HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-15, Page 2.44.4444444,44444.44.417.44,44-49
PART II. ,on a • ox, or some ing.
rke rapping th*
Froleibly -ten minutes later Tim ane
c- That's fi, sas Tart. And may-
be didia notice anything about his
mo all ,ateaut this feller," heclotea, oru'
ls haixee-or his hande--?'
tlerilnnded. ' 'Why, Ye's,'' admitted the 'girl. "Ile
"Sure," replied. the 'clerk. "He came had a whole fioek of gold teeth, and
in her and regiateredeethat"e him, H. I couldn't help looking: at them, and
F. Nolen,
1(.0., and the boy went up it seemed to annoy bine He kincla
with him carryin' his bag. It's up felt of them, like they -didn't fit, or
there yett-I'm !gain' to get that much Something, and I noticed that one
beelc, finger -I don't 'know whieh---iishowed
"Forget it," inteerupteanywty
d Tim. "Send funny against his teeth. Maybe it
out end see i.E. th,ere,s any clue of thing like that. Anyway, it didn't ecnc`liongrseh' 40 Ifililetwinellao 'ha° nde',-o.h'' ' v'e'cii tale woulds 8 nse
where it, es.me fienn," look right."
But the rather shabby bag didn't "Wmeli. band?" demanded; the -old go ()lit and Pase it if he was marked
'contain lericks-just peein rocks, sleuth. - - R like a signkoarti. The way lie piek-
ed the easy simpe to wo".0..e it on eliovr- -
-wrapped in newspapers. The papers "Lemme zee." The girl took a pose, ad he wetenit 8 stranger in town, so x
were old* of widely divergent Public -a- where the young man had stoodaRriagiisyt- had no fear av-hina isea.tire it. -I knew
-Lion, probably stolen froni •the reading ed one hancl-then the other.
ck f eome hotel. There •were• no no he held the ruler ill Iiis rielt hand. he was somethine of a boob, because
„ .0400 ..0t,ttli0 WQ144:'
What44,v,:;the, seven: Weinders
444-00t:V41d, the 'Middle Ag-•.Q.s,, and
th o -or ay? We believe 'this to
pl): • tniq;:laps:Hozz.8'ever; The' Alielent
Werldeepyrenelde of ,:0,407p#,,, BliaroS,c0.
4gY.A. banging g.0•1"clerria riabY1Q1i,,
;statue 4:11e Iliviter bee Phil lase Maned,'
tnnTni nt....Arton40t3,1 nnIonons ,RiaPtieo
n;Ad templie of Dienatit Enhesue, 'The
lvXidclIe Agesee-Oolleonne of Aonie,, catii-
goiale$ ..AleXandriai -tercet Walleof
China, S ten einielge ine England, lean*:
hag tower gig Nankin, and,IneSque
Sephla at Const,entinopla .Autlroeitles
differ in aveWe,ring the 4,vendsrie of the
'world today, but we believe Tbe Path!.
deider'allet to he the beet.. Here::it-te:.
telephone,• radio, , aileeraft, • eadiune,
atitetoxinse :epeetrum aintlysis end
Chew y food
well, theltiAt e
It. ills° keeps
e tee* demi,.
bre till
s petit Iieen.
itio Grant CaniUtfiar;
'Wheii they try t
.. __-
bury the hatchet in the East they strike oil.
" -Harding in the Brooklyn Eagle.
(fee that bag --let's' dimer_o" the leirleke hlte any finger naib---,Or• slime.' remembered he lied a bum finger. Of
marks on the bag to indicate its his-
tory. ,.
