HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-22, Page 4, Thorsdaa -IA:prolog A, f3i ITLi,.Pahlialter ulaoriptiou rates, One Year, ,e ;24)6;eb:menthe, S1.00 ibativauce, Advertising rates on application. 4da4ertisenicnts withont specific ,reatione wU he inserted Until forbid • Lad charged aocordiagly. ' ,Chatiktea ter contract adVertinets se- tP41 In the ,allice by norano1 iwutaracialasinzmnawreiinam,==couguesTrosicseItaimion USINESS '.CARPS LI r , +++ '1' +",,IIIIIIIII,11+,1+++1+Itli++ 1111"" .•-,. " " , '11411.1"9-fgCr.1101Mr:"."."-11"1"'""""i"ot11,-":-"viearr'''",'-a-crata-- nat re-aaee n htirSd."'Yt Marclt 20, , 1L-IfIT" WINt.41.141,1Vit ADVANCB gatiaroaaa ,w,...,,,411,111-111.1111111 (Nrafico r*. r '‘Feelinv" For Layers 1g0. , -01,-etyslied at Ibis unethod is about as certairt as Ingltardthe trap not--E*peri- produced without connnornent. nanating oents with capons-,-Feedxng costs — Exce ent esh , . • .•• „ , Ontario r ' Wellingtozr Mutual Fire " 'insurance C6. y.stublialted•1a40, ' Head ciffice,, Guelph , 11Is1es taken on all classes ot insur, able property on the cash or premium note aysteni. _ ' /4,13NER COZENS. Agent. Wingham DUDLEY 1.10L' .ARBISTEFt., SOLICiTOR, ETC.' Victory and Other Bonds Bought and Sold. Offic.e—lillayor Block, WIngharn R. VAt4STONE SPLIIRI,STER 'AND SbLICITI1114 Money to ,I-ouri at Lowest Rates. W I NG " DRs, !Graduate Royal ,Cotlege of Dental ' Surgeons Gr-aduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry OFFICE OVER H. E. iSARD'S STORE R., kr DAILY ' • • Address communications to AgrOnorMst, 73 Adelaide $t. West, 'Toronto BY L. STEVENSON, CPNTA_RI X. Wifl.Yoll Please eXPlaill the confront the man or woman wh0 The, Writer carried , on a series of action a baaeria cm relation to soil works on the land. If things are not , experiments with peultry when con- fertilitY? clearly thoug,ht out and Prmris'cm nected arith The Agricultural Experi- Anawert--The action of bacteria in made for obtaining the seeds and ment Station for Vancouver Island, the soil is te bring about the decay other material needed to insure the . Sidney, B.Q,, and presents the follow - of the organic matter and SO reduce greatest, success, -when the spring ing notes as among those worthy of it to a condition that it can be used rush comes it may bc too late. considevation: as food by plants. In the proeess of There is such. a difference in the. decay acids are created which make quality of seeds of verioas kinds and Determination of Egg-LaYing. plant fod available, The nodules on araneties of roget8JiteS legtuninaus plants are caused by bac- should be considered when ordermg, method, to determine its accuracy. terla, making possible the utilization Take, for instance, the onion. The Thirty hens that were under trap - of nitrogen from the air. 'This nitro- seed of this vegetable loses its ger- nest record were sUbjected to the gen, and, in fact, all soil nitrogen minating power very rapidly, and if feeling process for eight days: Jowl- oecurring aa plant or animal remain, one obtains old seed, or uses old seed ary 17 to 24. M.D., C.M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Surgery, Bac- tarlDlogY and Scientiac hiedicine, Office in the Kerr Residence, between the Queen's Hotel And the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P.O. Box 113 • a be Th,e results of "feeling". were check - o DEPT,' AGBICULTURE. crates for two Weeks, produced the same high grade of flesh. Following is the feed cost of an eight, -pound two ounce capon: Feed cost to rear to end of third month , , , , 21.54 Feed cost to rear during fourth month , .. 