case came up before Magis- in the hospital with a broken leg that proposed by. Mr 13gb Archibald and +, :
trate Alex McNab at Lucknow, on year, the°Dep'artment will be asked to responded to by Misses Etta Hardy
Tuesday. K. .McDonald an Ash- go easy. with him the case beingad-
o and : Bessie Lindsay. The Boys '
field Township farmer, was also np be- lusefora week.. Lawyer . - E. '' Course,". was proposed b3 .Mtss_111abe1
fere the beak for failing to make Klein appeared for the Department I Crack and responded to .,by Messrs ti
returns in 192o. As McDonald, was in these cases.—Walkerton Telescope. ; Hugli Fraser, Arnold Jaiiiieson. and
George McCartney. Agriculture,"
was proposed by Mr. S. 13. Stothers,
iwlio struck a cheerful note and bade I
Ithe young people who were,now„scat-
tered.so their several homes, to hon
our their calling and; seek to make the I '
best of the instruction received. This a ` '
was responded to by_Mr, W. D. Jack
son, :assistant. to the superintendent went in and told the man that he
of district` representatives, who made knew irori`sauk. "Yes," said. the smart
an interesting speech. "Junior Farm -• shopkeeper, and time flies, but wine
ers' 'Improvement Associations,"':'was , - vaults, ,grass slopes, and music stands,
proposed by Miss Edna Wise and re- Niagara Falls, Moonlight walks; sheep
sponde7. to by'Mr.°Leslie Pearson of run, Kent '.hops, and"holiday rips;
Clinton Mr Eldon Stoltz of Auburn scandal .spreads, india rubber tires
and 'Mr. James Hardy' of Winghaim, the organ stops the' whole world goes
"The `Staff" was proposed by _ii - round and trade returns, The jovial
Howard Johns, this was responded to one bolted. Then he returned, put
by Miss Hopkins, who had Charge'' of his bead in at the door, and remarked;
the Girls' Class during the course'and Yes, T know, and marble busts."
• who was described by t5te toastmaster, -
as "The most popular member of the The Late Percy Scandrett
staff dullest the course." Miss Hop-'IIt is with .re ret that we,this week
inns modestly, disclaimed the honour, , t deatha,
.. nun she spoke inthe`.h'nghest,teI,n'ts of .•`" i^�e t„c" of M'r. Pcircy
the Clinton'.ciasb, 'said • she'd "back
Scandrett of I3elgrave, which took
Wed -
'em against all miners," or words toneapla ce,at the family residence on Wed -
that ewast more 'being :be na done for the 48th year andiis survi ed•'by hish. He was nwidi
boys than tine girl- and expressed the ow and one claugliter, Corinne, who is
sties we i
WALL PAPER will accomplish wonders in the beautifying of the home interior. It en-
ables you to alter the whole character of your rooms. For papers of exceptional merit, insist
on those bearing the name
Master a elfs (lullPoen
'Tiflis, range of quality htnyligs will be fording opportunity
for mor e beautiful de
foundlarge selection, of ..papers for the Liv, signs; giving better appearance becatise d
ing Rooth or Dining Room -charming pat the fewer seams, ; and costing lets owirig to
MAW •fin
tlw � C.'f 'h�ech�s rr,>rix-:_� le<�tn-lotaliri effects . e et., ,,.�ti�,�
tii�, for the • r; �` � �'"" � �p,-'
for ' the, 'Kitchell and Ba tlt•rootia.
The new Boxer 1?apers are 2:,v2,'inches You will find the mabd
wii.lor, than the old type, of Wall .Paper ; af- selvage of every - roll •
FOR S.faJpJ1 '
1'" i I
I i'ry„i,
.arvuw:,PI ,,!ImRwr ,s!aarouuuGxmeoirOmuta u quitr.g*u ttAiNop
11ii�I I0l 100111.00l�l �ilil(i(��� 1111��I(���IiI1
`1 Ii111lIIIIt1Ihh; +IIii 1„1�9iellf" ,l,r•
�u��u►►�►�, II . , ILII 1II
i�,li��� ,�SIIII �IlJ�llpl� I. •
,t111� ,rlliNllfl.
"IltalrstdELY, alrelq OOtlld”, al
��I� Ipii11��11(li,.
➢Y et. nit $405
Coupe $895
ChsS 3495 -�
HE average Canadian Family consists of Imre
persons. 4
The new low price of Ford Cars makes it pos-
sible•to add the sixth member to it.
