HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-08, Page 4ifil& F.son mixer Oasiates Thts• sturdy doubio-netton 'Brantford \•Contreta Mixer is:essay teed -id arid 14, loadsKI. n-'d142,kiaties„Air,s4ny'tin inr,r4Yr, fottns. voonannest tn.000rto.. natses ooneretaJor linoro. eta. Kaud ar power, mo,uos...,1: tYld3, dr-irtiok3 'Use your own =1•IIIT3e or our 'rya.; .kerovenc. engine. Our Ilooklez trett. Goold Shoaloy filiutr Colvasny, Liznitvi• 209 'Welfinotoo $ratt eta -word - te Ther•sdre, Mornlee A, -iption 'rates: Oue eelte (1:: ale eieilths: $3..00 la sslvanco. ,tctising rates on applicetton. .rilsemerits without epecific wili lie inserted until forbid, ob-iirged aceordingly, ,Chaeges tor contract advertlae• ante be 'in the ,afllce. by noon. r.ore- • , , ttligttS CARDS 1 'Wellington Ittliotnal Fire IniSnranoe •Establisbed 19.40 Heed Office, Etnelptt Risks meet ou alI elsee of Maur. 1,tis preperty ontlie cash or. erernietu 0 SYS .-1.13N15B. COSI.,.4,`NS• Agaut, Wiugham A VtO "7.77,1,11i1 01, WiNr" ,4 •11, '11! rnpetU� (:.11 -the Dauy" 3/111 14 cad .s-tnrnge ,.cninnassienst,„ A, Ruddick, discoeered that Ciinadiee e. seer. cheese is slippieg beekwatd tho 'export tnarliot, Canada has held .the A dress communicationa o A neiniet, 73 Adelaide Bt. West TeroetO fermers• wile tap their Maple treeS usei 'Tell under such condons tt "Pfevi the marltete of Great Britain, " Covers for tins sap buckets. Will yoni 'mflt. comfortable sleeping enortets During his visit to England last Please 'advise um whether' or not eev•i free, from thoughts, dry naa PlentY summer the Dairy Commissioner dis- aof llsing there? ctualitices be impeseible, if biott er ere ere worth while and the Principall of bedding, RoWever, •siou - covered. that greeter attention was be- dvantages. a portable eg given hy the Britconsumto Answert—in seasons of !little storm' pen can be placed in a field with' the the textora of the elieese purchased. dering tee sugar -making periee, cove' front;of the pen facing the eolith, and A mild -flavored, meety. Cheese is what certainty of the weather in efareh anal house well banked en the oetside, aie net been slew to 'observe this terideney" elute April woeld make it Worth*Zonstruction being such, We to PreVent "and has worked for it. - Vitae to uste carers, Bepecialy draughts, it will be found that the Before New zeeland oame into the iold in the eepsgti trette 1.0 herself, but New Zealand is Lt -,-.1 understand tit ome tore(' grain, The Sow Willi do Ter.1 found to be gaining the aseendency pre may he of little but the unei PIetity of dry heddie,<,- provided, theis now celled foe. NeW Zealand has ' rain,Y time when the zap is running' Sew be very comfortable. inarket in a large way, Canada was e_d ie a bulletin entitled "The Ustplet thirte, or forty yards from ehe pen to eti Cheddar elleeee, Since tile Cant- Sir leamena -\\*auter bas been elect - %.1% Ill..leastreer issued by the, Do -i force the sew to come out tor Itiod., elloso,a was P,rOdu,ced cosix_ ed head of the Champlain SocletY„. the• Purtment of Ageiv,eltinnee and in walking backwards and for ale e, s ecessary for a n -argest organization in Caasela tea the that one farmer strith A thousand trees, waree she -Weil get the necessary exer- siaerable ProPertion of it to be eon- collectine of caneelanijes•torical data. • • le eht