HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-01, Page 8, , ' ,, , , ' , •• ,,,,,,,•„,•:;',.•,1••,• ; ' ' ''': ,•,•• ,!,,,,,,,,',',,,,;.,,,,••••• •,'1,,,, '•,,' •,' ' .'''', ' .•' . ' ' i,„ •' • ,,,' • , , l' 1 r,.: ,',,,II'''•'•,', ' ,•••• • . ,••••,•• . • • •••• •••••••••••••,•••eire,.r•i•m•,••••4•••••••••••••••••i=ii,••Iiioti• 1,'.111110,11510,4.”,,,..,,,,,,,,11,1•1'1,',1111T1,1',1,11.1,,,,, ,....r.., ,1,,,,,,,,,/,..,1.1.14,11,,,, ., ,. , ,,,,,./,,,,..14,',../.,..,,,•••,.•,,, 4,1,-,,,',., '1","1.11:' ''''','''.,11''11:','''',..1,'"'/''''''''-',''Vq:1'''',.''''''''''.11.1:1,.. '',''''' ::4,1''' ' • , .. , ' A3,74rAISTOE. . _ , • 1, ,, • ..tituralaa4t1....1144,4iatotatiparaulleauatamuurtamlawitawatummentagamattallutuptaineas.amiu.oulrainanwammvalimunsmatuumanitogiunotoamicamaingraa.4*.ortwtlowianauguauptomitu.4,4 °1440•#[, 4A11141N. gliE011 1010 EAST WAWOSB , ••• 1 111" a .1 et; •ii4 fel.• 1619 r‘ !te g iet -14•11• I e• •41, ohij Ladies' Suits Misses' Suits LadiesCoats Misses' Coats Girls' Coats Misses' Dresses Ladies' Dresses • New Dress Materials • New Spring Coatings New Spring Suitings New Spring Ginghams New Spring Voiles New Cottons, etc. rfounceit ter inI ant NEW SPRING SUITS IN FANCY TWEED, SERGE AND. ENGLISH WORSTEDS New ,Spring Overcoats and Raincoats Boys Suits' Etc. • Men visit our Clothing Department on the • sepond floor, and see the , real saving you can make on your spring suit and Overcoat, UP-TO-DATE CLOTHES FOR LESS MONEY .runsuitusx=ra tip St1=261.1611.1/191.111113094..t121=9:11[41MAIIM.911.612aRti0=1.111/6021.3219112118/2.= et' ••••• e 111 • • • e 144• ee. 'et T1 Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Bolt enter- tained a large number of their friends and neighbors QE Friday evening. Mrs, Mao, Stapleton is not improv- ing as (wieldy as her many friends would lilce. Messrs, Todd & Joynt are &awing logs from Mrs,'jas. Bone's bush to St, Scott is recovering from a severe cold Mr. Hereon Irwin is al present h Winghain Hospital suffering an at- tack of chronic eczenia, Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Robinson. at- tended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Luke Law,son, of Clinton (In Satur- diy, who died after a few days' illness with bronchial pneumonia, Her hus- band and two sons, Gordon and Har- old survive, also one brother, Mr. Geo. Beadle of Auburn and one sister, Mrs, Thos. Robinson. Much sympathy is extended 1.9 the bereaved family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe, Chamney cele- brated their silver wedding on Friday evening last. About forty-five friends and neighbors spent a pleasant even- ing with them. Their daughter, Miss •Lulu Chamney of Toronto, was home for the occasion •also friends from •Wingham and Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. John „,0Martin also celebrated their wedding that evening. • WROXETER Owing to the illness of the teacher, Miss Ha.stie, there was no school in the junior department on Friday and lylonday. • • Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Connor gave an At Horn to a few of their friends • one evening last week. • Rev. Mr. Ferguson, who has been visiting friends at Renfrew, returned on Saturday and conducted the ser- vices in the Presbyterian .church on Sunday. We are ieformed that Mr. Robert Roulston, who recently sold his 'imp- lement business to Mr. A. J. Sander- son, is considering stalking business in either Wingham or Teeswater in the neat future. Mr. Hogg -of Regina, who has been spending some time visiting with old friends in and .around Wroxeter, left for his Westerni horne last week. Mr. A. j. Sanderson, who recently purchased the implement bisiness from Mr. R Tioulston, held an auction sale on 'Tuesday last • SALEM Mr. and Mrs. EdevineBennett spent. last Sunday with thelatter's mother, Mrs. Gilmore, north of Belmore, who is at present very ill.• , .