HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-08, Page 3Y•, MwbC Ali' so *10 Iw�Ilil If er, Ia M /ir 'I J�I�,a•uilln�wYu,„ axn,.:.,�a.rr W+wu Many new lines in stock, now is gttiirenients while, the. stock is co "lute; tx''ll'... +tENCH R, ATINES' 'ENGLISH Gll�l'GIA•Ms ZIAIVXI3R S :C: U R MS EN'GLIraI•X lF'RTNT : , • S. T• G;A, 7C A A S' DRESS 'GOODS - UITING'S DRES S_ NrioII:ES ' .CiiRTIN GOODS '•CRETONNES 8r•` A E NS ST.R COTTQNS & NAINSOOI LINENS & TOWELLI1 GS. NEW GINGHAM DRESSES VENUS SLK HOSIERY .Vi,oc R: COVERINGS ••LINOEUVIS & O'ILCLOTII• " .. S the tune "to .bp Iew`Spring Suits for Young' Men in distinctive, styles and ci6ths We nth agents: for the. Coppley, Noyes & RandalI, inade to measure :clothes. See'ou'r wide range of samples at very moderate prices. ; 10 111 Id rai 11 -�IEI�IFif�filll�Ilil�lli�lllIil Itl�ip(sli7llli31111IIIlI�111{€gllilllIll�il{�71tllllllllDlll 111131111111111'111; IPu. fls -,!e :have s :: . onie:odc[s agxd. ends "left•:ia 13 ,...oohs Wlilehla.re' InoW,on sale Boo&s r gularl. priced at 54c. ,are •o�n,sale at..35e,eacl or ; ;q�e A � �QI '4P �.00, .Books. 'regularly:'ptiecd 75c on'•sale:..at 45c: 14- 571 �s' :ai d tGir1s' Annuals, ;O �lumis. ,ete. .„ Y k - . pi Iced at: ,ta.3.50 while they last .at 1.25 eagle. r'r (� F. ,,1� e:ie®01 uNm10611�.tl Y'14�: )�'.if' Books, Stationery, Magazines, Town, Ticket Agent Canadian IP National' arid Grand Trunk 'Raisin„ s ::Ocean"Tic - et vi all -lines. t dY , k is a a1 lines. it an 1!I 111 Illar9iiid�l111�111 l�Ill�lll(�illa�lilh�lll!"311I,1�1 I l 1 +t Ul i IJ�iI Ipllli�lll III&9111511111111I�illltitlllllii it"p>f1r~ 0s dope Since T` was horn, from d to daY, I've looke;tj ahead along' the 'way, acid all the things to corme,•,by gad,:looked w betters than the things 1 had ,At firsta hoped they'd wean, me soon and' e"si'or Ti1 inf' pa ATI feed zee victuals froin.a spenn.. When I was one year old come Friday al- ready , Weary.of m .distinsteada, y y, of. baby clothes thatharper, I longedfor pants in which to scamper. A . three p t t these •t things had' long been mine, but" though, T ,liked o ybritch,es fine • the happy fixture beckoned still, the {loon I craved i y Pup to ,fill, was public school 'with, brother Bill.. So,. in the trail Of every prize, :some 'new want. rose efo'r b e n '. 1Y:kyes-•=to have a girl,. to Wear z n' e to pants, "to air g P s, learn to smoke, to learn to dance. ,The;:only blessing of my life"that : satisfies iiie, is my wife I'atie happy since. she came to queen me --if I, denied it " she would bean tee.' In :everything except her kissing, there.seerns as yet some flav- or missing; but we can bear each gall- ing fetter, because we hope for•'some- thing better. How should we.keep our pep and zest, if we already had the'.11est? Though every joy that we xray' vin, should" leave some Hungry' spot within, though every field, far off. and fair, is rough and rutty' when We're there, still do the distant scenes• look sweet, and toward thein still nae throw our feet. -Bob Adams. Get Ready For Easter Spring opening of Ladies' Suits, Coats and Dresses, on Friday; March 9th., conte and see the new East styles. Euchre and Dance Made o Fruit `e � �°�ltlt Juices and �'o1 -The �' most O • c yr ''ii �? m4 ; proof f