HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-03-01, Page 3„I. l•1;:11; ,., • .' , • •• **oh, . • .• • ,••.. • .wx'ADik,ir,411014 777 ,11 7:77:17";;"•,..:1:2;•Vr77.-Frp 0,11 ;t1111:1•,”"Ir. 71'1 vt, sop ,!4ro: icipoitrookosnor-.0$010.1 -ILLS' WEEKLY, S: TORE- NEWS'' Speelal reOuellOaS of.01111 Wiziter •,e6OdS, ,e1 order to Patalie-r Oat Ittlir New Spring! 0.00!ds 411( lines glituSt' be cleared, tOatImigs,,•DresS * 0041s; Sweaters, oslery,, Underwear, etc. *- EOTANY SERGE- An Exti,a fine quality all gti min ,Wool English I3otany Serge, an.exoellept vs -eight ri f Or . dresses 56 inches vvide Navy only Reg. El p3.79 Tvr "7 I' tt117'!! t:""•!.E.tle". .102.49- yd. * ..11/44AV‘i GA1E3ERD1NE Heavy 'BngUsh Gaberdine with a 6ine even wealve, made from ail wool Botany yarns Very speci,a1 value at thlw, low price 56 inches wide Reg. $3.75 for $2.4p yd. re. .f. SERGES-7-Cardinal and, green all Wool serge, a most desirable fabric that vvi,11: give splendid vtrear .54 in. wide, st)ecial .1.69 yd. COATINGS—Tsveeds, Velours and, Home-spuns at great sa;ing prices reduced to half price at .... , 2,25, 2.50, 2.75 DRESS FLANNELS Fine 'all wool itriported, dress flannel, an exceptional quality for dresses, etc., 54 in. wide, co,lors •Navy, Cardinal, Paddy and Rose at yd. W'SILK--Natura,1 color Pongee Silk,. free from dit:es,,,ing, exceptional value, 34 in., special 1.19 yd. m s a UNIDERVVEAR — Men's, Ladies' and Chilciren'.§ T.Jnde-rwear greatly l'educed, All other lines reduced to special prices Remnantt half prices-. . re, I,1 ,117, •pt • ' Ws, At" et, 0• ..`"-'1911litlillitillill11112111011193111MtkqiN111113111431111311111411111,111E11111111111i1111111111 1111111121111ai,IIILIIIIIh • ,11 f1:11, le We have Some odds and ends left in Books which are nowon sale, Books regularly priced at 50c are oi.sae at 35c each or 3 for $1.00, I3oblts i7egu1ar1y priced 75c on 'sale at 45c. • A U. Boys' atid Girls' Aiintials, Cliutris. etc. priced at $2,00 to 3.50 while they last at 1.25 each. " • "StatignerY, a National and Grand Trunk , 1311111111El1114111;1,11 111;411111111lE1111111111 Magazines. Town Ticket Agent Canadian @ Railways, ocean Tickets via all lines, MMMOIMUMEMOMEMMM MOIMOMEMMIM IflIIM4MM • 11 l 11 trivi ill it e aitiane rea ry 11 -J Operated by the United Farnlers Co- perative Co. "rt is a.hopeful sign when. Co -Operative organizations through .,such bad. tinies are still sticking to ,their work helping to stabilize farming and trying to placedt on a firm foundation." ' • Hon. Manning »oherty at Grimsby, Feb. ieth. FARMERS -Bring us your cream and help, us to help you by getting •• you the ;highest price for .yout product. ' gemsanoveftemottiamibliect44,2=000.04=440N.garikdegnmasitamoistiFsigannouttamnasmotammmtvollimmuommonmirmeeneRs plannamairometrammartamoreffleoffmnarth, • roramotamasiaiimatomitaimmitausserenneasemluge.umennumixamgrartsormmantomnurzemnen, He' Probably Will , Deer Mester Editor"! "1 got yonr ;letter about what I owe you. Now ;••ba pachunt,. 1 ain't forgot yor-Please wait. When sitm fools pay me, I pay. " you. If this Was judgment day" alid you. wuz no more prepared to Meet your Maker Maker as, 1 an to meet your ac- count, •you Sure would have to go: TruSting you will' do this. Hard School Taxes and .Seats • . Hard School benches are now advaa. . tied as the cause of spinal curvature. ItitereSts with ettshione t�efl must ,beadsrocating uptiolstery as an aid to • healthand edtteatioii. Scheel abenehes oflong ago were :. harder 'than •ro.elts, 9.1tere wetild not .be a straight' spine in Canada' today if 1 the abSell,te of OtiShiens could have: . curved •the Spines of this nation's ' youth. h'Scheel taica ;are doing