• We are glp.d to report that Mr. Jacob Willits and • family, • who have been confined to the honse for some time with a severe cold are at present on the way to rectivery. We hope they will soon be O. K. again, • Messrs. Edwin Bennett and Percy Copeland •each delivered a' horse to Wingham on Saturday last, Mr. Ben Ringler's sale last Thurs- day was -well attended, everything bringing a fair price. Mr. and Mrs. Errington and family have moved to the farm he recently purchased from Mr. 33. Ringler. BLUEVALE to Highways.—Carried. Moved by D. Fortune and W. H. Mr. and. Mrs, Wrn. Haney of Wing- IMarsha.11 that this council rescind the imn." visited friends, here on Sunday. present provisionally adopted report Mr_ Albert Walker h'at purchased a of the Lender -wood Drain and that we tearn, of horses and is getting ready refer the report back to the Engineer, for spring Work. with instructions to -arnalgainate the Mr- Flemiag Black shipped it car of Underwood Drain and Government hogs from here on Thursday. . Drain of cons. 7, 6, 5', and 4 into one Mrs. Geo. Yeo and Mr. and ,Mrs• system under on report with the .'john 'Stacey, spent Sunday with Mr. authority 'to vary the original assess - and. Mrs. J, H. McLaren. ment. if necessary and we recommend Mrs. Wesley Leggatt spent a few that" this Drainage System be known lays with her parents atiWthitechurch, as the Elliott -Underwood Drain.— and attended the funeral of her aunt Ca.rriect near Teeswater on Saturday. The following accounts were paid.: Mr. Richard 'Johnston shipped a car F. A. Edgar, Underwood Drain, Seooe. of cattle and one of hogs to -Toronto Jas. Porter, expenses to Clinton, -an Saturday and accompanied them to Sio.00, , the market. , Any ratepayers wanting a change of Mr. Chas: Garniss received a car of pathmasters will please...notify some oat dust last week. • member of the council or the clerk Mr. Leggatt spent the week- on or before next meeting. end with relatives at Whiteehurth, hfoved by J. Breckenridge and W. Mrs.. Rolph and 'Mts. Snell are on H. Marshall that the next council the sick Het. We hope they will soon meeting be held in Bluevale, Friday, be 0. K. again. March Atli., reee, at r p. m. - Rev. T. C. Wilkinson spent a few W. R. Crtnkshank J. L. McEwen, clays with relatives at Ripley, - • Mr. and Mrs. John Anger of Gorrie, pent Sunday with Mrs. Alex McGee. TORY CORNERS Sorry 'it report that Mr. Bert }Terris. is on the sick list, Mr. Roy Simmons of Fordwich, was thc guest of his -uncle, Mr. Win, Und'erwood on. Sunday last, Mrs. Giltriere of Carrick is a.t pres- TITRNBERRY COUNCIL ent very ill. Mrs. Gilmore is Mrs. J. Sanderson s mother, Mr. R. A. Taylor had a very suc- cessful wood bee on Monday last, • Mr, and Mrs., Leslie Harkness and little son, Robert, spent Friday at Mr. G. Dane's. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerraa.n spent Sunday with her sisler, Mrs. Levi Galbraith. Mr, Harry Ferguson of the letli con,, has beeit confined to his bed with Marshall that the clerk ask for ten- an attack of• La Grippe. ders for the township printing' for the Mr. S. 'Cain of Gorrie, is at pres- year 02,3. ---Carried, • etit nursing the sick at Mr. Albert Moved by J. 3. Moffat and 5. Dustow's, • , Breckenridge that the township apply Mr. Earl Underwood of BitteYale, to'the Ontario Government for grant spent Sunday at Mr. Henry Douglas'. elaftRioitkinguallogroadn'altAltmitininlgediindrtembirmageremietaitmemlimprendmminloollimuMiginnuantlielttl:ThromAnneatnarnortvenn14.14.........4.11Alegarltligelnill0.6.141,111 Mts. (Rev.) Wilkinson is spending a few weeks with her parents at Ripley. Mrs. Brown frotn Brieish'Colurribia, in at ,present visiting her aura, Mrs. L. W. RuttA.11. SWAI4LQW8 A PN Coughs it Up Some Months Later. No Serions Effects No boy is considered normal, who has mot a piece o/ string and a pin or two among the eccumulated oddments which wear out his pockets, but a boy who can keep a pin and a piece of string hidden in some internal cavity for months* without suffering ill fects is something of a rarity. Stiebe a one is Melvin Mumford, 13 year-old