th tree, g p, ,o a worth of�, j"rtirat.a-truer; ns a medieipe for ;women is found' hi the letters written; by them to "Frust-a- tives .For instance; "I Suffered with all the symptoms low pins of female ae trou l int b °, mans down h al the d sides, constipation do and constant headace. A docto Advised An operation, I: startex taking ``Fruit-a-tives" and this fruit ;medicine completely relieved me of all my misery". • Mrs. M. J. GORSE, Vancouver, B.O.. 60e, a box 6 for , 2;< , Yr 50, trial.st�e 150: At, dealers or from Fruit -a -tines". Limited, Ottawa, Ont. a' to D. -Im c 1 cgRoPRA�"11';(�'12 Qualified Graduate Adjustments, given i;or diseases' o_ all kinds specialize in dealing wit: children. Lady attendant. Nigh calls responded to. er Office: on :Centre St, Winghan ,Ont., (in'house of Mrs. H. Davis' A . i 'Hours, 2 to ;.30.17. r'n. 'Evenings, 7 r,., 8 p. m. and by appointment. Phone • Curlers' Euchre and lance' in the 213' n fe re Winghean Armouries. on. Friday eve ing of this week. Every curler's wi or sweetheart. are requested to'britt sandwiches. Bring enough and mo so that we aft may eat, drink, and merry. P'ornrer Resident Dies The death occurred in Calgary oil the 4111 of February, of.Norman Wat- son, youngest soar -.of the late Jas. and Mrs. Watson. The fanfily are former residents of Winghain, they lived oe Minnie St., and Norman was;air em- Ployee of'Pring1''s. Glove Works be- fore going 1/Vest. He was in his 29th year and was a favorite arn,ong'his ac- quaintances. He has been in poor health -for some time. • Show On Their Uppers '"A show struck town on Monday be night ,and put on "The Call of the" Cumberland '- They.. -were_: greeted with a. very poor house and no won- der for'heir advance"agent made his first appearance in : town on 'Friday: The manager' says it 'w:as the same thing all the, Way along the line and. here they were on the rocks for mot?. ey. Wonder when they will learn the lesson that they' irrust advertise in the local: town paper at least one week befg.re expecting to draw a full house? Address and :Presentation • A very enjoyable 'evening, yet one mingled with sadness, was'spent at . the Methodist's church, Donnybrook, on 'rhlrrsday evening, March xst, when the" congregation gathered to ,Pay a slight token of appreciation to Plrs.'' Jatiles I., Johnston, nee .Miss Martha Wallace, who is moving from our midst. The evening was in charge" of Rev. P. G. Banes, 13. A., pastor and -opened •with • sanies, followd by a splendid proran of . solos, duets, 'choruses and instrumentals, after which Mrs., Johnston was asked to t come f rarard and •-Miss Rebecca Thompson, president of the W. M. S., read the address and Rev. Banes pre- sented Mrs. Jdlinston .with a hand- some leather rocker. Mrs. Johnston made a suitable -reply, thanking them for the beautiful gift. After the pre= sentation, a' dainty lunch was served. 