HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-08, Page 1:• Single Copies, Four Ce ts. , !YE STOCK TRAiN S cia Train. Of Sixteen aro.WiIl Visit wingliarn, Foliownegiie eNan,Q1,e' of the Wo csie ei larovinces, the variotas breeo. s,OciatiOns are ea -operating with the Provineial and Federal' 1)epartment8 .of Agricultureeand the' • railways in running a `tcbetter lave st'ock-'.. special" throng's the older counties of Ontario. The train, which is coinposed-of cars containing SpCCiflej Q h.Q3est ` breeds of cattle sheet); swine and poultry will be in'Whigheari en.Thurs- day morning, March 15th. The car will also be at the iolloeeing •plaees: Blyth in the afternoon/of IVfarch t5th., Listowel on the r3th., Mtc1ieI1 on the 16th., New Hamburg, March 17th.; Kitchener, March th.; St.. Marys, March 2enlas Parkhill, March asst.; Petrolia and Alvinston, March iand..; GlencOe, Iar1f2ard.; Chatham., Mar-, • eh 4th. Lawrence Lawrence,lifarch a6th; Til- sant:snag and" Siaicoe, March '2ath; jars Ilifareli -28th.; Caledonia; March •,2ath,.; Welland, IVIarch -5oth. The best type of steers for the dean- .' esticsand.British market will be en view as wall as a demonstrationof the 'Value .of using pure-bred aire' iu the ilare•afaindustry. In the hog, oaa aee shoWn samples of good and, indifferent types, with the live, swine in pens and typical sides of 'bacoii on the walls above. Some good.types Of sheep are ahown.with aespeeial exhibit of 'the varlama grades of wool and aamples of cloth made from the same. Graded eggs are shown and dem- onstrations will be given in culling in esaultryetaveberevea ataaired., The. main ,iljty breed oef hens ,are cafTie'd on alie "special," ' , • lectare car is Provided where otripetent authorities- willaddress armers along the .61:Ring Opening ' King Bros. will have a special display • :of Ladies' Snits, Coats, Wrap and Dresses on Friday, Mainh gth., you, . are invited to COnle. Read advertise- ment, on page 8. Patrick's Social e3 The-leadies' Aid of St. Andrews Presbyterian church are holding a St. Patriek's Social, on Friday evening, March 16th., in the church. • A good `program is being prepared. Refresh-' .ments will be 'served, Admission 25 cents. _ Breviery Storage Plant Mr. folio Watson of Listowel, ag- ent for I.,abatt's 13rewing Co., of Lon- don, was in Wingham• recently and xnade arrangements to open up a storage plant inothe Gurney Block in the premises formerly occupiedby be 13eninger Creamery, The comp- any now have three storage plants in this district, Wingleetn,. Walkerton •and Listowel. ,EVERYBODY'S COLUMN 'FOR SALE OR RENT—past Office store with bare and five' 'acres of land, close to railroad station, at ..peesseee, nateeea, kept; to, T. ' Stewart, Bluevale. FOR SALE—A quattity a seed. oats. APPLY to Herb Shiells, Phone 7 roxeter. Bluevale - "FOR SALE—A fifty' gallon coal oil tank, complete with. pump. • I-1. E. Isard & Co. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT— , Three hundred acres of thoice land, in the Township of -Morris,' being lcxts 5 and 6 on the 3rd. coricaesion. Two good dwellings -and three good barns, teyo.drilled wells with wind- mills. For farther particulate, apply to • john Hopper, Route 5, Brussels., 1-10USEKE,EPER WANTED—To be company foraged lady. Phone 265, or apply by -letter to Box 471, Wing- • • — _ HOUSE TO RE',NT.--In le a wc r , , Wingharn, opposite Mr, Geo. Phip- ' pen's, Hard and soft' water and . two acres of ground. Apply at The Advance. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALeEe--- Of Farm Stock and Implements, at Lot 5, Con. 3, Morris, .on Tuesday, 10:arch 20th., at e o'clock. No re- serve as the proprietor hexs sold his John Hopper, Proprietor, Jas. Taylot, Auctioneer. - WANTED—Sexton for St; Pattls , Church. State salary.. Address ap- plications to Reg S. Williams, Vestry Clerk. , ....4" WANED—Industrious, capable per- ' Son to start at once in and nearby , • Winleham, retailing Rawleigh's '' Good Health Food Products, Spices, c Flavors, Modieines, Tbilet Peeper- 3 ationS,'etc, e50 everyday necessities teed by millions. Largest CoMpeny, t established 35 years. Favorably .1 known,' ' Products sold • On time; 1 , leaved itholeeale. NO eXperienee, a Priectieally no capital needed. We e teach you to Manage your own per- e estantait, big-PaYing..lensmess. $3ooO t $5000 yearly, Partitulars free; e olio, ete, odcupaon, reference. e W l'., ,t,..whigh ,0„, Dept, : e481, London COIL • , . NOT/CE t • MI Town heexteee (expire on iv roh ti este 4114"eh6Xild be, Dtar4, Atjy, tonsvtd, e • TEUNO , HOUSEKEEPER TO the' Editur av the Advance, 'Deer Suri --- Well, I'm afther havin the Missus home 'vvid rneagin; I got ware sy'' Jaen Currie's harses an deny out aft - her her yisterday, so I did. It wue- sent that r wus lonesome, bee I got toired Makin afther. the house plants an the canary birrucl an the eat. Shure, thisn's no jawbs fer a full grown man av anny koincl, let alone an Irishreraa wid rid blood in himfist eink,"ay a aeumman buyin a lot of hc)Ilyhock an geranianilmlbs troo the Horticultoota al Society. an thin goin tin are, tivilve inailes out into The counthry an ixpict- in a man to euk either thin .fer two whole wakes. Wimmin are quare at awl toimes/ but wurse whin theer's new baby, ispiehally a grandson, The thrubble WM. die is 1 am,rriebby too ould to, injoy bein a granda.d as I shad. That comes av marryin too late in .1, wild say to the byes that if -they intind to be grandfathers to shtart .x-espict to me grandson .1,rriay 'say that he is a foirie bye an begitudeo to grow loilce a wade. An the yells •av him, shore, I 'wus iinlein av the noise he may be makin ' the wurrOld in twinty foive years frum now, at 'noirana.tiOn days an at barrun raisins, if they will be havin such tinge in thin). days. The wimmin tink theer nivir wus such a choild, but 1 cucldn't see much differ betwane 'him aii other babies 1 he -r known, bar- rio thfeet that he has ,the Hay look in hies- eyes. ' We had some s htrong argyrnint about namin the bye. I wanted him called -Arthur Meighen I-Iay, an his father, bein zesagere waseted tells - ed Aethur •Currie- Hay, an his grand,. mother tought-he shad be called Arth- ur Maloney Hay afther her family. She sed she wuddret nerne army bye aftheog livin pollytishian fer, sez she, ye can't tell what they may *do befoor they die, to Make ye ashimed•aV thine. I ' suppose, see she, if ye wus a U. F. 0. ye weal want to be, eallin him Ar- t,l-tur Fiae'ke Har, an thin whin he goes to sehule-the other byes wild nick- name him Hayfork fer short. Some min hey no sinse, she sez, I saw the nurse shmoilin to hersilf .an not sayin annytinge. so I asked her what,she taught about Tit. Mobley ye might ask the baby's another, .sez ,,she, perhaps ,she has as much interest in the ques- tion 'as army av ye, Slmokin loike the sinibIe girrttl, ye are, 1 sez, we will lave it to the clioild's mother; sez 1, an whin we aaked her which name she loiked- beshi sh sed she loiezed thim awl, 'but tought she Wud erefer jist 'plain Arthur wid no sicond name. Now cud ye bate that fer a dccishion, that plazed iviryhady. Me dawter-in- law shud he been a pollythiehian, so she Shod. 