HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-08, Page 7„
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eserive ilsesse es! 111#1!tit'
, „ , • 1 I ;
ertylie 4 AlIV,••
wtheSilerkokliO11"0061 *1 4410 t S 11 L, r1tOotpeltoe—ft• 11Ip
taro flt;es
elite Cleat Wee eVer 1)a,re all lhitt'
inner WOrlrineee Peobably, net, , but BY Dr. 1, 0. Shearer Spoial Sery0 11 f
,,,,,,,,,,,,eisseeseseeeelissaiaseseiteieseirsiessetiee • 7 eteerserf4e4eiseoieSiiesii4,teileieeetiiesiiieitit
,•:. •:•• , ...; ", ,„ .,"..
• every now, end then we -get a ' „What the public Waite 'regardies .leatirerei AlloWailee,BoertiefOr the -fel,' • •
vlaat, went on behind.. the . s pee e rQll thiti en or '11,0 thee Method . lewleg fig Rees „ e eOxitraet is: he,
s , thief, eXeites onr 'lesigineselee., witis the drink evil', ie eweee., 1614 anti 1921. beetseees ti livav
' When jr Paul D'U1e0O1WaS etilledta' eloas hework?" ."),V,hat' are its; fi'nete?" 'yeare. might be obleoted to , as ithriee-
Heee tbe Answer from tepieal Ou mal 'ancleuefale, The figuree were ailP-
'',:•Lostdree. to ,repei'Ve„ble instructiene 'for
taiip nolsheyiet - *4,1s IteV&Hies, eVe are indebtee to' the 'plied by tile Chief, Cpastabeisassid other
, s.Pete r 13rYce, Citairleael . tbe :Ofal se -Urges;
.14 Y ‘`‘''yoi ' ,
(len away in me's of sia,eeeg s eld ' Arr°sts49r' t)runi<e"Iless "
. , • e , . . .
. , Aeozito „Ottass a. Kelp • Aerated. ; Poet Kitchener Peter-
bullailleSi a sel/s•equent Interview • •
P ace a quite a 1914 14,2t7 991 '±4°3112 sitil°9ek Alr3t711611r X32 'brr7(..f)
different genreer. One daY,' having an, 1321 4,727 411 168 • 67 641. 102' • 56
. ,
eppolatinent tb meet the eilicer •
arge ohis his eshe followed itie -- •
Deereese 9 520 58u 314 , 82 835 30 314,
• cht inei
4 gilid0 into e apartment with
'easY-chairsi asid Walls hidslen 1/elead
boakeasee. After oome coneeese-tn
the colonel, 'on the preteet„ thethe
• wiSh.ed .to- consitit chief, 'left the
Would lieehaps take 1
Deerease % 66,28% '58.05% . 65.14% 55,01% 60,68% 2272% 24.$6%
Aets for pjeorderlinese
Torte ' Ottawa • Woode,toole leingstose Poet Arthur
1914 - 2,734 , 114 26 , 29 67
1924 1,084 • 75 -15 , 6 • 15
TO While aw,ay the' time, says Sir Paul,
se, 1 strellee round the room and 'Stared
tii.6r ImOlcs on tire shelves,. ,An
• Veit, of Theekeray, in a"Cleeorative bind -
Aug Of what loelsed, like green morocco
•„• •.'deeight My' attention; at end time '1
tiecl.teu'ilabaleie. betikbieding. I took
adWfi ',Hetre.',Bensentle front the shelf.
bawile,e-rinent . the beak • did not
epeeetestil, .passieg My linter
dentallysalong what I thought was the
.;"edge pf theeeages, .1 saw the front
• 'lcoverie- suddenly fly out, dis,plosing, e
sboete ray .estoniehinent is'alMost
dropped ',the yolAnse, and a sheet of
.....paper fell to else floor:: 1 Ricked' it- up
glanced at sit.”: It eves'.
',''•heatleed Kreeesministeriune
,the Oeinian lniperlal arms lurprinted
on4t 1,1i'd 'was, covered With minute
,hairderriting German. 1 had barely
sSipped. _it „baelt • lutes -the box and 're -
•s. laced the.voleine onetheernielf Wheal
t1hec:olone1 teturne.d. • •
"Er--ethe—er-chief is net ins", he
•.':',1,:eattle"bet:yoe they eee him to -morrow.
• YoU are, interested .in books?" ha, add-
ie',,,e,eaing me looking at the shelves.
