HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-02-15, Page 7Tie iy lr2ary 15, 1
114ED 'tiTll
VI)M111' Wind old Str,
areliageS ellr • ",' el, e,: `iiii4,4;11 yile;.111tiOtsi
What They' 1,eStOe'e
11 Orleon Swett Mareleu. Need tO,
elith and Vitality.,
peespective bride 'end brideereom .to aches 'all ever when she risee in the
rpee weleee, ree feels tired out, who
has been long the eueeern or the
mterraage; ceremony leet morning •avele eeele deereeeea Most of
at the eolemeization of the Marriage her thee, eeecle jest the help that Dr.
they Showa commit epme blue.der tliat williams' Pink Pills an -give ler,-
' would maite them conepleueue nee'r rice bleed and eteengee nerVefe
ri.dicelleue; , ; { The nuniber of disorders CtillPkd b'Y
Weeld it not he o good plan i'er men • thin ;bleed te amazing, and moet -wo-
, tb borrow an 'idea teem thie and per- ; mee are careless a.beut the condition
onally rehearee their,funieral eerreons, of their blood. Their nerves are quick-
eeveral yeare before the probaine time ly.afteeted, and they le-acmhe irritable;
of their 'death? . they worry over trifles, and ea not ,ob-
Feneral , sermons, above all else, tain eefreshing sleep, There nay be
should beleon.est and sincere. But. if ;stomach .trOtieles and eeadaches.-Thie
the real truth were told over the co- .•18 theeeneition that calls, ter Dr,
intact e.orne dead men, it Would great- Herne' Pink Pills, the blood -making
ly uprise the-oecupants if; they coul.l and nerve -restoring tenth. ,The value
'hear it• .1f, instea.d of the eulogy de- of this medicine is proved by the
levered by the mieistere they' 'could. stateanent ot Mrs, John Conroy,, Fali
hear the remarks of .empley-e,es and Bayer, Oet., who s.aye:a.--' Two years
others who had .seen oniy...thatside of ego, atter the birth ef one of MY child -
their cheracter Whiten they tried 'th ren, I became so run-down ,thae. I had
hide qr.0).-n their 'leieties, how stmeked te"ween the baby•and could not de my
theY wceild be! lee:It:tee coeldeonly re- housework. I lost appetite, took no In -
hearse their funerels theY did their terestinanythiag, and wee' in a pitiable
; • condition I tried. different electors,
xn,arriages whateafine criange it would •
give. them to make tl; let of corrections
In their lives, so that at tee elose the
fune,ral eulogy would. ring true. e
If every man were to know years be -
Petite impeovine; I could cle my house- ivim.ake son, w e c
p_ other,
ot a furthee supply. I found my a
him at les ftmeral, how quickly he g
; work, and living agate seemed. worth B,obbie,w-gH'"fi',y- "ere 3,e0.271 ,I;e‘iepeee so
would go te work to change .his lifo
while. 1 continuee.teking the pills for
She, beide tliete en her; hande light ;
And rune emonr the treee
A.Mong treettiPee high end 1,110,
The White frost !Otte acretee the eke',
eine hoggs the north star there,
The aclUlding cloilds lun on •before7-7
She LalIQ'S $1 ohoho ley eater
And one glee. M the pines •
Beneath liar feet the whirlier, suow,
I peep witialmt and teee her go, ,
Then either aed drew leack,
pile my liee and eleiver etili---
I bear her laughieg 'pae.t the bin—
HOW 00I'd ft IS to-ntlItr.
LIiIgaU Creesote
The Mislea'crine Placard,
A restaurant -keeper who a-pParettly
had a weakness for the "higlifalutin"
placed in hie. shop window a placard
inscribed thus:
In OVery Style.
A chupie of.. young men, manifeetly
teem coun.try," were observed
standing frOte of the window, en-
gaged in spelling oet the Sign.
"Veliat'e them, Harry?" one aeked
but they did not help me very .much. the ether.
I was in this condition all summer Una neighbor advised Me to try Dr.
. .
"1 dunno.," said limey.
