The Wingham Advance, 1923-03-01, Page 1trr7:1417"' 621.1,14“0 ingle Copies, Four Cents. PERSONALS Kr. W. El. French made a busines'S ip to Toronto last vveelc. ' IVIiss Jean Vanstone has returned to Toroneo where she is attending Play- ergal. Mr. and Mrs- C". C. McIntyre of ....Toronto, are visiting with relatives in town, Mg. 'Harold Hamilton of Oshawa, is spendinga few days with friends in towe, Mr. Wesley Cornell of Sanh, Ste. lefarie, is renevving acquaintances in this vicinity, • Ada J. G.t,lryfe of Sltelbotirneeis town this weelc, owing to the illness of his father, Mr. Lawrence Fyfe. 'Miss Atnber McKenzie spent thct , week -end, at the home of Mr, .and Mrs: Joe. ChanineY, East Wawanosh. Airs. W. R. Hamilton arid babe htve returned, home after spendieg a couple of weeles with relatives at FlarriSton. Miss Aiargaret Piper was home from Toronto attending the ftmeral of her grandmother,the late Mrs. Bur-, g ess. Miss Cora Beckwith returned to. Btooklyn, N. Y., last "weelc after ,a lengthy visit with her parents, IVIr. and , Mrs. M. R. I3eckwith. Mr. and Mrs,'fohn A, Thompson of Moorefield, spent e few days at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. T. PI. McKay. Mr, 'Thompson is Warden of the coteri- e tfte of -Wellington. • Jolin Mines- returned, to his home in Central Butte, Sask., after with his brother, Mr. W A. brines arici his sister, Mrs: Jas. A. 1,1t.,Tray of Turnberry. Mrs. jets. Walker has returned to town after spendingthe past month 'with her daughters in Toronto. Mrs. 'Walker is 'at present with her datigh- ter,',Mrs. Garnett Baker. g Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leislunan of, Re- gina, Sask., are visiting at the horrie of the la,tter's mother, .Airs. Bosman, Frances St., who has been very ill. NVehope for a speedy recovery, Mr. Sylvestor Doan and his bride of Honeywood, Dufferin County, have .been spending a few days of their honeymoon at the horne of his cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs: -Geo, Wilson, Fair- view Place, and with other friends and relatives. . - Mayor R, T. Kerlin of Listo-wel, is -spending a few days in town at the 'home of -his daughter, Mrs. R. A. Cur- rie. Mr. Kemp is just recovering, :from a severe attack of the flu, which has left him every deaf. He will under- go treatment in town. Methodist Church Notes II a. m.—Subject, "Fishers of Men"; 2.30 p. m.—Sunday School—Th Mis- sionary Program and monthly Mis- sionary. offering; 7 p. in.—Evening service—Special sermon to young -men,-Male Choir; subject, "Men who missed the Mark." Ladies' Bible Class Entertain One of enjoyable evenings of the season was spent by the young people of the TvIetho_dist Sunday School, on Friday evening last. It was the return entertainment given by the Young LadiesBible Class, of Whom Miss Eileen Dore is the enere getic PreSident, and 'Mrs. Cragg. the 'teacher, to the young men of Dr. Mc- Innes: Bible Class. Abotit sixty young people, not inclnding,othe married folk were present. The first part of the evening took the form of .a promenade, a get ac- quainted half hour. This seemed to break down all stiffness and formality. The rest of the evening was spent in a, very ieteresting program of vocal and instrumental mustic,„ and in several games. „Refreshments were served, and the unanimous verdict was, that e rnost delightful evening had been spent. ROBBING KING'S TOMB To the"Editur av the Advance, Deer Sure.-- Durie thim stitorrny days laslit walee,ahe Iniesus bein out in the coun- Wry superintindin tings at me bye's plaee, 1 had no wan to disliturb .me art I got raycliri about that ould king av- Aygipt, whose grave they do be brakin into an sittalin awl thim foine times that wus put away wid him in a safety deposit yeah so to, shpake, an I suppose he didn't carry a.nny burg- lary insurance ayther. Well, this ould king wid the long name that I. saw slmelled.tree difkunt ways in the wan paper, lint avtil av thin) wid Amen at the la.shteloike it wus the ind,av tings, is beirt dishturbed in his slilape by a lot av twintieth cintury burglars, an it iS too ba.cl, but av coorse he shud hey shpint moore