'Tis the good hearted girrul she is too, nivir watttin to offind anny- •body,, an fer gobd looks an sound sinse don't know army girrul to aq- uel her, barrin 1710 own dewier Katie, an Nora too if it wussn't fer the statrake av Maloney timper in her at toimes, Did ye ivir know tines so quiet in a poelytickle way? Here we hey been waitffi fere, wakes ,fer the Parliamints to open in hopes tby wud shtatt some - ting, an give the papers some news more interestin than the robbin av the grave av an calla king av Aygipaerho wus buried tousands av years ago, but so far the debates in the Houses hey been about as interestin as the spach- es, at the annual rnaytin av the rate- payer e av a counthrer' salute section. Yours till nixt wake, Tmothy Hay, New Oil Station We understand there is a probabil- ity of the British American Oil Com- pany opening up a station. at Wing - ham -in the near future. • Wroxeter By-law Carries -Wroxeter Voted on a lay -law to raise $2000.00 to erect a Community I-Iall '97'17.'1;7,5 • '7,eltenerne W1NGHAM, ONT0 THURSDAY MARCH 8th, 1923 PUREBRED STOCK SALE LOCAL AND GENERAL rings Good Crovirce•To Wingham On Wednesday • The Huron County Breeders' Sale of Purebred Cattle brought a large crowd to Wirtglittin on Wednesday, Tlieocattle, in ina.ny cases were sold at good figures while a few 'Were knocked down at low figures, and some went for more than they were ewr°sIrttthlen'ikgohiotwbeili9srtinwt whore Ot Ula°ch°aueredir t4hcle-' animals and the prices paid. . "No. x—Roan•Lystra, female Short- horn, consigned by William Webster, Lucknow, sold to Wilbur TurnbiA, 'Brussels, for $n7.59. . No, 2—juanita, female Shoals consigned by Williairt Webster, L now, sold CO Jas. FI, Carle, Wiog for $7o.00. , ' No. 5—Daisy end., afernale,s Sh horn, consigned by William Web Lucknow; sold to J. M. Knight;R No. 3, Brussels; for Sgo.00. No. 4.—Roan Chief, male, Shorth consigned by William Webster, L naw, sold to Ed. Anderson for $52 No, 5---Ea.ster Lily, female, Sh horteeconsigned by William' Webs Luckaow, sold to C. 'Aitchison, Rce Lucknow, for $8o,o' No. 7—Roeewood Mae, fern Shorthorn, consigned' by Cliffoed Keys, Varna, Ont., sold to Sean Campbell, Palmerston, for $5o.00. 8 --Rosewood Belle, fem Shorthorn, consigned by Clifford Keys Verna, sold to A. W. Etheri ton, Hensel', for $55.o6. No.-e—Cypress Bella 5th., fern Shoe -shorn, consigned by Thos. Heniryn, sold to E. R, Knight, Br sets, for $95.ob. No. io--Cypress Mabel 3rd., f,eni Shoithorn,, consigned by Theis:. K Henfryn, sold to J. M. Knight, Br sets, foe $6o.00. re --Rosewood Count, m ;Shorthorn, consigned by Thos. K FIenfryn, sold to Adam Sholdice, W tont, for $95.00. ' , Nq. I2—Queen of Huron, fema SfiOrthorn, consigned by Dow Br W Wingharn, sold to Harold alk Wingham, for $13o.00. No. 13—Red Rose, female, Sho horn, consigned by Dow Bros., Win ham, sold to Wm. R. Taylor, Win ham, for $e7.5o. No. re,---Cordella Jane, feinale, Shorthorn, consigned by -Thos. H. Taylor ..8z Son, Belgrave, sold to Humphrey, Lucknow, for Sgo.00. No, e5----Mysie 38th., female, Sho horn, consigeed by Thomas Pierc Brussels, sold to Win. E. Stubb Brussels, for $145.00. ' No. 16—Red Diamond, male, Short- horn, consigned by Thomas Pierce, Brussels, sold to W. Woods, Luck - now, for $72.5o. • • No: I7—:White Star, male,- Shor ho B fel Bi Pa co \'2v a ho Br Bi ho Br for ho Cli sel lio ton Rh. orn, ticic- hatn, • - art- ster„ tlek- Z50. 011- ter, , R. H. ley ale, H. 11g- eria us - err, Us - err, el - le, os., er, rt- g- g - M. rt-' e, s, rn, consigned by Thomas 1 ierc 'assets, sotd 'to Win. 