son of Samuel Mumford, a. farmer living near Drayton. While amusing himself by blowing a pin, with a piece, of string attached through a tube as a target, in January 1922, young Mumford broke the string. He then got the idea he would see bow far he •could shoot the pin and took ,a deep breath, readyfoe a 'big blow, He swallowed the pin and the string too. He did not tell anyone about it and suffered no inconvenience be3rOhd being afflicted by a hacking. cough oc- capionally. Some weeks ago he wag seized with a violent fit of coughing - and felt the pin come up into his throat: The next day he went to a doctor in Drayton to have it removed, but the doctor was not in, That afternoon he was seized with another violent fit of coughing and nearly strangled before the pin and string were expelled froin his throat. The pin was free of rust, ex- cept for one spot, where the string was attached to it and those familiar with his case are wondering if medical' men cant say where they had found lodgment in his body all these months ii without .him suffering serous' in -jury. . Minutes of the council meeting held itt Illuevale on February eoth,, 1923. Members all presett, viz., j. L. Me - Ewen, Reeve; 5.1. Moffat, W. H. Marshall, D. Fortune, j, Breckenridge, Couiteillors. Minutes of last meeting were read approved on motion of J. J. Mof- -rat and 5. Bicckenridge.—Carried, oved by 3. 3. Moffat and W., H• 13LYTH 4' Refrigerator Plant 'Thos. Field 84-. Cele have installed refrigerator outfit in their butcher shop. This'will do away with the storing and handling of ice, Higher Tea Prices Ex-plained The Salada Tea Company,' the larg- est distributors of tete in Canada re- cently announced an increase in ,price on each of etheir blends. This comse was forced upon thein, according to information received about the situ- ation, in order to maintain the quality of "SALA.DA" Tea, when paying the liikhest prices ever recorded on the primary markets for the unblended leaf. The story of riots on the tea plantations, dock strikes in Calcutta' to delay shipping, and the difficulty to obtain coolie labor - to pluck the tea froin'the bushes, all bring hone to us the fact that the social unrest that has' been everywhere apparent since the war has spread even to the remotest tea gardens of India. .• Moonshiners In Greenock As well try to wash the spots off a leopard as reform some of the booze addicts. )Arhile banishment of the bar and total prohibition of the liquor selling business has been the greatest boon ever brought to this country through legislative measures' there are still a few in every consmunity who have the thirst and crave for alcoholic beverages, and will have it if it can be got by hook or crook. There are also • a .few more, who for the money that "-- • "Lig •-• • • --• • . , L. • • TURNBERRY • ' Miss Gladys Timm has returned after visiting for the past two weeks with Howick friepds. • Miss Emily King visited' last week Wroxeter with her sister, Mrs. S liar pi re A little daughter has arrived at the home of Mr, and Mrs. M. Sharpin. Mother and babe are doing nicely. We ate glad to report that Mrs. Hugh Wright is again able to be around, • -• Mrs, McEwen Ilea returned. to Clifford, after spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. H. Wright. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Kirton and son, Eldon, are spending this week with friends in Teronto, Mr. Wine Sharpin, a brother of Mr. Robert Sharpin, .has returned, to the West, after visiting friends in Ont. Mr, Harry Wheeler purchased a horse at Mr. 13. Ringler's sale. can be Made by selling real "Scotch" Mr. 'Lid Mr. Lyle Johnston of or making Canadian homebrew, en - Toronto, are visiting with friends in gage in it as a business, sometimes town. • carrying- on in broad daylight, and Mr. A. L. Posh:if of Wingharn, was sometimes 'only operating at night. in town on business ,Sa.turday. Recently there has been something Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McElroy of of an outbreak of inelyriety among Wallaceburg,• visited friends in town old-time lovers of the cup that cheers. over Sunday prior to taking up their While the outbreak is almost open, residence in Wingham where Mr. Mc- yet there is little clue as to the source Elroy Will conduct a grocery business. gf supply. 