3 We very sorry to lose Mrs. John- Ston.from' our midst, for. she has been an efficient and faithful worker in the Epworth League, Sunday 'School, the Wornen s,Missionary Society and all other branches of church work, and we'. -Wish -hei• •and her luisbaud many g years of happiness'in.their' new home. Donnybrook, March xst., 1923 ,Dear, Mrs. Johnston:— We, your'friends, of Donnybrook Y Sunday School. Ep*ortil League and .o Women's Missionary Auxiliary, have S gathered here this evening to spend a' D social time together and to show yen i lour regard, and wish you "God Speed" as you are about to' leave us. We.regi•et very much your removal P from ourtnaiclst, You I,ave.been a true %,friend and neighbor and a most loyal, S faithful acid willing worker in " the R church \Tao dsefail to describe our ap- r predation of you and,of your services, A, in this, your liortre church and.,cgni- r mummy. You - have always tried to do v t your ,part whenever tailed upon and l3 hale been an efficient servant of your C Master. We shall, miss you very D emclt from all 'church activities, but .' we know that what is loss to us Teens , gain to others. ld We feel that we cann 04. let ori, de Y p part without some mark of our sin- ir, core regard for you -of our appreciat- H iop of ail„„ you have • tried to do for M T.aontryhrook church, • bu We ask you therefore, --to accept this Fi chair, not for its material name but as 7-I a slight token of that appreciation, 17 and: it is per •prayer that God's richest b1eseing may rest upon you and your hueband in your new hone, 34 Signed on behalf .of .the Sunday ety School, '-'Womeriis ' Missionary Attxil f l leey, i'.pwt+rtlt League sand: Church. A I: 'fohnston, Miss Rebecca Thompson,. Motley Johnston, Rev, P. G. Banes, Pastor, The Late Mrs. Thos. Scandrett Mrs. 'Thomas Scandrett, a respected resident of Belgrave, crossed the Great Divide, on Ivionday' evening-af tf6 ter a lingering illness: Two brothers, Thomas and Geo. Procter also of Bel - grave, died within -tile' past few mon ths. Besides her husband,'the late Mrs. Scandeett is. survived . by . one daughter, Mrs. Cecil W, 'Wheeler Deg R 1 ceased -was in her 66th year. The fun': q i eral will be held`to Brandon cemetery tat 53 molmoillemiatelunow erated by the: firma A Operative,ArN • "It is a, hopeful sign when &=Operative organizations through :such bad,;, times are • still sticking' to their work hes is to . helping stabilize. • far Mini aril trynag to place it an`1t fii•il foundatio'n." - !P ' a on Thursday afternoon, and service will be conducted in the Belgrave Methodist church by her pastor, Rev. J; R, Peters, B. A. Methodist Church Notes • The visit of Rev. Geo. E. Hartwell, B. A., of West China, at the young people's meeting: on •Monda3r evening, was a` soured of great inspiration. He.. and a party of five were the very first foreigners to enter West China, and, his : story of , appositipu, persecution and final triumph, was' most interest- ing, His explanation -'of the present disturbance in West : China. and of the political situation, made plain to many of us, a. very difficult situatidn •cotf- cerning China. The attitude -of' the Chinese to the Christian -Doctor, Den- tist and Teacher,' together, with, the, opening 'up of so many Christian schools and colleges;' would indicate that i'n the very near future, nearer 'than.most'of us dream, Cbii a"is to be a' Christian nation::' The',series. of • special meetings `ar- rangcd• for" last'week, but which had to be .postponed because ef.the very great deal.of sickness in the'coligre gation, will be held every night this „week and