'Breckenridg bighorn, for $62.50. No. r8—Fair Maid of talinamclorp nate, S-horthorn, consigned » by 5. ggins, sold to Stanley , Campbel lmerstou, for $75.00. No. re—Stubby, male, Shorthor nsigned bY Andrew Douglas, Btu le, sold to Arthur Wheeler, 13In le, for $80.00. flo Igo:Nap—Lady Morris; female, Shor rn, consigned Harvey Bryan ussets, sold to Andrew Dougla uevale, for $135.00. No. 21—Red Rose, female, Shor rn, coosigned by Harvey Bryan -tassels, sold to H. M, Lake, Morri $6o.00. No. 22—Red Marquis,.-inale, Short rn, consigned by Jas. R, Pluinstee nton, sold to Jas. Anderson, Bros s, for $77.50. • ' NO, 23—Major Royal, male, Short rn, consigned by A. W. Ethering , Hensel', sold to Jahn Johnston ievale, for $57.eo. No, ..4—C1eneentine 2otl,. female in the Park. 1. he voting,- on Monday mg 'C'rt.;00,wreliet'i,P'oial'eeitTateolen,ct;ric, Refit sys.tera is Palmer's Merry -go -Round arid at- tractions iee booked for Wingham on July est. to retie All curlers are requested to bring a basket of sand.wiellea to the Atari- ouries on Friday evenirig, - Remember Evangeliet Teinbuli he - gins special'services at the Baptist church next Thursday evening. A most beautifutline of Men's Suit- . ings made to your measure foe $24.00, are shown by E, Armitage & Son, Mr:slarawlear, C P. R. Station Age eon was in Orangeville, over the, week -end attending the funeral of his mother. • Sale of home-made baking hi the conned chamber, Wingham, on Satur- day- afternoon, March e7th., St. Pat- e- SueeSliet ride your horses of Bots and'Inteetioal' terarms. Sold at Mit- chell's Drug Store opposite the Bruns- wick Plotel. purchased Mr. John Hopper's farm in s Mr. Jae, V Breen of Turn'',-ry has a Morris and takes possession in t e very "near. futa re, , at is all Very well to "love thy c neighbor as thyself," but it is likely g' to get you into trouble if you extend e it as far as - his wife. -• The Tuxis Squares of the MethoL c dist Church, Wingham, sent a hockey . tearn to play in F-ordwicle on Monday if night and they, were defeated by a seore.of 6 to 3. '11 fl There will be a gospel meeting at -A, the. home. of - and Mrs. Geo ' TOWN .COUNCIL MEETS lothIng But Regular Business Was raresae 'ted The regular meeting of the Witg- ham Town Council was held on Mon- day evening, Reeve Tipling was the only absentee. The minutes of the last rejtelar and speciat meetings were he read: TMayor reported that the com- mittee appointed at the last meeting to clean up the matter of watches for soldiers had inlet and ordered the few watches sent to their respective own- ee-A ietter was read from. Mr, R. Van - stone., selicitor for the Farmers 's Fertis lizer Co., in which they assured the town that they were :willing to sell their brick building to any factorY concerrr at a reasonable price ad' if the carrying on of their business in the frame building woul•d be ahnoying- to• them, they would be pleased to tnove toother premises if the town would bear -the expense of moving same and putting in railway siding to lex their new locatioil. The matter was eferred to a committee composed of ne - he 'Mayor; Couneillors Haney and lit Villis. * fre Mr, T. 5, McLean asked if the coun-a— il 'would pat a price on the town V racier, if aci be eV aid be in the rnark- t to purthase at a reasonable price. 