th np,7111 I h sdev, are eovers advattilgeons.. It is reeord'i Tile feed trough should be place the chief source of supply for import_ „,,trieads watorlool society. mail* 800' 'Pounds' of sag.ar, while hisl, eise. Reniember that an active, heals served. in order to meet iequ ion s t ts e us officer% repre eu a Par 0 mEs runtling a plant of equal size i thy tmother produces strong, healthy fzor ithe i-ernaleder Of the yeaT, Ndew Dommioo. e Pow- Out all of the eap d.uring the- offsprings. eaand corning into ie inar -et • • soLmITon, wro, ) s' 31 In feeding mrafe 11°B-11.1 1 the brood Sow the aim hig d bl the season of non-.produeti,on in se continue -14 rm. Plaet, Ole to boil tt down, An- never under -or V r fed, but with ie suf., diate attention, Nev Zealand has se ChaPPed teats are very common in whee e• -s • -,..see e ° increased 1,-leT output o -f cheese that winter and often caused ft -um wash - Mayor ELsoltt \V/aul"trl ree°'"%-e. of 0 pounes ea. Relent feed to suoply all the require- pero "file Dairy. ro Other sonde Bow:31ft and la so teemed the sap as to make it; should be to keep her well nourished, Canada. was a e to command mime- ticid. -sugar being tibta,*a from 290 she new about the same am- in' edder, or the• teats getting P -03W ments in building bone and good firm E BABBIBTaR AND IDTTOle etone Loan at Lowest rtates, W INGHAM OFF ROSS dunts el -leas Dentst Sureerns duate University cr 'Toronto w......ch should, flesh. During cold weathe.r an excess ount as C.tinada and New -Zeeland wet and chapping in the cold wind. of sap and storm water lei hiPment are on the increase. tI find somem cows give ore troubg if tile '.."P had b.nri Pore, ha've Yielded of liquids should be avoided because s 2sugar. Anethex ad-, of the extra effort on the part of the Under the 'stimulus of the wee from this souece than others. If it is 00 pounds of i vantage of the cover is that it pre-, animel to heat up this liquid. The Prces New Zealand developed her necessai.7 to wash the udder, Icer even , drate d sponge it off, thn teats shouIel be thor- oughly 'dried. I 11-1._.ve found it an ex - vents bits et bare, moss, leaves, and meal should be allowed to soak for a other debris from ,hlowing into the: corisiderable time, to become moist - pails, Covers are made of both tin' ened, using slop or dairy by-products. eud weed, They do not lie flat on Such meals as shorts or middlings the pail, bue. res.t against the tre& and 'crround oats are to be preferred has kept it up ever since. It was found that the popularity 0,g the cheese from the two countries was about fairly evenly divided as between Zealand, The a.,eave the sill* thua anowlag for on but the use' of some of the heavier Canadian and New ,uch as corn j prices that have been obtained during en* space betweee the cover and the' ro.e.%13 is permissible top of the Imol-et Thi "- cellent practice where cows give trouble with chapped teats to use vaseline while milking, juet enough to eerease the teats. By using, easeliee during the peoc--asseofrmilking, the oil but .t• tt the pest two 3. -ears have been about wrorke into c acks and seals Is Cow -Testing Worth While? F.,,u/ty Dentistry - s impoitaut Leerley, al, pea mea er, = ER 1_1 E IsARD,s s_cons because ungathered „sep on. a warn should be fed s d " , vezetieg ante aceoesl' g t tha ' ,yhtew's .contam.et the genior Dactry_p. .ortnematton if air is admitted. maegele er boets sheted be available er higher euri7 in the "lesson with Not infrecillentr ...rernotar of the Dornin- Tieceniber eeele forced u chapped teats Cows Suhiect to A. H White. Ie. answeithig the clues - o t ern up -eeroing t e arr out and pre - "Is to -w testing worth vrhile?