16.2 Feed cost to rear during fifth Feed cost to rear during sixth Feed cost to rear during sev- erdli month .... 21.3 Feed cost to rear during eighth until it has gone through joreparatory few, if any, plants germinate. More 01-1 up and tallied perfectly with the cost to rear during De - cannot be utilized by succeeding crops that one has on land, processes. First, it is broken down over, even if some plants grow, there "trapnesting," indicating that it' is recd c De - to ammonia, then built up to nitrite, may not be enough to insure a good quite possible for any dareful Person cember, 20 days •''• • ,, • ''' 14'4 and then to nitrate, the form in which stand, particularly if the root mag- to determine whieh he a are laying croPs take it from the soil. These gots happen to be bad. Sometimes, by feeling the 'bird for the presence T°tal feed cost • • • • • • • • • • -$1•31•21 than vv' The method also has an advantage in Froin this we can deduct 20 cents, the E. N. B. :—I understand that.sweet warm season for development D.:obto C. ond M.R.C.S. (Eng), L.R.C.P. (Lend). PHYSICIAN ...AND SURGEON (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) R. R. L. STEW PT processes depend entirely upon soil also, the onion seed bought may be of the egg in the oviduct, in the early ' These birds we.re sold for $2,43 each clover sometimes introduces from 40 have in many Parts of Canada, and that it elindn'ates the necessary con -,' price paid for the bird as a. day-old to 50 pounds of nitrogen per acre and the result will be a large proportion finement of the birds in a "traPnest"' chick, and haste 91,79 cents per bird also supplies, humus -forming, material. of thicanecks, 1Seed that will germin- for a Period which is frequently longer for labor and shelter, „ Would it be a good plant to giow to ate Well, and its spebial strain or se- than is actually required to Pioduce Handling Baby Chicka. be turned down as a green manure? leotion are very important with other an egg •• • . ' • 1 . , In another experiment•a-a-thousand Answer—Sweet clover would un- kinds of veE,''etables also, the greatest 1 The great disadvantage of the feel- one -clay -old chicks were procured from doubtedly prove a -very excellent difference perhaps being in strains of i,rig method is that it is impracticable , two reliable local breeders. The first green marnire, but on. account of its catilifiewer, cabbage, and tomato, but fthore ePgccgl,isgfreroembrfeneddiivniagn, alinabsnill„duschcantil:ott day they remaine'd in tlie incubator, high value as a food for li-ve stock it also such staple crops as beets, Ear- and on the second day they were would seem unwise to turn it under in rota, ParsniPs and turnips vary much be recorded. .,, transferred to the brooder, but were from strains which require a lorigei moi before she leaves the pei,oh. wholesale, caving $1.11.79 per bir . Oradaate of University of Toronto, a Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate 6?. the Ontario College ot Physicians and •Surgeons. Office Entrance: OFFICE IN CHISHOLM BLOCK STR'EET • PHONE 22 the crop. atage. Dealing_ with this in shadie ,and trueness to type, and in ExPerintents. With Capons, , not fed until forty-eight hours old.. very question at an agricultural con-, other ways. If care is ta en to ord r Thirty cockerels were operated on The following hints on general treat ' (4,^' 311,.1.1r,A11,1.11r - ference held at Winnipeg, Dr• Gris- seeds ,from a reliable source, and to when twelve weeks old. These birds ment are given: • o • oPen name, ,and ignition, with ex-plo- The first farmer was the fust the fact that one -considered oneself session and use of land.