HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-22, Page 5tae
NI in
,1 X
We have Inst
1 ; 1'1eckk 3'hl,
of Men's
.1 models' 1n
lor, Fife. rte and
ur news,., styles are
winners. ' .1;: i will f
neve your Sprin n;
t it you buy fere.
Colne l
cyst e
and1 . peen i,
Spec:Thursday, Frld
to MEN'S SUITS- Ma.de in good style of fancy tweeds" 1 deo
and worsteds, value up to $eo.00 Saturday
With 'theurchase of everyBoys' P ys Suit, valued at $zo:oo
to $a5..00 we will give free a pair of Boys' Fancy Golf .Stock-
.ma rwsasav ,awaroaawea+rmos010In+omrwµan wrmo.m19.4
moam,w.0.ume.amnnwm oe111.12c.
ALSO i5 .130YS' SUITS --Sizes 24 to 3o, fancy pattern Et
fusee s Browns edr
d r wns and' Greys, good style, Week -end
EN'S PANTS—Values up to $4.00, 15 pairs, to sell on 'ae
Sai.tirday for 4e,ca
ne PAIR BOYS .BLOOMERS—Made of good wearing
treveed and lined, to,clear _
For ,
kII Crops
Our goodare aranteed..to be in perfect mechanical condition
goods ;u P
.There have been several libellous statements• a e regard-
this Company, which are absolutely false, evidently nada with
a view to hurt our business. However'you will find us delivering
t ,
the goods.
riners Fertilizer Co. Limited
TBOMAS TAYLOR, Secretary -Treasurer
n2armsaamanG+,navaauiz tTrsxrmv taareseAmza.�
121.11 CON. IOWICK
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. k+oster spent two
days with friends in this vis pity.
M1. John Finlay had a very success-
ful wood be,e, last, week. °,
Mr. Henry Woods has been confin-
ed to his bed for a week or so. I3is
friends hope tohear of his recovery
soon. 'Mr. John Galbraith is doing his
chores ;tor lint.
Mr, Robert Baker lias purchased a
thorobred anuli tl from. Orangeville.
Some of the neighbors of the vicin-
ity, gathered at ,the home of Mr, and
Mrs, R.oltt, Hayes audra,gavr them a
kitchen shower]. Everyone enjoyed
themselves, dancing till the wee sina'
'ours of the morning.
Mr. Delbert Clegg is itis iroving
very slowly, It will be some - time 111
Jury before he will be able to go
Mr. Thos. Vittie had the initfort.trne
to lose a. vaIus,ble cow recently,
Mrs, - Brown was called away to at-
tend the bedside of laer sister, Mrs,
Crr'eenley` of Springbank,
i he Wtsate Was Slippery
A maiden. fair, with sten-kissed hair,.
tripped down' Main street; bet face
serene, her age eighteen --'-gee whiz
but : she was sweet! On the sidewalk
slide, she sat down quick, 'w-ith a jolt
that shook her curls; but the word'
she used must be excu$ed--for she's
of r' •
is nicest r 1
of our ri es t s. ' •
Mapping Titnber .Froth "1” e Air
l:1 has
t a`poi°rant, progress been a t na e
during the, past year in the develop
anent of forest type mapping from the.
air.' :itt British Columbia,' Alberta,
Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec much.
work, has beets done - from the Ail'
Force :.stations.
Topographical detail not shown on
existing maps is first sketched its front
the air on the snap and the forest
types are then added.
The :'importance of this work can„,
not he over-estimated as it -enables.
those responsible for the forests' to
gain .reliable info•rreation regarding
districts of which practically nothing
is known` tot[ . The value, of ele
timber:. can be estimateduickl and
g y
easilY, atad l.umberiug: operations .are
'.greatly facilitatedby means of the ad-
ditional information made available.
Deadlock At 'Teeswater
A deadlock has arisen between the
South .Bruce ,"Telephone. Company, •
which recently` bought out the Hell
Company its this village and the come -
til of the municipality of Teesevater,
over tlje rate to be charged: by the
South Bruce for phone service it the
vilelage, The courted offers: ti.
chise to the South 1ruc if thepeople
in the village, who use the phone get
the service at the same rate as those
in the country. The South . those
Company risks the. villagers; who
fdrinerl yy usedlthe Bell topay the
P 3`
same rate to theta that dicer did, to the
Bell for the space of a year, so that
they may know where they ate fanat�-:
dally after a y'ear's .operation., 1-Iere
the matter rests, neither party beeig
willing to accept the Other's terms.