"No, I 'don't care to hear about his
Wooden leg .or hie birthmark or •his
gold teeth," 'said Tim, "but if you Can
remember the •color of his eyes or
hair, height, clothes'or hat, you might
"'Who'd ever think of such old:ell/nes
as that when a guy is mar e up likei ' - P ,
a Picture bock?". demanded the elerk....With the utter useleesnest of the Nellie, istandier' in se pool ball big as
-"It's. a cinch -you wouldn't," replied Grainville police department. Both i ilf'' '811-n°atineYth'elarge4rj%).st,t's'likenheimre, was
Tim as he walked out. He didn't go had been unable te withstailci the'arge, dozens av
near ,Abe. or a ,i.,t of other victim$ to Take use of the moth-eaten eem- al'9' 'sniokin' "eigaroctis. Out of the
named (wee by 'the chief, but from the Parison about detectives who couldn't 'dezen's he was' the '°11-17"orle that had
hotel his 'steps' led to a novelty store, track an elephant in the -snow. Messrs, Ha eft:7o:: nfhaitiltuRrartheerdnoffailhoipeenlatiil, bhoaxneds;
far dawn the 'street, one of the last, Viles mricl Judson, detectives, had Seen
places to report the 'decorated stran- summoned to appear before the Mayor ' d'ewn at MnrPhY's gre'oerY in the See-
ger. Arriving, Tim paid no ,attention and show 'eause why- they -'shouldmielort:143tondth'weasrtda'.teBwefetlen-ei-uwsterntu.arkrie hhiinim oyer
to tlm. hostile -greeting. of the pro- he fired for cursing reepectable
erieter,• who had been far down the 'chants', although the 'Chief* ix profane! the ''addreee' of hie eeuein in K. 0
list `of those" reporting wooden legs audience with the Mayor, had aleeaclibyei..i'oveir hueteedetnr)dwdezrakwiachthelleiler:ilirviaearydeotfwfio-
and gold teeth, end, therefore as a sherere cause why they should not
sinxine.,,,,,iethn ef- being the thest straw fir ed----ibeeause lie cpuldn't hire a pair !weeks just like that -?6.5�.P
cif a heavy load had received the latest of deaf -and:dumb coppere to' take their But if You 'spotted thialbird, yes_
and `best cussing delivered by, Messrs, Places at the - wage set by city terdaY, how come you .snake him in
viles, and j'adson, detectives,. The pro- ordnance. x I t° -day?" Pursued' the chief.
rietol", after they were gone and he And then_ 'Tim, who had not even! "Had to' find where he lived and
h -ad recovered fromthe Shock, thought reported at the police station, appear.4friik his room Er th' ,ividencep said
scorching' eoinanent on !detectives in alone. Beside him !stood a 'sullen
up an : eeeetent scathing,. almost ed in the ,chiefs office. nin was not; t'Te'oe,irn'ht,..4'‘dhe,11,.:Ityheeiedileedtha, ;1?;eueitrlliyegmOlao,dd'e`..lob hidin'
no effort
gene al ' He was' disappointed 'when young man of about 'ael nondescript .bo find out
hinoltflb:ntitelea. it
Tim .ignerad Itirri and walked:back' in type as it would be 'possib1e. to find,' 1 wanted
the itore ae, if to make a purchase. No one Would notice him in a village' him. 'Seen as / saw him I knew he
The 'Proindeter resunied his 'vigil at -ha was 'so much. !like every other : was heme-grown and didn't have
the door, intent upon telling' every Young' loafer; In a city the, size of sense thiongh to attend to the.peinting
pesemie fa/me-townsman of the out- Grainvills. his type would run about, ea; hthisili.ehobrbuieysloallh'aitlhtraig.,ffhtaietoru.sesvin.
rageons • c'onelitiet of the detectives seven to' the block -of tha meaning:- '
when he 'started to 1 *Ye them a per- less "inedhun height," • meaningless! eral days before hoPpine a train ,to
feet descrie,tion of. eh ue artiat "-sandy complexion," and wearing the 1 'ecturie deWn there fir th' divvy. We'll
Si he didn't hear "Tim as the ancient. same'tYPe of clothes affeeted by praip_ getawn to ieolle a fugitive warrant
jawieda.rme spoke to the pretty little tically every coda -jerk or grocery fel' th' K. C.. teller and tel•ephone Zinn- as this Is a trifle smaller than the
girl, comlyination clerk and, book- clerk off de -1;Y.• • Mennen to make th pinch.. , An lust right' in meet cases: Ono of the
keeper, , , . +wooden gee', inquired the chief • , one thing mere: I owe a little ghii a ,rings Is forced oyer the hand- and
fi• cial or -limb and gout teeth and -2' • Tim tossed a package .rolled in •a box
xil .aalrill'enalliakCber. it Wa'aibilithig Clegaext?'n'I°IntntheW' the teheeatarsmle'evweh.erwhe itileishhisidgaeenk by "Oh that fellow/ He had an arti- mildlY.