(' is N - Zeal d h - been ot--1 ti Chappine' , day is net so lissiee to detenerate from, tura with the first mentioned meals. - -- paringiy an in a nut. - - .a . . , the title ' of Pamphlet No. 5.),4 by the _1AMRL IIIP11, Seeciai ettentlee paid to diseases Wonate and Children, having taken .gottgradonte work la Surgety, lase- torielogy and Solent -tile Medielno. ite the Kerr Residence between ttia aueents Hotel ..nd tlie, Baptist Church. il business given ce.retul attention, Phone 15C Sox -1.13 C. Red d Iii„B.C.S. (Eng), I...R.C.P, (Lend)... lVICi1 ANC SURGEON (Dr.Chishoinfs old stain") STEW University ot Toronto, eteulty of Medicine; Licentiate al. the ruvt.aeoriaos.0 ali.luetit peys:icions and Oce otratle FICE IN CHISHOLM ELOOK EPN/NS STREET PHONE 22 Margaret C. Calder Cerieral Practitioner irante university er Toronto,. Vacuity er Medieine. ee--Zoseplaine St., two doors soutia cf Brunswick Rotel. bleptonss—Office 1,11, Resaueuce 151 PAR oaTtatIATI-I PHYS/CIAN Elettricity,„ AU diseases 0410t saitIinirtg' residence. Centre Stimet, nert Anglican Clurielt fleroune le Dn. "MacDonald's). 'Phone 272. It L.s.—Ie there anythireg that tan for feing in comedion with the Canadian taking the lead in Noe-puber habit of kicking from no other ca. -use jot]. Department of .Agriculture, Mr. e done at this season of the year to meal ration, these should be given at! a - have been at work aceording- to the charaied teats should be given special tion the -writer point? out that in some Protect small fruit trees front being the mid-day feedine and should hel ....k.uswer.:----Miee are ro-st to Morning and evaning. Rods add -tic- Zealaud cheese on the )3ritish market: after ildng and before turned out Praolace for 'Several years, an .ayerage eireiled by mice? fed. Whole' The 01'311;11 ration is fedDEdrY neolmni-'sioners in PuShing New' tare to see that the teats a -re :c1r7; were cow ug as bean • .. se in. sixl. They wok about under the gestive organs cool and in goeci 'erder" I pin'g "-the at_ fir ! cheese grading; second, the 013.- for exercise- The milidng should be of over 11,0-00 pounds of Milk and of a texture that ner, not to cause ittitatic,e. Do not ad herds have produced five trouble in a young likely t entente to the -diet, ' kee Individual grade cows in these select- eration of large factories; and third, done carefully and. in a gentle man- 371'3 P'nncia of fat has been attained, snow and when food becomes scarce BY feeding roots, the amount of liquid the davel°Pment ' over 15,000 a1113 liable to gnaw the bark -of tender required by the pee will be greatly . ,,, Tomo' trees. The trees may be pro- leSsened- tected by tramping the snow firmly If the sow is confined to a pen where around each tree, or by mounding the floor is cement or weed, a few them up with earth in the autumn. soda should be kept on. hand to supply pounds of fat, while in the same clis- mineral matte-te these can be thrown It i hurian failing to s end time Tinkering time is