Mr, Win, Chittiek. of Teeewater, has
sold his blacksmith business to Mt,
Phillips of Stratford, The latter tools
poSseSsitut this Week,
BBB ofB.
w�tiee auwwe
Dr, ID, bilcTavlsli, late sxtinister of
Grosvenor :Presbyterian Church,, Toi-
onto, took' part in- the Missiotlary
Days services in connection with
Founders' Week Convention of
Moody's .bible Institute, Chicago.:1-Ie
has; written a sketch of what he calls
one of the most "progressive meetings
he aver attended. The veteran mis-
sionaries, Rev, Maurice Frater, who
has . been eonneeted with the John
Paton field for twenty-three years and
Rev. Charles W. Abel, for thirty-two
years," successor " of the martyr -mis-
sionary James Chambers of New
Guinea, delivered addresses. Then
Doan Gray, who was presiding, ask-
ed all the missionaries in the audience
to ' rise and 'twenty-five responded.
Next, he requested, all the 'students,
who had v.olueteered, to stand up and
.about one hendred;'Arose,.'. 1"inaii r he
called upon new volunteers to make
their decision, and about one. half, of
an audience of r,7oo joined with those
Standing. Dr. McTavish explains
thabeea no exciting ap-
pea! but
'there e d •enthusiastic responseateawe, Ont.
was the moving of God's Spirit upon
the students, who had been attending hands of men and wdinei rho)`have'
the: convention,
The Wesleyan Methodists in Eng- followed to theenumbers of deo during'
,braid are likely to have a.tiroblemn of
Church ,Utiion'similar ti that of the
Presbyterians in Canada, :After. ;sev-
eral years of friendly negotiation with
:the United Free Methodists and ` the•
Primitives ;:the decision to forrn"a cor-
porate union came 'before::' the .Wes-
leyan Conference at Sheffield 'last
Julys, The vote on the straight issue
resulted in 349 delegates being in .fav
our and 163 .against." It was further
resolved tosend it down to the quart-
erly;rrieetin.gs for their judgment and
suggestions. Voting has been, going
on for some 'time and the latest; re-
turns to hand give 487 boards in :fav-
or, ;x78 against and r. " neutrat: ' Sir
Robert' Parks, a leader among the
Unionists stated in : the Conferences
that unless there was an l uiimistalce
able unity within: the Wesleyan.;den
omination asking for the change, the
matter would be dropped. _ "He had
no `:desire" lee said "to force a .union
against the wishes of an apethetic-' or
iiiefriendly minority or even against
an unconvinced one." Dr, Scott Lid-
tJa&dies Apt i gestin
"Fru t"''a41ves"
The Mcg iteiteue Fruit Medicine
Like tlrausande end thousands of
other era{ fi'yrees, Mr, ,d,,Ii,ere Varner
of Ieuekip, ire, I'.i,` ,, 'tried many
remedies and went to dei etors tend
speeialists i het nothing didhini any
good. •
Finally a frimid advised hire to try
"Fruit-ti,-tives "—now he is well, As
he says tea tenor: ,
''For seven yeerc, I suffered terribly
from Headaches Indi'gestioi#
had belehipg gas, bitter :stuff would
coino up in Myinout•h, oftenvonei Brig,
and was, terri.lily constipated. I i;ook
Frult-a-twee and this grand fruit
medicine made n2e well".°•
60e, a box' 'Gfor .$2,ale) ,trial size 25e
At dealers or sent by Fruit -a -fives:
the'centui-y. 'In the rele(ir^atrons which
have marked 'tris eenteixary 'both
church and state throughout Scotland
took pax -rand a fortnight of campaign-
ing for missions brought good resillts."
Notes -A scrinon by Dr. " G. , "IL
Morrison, 'the popular ' preacher Of
Glasgow, has been broadcasted by, one
of the city newspapers. -It. marked
the beginning of this feature . of rel-
s work among ,Scotch -folly and it
is reported that;to,00a wei;e "listeners
in" The first Military Governor of
Jerusalem; since :the Crusades, who
was a Christian, is Brig. General Ron-
ald: Storrs, who is at present visiting
in Americee The Baptists 'of Mississ-
ippi,. are, celebrating .the- "conepletime
of one huindred::years Of work in that
state by a. great ,pegea=ntr in the':city - of
Jackson. .:The, "Red Apple Club,,' of
Detroit, usually has a. `jazz: and: jing-
le," program but ..recently "De. J, R.