"Yes, yes, 'Nellie.. All the rest av newspaper on the desk. The chief un- you w°u1d----thanks";" to the audience, the -performer slips
a , pair a hard! rehe , officers .stroiaect out, uala the examined ring into his inside
him noticed; thine little marks but rolled it and exposed
'you're a smart -girl; and 1 had hopes leather puttees. One 'showed signs of o aP' not to rattrabb the attenatison* .eY'f" coat pocket and pulls
ring down over his hand and on
the hidden
-- ou'd do better theusethe others. First, disuse. The "other was, bright, as from 1°'afars around- the station door. As
- they tramped together toward the thl3 string'
owja know he had a wooden--uh--* leietion with cloth.
It was his left, I'm 'almost poe'tive.", ee „„ev!rdkl e a en ea on mark
'Ye're a 'sensible girl, Nellie," said "e'n."." With gold 'teeth alone or a
Tim, "and some day mebbe ye'll get woo -len , alone he might av got
a box of cantly`:"- And he walked out.i'awa,Y writh it. He Put on so mar&
knew they -were all phony as
Twenty-four 'hours elapsed. Both, rnanA4-'' e
dailies had taken by the' forelock that soon as you told me savant it, SI), I
needed' 'something to pick out an oral -
golden opportunity to detail the latest
bum from the gang av
criminal- outbreak.' All headlines and nary Yeung
the leading editorials had dealt Young bums that infest this town.
n'ous1 -0 IQ d t• found, him an hour after I talked to
.E SIC TRici(s
The Wizard's - Rink
Na-, 21
Here is an excellent parior„trick
requiring the use of a little'appara-
tus that is easy to obtabi.
• The entertainer has his wrists
tied a,s in the illustration. Specta-
--tors may be invited to seal the knots
with pieces of adhesive plaster
.the wizard desires to make the
trick very impressive,
Wlaile his wrists are being tied
the performer is calling attention
to -a large harnees ring or celluloid'
bracelet. He asks the spectators to
•Satisfy themselves that the circle
le complete -'--that there is no hid-
•. den opening,
0,,eFoilirlehrg-the ring in his hands, the
wizard turns his back. in a Mo-
nient .he faces the spectators. --The
ring is on tfie string as in the diary.-
ing. The string must be out to get ;
it off.
How is it done?
-The fact is that there are two
rings, just alike. Each ring is just
blgenough, to go over the perferm-
er's hand -preferably the left hand,
d OEe," a the eorterthouse the chief -east a glance (0/tp this out and. paste it, with
Binh vi "Al, yes, woo en eg, "re
iieeey ,, replied- (the girl, "anybody chief. "Gold teeth, if any?" ail°12t to 'Bee that- no one was near, others of the series', in a &oral).
cuad hear it squeak, and he limped"- Tim dropped a hand and fumbled
and said: "Tim, do You think Slim has book.)
just a little, like Benny Masensertenough to eap,y those pawnshop
ine, who a vest pocket. "Open yer face, hefur rapo,e or that thaybe et. least he
gat run over with a. freight-Andl then, I knock it open" he barked. The and Ben could do it if they both' work-
wii;le Mr. Jenkins wets te.4‘amireing the startled y,-,teth let (1-elee. jaw drop. His ed hard
teeth were not golden :but wide apart. (The End.)
like piekets on fence. Tim insured
the opening by the insertion of a
large thumb, his other hand rose to
the open month, and there glared a
gold front. The thief examined this
exhibit, after it bad been ietrieved
from the facs of the visitor, with, in-
terest. Ile thin gold shell, probably
stripped from an umbrella handle, had
been cIeveally orlinped.with a. hook at
each end of tbe piece, to hold it around
the squirrel-like side teeth.