niore to cal-rvatIre the. debit 'cOwnllis 0,± . ,;'' : texpa.yera bank , accounts that 1 t • e,cliool seat e will ever do to curvature. , 1r the spinal coluitills of the taxpayers', . , „ g•,...tratige Disease Attacks 'Poultry '• i • _erne strange ds_a_e that sprca_s ftke1Vil"dfire among poultry. flocks in the cityof'Xitchetier,, is"causing grave • alarm atnzg Iocttdtiy fattei,era, . • „ Already nearly one hondred chickens from various flocks have been victims of the epidemic. Perhaps the heaviest loser is Martin Mikel, the well known poultry fancier, who has lost practic- ally the entire flock of his best show stock, Mr. Mikel refused to put an estimate on the birds lost so far. He stated that post-mortem exam- ination of the dead birds reveals the fact' that their throats become choked tip with a thick greyish matter, slight- ly colored with dark red blood. • With- out :warning they suddenly show signs of heavy breathing and shortly after enter the death struggle and topple over, The disease started in. a new bird which Mr. Mike' had imported. The bird had scarcely arrived and been placed in the, pea before it showed signs of the diSeaSe, and hi about an hour later was dead. The next day the disease had taken a grip on the rest of the flock and was rapidlY spreading, Only ten ok the flock are left atid Mr, Migel &dares that with- in 24 hours they will likely he gone. • Other flocks thropghout the city are aimilarily affected, arid the c'Adcita- te is aprea mg with such rapidity that the foeal Ponitry Association will likely take the matter tip with the, atilhorities at the Gnelph,Agriettltural College with it view to finding some vvay and means of docking it. wieiereeeienetere,e_iiieeree„, efeeseepeimielesieleowlieeeetee , Rude Rura,I''RiotYntles emeeepueleelieieseeemiiiviteseleeneeeever , , Den, ~1‘02000 Lovea The tiat , " I'm linked :to ,grief with no reUe ; to ruisy aPPrepticed, beclllise, sooth, .1 have:a tooth that .calls me t the, dentist, Though a decent ems of, Constipation E,ode. kirld;iy man and he a worthy weight, • • ';:;•• • ;1'•• ..; . y . 0 is(' * 1. hope he falls and breqks a, leg that I y 1 .0„. Ives may Win' respite, In vain, in vain, niy „ ;. The wonderful fridt, Medicine achebealt ;-who is tortured with g i isead- ,s; and who unal.)le to get anY wicked wish, itt Vain is all my sorrow he will not slip or btfAt a hip, and must go tomorrow. Kids need goo milk with garden- truok and fruit t hp teeth They ought to -brus the same in 'front, fp haok and unlet neath, Bat I, alas, in younger day refused 'each healthful stunt, and whe 1 had bad teeth behind,•I chewed MY cl. in front, If all my teeth went back on me, 1 did not sit and squall, but picked out soft and juicy fruit and did nOt CliqW i.iy.tetb would crunch tip big beef bones with nice rich Marrow freighted, if I had sottglat the dentist then and had them nickle- plated. Alas, my milk teeth dropped too soon, and when 1 got my molars, they suffered from my careless ways and soon were aching holers, ,My father shotild have grabbed my hair, he should have put on blinders, then dragged me to the dentist's Chan- and thus preserved my grinders, 0 you, who !levee the welfare of kids upon yotir hearts, I pray you scorn not den- tists nor stein their useful -arts. 0 let them fill the baby teeth and keep them in the gum, to hold the litttle i jaws n .ehape until the others come. Behold„the kids within whose mouth Doc. Jones has never pawed; they all have burn, black' snaggy teeth; they all are wopperjawed.-Bob Adams, .4,none who starers with miserable 1 real pleasure out of life; will be interested in this letter or mtg. 5' Nlartha de Wolfe of East Ship Rubor, ICS, Mrs. doWolfe says, "For years was a areacitta giufforer from Qoast.ipa- tion and Headaches ,anol, I was miser. al?le iu every way, Nothin.