HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-01, Page 51
1 .,..!1TP.W:11t: It'IM7Ifo; II 1
1Y Et, Of. B.
Pleases the most eitct4ting tastes.'
,41 1i -- Eco air "—,P. rjt -- Flar°
.,ttivoriers Assured.
MM MMM giOM 114111PIE
Ladies' Horne Journal Qu early,
1$c .with. Pattern,
nixie Journal PaitteU e
eec, : 30c, 35e,
We have passed
I . into
to stock ,..• s 1paents of New SpringGoods 001TY1,11 all the latest effects ct:.
Dress Goods,;
Silks, Giii k1at�1)s �han`ibr
g � a s`Voile-Rat.'.
in ..s, Organdies, MullsEnibro '
Mulls, Laces, OIC1e11eS; etc,
Sia °�
� earliment
is well
stocked e
now with S%sits))
gs, Cottons,
Cottonades,Prints, '
gs , She tit) s G aliteas
, Curtain Material. Prices o
Cottons.are up wholesale, Our Prices are clown re-
• Corsets
Hosiery and GI ves
1'i v
.e u
- .,,. just .O eYletl upall _ that z
. P l is new for
S ;ring;.in' the best
p � makes of Corsets, 1-ioszei
�7 and
Our vel
rtes are the best.. . -..
n new•patterns rand• guaranteed. One
large dray load 'of Oilcloths Lino . t eums and C.at9gol-.
emir Rugs hist opened. Prices the.lowes:t.
'See our range of ;ladies'' new Spring Coats, eor
� �O �e� cloth
Are important meting of Presby
inns ia, bexlrg.held this week in :dor
tb It. is ,thi.,,lr4restern, that is the A
erlean , S,aetroia of the Pan -Presby,
tan Coupe 1 of the World.• 'The pro
name =is'the' ;:Alliance df Jiefor
'Churches. Holding the . Presbyter
°$ysterfe Nine brine, es are eeptetient-
ed.,'the variety agreeing in the m
witli.the` rother�•chttrehe's of•Scrrtla
Gci any and: the 'Netherlands. T
divis;oor iaetwecn the north aw so
in 'the United States accounts for t
churches.' `1i1Bi have practically'
sa,tne a ;reed and form of governnte
'Ins 189,2' 'the World °Alliance metToronto. .
"'lie Baptist-. Church in Georgetow
Qnt',d has celebrated the 75th' anniv
$art'. The firth pastor was Rev, Jo
Clank; wire 'thought idthing',taf We
ter -
N•' .ing fourteen triiles .on his Sunday to
ase "fit io' 'Guelph 4n special occasiot
piresetie eliriech 'Was 'opened' in
9� ,187o and recently a pipe -organ has
been ' installed. During' its history
( ,nineteen . pastors have followed in.
{fit 1 "Apoatolre succession," the ;present
minister being Rev. James H. ,Moore,
1 This church is a good illustration of.
the wry the Smaller town and count
charges° ate feeders of the city co
geegations and churches of the we
It is said'that enough of its for
'members coiild :be "'gathered togeth
in Toronto to "form ,a fairly large co
gregation. One noted' minister=Re
P, K. Dayfoot, Port Colborne --w
baptized there, belonging to one
the original families.
Greater New v has 5400 churc
es, . but it can scarcely' be• called
church -going 'community with a'pop
lation. of .millions and' one one -quart
of a million on a average are; prese
at' service, Roman Catholics lead
the number of places of worship, the
in order come'the Protestant Episco
al, Lutheran; Methodist, ''Presbyteri
Baptist,' Dutch, Reformed, Je yis
Congregational and Unitarian.
rcev, J. P. . B'erry;'+astor of Searboro.
Avenue 'Methodist Church, Calgary,'
liar' `with the 'aid' of his leading' Work -
;taken a Unigiie way of setting`
forth facts' 'r'ega'rding the church in
the world 'Th'e 'church' {vas "put' on
trial. t Court 'Was 'opened with `a r -:
p p e,
siding judge and other officials. Tine
Piisonet, was" of 'course—that is the'
Christian.' church was in the dock:'
while witnesses in 'native costume,
red' man from theplains; an Africa
IIindoo Japanese and Chinaman, tes
ified. Tfie'"#'act`' was :established Ilia
the prisbdc r t has neglected his dui
en and opportunity' Ore':the one • hen
the number of*missionaries.' is alt
°+gether' too• diriall to •overtake the' *or
ed• ,and the' Christians at : home. too` pen
f urious to supply -the means of Sherif'.
the •benefits'of»the gospel with • ti
luth; 4i' per et.rat..;of, those at clN
were ruin' arid $f t; r ct,nteskert w
earnrersfl, ,1 ;sae P.