here. An hour trict there is another herd of 18 cows suits the British tost,e better than that pmiish a COW for kicking or stepping pounds of rnilk anti ove.r 1,200 pourids of the. Cenadien. • away from the milker while being milked a- she is -suffering from chap- ped teats as they are very painful; Good judgment is olle of the essen- , tials- of Trio& farming. of -butterfat in 365 days. In an un- named locality there is a herd that has -an average_production per cow of 11,912 pounds of milk and 379.8 Whiter Care of Sows. • . It is our 'Li -Useless to learn these laws,. We s'ncitild weleome light from Whatever source, if that light reveal -s to us additional knowledge about our businees, or our living. -• national beings ean make pregress _ only When they have.facts upok Wldch to estbnate the future: • It is 'calculated thet the acreage of wheat in seven principal t wheat -pro-' clueing countries is about a iniiiian acres short Of that' sown, the preceding - year. These reports !cover 'the -Ainef.. ioan centinent and =the ',present im- portant EniroPearizar(glucing countries. Conditions are reported generally good. into the pen ae required. bewailirtg eonditious, which had better now is not as value:We as naluptes will with an average of only 5,398 Piounxis salt and elm.rcoal kept in s sePare-te he used to improve them by starting he later on. Save valuable minutes by of milk and 192.2 pounds of fat This Frattacal bog raisers rectognize that box will prove beneficial as a regile. on ourselves, the brood sow's tare is more diffienle, later and apoetizer. 1 , wed this is needed in erder to keep the For sows under. such conditions, breeder in good c.ondition, which. pre- care should be token to avoid the vents the laying- on of an e.xcess of laying on of excess fat: and Where, I flabby fat. Tbe excessively fat sow a ration comprised entirely of meel is1 ie mom liable to drop her pige small, fed, witimet care, the sow is lia.ble to.? BY W. A. FREEHOFF. _ puny and weak. derangement of the digestive organs, . . • . -the sew have the run of the barnyard. opinent, of an abnormal appetite at. -II- a; as to have to get your vegetob. all 1 q -1 0-C every farmer to test each individual .1 getting things fixed. up now, is instanced td Show the difference be - An Early Hemp Garden tween herds. It is hardLy necessary to say thire is a similar difference between individuals in the he-rds. As Mr. White says, it is generally recognized in the dairy business that shoukl. be bought and sold on. a butterfat basis, thereby ensuring a Dming . The,. nothing. quite eo aggravat-i age garden, The boxes may be as Premium kw quality rather than for pert o.8. gestation let which sometimes results - iesi shallow as two and a ..,,,eter behe, 011.,?antitY. "Hence it is in the interest in the where she can root in the manure nile farrowing, and is a rause of the sow er arinind Inc straw staek, for scat- devouring her young. 3”°t'llit'ir.°11fealgitibinoreas clienine'v'Wriinitlgesthewhireligar-i Bbuetsuraue thichalit etNa-firenlhoolrees in bottom testers are found, they should, be is bter- 'tow for 'butterfat content, and if low dens and get aPPetising greens, rade for drinking- eliminated at the ilret oppertunity ithes, and other good .'tliengs In pro-, mg the boa ani-o.d way will not ess they produce enough milk to P111.111111.g. tie wood removal, but hi all cases the ' fusee). The rather solid diet of win- bring the best results.. The most sue- make them profitable in spite of the! The seuln trees alto, old be attended ..to,ann, mite. ter, combined iseeitb the severity oei cess....