-17,rne way of tnedicin0 seemed -to help mo. Then I tried "F'ruit-a-tives" and tlee effeet e1'etts splendid; and after" taking only one box, 1 WS completely relieved and now feel liko it new person": - 50c. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 2,5c. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Lited, Ottawa, Ont. , Give And Get More On this wonderful principle of "The more you give, the more you get," In- spector Bald of West Bruce figures it out for Teeswater Public School Board that by giving teachers the inaximeni to get 40 per cent, grant on • salaries', the Board would have $355.00 of a net gain by advancing the salaries of the our teachers $650.00, Of course the increase was made. How long will these big school grants last? , In Different Places , eA motorist who was touring in [te- le -lid one day, met a native who was driving a donkey and cart, Thinking he would like to have a iittle fun at the ,Irishmanlr expense, he began: "What is the difference, Pat, between your turnout and mine?" "Oh, not a great deal," promptly replied Pat, "Shure, ,the donkey's in the shafts in the wan, and onthesate in the other," • As Others See 'Canada The Canadian who travels eitlier iri the United States or hiEngland.. is gratified to meet with, frequent assur-` ences. that Canada is believed to.be in about the best financial position .of any country that participated in the war. Here at `home everybody inay not feel so-, sure about it, but in New York and London they believed it to be so, end they say it and appear .to liketo talk- about it. They ascribe it to the great natural resources of the country, the resourcefulness of our people, 'and the sensible manner in which oar civilian soldiers, after the war, got back to the busiaess of every ay*life, Hatipy Though Married ;Ten ,,commandments for mea ,on "how to .be happy, • thetigh married," Were handed down by the New York Legal Aid Society which has handled thousands of domestic Cases ;today, The coininandinentaa- T—DQ0.1 be a tightwad. • 2 -Let year wife run domestic af- fairs -Without interference. ' 3:; -,-Smile, even if yon- don't :feel like. • • 4,--L.Teonl' be afraid to let your wifef know you appreciate her. 5 -Keep up your courtship aftr the honeymoon is over. . 6 --Don't scold. • 7 -Get away from relatives and make your own home. ' • 8-fieware of the boarder. Better have a pet python around the „house. 9 -Shun slovenly. habits. 1O ---Treat yonr children kindly and 'just. Part 111 Of Voters' List - The chief election officer of the Leoislaturc has sent notices to all uniciPal clerks to have part three of voters' lists for 5922 printed and posted up iu readiness for the gener- al Provincial election which must take place this year. The legislature has thrown on municipalities the ex- pense of printing the names of all those who are entitled to vote at Parl- iamentary elections and who are not on the municipal lists. The assessors secured this information when they went around in Fcbritary and March 5922 and the clerks will be paid extra for preparing the lists for the printers. As married women were not on the municipal lists last year this „will mean a voters' list for the Parliament- ary election of 5923 of all young men and all women over 21, who are Brit- ish subjects and,not on the Municipal nits. This will also mean consider- able extra work in printing offices, The lists will be. nearly as large as the preSe'lit mtmicipal lists, The old Sys- tem. with enumerators just before it general Provincial election will uot be eecesasryit, filture. I30Rx Carter -In Wingharn on' TueSday, February setlia ,to *Mr. and Mrs., Fred Carter, a s.on. • ; Wawancish, en Sunday, February 2,3th., to, Mr, and, Mrs, Joe Underwood -1n Howick on ,1\101) day , February.sth,, 5923, to:Mr. and Mrs, Garai:al underwooti, it on. Cone Secits •10 be jtist an "every day" sort Of Chap, • 14Very day in every way it's getting nearer; aft d • ticarer, Sprioz. 