av his money whin he wus aloive, IVIebby he didn't know what to do wid awl his gowld in thim days, not hevin army taxes to Pay arr gasolinetao buy, arr bargain sales wid goods .below cosht. Annyway theer mursht heir been. a lot av honest aencing thine ould Aygipshuns to bury a lot av ...gowld an jewels an thin go away an fergit avvl about thim. It sames that awl thim ould kings wid the long nam- es wus -called Pharaoh fer short, jist the same as we call a German Fritz, arr an Iriseinan Pat, arr a Chinaman John,- ansbe rayson av that the expirts in hishtory get awl mixed up an cant foind .out which wan av thim Phara- ohs fettilt the pyramids, arr which wan got the carnet- on whate in Joseph's toime, arr whichwan troied to exter- minate the Israeloites an. made the mislitake av his loife. 1VIebber it wud h,ev been betther fer thim fellahs at Luxor to hey let' poor ould Tutauk- hameneresht in Pace, fer-they may let lose awl thitn tin plagues av Aygipt agin, as if we didn't hey thrubbles enough in this ould wurruld jist at mishit Wan ting I musht say thim ould byes who lived tousands av years ago Made tings to lasht well, wid theer wroitinon shtone, an theer bodies made into mummies, an theer "moighty pyramids av shtone that wedge loike clave the desert airs" as the poet sea. If annybody wus to come back to Wingham in a tousand years frum now he wud loikely foinct nothin that we lacy at prisint but a lot av unpaid town debintures, an me frind, Jawn Shtevenson's ould ska.tin rink. Av .coorse thim ould Aygip- shuns veus'haythens in a sinse, an be- layed that Isis- an. Osiris ruled the wurruld, an that a black scarabee beet- le wus tan object to worship.- Shure, 'twas a quare wurruld in thim days, an so.it is yet fer that matther, but iviry man musht hey a religion av some koind. This is a gineral rule, but Iiknow ay a few ixciptions ,roight here in Wingham, if I wanted to min - tion names, an I hear that tings arr avert wurse in that rislapict in .Luck - now an Kincardine. wus glad to rade in the papers that me frind, jawn -King is ma.kin his mark in. Ottawa an has been appointed on the rgelislitribution` ,committee to. gerrymander the counthry agin. Av coorse that.is what us Tories will call the redishtribution bill so I moight as well be the fursht to say it. But at 'army rate, well done, Javvri, me bye, sez 1. Shere ye nivir can 'tell. how hoigh a seti-ange birruday,floy, jist be the, looks ay. him, art- be the way he, chirps ayther, fer that.matther, so ye can't. 'Tis a big differ' from a 'nail keg in' Frank Scott's smithy to e sate in Parliamint wid pages to wait on ye, an purity girruls to wroite yer letthera, an yer males at c.osht proice at the Governmint restaurant, not to rnintion invitations to ate at the Chauteau Laurier an Rideau Hall, an a short thrip over to Huul. whin ye're thirsht3r. Shure, a Jot ire us ould fellabs wus born twinty-foive yetrs too soon, fer if I wus younger 1 moight hey hopes av getter" In on wan av thim jewbs me - Yours till nixt wake, ' \Timothy Hay. „ , - EITERIE'130.13)(7S COLUMN Men's New Spring Suits .-- King Bros. are ;showing a new line FOP. SALE OR 'RENT—Post Offite of men's and young men's spring 'store with barn and five acres of land, close to railroad station, at .1-lenfryn; Ontario. Apply- to . T. Stewart, 131tievale. FOR SALE --A quantity of seedgiats. Apply to ETerb Shielis Phone 7, Wroxeter. 'Bluevale. FOR SALE— Big Seat suitable for -verandah- Solid Oak. A. snap, • Geo. Moir. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -- :Three hundred acres of choice land, in the Township of Morris, being lots 5 aod-6 on the srd. concession. Xwo good dwellings and three good barns, two drilled wells with wind- pulis For further particulars, apply to John Hopper Route 5, irussels. WANTED—Industrious, capable per- son to start at once in and nearby Witigharn, retailing Rawleigh's Good Health Food Products, Spices, Flavors, Medicines, Toilet Prepar. ations, etc, 150 everyday- necessities used be'r 'Millions. Largest Conmariya .established 35 years. Favorably lenown, Products sold on time; loweat wholesale. No experience, practically