"Diversitrl o Giftsr,x ;S a seri) s'li'er`
terms bf ever i"wldenit,g , ' a'p>lt1it titlpra;
"roria trine to tithe: a 5crvant of,ttte
Lord appears rn the'e,lturch 011111 a 1i w
diversity+'of 'some h d 1 gift, of !:a
one.i Rey..'L cape Watson ,Fpa,rri rid l
his: Ielystic" Mieeion," xs ;i case °'fr{
point. He' is not prinr.ariJy a' °"Divine,
Healer," .or! a pit tua'list," blit aco--,
pinplishes these and other lilessinga
by rea.licing conditions, whi'eh,.gire
printery The rxiystic ii .aanio�rNN1 yvhic ',
is betwixt Christ andIis Chuck °is;
the fact otit of Which. all p4'uier'9^ and
blessingscome to the ' needy, This
"Mystic Mission," therefore` takes the:
for of a "Church Myatical Unitize',"
The�;'hoinan :elements such as crOveds,`
advertising -and noise are at a Mini-,
mum, while membership in the 'unitan
depends, upgn fidelity, self -elimination
and Mural/ration. Power in the church
is thus neni`.fested. The 'menace of the::
""loaves and fishes,"' in divine healing,.]
jbrat is, the desire for relief :from,sick..
1 ness Instead '2f rteli�re tapce frons ,sin,
;PO; seertetii e I o {'q'l•' ie ! T '" r" e
" `INtki,`Epa�'a l4tarch %ll r�
is are : 'auger in the church. The
"`Cointhunion of Souls" has, become
unnerving and aims' to give carnal
comfort' at the expense of, higher vel -
nes and hence there is a ` caution as
well to have great':, reserve in 'this 1
realm. A, ,few facts about Rev.Leslie
Watson Feeler, who is now -visiting in
nthe 'United States, ands conducting: a
st. ' Mystic Mission," at St: Marks -in -tire-
me, Boniverie., Episcopal: Church,. New
ere York, • ill throw light upon< the *sub-
ject .:'As a` youth in England he' ex
v. perienced more than an average share'
of trial; . Ils'`, univeisif c
as y' nurse was
b illness. ofY s. Then later by' an
accident on the football field, his reed-
ical;co'arse had•to -be abandoned; Ii ,
a still further 'misfortune,' in a motor'
a car; he suffered partial loss of eye-
sight; Thus being forced to sound the
er, depths of life's'mystery.- found *health''
'lf of f body indirectly.' through a' search
n for' unify with God.: Ti him' the way
leads first •to' e'orrinim-don? With' God
n` and their: to the ' health 'ofebod r.
an, his, recot3 On
ety of-strengtlz•1ie renounced
the'clearest light wheit.`he said: "We
want a real Sunday;not a parson's
on s
day, nor a"sportsinans day, but the
people's day!"
RA kir.
Editor Winghatn• Advance,
•Dear Sir -r:'
X has been intimated ated to me that- a
a'eport is being circulated that I re-
cently stated that I believed that the
very., bright 'worldly prospects for Church was not ripe
holy ,orders and for: threeP for Union. r ct-
years at' St sire. to categorically deny the correct -
Johns, Westminster, London, he has ness of any,=such re:ort-
been allowed 'to O use his spiritual' ,gift Ever P
As -
in p since` the: meetin � o t
g £ he
. his own .way. '',So clear has been sernbl of izr 'I'
Y 2 I have held firrnIy to
the call that witfr the approval of the the opinion that not o
Bishop of London A only is: the. church ,
p Alla. '-
Sain '
t s'Chiir ripe
London, ch pe for Union, but that any'de at
Bloomsbury, `has"•:been assigned' ,'. as' inI y forp
-delay's sake,or any delay the' hope 1
the "place where the, Church of bringing,ng
Mystic b i ginb ,together the'negotiating
Union,"will`'' exereig an
se its =mission; churches in an other scheme
Some of his topics are "The yeme than
Tie Wilder- that -of organic unioin would
,,, , . "The .seriously
ness Initiation,"
endanger tl
Process Power," and the interests of true religion in"
the. country,
There was a time duringthis long
period of negotiations, when I con
Parade a
ion ofower, and "The Sac -
u, red Society of:the Spirit."