11;1 f4r,,940r, Is' 'Much 0-, ''the fete' . • • ." • Badly .11-landled Inr.tlie,, Pant.- -rOo moD6•.'aaok ad Not Otiougli 13ey -7110 Is Itl,e'ra, Club -1m'a 'S,ollool Fairs and :Boys! Clubs Aro , Mailthig Aliative,•Yori,ng 1•;atislots, , a 4.1,4 l cu I Jj2l .g )' ,14 (g) otribut1 •rt ;;;;;•;;;.:1".111; 4110111 , 1141 I . • , . hp (.141 ta Q 11ept $11.uOtit cnr ' in agriculture the boy llas arrived, tral He was it lon,-..,tittte coming, ais ti cloVI „ta.k.-Jbl way• hats been aiic toituons as a wild - grapevine, and at times his reluctant NS 'feet lagged distressin ' • rie r"C°C.O.';',,'a 19'air t'lliow •, 'bring "the' boyhate general Petite!, ir Goods J. B. KNIGHT will be at the Brunswick Hotel on d. Showing latest styles in • /,AD1ES' AND GENTS' HAIR GOODS , Free advice onn, scalp diseases. Phone Mr. Knight for appointment. - W. T. PEMBER 129 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont. timm*W4.066.04119.048.140F.....W.149tlint.4.Y.14•0410AKIRMU....4 Dr. 1 H. Meinfies CHIROPRACTOR Qualified Graduate Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds, specialize in dealing wltli children. Lady attendant. Ni callsresPdaded to.' Office on Centre St., Wingham, Ont., (in house of Mrs, H. Davis). Hours, 2 to 5.o 'p. in, Evenings, 7 to 8 p. ni. and by appointment. Phone] 213. - How • Garage sales are 11, creased by Long Distance Some grzotations from reoont "We use Long Distance extensively to 'call up prospects and sell." "We use Long Distance to • all our sub -agents to keep in touch, "With sales." • "We deperid on Long Dia- -twice to sell our vulcan- izing service." "We order parts in the morning by Long Distance and get them in the after- - noon." 'We put 'Use the Bell to stickers on all price lists and sales literature we send out," . "Ask us about our FREE LONG DISTANCE SER- VICE, on new parts," a Motor Sales Co. writes ouf-of-town garages. We can ton you haw to apply Lang Dim/wino to ainiose arty bit ry cies tosP' Ivory ton Tofe04107:4 1$ 4/I 40,11,111 Ih14:00'^4 44 ;I : e.ii" • ,,!' 1.11' Is ' no • . • , .1 1„1„1' "1,11'1; 0Z. 10e • GlaSSC(VS 10019110 allnaiade owde 3 lith (tin 49e plictt. 2 agricultural work and stinly, all man- ner of efforts- lied been made. HeClark's. was bullied and bribed., cuffed and , , coa x ed, Pinched alud.pattedi whipped PORK AND LiE A N S and whnedled; yet scarcely a foot E had, he voluntary gone forward until , very recen t ly. - The Old' Castor Oil JAticy. MN 141 Nt, 3 1111(1 24c At one time, figuratively speaking, n= he was held by the. 111n1.3 while /lama- •"Mhe eous doses from tex-books of for- IR .(ointaaa bidding terminologies were forced 13". down his unwilling throat, in order .„.1 Flout .to give him a ta,ste and enthusiasm - for farming! -a 24 lb,. 