HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-15, Page 1Single Copies,' Four Cents,
AILICTIQINT SAL.E-Farm Stelele and
at north half of Lot
'25, Con, ro, West Witwanoelad on
Thurstlay, April eats
Lheyd Phi/lips, -Prop.
Elliott Miller, Auct,
tverlastiitg Clay Tile. When you
build use burnt clay brick, Made by
Wm. Elliott &
on, manufacturers
inf Rug and White Brick, Drain Tile,
to r6 inches, Fleoring Tile, Drain'?'
13uilding Blocks, Well Bricks,
Chimney Flues, also agent for Mil:
on press and Rug Brick.
phoqe 6 on 6o5, Wingham.
lIttore with barn and five acres of
Valid, close to railroad station, at
Hetifryn, Ontario. Apply to
T Stewart vale Blue
To the Sui
Ealittir, ay the Advance,
Shure 't -was grate rievirs ititoirely
we did be hevin &um Albeeta. on Mon-
day. Me dater Katie has, a girrul
baby, so she has; an the anissus has
been shteppin so hoigh ivir since we
got the' Wurrud that 'tis not aisy livin
wid her at all, at all. "We will both
go ont to Alberta as SOOTI as the
hornesakede excursions shtart," she
sez. "Ay, criorse I wud loike• to go
avid. ye," I sez 'but Meer moight be an
elickshun absince, an the byes
will nade me Islip," sez ' "Ye don't.
desar.ve to hev a granddawter whin ye
tink so much ay yer 'pollyticks
that ye wuddent lave Mina to go to
see her sez the missus. sez
I, "rnebby I kin' git me frincl,' Jawn
joytit to poshtpone the elickshun till
we git back,"1 sez, an we are lavin it
that way fer the prisint. I know that
Jawrt will do the besht he kin ler me
an shure he has qtioite a Mill wid thine
U, F. 0. fella.hs, so he has, anebein,a
grandad hinssilf, he will undershtand
me position ii. the 'ma.tthen I ixpict
whin this is printed in. the paper if
I come down town an happen to mate
me ould frind, Cooneillor Hinderstm
av the Bluevale Road; he will say,
"Good marnin; Tim; it leksas if the
o HAY crap is gointo be good this
y -ear;" arr some such foolishness.
Shure, 'tis the. quare by is Billy, wid,
awl thim droy jokes av his. )
• Yisterday whin I wus sittin toastin
me shins in Charley Lepard's Resht
Room, who shud come in but another
o-ald frindeBill Hook av- Ildwick, that
I hadn't, seen fer foive arr six'iyears.
The fureht ting I knew he shlapped
.FOR SALE -Good second hand-bicy- me on the back an sez, "Hello Tim;
de, Apply to Ye ould harse thradin thale av the
ROIL Beattie. wurruld, an Inn* hey ye been. since?"
Not Wishin to be outdone in the mat-
ther av manners, I reploid, "Not so
bad, conshiderin, but I wussen't ix-
pictin to mate ye, but itis me unlucky
sez I, the fursht ting I got wan
av me eocks on insoide out, an thin I
shpilled me tay at breakfasht an got
in Wrong wid' the rnissus an now 1
mate yersilf, but 2.V coorse 'tis the
thirteenth -.ay the month an annyting
May happen befoor noight." ,Afther a
few ,moore preliminary exchanges -av
complirnints an a bottle ,av, two pur
cint,- we •settled.dowri ler a good ould,
fashioned visit as the wimmin say, 1
asked him if he still had the hay mare
I thraded him at the toime av the xer7
elickshuo: He Said he thraded her
wid a IJ. F. 0. fellah in Dec., 1921, .an
he hitched her up double an. wus haul -
in 'voters.L.Sheewint awl roight till
nearly ndight-an thin.remimberin 'her
Tory .bringin up she balked a. moile
frurn'the votin place wid six votes in
the load,. an only fifteee minits till
the poll wud close. Two min made it
be runnin, but the wimmin missed
votin, an, Hoek sed e nivir ,saw, so
mad a man as Shelly Bricker wus
whin he heard av il "".rwas worth
awl the thrubble I ivir had wid the
ould mare," sez he, "but Tim, me bye,
how did „ye git along wid the black
harse' I put aff-bn ye?" he asked. 1
tould him if it: hadu't :been ler rde
IVO ide ixpayrience droivin inulesju
Missouri in Inc young days, I evud hey
been in close .connieleshun wid the
hales av the bastennanny a toirne. At
c.00rse we dhriftett into poltlyeictes an
shpoke av the manny harrud, foights
we hev had fer the parthy in uld
Huron, He sed that if -it hadn't been
ler Ilowick, we wud hey losht .iviry
tohne, nearly, an that the Ho•wick
Toeieenwus the besht in the counthry.