next. The ver}r hearty and, unanimous backing on the part of the officials of the church as well as the teachers and officers of ilie 'Sunday School Would lead one to the convic- tion. that very real -results would be attained.: Will, every member of the chtiref/ throw themselves heartily itlto Ire work, for the balance•ef this week it next? d rt. e Hon. Manning Doherty at Grimsby, Feb, Beth, , t 1 S°AR ERS—I rig o re M a t gas i cream and dhel us 1t to help,a g Y P you by getting you the highest' price for your product, wwe,meuwe�mmslttmacwrtw�Mw�aiwttim+wicmeov�+cu+maeow�nw4awoawanaFnaunwzs... 7r,mw,., wm�enenvknrrmam.+.Demme,�..,,,w,eauam,mau,mg,irm„n, IN MEMORIAM On March 'i t ` s ., Robert Irwin, while In loving memory of the late Mrs. driving along Queen St., Kincardine, Jas. 1=I. +',inley, who passed to the'; in his cutter, had a l narrow escape Great Beyond, one year ago the loth frons death. Another man in a cutter '''o'f March, swung. around in the middle of the, „'The sweetest flower is first to fall., , road and the horse climbe•l'int t a Mr. • The fairest, first to fade, . Irwin's cutter, upsetting it and throw - The fondest, dearest, beloved by all, ing, him out underneath the.cutter, Is laid within her grave• and th9 other' horse. Idow lie escaped You are not 'forgotten, Lizzie; bedn.g killed"is a mystery. He gamely •'"'Nor will you "ever bei. • hung to his own driver until the bit -So long as life and'meniory last, ` broke, A medical examination showed We will remembor 'thee • that there were no bones broken, but Her loving • parents, brothers and Mr. Irwin was badly shaken up and. §iStets °.,I' bruised. 1 Gala Night With Masons- '• District Deputy Grand Master, Rt.. Wor. Bro, 'Theo. Morris of Palmer- ton, paid his official visit to; Wing- = Lodge, A, F. "& A. M,, on -'Tues- Tues - ay evening. W, M,, Bro. T.C. King, rid his officers assisted by Rt Wor. ros. J. A Morton, R. A, Coutts and V'o1, Bros, H. J Jobb, R. A. Currie, co. Olver and E. J. Nash mere high - y complimented on the manner in hich they exemplified the, work , Af- r the lodge closed, about eighty rethren went to l3ro. J. A. McKay's 1114, ays a Year you knoW frOrn laborious experietted that you spend at least en avera,eo of one'hour a day in pumping water for use about your farm. Stop losing this valuable time, Save your stmegth. instal a Toronto Windmill and see how citilekly it will pay for itself. Toronto Windmills are quiet, efffelent workets. Cost nothing to ran, Require peactically no ation- tiOn.otetside ail. occasional oiling. And whettlinkecl tip.witli a Toronto Pump and give you aoteity water service right on your tfatto, fievitisello 4 fo to io Do - "Our Visitors," proposed by W. Bro. )% WAVfoXibbott and responded Teeswatere,,,,Rtv. j. R. Peters. of Del - grave and W. Bro. Ladd of Pahner, "Our dolintry," proposed by- Rev. Pro, C. E, Cragg and responded to by "Our }teat and HoSteSs,'t$ proposed thy Bro. Dr, 5, A, Fox, and respqnded The j.