Irish Presin teians'
'y are peacemak-
; They.have come. first among the
'. churches in presenting' an' address' of
welcome to Mr.Healy, the. Governor-
- ,Generalof the 'Free The mod-'
erator, Dr:^ Strachan, 'and Dr. Lowe;'�
gclerk of the General Asseinblyy,'a-p-
le "peered at the: `cede -regal lodge with
worrd at • large; One point of -evidence
® *ssibtiritted was" that $Soo from emery'
rest styles n) d f best and newest colorings. ® member per year of the church' would
provide ° equipment to evangelize 'the
Boots and -Shoes
We are showing a nice range of the:best inakes
WI of Footwear" in. Women's, Misses',. _MViei'1's and Boys'
at money saving prices.
Men's and i. ys' Clothf , g
r New Spring Suits are now on the racks, take a
yricrlook at our largerange of all .lines of clothing, Prio-
es are away down.
111111116111111g NUN GB
s.,t;2.rt1W 7,41P
VP` Ce>_JMITM.\100•L0.%lG /1. W(Fli1-WI. ► '.1,45Ag d .1,2,1 Ct\o • J@l!l
ani gm=
This time under t e-rowners> p of
the for IIilll a r roprIet F r, Mr, , Jrl lea
Galbraith. m ,.
continued for the next two weeks in
order to make room for
which are aa'
�t@d �rrivin
3 E
kid I to'laY,h 4ii7tn
a� a'%e$aFa„a�IPra',t/yin Y\n 6`�'nY�1n '7�•' . ,�y;
or gage "Ad," plc used' to" tltiiiII" so Fifty years ago
This is the age of advertising. , Ife
.v+' to blowetlt not his owns horn, the,
me it shall stat be blown. It 'pays,
too, You have often wondered what
ose of the bit ati*I, oust iti•tirc snaf u-
'Lulea.. erd's.�,a secret; .tt Costs
W tly 15, •>f'or a full page, ad in
colors on the back Hage of 'the Ladies''
I-J:oniei Journal d,�`o, Aot for a year
for cine issue, You thin) it madness
that 'it .
i. anncent o to r i I•
f ti ,o..
o e,. Pe
there was not a hard headed business
matt who wouldn't have fallen off his
chart' if ' ho had been asked to pay
$r5,006' for one. adVeiitisertreitt, Yet
men compete now to secure in
vance t
YRilt'tG Lig;t for positions 0.t these
high prices, 'business Otert have learn
cd that it pays to spend tnoney in ad-
vertising because that, in the long
run, is the most effective and least et..
penshro way to sell gcod'a,--VanCi tiv-
cr.. int+ orld,
World in tthis, generation. At the close
of the trial it was agreed that the dra-
inane art can be a valuable servant in
the church to bring out truths and
create interest. •. ,.,
This . week. district .meetings of • the
Methodist Church are being - held ria •
Brantford and Stratford Ther pro-
gram of the former gathering' will
consist' of two addresses •by, Rev Dr
Speer of Dundas,' and discussion. His:
subjects are."The Holy Spirit'in Hurn-
an Salvation," and. the "Holy Spirit.
in...World Movements;" In. the latter
,city the recent legislation of the•Gen-
en•al; Conference' affecting the Super-
annuation Fund, Religious Education
and other subjects will be considered,
by Iocal ministers, . ands live-, topics'
such as: "Evangelism,;.Throughs-the
Year and Throughout the Chtir•ch,".
"Financing' ,the Church;.` and -. "New
Features for the Prayer Meeting," de-
bated.' '
Robert McQueen of Kirkwall, Ont.,'.
'will not attendany more meetings of•
the Geaerai' Assembly of the Canada
Presbyterian Church He passed away,
aged'*188,. after four 'days', illness with
pneumonia and was honored is death,
by the ?itrgest funeral ever held in'.
the neighborhood. The reference is
made to : his annual attendance at the
Supreme Court of the Church, fre-
quently as a valued commissioner and
often at his own expense as a visitor.'