no capital needed, IATe teach you to manage your own per manent, big -paying business. $3000 taa $5000 yearly, idParticulara. free; "Ise age, occupation, referenees. Raw e gh Co., Depi., 1481, London Ont. late suits and overcoats at real economical prices. Visit our upstair clothing de- with her parents, when quite young. The family lived in Scotland in the partment and save ten dollars. same Nricitiity from which two other 04.04..44114111.44114.11.41•MW*MaINIA 1.0•WI40111.1A WINGHAIVI, ONT„ THURSDAY, MARCH list 1923, 1ST. AT WINGHAM Dominion Day Will Be Celebrated Monday, Jatly and The Dominion Day Sports Comfnit- tee '4held their annual meeting in the town hall on Tuesday evening,and unanimously decided to hold their us - nal rst. of July celebration at Wing - ham this year. Mr. L. C. Young ask- ed to be relieyed of his duties as pres- ident. The election of officers result- ed as follows: f' Hon, Pres.—Amos a'ipling,. Pre—W. H. Gurney, Vice-Pres.—W. A. Currie. Sec.-Treas.—A. G. Smith. ,Finance Committee—R, S. Williams, J. W. McKibbon and Rohl.. King, Program and Sports Committee— W. A. Currie, T. J. McLean and W. H. Gurney. Property Committee—T. J. McLean, W. A. Currie'and A. G. Smith, Auditors—Abner Cosens and A. 11. Musgrove, , The next meeting of the comniittee will be held on Monday, March 1211., at 8 p. m. The committee are out to find sports and entertainment foe a splen- did old-time celebration. Mail Order Trade Declines Financial Post says: "The mail ord- er business is on the decline, Toron- to's two large, houses, which feature this trade, makes this report, and the conclusion has been reached that the days of the mail order house is pass- ing." People are .growing more loyal to o their town and it's better for a Persian Lamb Coat Bargain. King Bros. have one Ladies Persian Lamb, Alaska Sable Trimmed sample Coat, beautifully lined and well made. This is the only fur coat we have left and somebody isegoing to get a bar- gain this week, theprice is reduced to $269.50, If you contemplatebuying a fur coat there is a clear saying of $15o.00 on this coat, LOCAL AND GENERAL RADIOS HIS MESSAGE Easter Sunday, April ist Death gets you once, tages once a Strange, but a bushel of rye is not '-Valarth as much as a quart. ' One thing funnier than 4 eountr3r fellow in town is a city fellow in the country. Welding, arid Radiator repair, We stop the Leaks and rnend the Breaks. —W. C Reid. f home of his daughter, LIrs. A, L,outitt, Lawrence Fyfe is seriously ill at the We are sorry to report that Mr. "T Filling of the Spirit and Dav.- id s Sacrificett' will be the subject both morning and evening at the Baptist church.,, "Is more liquor drank now than preceding," prohibition," will be the pre- lude to the sermon in the Baptist church next Sunday evening, ; Mrs. (Dr.) J, A, Fox and 'qrs. Don- ald Rae had as their guests, the mem- bers of the Star Club on Monday ev- ening at the former's home. 1VIrs. W. A.- McEvers and fan -lily wish to thank their neighbors and friends for kiedness and sympathy extended to them during their recent sad bereavement. he entertainment committee of the Wingham curling Club have decided to put on a Euchre and old-time Dance in the Wingham Armouries, on Friday evening, March gth. The regular monthly tneetieg of the Women's Auxiliary to the Wingharn Generta Hospital Will be held in the council chamber-- on Monday after- noon, March 5th., at e.45 p. iri. The choir of St. Pauls church will render the first part of their sacred cantata," From Death Unto Life," on Sunday everting next at the conclusion of the regular service. Everybody welcome. . First signs of Spring. We arc told that a robin has visited one of the snow covered ladwns of Wingham. Why, it seems to be only yesterday that the'Irains were tied up because of hean,y bliz_zards. _ • We are' pleased to report that Com- missioner William I-Iolmes, who re- cently underwent a critical operation in the Wingharn General. Hospital, has so far. recovered as to be able to he taken to his home' last week.. In June Or 'October? Will the Ontario elections be held. ill Jime or October of this