—Emerson, 0 W• for Canada, pointed out -that where difference in price between the best averaging ay, pounds in weight. Altai! ens .or disastrous results will Da sive effect, •will occur, ;regardless of and all histoa-ic nobility rests on pos- n suceess- Seed and the ordinary wid oe reoa canonizing they -a1-e-re kept under the If they pant the are too ho and if , i„ Y ouCfielen ly remove tom ono o e , dale, Deputy Minister of Agriculture ,ge-t, not the eheaPest, but the -hest, the were a thrifty • and well,-gro-wn lot Do not chill or overheat the chick- • r. Margaret C. Carier fully, and the grower understands how many titles in the • s.atisfactory croP 'same. conditions as. the, cockerels: ley_ 1 g sweet clover can be grow • in n a - ' • - to handle it, it would seem profitable, that i's, Obtained, Prom'. ' ,,- ., • s feed cost or a Tound increase in warm enough, , . looked 'after and. that .-,the :season is• ei ht was' sli htl less for the;cocic- - De not' overfeed during the ' ' - .` - ' - ' •," • curred. in a conntrY town -and, whiCh first We reoall a ,clisa-straiis fire which oc- , ' due to the fact that two- men sought to empty, a 'barrel of gasoline into an 'underground tank. They were to use it for animal food and to re- turn the manure to the soil. • Nurse Crops for Seeding Clover. , Nurse cropi are almost universally favorable.-• erels up to six -mouths o 00'O. . Careful attention to the vegetable tone the cockerels and capons.weighed .. Change the water daily and see . , . crop after •the seed has germinated the same. These birds were -killed for that it is perfectly clean. , will do xnuch to prevent a poor crop. Chri,stmas trade When 264 days old Give plenty of green food. used when seeding clover. Their most There ,are cutworms, root -maga° , , bat and great vigilance is require m ow, order toopre-vent damage from being total weight. The birds were riot crate grit, and shell. done rather than in trying to control fed, but were finished on a liberal Make all change of food and feed - way. The panelled bran mash is the was excellent, and the wholesale 'ince Clean and disinfect brooder often. • " h di - lucked_ 8 pounds 2. . Feed- sour skim -milk Whenever pos- . important fiinctions are: to reduce the flea 'beetles and ether insects to earns ounces. 'rile, Percentage, of offal was • . • , • but baing 18 per -cent of the Do not forget to supply 'charcoal, General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto. • Faculty of Medicine. Crffice—Josepitine St., two doors south of ilrunswick Hotel.. Telephones—Office 281, ReSidence 151 at al F P KER OSTEOPATH I C. •P YS I C IA N Osteopathy, Electricity,. All diseases treated. Offiee adjoining residence, . Centre Street, next Anglican Chureli (former- ly Dr. MacDonald's). Phone 272. Canadian Cattle in Demand Overseas. cost of prodnction of the clover hay (red clover being a biennial or per- ennial that produces little or no for- age of value the first season), to shade the -young seedling plants,from thehot Slily and August sun, and to leave a sturdy stubble that will retain the snow and protect the tlover from the heaving action of frost. The cereal nurse crops, in order of their revenue-producing •qualities, would usually stand: oats, barley and wheat, in Eastern Canada. In pro- viding, shade at the right time, and not tending to smother the clover seedling. later in the season, the order would likely be reversed: wheat, bar- ley and oats. In sturdiness of straw and the ability to withstand the wea- ther and hold a blanket of snow On the the order would. be: wheat, oats and barley. . The Commissidner