„ :"I collect:teem. That is eneutetesting
•'?'olid' volume, on, Cardinal Richelieu. • X
lPteked np in. Charin.g Cross Road
The•. veannie' was innnecliatelY aboree
'I'teolt it downewttrily'
eXpeeted. S.qmet,laing -uncommon to
„ • . ,
ses,,,bsepeen, het # Was- only- a musty olcl
vOltilne ' with torn. leaves eand soeled
,pageise rpeetesetle.d to be interested.
,..„'Theieeisnoe much elsesthere worth
epee:tie:gat, I tleink,"- said the colonel
• .- Oaeitelly. • !!Well, good -by. Come tato-
• .
leteturned agaie the next day, and
again I was shown iato, the apartment.
eyee.fell instinctively on the hook-
'etheales„esseenial moods -
1 .Sea eott like mY, cedleetion,": 'seine.
c.,-:•••";;',Iihat. bythe-Wiy la a fine, editiom of
Thackerav l'fe# my heart leap. r"It
luxurious' binding I leave
eesitt , Would you not like to
• : lCIlOOkS4 nt him eery hard,. but Isis
' fac,o' seas a mask.: „My imesteditate con-
' ' cileeien was that be wished to Initiate.
•./. _ .11fi into the secrete of the .departneent.
esal..issete quickly and. took down Henry
es. Sisniond, wiildhI was In exactly the
ssartte.,-place aSeits.hatl: been in the 'day
' Sbefere! Toiny'aftesseanfu'sion it open -
ad •quite naturaily, and- I found 'in My
‘,bapiai,. nothing mice& thee. an edition
eee Ittie pein.ted, on Iiadia pap ee and pro-
.' ..,, Neely- illustreted! .1 stared, bewilder-
- at the , shelf. Immediately aliove
tlits.•.,vaicant space stood the life of
edardiese Ricieselleu'ae it had stood Yes-
-- ,tertley: eaplaeed the volume. and,
• , . ,
••• .: trying not. to look e.iseennerted, turned
•' CO the 9010ne1.•
• ifiseps'essieewas quite impa.setive.,
eyenbared. 'it is a beautifel
/1'6'Tel-seated as if • weaeily. "Now if
are reatly, we Will go andsee—er
clifef!" . „e • •
: Ile -Stocking' Waters in Water-
• ton*: Lakes: Park, :
". - • , Planting -Of ti oat fey 'and. eggs
• ' in the ,outlying lakes ,and s,treeme ef
, .
. • •
s'. Wateaton Lakeeational .Pailt. was,
• carried.- but ' With. gratifyieg sacceie-
s';': • 2, ,edarieg the. -past' season: is
h.' report'
. •te, the Cemenissioner of • Canediat. Na-
tionalthe superintendent states
s'''..thetsthe fry released are maturing lap-
e.lelly.'-aird thatthere is every rea•S•on to
• ,Jieiieye• that the will 'eurvive elle win-
eleuettgle the co-operation of the
:•-:,,fietalesee . United States • Glacier' Na-
• 1:.'t,i0eal,;;Perle which '.adjeens 'Waterton
:Lakes,Perk, at the Inteenatiosiel
t1, .•'dery two coeeigninetto of fre ands
egg's ,"evere 13ecruglit into the Claeatiian,
'...listek frees .Glacier aint disteibuited' 118
1 .the eatiseit ter s o caolere,fi and Bertha
"•',... •1, nounda,ry'aird 14ttIe Kleote-•
''.; ,nny .creeke, • While fry were secured
••'"•' •. .• ••••• front' the Ban•ftliatcheries in Banff Na-
,• tionel,,Park ter Waterton Lake,
'sleary seventY l0ll5Ml1l. 'Eastern
, • • •:•-Breek'and-,,Dathbri* trent "bre Were re'
•' 4e4ved.t.rOt alaeler and these were re -
Bertha .and Calller011.. lake*
suti Littile.;Iteateeety' Creek; while two
• • '..litindo.,ed 'and • fifty ,thouSand 'eg-gs. •o•t
• the.'001thrott• tr• o•in• • were., bned 1-
'• •1 eeettary: Creelr,'
, • , .'tr,Otteite'Wevireii•
Lekin te. freni'
, tr,y, were 'pot
•••• • •• • • en • • ift '1oos 'essesese „yere,
* Mid ' turned •
Charlie, .1,vhat • Is
,• •griteel"
;, •."•Charlie: :Cartel' .a '1110,ntent'e, ,01110'1101:11,.