-rul gardeners fie the boxes loose_ iowness, of, their test. • t that, iy and then eerni)e the earta level with Turning to the feed question, it is, eulniuung operatt The vigor of the tree is in inverse pu b eye in o the weather, t- tb te f et that the dairy , an , • e e ea n.1.1 condition so that the first fresh, green- the- toP with a stick, and -then press * 'e°urle. lini).°11ba may tte commenced is here d rade to the amount of set, r f COW should be 'given the eight sort orclierthets should now b. oonsidering, %eel: preetle:EA, This slees net it one things the taete dike' a!' the soil down with a ' piece o feed (in sufficient quantity to main- . however, that DO pruning is to ne .milliou &gam og corn -se, one ean, bostee, eeavieg the top or the soil tam her and et the.eame time to pro- file beer s-themero adopt iii. their par- advocated. for a certain a-M*41ra i•A,4 0 to the earner grocer and get a' fewl about tone -half inch below the top of deice as much milk a -s she is capable 1 twit -41 42"."e- ttt 1e-trerne easez-', necessary 313 any ease to nialritairi the fee.te:i eas- eve' enbeeettrtes, ibut eew, the box. A Vetter stand of plants will of- This can onlY- be determined by 'era' a° l'cl)e • pe le4a an °Ina farmers do, and I dosft b ame - f pruoir should be lid d rt. r shape of a I. I ' usually result if the last half -incl. of studying and recording the require - should -semeist more of thintfing out prunilig should be given to elimine.te soil put into the box before presing men, ° eae c'evi• The early vegeta _es no _ , In proof that good cows are the 'here and there with as little headir.e the otssibilitv et having tti - b ° if tit ' lu SgM-• bw,t, era is a Burp se red S.110,1111 oei , • 6 . most econormeal produc It, an in - da to recafy - •-t 'his sewil 3D- 127'81' c`f '33d fld stance is supplied of the two best. possible. In young exethards tic treatmen, at a Iater te bring the rue. money. Fort tea needy set out, is. may be ::toceseare• 'long neglect- The 1:esson howeverj son,eau . rratigated' daivani, 4Rel- Flootng scorect twyn 11%ttsfastur'ers to Con- _ surnsr. 'Write for Prioi-gs Sfifate! 7:criz'lepr,ormers The Metallic Itotafing Co. Limited' noE al9A. King tt., W., Toronto - possibls, do 'Nee 1nmtl - emirs in one herd, in 1920, producing adopt e eyston of headmg baek to that only sieffiRent peening to main- little fusem"g n't" the hotse or with s the weds in these indoor a. peofit JLT above feed JJ tvett of 8707.30. I give out lateral growth, will he tain the shape and general vige,r of tad frame will be repaid baraeorneisi,bosiwnxesi toiso taitkiguite;ttleia*rtis. gilleatth-delrangeraELe 1111'11 -dile ptrh:clutoweod, Pomn1;85t$211n1.7t6h.e 'aCornwe To• g , an ewr too , , !testing and feed records vitt show the ; years. 