of ,A.griculture for Canada, Mr. Duncan Marshall, who is at present in England, in mak- ing preliminary arrangements for thci the returns from the rotations were, los • entry of Canadian store cattle, says! made up as a whole, roots, grain and ------ - that a keen demand for such cattlel hay, seeding at the rate of 114 bushels1 exists in that country at the present! per acre with oath and also with bar -1 time. Parties have interviewed him! ley, gave the highest Average return these insects after' they are well -under milk ration. The qualitai of the' flesh ing gradually.- - best remedy for Cutworms; and a sup- received was 30 cents per pound. The Do -not use damp, mouldy feed or ply' of this should be on han,d to aPply advantages of ,caponizing are' that an str. aw. . • Cation that cut -worms -acre about. For clueed without confining the. birds 'in brooders or colony houses., • just as- pon 'as there is the first hull- excellent quality of flesh can be pro- Never allow chicks to crowd in root rnagg-ots affecting ca.bbage. ana small feeding crates and the tender • Place chicks on the range in colony cauliflower, corrosive sublimate is the flesh can be retained to a greater age houses, after the eighth week. best remedY. Another treatment is and weight. The cockerels made just Do not let the cockerels and pullets necessary for the -root rnaggcits affect- as good gains, and when milk fed in •rmi together on the range working in the open air unmindful of the fact that the wind was 'blowing directly front them (toward the build- ing where double doors stood ajar. Gasoline:vapor was carried into the building and found its way to an open fire .at the far end. The explosion which foillowed blew the whole side of ing ,flameosi.tenTthiimsesis.withtehitriimaeoocif peSes „is used and more speedily tha.n. it takes to tell it the entire structure was a mass -of seeth fea/ when gasoline for cleaning pur,-, the building out, let the roof fall in beeause of inclement conditions out- --4ido It should be remembered that - • • h ti t ve the ker- mg onions, which often destroy ahnost ------- — - . '' the cooking pi ea ng s o , all, or all, of the young plants. 13111- Seeds sown in hot -beds, the plants early part of the season is important osene gamP or anything else of this he obtained free on aPPlication t:. the melons., egg Plants and peppers. These', Just at blooming tinie, and when the off the explosion s,hould the gasoline Publications Branch, Departinent of -- -8 neeeSSarY to ll•'are vapor mix with the air in just the plants require a longer warm season fruit is setting', it 1- Agricul,t-ure, Ottawa. , than most plants, herae the necessity a good supply of nioisture in the right proportions. Be careful. • There is often a temptation to sow ef starting them in hot -beds. _ ground to insure the fruit setting - , . „ , letius dealing- with these insects can from which will not s band frost— [if we are to prevent a loss of crop • kind offers- the spark -which will set seed or set out plants too early in the In, order to prevent serious lo.ses of should the -weather be•hot and dry at - spring, with the result that the seed the fruit crop it is important to begini that season. Hence, early cultivation • - 1 ' ts are killed W. bad Y int etrayed the crop for the following' soil, so that growth will be active and old • The investigational work wit:II:nurse either rots in the ground, or else the earb-a If foliage of fruit trees' is de- to conseiWe Moisture and'werin up the. 