tould him they wus no betther than
anny other but theer wus moore av
thirn. I sed theer vies a lot av good
Tories awl along the Nort Branch av
the lefailland, Thrue ler ye, he sez,
but the hoigher up ye go the betther
they git, an Howiek is near the head
av the slab -dine. Shure; itieeno use
argyin wid a man loike that. I know
we hey some good Tories in Wing -
ham, who came limn Howide in the
furslit place, but we, heir improved on
Mini since. "Iviry day, an in iviry
way, they do be gettin- betther an
betther," as the Frinchman sez.
'Tis twice to mate wid frinds ye
hev kdown feir years, an wans ye kin
dipind on, but they do be drappin out
out wan be -wan an the wurtuld is get-
titi us ould fellahs.
Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay,
R SALE -Two young calves. Ap-
edy to ' '• Geo: Day: •
ii7OR SALE -Team of Heavy Horses,
Six years old, t set double harness,
milkingalcow, six years old; x Ren,-
.TrewoCrearre Separator, nearlynew;
collie pup. Al! for ,sale. Apyhy to
,Mrs. Harry Lewis,
R. R. 2, 'Wingharrr.
igkOR SALE--.-' re Young Pigs, ready t
wean. .••
J. A. Armstrong,
R R. No. 4, Brussels.
Phone 3-613, 13russels.
ldARM. HAND WANTED -One that
an milk; must be reliable, State
wages. Box 437, Wingham.
10i3OR SALE -Three acres excellent
Soil, just outside of Winghatn Hul-
ks, small frame house, large orch-
ttrd, low taxes. Apply at
The Advance.
FOR SALE -A new Perfection four
burner Oil stove with oven,- in per -
condition. Applfto
, Mrs. R. Beattie. A's
3PARM FOR SALE -4/ acres, rich
elay loam, eveM watered, good bank
barn, frame driving shed, and pig
pen, and. cement hotike. Quarter of
tt mile from church, school and
post office. Nine miles to Wing -
ham. 'Apply to The Advance.
FOR SALE -Washing Machine with
Wringer. Cheap. Apply at
- ° The Advande.
POR SALE -A beautiful Heifer calf.
Apply to Geo. 11. Phippen.
FOR SALE -Store and property,
The store on Con. 4, Kintoss, better
kriown, as "Langside Store," is of-
lered. for sale as the owner is going
out, of business. Fee particula.rs,
Apply no
Mrs, C. E. Murray,
R. R. No. 5, Lucknow,
Il'OR. SALE -A quantity of choice red
;;•:Iover- seed it $15.00 per bushel..
Alex 'I% Ross,
'none. 4-618. ' and line,. Morris.
POR SALE -TO Food cows, clue to
freshen. -"ApPin to - Xlioath_Fells•
tompagy for aged .1a.dy. Phone 265,
or apply by letter to Box 471, Wing-
- , •
ntyi$E ' TO RENT --In 'Lower
Wing -liana 'opposite „Mr. iGeo. ?hip-
. pen's, - Hard and soft water and
two acres of ground. Apply at •
The •,Advance. •
LOST:-Hoistt Blanket, .somewhere on
he B inv.- Finder kindly leave at
• Ihe Advance,
PRIVATE SALE -Teo days' private
Sale, Starting , Wednesday, March
14th. x Buffet, 6 Dining Chairs, x
Dining Table, / Parlor Table, x
Victrola, (Period Design); 4 Parlor
Chairs, 3 ...Rugs; 'i -Wicker -Floor
Lamp,..,x Radio phone, (complete);
I Whine Sewing Machifte, new; /
:Chiffonier, I Dresser, 1 Chest of
;Drawers, r Brass Bed and "Springs,
n Iron Bed and Springs, x Child's
Cot, x Vacuum Cleaner, x, 2 burner
Oil Stove with oven; x Kitchen Tab-
le. a Criere, i Pah... P it AWir Ir rt.....