That gives an insight into his char
acter and service in the church: -It,
would be hard to find among men, one
`who 10 a truer sense obeyed his Mas-' ,
ter in giving up all things to be a dis-
ciple. He taught .;' school thirty-five''
years in the school 'of his birthplace'
was an elder in the church sixty=six'
years, and for forty years walked
every Sunday to ,Valens, a neighbor-
ing village,
eighbor•-ing-village, to teeelea Bible class: 'He
was a -nretnbthe Bthle -
iety,'. having been an officer for half a
century,lifeAlwayser a; friendof to his ro;Sliiisoc-
ter, constantly visiting-tlte sick, and;
'by great .:liberality, .supporting the
church, he was krxown rad loved, •A
younger brother'is a former moder-
ator 'of the General Assembly, ,Rev,
D. C.i McQueen, D. D,, of Edmonton,
Notes --Rev. 5. H. Jowett, London,
England, has been,; compelled to give
up, both literary work and preachieg.
Rabbi J L. Dworsets of New York
has denounced using an automobile to
'attend synagog; ,as Sabbath brealciiig,
indignant members with more liberal
vihws recently locked the adore
against him,. Ail the highlanders ,are
notray, anKtrigi-unistojnnists,'al
forme;rer, MM.•MaederatorGill,tro-;f::
Assembly, *Htea We/letter: "Join the
majority tuid'reach`"out for the great
coestintmatio,n ".The clergy in .Atlanta,
Ga., are alat1tied at the fact that; ne
day ',lately`theie 1verE a5''' dtvort es
granted and, trot a single Marriage;
they ,�iave 'agreed tis"'refuse officiating
at ther'weddiit'` of'atry, person 'flivorc-
eduniess the cause was infidelity,
Winnipeg! Presbyterian Chinches ' are
showing great!' strbiigtb; l<noe:, the
mother of them ati, with 5152 inetrt-.
bets raised ,415 ,ono; 'Westininstet save
and ,toyxiv J x�., t 7Lfl t,.y $45)=0t1 4.;,-f.John 1R. Mott has: roomed .Dt a ued tinier 'bis
fifth trip to the mission fields of the
Far Vast; intellectually, he says, the
people are in a new world, and the
rnissionxriet have the greatest cyppdrh
tttnit3r. lir a''ieligioue stlrveyr of tee
their good. wishes .They' were 'then
invited t� dine, and a' writer to the
London Times comine nts favorably on
the fact that a church' centred princ
ipelly' ill Ulster has. lost no time in
presenting its'gooclevishes,.
The County Council of 'London, -
England"; is -opening the public parks
for. Sunday games has not won over
the objectors. .'Since' last. May it has
*been on trial rand recently a mass:
meeting; which• is" said 'to -have over-
flowed •• Queen's Hall several' times;
over, 'Showed the magnitude of 'the.
opposition :Ad.dresses:were, delivered
by members of parliament, represent-
women and, the clergy, 'Rev:
Dr. Gillae ' probably set .the case in
' call • foe ao avablc4, Ce► va reti,bl't
aperient) tbs hobo' and• cstren„ there
teet ottsina.6f d:;eet:on and eerie
nation, ere rows Appetites 1R .Sieves'
CS,t7¢th ,,tion
Clef n jsed'3n vsr
artaC ears
Yotsr, aayc a,4c tivt"?.
Druggist x I
hips e»f p fr1ue OMMock
IV's JiSGdi0Rs---eittfeWe
one-third the regular dope.. Made
of same ingredients, ,then candy ,
e r coated in ar !ehildrert and adults,'
ren �s -
Sold by J Welton;McKibbon ,
Dr; .' H. McInnes
Qualified Graduate
Adjustments givep for diseases of
all kinds,, specialize in dealing *iiia
children. Lady attendant, N 1 g h 1
calls responded' • to. .
Office on ' Centre St., Winghem
Ont., (in' house of Mrs,.; H. Dulls).,
Hours, 2 to 5.3o p. in Evenings 7 to
fl p. ns. and' by alpointrnent Phone.
OS1'EOPAT.kf%.0 ,,'k'$TCA11 .
l lectrielty
411 diseases tweeted.
