HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-02-15, Page 8.a'
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For the past "mut we have been
a ery day, ' y a great nu ;,, r of
tl as to waen our 'iter' Sale
+11:11, I epHundreds° s . isf
have .�� r h.sed Genuinergain
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i 9 oaks, no
thwqPral®. noise sold, at
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A revival of interest ;n markrnanship is Indicated i. the competition.
which exists among, students at the Whig -ham High School for places on the
rifle team, 'whichthe `school ;expects to enter in. the Canadian Rifle League
competition. Both girls and boys started to practice ori the miniature range
about the first of January, under .the nstruction of Mr. F. T. Schooley and
have made remarkable progress. The best score made by the girls was 93
out of ioo,,as compared with, 96 chalked up by one of the boys. -
A team of girls': will be entered as well as a team of boys in the Dom-
inion contests Mr. G L• Brackenburyis principal of the school, • and in a
recent• letter to Col. McCrimmon, of the Cadet Corps branch of M. D. No.
I, he stated that the school• could •make` use of 10,000 rounds of .22 ammuni-
tion for practice."
' The marksmen shown in the top photo are, right to .left: 1-Iel.eh Wil-
son, Annie Inglis, Myrtle Webster,Grace Mitchell. Bottom row: Ena Cur-
rie, Margaret.'Pettigrew, Addie Procter.
Centre.: The four best shots in the school, Muriel Redmond and Dor-
othy Webster in the toyyrow„and Wilfred. Robinson and Jervis Lutton iii
the bottom row.
Below: First team of boys, right to left: Ross McDonald, Howard
Pocock, Jervis Lutton;' Harold Mitchell, Wilfred Robinson; Bottom row:
Norman Muir., Arthur Irwin King McDonald, Elmer, Purdon, Percy John-
son, _
Nora, spent a few d y
Mr. and' Mrs. Will Falconer of
The six months old baby, Lorne The Women s Institute celebrated
Russell, son. of Mr. and. Mrs. David the silver anniversary of the founding
Kennedy, Jr,, died last Tuesday. The of the society by giving a social.to
funeral took.place on Thursday after- their friends in the Foresters' Lull, on
noon to Lucknow cemetery, Rev. Mr,
Scobid conducted the services. We
sympathize with them in their sad ber=
WHITECHURCH daughter, Mrs. David Kennedy, Jr.
Mrs. John Falconer aiid The lover threshers are in these
days last week with parts.
Tlnirsday evening. In spite of bad
'weather over seventy were in attend-
ance, The` President, Mrs. P. D. King,
occupied the chair, welcoming the vis -
Mr: John Craig purchased a fine itors;;and giving an' interesting account
teameeof gray horses in Ripley last of theactivitiesof the society since
its organization' Other members spoke
Mr. Ed, Garton of Brussels, spent
the week -end; with his mother here.
Miss Ada Clubb left on Monday to
take a position in Toronto.
Mrs. Dan Martin and babe, also
Miss Laura, visited withher husband,
in London I-lospital last week.
Mr. and Mrs. .Jas. Falco'iier silent
Sunday with their • uncle, Mr, Wm,
Falconer of Langside;
Miss Bertha. Maclay spent Sunday
at her home here.
briefly on various topics and • instru-
mental and vocal music, including
community singing enlivened the pro-
gram, At its conclusion a few jolly
games were played and thein refresh-
ments were' served. The Institute re-
centlypurchased 'a piano' for use in
the hall, and, as they suceeded in get-
ting the hall renovated last fall, • it is
now much improved in appearance,
and is in good conditions for enter-
tainments :or meetings of any kind.
The ladies are to be . congratulated on
Mr." Wesley Moore of Palmerston,
spent a few days with his brother here,
their enterprise',
Mr. Will Farrier of'• Hayter, Alta. ; A Valentine Social will be given in
spent the weekend with his cousin, the Methodist church on Wednesday
Mr. W. R. Farrier. evening.
Miss Irene Moore visited with Mrs. Tule. Leslie Hetherington was a del
egate from St`l1e Methodist church to
John Fry in Wingliarn last week. the Winter School at Kincardine last
Mrs. Leggatt and son Gordon, of, week,
Bluevaic, attended the funeral of little Mr. J W. King, Me P. and Mrs.
Lorne. Kennedy last Thursdit r. Xing, returned from Ottawa to attend
Mr. Wilfred Arseott of Guelph, vis- the funeral of Mr. Paul ,Powell,
Mrs. W. Leggatt visited her mother
at Whitechurch' last week.
d' 11
Thursday, Febiiauy rsthe, 1943
C.n Be epaired Ver
'ea �p
a itsfaetorily
We put on NEW SOLES by the NEW. method which
guarantee to STICK also we put on patches that give satisfaction.
Consult us before throwing away rubbers — it may mean a
worth while saving. -
No long tedious waiting in our Repair Dept., all work done
promptly and in many cases "while you, wait,”
The Le ding ' Shoe Store
Phone 129,
arm. C
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Noon -Day PrayerMeetings Feb, 12 to Mar.
ited over the week end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Ilector, MacKay.
Mrs. W. R. Farrier visited last week
with her sister, Mrs.. Samuel Reid of
Dr, W. J. and Mrs. McClenaghan
left on Monday for Gbdei�ich, ,iwhere Pained a large number of their/friends
they will reside in future, We wish and relatives' on Wednesday evening
Dr. McClenaghrin success in his work, last. Several from the 6th and 4th
in his new home. lines were present.