1.n erobaees4 ligm an- hldiscriminate heeding heels. oelays it is net, neetatary- to have a ,greerie. amave space is make aturns anti protit made by eaull cow , ottel penning slimed be given, so that fruitfuleees and reincee vigor, Light wased I able to prbearurg odnee fruit s'purs later:tile tree is to be recomm-nided. eli the tml,b,3„ eekee. ef tan a if t thin uo time will be neeeete.ere to ma- anatml praning,s twill not mater.ott—iy.1"1.1e,,,,tia2$e t- r- v 0 -et ala:1°1v abeln clu rtel °f th use of ood bulls this c nsure eg - ' a - n Be. e mpor SI1 S • s 'Our biLigget, ttot is the one we psty _Jae ,deing„ the hest we can, de mot- sb3satieeto good seed we put it inte ;poor e;noursd nor gi When we put ha poor + le-csr e inch dee-P:' DE the tex nectic-- Mr White pnint-s oot th.t - - rorPt :rt.Yd°4 by:hasziNsely.e1;77abeeataNiTtZbaalel.enunus -e fueltsf'..43,10tfaribitile: ess anA etkconseru, ,sa ,u5i1.7.--g.ett, Thal; lee: tilgnerawic eaftlgueruakoreramtiaalF bi,Poustneded, :filli-m-rk-e.ithein.,p_resent time, an to head many exeeesive cutting out., In dri hear-' enlargement en .13.111iS, ilatte'r statellieft. proper arlaterial for heating tante be -ween the. Tows is the kno'afveii biteiiillgikinrirhatEgiractbet.e"aistuseics ()0/ 1 ale ork.".thards ha‘"e been *Allele -' is perbaps neceseare- to make cleari and because of the care_ _ us.onny fro,n on, and a 4uarter to two their forbears. Cow testing, alone Jia s whet teglecoed, cm iderahle anies the point, We are an aware et the, ta toperate seeeessfully, it is eon- • ; tad ossible 1 th .11 " I -11 1 I ' niches% - --- s P . efuture e *net Of toP should Visellabl.v ree; advantage to be gtained 'by headiag •oe.queseionelge vabae the„ immediately after ,seeemg, eileso . predicts tam, bu l's he se -cote-. 111'01. -ted encourawe new'weed, growth,' tree proyierly. A tree with . • "qt.- -nvil; n to -h.- be ; so that a. new fruiting, surface may Ite starting from one 1-1"D NN -3- a -"- "...water gaeuld. be put en the boxee- to' al°r° and In°1'e fr°T° milk-1Yr°- . 1 ,,- • - INW3C11,nd iii3011f1SA 31.0 eariv tInt%th, `1* s°14 bu, not M make it ' ' ONIPLET'E SCHOOL SET 'z'srAb''sled be5c"* " ..• ',Aare einuer„ or the feeeeer. clueing strains. and • he emotes ee- . newer:ex, light animal pronings are to correce plice ef the hotbed the ctildemo&b,„ if the bees„ ore ed . , amp -es to show that a good. purebred J. b Tile cold t sire is the best, investment a neeeery, paced e • -era SM. ETO BOYS AND RLS he recouiraended, Ter resent werk ha's. elealn we all •keew that in pruning: irne• 15., a PI enne,etio7, e gig:1114 better.. up e.„.1, a which .ase ecnte-ansi,]ed, as limbs tints eered with glass,. havieg z 4 4 -, awe • • be uone turnitere apd ruev,. farmer V."110/, atter tee 'tug or ten, Scot Points ram mei • gn when thee are Irate -ma Aro the 1 rn.ier earl Inale in. c oeineestmfed that ntiProrma trees one slioulidr'tr40 y te cur nut ail ereeclies fraule ."°' mere 37 */' :Dg nth id,,,iat61-stT,'"u °, 1 0° aine . Ins au -tweet-. .1,11.4s Emcee's en 0 ceraent avethiln trees Pruned. nut eroteled are eure to ani l: open,- tilo,. a'an`le-a4lat kwet-th38:11 the 1°1-„t11.'ltiaa. ni thethallaa`a,:‘bPate ttft..0 fgreetritiilthitnteetlertilYcoti\NTsieetha."n „ lhat trees Pruned ligttlY bore Tit-iltried thett t'onitt,s 4.'"otest tto forming a gettatte ft am foes te,e whee ear, be inee-penstet y ran. y nut over exes prey:lit oss „ , I per, Iniluerot.e. Iteavea 'and wtti-it'are, .,t.'ts..-,,,..V. A, Ls0t0, depiin4A"Mi3 s.,00 etteett \-e r eal Ni.:., fOr Domeoz. cesee, 0119-.1.?1,0-: &axon*. horses and muies, Ahecfttatelt;t4 littrrnit** and as. tate Tors.olrs 43.., le tor etatiiezie„,' iaares el-. put-itioss. (tare St.tohn's eceesiesiaity- ee a i.,te nti14.0„ Two.0a*s, At itiigateato.t. 