'heinatter was left with the Street ommittee, The Ontario Motor League asked a camping ground for tourists was vailable at Wingham. The clerk was structed to write, telling them of the ats along the beautiful banks of the laitland in tbwer ,n101111111) wo- Cruickshanks, Lower Town, on Friday It evening next, conducted by Rev. E. 5, Harris, All avelcome. ce Secure your automobile licenses at si The Advance Office They are selling tr slowly because of the bacicWa.rd seas- ge on, but in a few days the rush will be te on if this Weather continues. The meeting of the junior Farmers' ed Improvement As ti The application of Joe Marks for cense to run his restaurant was re- ived and accepted. Coundillor Haney said two of the reet lights were almost hidden by ees near the town park and he sug- sted that the outer row of,trees be ken out. • The usual lot of accounts were pass - on by the council. soc a on and the jun- • ' Don't Forget The teen girls of St, Peels Sunday School would be pleased to entertain you at a tea •in the Wingham council chamber, on Saturday afternoon, St. Patrick's Day, March reth., froth -3 to 7 o clock . Come and spend a soci hour with your friends. Vets Are The Champs e. The Veterans are.how•champions'o the Wingham Town League, On We nesday night they defeated the Tiger by. 7 to 2. Mr, 13ert Whitten referee the game. The line-up was as fo lows; • • • Vetera.ns—Beet 'Isard, goal; F. Mac Lean and Hal MacLean, defense; Geo Howson,- centre; Roy Cruickshank left; H. Towne, right. . Tigers—Henry Aitcheson, goal Neil McLean and Gordon MacLean defense; 'Gordon Cruidis-shanles, centre F. Moore, left; Geo. Fixture, right. Subs.—G. 13. Flanigan and E. S Copeland for the Vets and Geo, Fix ture for the Tigers, Mrs. Geo. M. Robertson Dead,. "for Women's Institute will be heed in the Council Chamber, on March lath., at 8 p. m. Int ere.sting program. Every- body Come, , Mr. W. R. Hamilton received word from his friend, Mr. Irwin Campbell, (Doc.), stating that he was elected president of the year 1923-24 at the. Medical College, Toronto. In a class of 18o students this is a well merited honor. ' Creophos—The ideal treatment after the Flu. Builds up the system and cures the cough. Hundreds of people in Wingham and. surrounding country use and recommend it. Sold only at 'Mitchell's Drug Store, opposite Brun- swick` Hotel, • aft. and Mrs. T. C. McElroy, Miss t- Annie and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mc - e, , Elroy of Wallaceburg, are spending e, a few days with Blyth relatives prior to .going to Wingham where Messrs. In McElroy '& Son, will engage in the J. grocery business. ---Blyth Standard, 1, . After the close'of the evening ser- vice at St. Pauls church on Sunday ne last, the choir rendered the first part e- of the Cantataroentitled "From Death c- Unto Life," the solo parts were taken by Messrs. A. 5, Nortrop and C. Tem- t- Diemen and the quartette by Mb st Wilkinson, Templeman and Misses Be,ssie Abell and -Norah Smith. The music throughout was exceptionally r- good and was much enjoyed by the. St. congregation. The balance of this S, Cantata 'Will be given shortly after Easter. Business:—Do you realize that in _ Wingham you can buy neatly printed stationery at a very low price. While a few business men, who do not ap- pear to be able to say "no" to certain - travellers, who canvass for printing, ' order from city houses. -The Advance Office is doing work for merchants ' other towna Thee is not as it .shotald be, 'everjr metchant and busi- ness man in. a tosan of the size of, 1/ la Ingham about be so clannish that ar _ eveiy marl of us would be a booster ;,rtfpcnrvietverybody else for basiness the - A very interesting program was p -( given al St. Pauls A. Y, P, A„ 0I1 lc, , lelonday evening, heing "Weleh and ' EnglishN.