-dnior Warach's Toast by Bra, rJ SIt, fV $t,biet•ts •eXarn1ned, ROO- rng•,Wrrting,:Isistory, Arithmetic and SPelling.. "rota]; 4ode Honore, 300;, ,t'ass 240. N. Idomtrtl;'329; . Robertson 308;` W T1ffrn, 323; G Fry, 3ed` A.. Irwin, 3x7; Y. McPherson, 309; W.abnston., ioq; E. Finclx, 281 A. Mitchell, 2b'p; . Boardman, 275; M. I3.arc1 274; M, Si xatpsan, 266, W. Taylor, '205, Tburlowr 329; E, Tnlnlyu, 259; C,.Mc-. Ribbon, 254; 'D, Haney, 253 S. Illat- oblige l,, 239; D. Scott, 236; 'N; Bcatti :, 234; G. Rzntouj, 228;; D. haslet, 225; W. Hancock, 224; -E. Aligns, •22a; M, Soli, 218; M. Musgrove, 218; G. Shot - ton, 215; E. Swells(); 214; -IVT, San- dersont 214;• C. Fry, 212; A, Swanson, 208; L Stewart, 294,;'Presto r x, 203; D. Davis; 193; F, ;Field, 187:; D. I am - mond, 179;°:. F, Ford, 19'; G. Dobie 173; M;• Dill, x72; M. Mitchell, 16x; C. dduigston,; 1'6x. JR;" IV -Total 40o. L. Cragg, 3$8.; E, •Dolan, 356; B. •Brawley, 324; 13."Edgar, 317;„L. Thompson, iro, S, Bennett; 304; V. Fox, 298; H. Fie1c'i; `ego; V, Campbell 289;; M. Weir, 288; IC. Williams,' 277; A. , B rawley, 275; W. Colgate, 275; M; Cloakey, 273; M. Carr, 271; I•I, Mit- chell, 266; W. Seddon, 262; J. Sturdy, 26n; 2 :' Armstrong, 256; M. Rob 49; Lott, 246; J. MacLe 246; L. Peterran, 244; L. Benn 39;" R. Rae, 223; N. Carr, 214; Armstrong, x99; F. Fells, x68; G. M Donald, 14.5;'X. Reid, _r44•; D. :FI 89, SR: III. Class A. Total 45o• V. Lennox, 436 K. King, 408; Mitchell, 397; L. Hopper, 372; B. M Gee, 366; E. Ross, 363; 'O.; Hornu 361; C. Care,': 351; M. Redmond, 3 K. Pilon, 349; N. Taylor, 345; Snell, 332; L. Sinith,r350; X. Some 335; F, -Burgess, 327; M. Ivlitchelt 2 Robe �'I IlllYlll�9! i19N111�i111�1111�111pMllli 111 111 111N 1110111 •rr,M• •,ry�i, 'F r'•�^"r„^�7 +','T•m"A'�n-moi +:+n•��.r it( N ilI1 101.0 111i& 3.1 j,11041011iii it t{71 If11 oES'r RI;T iIL kg .3fa AI SJN Seeded; oz 2 pktsm" 1T SATISFY III k' E $''�'4J -^ Gold, • ti. , �. G. C rmtolt't S , r �.: rise, ���... au 't'.. earl• - b 151 11111 CORN --- Aylmeror Riverside 2 tins 25e ir' Ulan SQ� A:�!nl P cakes- or Machine Slice on, lb.._ Draft Cheese, Royal . Crown Cheese, Ib. _ __ 12c d ,Bae- CAMEL . i .TES; Loaf •' y Kingnut,' an, IL A. Oleo, ett, _ Horseshoe or Clover - B. .leaf ° o Sahn n tall , PEAS Aylmer or Riverside .14e tin ac. olt, flr �t� lJ Eagle, ... ,.. tin P- x7c a'�• 7 tit Featherstris .Eagle 1 s w ...:: z5e "Cascade`s S rgc M.. = Brunswick, ,f'9 ar�.d i. n- .. c es, e for- _ e th, = Fanny Blue Rose 5 RICE, Lobster :.:.-zr�c ;sad 4 fc x G. rs," 23c lb. �o — RICE, 3 lbs. 25c shrimps - ten, 84; la'. Carter, 26; L. Hutton 197• E, M t- Jeet 3: likt1, 25c heirs TOMATO KETCHUP 1i3 oz. bottle 23e. PEANUT .BUTTER 223c ib, Valencia Cake 2 e.e •29 iY. Jelly; Rolls, 1{ay, 197; I~: Lepard, x36. E c . ff ee. Class B.Mend W. Gprncy, 333; G. Allen, 325;. Saint, 301; R, Copeland, _7 ; H, B rett, 228; L.Carter, `225 R,, Sett 215; E.-Stoakley, 213; T. Gibson, 21 m. • Fresh Roasffed ar-on S Grr o11.1./f s l o LP M. Coutts, x99; V. Miller, 178; S, 0; C=@ Reeves, 17,8 E. Blue, 177'; I''. Gibson, '� 154; C. Coutts,, 15o; R, McDonald,.1.17• p Harvest n, C. Deans, ern; J. Clarke, 84.. r3 .1 tY.t3 u:rn 31 " amt; • N , �, 5' JR. dII. • 'Total goo.. �.Pears, � �)i�. e � ,�, vu 1.1r�:G�' a ' Mar are • Currie •>? g , t _2��1i Wilmore�A Vie 3 � � An-�.