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The Wingham Advance, 1923-02-15, Page 5
of' the ge* ihrsa ".. tp ' 11 • -gal ,p e r tor to the best Ja ani1 uo. wder o�, :. ata4a, T route. ri ' Saii 1tlF Free* MI pir ® Of or- Ike. 11111 All Li es o VVin er Cocds fN L r!. 1111 :Is Rif w is t e time for y l'IIl t U buy serif ds „� ...f °i']aFI Saving'. 25.WOMEN'S WINTER COATS" to be cleared at a; saving S of from to 5o per cent. fAU LS' COATS—Reduced to 6.50, 7.50, 8.5o, 9.75 5 JY Collarecl Coats now on sale at $14.75 FUR COATS—Ladies' Fur Coats to be cleared • out. at a saving of to 35 per cent." ' SWEATERS -3' dozen Ladies' All' Wool Sweaters, sizes 36 to 'go, value up to $8.00, sale price ? 3SE- io dozen Boys' Wool Ribbed Hosd, value 75o at _5od'res J BOYS' SUITS --a5 Boys' Suits in sizes -7 to . a years, sake • Prices are $5 75, 6.75, 7.50, 8;75 MEN'S PANTS—z5 pairs Men's Strong Wearing Pants, reg.- ' '• value up to -$ t.00, clearing at v v . oatsgoodstyle,' ries V R (? �'S-1!!ten s; 'Heavy O ercoa aprices away down to clear at ._._=$r5.00, rd.75, r8.00 and •20.00 *EN'S ' , '; well: tailored, r� :�tfEhl S, SUITS-Brg; saving op •Mens Suits, • latest style, -now. on, sale at 12.75, r5.00, x8.5o-and- 20.00 M en's Wool Shirts and'Drawers, ,• UNDERWEAR-- dozen Men's ., 5 -broken. lines,`value upto 2.a0 clearingat $1.39 lines Winter ' doo :'$i` .cut in . rices of all other li sof VV r ds .,,.: o g p, . ehere.o 'will find Bargains '..lsib rosin to note more nc s Y u flp.. _ g in all Departments. sr; 111E;w E'Ns 11Ftd—M EMCEE il�>t mMi, vnvt7��i7rn • oe, awn em em: This file under T re r lDro X41? � m ��., Ga1b1I°a fl 1 ue ➢WU ash 1 P i` nJlifl TNT ,•` A. SPECIAL SALE , P,.Ir, ACES , IL L BE coral � sue It '' the next 1 w lu e1i/weeks a ordiel.. to mak roo tor w 17114 stffisirA t%e ifl 'twenty -Two Years' Ago , lvfr; :Vi(illi'ain Gibson of this village; las handed tis a grain book 'he used (ripen he bought grails for" Martin Bros: of Meant Forest, at the elevator here, Ix, lo'ilking over the entrle5 we picked out three mncltths, DDeceitiber: tat.,, endo, to 1'farcft -esti, 1001 --for s'. inel ' we• 'Fill hive: aur readers the amount of grat"1 cielivcrc.d here and tile'areoum1t`of triottw car pians otmt, The. average prices wets,. r,, w tiG 'to h as a .'e )G 'tt ii t 6o e ter tx sip avl , .o •milts, An' c eta :Aic. The ainottitt of rain Behold a strangerat the doom He gently knocks, has knocked before, Has waited long, is waiting still; You treat no other friencl so ill. Admit Hit/ ,for the burner' breast Neer entertained so kind a guest. ,, No mortal tongue their joys can tell, With whom Ile condescends to dwell', Sovereign of souls, Thou Prince of Peace,• 0.itiay Thy' gentle "'reign increase;:; Ttr'ow wide the .door, each. ;willing mind; And be TIis'empirel'all mankind. (Joseph Grigg.) PRAYER Almighty God, whose all -seeing eye ress:'upon and watches over the child- ren :of men; let Thy spirit, we beseech Thee, attend our. prayers, Guide ; us unto Thyself, and help us to hear Thee saying, "This is the way, :walk• ye in it;" and we shall give Thee 'all the glory through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who is the way, the truth and the life. Amen presence of (:I rise IIe stands and publicly testities to iris rcrsentanec�a The Jews`1,Vert aceua;toined and' c peett.d,to set aside about `'one`fifthaci their ineo1ne for 'plops purposes, but n,o`w, with: an awakened conscience lie' realizes his long neglect of duty and declares he avill. Henceforth. be gener- ous as 'well as just andgive one-half; It had been easy for hien in his bust, ness dealings to: defraud if;. eo trlin,rleile and now he promises to r1?akkc restittl- tion such as was required "of a thief. (Ex. 22:e.) This is followed by .Jes- us' approval for He says, "This day is salvation, _come