"Pair enough," said the ehief. "Now
if you were thoughtful enough to
bring along his birthmark, 3nayhe we
can get some a these ,pinheads to -
identify our litte ljoker!
ch-eque he offered, the fellow stood
right here and: kinda restedhis lame
--er-limb en this box, and- tapped on
it, kiada absent-minded like, witheone
of thase hardwood rulers. It sounded.
tawarrl Dieu
"California Fly Syrup
Child's est axa vO
crosSi teir0011, pok
Minuted.; ce 0144 OhildreolittWe
"traitV." ta/04, ,01 ."0011101144.
kteeletPeellittlt :weVer fOitie04.0
itOen the Pilltitt 'ated Iti; 4 tett
40> v.,0, Vara a41.:imr. pv01141310
ItlitttiongiOt 'faljo 1$0.0111
f°00. 1,t0 Or tit tlt#
tal, 410444
Again Tim dog into -a peeket and
placed upon the desk a email, elthie
bottle labeled: "Best Purple Writing
Then the chief pushed a butten te
the downstairS buzzer, and the ancient,
rheumatic jailer msponded, after a
time. He gave but a passing glance
at the uninteeeeting prisoner before
he followed, the catch ' still in Time
• "Wet'll I book 'im for?" he demand-
• ed, le a Second thought.
"Put him, in the little room at the
end of the Women's ward," answered
the "chief. "lett an investigation eau.
Ilia "PON 144 rale liair'e IeVtii; Our
X. rode
lst High -School G.irl: I don't
suppose any school was ever' ao
verted as by Mary's little Iamb.
2nd pi -to: • You must have been
absent when Gladys entered class
the other day In knickerbockers.
Editorial Tr'oubles.
The troubles- of an editor in a small
town are many.. Besides the. diffitel-
ties inherent in making up hie paper
ea.tisfactorilee he often has to 'eve up
to a reputation, fee limitleces Imow-
ledge. For many persons be is an
oraele, and the columneheadeel "Notes
and Queries," or .eouretheng 'similar, is
111 motithptece. A Westenu.„PaPer re
ceived a communication bearing per-
tinently on this matter. It ran as
"Dea.r Editor: Will you kindly in-
foini me by return Mail whet number
of'seeds are contained in, a sev:enty-
three to seventy-five-poun d pumpkin,
as wish to settle an argument."
A parreliel is this reinest Iles in an
unhappy experience of an ed.ltor who
one nreenime,, received two lettere from
subscribers. The first, inueieus
father, wrote to find out the hesit Way
to bring up his twin, babies_in health
and ihappinese, while the other, a•farm-
eV, wanted to -know the quickest meth-
od of getting rid. .of gvasshopperS:
The editor 1.1P,I-Liated.; Or
1:11(1 1,1111116SG of his lencialledge, he
-wrote twe letters ie. reply, But in the
haste of business he put the letters in-
r)ye Dreee, Skirt to the wrong envelopes, -
Don't Imok him, or let 'anybody eee him • I" Faded * Curtain ' The text molting the father of the
till I say se," IDs •
twirls' received this" interesting ane -
When Tine returned, the thief Said; in 1...110,02onu Ley ee*
"Yon got birn-we eah'dven him up
in hie trick Stuff and make, nome e "Cover them Carefully with straw
Eat; i peekege ef .D.etneed Dyes ,
the -saps recognize:him rkput you. knew ,a1111 set lire to it. Alta' ;hawing in
they won't preseetate. they waut is 61)111111.13. diteAti°31 10 3 1" "Y 15.6. ti fir 111 • C1. few 11 merits the little*
lill their prohey 1)1d you find the inan. tan ilyo or tint bar vorn.. shabby , •
f, ; pests 'will be, Speedily dont) ler,"
doughl,, _ d.res,se3.; kfitirts, weigf.q, 00g,1,14, oickr
And Vie mon who vas troubled with.