"Let's go up, the etreet a bit and see
ia)nenxtses,- 804$1.ewhat beratia. and :we kin find an e.yester saloon. I feel
fore the died what people would say of like ee,tiel some eyestera.," eaild the
,antl remedy his deeects. I -low rraany of
the cruel, shill -Mc, damning terings'
which are said about him after he ,is
gape evould be changetd to praiseellow
chaneecl our historiee and bioeraphiez
wouldhe if those who IraVe.paseed on
could only have known -nu, tint& just
what 'people .thought of them, how
they regarded them, whet they would
day of tliem when theseiook of their.
lives wee closed and the last line writ -
ton r
some months, end -wae thee enjoyin* g side of your face, Mr.
the best of 'health. I cannot too strong- '3.-07n-e'swe,oe, mese he because I al-
ly recemmend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
to anYone run down and in need of a 7,T: th.81,ZehPnmYI:ight Ida. 'that
tonic as. they built me up, and there
Is no signe of, anaemia about me to- Bobbie—"But p;a,pa doesn't eleep
on his ead!"
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills )
vreol is reckoned ,alt, about 8 000 000
1 r
from any dealer in naedici b The wored's annual yield, of raw
ne, or yr
-dell. at 50 cents.a. box or six boxes for
$2.50 from. The Dr. Williams' Medicine
What would not mul,titucles, of those •
• Co„ Brockville, Ont.
who have passed out have given to
have had the chr...rc to hear an hon.est, Ruby tints in ;glassware ere dto
the end canie! nave known. in
by It/Won:light.
Tipt a.73t1; erow ' nieee •quickie; key',
Mootilight an by ennliglat CaPee: .1)0Ciaree hte 14Itieeel /week
eleniniesteateal al the ".iiartleY. 13'41" From Stomach Treuble4
letberateries of Liveriseel ee wet t
verstity, ye; e heedon desPateb, The ''‘//6;"./ng and
eeeearcle foneweel the rernatie deeppea Left by Pneuirnmia.
by 0a#1:00k4V ;P,i1x1,10 .1-1e,Yes Seen. ev George eaeteet, Bourne St., Lora-
ef the 'Hotrieeiritilleel college ,0 1418'. don, Oat., well-known earlienter and
lelieabeth Semene of leiveepoel Dee .eeteren of .the •-Beath African . and
Versity tbat cucumbers grcew tiee
(fere° Melee more in the ln o ttligiLt
timueby tneylieht, aura the sectle ger-
menatee better linear the moon.
Mists Semmes began •expealmenting
and In the last six weeks bee Made.
cerielderable pregmes by ertificial
light Sbe ende tlaet the polarized
light of the inoon glitee a evert to geed
gerneination and that polarized arta
lecial light bas a similar effect, lefies
Semeee sayet that moonlight can be,
polarized, only anring certain phases of
the moon. She ends that when. seeds
are exposed in ;Melte Of leafier to the
direet action of the moon germination
greniljr quiolcened. When there is
no moonlight she expoees etereh
grains to polarized artificial light and
find& that they break down, producing
little masses ,oe dextrin and sugar
cry,stals.. She eays, the outer 'skin of
tee aote its QW,13 pOlariZing ap-
paratus aed it is believed. that -we May
be on the eve el! learning vvhat occurs
within the leaf itself, '
Winter is a clangorous season for the
little ones. The clays are so change-
able—one bright, .the next cold and
stormy, that the mother is afraid to
-take the children out for the fresh air
and exercise they need so much. In
000,000 of which about forty per consequence they are oftee cooped up
cent, Is Prodoeed in countries of the in overheated, badly ventilated rooms
send are soon soized with colds or
British Empire.
grippe. What is needed to keep the
little ones well isBaby's Own Tablets. -
They will regulate the stomach. and
bowels and drive out colds, and by
their uee the baby will be able to get
over the winter season in perfect safe-
ty. The Tablets are sold by medicine
truthful feneral serinon years. before snivel traces of gold Mixed vela.' it --
Liniment for Neureigla.
tlleY were generally held inetead of
COS for , aqPmess and E ficiency
middle life the estimation in_ which • .° " " °
pissing out without ever b.e,vieg
known woUld have connale.tely changed
tee keynote of their lives. Many men
evcand have given a large part if not
all, of their, wealth, to have had .the op-
portunity of ;seeing themselves, as
others saw them in time to .correct
their failing& and weaknesses.