1,ike,the dimunitive "fin" Master Hugh Fraser has'taken a germ, the wet stuff seems to float position as junior clerk on the Bank about in the air, and some catch it and some don't. A recent occurrence how- ever, gave us some evidence as to the direction from which thei tipsy disease contagion reaches this burg. Out on Greenock hill one night, a disturbance was heard that is set down as a brawl between sellers and buyers of • booze. Not being bold enough to bring a con- signment right into town for distrib- thc Bruce Township moonshin- e.rs came to the outskirts, there meet- ing their patrons. Something happen- edihowever, that upset their booze cart, 'and, as much as •seveeal gallons may have, been spilled ;around .the roadway, brelten glassware .and stains in the snow showing such a disaster, had occurred.. Our deponent sayeth not 'whether the evidence is still there. It.might be expected that the boozy snowks 'banhaste been gathered tri, Melted, boiled down.and "sugared off.", The :men, vvh.o are debauching this ceenManity are apparently going the limiteee'r a' wbile, but are: about due for .4%8110w -down. .When the of-. ficial raerteilieve. been made 'had they latid in -the toil, these men need not expect ..arty•enercy.--PaisleY Advotate, of Hamilton staff. - The celebrated Jack Miner will give one of his famous bird addresses in C4mmunity Hall on Wednesday ev- ening, March ' , , • 50111-11VM1,111,2M17,0 447 •.&•• • • .01,11,Z PRICZ LIST , $147e1I Lilies Flour ,Ouality Flour (Blended) . Pat -a -Pan Flout, Pastry .... . Flour is 15e per bag leas in buyers' bags and • redttatIOn in five bag lots. Samson LoW Grade Flottr Peed riom,.. . , • We have a quantity of Spring WIIie.ar •'64 Thi,to :tile bus, It t suitable for sowing Riridol $1450 pet, 1)06; ' „,.0.7o per bag $3.50 per bap' ...90c per further Vie per bag ...$2.00 per hag . . .41.85 per bag nett t•OYi. tteri for seed, testing over alone or for a mitted 1640 1'4ii0111 11101.1t •tlIe0.1; Ali 11011C ' • • '''''011151ZONM • ,• rt 14141 (•• f., SODA a LUCiINOW Misses Ruth and Lillian Mitchell were home from Toronto to attend the funeral of theit grandmother. ,,Mr. Stuart Burns was home from Stratford Normal over the week -end. Misses Edythe and Phensie Irving spent a couple of days a.t the home of their sister, Mrs. A. G. Smith in Wing - Miss Annie Grant of Duluth, is vis- iting with her sister, Mrs. Carrick. ' There is every indication that a Creamery will be opened up in Luck - now in the near future. WROXETER Reeve Douglas is nt present sick with La Grippe. Miss M. Young, who has been sick, is a,ble to be around again we arc pleased to say. Miss Mary Harris left ou Monday to visit friends in Wingham for a few weeks. Owing to the soft weather the roads are in a bad condition, teaming being almost impassable, ' • A number from here took in the carnival at Gorrie on Thursday night last, and report a splendid time, Making Life Brighter „ If any little word of mitt can make one life the brighter; If any little song of ours can make •one heart the lighter; God help us speak that little word, and take our bit of singing, And drop it in some lonely vale, and Set the echoes ringing. Were 4q3oing Some" Two aeroplanes flying low and tries ening at a high rate of speed, passed over Listowel itt /0,39 Monday morn- ing. Aectird.ing to the daily press, they were piloted by General William aseiStant chief of the Amer- ican Alt Service, and Commander ChAttle, air attache of the Royal Air Voree, Dritisli embassy, Washington. 