"Yoh," ,realied.'Tim, "lie had a roll_ 0-Wcatervi co verluge" "1111'et'f'"'°' grasshopriera trari hidflen "Givo) cos -
on. bine 'that looks' like ;four dollars?
Wrath try* lettuce!' He Usgen to extra*
Cash from Over,/ .pocket; and -throw
on :the 'desk, "And t jolt thought: a
gemethIng ,wItfle 1 wiu. ibrin-ing thisSafe Soorets.
ratline) lo a State ewe. 141h.'0 ,
turn the ,r4A1 over tO the towatIr at* irr, grave
if cs. ytr .1b1 tillus tl g
terhey, t aka his 'receipt -to it, arid
baugipg.0., everything, cyan It las has tor_oli regularly in it 6a.tztut, c,i0eA ava
°ever dY'ca "'''"'v"' 13"Y rub theft, glims vrith bene."
"1/yee"---11.0 Other kind-- ,t'ren porrect
tome 'dyeing- Is sure hecaum!, 1)1a.Mond
17yee are guatant,oed not to spot, fade,
?ltreak,'. or ruil, Toei 'our ittugg.let
Nvibooter the materiel you JO dye
is wool Or silk, or whether' il Jig fisien,
col'ion or gc;ods.
with rrte;
frame !him to:hold out on thim 80'MUCil retie 0e4sr be told,
untn time:ay:41m ni o a or AO' e.yea ,v1,111 he eeedY fer alcal)
/1 rite ,o. En Wit ilo
ory-asnut. ditht.
41,p° :k0OW it it ACtioir 'rho:peeetint rni4iliary sitreeeill WW1 tho 014. load,
d'elret 'La tAs Me. .1001 pee rria,,a1 ; i! ele) gem, 1, lie, The' pl teem Z ri ge. Ye in 411 meMery.
ovkl to•, .00vrtlio,0* nn4. ,oe- "eel ye.' 210,000; :01, Will In Ibot OOtl1Jft1fl8l. d
1,-wn." •
0 P0
“A.11t.1 Ie&'
"1+,3°°,°0°4 "r1 th" 'uMted 'fit'4C;"
in ill e 'clean r1,1V1, 111 the earl< mypere
1414,4'0)11) ret
I eat sleep withant Tat (,);
'1' obU410
IN) )011011-001." 1'444,
.t heroeo Tue tal, oplettP -.A.n.&rioa.,, :144,000 rvgulais argi 102,400
"141(At.),P 0414170fro, VilL,; Glifto.,4111,
..OUnd )0110 top,1\ler4.1.0 401'
li1t060 who futd, lgtyngl'„ 411 , Mr 1 1;..1:0'g -1411111104t 11:0 th oor
Co ege Girl:. And, mother, I've
been put on the scrub tearal
Mother: Then I•horie You'll kb,ow
liconethIng about -house work when
you come horne at the end of the
After the Old Man.
"'What's your little girl's nanie?"
asked the colored parson of the lady
who was enrolling- her daughter in his
Sunday schgol.
"Her name am Opivin Bryant," was'
the reply.
"Opium? That's. rather ,an odd
name.for a girl," ventured the Pars9n-
"How did you ever come to pick" that
name?" , 4
'Y' see, pallean, 'twee. dissaivey.
Dey say opium eames from wild poppy,.
an' so when die. chile was bohn
decides to name her Opium 'crause her
poppy sualc:
What stars are m'ade of, how fast
they are moving, and how far away
they really are, eau be told by means
of a spectroscope.
Mineral's Liniment for Coughs.& Colds
A man's age cornmande veneration;
a woman's Calls for tact.
that 'bring.. tlie „largotht return are
hose pr:Operly protected. -You can
write 'w,ith 'Confidence to our than for
tree report:as t� patentability.' 'Send'
for List .of ,and Literature.
ElzSi lta,satt SAW CO.