• Mr.. John Turner purchased seven1 Mrs. Jas. Kirton and Master Eldon,
pure-bred cattle from. 'Mr. John Gilles- spent the, week -end with the former's
pie last week. mother, -Mrs. Rothl, Eluevale,
Coulter Bros. have purchased the Miss Mary Wightman, T)elgrave, is
farm owned by Mr. George Wilson on visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jas. El -
the boundary,' and Mr. Frank Coulter lioA large number, of ricigllbors and
friends spent it very pleasant evening
last week at the home of Mr, a0d Mrs.,
Geo, Walker.
What might bavebeen a serious ac.
Odom?, happened On Friday of last
111E111Mili lliElilElliEii1Ei111311': !11E111I f11E11I11t 1111',33111 "u1H 111 111>.t.111 111taiil. IPI
LUCKNOW ing by Miss Joan McCallum.
The funeral of the late John Murray The dance last Friday night was not
was held today from his residence'at largely attended, due no doubt .to the
`T`IJ RNB.1✓ RI�'.'ii'
Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer )enter -
Lanigside a large number from town weather and condition of the roads,
attending The news of his death' on There is much sickness in town;' Mr.
Friday night came as a great.shock to ;Steele Bunter is reported' very low as
many, as he: was only ill,. four days ns also Mr., Malcolm McInnis of the
with pneumonia. . The late Mr. Mur- 2nd. concession,
ray for many years had conducted a The vvoinen's "institute held their
general store at' Langside, 'where`he regular me'eting'iii'the town hall last
had' become widely ktmwn a a man seek and took the form of "Grand-
of strict honesty, and a man wlio-could mother Day." The roll was answered
express his opinion on . any' subject by cad' iieniber•: giving her favorite
very :forcibly. He was,in his " 52nd superstition .A fine collection of old
year, a Presbyterian in religion and an relics was oh, exhibition, including
ardent liberal in -politics. He is sur-gpin'ning tvt,eels; the old tins for mak-
vived " by his wife, one (adopted), ing candles,.old lanterns that held. a
daughter and two 'brothers. !candle for light, hand carved canes,
The Young People's Guild of the hand -made ,quilts, etc. Mrs. Parrish
l;'resbyterian church was well ,attend -',won the prize for having the most
ed on Monday last. The topic "Help-. grandchildren.
ing our church and getting help, from Mr. Huntley Gordon spent the past
it," was ably 'dealt with in a paper pre -1 week .at'his home here.
pared by Mrs, (Dr.) Balfour and read, . Ms. Robt. Brown made a business
by Miss Mae Davison; another splen-, trip to Toronto last week.
did -paper.. was given by Elliott Miller! Mr, Will Smith, who 'spent a month
on "The Value of 'thechurch to the with his ptiments here has returned to
Community:" Short •papers on they the West. '
_topics were read by several nlexnbersl Miss Jennie McClure' visited in Tor -
of the Guild. A duet .by Miss Mary onto last week.
Aitchison' and Carrick'Doiiglas wast Miss Norma'1hompson attended the
numb enjoyed also an instrumental annual "At Home,'' of. Stratford Nor -
by Mrs. A. D• McKenzie, and a read-, mal last week.
and family wilt move there in,a month
or so. Mr. )de Kertnath is t'noving to
Mrs Gets. Bean of Goderie b, is visit-
ing at 'Liffe home of Mr, and Mrs. Antos
Messrs P. Kennedy. and Sas. Mac 'iwsek,, when Mr, 1, , ` Vriglit's 'team.
Yntosh aid Mrs Jas, Purvis attended.'brcartic frightened: scar the railway
the Ittirii`taa,t'of Mrs. Alex$.0f'tnedy, bo -1 crosing, broke away frorii''ttit sleigh
loved ^wwifs of Alex (Sandy),;l ennecly, and ran through the town. Too tnan r
of tielph, for lnerly tiliitochttrch, oats Ilce,
ori 'i`ttesd iy, ,C clii•rlary 6tli. .1 -he vcr;y' Sudden. do;ath of Mr. Pani
':r lie,holdang' a flay of i oweif carne i+; a great shock to'� the
fir slyr, 611 t'rid ty E:reryono welcome. eoAttioac11y.Iuclt, sympathy is t,1
id!ft°. atij 141,, llai nra rrnas of, Saleto, +ended to his bereaved. family Aird
spent: i1 f^irv. days last week with trick irici141S',.
Lai roc t
There is no need to, make a special
trip to town for a load of chop if Cott Piave'
a Toronto Vann Engine and Grain Grind;
of your own. A.ncl'' besides, it will'saVe
you a few cents on ev.e.ry•bag.
Coarse or fine chop -for cattle of
hogs —I would recommend the Toronto
Grinder for efficiency' and economy, on
your farm.
A Toronto Farah Engine, too,. is a great
labor savor. Attach it to your
pu,lper, pump, cutting bo; Bream
separator or'fanning rnxll.
Thin of the labor saved 1 It
payS for :itself in one Winter.
S it put dollars in your pocket`,
it you'll come in and discuss Tor
onto Farm Equipment with she.