• ." songs were n , sung by .Mr, C. Templetnan in the el. VVelsli dialect, and, an interesting pap-- y , �r read on "Wales, Its People and Customs," readings were given by in Miss M. leteuty and Miss Dorothy ee Simile a Bible paper on "Priscilla" by re Miss Mary joheston, and one on es "The Virgin Mary," by Miss Hassard. The ineetieg closed by ali joining el heartily in singing "God Save the Kilter The program for next Mon- day night will include a talk on "The 1Catechism" by- Mr, Jas. Allele after which Cateelusin Contest will be Shorthorn, consigued by A, 'W. Ether- ' resulted 6r for and 28 against. Ica, N A combined iileeting at the mem- Sh° ing ton,. fiensall, sold to Stank npbell -•stot for $ 5 o. a -'-Major Denorah male rthorn, conaigned by -A. W. Ether ton, Reason, sold to E, Purvis Lucknow, for $80.00. No. 26—Secret Pride, leinale, Shoal. horn, consigned. by A. W. Ethering ton, Henson, sold to jes C. Stoltz Auburn, for $13o.00. No, 27—Major Rosa -hoe male Shorthorn, consigned by A, W, Eth- erington, 'Elensall, sold to Henry Ford Neustadt, for $pb.00, • No. 28—Major Matchless, •male, Shorthorn, .consigued bY''"' A. W. Eth- e.rington, lefensall, sold to A, 'W. Mas- on, for $47.50 No. 30 --Princess Mary 27th.e fe- male, Shorthorn, •consigned by A. W Etherington, Hensall, sold to Jas, H. Currie, Wingham, for $85.00.-- • 31--Vinage .Ctirt oath., female, Shorthorn, consigned by A. VV. :Rai- , , eriegton, Heesale sold' to Maitland Bell, y or Seceoo. . No. 32—Co1onel, male, Shorthotre coosignecl by A. W, Etherington, Hensel', eoteleeto P, Kiniheatt, Tees - water, for $5o.00., 33—Mayflower Belle, female, consigned by A. W. Etherington, Hensel', sold to , john McDonald, Bluevale, for $70.oce No. 34-ejethe FloWee's Lady, 'female, Shorthorn, consigned by, :las, Forster, Lin:know, sold to Elliott Taylot, re, R. Lacktiow, for $eo,bo. • N o: 3,5-1,ornie emtl., female,. Short - bore, coneigned by R. W. Sunpsoti, 'reeetyatet, sold to J. lef, , Relight, Brueecla, lot .$11.2.no. No. 36-4,,avando. Martha 'ande. fe- male, Shorthorn, 4; onsigua by Oecat Kleeppe-Zurith, said to Jobe Trigg -hie, Clinton, for $i 10.00. • e No. 37—Levee-idol' Martha, female, ((ontinued an page '6) Important Notice bees of the Board of Trade and the I ions Club will be held on Thursday evening, at 8 p. 0-e, at the Lioos Club room, when a matter of great import- ance to the commercial interests CT the town will be discussed. All mem- bers kindly be on hand, What Men Have Been Waiting For is a place where they can buy Men's Furnishings at, rhels bottom prices, E. Armitage -& Soft have added to heir tailoring. stock a conaplete line of nen'e furnishings and purpose Selling hem at away below regular prices. Mee -Armitage claims he is-euabled o do this, owing to the fact that his verhead expense is very, very small. For instance Ile can save you'. 30 to .5,5 cots on a pair of overalls, 75c to $1.00 DO cep, soc to $1,6o on, a shirt, 20e n a tie and the same with eveiything id is selling, it will pay you lo visit heir store and be cpnvinced inew heap they sell their goods., ,„„ , . , eeve In Tram Collision Reeve Amoe Tipliog arrived home xi Tuesday eight from Ottawa, where te was a delegate from the canada lax Growers, meeting- the Dominion atliament with a view to ha,ving igher duty placed on flax' coming ram other eountries. On the refurri rip Ur, Til)liag Was badlY shaken up 1 a collision on the train. While the ttawa train was stopped at Cobourg 5-30 on Tileselbe mooning-, the: onteeal flyer ran into the rear of the -am doebling tip eeveral of the cats, 0 lives wore lost, but sevex'al were aletra to lioepitalse badly bruieed Med lee Me, 'feeling beeeped with a‘few )11.1 es a at t s muIdere, ea• 11111)11111101111Ellil Pee 'great IndianIndiancoixgivRere1047, Bed 5 ee ef etetive COUGHS AND COLDS,. • BRON.