'ittl. -4 • •!, „. ttalmost 11;15 Willie ear-ere:xi ••••1 -• storm -zeal's. Lettuce and. radish esn'' of Taoist -re d th -----1,14,,.N.. • :I headed baek were tot elelY 4afer it" islegre;g2e,11-te r7 emain tenuk 34.1s 'II:, ....„„erre-eire ro maturity in it, while it, a \cat; ecaleeer* 111017dhe started, the increase being from an average per t`01N" of 5 4n, neentle ti-lrattag into heari-tig an -d. Peer yielders prunm- se here are rire reason-, IN -41v Is a VarY. banal" temce for see`411flg1rerepvesi as soot as the bre,ak, or In/Is, /0 401 avent,t,' I afterwards, 11117 were also less vigor- s • - emir planes for setting- eat, later. through the son.. pomuis, • 8- , ous than tle prorte...-1 and An- life „is the vow= is bee. always beau Tar plan to start net kevr. the boxes -where it is Ai -ening netes.,sere 111, 1°ta- 1 Consider for a mement the resatsori nevirs indoors, as poseible.; tee wattle bemuse that eizatise.s St113":1 Learning the Trnth. Where light leading haeh preetimel between ,,,-444.,4,,and nutrition- ratethrms would hurrl uP ntlitets,!zmd 'sPote7 tlentl" of , t-te fest Cbree Years Was adapted,' risotsof a tree tont.tion gotherhEa' buyieg greenhouse plants, taut .as„ light Is funineeed, the plants will be A matt in attemlairce at a recent • eefeeneeele between tines praned from tIle 'son plant fi„eeee eteetace-„,., a rate restitl were teeter ht., uSalg 1,,eliats anti t'eltLadi,1,... net water the rartuere meeting preseided seine ar -i' 81vgcei aSE'rm'z's whleh is transmitted to tile different, be hardiel, ,celd frame plants. .1 haveplants often with little dales of weiere a4atentents that woes male, by, ' n farm- the nnprated, but those patte ef the tree for elaboration 6)34 also found that if the seed is sown s et less frequently with 3a.rge qranti-" one of the sPeakers. This sPcak-i 'trees lad 'beep Prated were of the leavee. The plant food gatherediboxes in the. house, the ns.plented' „tiee, but give them just enough. er had had every avaiiattle izeziaea,-.4., better Shape end in better may reedehly be cliivieed into twol to the cOld faaroe. ansi tlianto the that the sod is nereeteured through, fls means for gettmg rads ' fel" ftzlee work then the flosses: nitrates, as, setesplied, e'er .e„eeignrpclen, that erOP's sonisi isa secureill uot water again 1144t711 tale eurface ep-: hie subject- The mau who criticized", ., 1,ette..-.,t whereIt.,woning baa been newl:ere- Iv, nitnate of .soda.anii ear'bo), silmeet as 'earl, te wildi the leetted. pocio 17,ight in color. Toe fretpient did not. The latter objected hectiese. These reeults have simply These latter are. the 1550JC1414 siul through :this article I; ,antering i11131'.V.&1t Talekichg of tiae 'plants, the thing ens WaS „led the rranctice oil pruning 'during elaironated feline producee eel theand speaking ha ternts Of tire home, ausi too mach water drowns then:. .; There MAY: be SO'ffle advantage tirst 'few *eats of a trees. rife l'oeree front the solsitieas obteinNi'lry.f: gataders, bee:Anst oaratiercial garderw 4Elte platits cannot s'emaisi tliese 1 /lotknowing ell our dangers, lgratt- the. eapres.b.' purpose ,D3I, And are ,steee„,i tiote o ths ars -cannot tt'411.11-41t theirprt'th'l'Ilibtar;! beees very lor&g. or they will-begie. ; once is bliss, we say, Titings v do ireble amount tzrEra-fit Vate! tpoiiEtt..Etif etenufwl,,b,iire. it neder thati operations tgatin9. louse4crowd and become long.