I thae-e ;always thought that I would
like to know what the employeesand;
those who have been associated with
me in life; my friends, acquaintances
anti neigh -eters, would say at my- funete
al. Would. it be fine and helpful; in-
epirind ancl comforting, or would it be
hard, and .eondenaeatory,.. a eevelation
to me of faults -and weaknesees. that ,I
led never thought tof In tench a light?
I don't know, neither do you luatowe rny
t; friend, wiret.pe.ople will say of you af-
ter you ire gone. Weeildn't et be te
geed thing then, thr you „and for- me,
for all wile have reached middle
life, to begin right .away occasionally
eehearee our funeral' sermons?
If we were to be 'Perfectly frank
with eues.elvee., our vanity, and s,etle-ds,
teem mishit get seine severe: jolts, It
wouldcertainly give tie a chande, to
correct before it is too late many 'miss
teethe en.d blunders, reuebethoughtless-
nees anti selfiehnese, a,nd.perlia.ps • to
Make a revision.of Many cold-blooded
policies which furthered only our own
interests ud hot .at all those of the
Mae at the- other encrof the barg-aiu.
No matter what a Man's funeral ora-
. tion may may, it is. what. the people
'say ebout him that scounts... Revise t-wenty er twenty-five orewhich
theie judgment now 13:1-Tehearsdng your a bright boy can rig up foe ten or
' nmeese aermme, ' - twelve, every home, no mebter hew
far removed from the great centres -of
Hens of manitoba. ancl, caller% can leave ite
own permanent bureatthof entertain -
Ilene of Manitriba ilast year centrl- anent. At the expen,se of only One. oe
By 0. S. Marden
If you have anytleing to say about , s•ingeng of the world famous opera
people or institutions, why not dip I e()Per ;non-
-stare, the finest grand a and cert -music. they oan listen to the
your pen in the ink -of sympahy, of '
--, greatest orators., lecturers, clergymen,
charity, instead of that of denunciation eeeehere
... •
and -eat ertainers each s eat --
of contempt? Why hammer, blast, ing on this Own paeticulter subject; the
condemn, denounce others' motives, chidten can be entertained with bed -
others' acts? Willy look ter the bad in. time stories and the young people
everything instead of the good. Why with dance music; in fact, the out:le-
is it that so msny Peesimistie iconoc- tunity for' entertainment and instruc-
lasts are to -day expressing themselves
this. way in print—la books, magaelnes,
and newepapers? Some of these
writers are even making fun oferadio,
condemning, criticising and lampoon-
ing it.
Now this is; cheap, business. These
carping critics -Mistake stupidity and
captiousness for clevern.ese and_ wit.
The truth is, radio is one a the most
'wonderful developments of electricity,
tion, according to the taste and desire
of every menaber of the family, is un-,
Instead of being a. subject for jest,
radio is- an unqualified blaming to mil-
lions. of people, a new- in;struneent of
progress for which we ,should be deep-
ly thankful. Just think what it means
for invalids and semeinealids, peOple
confined all the time to their homes,
in many instances to their beds, to be
and' it is goilig to ;revolutionize home able to receive mental ;treatment, ens
life espe.cially in ;the eounta.Y. Think couregethent and eplifte'eveey 'clay in.