Whrisktitg., tM! theface*:.of .the, earth;
• , • • „
'01•11114,114s: Peep4iti• to; each Square
nine 'J'ainan has arid
• Allattifio , •
Decrease 1,65039• 1,1 - • 23 42
1)ecrease oo.35% 34.21% 42,4.30% 79.31% 73.68%
s Arregts for Vagraecy
• Toronto. Ottawa • 'Woodstock • Tclitgeton " Pert .A.rtleur
1914 2,015 • 243' 80 51 158
1921 1,053 •118 • • 63 19 57
Decrease 962 125 17 32 • 101.
Decree % 47.74% 51.44% 2'1,25% 62.74% 63,92% •
These figures are still eaore etriking varies teem 4% to 19% in the cities
when tile Increase In Population be- Note also the number of alcoholics
tween 1914 ane 1921 is considered. It I admitted to these hospital•
Hospitals Alcoholic Ad -missions
-• 1914 192
•leamilton General Flatailton Ont.............................- 75 33
Victorielospital, London, Ont. ....., 59 10 -
Wolicletocit General, Woodsteck, Ont., ......... 22 • 2
Queen Vietoriae,North Bay, Ont, 2 0
, St. .Tosepe. Hospital, Sudbury, Otit, , , .,..... 64 "25
General Protestant 1-1o,seital, Ottawa, •Ont. 44 15 .
• Poverty and Drink. towns and villages, and countless
The General seeeetease a the esefee, famihes, whose bread -wieners former-
borhood Workers' Assoelatien, Toren-, lY'wasted their earnings on drink, are
to,, • a _Family Welfare Orgaaization, infeee able to RR, In comfort." -4.
gives the following guresJn his, an- Only one erreetesas made for drunk -
neat reps:—In 1919, nine cases of •,eatiess at the Canadian National Ex -
need -were • due to intemperance, Whitton, Toronto, in 1922, in an at,
amounting to 1.17% of all cases. In •tendance of 1,372,500 peopl•e. -
1920, the percentagJ was 1.27%, where- Pre-viotie to the Referendum, a morn -
es in 1921 anclle22 the pereentagewas •ing•_paper, in ags editorial calling the
.08 of all cases, in -need. Previous to temperance people to arms, said, "An
prohibition, in 15 to 1.8 per c3nt, of Ontario in which no drunkard's child
families, the cause of poverty could shall be afraid of his father's home -
be traced to intemperance. In the re- comings., and no drunkard's wife
poet this statement is made, "Before ashamed Of the man to whom she look -
Prohibition came Into effect, not only ed for'happiness; in which there shall
was intemperance a problem in. itseet, be no hospitals, prisons or asylums,
but a factor in most df the; other prob- filled with the human wreckage of the.
ions TO -day latetimerance is lime- soul-destroying traffic—surely that is
tically a negligible quantity, as a an end worthy of thebest endeavor of
cause Of poverty." every man and woman of humane in-
• ':The last annual report of the Board stinets," The results' already obtained
Of License Commissioners for Ontario in many directions •indicate that the
• states: "Intoxicated men • are rarely end of the endeavor is a practical is-
sue. .
geen upoii the streets of our cities,
From End to End of Canada Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills Doing
• Good Work. -
There is not a nook or corner in
Canada, in the cities, towns, villages
and ou the farms, where Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills have not been used and from
one end .of the country to the other
people sound their praise. You have
'only to ask your neighbors and they
can tell you of some run down man,
suffering woman, ailing youth or un-
happy anaemic giel Nebo owes •their
present health and strength to De.
Williams' Pink Pilfla The success of
this medicine is duto the fact that
it acts direetly upon the blood, making
it rich -and pure, and ,tbus brings new
strength to every" organ and neave in
the body. Mr. Andrew F. Webb, Mel-
anson, N.S., tells what Dr. Williams'
-Pink Pills have done for him as fol-
lows:—"I was in adown condition
from overwork and what the doctor
called a nervous, breakdown. My sis-
ter urged me to try- Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. After taking several boxes I
improved wonderfully and feel like a
eifferent person. 1 Sleep well, eat well,
and my nerves are stronger and with
confideuce 1 can reconintend these
eills to all weak, ran down people."
- If you. are suffering from any con-
. •
dition due to poor, watery blood, or
,weak nerves, begin taking Dr. Wil-
liams' pink Pills .now, and note, bow.
your -strength and health will improve.