-..sionroted.1 not 1:now, do not butt sia .houI:i it we watt it. in the ktise 4:$1,e*, 3stata5 ean sioannfactur:e altosi,3 The ni°0 „Wh° gone iut41.V14Fur.„'bOves tor transplanting, one feri, be onr gooa ttliA to g'.0 „Along tAlt ,tvay tt"ees, ooPstAer-', earlei•ltyritraitS,5 mtnlIght is tracessAr,y` this gg4114a11 ;411 Rand' -motet .1t10 serrate: ton-Mooes, PoPPere,and eirg- olant iil!.and, Itkel.,e gihttee. :miss the ,..m.,111.1,,kr on: and some eeelh,,,,g;-ee teat, ie A,. 'epee • bsi,40-ass tee thiciti'l steel or boxes* edati al'. ilia latter are gt1:1111P141., enee• let lettuce, and rhi.. id/Inters tlear us, then 550- tirst thtve Tear yetere, 10-.. the 'beasi.' tbus eltafti/Ig olt Matz r,11CV.11 ;11.* raare tI,M next '•4 one for .ealtbage end cattewer, tutill thing Vartifularly is lost; .by having. .1 .40 414. ase.s win require 'rery fron,, the, ream vorama tituu '&4114 4 4i. Wqm faite; '3" '' Wi/1 Meet the tiernaraisIdefinitelnforination About the wa;r. 'ere}, ' fr,14 ev ;IN.= eftesteconteie, oweeer, if Yon dideeetio the,avetagegeedener,,A box twelve., trai,Tled. We woUld, hoWeVer, haVi' t Itt 11 YII 1.1,Piler$ 41. sevnlii,:t.spinto"..ottlyoatet.14,1,4,fthrlirvo, ,81".ts,e1,1152.1..tinal,:ile,,,;i1.11:r.s,...,11,ance by 'knowing or 'these '.." 4 ° A " LA .„ hr "I• • kr . 40Eitn,. ;:-.:114:in.n., little soda tyltlt tir: 104-4oar 131,1111143 :piauted tele- and el We. i'„,tato l'ktsal advancement `Obir ) siese,ams tr Ilitanibte„ anid 51554tssn tep J4syer half inztes 45115 arid a .„talt„..111l1es„,1 ieurnattx. the ltntii Jt5, - ,out. rgaft. 8 • , A15 11455 Before etat.t.',,t. ',..P2a0te 0t-01,et 0.4* wellel'ate•the lave of thing, W6, the" reastn S1311:141111T4 "1 the 511.:r•tti. 15 14 td dttOrr5 -lir ,,,giotat 7101'1, .kfs" 'We' al( , litr0 310-1133,FT' ihrars 113111r1, 4fer,i box 'Pet tilt* awl warm, when set nnidoets it-fizz:et they ItSCl snorter er later, sairoi. for .o.ar trAnt, ,yot; 41102,0%40tterii: fi:4,tpalittloniejo.p.11 naLt 44 eiro: 1651ztti:r.er ItAtgf,t111,6- rnoeiletettae li;jr,er ,.54 :5 5 kt:114,1;alrrirotit:t1: 11 1' 1 i 4551 botes rill bit, tAtiS Tor n 41 440eell•selee. And the h5445 et 4V1011., 1155t05,4.• reb.„1, 1515111 -41.4,51.‘"4 0,& "rir tItonver--" rta%1T1 ilLoa •55 AT;,.the hl.V.;* tts 3, ire irrigated Farms in Souther' ri.A.lberta.: Xn 11c.1`41210um -4*ti.#10,11 DSntrIot , MOT., Irtigan .21'4,11not An esneetany good 1.0e14111:4 tor mtved Tarvoing end dattphin.. stsr,444et T 51545 or Weil ), 'rec. youat..., ttow 4110:1-50.,‘,F whrre 101 111141 000net be bought at cea14e:1We orleen. TR% IS NOX, P4 OX[Ntl the Ilvat 10,Mt)aacres tlra fttily 5114 woother se,tco aeres nem,' raMizr or aettlement; snochowo oiusineo frpok rentostd, slecee miles, tell.olientz, and eettteela. 1=1111,11" pay- ments. extendtag -ever 1S years, wigsl kito Zeit, xiiineizia5 tuAroetti 'Write ferertuther h-tformatton X,Airixt ana znatterare:tun- lordttrt.p,.. Iteeolia.to' 3:rat • :Albor4A. met, Map itrt.s.bca,,toirtiks, *6,0'4 Soiwto 1.013rIrerrktoli. LA,I.r.a. !13 ,ba44a!l,,„Ak,r1:•'{li'ou"6,44.4.4..w,ia0te-0lSar!t• itita-d41:,;a;i0 • 64ts:::4110ott bri, 64.tt74.*6 ,.A'