Office adjb1hhtg iesideisee, Centre
Street, rilatY Aug/lean! Church, "(fonts;
arty Dx, 11sYtikcZ#oii'it1i1's
Office ope'n et+iy pfay� �t eept,;eiacli,
9:'oitday and "Wildttttesday •afteilioott
Correttiy, PittQ
1,12'R,4,:fl.p is
fess I was impatient -with the Anti -
Unionists and regarded them as pur-
suing a course not only unjustified
but wh ch . want to
'frankly say that I have changed my
anind on this point. I do not think
that the long delay has been wholly
injurious. The 'church in thus pro-
ceeding with extreme deliberaeion, has
shown its desire to consider the feel-
ings and indeed, the peejudices—if
niay use the word without offense—
of the brethren opposed to Union
But now, while I am. unwilling to
wound or grieve - brethren in ou
'church who do nCt see,eye to eye'Witl
complain of conditioes just now, as
me regarding,the necessity for churcl
- though they had. never passed through
A glimpse of the London, uron 8z Bruce train, during; the re
cent snow blockade... The train is just emerging from the.subway at
Lucan Crossing. , On the right is an ice bound, snow covered house
oir Josephine St., Wingham: This house is gexserally: banked' witl,...
flowers in :summer.- time.
R. J, Bueglass, Lucknow; F.
D. Cam-
Lucknow; ,Jas. H. Clinton, Kin-
cardine: John E. Currie,' ; Wi -ham,
Harry C. Dore Wingham ;
Durnin, Goderich; Jos. W, Dyer
Goderich;: Geo. A. Elliott, R, s, Wing-
Victor R. Evans, Bayfield; Chas.
M. Ewing, Winghan'i Lorne S. Far-
rell, Teeswater; Jas. M.:.Finelo R.
Lucknow;; Alf. Chas. F'owier, Wing -
ham; Norman. M. Geddes, 33elgrave;
Everett H. Glenn, Wingbam; Robert
W. E. Hall, R. 7, Lucknow; Wm. E.
Harwick, Kincardine; Wm: Roy Ir-
win, R. x, Ripley; Frederick- R. Ken-
ney, Teeswater, (now near Holyrood);
Alex F. King, Bayfield; Chas, J. Mac-
Gregor, R. 3, Lucknow; Wm. D,'M' Mac-
Leod, Leod, R. 3, Lucknow; Eugene T:'Mar-
tyn, Ripley; Robt. W. Macintosh,: R.
3, Lucknow; Lester G: Ninimo, :R: 2,
Ripley; Alfred,L. Posliff, 'Win harn;
Albert V. Shackleton!. Wingharn;
etou, 'R: x, Dungan-
non;Gordon A. Shewfelt, Kincardine;
Carman n E; Stothers, ther
o s, R, 7, Lucknow;
John Cannon Stothers, R. e, Lucknow;
Jas.. Currie Thompson, Teeswater;', El-
don H. Twamley, R. e, Lucknow; Wil-
ber G. Walden, R. 4, Ripley; Andrew
Wallace, Wingharn.
Newspapers As Tree Devourers
Any Canadian newspaper of roo,000
circulation uses up about 25o spruce
and balsam trees for its daily news-
print paper supply, says the Canadian
Forestry ASsociation. Several of the
big Anaerican Sunday editions are re-
sponsible for stripping each week fif-
teen tb twenty acres apiece of Canad-
Cheer Up
Our business men are inclined. to
union, and while I veould do every
thing possible to win therni to my way
of 'thinking, I have come to, the solemn
Conviction that the lirnit of delay
ha -6" -been -reached gad that
there is nothing 'now for the church
to do but to march steadily forward,
along lines of constitutional proced-
ure; to consummate what believe
will be an event which will be fruit-
ful in spiritual life and vigor, and
Which will greatly advance -the King-
dom of God, in our country and the
land overseas.
I am going to resolutely cherish
Ithe hope that, however deep may be
their affection for the old , church in
whose history and in whose service
we glory, the vast majority of those
Whom we now call Anti -unionists will
come to feel that on the whole they
will gairi infinitely' more than they
give up by moving into, Union.
, Yours truly
-Charles W. Gordon.