89c JeUy olls, 2 l'or 25c ,... Valencia Cake 21e I). ' • Du 1et Cake 20e But to -day we have the by gen- uinely interested In agricanture; open- eyed, • open-minded, open-handed. Open-eyed, for he is looking at farm- ing in a new light; open-minded, be- ez.tuse he is now regardeng agricule, tural instruction with a sym.pathetic understanding,; open-handed, for he is. rea.dy, even eager, to seize the hoe -handle and wield it as proudly as if it were a field marshal's baton. Too Much Book and Not Enough Boy. -Early methods to bring agricul- tural knov,-,ledgc and the boy together failed' because they.lacked that most important thing in teaching known as "point of contact," There was too much Book and not.enough Boy in the minds of the pedagogues. The lad gagged and choked mentally. at a too early memorization of learne and (to nim) meaningless Phrases. — vv.creessiaeruce i A Gold , ' /10C bottle •p. & o.. Ie'llIllE!IIit ;;;;:: Fresh s;urPrlse _ 1 98 lbs. 3.55 11.7c lb. . Finest Canadian i Ifr 1111 F awhit6 ' Rich. xi Pit — 5 — E. C EESE ......32c lib. I midair .... 471 41, 1: 11,5 ars g ' - Horseshoe or Cloverleaf Sal - E Eagle Salmon, tin 25c mon, ess .... . ......_._-__ . . Sunflower Salmon, tin... ...lee - Lobster,..... ..25c and 47c - Saca Sardines, 2 for. -.25c 1 Brunswick, 4 for 25c teri Maconachies Herrings . . .... ........22c d It was like a Chinese dinner course, gis Nonsuch Stove Polish_ L Ze-ho Stove Black Knight Stove Polish 14'c - Zebra Stove Polish.. ,,,ge Brasso eeee - -‘ Chloride of - Charni, 2 for... ... Snap,' tin..... .... ...•+++++++++++.-.+--+-+--13c :114.. . ; . Tfie,Boy lfs Clangster--a Club Mau. The boy, whether he lives in the qv hard for the youngster to crack. reverse aetionrstarting with the des- Ey- seri. and ending with the soup; but - T111E111E111 111111111E4111211111%11I11111112111INIIIIMIlle111114111E21111111M111 II 0111611111eillEillifi in this case the nuts were usually too llIfillIP' Ili• ,• Boys are gregarious; they flock. GIVES REUBE A RAP LEFT FOR ROME BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN WE DELIVER _ ' Durham Never Got Over The Raw Mr. J. R. Shaw, First Representative • 7.• ' 01" the country is by nature a gulg- ster. But call the gang a e‘elub," Deal Handed Them By the of the Dominion at the Internet- ' and it gives an air to the affair, N. W. B. A. Last Fall tonal Boards of Trade Meeting although the latter -Word has not al- ways had an attractive meaning to the lad. The club collective is always' more attractive than the club corrective. The, Boy Wants to Be, a noel:, of . Things. There is another•powerful instinct in the boy: "Johnny," enquired the Sunday School teacher, "would you like to go to heaven?" "What's doing there, .teacher?" was the eager response. Pliers's, the caae in a o.utshell. Your real boy wants to be where they _are doing 'things, and he wants to do them in company with "some of the other fellers." School Fairs Have Helped the Farm Boy. Rural School Fairs have done much to interest juniors in agricul- ture. • To be an exhibitor, and per- haps a •winner. at a fair has awri.kolly.ri the ambition of many a boy, To be abie to show and win implies a knowl- edge of griming things. To know how to grow" things mean observ- ation, study and industry. The first Ruial ShooI Pair was heid in 1909, three sehoole uniting, and had an attendance of 250. rn 19i1 there were 449 fair's; embrac- ing 3,847 schools, with an attend: ance of 3 45,25 9, over half of whom were juniors. 41 thQse fairs Pruett' eally every bralich of agriculture was covered, and the total entries of ex- hibits reached about 200,000. • Home Garden, Acre. VrOfit, Baby Beek, and Hog raising Centeete have also stirred the farm boy to action and study. • Junior Farmer Improvement Asene.iie. These aasoetatious E. in up of young men, many of winTin have been trained On:mall the School Pairs, and some of whom, hiare taken short courses under the Agricultural Representative. They are local lead - 01515 educational, business, and so- cial endeavor, as well as being' fore- most in taking up new methods of agriculture. They have been active in organizing and conducting luter- Association Debates, County