bee Heater, Electric stove, I ..teit-
w r
;hen Stove, 'T Hall Seat; Above
Must be sold as I am leay,ing town,
H. Ross,
, Corner, Minnie and John Sts.
highest cash' price for two carloads
of turnips. V. R. VanNortnan.
of Farm Stade and Implements, at
Lot en Con. 3, Morris, on Tuesday,
March eotit, at x o'clock. No re-
serve as the proprietor has sold his
fattest '
John Hopper, Proprietor..
jas, Taylor, Aatetioneen
111,1ANTED-Indhetrio0s, Capable pet-
' Soh to start at once in and nearby
Wo ingbann r et a n g Raw/eigh's
Liood Health Pood Products, Spices,
Flivorso laedicines„. Toilet Prepar-
atilena, etc. 150 everyday n4CeaSttled
USd by zniliions, Largest Company,
,established 35 years, Favorably
flown. Products sold on time;
kototst wholesale. NO experience,
praCtically eapital needed.. We
teach you t triattage'yaur own 'per.
„Orianent, big -paying business. $5000
105c66 yearly„ Particulate free;
hie age, occupagon, references.
R,Awlelgh DeP20
LelSti Loudon Ont.
on Social
A Box Social will be held under the
auspices of the Qlenannan Literary
Society, ion Friday evening, March
16th., at 8 ,o'clock sharp, in Muir's
school -house. A mixed program will
be given. Gentlemen, 50 tents; t.adies
with boxes free.
Lowir .WinghanwConcert
The Old 'Time Entertainment which
was..1.0 have been held in the Lower
Wingham School a few week's ago,
but was postponed, will be held on
Friday night of this week, The pro-
ceeds will be-. usedto purchase a
phonograph for the school,. We hope
to hear of our Lower Wingham
friend, holding another concert in the
nem future with it view to buying a
school nurse for the school,
Married in Winghain
Mr. R. H. Deacon, son of the late
Mr. nod Mrs. Henry -Deacon, East
Wawanosh and 14118$ Marietta Salter
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Sal --
ter, East Wawanosli, were married at
the Methodist Parsonage, Vitinghtien,
on Tuesday, March 13t11. TW'
many was performed by the Re's'. C.
E. Chagge The happy young couple
will live tit Braiitford, after a short
hotteyinoeiz trip to Guniploand Torten -
. ,
WINGI-4M5,KikaCkt 15th; J923,
. .
Cash Reward of limoo Given Foe Her
• Capture
The Advance, in its effort to assist
in making Wingham's it923 Dollar
Day a huge success, is -putting conan
interesting chase for. the Mysterious
Miss Dollar. This will be the third
time that this paper has assisted in
making Wirigharo's Dollar Day a
great success in this manner and we
have received, several compliments
from the business men, who appreciate
our efforts, Ip 1916, Miss Laura An-
sley, ,Snow Mrs. R. M. Lindsay of Re-
gina), capably acted as Miss Dollar.
I. ozo, Urs. Geo. Young, '(now of
orontos) acted the part of that.myst-
erions lady and now M— Mc
will, we believe make a most approp-
riate Miss Dollar.
She will come to town in the morn-
ing to do her shopping, as all good
shoppers should, after making her
purchases she will go hemp 4nd have
lunch about xr.30, after which she
will again mingle with the crowds in
thestoresand continue t� do so 'until
she is caught.
The person capturing her must
touch -her gently on the left shoulder
and, say "You are the Mysterious Miss
Dollar of The *Wingham Advance,"
and at the same time hold in Mei?
left hand a copy of The Advance.
Single copies may be purchased at
this office, but we would advise you
to secure them early as our suPPIY
linaited;, These rules will be strict-
ly adhered to and Miss Dollar will ad-
mit her identity only when they are.
Bulletins will be posted in The Ad-
vance windows showing a0 nearly as
possible the part of the town in, which
Miss Dollar is at certain stated times.
She will visit Znly the stores which
advertise in The Advance. "
The chase stops at five o'clock when
Miss Dollar, if not captured, will make
herself known to the crowd at The
Advance Office.
St. Patrick's Social
The Ladies Aid of St. Andrews
Presbyterian. Church are holding a St.