You can get these pills thro,ugh any
dealer in medicine, or they will be
•Sene"by mail, post paid, at 50 cerite a,
box or six boxes for $2.50 from The
Dr. WilTiarns' eledicine Cos Brockville,
• The Frog Lake Massacre. ,
The Canadian, National Parks Branch
talking machine,
of theeDepartment of the Interior pro- 1'1" value 01! bile
bave thrown. open the portels te: every-
one \vie° bee the, ambition and the in-
itie live to enter."
Push and Pull.
Binks—"I see Spivins landed a good'
position with Yankein, the dentist."
Jinks—"Yes, he got It through pull."
The Call of Music.
In a hundred years the world has
beeia transformed from illiteracy to
literacy. Remereber, that reading 'mid
writing were.the exclusive adornments
of the well-to-do a hundred years ago.
It, was not cominon for working men
to do More than make their marks in
the early years of the nineteenth cen-
tury. To -day every boy and girl in
civilized nations who cares at: ell, for
the emportunity. may learn, the Wee
houses, of the world's thought, as pre-
served in books, have opened to rich,
and poor alike.
In music the tr,easure troves have
opened as neves' before. l'here exists
to -day a great library of nuesical books
acceseable to every earnest student
and giving at a mere fraction. of its
fernier cost, informatiom leading to
=Meal •success. Twenty-five years
ago the • really worth -while musical
books could aemeet have bean counted
,upon the fingers' of bete: handrs. Con-
certs, recitals, lecteres, classes, meTr-
ing pictures, mechanical instrumeats,
to say nothing of the WOnderful educe -
pose to, 1110111215 in their hl -steric ites
series 1110 cemetery at Frog Lake,
Situated ten miles north of tele Sas.
katchewan riVer and forty-two milee
front Lloyslitinstere Where occurred
the moet tragic incident og the Reil Re-
f 1885, the massacre•of the 'ef-
Rotel& of 'the hislian Department and
OE tim, priests of the Roman Catitiolle
mission by the Indians ender the chief.;
131g Bear. In 1906 the bodies OE the
victims Were removed trent' their vari-
ous burial plates by the Nerthweat
Mounte.c1 Police into a smell- cerne,tery
nearbY where each grave was marked
suvith •Stil iron, orce'S bearing the name
of %lie victim and 'the'date ,of the die"
eater. It is now prOposeil 16 mark tht
site in more permanent fashion •11Y
raprue• form , o•f menierial -which Will
beer the Steflidard. brenze tablet of the
Oat atria. Nattonal. Historic; Sitee and
tetstif.y tO the natiOnal bare Of the
plaoes of these enfortunate"'Vit-
thee Of thei. 'NorthWeet leebelleale
seElao Diamonds" Desired. ---
'You breathe- out enotigh carbon'
every beer in, the four of oareonic acid
gas to Male a 'diaraoadeyorth $75,000"
sayt an exchange. lereat we'd like to
"ltn'o'w is how to breetlie out enough or
the stuff ire a- week to nialte a ton of
coal. '
" • • ' 'Judging From Ads.
ProfiisSort---PCan anyone tell 'me the
secret et Napoleon's succesS
Student ---"1 suppbse .he took a cor-
respondence bourse in sofnething •or
The,' Irish Mail. ,
An, Amerieen Vigitieg Ireland .11Alte21
•Tt mehatorvent 811 41 te,vern, "Hew many
matte .de'yon. have' hers 81 d81 7"
•, 'Theebreaset repl•ied,'"Three: Dinner,-
beeekfaet end 'sepper,"
.031 -*1001 ,t4.ve • itb1iiiid S4 1? ii
• Toinnie .(returnine)es"Yess mem itta
ii.41hardri• ; Llnimettt for telt evoeywhoo4 asTeeit bet big neeee."
, .
• .11014P,91 ,:hluSteiee eathee Which
we lieve dming EehraarY and March,
Is exteemely hard Ma abliaree,
Hens ..sealre it , necessary tot Lite' meth.
er, to keep tb eni 'le the house. TheY
are og;tea eontined. to, overheated, bad -
13, ventilated, rooms and settee,' colds
'Which' sleek their whole eyetem. TO
.geord ageinet ,thiS, a box,' ot Baby's
Owe Tablete ehould be kept in ebe
house and et. occasionel 'ilsOSO given
the babe' to 'keel) its , steeled -1. and
bowels Weekieg - This will
not •fall to break up ealde, 'and keep
the health Of the beby pea eondi-
tion till the brighter days come along,
'The Tablets. are seld by medicine deal-
• ere or by lea* at 25 eerits.a box froei
Tile Dr, Williams' ,elediclue Co., 13rock,
yille, Oat. ,
a • City ...Of •Sent.
or ailthe world's industries, scent -
malting\ is one. of the most ,pleasant„
ft is Mee 'one of themost fascinating.