Judging Competitions, Ploughing Competi- tions, Banquets, Public Speaking ,Contests, Baseball Leagnes, and Pield Days, These Junior Ploughing ,hiaiches nave revived a long negleeted phase of agricultural endeavor, and old -ploughmen have exPressed great sat- isfaction with the work of the lads. • Lire Stock Judging Contests took plaee in thirty-three counties last • year, and there have been many Inter -County eompetitions. The win- ners had, ‘a free trip to the Chicago International LiVe Stoek Show, and came baek With a bigger vision of Boys aanslidthOgiris' Live Stock Ciubs. The Boys' and Girls' Live Stock Clubs are doing much to develop the breeding Of superior cattle, hogs, etc, AbOut fifty of, these Clubs are in ex s enee,, Other activities of a useful and elevating character are engaged in by boys on Ontario farnis, alt 'which suggest a keen, practical and intelligent taxi ua mien with agridul- bite, its literature, awl its practice la agriculture, the boy has arriVed. -i-Thos. Statiettes Wad Ptiblleations Branch. TorontO, esi,:eteeetleie Special trains were run on three lin- es to Palmerston a week or so ago to see Wiarton 0. H. A. interinediates play an exhibition game with Toronto Senior Argonauts, at the opening of Palmerston's new rink; said to be one, of the, finest rinks in the district. The game, however, was a fizzle. Wiarton leading at one time by 6 to o, Argo- nauts sending up only one or two of their regulars, "owing to illness," and the rest were juniors and subs. The Durham Chronicle man was among. those "stung" by the game and he says: "Wia.rton simply made a fool out of those Argo players. Not mention- ing hockey,- some cif the Arao -men The honor of being the first rep- . resenta.tiVe that Canada has sent to „. the International Boards of Trade Meeting will devolve upon an old Walkerton boy, Mr. John R. Shelve, President of the Canadian Manufact- urers' Association, and who left with Mrs. Shaw on Tuesday for Naples, , „ Italy. Mr. Shaw will represent 'the Dominion at the meeting of Internet- ' ' Rioonnaile, ICtahlaym, fbreolin"s thoef i8Ct°1-11ratorntherecee4thlle •' of March. - Nearly all exporting countries are • represented in this international' or- '• ganization. At its last meeting, Cain , ada, Australia, New Zealand, South, couldn't even skate i Africa and India were granted the safe in saying that the poorest man on right to become members as distinct countries and not grouped with ': the Wiarton team is faster than the best they had on the Argo outfit, nota,t,joinedBrit t a nt.p as ds y Canada a dahat! ' Anyway the much -tooted Argo seniors were'nt even a light bunch for the tendance at the urgent request of -the Wiarton Redmen." Then The Chron-1 president of the British Federation T ,'Our old friend. Reube Hornina- of Industries, 1:4 raTher t; icle tys a "tribute" to Reube Itorn- oE an observer to report back after , learning all he can of the ,desira,bility of,the North Wellregton Base-basy'l of League and also of the Northern Hie.- Canada becomtng a memr key League, was the referee,and the being represented on the international , ' general consensus of opinion is that board' The feature othe meeting will be ' as a hockey referee, he would snakea' the adoptii on of an international court ' rattling good ,501.oiSt in a church choir. of arbitration for the settlement- of 7 There was nothing at stake, however, trade dispotes between buyers and, • ' ' and any referee'd s decisions woul sellers of different countries. The Un- , scarcely have affected the result of the ited States will send It deputation of game, one 'hundred. , • .X[1% Shaw is the president of the Postmaster's Long anada