Patrick's Social, on Friday evening,
March 16th., in the chtirch. A good
program is .being prepared. Refresh-
ments will be served. Admission 25
Wedded At Bluevale
A quiet-Iniedding was solemnized at
the 13luevale Manse, by, Rev. Craw-
ford Tate, on Wednesday,March
iath., when Miss Ethel Jewitt eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Jew-
itt, becamh the bride of Mr. Whit.
Stewart, on. of Mr. and Mrs, Thos:
Stewart. The happy couple will spend
a week's honeymoon in Owen Sound
and Toronto.
Horticultural Society Notes
Prof. A. H. Tomlinson of the O. A.
C., Guelph, Willeleeture in the Town
Hall, on Friday evening- April 13th., in
the interests of, the Hortieultural Soc-
iety. The lecture will he illustrated
by excellent views, o
' Al!. orders ' for bulbs shrubs. etc
fepr spring -planting should be in the
'hands of the Secretary by March 3xst.
Those wishing to loan catalogues may
.have same on 'application to Mr. 5. E.
Cove, the secretary.
-Eighteen Gladioli bulbs, one of each
variety with every Membership for
spring. The. regular ,tetail price of
which would beabout :peal
The Late -Mrs, Ctlimingharn
just as •;:ve went to press last week
we learned of the death of Mrs. R. D.
Curmingharre,which took, place at the
family re-sidence, John St., on Wed-
nesday afternoon, after an illness of
lessthan two weeks. 'Deceased lady
had not been la peilect health for
sortie time and her weakened-con:1i-
tion did not prove equal to an attack
of pnetunonia. She was a highly es-
teemed lady and. was in. her 6endyear,
Besides her sorrowing husband,\ she
is survived by one daughter, Annie,
Mrs. Wm, Coates of Listowel. The
family ahd relatives have the sym-
pathy of a large circle of friends.
The funeral was held on Friday
afternoon to Gorrie cemetery. Rev.
H. W. Snell, rector of St. Parde Ang-
lican church, .conducted impressive
services. Mr, and Mrs. Cunningham
came • to Wingham from le entry;
about ten years ago, where they con-
dacted a general store,
Talang Mental Notes
e hat Did You See Today,"
department, is a regular feature in
The Tribune, it daily paper published
in S'Outh Bend,. Indiana, U. S. A. The
instructions are "Keep your eyes open
and take mental notes' of the incidents
or sights which amuse you. Write
Mem concisely trot more than red
woods and sendethein to the Feature
Editor, For the best one priuted each
day, The Tribune:will pay tt.00." The
following- was the winner on March
6th. .
IVIOdern Bird's Nest
Every evening r turn the porch light
on for MY' daddy when he comes
home. The other night 1 noticed a
shadow over the light and looking up
saw a little` bird sitting in the globe,
which had a hole' in' one side. The
bird's head was sticking Out al the
hole and it, se,emed to want to tell us
how happY 11: was to find. such a shel-
tered nest, --Robert Hammond, e06
North Allen St, Aged eight years.
Roliett is a grandson of Mr, and
Mrs John Kerr Lo.wer Wingham
The boy who lost the hand sleigh
may have same by nailing at this Of -
Mr, Peter Deans is, very hew at
Tare, months from today where
will he the Lady of the Snows.
Mr. Andy IVIcKagae shipped a load
of cattle from Wingham on Saturday,
Wedding bells' will be ringing in
Winghado in two weeks? time. We will
tell you later who.
Watch ,for the sign of the $ Day
Pennants. -All the rnerchants inter-
ested will have pennants on their vine
Sale of home-made baking in- the
council chamber, Wingham, ort Satur-
day afternoon, March 17t1i., St. Pat-
rick's Day,
Sur-Sl,t rids your horses of Bots
and Intestinal worms,' Sold at Mit-
chell's Drug Store opposite the Bruns-
wick Hotel.
Dr. McInnes is moving this week
to his new premises on Scott St,
which he recently purchased from
Mrs. James Walker.
Buy a $.29100 ' or $3x.00 suit at E.
A anita.ge & Son's, on $ Day and they
give you an extra pair of pants to
match absorutely FREE. - town, visited over Sunday with Mr.
Mr: John Smith of Milton, was a ‘..•
aar. John Allen is here from Tun -
Mr. Will Ste'Wart is on, a business
trip to the West,
Miss Reynolds of Galt, is, visiting
with her sisters in town.