You are considering the purchase of a car-- of 'a
Ford Car. You have realized that the man --the
farriily-without°a car is at a disadvantage.' You.
have also realize" that Ford Cars are now so lour
priced that it is possible to.give yourself and your
family what others„have,
A Ford. ar fits into the family routine—does ,.
your dark and that of the family --makes: the .fam-
ily routine .unhurried anpl 'unworried—, -makes it,
possible to save some time for recreation -oto visit
friends—for the country dw'e.lr to get into town
-for the'toWn dwertek to get into the country.
The sixth member of the Canadian Family—the
The Price, of the Touring Car is $445 — Freight
and Government tt Taxes Extra._
And at can be bought on a.Nte.42th y Payment PJd
Crawford, Wingh
have a er IG i vernment St . hard,
Reese d Whet S4reenin »' sal
at the t 111 at 525.00. i„er to
Can be Iwits.; success to both cattle.
and pigs.'
Five Lilies Flour Best of All Flour•.'
convict,ou that every- county
should a stu'lent at Wingham •High School.] -
One sister.,, Mrs. Will Cole of Bel- [ aiiI ".,u <u.ieic« < riziinrt7liu�'_''`
not only have a representative to pro- ry and one brother Fred of Tor-
erest& of the farm but gave
mote the interests
onto and his inother, Mrs, John Scan -
promote the,Nvorlc of yeomen. The drett'also survive. The late Mr. Scan- ,I1oe, Mrs; Crich and Mrs, John:Speir, Mayor Of Hanover Dead
toast to "Our Guests” was proposed drett wases ollweeksnfi ed to his sahome
e Brussels; Mr..and,Mrs, John Jackson, Dr. Taylor, Mayor of Hanover, died
by Mr. D. A.Andrew and responded Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wain and Nir, ttt noon on Saturday, after 'less than `
to by. Mayor Cooper, Mr. McJ?hai, B.
don cemetheld on ery. afternoon to Bran- and, Arthur Shannon, Harristori, two weeks' illness with pries than
S. A., of Perth and the editors of the and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilkin, He:was mayor for six years aiid elect-•
local ii spapers. The Late William Roe Minto. e,i by acclamation this year. Surviv-
During the evening ltiiss.Edna Wise Tit.cre passed peacefully away o,t He is at rest, ing him are his widow, and one Baugh -
gave an instrumental solo, Mr. Leslie Thursday, March isth, at the home of While we.fight. on with life, ter, Mrs. Brack Brandon, and one,son,
Pearson sang, "When -the Leaves his nephew and niece Mr. and Mrs. His workis o'er, his troubles. Have Elmer of Hanover
Cance .Tumbling Down," with violin Fred C. Taylor Gerrie, Mr. William ceased
accompaniment, 'and an orchestra, Roe,. in. his 84th year. He was boric His hands arc folded. now in' calm, John Joynt Honoured
composed of three violins and piano, in Iilkertny county; Ireland, August still, peace, J Joynt, played by Messrs, Pearson, Carter, and 7th., 1839 and came to Canada with IIe is at rest, 1 h I
Tebbutt and Miss Grace Tebbutt, con- leis parents when a boy In the year,
tributed a couple of Selections and 183o. The hate:. Mr. Roe was Married t Girl Located At London
Rev. Mr,. Snell gave a•jeading from three pities, his last wife predeeeased ° Bertha Foster the seventeen -y -car.
him about four years ,ago. For some old daughter .of Mr, and 'Mrs. John -
years he made his home in Manitoba Foster of Sheppardton, left Goderich,
and Alberta, • returning to Howick where she has been. attending' high
about the year 1898 and has'been a school attd walked td'Bayfield, Brrice-
resident of .lowick ever since, ' Mr field and Liman where she spent the
Roe was 'the last t� pass away o1 'a light with.a farmer'a1;td his wife and
net` the other evening as he listened family of eight brothers, all of whom tools the stage to Loiicjon the next
q. 'lived to a ripe olds age, He was a day, where slie was caught and. her
tothebright and ready manner beautiful. christian, always living as parents notified. The 'girl was des- Sen;ttor Casgrain; T..strir..t Cannon, M.
which the young ladies proposed or near, to his Masters side as lie co'ul'd pondent over failure to tn,ake gond 'in 1-, Gird others,
responded to the toasts as.,their turn _
do, also a Iran of sterlingqualities. e school. When the father. drove i t .. ' ,-----.
came. It was most noticeable thatH d ovc for
could give you ayes to what was right to get'Iter, on Friday, he was told at ' IS YT bT�t'tOD•Si' SINESS�?