� d lb. � gus, 3iz- Joe .Tiffin 299;' •._ Ribbon, Bruce 'Fox,;cic Me - Ribbon, 290;, 285; I3ilton. Dixon,_ 285'; Arthur` Snell, 269; Charlie Blatchford, 266; Mary Mcl3lain, 26 BUTTER TAKEN \riE"DELIVER Perrin McCracken, 26i; ,,h:athlee Smith, 259; AIex Coir.tts, 258; Joe El= �1111111111111I1�111=cash in " dile. I r I , iacott, 2 .3; Irvin II i �91h 11f1Hh1d911111111113111,r.1t,131►19SIC1" 11l>�IIfIlll�iti{1�11{1li 4 S Smith, 234; Vivian •1. ,Fee BUTTER. AN3D EGGS 'I ` n' - • lams Pilon, 231; Mary Ring, 219; Jean Le ard, 216; DeWitt Miller, 213; Evei Shropshall, 211; Lloyd Hayden, 20 Ruby Hancock, 19o; Ada Hancoc 184.; Muriala Carnpbel•Y, 18o; Gra Wellwood, 175; Harry Browne, 17 Norman Rintoul, 172; Norma Coutt 167; Jack Dinsley, 163; Margaret Ma on, 156; Mervyn Templeman, 153•; I ene Sutton, 146; Arthur Stokes, 143 George Young, 138; Nellie Hayle 136; Winnifred Fitt, 135; Jack Bea ie, .126;• Jack Carr, 124;•,Jimmie A gus, toe; Bert' Mitchell, too; Lillia Broome, 82; Willie Broome, 3o. SR, II. , Total,. 400; honors,': 3o Pass, 240. J. Copeland, 377; E. Reid, 351 W Dow,,349:; E. McInnes, 341; 0, Tiffin, 33; M. Bisbee, 3r6; J. Brackenbur 3t4; S. Campbell, 312; A. Hammon" 312; I. Nortrop, 299; P.` Campbel 290; C. Finlay, 267; Ivi: Clarke, 263 P - n , Class Ih y 3; ' �A.nna Chittick, 130; Bert Reeves, k, 123; Lyle Ludtirrig, 120; Dorothy Hut- ce chison, 119; Ruby Fitt, 112; Lance 3; Browne, 107; Marie Carter, 107; Geo- s, • rge Bisbee, 98;'Norma McEvers, 70; s- George. King, 67; Vivian Cantelon, 62;. r-- Marion Mitchell, 61; Murle Elliott, 56; Alma Shropshall, 40;Harold Merkley,: s, 30. t- Class III. Total 105. ' n- Frank Collar, 9o; Chester Stewart, e .86; Fred Horn, 59; Mae Wilson, 44; Marvin Smith, • 42; Winnifred Carr, 0; 42; Harold Finlay, 24; Albert Camp- bell,' 24; Stewart Ritchie, 24. y„. Sure Some Subject d, A Winghan paper announces that I, Rev. A. L. Clarke of London, (form- ; erly of Goderich), is to address a • meeting of that town, his subject be M. McIntyre, 261; G. Davidson, 257; J s d- ing "What the Church Stands on this - subject thanvcbshrclluu • uetaoin- For."! Moir, 243; L, Henderson, 22a; 1vI. Ln • wig, 221; D. Atici"nson; 218 H. Bur `T CSS, 120, 'I'i, II—A. Louttit J d• , 342; E. ,Rae, 33--. .5. Mitchell, 314; E. Homuth, 31o; E. Zurbrigg, 308; S. Roberson, 3o6; N. Dow, 302; B. Walker, 300; R. Harris - 0, 287; F: Colgate, 258; C. Fry, 244 . Mitchell, 213; 5 Cruikshank, 207 harts 195; R. A.gne , 187; L.Dur,:, n,' 178; M, Hingston, 166; R. Hastie 32; M. Fitt, 47. ass, 18o, ,<cdot p ed b • ail illiiiais Cha. , x zxtller cs�. I: l Commerce rnight well be adopted by our community: r-Tli on shalt love: thy home town abo-ae all other towns. s Thou. shalt" be loyal to her people and slier insti--: tutions: ` IE .f 2—Thou shalt guard thy home tows: from the' ]costs of evil that would in- ' vade ;: and destroy hezl soul. Thou. 'shalt keep the good nacre of thy' home town clean and without stash 1 or ble,nish, 11' 3• -Thou shalt erect as thy Public servants men of strong character eag-• er to conserve the best interests of - 'thy people. And when thou. hast elect- ed such leen thou shalt stand to sup- port and encourage';them ,for their', temptations' are many and 'burdens The announcement states further that' ; no one is better qualified to speak on this subject than Mr. Clarke. _ We' are afraid,, though, the Winglatam folks ; may not be sufficiently acquainted: with this abstruse subject to