Mrs. Davis of Fordwich, is visiting
with her sister, Mrs. T. I-1. Gibson.
Miss Edith Rush has returned from
the Idillinery Openings in Toronto.
Mrs. R. T. Tindall is visiting with.
threoritson, Mr. George Moffat of De-
("'t1Frret;itiolunsi4naidOrvirlitt "Stmulabk:i
Mr. Thos. T-warnley left on Friday
for Toronto, where he will in future
reside. ,
Mrs. Hill of Mount Forest, spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. T. 1-1,
Miss Bernice Brawley of town, vis-
ited over the weele-end with friends in
'Ma F. T. Schooley ofthe Wing
ham High Sehool is ill in the Wings
ham Hospital. .
Mr. and Mrs,' Frafac Vanner of
'-and Mrs. Jas. Cornelius.
visitor in town this week, We under- mins, visiting at the home of his par -
stair& he will be moving to his house
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen.
on Patrick St. before long.
The la grippe has fixed Wingharn's
'Friends of Ma Percy Scandrett, assessor, T. J. McLean and when the
13elgrave, will regret to learn thathe referee rang the bi
elt if had him on his
is very low at -present and it is hardly b
expected that he will pull throughack. . .
Mrs." E. Pettigrew -e.ntertairied the Mrs, Dave Hamilton of Belgrave, spent a couple of *days in town nith
Members of the Star Club and their
Party dn her „hotne On Monday even -
husbands at a progressive euchre the Misses Fleuty.
ing. . ' Mr. Ralph Ballagh and son, Leslie,
' of Guelph, visited over the week -end
Dollar Day it Mount Forest a week
at the home of the forrner's sister,
ago last Saturday drew the biggest
crowd that was ever known in that Mrs, Mary Higgins, '-
town., We vvonder if Wingham will Mr. and.Mrs. Wes, Brandell and hi -
follow suit, tle daughter of Atwood, spent the
Secure your automobile licenses at week -end .at the home :i.if her parents,
The Advance Office. 'They are selling Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fixter.
on, but in a few da3,s the rush slowly because of the backward seas- Mr. Rdhert Higgins returned to his
h will be home in Pilot Mound, Man., after
on if this weather continues. spending tire past three months in,
in the coarse of a few days,
Miss Spring is expected to be in Wingham, Wroxeter and vicinity.
Mrs. Taylor has returned to her
with a full revenue of followers, we home in. Winnipeg, after spending the
welcome her gladly and old man. Win- past three months at the home of Mr.
terds sneaking out the/back door., and Mrs. Will Stewart, Victoria St,
Mr. Jas. Haugh -sold his shoe store Messrs. Wilfred and Russell Totten
lest week to Mr. Geo, 13rophey of were at Wingharn last Wednesday and
town. Mr. Haugh will continue his Thursday, lifting horses which the
business_ The transaction was made former had purchased for ihe West. -
through Mr. Frank McConnell, real Fordwich Record,
estate agent of town. ' , '
Mr. and Mrs. Launcelot ' Clarke of -Evangelist Turn -
Varna, Ont,, announce the engage- bell will begin
nicht of their only eliitighter, Mabel special services al.
Elsie, to Mr. Ephriam A. Howes of the Baptist church
Art;hur, „Ont. The wedding to take on Thursday- even
place quietly in March,- N. ing, lVfarch x5th., al
A meeting of all those, interested 7.45 P. in. These
lin the sports ()fele town will be hem, meetings will con -
in the council chamber, on Monday tinixe every evening
evening, March 'tette, at 4 o'clock, and Sundays up to
with a view to appointing' a commit- and including Ap;
tee • to inanag-e the. entire sports of the ril tat. Mr. Tern
town. - . e , bull is it fine speak ),
C..'reophos---The ideal treatment after er, a
cures the cough. Hundreds of people pert artist with the crayon. Everyone
sweet gospel
the Flu, Builds ,tip the system and singer and an
in Wingham and surrounding country weleerne.