their own' homes,. without the slightest
inco.nvenience to them! Thank what'
what its use will mean to women in
remote country districts who are prac-
tically slaves to thteir homes, who
rarely leave them, and who :have no
opportunities such as City, peoplehave
, ,
for change,,recreateop, amusement teed
instruction. P,,ad.lo 'will open to them
some of the piaceiese a a.g
teaiuin of th.eir Piereed with several to e so. „a
joyed. be the most favored...city clwell- how it wit relieve the
it will eaea.n to millions of shut-ins,
cripplee, invalids., and the very old, to
be able to get encouraging, cheer -tip,
heleful sermo,ne and lectures on the
radio every clay, by those who know
World ware, has added his Dame to
the long list of Ontario PeePle Praising
Tenlae eor,the benefite they have de-
rived froni talehag tlej medicine,
"Lawt. winter," said Mr. Lewis, "I
Was clownewith pneenthela, and after
that 1 eouldn't get My etreragbe
and erne ueable to week, , I had no ap-
petite, ane if I did dere to eat it onlY
eaneed me moeo guttering with neY
stomach, I lied' neuritis iu my lege,
and; itiy feet would. swell up tel 1
wthoore9gInitn. tilinety order,,
larrdetit Mwayskiiradipleoyatt.
sible for no to get a good night's
sleep: .
"But I have taken on. new belie and
courage elec.° 1 etartecl taking Tanlae,
I ean just -feel the' medicine building
ine lip. My appetite ha e come back
full strerigth, I can sleep like a top,
and you eau bet I'll stick to Tenlac."
Tainac is sold by all good druggiets.
dealers or by mail at 25 Cents a box
from The Dr. Williams? Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
The PeLe Pipe.
Calumet, the- name given to the
peace pipe or the American Indians by
the elrencle Canadians, oecupied among
the nations a ,position symbolic sag"-
tificance and deepeet reverence. The
calumet was only intrusted to the care
of the highest official. of a tribe and
was used in connection:with the Super-
stitionet rites, and .eeremenies of the
race onagreat and solemn occasiones
such' as maleing of peace treaties. and
sometim.es on decierations ee wars The
,peace pipe or medicine; pipe was be-
tween two and three inches. long, and
the fact of peculiar signhecance is :that
it wa.s the stem which was the etbeict
of venemtion. amolag the a.borigines.
The stem was; of -reed ertietically dee-
orated with W01.11e33.'S hair or eagles'
quells. The pieis bowl of the 'Western
Indians. was of red catlinite, which, was
a fine gmined, pliable stone of deep -
red color found in the Coteau des
Prairies, 'west of Big Stone Lake, in
South Dakota. In the East and S.outh-
east thte bowl was of white atone
-* ' dvant es en- how to 'uplift and cheer! Just think - I le that sr v-
eered be used at the sante
ers. confinctment, how it -trill help them to eral stems
The calumet quarries were not ,
Outside the cost of tete receiving ap- beer their suffering, to be able to look i'im.
paratus, which may; be purchased for forward toeve an hour of deify en -
round! , only neutral ground to all warreng
trebes; but there were neatly sacred
tertainmeni and ;help the year,
Halo's Origin.
.. The halo irad its ;origin ueorly two
thoueancl years ago. To guard against
the poesibility of rain staining the
marble faces, ot their gode, th,e Greeks
need to protect them with a large
metal plate place.d over the top of the
head. These were mistaken by paint-
-ears for triathletes of
ers n tater y
divinity. Accordingly, our Christian
saints are pictured with the ring which
we call a nal°.
The safe way to send money by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Order.
The Tripping Tongue.
liosteas--"Parclon me, won't you, 11
I continue sewing while you are here?
I shall then feel that I am not waetieg
my time,"
.Selkwerme weire first reared be a
Ohinese Empress" 4,500 yeas, ego, ac-
cording te an eld Chinese hook, en-
titled "The 'Silisworni. Massie'
bated in.ore to the wealth of Cana
Iban the Can.adian 'Government „origin-
ally p -aid for the elitee prairie pro-
vinces,. -
Sir Joseph, Flavelle, former chair -
'Man of the Grand Trunk Railway
.Board, made this statement in a recent
address and backed it with offinial
When in 1869," said ebsepli,
tho C,civernnierit of Cienada 'agreed.:te
pay the eludgen Bay Company 800,000
eemeds steeling for the pioneer fur
company's rig -lees' in the lands now em-
hreceti tlee erovince.e of Manitoba,
Sagketcliewan and Alberta,, Partite
ment. was nisturbed because; the price
was thought to be excessive.. •
"A recent' rePort issued by 1.11,0 De-
part:in:int oe Agriculture of 'Manitoba
shewe -that the -peoducts. dr the hens
dI lata previnee leet yttatie were. neer-
keted -tor a stun exbeeding $.9,000,000,
'rens in one year the liens; of .one pro-
vince. brought tlie farmers one-third
More lieeney 1.1100 1:11e pu,rcliase price
. or a tract ,of 'Which is ,neet among
the richest SectionS 10 the I) oral n ."