apprec- JR. II. Total, Soo; Honors, 225 Merrill' Cantelon, 261: Gordo/ t l . The following is the report for S. S. No. Ir, East Wawanosh for the mon- h ,c of January and February: SR,, IV -Total 65o. Gordon McB1.tr- rtiith, 240; kennetl.r•:Lott, 240; Alber intoul, 2a8; -Vera Burgess, 197; And. ere Scott, 196; Violet i1de11or, 1g„ array Rae, ..iSt;: George Roberson 8o; Ilarvey Groves, 178; Ruby Ree - es, 175; ttae. Thompson, ,x65; Helen. eattie, 161 lemic Atkinson, 154; Jim loalzey, 154; Earl Gray, 138; 3vfary obie, 126; Willie Lediett, r r5, ' SR' L Catherine V :neickle, 269; Shirley cCracken 260; l.eila Wilde, 233; err. Clarke, a Tn he ,z Harry y 'I' - cm ile 1. an, :?.':1; George Beattie, 214; Fred meson, 210; Beverley Small, 199; inerva Finlay, 193•-; Robert Chittle- r,h, 192; Dodd Walker, 183; Donalda rater, 178; Bruce Campbell, 155; arry' Fry, 15o; I3dna -Stoakley, 135; red Saint 135. JR.I. Class A. Total '375• Vivian Tiffin, 362; Fred Melton , 3; Dorothy Deans, 3iio; Rcta 'or - the, 317; Jack lBurgnan, 3'10; Jinn 100.9500, 284; Alberta MacLean, late the address fully.—Goderich Sig- • heavy. , 4'! ---Thou shalt exalt' thyuhli p school and honor' it: all the days days > buildings ,and equipments, for the school is the' cradle of the future.'- Thy children' are here and they -shall be the leaders .. of tomorrow. No training is too good for them and no preparation super- fluous. 5—Tlion shalt' defend the health of:: thy home towri. frrain the death that hirks the marshes,' swamps and heaPs , of filth. Thou shalt exterminate the fly and the mosquito, for they carry SCHOOL REPORT typhoid. and malaria.: The tubercle , bacillus shalt thou drive before thee . 6.--Thon shalt build g-ood roads anti so re Be 5; Mary Hirst, 272; Leah Robert - 0, 267; Margaret IVIalmod, 262; Auda y Reid, 238; Anna McGillivary, 230; tty Taylor, 217; Ralph. Saint, 214.; lia McBliun, 2x3; Sterling 2I2.; Elaine Small, 212; Margar- TaYlor, '184; Vera Fry, 179; Weltha nderson, 179; Arthur Aldington„ ; John Pattison, 137; 'Hilda Fitt, ; Mary Agnew, 88;' Gordon Lediett, , Class. Total 225. oy McIntyre, „an; lierbie Fuller, ; Clifford. Holt,' 15o; Laura Groves,. 1, 115; Haeold Borgess, /o5; Stew - Carter, Id3; Preston Lediett, 99. Carter, 1•03'; Preston, Lediett, 99; istance Colgate, 95; Velma Carter, Norman Lediett, 83;. Leonard Hillary, Class Teta!, 1,50 ollie Hutton, 133; Milliz.,"ed Reid, real Braeleenbury, 1o5; Reg Mc, es, 104; Stewart Scott, 07;, Carl kay, 92; jack Boardman, pi; Mar - Fry, 91; Marion ussrm, 89; Doe, y Forsythe, 85; Frank Cragg„ 76; tired Pieldt 7/; Margaret Alding- ler, Percy 1Deyell, MORRIS CQIINCIL et He Mirittes of Council Meeting held in 173 the Township Hall, Morris, on io5 day, February 5th., 1923. 81. The members of the council were 13 pr6settt. The reeve presiding. R The mieutes of last meeting were lei read And adopted. 154 James Peacock was appoitted as- 134 sesscir at a salary of $80.00, Pit The following accounts were paid: art W. Elston, Ins, prem. on hall, $2.301 art Wprld, supplies, Szp,61; Jas. Cor tile and drawing, 1Douglas 89; gravel, $22.0; Janice Gibson, gravel, R $745; Richard Johnston, Peter Mc- lar, Nab, auditor,s, eaCh $12.; Dr, Stewart Geo Health officer, pt, salary, Ses.00; A. Inn Ian oth Mil Fite meet at tile towtit- hip hall, Morrie', on Monday, leltarch 2th, JR. IV—Total 5:50. Robena Young,, 419; Jim •1)eacen, 359; Alex Robert- ney, • 469; Margaret Deacon, 424; Ag- nes Robertson, 395; WIT1. 