. Patent Attorneys
875 Isaltit St. - . Ottoiss,. Gut.
'irtity, Ma
The growth ef Weetern °argil% is, an.,
nepirtalg roraanoe. It is' calY aft,
years ego last Slily, that the firzt keine-
Stead Was Alta on. the Px'airio, by John
Sanderson,Wbo livoS on biz Enna
near portage la Prairie, ,1Vianitoba,
is only forty.one years ago last Sep*
ternhor that the first Ouf.trter section,
of Canadian:Pacific RailWay, laud- vriT
:14;tclitn7 neWp.Upt; SA'(;1(1:Ltri''t-trhe,ofriteit7,a0tAk
(Ban Depart:inept of linzbigration nod• ,
Colonization. At. that .tine. cornpare7
stivoy few people bad s.ny conception
of the C11(}1111OUS,,,possibilitiefi. for "eg,ri-
eultura3 .development of that fertile
plateau running westward froni ,
peg to the foothills- of the Becky Moun-
talTnhse. Province ,of Manitoba'
population of 62,250, compared -with
813000 last year. Winlitieg: was fron?
tier tOwn with 7,00•Peopic,:aud Bran-
don, Which Wee regarded as a "far-ilung
. . ,
The picturesque jinrikisha or kur., outpost o the West, boasted of. a feW
hundred in population. Calgary-,, Ed,.
uOnith4er' ,817e' lttill•legS. a°713-ell't rbPaklins,: iints jvalPaacell;* mon,ton, Regina, , Saskatoon:, Moose Jaw'
....i , . o line- of the' Canadian' PaSiflo PailwaY
draTt animals's. the ,chief manufactiir- ,
were Ineiinted.prolice outposts or Rud-. .
, Coolies are rising above the "stattis et •
son's1 BY trading; posts., the main
er:of;iinril*has is now mailving baby mn as. fa.t.aa. partave:aa, pioria,,abou:t., :
;carriages.' - , ' 60 miles. west of-Winneneg.- Novi there `
- are -.three transc'ontisiental lines Sprai-
ning the Prairies and eXtendling oh •to ,
the Pacific Coast.' . ManitOba n6w ilea
4,000 Males, of railways, Saskatehean
6,000; Alberta 4,000 and Britich 'Co,
iumbla 4,160. Calgary, ndtsonton, he-
gina, saskathen, lvfoose ,Taiv are t4riv..
, • • „
• 8r -t,
• Itilasit ter last of in.vdgitionit 'wanted by bbanufqc.
+Negro. ',nannies- hale. been bipcie frp,irk ample
blfrio.,.."Pacorit'Pe,otpetioW.' baoldat yeryistakt,
911-1113PILIAIN X*.
tATENT.ATTORNEYS tliAT Ing and modern cities. Winnipeg
is 01-A4-4.1i-INI.11
,449V Fsia
POrevents chapped hands, cracked
lips, chilblains. Makes your alfdi
soft, white,. clear and Enneoth.
4IJidrtsgeses gejlkt
a ers Bake It For Yo
need to bake at home it
fl'ERE'S your old-time fa,-
shi bread with at least -eight
tempting raisins to the slice
--already. baked fer you by
master bakers in kour city.
Simply 'pliant) your grocer
or a-neighboilfood bake shop
and have a fresh loaf for
• lunch or dinner to delight
your fonts.
We've arranged with b-
in ahnost every town and
city to bake this fall.-fruitqd -
• raisin bread. .
Made with big, plump,
tender needed rasing, The
raisin flavor permeates the
bread. Yoy've never tasted
•finer food, Order aloe iaow
and count the raisins.
•irtRAL'ielben t'bit;:eaod'odst
hjead rare
bluegota a nutritious cereal and
• yes. Serve at least twice rreeklr
to et the benefits).
tree Bnn.Mairl for home cook-
ing of ptaddings, cakes, cookies,
• You naily be offered other
thal Sun -Maids, but the Vila
„pan-m2id brand. thair avit lab
mdre than ordinary railing.
Mall e000n for free heels ef
tested "FalueMaid Reeipts,'
The oupreme' Bread Raisin
.Surs.Maid Rotilsin Growero
Membership 1,4,000
QT.11,' Ai '871,llte
TP8 4.0.;At
$no, Calitormia.