year?' There is a division Of opinion in the ranks of the government members as to Whether the "plunge" into an election shall be in the suinmer dr fall. Some are strongly arguing for a June elec- tion as a good time. Others argue that the fall is the best particularly if the farmer has a good crop, but are afraid of the effect of a bad crop. Both the June advocates and the. October advocates have 'strong followings and it is one of the problems the cabinet has to faee when deciding the date, The Late John Mole 1VIns: Alex Casemore, Petrolia, sent The Advance a short obituary notice of her father's death. -"Mr. John Mole passed away on February 18th., at the home of his son, Mr. William Mole, Dungannon, in his 75th year,. Mrs. Mole died four years ago. , The late Mr. Mole was a highly esteemed old gentleman. He .is survived by four sons' and three daughters, viz., Albert of Battle City, Montana; 'Edward of Seaforth; Will of Dungannon; David of Rochester, N, Y,; Mrs. Arthur Sparks, Southampton; Mrs. Nart.11 Sparks,, Port Elgin; and Mrs. Case - more, Petrolia. The funeral was held from the Ang- lican church, Dungannon, and services were 'Conducted by Rey.'Ivir, Hawkins of Blyth. The. Late Mrs.. Burgess There passed away in VVinghant on Saturday, February 241±., Elizabeth Henderson, widow of the late James Burgess.' Deceased was in her 75th year and is survived by three daugh- ters, Mri, Stephen Piper at whose home she‘diecle Mrs Chas; Martin, eJunction, and Mrs. David Martin of Langford Station. Her father was the late Chas. Henderson, and lier surviving sister is Mr. Andrew Har- die of Turnberry. Deceased was born in Scotland and caine to this country Good Enough . Grocers are accustomed to answer- ing penetrating questions about the merits of their wares. Mr, -Jones was no,exception to the rule. A lady came into the, shop to buy some eggs, . "Are they really fresh?" she asked, "Oh yes, ma'am!" he answered, "Are you quite sure, because I'm so frightened of bad' eggs. 1 must have them really fresh," "Boyl" called out the grocer to, his assistent, "just run to the back room and see if this morning's eggs are cool enough to sell!". A. Y. P. A. Meeting A large attendance of members and friends. tv.ere present' at the regular meeting of Si. Pauls A. Y. P. A„ on Monday evening, the main feature of the -program bein g 4 very interesting address on "Every Day Religion from Brow ning," given by A. L, G. Clarke, rector of St. John the Evangelist Chttech, London. Rev. Clarke is A nios t able and pleasing speaker dad Ids address was inost inatructive and thoroughly enjoyed by ail preactit. The program, also consisted of a voc- al duet by Miss jean Christie and Mra. Arnntage, an histiliniental auto by Miss Garrett, and a splendid paper oil "Mary and Martha," by Miss Gert. retie Brydges. tee_ Next Motulay evening will be "Ent 14Ctu .'Au'IL' lisli and Vkielsh Night" At the A. Y. avu litenses expire on. March P, A., When a afaond program will be should be promptly renewed, given, including songs sung in the dGalbraith, Town Clerk Welsh dielect by Ate, C. Templenia.n. of Winghtun s esteemed citizens spent their bo3rhood, viz., Mr. J. A. Morton, and Rey. (Dr.) Perric, pastor of St. Andrews church, who condticted the funeralservices on Tuesday after - 11000. Wingham. School' Notes The regular meeting of the Literary Society was held on Thursday, Feb- , , reary 2211 a., tne tst. vice-president, Marie Livingstone, occupied Vie chair. The minutes of the preeeding meeting were read and adopted and, they& the following program was given. Instru- mental by Mary MacGregor; Debate between Form A and I B,, affirma- tive was upheld by Chas. Messer and Alar'orie Gibson while the negative was upheld by Harold Thoinas and Vida Bell, the stibject being "Resolv- ed that Fire Haa Done Mot''e Damage Than :Water." The judge'S decision was given by Mr. 'French in favour of the affirmative; Mixed Quartette; Reading, Margaret Snell. A vote was then taken to decide on -a name for the school magazine. "The Oracle," 'was the name decided upon; Itistru. mental, Ada Corbett; Critic's Remarks by Jack Oeterhout, The Meeting! then closed by the sit/grog of the Nat. i ional Anthem. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony* Holt have moved into Mr. Porter's house, corner Patrick and Frances Sts., and Mr. and Mrs. C R Copeland have moved into the house they vacated opposite Mr. J. F. McCracken's house on Shuter St. Creophos—The ideal' treatment after the Flu. Builds up the systeni and cures the cdugh. Hundreds of people - in Wingham and surrounding coantry use aid recommend it Sold only at Mitchell's Drug Stoi•e, opposite Brun- swick Hotel. Never in its history have sabscrib- ere so freely expressed their pleasure in imaking their renewal payments to The Advance as this year. Never were there fewer complaints and al- most an entire absence of clthcontin- uances—a rare thing in a, ne vspaper office. •We don't charge for not ces of births, marriages and deaths of local interest, nor for personal or ' local items"- that are of no particular finan- cial benefit to anybody, -).nd we are glad to have them handed or sent in to the office. 'We do charge fOr "In Memoriam" notices, Cards of Thanks, advance notices of entertairunents, etc. Minister Has Sleeping Sickness Friends in Wingham who listened to the able discourses of Rev: J. H. Arn- up in the Methodist church a few Sundays ago, will regret to learn that he is seriouslY ill in the Western Hos- pital, Toronto, with sleeping sickness. Although a resident of Toronto on ac- count of his connextonal work, as gen- eral secretary for Foreign Missions of the Aiethodist church, he is annember of the Saskatchewan conference, Lost Robe Returned, Mr. David Errington of Dungannon, stepped into our office out of the Sat- urday- morning blizzard and handed over a buffalo robe, which he found on the Bluevale Road, near Wingham, No One but an honest i-nan would have: picked a good warm robe out of his cutter on such a morning to find the owner. He said some poor soul will be in need of this and they could. find it here quicker than anywhere else that I -know of. On Tuesday moriting, Mr. Thos. Forbes stepped into our office to put at advertisement in The Ad- varice, saying that he had lost his robe' on Saturday morning, Trip To Yellowstone A most enjoyable time was spent in the Methodist church, \gingham, ou Monday evetthig of this week, when Rev. C. E. Cragg gave an interesting illustrated address on his trip through Yellowstone Park. This wonderful natural park comprising rano square miles, 62 miles long by so miles I across. A tourist should, in order to enjoy every pleasant scene, take...about five days in this park. The pictures vette splendid and Mr. Cragg explain- ed each one so clearly that a person could imagine they saw the gestaera spout forth, their columns of hailing water. The basement of the chure was packed and we believe that if every person had realized hon scly interesting the address was, there would not have been room for all, even in the auditorium, • Dr, Redmond moved and Mr. F. W. French seconded a hearty vote of thanks to the teyerend. gentleman for the Splendid talk. Mr. Garnett taker had tharge of the, 'lantern. I ripliiegAvt Ladies" Aid of Knox. Church, piirpose holding' 'a paneake social about St, Patrink's Day. Nadler parn, Oculars next weele, Rev. Edward Cragg and Wife IVIa.rried • Siir.ty-Four, Years, We are pleased- to receive the fol- lowing note from Mr, Wilbert Well - wood, who is now on his Western trip. The clipping will be of great in- terest to the people of this vicinity, because that the Ontario Minister mentioned is Rev. C E. Cragg of Wingham, and also because that the old gentleman, Rey. Edward Gragg, at one time preached in this vicinity, f Felareary 2o1±., /923 Dear A. G. Thought the enclosed clipping from the issue of "Regina Leader," of this morning inight be of interest to Wingham people. Last week was' the roughest as re- gents weather, ever experienced in Western Canada, Stormy and cold combined. ' Trains were stalled. for days all over this country, I spent a night myself in a snowbank right on main line of C. P. R., within twenty- five ini,les of Winnipeg, This week is much