322. ; SR. II—Total 400. Marie Deacon, May McBurney, Teacher. WHEN TO STOP ADVERTISING When every man has become Sol thoroughly a creature of habit that he will certainly 'buy this year where he: 'bought last year, When youh.ger, fresher and spunk -11 ier concerns in 3rour line cease start- I ing up and esing the printed page in:: telling the people how much better t' they cae do for them than you can. When itobody else thinks it pays to with the sun and fresh air as thy: a! tecep them good hor by her roads , is a town known for good or "Et- , wetehinIness" shall be thy /a -lot- to that thy. roads may not ravel nor thy supervisor forget thee. 7—Thou shalt keep thy home town beautiful. The hills, the trees, the waters that nature has given thee thou shalt preserve in sacred trust. VS hovel shalt thou permit to disfigure them. Thou shalt keep thy house and door yards clean mid cheerful, thy waters shalt thou purify tilat they shalt brieg thee strength and life, The future of :the town' shah: thou plata. with care arid diligeoet that thy grow- th be no haphazard, but full of thought and loving care, as the plans of a mother for the geowth of her 8 --Thou shalt honor thy commu ity gether with thy neighbors With all thy ieart and strength and mind:, Thou halt work together with thy o'rganiza- ions an c tabs for the common wele are. Thy leadera shalt thou learn es where thou art put and not -intrude committees where thou art not put. "hue thou shalt know one another better, thy mark prosper and thy friends multiply. 9—Thou 'shalt be a good neighbor to all who live in thy home town, , whether they be rich or poor, 10—Thou shalt speak ill of no ono id good of many. Thou shalt be a lend to strangers and a visitor to, le sick in their affliction, An exehange says:• --A man told us ie other day we did not publisl , things that happened. We should y we doe't', In the first place wet ve others who, depend upon 'OS for livieg. If VeS published all that ppened we should soon be with the gels. In order to please people we ust print only 'the thiogs about on And leave the rest to .gossipae • When pout -dation ceases to multiply„ and the generations that crowd on • after y:ou stop coming on. When you have convinced every- body whose life will touch yours, that you have better goods than they can ever get elsewhere, When you peleelve it to be the rule that men, IvIto never do, and never did, advertise are outstripping- their neigh- fr hors in the satne line of business. 11 When men stop making fortunes I , right in your sight, solely by a dis- creet use of this mighty agent, I When you can forget the words of the shrewdest aed most successful business men co/teeming the main cause of their proseerit,Y. When you would rather have yout own way and fail, than take advice end win.—Quids and Quads. TOWN COMMANDMENTS The following ten cominandment. th sa ha ha aft th Yes, it's a Tact- We .aati't print all t the news. If we didi wouldn't it make t spiey readjug? 11/it this would, be tfOr one week only,- The next week there t