use and recommend it. Sold only at A la ,,
Mitchell's Drug Store, upposite Brun- iPeoPle will will' be eeting for children and young
held at 4.15. on
swick Hotel. Friday afternoon. He will then speak
Mrs. Axison Thornton, bluevale, on ,Bible birds and animals. ,
who underwent a serious operation in
Wingham General Hospital is pro- Wednesday Half Holidays
gressing favourably. Mr. Robert Ham-
ilton also of IllaievaIe,Nyho has been At a meeting.of the Business Men's
seriously ill in the Wingham Hospital, Aisociation 'of Whigham, hdd in, the
is steadily showing signs of improve- fire-Plell!'s 11.11' 01'• TilursdaY evening
ment. last, it was 'unanimously decided to
're understand Mr. John Hopper 1111.c:elf itillotIVireidneciesidnaiYueanfeteiernne),N.vce/kestY„
Button's -house on . Patrick St.; .and
°-F Morris, has Purchased Mr. Jesse and ending 'November 1st.
that Mr. Button has purchased Mr. F'. Found A Screech Ow!.. -..
5, Hill'; property -on Josep.hine St.; Mr, W. IL Gurney, while shovelling
North. We ,welcome Mr. and Mrs.
Wingharri. a wet snow off the roof of his block on
Hopper and fanWy as residents of Monday morning, picked up a. fairly fa
fairly screech owl having its morning
' Rev. C. E. Cragg.is conducting suc- snooze, and now has his new pet in a
cessfut evangelistic services in the cage. 'The- commissioner is an early
Wingham Methodist Church every riser himself and one of his failings
night this week. The reverend gentle- is to make every other living creature
man is a forceful speaker, wlzo calls get awake in the early morning too.
a spade a spade, and his mind, body However, we believe the owl has
and soul are behind his efforts to win found a, fairly comfortable home and
seuls for Christ. On Monday even- it will have all the necessities of life.
ing of this week, Rev. J. J. Harris
of the Baptist church assisted in thesh '
The. Curlers held it successful euchre
and dance in the Wingharn Armour-
ies on Friday evening, Despite the On Dollar Day, load up yoursleigh,
weather, the crowd •tVas fairlY large. And all come into town, lir,
The High School Orchestra provided A (gyoodly prize, each dollar buys,
the music. The prize winners were: - .
ou pay your money clown, sit)
for lone hands, Mr. D. E. iVEcDonald
and Miss Vera McKeezie, and /or A peck of coal, a breakfast roll, -
A year's pay, to the church, sir,
games, Mr, W. E. Elliott atid Mrs, A lemotade to treat the maid,
-Le8lie' Voting' Pour ladies cut for Who wields the teacher's birch, sir.
the games' prize, viz, t Mrs. Young,
Mrs. A. E. Porter Mrs. E, McDonald, A dozen eggs, it lien's hind legs,
Mrs, Geo. Olver, A statesmatt's wise remaks, sir,
The Turnberry Agricultural Society A spool of silk, or quart of milk,
directors and their wives held their A million Gel -Irian nihrks sir.
annual oyster supper on Wednesday , ,
evening' at the home of the vite-presi- A Peek of spuds, it drink of ands,
dent, A. G. and Mrs, Smith, Wingham. If you cat, find the place, sir,
Interesting nceounte of the meeting A. last year's car ,a black cigar,
of the Fairs' Associations in Toronto, A graftOr's brazen face, sir.
were given by Air. G. N. Underwood ..
and Mr. Adam Robertson. The re- A printer's soul, a plumber's toll,
mainder of the evening was spent Per fifteen -minutes' work, air,
listening in to radio phonb. concerts A pound of cheese, or can of peas,
from different American eities as far The honer of a Tlirk, sir,
as Los Angeles, Cal. A , loaf of bread, a tabbage head,
A pin, or cake or burl, air, '
Or if you go to picture show,
A wagon had of fun, sir,
her sisters, Min. C. D. Shackleton and
it Inotoichnitr II
Subs ri tient' it,
.111111111111111... ,'111,1,1.1.1111111' 111.111110111..,,1'
you the price f a e bat.
Elk ys Straw Hat iye L hs e
1. shlo able shades tors«
--- Timis sr
= Winahern, Ont.
peso iiliregetits4 Steeen•
horse 35
110111 MOM immamaimmiti momalWarm mammtaikgmETV
Report of Sunday Schools Shows
An Error Reported
Mr. Theop. Finnen „explains to
a that the press"rcport in regard to
Case against Mr. Cameron was WrOTIV: -
ly published He says that Mr. Case-
more had Mr. Cameron in court and
it is Mr. Casemore he has fatten legal
action against. We are sorry Mat
the report was not stated correctly,
Farmers Organizing Club
An organization has been formed
among the farmers of the enth con-
cession of Howick, known as the
Maple Leaf Bull Club. On Friday
last Messrs. R. Harris and R Baker
were sent to Orangeville to look over
the Goverinnent stock and secured a
fine year-old Shortburn bufl We did
not learn the price paid, but no doubt
it would be a handsome one. He is
from irriported stock, bis sire costing
$8,00and bitFreeIllustratdam,edL$reciur.5e00.