0,411 copy or yOur give 'book,
'a cao Itahlap:
44.0 49ii
44 14. 4.4 .44x4i
known as, the metropo-lis to the Cana -
&an West, 'with a nepulation.of over
200,000. Vaneouyer is .one of 1,he great -
seaports- en the .Pacifie, with a popula-
tion of over 1,50 000 '
Western Canada's Development.
Nutabere ef the, hardy pioneers Of •
forty years age are enjoymg• their de-
ehining daYs the'eonimunitiee they'.
wrested from the wilderness, presper-
oil* contented,' witb tlakite-clrildren's
families gathered about them' or desk -
Ing: their own fortunes fuither
westward or: northward,- They 'haVe,
see.o,:pirvinzaoon 4teip jai tiO. the West
and the wilderness swept out. To -day
are thriving citteg and toN413.8, ,wher6.
bleadhing :buffalo bones marked:tile:Me
trails of forty. years' ago. To -day ate
mighty , freight trains,. each- With:tts
:a.wilit e0;s:a;iit ca,et hrag. ri not s'
ehandise, roaring ' the road4
of every farrahouse,7ehureh.e.s
„ . . . .
driving distance of- home. To-,-
, .
. .
day aro telephoneo2 and...every. modern.
Con.venience,' •coranannities over
. •
vast..dietaneeaf.bYthe corirman.hond of
the spoken word. • '
The wiiderneas of forty yek,s ago
has beoonie one taf the -great granir14
in the werild;' tz'''uly-ein,almormal de-
velopment. ,flut this, is not #4. , In
1881, when W. D. Scott sold that aso,
•tian of laud -bo the father of -s etteep,
day n.ewspapermaa, there was scnrce-
fly, any. farm livestock , lin the, Weitz
Dairying ,-was 'not. tinginged.,1, at all.
TO:day • ,there are .6,998,317 -farm 04"
mats. blie, praircba,.:Of wilgeh'.881.;855
indleh 'Cows; and. dairytaig.te only,
sebond 111 1ipoitanee- §e!
tag,: drelopmentand,Progress
have been ,genersi 'elery. pliase of..
life. mn teem' western:Gags-an is now; -
synonymous : with 'Modern progress.,
not only in LagriOnliaire and commerce,
hoot inthe mors essential, and finer eis,:".
Mentia'neeeseery to a. More-,
OVar, from out of that or:Awhile wilder.'
neas marched a great -army of the
ge„.7,soloafrSat:tatipnatiliihardago to tY11,- aPictera:sae atrs-w.eL
pelled. by their -inherent' love ,ot
mocracy ,and right.
progress and dev,elopment.. in
tilve older, parte_ of Canada, 11411,e not
0-0; YerliaxItaiW, in recent years- as ,
ifeueety fitiortvye yb!ezns it: there thth1,111.)1)e.
nomenal growth M. &Vali- direction.
Optical Stunts.
. .
eyes, .Hre age: a 'few exeinplese. •
"1 -ler eyes roamed. carelessly around
the room.'
"With her ,eyee..she t-vikod h1ni 1,o'
"He tore' lite' eyes 'fieni her face and'
they fell on the; 'latter at hey feet:"
"He drank bee in, with droWning.
siv%1' 111, sro: ereyyue, ts, olfirfo,tarwnlia tak- -1105 ear eths•-•
:t11e deck- and ',cast them fas. eet
tele 1hs eyeiin away from here,
eeesing etitonee Pahl to both." • We
leink it would.
'Iwo little,st'"lettvele71,11thee' 'daughters, et
usually yielded and ,dici zo thie tem,
1hM1,7 ta, 1161" hter, payirug,•,.. "Tao
the 0).41.go.,rn, oleol) wItheit -011Y-,"
It- TOO- a$ .to her' netien,
crawl, heterven the sheets naked, beet
not proper to !talk ie the Lerd the,*
way, Snakaing611 'Icor t4tnbie40,. •
she rsioed ib a'snd knelt to pray.
• Ohe pottuet of :pave tb8A145114s
the ,sweetnese ',Of a eitertee'
, 'sugar.