The greatest centre in the world. for
making perfumes is ,Grasse, on: the
beautiful Cote d'Azur, in France. It
is' from here that the great' perfumery
arms 61 laqndon and Paris Obtain their
supplies and the-dentand for O-rasse
,prodacts; is continuonsly increasing.
'Enornious quantities of flowers have
to be grown in order to keep, this ',flour-
ishing industry goings and Gras•Se is
surrounded by :field 'eftet 'field of won -
delete blooms of all kinds, '
Ever' teeming large lorries fined
with picked blossoms rumble through'
the streets to the factoelee; where they
unload and return to the fields for
More. .
Inside the factory there is a scene of,
elowing color . and an almost over-
powering perfume .of many flowers.
Girls' and women' • are s.eatee. before
long' tables,, surro•unded by great heaps
of blooms. The first proceeding -is. to
take out any ,sitalks or leaves tliat have
been overlooked by_the 'expert pickers
who collected the fie -wets ia the. fields.
,Th,e stamen is also removed from
each flower as, it is useless for scent.
The petals and the pistil are the real
eroviegra of scent and are re.tain,ed.
The blooms are distilled in giant ,cep-
pers. with just sufficient water to cover
,thein. When orange blossom- is. dis-
tilled an essence lmown as •"neroli" is
obtained and this is us:ed as a base for
making the world-famous Eau-de-Col-
egne. •
• .The Ostillatien of roses yields "rose
eesenee" and "rose -water." In order
to get one kilogramme of acMal rose -
perfume, 10,000 lbs. of flowers are re-
quired, and this explains why this kind
of ocent is so expensive.
•Theee • faseinating factOeies not
only, make scents and perfumes but
also pomades far toilet purpos•es. The
flpsvers are dipped in some fatty sub-
stance, usually grease or olive oil. This
alisprbs the smell of the particular
flower dipPed and later is put into the
bottles and boxes in whiels it is. to be
The most -difficult qf all blooms from
which. to extract perfume is the honey'-
S,oine idea of the importance of the
scent industry • here can be obtaiiiede
fromehe fact that more than 5,000,000 eI
lbs, of flower•s are gathered annually. f,
The greater part of this great total is,
composed of roses; orange blossoms, s'
�110 13i
92 ilia reetnr et -St, bed Metes
eeys writer in Ilareee'fili, eeeiVer
to pose card Of mine, aekinei1rn to
evtewaels My heck fence.
' elepe done moved, Miss Ma'y"
Said wbelo he earl explairtecate Me that
.eoUlti net do the werif fleet elaY.
slece, noon sereice at St. Tames? leeeee-
Olteted hiS presenee at the eegeal bei•
iows, "au recit e. I'll je t leasVe
cerdso Yoe kin know 'What' to set' for
nee when you waets me ag'in,"
es With an expreselon o diggifiee att-
ficat10 heuneolded a serap of a
Itelbia,e117:teevhiollsa,•t::::094.47inilee‘i se Beltireio:Wtinel, laBil:tOat ntd. hEaf,t,or15?i3O:.
Penchurch Street!'
had 'melee out of. tee pocket ot
waisecoat arid banded. me a card with
"Why, Miss ela'y, all de clealitY in
our oongtegetion has: letters efts]; their
name. Dr, Pelee; he has, D.D,, Dr.
Simmene has IVI,D, an' there's
for some of 'em and. U.S.N. for dat
Yankee' oflecee, an coaee X naturally
has 'em, too."
• "Ent what do they mean?" I linsisted.
"Now, Miss. May, don' you Imow?
E. 0. B. -- Episcopal organ blowee.
Dat'e what I is."
When ordering goods by ras-11 -seed
a DOminian Express Money Order.
What Are You Doing?
Nothing is worth doing
That does not eventually send a man
On a higher and wider quest.