Mott was ievited to address the mem-
bers. He threw a good deal of ser-
iousness into the meeting: by saying-
"In thirty years.. of travelling in all.
contrarypats of the- world .I have neverwit-
geft of a the holds that the nessed such a baffling situation as. the
'majority is too great to stop." present." Rev,e Dr. - Steen of the As-
March 18th is "church going Sunday ceesion Memorial Episcopal Church,
in Detroit and vicinity. 'Tie Council New York, has been rector therefor
of Churches have organized a Lenten fifty-three years. : He has performed
Drive in which 265 :churches are unit- ' 2,3b0 marriages and conducted e,000
furierale. Bishop-Williams'of the Epis-
copal diocese of Michigan; died very
'suddenly of apoplexy. Ten ininutes
before he passed away, he was presid-
ing' over a meeting of diocesan ,.offic-
ials. Probably the greatest moment
of his active career was at Ann Arbor
in 1921, when he; offered to resign if
his views on social questions were .em-
barrassing to the church. Dr. ,Trevor
Davies of;,Metropolitan. Church, Tor-
onto, bas just finished, a .preaching
issued en the press a challenge to the mission in Dominion . Methodist
membership of the- entireties in .: the church, Ottawa. Hie subject was the
orrn, of several • pointed phrases,-- "Spiritual laws, of "Everythe.Kin dom,"
non -attendant," he says,. "vet- Rev. J, J, �.oss, D. D.,.a`well-known
es for the -elimination of the church. Canadian mrnrster has -t st begun his
from the. city life." Another one is— , J
„pastorate at Ruggles Street Baptist
The world does not -know much, about Church, Boston, ;Hecame into net-
' creeds but when it sees a man at ionai' prominence during, a, libel e suit
church, his aetion seems to say, d be- at Hamilton,when .he refused to be
lieve in God," cowed by treats of Pastor -Russell.
The church page of a Toronto Ev- For the past fivecars he has held an
ening paper, affords an interestingY
important.positioia• in Chicago as. pas -
study' to one who wishes to get some tor of Second )3aptist Church and lee-
-idea of the spirit and extent of the rel- tures, on New Testament Introduction
igious services open to the public. and Analysis in the Northern, Baptist
Here of course' Roman Catholic and Seminary of that city. Many honors
Anglican "churches are alt exception: were bestowed upon him while out
St, Michael's Cathedral has the only West and ,a'year
� tamely; that .,� �2_."T ago succeeded.;Dr. G.
. ci tamti , ,of -"Three Great -Campbell Morgan ;as lecturer at the
.Lienten,Serinons," and only three Ang- Bible Study Conference at Winona
lieans, all low churches, advertise.' Lake. He was born inthe r
But in theremaining thereLochaber,Province
75 r na yang:notices of Quebec' at • being -a- des -
is variety enough for. any great cendant of Scotch
people. Methodist • ing pioneers. His :train -
church -going
p . P s wvho wr�ast receive<t at Woodstock Coln
advertise number 24, Presbyterians r7, lege and McMaster University,
g e n versity, ; Mrs.
Baptists to Christian Scientists 4, Ross tubo was MissGeorginaGrahamCongregationalists 2', ^Lutherans, Dis- 'is . graduate a g a of Toronto. University.
ciples, Unitarian, Adventists, Latter FurtherNotes-Tle Wo an
s $is -
Day Saints, tabor Pentecostal, Theo- sionary Society,; of the Presbyterian
sophy and I; . B. S. A. (Russelites
)> Church in C.anacla. has lost a sainted
have one each, with quite a number leader in the passing awayof a former
of the newest.secte. Special features
are prominent in four large
esb -
terian chtirches nernely assistant fnin-
isters, under the nertie of Director: of
Religious Education. "H o in el ik e
gatherings" at the talose of the even-
ing service are announced' in four
Methodist churches_ and two Presby-
terian, Evangelists are at work in
one Baptist church and in three
Methodists. .;Serial preaching is the
popular rule, such as "Great `feats
that matte Great Men," by Dr. Cody,
Anglican "Questions from the Upper
. oom Dr. McNeill, Baptist; "Lights
and Shadows of Calvary;" Rev. R.
MixeLeod, Unried Church, "The nil-
tlittsiasrns, 'of the Early Church," Dr.
13Iand Metltodrst; ""eebung Men and
Women of the Bible," Rev:' N. A.
MacEacltetn, Presbyterian; "Some
things. often :_Confounded," Rev. R; A. "
Cochrane, 'Presbyterian auti . "Great
Christian Facts," Rev. L. J: Iful'terr
Presbyterian; .Rev. P. M. Macdonald;
ed. Noon meetingsare being held
with Dr.. W. W. Bustard;.Euclid Ave.,
Baptist Church, Cleveland, as chief
speaker. His subjects will be for the
k,first week "God's search for a Det-
oit man," "What conies first '' in
Li{e,?" "The Best Street to five on,"
"Problem of Profit and Los's,'" ` and
"Follow theLeader." , The war cry
l all over the city for these :ser vices is
",Grab ea Bun and 'Run;" Dr.• 'M. C.