A,' Happy, Pay.
A hotait fele of eilitailitenliietee;
tenimbleiens et dare;
A sole, of simple impefulteee,
An ealgy 111-020 I11 pre yen ,
emile geeei, the moreleg with;
A leirad. Wore aS the key
Te open tee. deer wee greet the day,
What -e'er it 'betties' to eliee.
,patielat areet ProVidenge,
ilie eweeten alt the 4 ways
All th ee e eerie:Med th tal gh tro
Mg.ti1OL- a da3%
'Pie total unnl.hor of men recruited
in tercet. )154 ba'111; 111111 It eivand
Iia war nevi. 4,970,90.
two cents an hour, ,the entire fenuly
can etrieY, evening, atter evening, the •exorcise of their gift.s.
I -low stineulating for those •who. hallo traditions connected With theee cedar -
a talent for entertainment to realize ries'
hew ninth. 'they can help the world
along, what a marvelous; amount of
good they can do, how much they ,cati
alleviate the stiffering of then- less -for.,
tunate brothers and , sisters, by the
-‘,;•11 114; 23100,; ," •
ARlETY in foods is essential of course,'
but in providing 'variety do not overlook
the importance of nauristroont.
Some foods supply bulk with little'llourishment
—others provide nourishment with little bulk.
Crisp, delicious di -alio -Nuts' is a highly nour-
, ishing cereal fciod in unusually cot-ill:met form.
It supplies the rich nutrition of wheat and
malted barley', including the mineral elements
oi-these .plendid grains, without which health
and strength cannot be triaiutoined.
Grape•Nuts with good milli id a complete
food, comhinir,ig all qias food elements needed
for body.buildiiig.
, Economical, too, beCialb a moderate amount
ovide8 eltitleual nouri±;hnient,
!Via do
45 ?roel
Sold bij Grocers :Everywhere!
snaclian P6,etti 1 reel eetin T.4iontcd
., B., teterate teeteret Wiedator, Ontario
‘4( 461 1-ko,014
• • -
Home Brew.
Fleet Bachelor—Some people seem'
to ilnd matrimony very stimulating."
Second Ihmheber---"Something brew -
lug all the time, r euppbee,"'
Laying a Trap. .
A 'British tae, Immo on leave and
celebeating the eccasioe, hate got himi.
Sell! ;into a dilemma, He bee hired a
taxi, enery to. discover ; when approach-
ing hie deetination that he was panne
lees. He had (lined and wined, not
wisely, but tee well., But the British
navy Is a trairang.nbooi of resoerce,-
fulfiess, no Caught up the rmnakIng,
tulese sheeted "SOW and jumped out.
"I l'at want to pop into this tobace
re/that's and get some matches," he est-
elebiecleto- the. driver, "I've chopped a
ponutt.tlote,gmnothero in am can and
met find it in; the dark." He eutheed
Ute tebaeconiet's teed as he 'did se
ab and its. driver vanished inter the
night, es he"iiiicl atiticipated
in Gretet Beitain the teresteeign hes
not exerceetel hie eight Of Vetoing, or
Mopping, a law tenon 1707.
Mere thee elle lesseseee eteeeeent
varlet:lei ot Weiteit ere lnIeWn, Mel the,
lame:ear Is ebbs-I-net:1y inea'eeeing. I
Instantlyl End Indigestion 1 .
; .
- i
or -Stomach Misery with
"Pape's Diapepsin"
f with
• ,
1)oesn't eurt. a bit: Drop a little
"lereezone" anon aohing corn, instant-
ly that corn 'stops hu.rting, then short-
ly yeti. eift it right off with fingere.