better. Hope all are well, Since -rely, W. Wellwood, Calgary, February mth—A couple' which may claim to be married the longest of any wedded paiftin Canada, are Rev. Edward and Mrs. Cragg, who on February 16th., celebrated the 641± anniversary of their wedding which took place in Brighton, Ont,, in 1859. Bergh are hale and vigorous and. once every year, Rev. Mr. Cragg, who has a deep, resounding voice despite his 94 years, preaches a. stimulating ser- mon in Wesley Methodist Church, He celebrated his wedding anniversary by broadcasting a cheering message over the Calgary Herald's radio and by par- ticipating in a family re -union at which two sons and two daughters were present Another son is a pro- fessor in a college in Japan, another is a physician in.London and another is a minister in Ontario. These three Were unable to attend. Rev. Mr. Cragg entered the Methodist ministry tn eastern Canada nearly 70 years. ac What About Dollar Day? When will Wingham merchants put on their annual Dollar Day? The Ad- vance 'flan has been asked this quests ion about a. half a dozen times lately.' People are evidently looking for it. Successful Piano Students Successful piano pupith. of Miss Mae D. Wilkinson, writing examinations with London College of Music, held in Wingham in February. Miss Ruby Cleaver, Ethel, Inter: mediate pass. Miss ZoratDickson, \gingham, Inter- mediate, ist• Class • Miss Grace Curtiss, 13luevale, Ad- vanced Intermediate, 1st. Class. Leaves Horse In Drift A brutal crime was committed on a poor, blind horse by a resident of Witigham a few days ago. He was ilriving this horse home when it got down.in the snow, so rather than waste the time in helping the horse, be left it in the deep snow, 'where it stayed all night. Not being able to see, the horse could not find shelter, so after tramping around for some considerable time, the poor Irute lay down where it was found the' next morning by some of the neighbors. The authorities at Goderich receive.d word and sent out Constable Postle- waite, who arrested the owner and took him to .Goderich, where he ap- peared before Police Magistrate' Chas, Reid, who imposed fine of $/o.00 and costs. This lad only moved to Wingharn recently and he will not be missed when he decides to leave. Lions Club Banquet One of -the most 'enjoyable times held by the•Lions Club was the dart - nightly luncheon on Friday evening at the Brunswick Cafe. Chief Lion Dr, Ross presided during the business ses- sion and Lion A. J. Walker had charge of the program and. very capably con- ducted it. Me. G, L. Brackenbury, principal of the Wingham High School, delivered 000 of the best ad- dresses ever given at these banquets. 1 -lis talk was on "Education" and he explained the different: methods used now -a -days to thos.eof twenty-five years ago, and the necessity for those changes. Several of the club songs were sung and the roar given, Lion Walker sprung something uew when he called for a two midutettalk from everybody on their different lines of business, taking them in alphabetical Order. Those replying were: Gents' Furnishings—R. H. King; Salt—L. C Young; AutomobiLes—A.. M. Craw- ford; Moving Pictures ---L. Kennedy; Aero Cushion Tires—H, 1,. Slierbon- dy; 13tittere-JoshaHirsete; Bread—T. H. Gibson; Law -TR Vallstohei Dry Goods—T. C. King; Insurance—W. T. Booth; Drugs.—J. W. AlcKibbon; jew- elry—W. R. Hamilton; Finance -- Town Treasurer Galbraith; Banking--! J. A. Wallace; Stoves—H, C. Mac- Lean; Lightning Rods—C. S. VanNor- man; Dentistry --Geo. 14. Ross; Flax —Amos Tiplieg; Hardware—O. Thompson and A,chtertising—A. G. Mr. Walker also introduced the guests, Mr, C C. McIntyre of Toron. to, and Me. T, R Bennett, who both gave neat addresaea. ' Mr. Kennedy in his two minute talk invited the Lions and their wives to be his guests at the Picture House some eight in the neat future. It tyris decided to have Mr. Xennedy 5(4 010 !" date moat appropriate to himself, and I the thanks of the club ),vas tend( reiS1 10 Mr, Kennedy-. III III !Pallid MAIM. = , F'Alt-E'S , JUST ARRIVED tibaeriptionS 00p , IlltlflPit$I11111$11 10 S49.14 • !E. k4 1161ORS4EIVIEN R SHIPMENT OF P9 sumarammammissaimahromalmeonumwmtastmomseumaxammramtrucsiumtmaamn„, fi shipmItenatfevoer fas ils to remove Bots, Nose Fly Grub, Wo ms. lee a "INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD" . Will keep your fpwl healthy and aid thern to produee more eggs, 511 ..TWO :SPECI No. 1--25c Box of Asnirin Tablets .. . - 25c Box of Rexall Orderlies .. . . . . _ .. 