An illustrated lecture "Beam ifica-
don of Urban Home Grounds" will bc
given in the Town Hall, IVinglians, no
Thnroday evening, March x5th. The
slides have been loaned by the public-
ity department of the Canadian Ex-
perimental Farm at Ottawa. Mr. F.
C. Wunnick has arranged the descrip-
tive matter which will no clottbt be of
great interest 'to ail lovers of flowerer
This address will be given under the
auspices of the Wingham branch ,of
the Horticultural Society and every
member ,should attend and bring as
in.anes friends as possible,
McDonald Will Nat Hang
The trial' of (Scobie) Dan McDon-
ald for the murder of George Kay Of
Kincardine, 14`sted only about twenty-
four hours on Tuesday. The jury
brought in their -verdict, after being
out for about fifty-five minutes, that
McDonald was trot ineritallY fit to 'con-
duct' a trial or to instruct his counSei.
In oilier words, that he is:insane and
is now in jail awaiting, instructions
from the Lieut. Governor as ,tor wl>1.,;t
asylum he will be sent to. The trial
for murder will be gorie, alieed with.
Several witnesses, including a couple
of prominent physicians tested that
The Presbytery of Maitland met
last week in Wingharn. The aug-
mented charges of Dungannon and
Port Albert, Armow and Bervie, were
recommended for grants of $300 and
Sroo, respectively, from the home mis-
sion committee.
Rev. J. S. Hardie presented the re-
port of the general interests commit-
tee, and the report, with recommenda-
tions, was ordered forwarded to the
synods committee,
ebryaiTtDehrraels.soReom.mPbni-l.yisl\islicoellre appointed
the next regular meeting of the Pres -
and to bring in. a report for action at
rnendations were referred to the gen-
eral interests commiatee to consider
and presented the needs ad the fields,
ditions of -the board. His retort.),
foreign mission board, was presented,
anti also a review of the financial con-
ers to the next gens
ay, secretary of the
as lot -
lows: Rev. W. A. Bradley of Tees -
water; Rev, T. A. Ball of Idolesworth-
ev. Chas. Cumming of ':sh. leleiens;
and Rev. E. F. Chandler of Walton -
and the following. elders: R. B. Camp-
bell of ,Armow; Robekt McKenzie of
Dungannon; John 31Dvarling of Bel -
more and John Alexander of Moles-
or membership in the assembly's
W. A. Bradley -was nominated
orrunittee on hills and overteres, Rev.
G. Jones and j. N. McKenaie were
ppointed members of the synod's
ommittee on bilis and overtures, •
Rev. F. C Overend• presented the
eport on Sunday Schoel and young
eople's work. The -report, with its
ecommendations, was adopted. The
eport showed a declirie in the num-
er of children attending Sunday
chool compared with last year.
The question of church union was
ot discussed.
1 C.
Don't Forget
'girl.,1 . 1enma uelAtuivc
School would he pleased to dllthrtatia, SOMO things you buy, may seem too
you at a tea ilit the Witighain council
chamber, on SaturdaY aftordoon* St,
Patrick's Day, March from 3 to
ohltock, Collie and spend a social
htakr with your friends.
.• •ligh, •
POI'. One. V711010 dollar note, sit,
:But .seon stop and take stairov,
woolen have the vote, slr, .
Day At Kings' Store
Read Kings' advertisement for Dole
r Day. Your opportunity to save.
he was insane 'while the jail physician
and officials were of it different opin-
vaneranstaaninagsionimasexaftemajanmseravasautemunizanftmomn inwsmagazonuftaimmuni6mactionumenap
,r's Shoe Store is noted
$ $ $ $
u'll save in ney by fern . g h
the w ole taE I y oa Saturday, 41 3lay
"'This offer inel ides all our excellent
lines of Boots and Shoes$, as well s
our ew lines o F otwear 1 r spring
$ $ $ $
oney Saved is M ney ail
a V'