'RADIO RECEIVING -SETS a fi t tli set - of six years, has been alongIwo..lines: jured frost, and when a resowing year will be reduced very much, if, there will he 07,0 sap o e crops at Charlottetown over a period Young P n First, to determine the best"rates of " a replanting is made, it may be indeed, there is any crop at all that ting frait, is -very necessary. see mg nuise c ops, and second, a 00 lato Obtain good cr°13e. The Year, it will have a•bad effect on this UL, a different cereals as following hints may be of service:— season's map also. The tent cater - nurse cron,s for clover. Seed -to be sown early in SPring, the pillar,s are increasing in Eastern Can- Danger Fro, Tn Gasoline.-. The experiments on rates of seed- young Plants from which will stand ada, canker worms`are bad elsewhere, The writer haPPened recently Upon ing nuts, arrauged in con- some frost ----beets, carrots, lettuce, and other insects are destructive, an advertisement which began some- nection with a four-year rotation, onions, Pars-niPs; 'Peas, rac1611e, "hit -"Renee the -tree -S Should lie s -rayed_ to thing after this fashion: •"If a quart hoed crop, grain, clover and timothy. , Four rates of seeding were used each parsley and leeks. year with both oats And barley, The Seed best sown in hot -beds, the which will stand • d cress salsify-•sliillachl kin them before they have ''done ap- of gasoline will carry your To -id -a. preciable harm. Disease must also be distance of four miles how far will controlled if loss to the crop is to be one gallon of it carry the roof of your prevented. • As caterpillars begin td house?" Certainly, here is food for work 4hd diseases are active just reflection! Plenty of people there are when the leaf buds are breaking, or who never stop to figure it out until rates used were 1%, 2, 21/2 and 3 young plants from bushels per acre with oats, and 1, 1%., some frost—cabbage, cauliflower, 2 and 21/2 -bushels per acre with the • , have broken, the nia,e,..a.s aLei the explosion names loo am -id barley. The returns though not can- Seed to be sown atter danger Of - - 'I spray - ' -,-1 i • - elusive, re seeding 'for clover, were frost is over unless it is planned to should be on hand and the pump in walls and everything else befo-re quite marked in the second, year bay protect' the plants—beans, corn, co- good order to begin spraying.. Spray Th, danger of using gasoline for (timothy) in favor of the light seed- eumbers,nnelcms, potatoes and squaSh. calendars can be obtained from the cleerling or otheri;purposes, lies not ing of the nurse crop. The rate of •Seed of late cabbage is not sown until Dominion wid. Provincial departments so -much in its being inflammable as in 13 bushels Per acre of either cereal, May, 'but the Plants'avill endure frost, giving best formulas to Use and times the fact that its vapor, when mixed gave the best average returns for the and seeds ef.' Swede turnips should be to spray, with information about the with air in the proper proportions,' insects and diseas.es t,o be destroyed. is highly explosive. A ilight draftl Um hay crops in the rotations: When sown late, although turnips avill stand from Glasgow, Bristol, Leith,New- per acre. eastle on Tyne, Salford, and Dundee, The experiment with different sorts all anxious th have shipments made of cereals as rause crept was piannedi, to their respective ports, The bln- also with a four-year rotation of hoed tional Farmers) 'Union, formerly op-, OTOpt, grain, clover and tunothy. The posed to the removal ot the embargo, three tereals, 'wheat, ogth and barley appears to have completely reversed were used. The rates of seeding were: itsattitude. Its members are now Wheat, I.J;lz bushels; oats, VA bushels; anxious to have