55 The Two o 25 17, No, 2-25; Tiny TotTots Baby w.d..er 1 “, P. 4 511 WinulsFun, Ont. 111 iumitomoni Kib The Two TN DAYS ONLY' emommumlsomangronumineunrJ.Imminammimaigma 7 •OflS aegj.t.t.,,e..a. Settee II 1112111E1111 1101111111E111 1111110 si III 111E111 0_ 55 5141 - ett e .Phone 3 5 apituss wpm, Fir Early Chickens Mr. Arthur Law of Lower Wing - ham, had his first hatch of chickens for the season, one day last week, comprising- io6'fine Barred Rocks. Sorry to say Mr. Law is suffering from an attack of La Grippe. Hope it may not last long. Write The Advance If you are it Wingham Boy living in the far away land—in the Cana,dia,n West, 10 the United Statee, in some distant part of Ontario or in the Old Country --drop a line to The Advance, describing conditions, the present win- ter itt your part of the world, telling of other Wingham Old Boys or Old Girls in your neighborhood and the hundred and one Other things the cores of your friends and relatives who are fellow. -readers of The Advance would like to hear about. This paper reaches hundreds upon hundreds of Old Boys' homes every week through- out the world. Will Put Up More Signs The Automobile League Association has a largeprogram outlined • this year to erect noticeable signs through- out Ontario, for the convenience of motorists. These sig -ns will not only direct motorists as to thebesi roads, but will be a warning to them to be- ware of bad. crossings and tricky plac- es in the road It is its intention to protect against accidents as much as possible. A sign which is original in every deta4 and which will attract the attention of every motorist, will be placed at every crossing. This sign has the words printed on it, "Stop, Look! Listen—It .Pays." The letters "0" in the word look are converted into a face, which shows a skull andi cross -bones effect, and which will be d' warning -to motorists to stop and look and listen. They have a number of other signs which should make an impression on the motor car driver. EXPENSE FOR SCHOOL NURS Financial Statement, Wingliam , Nurse District Cocrome nmittee, In 40 schools at $25.00.__ . . . . . . oe Red Cross Society_ 50 00 Women's In-stitute - 50 00 2 S011.00IS at $12.5a. .... ......... 25 00' 136 boes5C 40 41148 40 Expenditure Miss Robb, salary__ .. _ . . . goo on Advertisfng- .. _ ..... .. . .. . . 16 tag Post Cards 2 00, Can. Express Co. .. ... 65 Dept. of Education x. 74 Lowe Martin Co., supplies-, 32 40 C N. R Telegraph gEt J. F. Hartz Co., . . ... 6 86 H. Wiltse, chnton ________ 25 oo H. B, EllioCLat 4 90 Miss Robb, Travel Expense__ 125 43 Miss Robb, extra living Exp. 25 ite 13alanee in Bank 7 26 $5148 40 Assets Cash in Bank . ... .. .... 7 26 Govt. Grant not paid 320 co 1 $ 327 26 . Liabilities Miss Robb, sal. for Feb._ .$ too occ Travelling Exp. estimate 50 00 Sec.-Treas. Salary..., . . ... ..... .. _to oe Postage and Sundries 3 17 Balance • 204 01.' $ 327 26 Abner Cesens Treat; . Audited and. found correct, Febru- ary 27th, 1923. A. H. Musgrove,eand W. A. Galbraith, Auditors. ' "Preachers make the best husbands" clairt one of them. We .clairri woniene make the best httabands.. ..tAtatato ott..ict.latt Ai11f 01444.4 44illElIDIMMEMM=IMIMEMMIMEM1=1 io E A = WS Vi.)01011.1. J01111111illOW em1tio44444 1,04444114444414411044444444. a. "Gosh! These All -Leather' ‘,1 i Astoria Shoes take a i 0 • , q 0 'k ''•\ k,s pitrshine, ti . 4 --1. Rks.:.• \. \kk4**, ,,•`:, 4 \\,,,\‘'M, .,„, \% ,:s‘;', \\ ' s 0' \ ., k \i" ', ,; • ,.,\,-4 `<:\st, \sts,j.,&,. \N\ '`*.t.4.4;:. . .1`14' ' s ,z,&,., , .,:\s, ‘`',*\•.,, \:.;::'S'1,. 4 ‘,1,•; \-., \ ‘<do`,!•dt.t..oetsd.tes ("ailor-made for Particular's:trade orEkit, fat'.211L'Ilittanarult2MkiniIf Wilt I 111, J I I II itatomaranne 2112Mdfilli 'tilt a illtItttillt