'rho two aviators were miroute front letrolt, Michigan to Catnp t orden, arid covered one hundred and ninety- five milein one liner Tin CI t ,trfiriti,- tes. • BELGRAVE Mr. Wade of Fordwich, spent a few days with his son, • Rev, jones•spent a few days in Tor- onto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mowbrayattended the funeral of a friend. in Teeswater last Saturday. Mr. Alex Porterfield spent last week in Goderich auditing the books of the County. Mr. and Miss Weir of Wingham, spent Sunday with Mrs. Sproat, Mrs, W. J. Geddes is spending a few days with her sister in Brussels. Mrs. Price and little son spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs, Proc- ter. Mr. Dave Duntiar lost a valuable horse last week. Armstrong and Scott each shipped a carload. Of hogs last week -end. FORDYCE - ' Mr. 'William Adair is at present threshingclover in this locality now at lelr. Peter •Leaver's. • The stdrk called at Mr. •Joseph Brophey's on Sundey and left a baby girl'. Congratulations Joseph. Mr. C. F. Martin reada business trip to London one day last,week. Sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Lawson of Clinton,- sister of Mrs. Thos. Robinson of Fordyce, who died on Thursday last at, her home, in• Clinton. Her' maiden uame being Miss Maitha Beadle. The liuslyand and two sons have the comnettait& sYmpatlay. Mr. Jas. Martin and his ritO e visited at -Mr. C F. Martiins orietu clay last. • ' Mr. Mark Gardner and Miss Vareei Tiffin visited at Fordyce° one evening recently. • BELGRAVE The entertainment held in the Metli- odist church., on Wednesday evening ast- at which Mr 'W. E. Cairns, Tor- onto, Elocutionist, took a prominent part, was well received by -a delighte'd audience. His selections were excel- lent, especially his broad Scotch of the war poem type, inarked by syrnathy, tenderness and' insight as only a sold- ier seems to be able to give them. Some of the numbers had musical trowiktios4:4,10004iiimig4.014.1,41k1*.ologi*Ilotwinimafastoo.not, n't Forget the pening • . 'at Worms Shoe Slino Parlor) onalayo d pr1/414 211:Rd6 Plenty ofMLe .444444/41*•440** ara'aftlitZetztuieNtimmaiiiiimizthiiiirameamalimando f , good two story dwelling with Stable ort lot, Will be Sold cheap wind, tip an esta16. Abner CoAens Ittasuratice & 'Real ietatc Thursd4y, March .rpt. • 10a3 , • un,,,11,11ammulemaigr.m....g.....11+4.1:,,,04......simarzo le ;,•!!!••.,, tie 1,1 • accompaniment, the latter being ip the deft hafids of Miss Maude Bell of last week, There was a good at - Choice solos were eertderecl by leliss tendance and a number of new mem- Nora VanCanap, Miss Annie Geddes hers joined the sogiety: The debate, "Resolved that Electricity is More Beneficial to the Farmer than Gaso- line," was closely contested, the de- cision being given in favour of the affirmative Other items on the pro - '1' • Can Be Re F ootwea aired fiery Satisfi tOrilY We put on NEW SOLES by the NEW Method which we guarantee to STICK also we put on patches that give satisfaction. • Consult tf$ before throwing away'rubbers.-- it may mean a worth while saving. No long tedious waiting in our. Repair Dept., all work done promptly and in many cases "while you wait. - 11:•• The Lev,di gSot Stcre o e 129. intron C yettattraill'illeilMeflatIleer leetiff,Ari' 11,e,iniit leek', "eieelreit Ilmarcominms=1;=,iMume le mgleant, 01f1., • irlettlefieeleitit leteltilleit1111144,ei;• inommuipiiiimill 111 1111111161111011 111011,t111a1n11 itt 51 T itt Itt" its ittetiiromi 111 iimittottolirqlt 15 D MRS. WHITFIELD,COMMANDING OFFICERS'2.4 WHERE yOU WILL GET 1K • 'ar--• WELCOME WIrFERE BROKEN HUMANTI'Y PLACEIS, REMODELED " ( • WHERE BUSINESS IS TRAINSACTEI? FOR ETERNITY -.• No ay Prayer Meetings Feb. -12 to ar. --- SERVICES SUNDAYS AT Tx 2.30 and 7. 