consignments made barley, 13f,, bushels. A six-year aver- • direct to them, in arder that comenia- age of the hay produecd, places these siert charges may be avoided. A. dee- in order of value as nurse crops: oats, gation of Scottish farmers told Mn wheat and barley. Taking into con -1 Marshall that they. wanted Canadian sideration the value of the hoed crops; eattlo oarly in the spring to be fed on and grain in the oomplete rotation,', large steaks of turnips and reamel- then the average return per acre1 woreels that were still 011 'handwould place them in the fdllowing. „- order: oats, barley and wheat. Summing up then, the different fac- Apple varieties rated as excellent tors to be corisidered in the selection, for sauce usually make good pie. Also itthhehaovnees which ,,,coklenread vQ.althaermislu‘si;ac reirsoPa Ior elc are find that areoats bright_ectloved Sewn at a rate that will give first! ' quality seed geain, stands at the top,i The conservation of mdisture-in the TP.111 carry tlie Vapor oftentimes to an . , ....F..., 7,latillgillial'elii-Oliteaeielie, a,":1,-eata","la'aia,e•ear•,'•a-eataabeataa,,,,,, , . ...^1 .. ,1,,. . ' . . „P., ..... 1.. ..N,, • YIIII/I., 4 iik +NI., 14 ' 5...I...:S t.... -I; -i; ; ''§i.';'''''', '`,.•:•%.,. II`,,,,,,, 4 with barley second and wheat third), the time to 'leave the farm. if at The results also indicate that thesel al, is When larm Imsintsis booming, tercels are all satisfactory nurse crops and not When it is depressed. The time wheu sown thielt enough to produce! to get a foothold in town is whtn the best, (inaiRY of seed grain, business is at it low ebb, and not when 11 is tra the crest of the wave. ---H. 3. Poor Pruit and Vegetable Crepe: 1 -fou. Wilters. ,to Avoid --"*"" • , The' lOng Canadian winter gives Sarniner forage ',crops sirould beq fainceril. ,fruit growers, market gard-4. (z4tot into Consideration this month.1 otters and dwellers in cities and towns! Sct at1dois suitable piece ..of ground alilundant Millet° think over tlrie work for the forage end give the pigs adthe cooling growing season, and toi trirar, Tile Wing. ciroP plo coo to matte use of their tinioi fere unitti bettor on the rape forage in ord•or ti -*trill the beg pagsible'i tot.] thc,„ fo,a1 win vin tivo;rpr erdps* &m5tseinatimea opportunity ms frina thidr grawtli and 11-1-glectell1 aaid .tnf4eleot; thOuAlit is np'p:e,h,f Te. 1 n at given 11 the many problems which „ • Apit, °Lb(„,,NOUSTRY IN A NEW i.,`TTTNO Maple m3gsr4 now delicatits, vine briginellY Used bY signer% as a substitute for Calle sugar, wa§,:or. cotirse, altnost impossible to obtain. In some parts ot Quebec and EhisieintOntarie, the old methods el eelleetirl, SO and assivertbig it ttito syl."tip lire still 'used. Tho pietttre shows it farther collecting syriO in wood- en pans and Ibbilitig it at all oottroors lira, The upper central plettire shoWs the modern Method ot tapping and col. lett-head picture shows the Seliiiitifio OS010413 ol handling sytup. Lisu.dfs 1 " 41 11 Earrnersi..Protect your creps,ey ,g0t- Ong' last 'minute wes.th er reports with Westinghouse Rec.:el-tang, Set, ' .41So latest Market Reporta, concerts, Church ,s_e_r_Vice,s,ffiEtitett.e CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE CO. I-IAMIL.TON, ONT.. tDistriCt Offices: Toronto; Montreal, Tralita3t, Ottawa:Vert:William, win- nipeg, caigary, Edmonton, Vancouver. Irrigated ar s Souther e in the PansourreSrannhall'DIsitiet • Bow Diver ,Ern. An esoeciao- r.e.aa • 10,4,4 nnt'.X.,1 • ilig' 'S a nortunit for young men. now living farm an a n. 1 o In distr cts where .gooct:land...earnint •be bought„at reanonab . TI -LIS IS NOT PIONENRING„, the first 10,000 acres are fully settled and another 10,000 acres now roady /or settlement; maximum d/stan'oe,' from railroad, seven". miles.' Good roads, telei)hories and schools.. 