Pearson, the Executive -Secretary has
president of the General Society, Mrs,
J.JSteele of Dundee. ' Her mother,
the late Mrs. Fevart was the first pres-
ident and ,thus was a case of real apos-
tolic succession. .The recent discover-
ies in the Valleyof the Tombs are
considered to be the most valuable,of
all the efforts and will be resumed in
the fall when cool weather returjis,
Rev. R, 13. Cochrane, M, A., of Col-
lege Street Church, Toronto, has been
asked to ,act as clerk of the General
Assembly, owing: to the death of Dr:
Stewart, who held, that high honor.
Mi. Cochrane is the son of the late
Dr:: Cochrane of Brantford, who was
"app mm McInnes
Adjustments given for diseases o
all kinds, specialize ie '
toriser editor of the las children, La attendant.
a course on Netvniatt's Hymn, "Least calls responded to.
Kindly ,1,ight," and Re-. W. Al. Auld Office on Centre` St., AV'irtghar}-
of Old Si, Andrews, on "The Greats ''?nt., rift littrse oaf Mr's. 1i Davis t
I efortners." toed Street 'Corigrega- •Hatiar•s, n to 5.30 p Itt. Evertinee, 7 h
tional, Rev. W. R. MacKay, pastor, is ,8 p. tn. and by arpointnrerrt Phrrr,r
sti11 up-to-date with the topic, "Kind f'13•
Tut. and his Tomb.
One hundred years ago; Scotland _
began her • missions in .India, . The d ',A Rt �°�
first missionary is Donald, Mitchell,
who Cita a student ltad lost Itis faith itt OS'IP,OlPI�`'I-l:I'C I'H SICAN �•
•CIi is am .:' in
t n ct tic •r t n Ont a s
g i Jo 1 t <'!t t y in I elta, ort.„tl3y" : ,i,lectricitw
But corning -lit contact with members All diseases treated,
of the church missionary Somety and
having a knowledge of the language,
his belief was cured and shortly after
finished his theological. coarse and
became the first worker for his church
in that groat land.. TZe rived, how-
ever, less than a year afters arrival
and like the Bence, whose heart was
thrown towards the
tly City z�
(:Office adjoining' residence, 'Centre
Street, next Anglican Church, b h, (Fortis
arty Dr. MacDonald's.) c.'s.) Phone 2”.
Office open evey day ' except each
Monday and Wednesday afternoon,
ogg.s.virig r,
Ile was not spared to deliver, he diedorro4t►y lalitrmii-
with tete prophecy on his `lips, "The ?oxlusesa
wilt 1tl 01.
Ca 1 shill be foil of the, lcn��s;vled c �,�� �,���,; �� �°e,,,...,.,..
of the Lord, t
Arnettcrt and
iner: "Such
"AJI .At
,devotion has inspired thesplendid
mn,+r,',,.*.01/toymafna» a;imnroR . ml
There's every reason why you should plan now—to improve some,
part of your farm -fencing. Buy early: fence prices v+r11 in ail
likelihood advance during 1923. 'Order in advance of the season
and; get the 'benefit of the present prices. Champion Br a n z
"CANADIAN" fence is a one quality web—the hest.
strength, minimum strength., niininuro ` price -10O% service on,
your fence building investrnent,
,S1.02— by W. !Do .D
a m Gedd'; s, elgr :.t1 ve
Th i swt,&
'��xa t-� i. :t�;� �,:'L'F •a ,f.,, .u� r-Itf a tit$4.1
ll; Bl.iiev+,le, eantc,t
n .
g m Ont.
a «.Aar.r, S+hd,':cs 4,
gig sgsiSfar's`:v
a "great leader of Presbyterianism. son of Cincinnati, as chairman will
Rev. Hugh McKay, D. D., the well- meet during March to go into details.
known missionary on the Round Lake On the general principle there is un
Reserve paid a visit to the mission animity, namely that as Methodists
to baptize two great grand -children of are one in origin and purpose, they
Jacob Bear, who had been his faithful should be one in ritual, administration.
associate for
r orty years; The vener and name.