11 i1 iV-llllllt at funnolivatitnit tin!! lit du aimitaitlivaili, togoomit boat II 11 tti, '711, arialmt=ifunntatemet=r4annew.........taxamsoncato and Rev, Mr. Peters. Lan o Hope" was he title of a pleasing ladies' trio rendered by Mrs. (Rev.) Jones, Miss Bell and Mrs. (Rev,) Peters. Mes- dames Jones and, Peters gave a duet that found favour. The accompanists for the evening were Miss Hattie Procter aadri\liss Eugene Geddes; who always do well. Altogether the even- ing was a'inost enjoyable one: The financial proceeds were for the Mis- sionary department Of the League. WHITECHURCH • Mr. Harold Snarling has beep under the doctor's care for the past week-, , • Mr, and Mrs. Robert' Mowbray at- tended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Wocks.t Teeswater, O'1 Satttrday last. , Mrs, Wesley Leggitt and ehildren ' are here attending to her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. John 14lowbray, ' who are both very ill with the cold - Mrs. King and her three children of Brussels, are visiting with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. McCall for a few weefifs$ AsBertha MacKay of WMgharri, spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Will Rintota of Wingham, vis- ited for a 'few days last week with her father, Mr. John Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Luce Grain and son, Orton, spent Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Thos. Gilmour of Turnbcrry Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Browning of Kin- cardine, spent the week -end with her . parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Cottle, Mr, Wesley Leggatt Bluevale. spent Sunday at Mr. John Mowbray's. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Moore ancl • babe of Luck:now, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Jas, Moore, On account of the illness of Rev. Mr. Seobie, there wCte tl0 services in the Presbyterian chureli hero on Sunday. Dancan Kennedy eXpects his first bunch of baby chicks on Monday. We 'understand there is not to be a beef ring at Whitechurch this year. • gram wereeciforuses a recitation, sol- os, and violin, selections. After which a humorous journal yeas read by Mr. Jas. Hardie. It was decided that the Literary Society would hold a box social in March, The meeting, was then brought to a dose. by singing God Save The Kin" GLENANNAIT Mr, and Mrs. Walter Haggai). of 'Jasper, Alta , is visiting with the lat- ter's sitter, Mrs, Wm. H. Marshall. MISS Annie IVIetcalfe, who has been working in Kincardine for the past yeat, has retttrtted to her home here. Mads Net1i lVfeKagtie of Teeswater, a fornier teacher, who taught on the ninth line, has been renewing old ae- qta..-"netane.es itt these parte,. Jas. L Scott visited at Win, M1. 811aeai ll's ircn?rlibitelrY• Quito took in Mr. Chas. Aitken'e sale on Thursday last. Mr, and Mrs, Sam Aitarshall, have been visiting in these parts bc- fore returning to London. The February meeting of thio ttGIen Annan Literary Society" ‚wait held in the se,Fioollionse Ott Thmsday evening iretwewliimMIT0N201=2=me. 1 . .1 113111.9.7111,2=0 L. f'.1 1, 04, 5 e• 1110-" iV"i••=1" Itiar's---i 41 j ` ' - • "'wri 11"-""'"'""...... il•••44ifi.• .'r - .10.s'_ WA, '411 I MP II -r,z11;1 11 -11 • qifi‘ ..11( -,fes .111 ,ft,Prir ,"ti• Forty years ago Canadian triothers were baking pies in -X-lappy • ThOught Ranges. And all through thewotnierint erhvaevneinbg e eyne arspreparing Caria deal atte HPAanid,„PaYenc5Imdhb:iliaogtihttcarimpalliPtoei daily meals and baking that delight- Frnaces for larger hortes. ful pastty,for whieh the Canadian hmovoenes,is .firrnhoruees inhuinitdaeliepay tThlo-Tlsuanghdt Iitakiy Thought leaters Canadian homes have 'been ma bring real comfort into 1,rtahP130Yub:Fiht:t):11:3.1,e'ryhoeur4ghst:atteg,:esiy the stove-heate house. hom? You are entitled to good • results from your baking., (act them , hy doing your work 44, appy' Appearance,Waterreservtir or water - oven, good eoceldng atirface, excellent desirable feature —fuel economy, easy regulation, steady heat, large front as deitd—and all those little labor.aviagattaelutntathat Mean . Ien't this the range you want layout. THOMPSON At Ht/C ANAN so vetch. 1 I 411,1 itt • ;• ni.11,4,eme,v1.44,14,,,Inalloon14.11.11.01..00lted „ •,.., „... steiha, eeeeeeeeimeeeseeeeee,,teeieeetee4,0,0eate ,141 • i414,4,,o440,,rikoroto. •.„4