Your druggist sens a tiny bottle of
"Freezcnee foe a few cents, sufficient
th remove every ant , soft corn,
or corn between ehe toes, and the cal-
luses, without sorenese or irritkion.
As soon a,e' Yen eat a tablet or two
of "Paaae's Diapepsin" your indigestion
is gone! Heavy pain, heartbup, flatu-
lence, gases, palpitation, or any misery
from a s,our, acid stomach ends. Cor-
rect your stomach. and digestion for a
few cents. Each package guaranteed
by druggist.
Bulk CaelOte
Hook on.
and Mew to Feed
mailed Free to any Ad.
(Tress by the Author,
' eay enovei Co.,Coe's:me. l
129' West 24th Street 1
New York, U.S.A.
Feesew Res
Small and Formed Sore
Eruptions. Skin Sore and
Red. Cuticura Heals.
"Plinples broke out on the back
dray head and neck. At first the
pimpleswere snia.11 and then
ran into each other and
formed sore eruptions about
the size of a ten cent piece.
The skin was sore and red
and itched a great deal,
causing me to scratch.
"Isi the trouble about
six months before I began using
Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and
after using three cakes of Soap and
three boxes of Ointment. / was
healed." (Signed) J. A. Macdonald,
Wised, Quebec. •
- Rely on. Cuticura Soap, Oentnient
and Talcum to care for your skin
sew. Eaellr,ree WWI. A Meow nymata, lim-
ited, 944 St. Leal St, %V., oatreel." Bold 01,027.
where. Soap 25e. Ointment 25 -and GOc. Talenro25e.
4.*Coticoarst Soap shoves wit3iouttot14.1.
4 J11,, keete
ireee' ee, Flend 1,9n,./0 .a wt.
'nn, etc, An74-)r 11,113.1111q Cto.fr
,>edway, 10, Y.
4UP14:44 10,V1141174,
Creeleetra, THE.
-lineeee; weite etne int:ex-et a.
iatiee, D. Fraser, Xl,Qe
• ."*"1?1,,LT ,,,I.
•ttpea, i
9 to, saltines Wenejeot' tO
tet, prieee ;;I; -gettede.
115 York }$-,'.1.1'eieeeety-:
eeraral at low-
eltiee. Gee
tra.14, intEnwin of ray Country ;
are 'liceee,r in Oppositio11 to the true
interests of the world.—Talleyrand,
Minartes LtbImCilt 109Pheu
Best Bowel Laxative
When Bilious,
To 'tie.H'74'01.11—.----7701,--va--44virtli,CritI
cramping or oeerectieg, takeCaecar
einc115.igeeltelon,e:ou'r, u'peet stemae.h, anti
all stitch distress gone by thorainr,
Nicest Phjesticts on eartefear grown-ups
and children.' 10c a hex, Ta4tfe lik11
Will Be interested in Mts. Tliogce
oils Recovery by Use of Lydia
am e
's Veg ta9e C mporend °
Winnipeg, Man.— Lydia E. Piko
ham's Veg.etable Compound has der.e
me good m every way. I was very
• weak and run-down and had certain
troubles that women of my age are
likely to have. I. did not like to go to
. the doctor so I took the Vegetable Com-
pound and am still talthig it right along.
I recommend it to my friends and to any
one I know who. is not feeling Well."—
Mrs. THOIYIPSON, 303 Lizzie St.,Winni-
peg, Man. '
When women who are between the
with s osfufcohrt
vousriess, irritability, melancholia and
heat flashes, which produce he,adaehes,
dizziness, or a sense of suffocation they
should take Lydia E. Pinkhera's Vege-
table Compound. leis especially adapted
to help women through this crisis. It
is prepared from roots and herbe and
contains no harmful drugs or narcotics.
This famous remedy, the medicinal
ingredients of which are derived from
roots and herbs: has for forty years
proved its value m such cases. Women
everywhere bear wining testieeony to
the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound.
"Ailments Peculiar to Women." G
Women who suffer shoguld write to the
Pinkhamls Private Text -Book upon
Ontario, for a free copy of Lydia E.
ruis es —s trains
Apply Sloans.The blood circulates
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