Furniture "Marmfacturere, and „ Memory he addressed the last Board of Trade • :r;ipost office11•ltsrafececit\r‘rd. at the m. Harris-1,Banquet lit Wingba to' days ago a letter• from Scotland addressed. to a Trl Who h, -td removed from Harriston 'Ask Town For Water • ' 18p.4. Postmaster McCready,.rememb- ering his last address, forwarded thc The C. I'. R. well that has sepplied letter, and has receiv a. ed ee eeknowied... their tank since the road entered Tees. gment from the addressee thankin water has gone dry, and the 'company , him and complimenting him on hrs has applied to the Council to have the good memory, tank supplied from the town water• ' ' Merely "Ratepayers" Now . being filled from a Itydrent with thc• system, the meantime the tank is , a - • Thc tpatjs :rxeernmaiildlns tb eOtst Ottawa at oa:ivdhe'trioieri-. ce craw...Times) onto. are in fall swing while the rate- Sheriff Appointed High Constable • • (liO the finance ministers will be able to 1 through the apparent oversight or find new things to tax, or 'thewhether . Bruce County C:ouncil at their they will have to be content with doubling the taxes already existing. last 80.551011 Walkerton in neglect- • •the reform fans have their way it ,wiII11; to pass the necessary by-law re- • , Soon„ be criminal to bet, and the rete-, appointing Mr. Ezra Briggs a'S High payer will have to get all his fun out Constable of 13ruce at e salary of Too ' ' that office, as a cot eequeeice, reirert; •; of ratepaying. By the way, have you noticed how the good tild word citi- to the Sheriff of the County, who will , ' • draw a salary of $50o from the Gave ' • zen is falling into disuse? The mo der',1 etnruent for this work. The mistake, ' term is "ratepayer." , while relieving Mr. Briggs of a high-• ly honorary office and Sum selaty, • ,, Stop Tree Butchery . will prove a God -send to the Sheriff '.,• The Ontario Department of High- and saving to the ratepayers of the , ways has made a first-class move in County, the latter of whom are freed, , determining to stop tree butchery from paying this one hundred sheto- ,• • ,' along peblic roads, Not only is it the leons for a Chief County Cop. As '' intention to beautify the highways, the Sheriff's office is said to, 4-3. be the r• bait to preserve the existing beauty in, least remunerative in the Court 01.1ae that trees will not be mutilated or Squerc, and the fees from which , sacrificed wherever it is possible to dom come up to the rilinimunt sum o±"• save them. No company, telephone,Ge $5300 allowed by the vernment, the ' , power or telegraph will be allowed to Provincial authorities inm had to , eat the trees without permission and makeup the, difference out of the Out- ; , only to remove branches which are en- ario exchequer, and hcrtce tirely essential to transmission, wiji be ing op of the 1-ligh Constablehip to : given, le any case only the minimum the Sheriff's job is 'largely for the • amortint of tree prunery will be allow- phsrpose 0± as•Msting that of.ficial to no " ed, and Stich must be done under the ing. AN the: Connell's overaight-laa, • supervision of tlio Department of Pub- veer the top without pessing idrn • lic Highwe.ys. In this connection var- something 011 it SOVer platter for noel- ;•,. ions compnics have entered heartily (saved, the ratepayers$100, it is doubt. into eo-operation with the department ltd ' y utute County Cormeil , ' in that at present they are trying to ever let this cash get away trowi thew , „ clear their lines with aa little mittib; again by appointing off their own bat atiou of trees aS possible., auothrt IIigit County VonStable, ' ; • •' 1 , • • I • , , I , • , „ 1 ' ' , " ,•1 ,• ' , 0