„EITIS„ INFLUENZA: BAIL-SA- E,..A REPEATS IT GIVES SATISFACTORY RESULTS. IT IS PLEASANT TO TAKE, , IT CONTAINS NO HARMFUL DRU6S, • There is no ease on record of pneumonia following the where BAL-SA-ME-A was used for the cough. Wiexabem, Ont. 111E111E1111 IIINI1111111112111 711.61311==.1(RWIALMIZOMPAILSIK11....094{..MIPM1110.30, Vfsbon s 121i. 111E1111 II 111E1111 1111/111121111 I PERSONALS Mr. T. J. IvIeLean is on a busines trip to Toronto, Mr. A. M. Crawford is on a busi ness trip to Woodstock. Mr. Gordon Hall of Clinton, is a visitor in town this week ' Mr. A. C. Williams of Toronto, was a visitor in town last week, Mr, and Mrs. W. F. VanStone left last week for a lengthy visit in Tor- onto. Miss Marjorie Harrison of Atwood, spent the week -end at her home on Edward St. al Dr. S. B. Smith of Toronto, is vie- iting at the home of his brother, Mr. A. E. Smith. e Miss Dell Haugh left on Saturday a_ for New York where she will cantin- e tie her training. d Mr. Elmer Mahood of Kincardine, 1- spent the week -end with his family, at Mr, J. M. Graham's. • - Mrs. Will Herd of London, is visit- - ing at the home of her motheri Mrs. S, Fryfegle, Frances St. tore hoTtei 35 , Ininal Hi Wan of Mr. and 'Mrs, R. 5. Tindall, Mr. Wilfred Totton -who has been, s visiting with his nada; Mr. R. j. Tin- ' Mr. Brock Brandon of - Hanover, visited at the home of his mother and ' sister in town for a few days. Mr. Chas, Carter, East Wawanosli, , received the sad news on Friday of the _ death of his father, at Elgin,. Man. Mr. George Wraith split ten cords of greenwood for Mr. R. A. Coutts on Thursday afternoon in five hours, Mrs. Walter VanWyck and Miss Eva Greer visited over the week -end with Mrs. M. H. VanWycle, St, Thom- as. Mayer Elliott is in Ingersoll this week. He will be accompanied home iblyerers. j. Elliott, who will visit Mr. Wm. McIntyre, who has been visiting in town for the past few weeks, has returned tb his position in London, Friends of Mrs. George el. Robert- son, of East Waevanosh, heard with regret of her passing away in Wing - ham eeeneral Hospital, on Wednesrley morning. The late Mrs. Robertson had been ill for the past month but her death was quite unexpected by her sorrowing husband, and relatives, who have the sympathy of a large cir- cle of friends in their sad bereave- ment. Mrs. Robertson is survived by three sisters and four brothers, viz., Mrs. Jas, Shiells of Weyburn, Sa.sk.; Mrs, Halpenny and John Reid • of Wingham, Adam Reid of Saskatchew- an,. Mrs. (Rev) Finley of Gorrie; Thos. Reid of Hamilton and Geo. A. Reid of, Toronto. The :fitheral will be held from her ate resideace, Lot v, Con, ec, East Vawanosh, an Friday afternoon to Vi n glare cemetery. [is, John Armour. Dead • There passed away at her home in oronto, on March 3rd., a former well nown resident of Wingham, it) the erson of Helena 'E. McClinton, be- ved wife of John Armour. Deceased was born in East Wawa- osh, fifty-three years ago where she eent her early years. Thirty-six ears ago she was married to her now ereaved husband and after residing the same locality for a number of ears, moved to Wingham where they sided until three years ago • when the mity moved to Toronto. Deceased was a beautiful cbristian taractei- and her life was a living ex- airiple to all. Being ce natural leader, she was constantly eoge,ged in many religious activities where she will be intend, She was a faithful member of the Methodist eintrch. ' Site leaves to mourn her toss, her husband and five daughters, Mrs, T. W. Huntley, Mrs. G. A. McKay of Toronto, Miss jean of St. Catherhees Misses Eva and Vette at htune, Slie is also survived by one brother and four sisters; J. H. McClinton. of Gado - rich, Mrs, Helps, Golden, Colo.; Mee. lo McDowell and :Mrs. R. Hairy Wc5tfield and Mrs. 14, 1. Marriott, of Toronto; four sisters have recently p e ae ceas e d her The fueeral WAS boa from het late residence, 6,5 ',may Ave., on Monday, M4rell 5111., at two o'clock. Tee ser- vice was conducted by ,ReVe A. Cranston'of Reve Beach:1"resbyt erien church assisted by Rev. Mr. Pin:chase of Betide& 'Methodist chureh. 