both boys and girls spoke with eases` s
and a no to what -was .wrong, that her boardi.tig-lioitse that she .tad gone If a person on the sidewalk
and grace often lacking hi those much there was no mistaking, straight for- down town, on going to the. post of- Whether great or whether small
older. A little training`is agreat hel'� w's
old p ward, sterling honesty, marked his fled he got a 'note swing they would Is it �nyl5ocly's business,.
in, the art of public speaking. I t is .a every act. 'A good type of ,a man be 'find her body in the river.,. The_ panic Where that •per•sbn means to calk? '
useful accomplishment for anyone to loved hd
he. ,able to stand upon one's feet and irony acts and deedss. of kindness will and aediligent Starch the de. The gi And if you see a person,
exPress oneself well andsone doesn't >g li n ade. ger. As he is tailing, anywhere,
p ,long be remembered, Id.e was a diem- is said' to be good. looking•and to g..
need to, be a candidate for parliament- her of the Methodist Church. The fun- weigh about 240 pounds, Is it anybody's y's bustncss,.
to appreciate it, be one crai was held from, the home of Mr, liar his business nia.y be there?
any honours The substance, of our query, Aran Orwoitiaxr, and Mas,. C" Taylor, with whom he WORKadV'.t7N1 A FAI�IVt q y,
One of the admonitions givens the There's i Sim e. i
b ,lead liver. .for .over, three eats. Ii.ev" �.: d Heri. s ttothin quite Simply stated, would be this; .
,. , y g Itti,e so good .
young people at the agricultural ban- S.Jones conducted •ed he services. ' Is it anybody's business .
d t t t at tlid Foi•;heakh as rhopprn ,wood ,
net ort Friday 'avenin by, _" ,.t l,. ' ?
:, ,4 Y' g' Mi. S. B. house and grave..,. The pall bearers Unless its dein clinics What ap.atliers btisritess ts.
Stothers, district representative, was w'
i? . were Fletcher Roe, lames xdyrtclinxn, i"or,it keeps yon o'uta doors.
tb have faith.in agriculture. (f we :,
couldget tit farmers fames Jackson, "t%Vtlitartt'�,'Wliit;efsrrid, Getting in the hay,
e r "rs th:einse.ves to 1Tiehtarr. Carson and Robert Graham, Is rite healthiest
have as much faith in their own call-
1 C Cst 1trt1C,1. of play,
He leaves bChinrt to cherish his mem- Hoenig raters strengthens back
Ing as, some of theniy have in wildcat ory a large nuniber of nephews and Most as gond as pulling flax,-'
Schemes, such as oit" remarked Mr. nieces and many other friends. 1 -Ie Aid dragging in a calf If it is, we'll join the, rabble,
Stothers, "it would bc, a good thing was 'laid to rest on Saturday, in Salem Is a job"'to: make yet' laugh, And act the :noble part,
for agriculture, eetnetery, .Minto. It gives yoir pluck and brawn, Of the tattlers and. defamers;
The friends fresh a distance, who To rise: before the' dawn,
Who throng the public. mart
Sure Iron S"inits attended the funeral were M;i'. and Mrs, And then conte home at night, If it isn't,we'll act' the teacher,
A jovial individual saver nit announce- James Jackson, Clinton, Mrs. '.Clips. Peeling tired out, but bright, 'Until ech meddler. learns,
mem in an it,oninoog�er',s window the Scott and Mrs, Robt, Warwick, Wing- 1 tell you there's a -obafm 'Twould'be better, hi tale `future,
other day it ''read, "l; ron sinks," and lour, Mr. Pletcher Roe, `Mr: Sandy 'la •workiu" on fixe fatm. If they'd zrlrttd their otvii''coticerrts.
should have a lady representative to
Druxnniond, , The gathering came to
an end by the singing of "Auld Lang
Syne,," and the National Anthem.
"1 should not be afraid to predict
that Miss,McPhail will not be_ quite
so lonely :a figure in the future," re-
marked Rev. H, W: Snell, at tete ban,
Mr. John o int the _ member for
North Huron, was highly honoured
last week to was chosen one of
a committee of three from the: legis-
lature to meet the Quebec party of
legislators, who met the 'Ontario leg-
islature with a view to closer uniting
the two provinces ,and Canada, The
notables included Premier' Taschereau,
Hon, Walter Mitchell, M. P.. Mayor
Martin of 'M'ontreal; .Justice Decarie,
Sir Loiter Gonin, Minister of Justice;
Prof, Roy, Hon, 'Rodolphe I,einieuir,
For if it is, or if it isn't,
We would really like to know,
For were certain
if it isn't,
There are some, who make
e it so,