St. Stephen's church,
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
' February seethe 1923,
Department of Education Issues List
of Ontario Teachers Who Served
in the War
' We art, this week in reeeipt of
neat volume issned by the Depart -
mem of Education of Ontario, con-
tainin,, the names so far as these
teachers, wild. Saw active service in
any military. or naval capacity. „Be-
sides the naine of the teacher there is
nient, the certificate held, the date of
enlistment, hit final military rank, She
end with which he served, where he
served outside of Canada casualties
and decorations, ie any, with the dates
and naines of engagements associated
therewith, and finally the date of dis-
At t re rea o the war there
were'„engaged hi the schools of OM-
ario, 2288 'male teachers and about
'25o 'Men 'were aitendaget At the
professioaal training schoole, Natur-
ally many of these were unfit for
military service. The Roll of liolior
contains 848 names, ancl the-enumber
whe lost their lives was I01. 01' the
atllerS 210 were wounded, The detor-
ationi awarded to teachers, or for
which they were recoremended total
Of taose NTb1ho saw seevite 355 re,
turned to the teachingeprofession tin
being discha,rged. Besrdes 226 other
teaelling peotetstbe. by special courses,
between the years tpx0 and Tont,
T110 Minister'Of Education explains
that it is not prretended that the roll
cornpietc, nut every reasoname et -
1'01.1 was made to seetire the detired
qc'tv, Lteknow; Harvey 11-041g,
this period of the year before. Feb-
ruary is 'generally recognized as the
dullest month in all the yea.r with the
possible • exception of August. It is
just between seasons and the weather t
may be depended upon to he unset- t
Cheer up Mr. Business Man! This '
February has been no worse than the r
Vebrua.rys of the past and the spring
is going to be the greatest we have a
ever known. So cheer up, and get busy t
laying lines for March trade. If you I
will use the head on your shoulders a
I to plan and mak-e ready. for that trade, w
instead of sitting around the store and t
within sixty days. It's up to you to a
growling about poor collections and c
, slack trade, you'll get -your reward p
R Ways. To Advertise
A Western eve-nee/rat
nnlak prac-
tice tice of .painting.; religious lines on.
a'ocks and fences along, public.high-
ways. ' One ran,"'What will'you
when you die?"
Along came an advertising man and
painted under, it: "Use Delta " Oil;
Good for burns."
Asbestos is a fibrous nlix
teral; that
can be spun and: woven into falxiPes
as fine as- silk, which; are :.unaff
by temperatures of from. 2,000 to`3,OO
degrees F. It is found in; layers,, fill-
ing fissures in " certain serpentinepentin�
ticks, It is believed thats
when .
rock was forming and e
g stili hot, water
penetrated aid
P c the fissures; Widened them
and dissolved some.of the silk and
a .
magnesia. On drying, these crystal-
as a hr
vd ate silicate ,:
d rlicate of rtrap;ves-
ia, forming thread-like crystals
iii ys S build-
ing up from opposite wails of the fis-
sures and meeting'in the middle,
Isn't It Funny?
That a man who thinks
He is a business man,
Will get up in the morning
From an a.dvertised mattress,.
Shave with an advertised razor,
And put on advertised underwear,
Advertised hose, shirt, collar, tie anal
Seat himself at the table, and
Eat advertised breakfast food,
Drink advertised coffee or substit te,
Put on an advertised hat
Light an advertised tiger,
Go to his place of business and.
Turn down ad•vertishag
On the ground that
Advertising' doesn't pay ,
Oppose Blue -Water Highireay
Huron County Council threw a
monkey wrench into the machinery
hat has been running so smoothly
oward the designating of the lake
The road named was to be- an integ-
al part of the proposed Blue Water
1-lighwayt and is already designated
o it being widened was manifest at
he meeting of the count tau .1 d
nother objection raised was that it
ould come under the fult controk of
he province if designated at a provilt-
ial road. The province would pay So
cr cent. of the cost of construction as
provincial road and only do per cent
s a provincial county road.
The Farmers Fertilizer Co. Li
11- lar tilizers
S it hie -7or Ail Crops
Our goods art guaranteed to be in perfect niechanical condi,tioni
There have been several libellous Statements made regard.
lug thle CompanY, which are absolutely false, evideittlY loade with
a 'view to hurt our Isttsirietss. However you will find us delivering
the goods.
The Farmers Fertilizer C Limited
THOMAS 'TAYLOR, Seenetary-Treasure
USE LIS aglUoirr actIon
.1 ening with a sioW or hat o;ireri,