1..;ttAcc,,v,ery deer friend of the family, Fa- Willmot, sang eweetly, "Face to oLit.et.torr!llt took a In N 01W2., (held by members. Curlers.At Kincardine Five rinks of curlers went to 'Kin- cardine • on Monday 'afternoon for a, friendly, genie and were •defeated byf the home, rinks at botit SCSSi,611S. Our boys ate lend In their pratse of the way Click were treated and did nof feel a bit bad 'over beleg trimmed by such a good bunch of Peal ,sporta. Thea hove a fiae, aew skating .'and curling rink with Aar, Wallace, Porten 11 chaege, ships were W. Steweet, C. Elliott, feted :Davidson; TOltn •Mason. and..A..Porter, arid the ;inks were beneraased raf..T.. bete E, 3. NashA leothergill, him lefeGilliveay, W. . T., Booth, l'i. itfitelicll, S,, Tielfiday, C. B., Arinitheee ThOS., 14,041Six 1-leerer Aiteb' t creoo,•.0, .Thoolpseu,: lat. teeter, B,', 3] ft* end eke /ticyoe4i.s', 1 I , Y ,• . • lelreele T. Boardman left for Sarnia this week, He has secured employ- ment there and if he likes it, he will move his family to Sarnia. Miss Violet Hunter returned to her home in Mani -tau, Man., after spend- ing the past three months at the home doll., returned to his home in Indian Head, Sask. Miss Margaret -Piper returted to 'Toronto on Monday inorning, after attending the funeral of her grand-, mother, the late Mrs. Burgess, Mr. Norman Brandon and little daughters, Otos and Norma, of.St. Marys, spent a few daye With his mother, Mrs. T. C. Brandon, Frances St. Mr. W. F. Haines, who'has 'been visiting with his parents in town, teft for a short visit at Cobalt and Tim- mins on his return to his home in the Wet, Casemore of Winghain, who came over to visit her sister, Mrs j Linklater, was taken and has been confined to her bedsaaTeeswater News. Among those sarho are seriously ill at the present time are Mr, Lawrence Pyle and Mrs. R. D. Cunningham. ,Their many friends hope for their speedy recovery. Dr. S. 13. Smith, who has been a guest at the home of his brother, Mr. A. E. Smith, on several different oc- casions during the past few years, has h sed d • g sto -e pure aToronto, Mr. and Mrs Stephen Piper desire to thank then- friends and neighbors for floral tribntes and sympathy ex- tended during the illness and passing of Mrs, Piper's mother, the late leIrs. urgess, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Atkinson and family left on Monday for Toronto where they will in future reside, Mr andMrs. Finlay and family are move mg into the house formerly occupied by Mn Atkinson, Mrl3ert Vltlliams formerly of the Wingham Times editorial staff, but now clerking in 5. F, Groves' gro- eery store, Toronto, spent a couple of days at the home of his patents, Mn and Mrs. Harry Williams, Dr, Mentie Reid -Allen has» returned from Toronto, where she has been 'taking up extra studies under, Dr. Do Val Dean of the Canadian Chiroprac- tic College. Dr. Reid -Allen expects to remain at home for some time. Such weather as we had last week sent everybody after Rubbers.. We told you that the Spring geason was the Rub - her Season. Remember, no other store can equal us on Rub. hers of any style or kiod• at our prites. We hole the beat Rubbers made, Me s $1:29; Wannteres 89e; Mies' 7914 Chita's 69e. Thittle of this Store first when you start out to get yonr Spring Rubbere. 13 001 V1/4 •-10E STOIC 11,