Alt labors that narrow,
:All toils .thet deaden, '
All pursuits that enslave,
Are enemies to be fought
With the sw•ord of enterprise
And the arrow of adventure.
Theretoxe, at any moment
Of this eventful_ aid unerv-entful life,
16 behoves a mai to ask himself
What fise is doing, et
And whither his work is leading him.
—Elizabeth Gib•sen Cheyne.
Would Do It Herself.
Lady (in broker's Office)—"I wish to
buy ten shares of Steel."
Broker—"At the market, madam?"
Lady—"Oh, if you can buy :them at
the market, never nib:mi. I'm going
right down there."
• .'44.','(4‘4t9.44,444i4.4,091,
'eV ti.areeseeteteengeeleseere
• eseeteenielreess euelileee gif,441101''''W 400104, "•, • •
1-e0 • Queliels •11,arei<tuots1: s eefeetetet sleseeeisteSe:
.fs,etory; Ur. seetenese 'eeleesersaniseelerter:a.e;
'oetebleelisel, e4.,yeiste,
.127,11t ,.Watkelse eleM OAP 011-te:',:',':•!: •
' .
• • rm • pen , e
e 911 -notze Su
C d f
ere Uritil 117031.14.4t Ended
Stpitzliach Tron•
, "1 rieVer saw saell a chetege'ne T042,
iao,bas .me,de m Nose „Seeei
elle is teelleg like e girl' of gieteell
how," declared Howard Williaine,
well4Plewn eheenialser of 28 OorstiVall
St., Torento, 013., xecently. •
"Poe years elle suffered erom in,
digestion end was so Weak tted rat,
dewe X often '414.ought she would. fall
In her treas.' Netiely everything she
ate disagreed With her and at tiesee
she wee simple in agony, Her Bervee
were so unstrung tee least little thing
would worry and upset her ter honTs
and she collie scarcely ,get any sleep.
"Well, after speuding hanareds. of
dollars on different -medicines,
have inuois hope • that Tanlae would
help her, but, it's • a Met, • when she
finished the treatment, every allthent
was gone and she was eating, sieeplog
and feeling fine. That was several
Months ago and Once then her health
has been spleedid. Hereafter we will
always pin our faith to Tanlac."
Taniac is for sale by all good drug-
gists. Over 35 million bottles s'old.
Only one limn In 203 is ever 6 feet
in height, ,
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians.
Amorloah; rioneoi Mor tantiedies
• . Book on
and How -to Feed
mailed Free to any Act.
dress by the Author.
Clay 411.'lovar Co.,
129 west 24th Street
New York, teis.A.
Lift Off with Fingers
0 ugh?'
Take half a teaspoon of Min.
ard's Liniment internally in
molasses. Heat liniment and
_rub/well:Into affected parts for
t mai treatment. Soothes
,The Family Medicine Chest
-and ja.smines
Patron— 'Are you sure tnat this
paste is ilnported from Fran•ce?"
Tactful Clerls—"Why, madam, you
surely have beard of the French paste
I RI 11E,
ItS 11 ELS
"California Fig, Syrup" is
Child's Best Laxative
If irry Mother! , A teaspoonful, ot
,"California, Pig Syrup" utter will thor-
oughly clean the little bowels and in. a
few hours you have a well, playful
ohild again. Even if eross, feverish,
bilious, constipated or fell of cold,
-children leVe its "trillty'!, taste, and
mothers can rest ease beoenge it never
fails. woek all the sourtug, •foo.d, and
nasty, bile right out of thesitoesaeb and
bowele , without gripieg or Upsetting
Tell yoer dieiggise eau went only the
Manistee "Califothala rig Syrup" *Which
has directiona for babies held children
,en Pgao printed on bottle. Mbther,
Y011 InuSt "Celifertia." Rtifese ady
• •
.,, • • • ' • '
• . •,
•, 0 I •
' '• ,•.„, . . , „ • ,
• 1 r I '1 , •
; , • , ' ' „ '
- limas without sozenoss or irritation.
Instantly! "Pape'sDia.pepsin"
Doesn't -.um a bit! Drop a little
"Freezone" on an aching torn, Instant•
ly that corn' stops hurting, then short-
ly you lift it right off with fingers.
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezcne" for a few cents, sufficient
to 'remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or corn between the, toes, and the Oill•
Corrects Stomach so
• Meals Digest
1 4 1 . 41*. 1 1 tt•-•41-4-4-4+1.4-4-H.