able Indian, who is in his. 84th year,
delivered ' an earnest address to the PROFANITY
congregation. Dr. F. F. Scott, pro-
lessor . of New. Testament in Union The editor of the
itb Chronicle cle
Theological Seminary, New York, is has this to say on the subject of pro -
to be the special s eher at the next faulty y•anpubtic places:"The use
Methodist Conference, at Regina. Rev, 'profanity.izt public places should be
Dr. Jefferson of Broadwvay Tabernac- dealt with vigorously. ' It is most an-
te, New York, one of the speakers in /toying and embarrassing to people to
the International Church Exchange, `be forced to listen to theprofane ut-
stated that the `fall of LIoyd. George terante of youngpeople thered on
was due to "his virtues as much as to the street c nerman of whom give
Y gv
his defects." The Canadian Metho- expression to their oaths as -if there
dists have sent out an emergency call ;were neo decent minded people within.
to speed the funds of Religious Utica- a mile of the spot. Attention has been
tion, It is stated that the annual: called to the fact that young men
amount is $8,000 short of what it was said to be from other towns, heave on
this date last ;ear. This is due to several occasions recently congregated
congregations being slow in remitting. in. front of the Chinese restaurant on:
Keith's Theatre, Boston, :seating. 2,000 Brock Street, following a meal in the
people have been offered to hold cafe, and have used such vile and viol -
noon -day Lenten. services. The lead- ent language that people who have
ing speaker will be Dr. Fred F. Shan- rooms in flats nearby have been great-
eon of Central Church, Chicago, o suc- , ly annoyed. This inose not be. Citi -
censor to Dr, Gunsaulis, Dr. N. D. gens who overhear such language i
Millis and Dr. Swing. The 'theme of . future shoutd;,, rnrnediatel y = report by
the campaign is, "Better Citizenship." phone or otherwise to the Chief of
Methodist Union is progressing in Police or the Night Constable. Decent
the United States. A committee of people do not have to be subjected
ten repf'escntat:ives of the Methodist; to a continuance of such aP erform.
Episcopal Church, and. the 'Methodist :ante," We have no patience with
Episcopal Church South, have 'the sub- those fellows who can't express them -
Jed in hand, A 'urger committee of selves in any other than a profane
sixteen with Bishop 'Win, F. Ander- manner.
Arm of Justice ata 1868
Appril xoth., t868—A most isgwsoa
affair occurred" in Mitchell on allot
night of Tuesday last,. which, .'we an?
sorry to say,' has been too often -.re-
ported by the same parties. :On tit
evening in question two "xnen. from.
Logan ,township, who -unfortunately
imbibed too freely, appeared beforrs
the reeve on a charge of beingdrunk
and disorderly: Mr. John Abott ata -,i.'
two magistrates from the ccau�ratry Vim-
so sat' on the case, After. the psis ort
ern were tried, found gaiety and pinata.
ed in the lock-up, thetwo gonntry+• jus-
us tices retired to a hotel and p*acttcalt
tices retired to a hotel%Mand participat-
ed in revelry and drunkeness to sue&
an extent that the noisiest of the twee
had to be thrown ant of doors, whiilea.
the other was placed in a -conafortablr
bed. In the morning he decamped feta
home, leaving in the bed' which -he bar&
occupied, a most filthy and disgusting,
nuisance. The other model of a mag-
istrate who was "shown the doth','
crawled' on his hands and knees tee
another: hotel, where': he foundrefuge:.
for the night in a corner of thebar
room, on the floor: His uitanetiti=on-
ables presented a most pitiful spect-
acle next morning, ornzng, grad the''. fellow
started, home :,at quirk' sP eery-: to -ex-
change there for a : drier pair: Whan,.
ever heard of anything more disgust-
ing. Where was the constable that
he did not place them in the lock-uple
It is to be hoped that proper step
will be taken 'to disqualif these ;Ther¢
from an longer acting a. Jtst.e
. tali;'
the peace. --Mitchell Advocate,
1 Strike line pink,
4•tr ,..: B lsllegton's gain -
;i i.'
Anti:, the Favor:
ite' lgetnttthinkl
"C'inon tlsling.-
torr, he'll win!
Noll win! he'll
"Beat that is ing-
ten, and tete Ing.
20,@1)6 from ltd.
etre woo Joo'k
tow ti'orse from
a faclias.„"
The -Most , th1 +ging ,scene 01
staged In ;notion elutes
IT tsee1Y.. ictttl'ir4 h'tthe Royal . � 6 �,o a;i B45�
y ,�
F'RG&�z as+�uc1, �t�olr> �.s and Cokawfl jack.
Petty of the Sporting'Days of the 5O'.5.
,. Hfleshed eta ee4eitott-Yatiorroo Reeepoi ha Tht t?tln J, rehipsior
Thur. r$ ar.
last "just plain blokes'
a;rxik tftan t e Aettjal tanning
Ilo',x,n ii• e 5hs Ae,uat ar
d '' .81ore
c rep
tits Sie
ill at rs