'Easy pay - mento, extending over 1.8. years. This Is the Dest Land Day In Alberta ' Write ,for farther informatitin giA,NADA LAND and ItalitIGAT/ON 0013dP,,INT, DILIDEMSD : Ziedicia. Nat, 4 • Alberta . . . • , "Verf4114'''l •• ••• "i-e11,1•1a, Saves $3:. in ...SID'. a' Day on Lab* aiona, -condieteljy, ' 11414.d wSO 4 090 15 , .1-i1.1Priadelr'ihrInk'kEnof ljt°1i4=3' 'Iabbia(!ust. ! T13.13 "Brand ord" Is rare „am r titounted on tindo, w1th ovttlittoui,anatno, ,,:er'141tiord 71:07'01;f:urin. Libtbadniri.t-et, way, . C- a ciA Shiesley.4,4 Co.,P 0 -.LI • .14+I ,141",'.+PVt'lli++1411.1$440 iit+;4441'1, SPY :11 111 "E a, Gate/a:axed copper-horiring 441Vietallile° Shingles , Proof--Matces Water by Condensing Fire, Lightning, .Ptust and Storm Dow and Frost. Send Posta Card for Folder ".8" • The Metallic Robting Ce 1194 King St. W., Toronto ^ta, ea.,:is'etIlasaiNsatearat be in pain to get Kendall's . Spnvirl Treatment in, the For al te ullarextrolullal blells.uTtsandPain5 Xendall's Spavin Treatment makes good. 1 sK2c.A:or 07p rrDeelir t0erS1l', 111 .,v1,00 and ll HORSE. I 1ms q uudt. yolir Spatlit Onia for or or 010001, 50000 to fobutl.1,1 (*leofthl.005 bot..5ntol tiro oVer uaed. for allkands of sore..., • (Sigfto4 11. SIOIAN." fotHorseTrealment—Rsfinecito. r.Thirean u,so. Get a bottle el your druggist s today. Regu.or DRin80.54b;u1Sr4g11,FICIAllt„LliGtt,GUM.Z.AA!'Y' ++' +11'0 a a. SPAVIN E TME T , fRo skwat . . WILL FltID in4 ji I;'.0• , ,A1 fr?c,AE. 6) u-erit -'Etritli_ek:, .'v ,. , . L,,„1:00.23E,,iii.oyeeS.utoRlist.Crtecp,ollito4tgab;1411;raCtl1T.:101,4).41,"/Ithe:Parpottnira,qailmtlnla ph:1Ft lot() janlani10\t„wtIll,t, iti; prepared to utiiito 1:3,..vddeeproed ormadzation to rrovido natal iteip from ft nnInbel, of countrh),1: . • z.iIe,14.• , The cAvAcIANvAcwx, Iailwar 1111 now reerim And cr' ri:n'. ge, ' 1111 n1Plk'tlbIs1'Y44C'I141110iL1l:Ptb';IP'''4i3:i161R6 33rltnil'l3'1E4a6'Aan4):1r.'°'2Vlt1(1,id'f'10'0V'iA1:ot t.hicieointT1ibeSntiv;tii:i1P'5:.0v0L,ni11:1n11 are milfar uithesta5111111011111 ccudittera .ang who ate now in touch with etch nom and woraon ready and roiVouo to como to plinado, • . 'PHY1' GOVERN1i1111l0'ill. cr id,;q wostrles abevo .nOaticattl 114100, '04PrOS'5,0d tboir •williratner,s to aid 1110 immigration 01 tido masa' -of their neer/lee. •tll order to 1111 mud\ luiplIcatione .liatlati4otfo115 and lirlot; iho lelio te tho farmer ut the Dtenei: '000 iin a V1111, .0 ,111101'underng a ttnIdithe 145)1101' 5101)11 rind Ohilgetican 15 oath, 11 1).4,111 tett `,4,ppliohtion for XIoli):" i`nr.i has boot, prepared Which. eon lie Obtained 1rona any ol the 01.11oao hated balew: The 'Company, 'will nialto iio ohurgo to fho ttaryne,r Iciv N)i) 5010411.0 ner win . the farmer he rc4adrod in nutke 057 aa411 Atli:ahoy, ,yaltIngfivo totyaydg the L travailing m:1+0111(1.0 ot his help to the Amctt 3.: i1341IV; }71,kehttien, "i'n'a lirhornia- tion neetaeartly naked for in lhase,tippliaglen iotrtio, V4i1ah terox1,1 ti1ei,-111 ho'nh•telld'l-h"i tetsironfldotioo, Ove1tetenniit40nUirory kte04 1‘011nude or enilt-nnirni or umarriola,to Td end Igi, low ,orici natnalitdesired 116111y 1115e0 eleV * , r 'xit14 hf woxl.r, of md, ttn, moi,,z,rAat,t, p4,,5 X POOgS11.* '005 440441.tIg Aliqtidi„ b1'31: ( clo %46: Otte Ke tf 4 X,A 4 -kl ll'INTv11111-'1:;:„::'::::-De:i:14).:0;C:Pi(,11:°4ht°4731:::!.0t:rili4'4:11:::11:::::illi::6::1::::;41:11:11)164:1141:414::,hib.l' 40. , . 0644104411,14t00 Auglyq 4 „