The 'moment you eat a tablet 041
"Pape's Diap.epsin" your indige-stion is
gone. No more distress froth a sour,
acid, upset stomaeh. No flatulence,.
heartburn, p alp tatioe, or m is ery-m ak-
ing gases. Correct your digestion for
a few cents. Each package guaranteed
by druggist to overcome stomach Irons
e's1q11: 'thee'esefees
„ .44 rT
Thick Lustrous Hair
-Kept So By Cuticura
At night touch spots of dandreff
and itehing with Cutieura Ointment.
Next morning shampoo with a suds
of Cuticura Soap and hot water.
Rinse with tepid water. Iteep your
sealp clean and healthy and our
heir will be luxuriant,
Sositieft, 015106a125.a4k, Sold
throughout theDomition.Canadieneepott
esisea, Arit te„ 4 It. ilnil St,. W., tontto,
„ ,,,n6-
iSM,JE N On 0—'23.
'iseeliefelsee. flase,lea'
horn% 'actareSeyes,.'xnaiOn s,
fereulgiets• eend 1.eo,e0e. Mitoses, ,
stiene. etc, _eseroorioer, efispie , „ell
leroeclwee see esse,
tr.a.k:kr , cr„ovx,1,#,,Tlk R48)
Write for leigereetirits. ins, es's
eeetnetion, ,e).•••15:eaese, *ea.' a •
ox the 26,00,000 mere woven ,Paon
men In Europe, Resole has the
est ,surplitis.
4*,5444 44.4+'014/44+414+144.9*
• For Sluggish Liver
or Constipated ,
Bowels. _
• Clean your powl-s; Feel thee!
• NVhen you feel „sick, • dizzy, upset.-
Whe,n your head is dull •or aesdagi,or.
your stomach is sour or -gassy, lust ••
take one or two Cascarets reBetre
constipation. No griping—nicest lax*, ,
tive-c.athartie on earra tor grown-ups
and children. 10e a box, Taste 100 '
, r
Mother Tells Bow �r 'Daughter
Suffered and Was Made ,Weii by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound .
Vancouver, B.C.—"Sily daughter is a ' • •
young girl who has been he.ving severe ,
• pains and weak and dizzy feelings for -
some tinie and had lost her appetite. ;
Through an older daughter who had •
heard of a woman who was taking it •
for the same -trouble, we -were told of •
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com •
pound. My daughter has been talting it
for several months and is quite all right
now. It has done all it was represented
to do and we have told a number of
• friends about it. I arrt never withont
• a bottle of it in the house, for I myself • , '
take it for that weak, tired, worn-out s '
feelingwhich sometimes domes to us all.
find it is building me up and strongly
recommend it to women who are suffer- '
ing as. T and my daughter have."—Mrs. '
J. McDoNALD, 2947' 26th Ave.
Vancouver, B. C. •
Fromthe age of twelve a girineeds '
the care a thoughtful mother can give.
Many a woman has suffered years of
Pain and misery—the victite of thought-
lessness or ignorance of the mother who •
should have guided her during this time. •
If she complains of headaches,.pains
in the back and lower limbs, or if you •, , •
notice a slowness of thought, nervous- :1
nese or irritabilkey on the part 6f your • '
daughter, make life easier for her.
Lydia E. Pinithern's Vegetable Coln -
pound is especially' adapted for sucle
condltione. • 0
Chest colds-btoken!
Inflamed membranes. congestion,
oppressive painApply Skulls to chest
and throat, It scatters congestion
—your cold isgonei
difarle iv Canon -Ta
ini e
—kills pain!
UNLESS you see the. name "Bayer” on tablets, yoU
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept' only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin)", which contains directions and ,dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for .
'Colds Headache Rheintatism•
• •
• Toothache Neuralgia • Neuritis •
Earache 1.,,unibago Pain,
Halide "Ibleere boxes et 12 CRUM s---elso bottles, 'of 24 and 100—Dru1gists. s
•Arapirin IS Itro t,s81e rxmric (rogisi,,r-ell In clart8.„'o,1 et.eteer sterol -res. -ewe
Iteelireoldetiersi Salitylionchl, WItIF, t la 'toll known test espies, ine,see'Ssitles • ,
les esesteitirr. fe seast the Pablic atedrist ta'atittiono, tho Tollloto 82Iseyse celeeitee • ,
• *ill 141.51n18e0 'With then. tenet's' trade mark, thiq ":SayeV Crovf,"' •'