to this 'house, 'foras-, much as he also is a son of Abraham," , er' e 0. ` T,Iis conversion will be a blessing, not ,only to himself but to his ,family,. for he is a son. of Abraham in -;very for he is a son of Abraham iu eVery truth now, and like Abraham will teach his household to keep the way of the Lord. ' Previous to this he was a troubles, to his family, for we read in Web, 2:9 that he that is greedy of gain troubles his . own house, alad brings a :c irse upon it Jesus`'feaches'here that salvation. is not thing to be m.perienced some far-off•. day.., It is a present ,blessing— This. day is salvation.; come to' -;,this The -view which Jesus tools of'Zac 1 SUNDAY. SCHOOL LESSON FOR chaeus was not that of the. multitude: .teFeb. 18th., 1923 They said "A Mian, who is a sinner," Lesson Title—Jesus-ancl Zacchaeus , Jesus said,, `,A sen, of; Aba allaan." He Lesson PassageenLuke fig, a_46, was of, the lostsheep of. tll'e, kiouse of Golders"Text--=Lake Lg:ao. Israel whom the Son of Man was: sent The scene presented in this lesson is one of "simplicity and beauty com- bined; but, as in every feature in life, there, is a fly . in the ointment; so mingling with the graciousness of Jesus and the joy of Zacchaeus is the vindictiveness of the onlookers. Verse i.'1 _. "And Jesus entered and passed h b the Jericho." In the 6th chapter of Joshua we read of the destruction of the city of who now live upon it; and so it. is for Jericho and how:>Joshua. •:said ",Cursed the salvationof each individual soul he tl e raaan b foretlle Lord+hat"riseth, there requires to be a personal,, Say - wasand buildeth €his city Jericho.'' It i iour 'It. was" not;for the multitude but was; rebuilt, however, in the reign of for the individual that Jesus died. Ahab that' king of Israel, who did "God so loved the world that He gave.' more to provoke the Lord God'of Is-, His only begotten son, that whosoever rael to anger than :all 'tlie kings' of Is-' beiieveth in Him°'shouid not perish but rael hat went before hint. (I Kings ha?ie everlasting life - s6, l4 (John 3:56.) c icho hddi been lavishly':dealt "wi•th'.There are individuals iii •'many', 'nom - by E munmties who will tell'" ou -tae are by nature. i;1 -lei climate, being- tropic_ z�' i y i �1.t back front Conan into the al, thene was an „abundance of fruit coming: g spices and :perfumes Hee palm trees cnuch- because of : others in it. rivalled; those of :Egypte bin she, put '1f the are truly in earnest no difficulty her' 't rise `ii1• her 'strong;i zlls instead' will keep ,us:out. ,Like' Zaechaeus,"we of in the strength'. of the Almighty. will find some' sycamore tree to climb Iiut"a day .came wlien` Jesus'. enter"ed ;rat ser than not see Jesus; will endure and �.passed-through: her streets, thus ridicule and break' away from ordinary honoring with I-Iis presence, even a methods and established ways. When. we are brought into the visible church it as not. one only that is - blessed' but tluough.'us, others are influenced: Jes- as invited Himself to be a guest in Zacchaeus' hone, and today : ;"He stands with melting heart"and laden hands," waiting t'o'be admitted'to every heart. • W ORLD;;MISSIONS The opening;"of-•Korea to the world to seek and to save," (verse to.) Let us now draw from this lesson, the things that concern 'ourselves, the personal interview between Jesus and Zaciihaeus, we see the willingness of the Saviour to notice every seeking sinner, If :there were hut one individ- ual living upon his earth, he would re- quire the. sun and'all. the' other:: ele- ments of nature that at contrt ute to maintenance of life as do the millions. city that had a curse resting upon it. Verse z "And, behold there was, a man nam 'ed Za'w cchaeus;" hich' was thechief among the publicans, arid he was rich." •• 1n many instance the :lives of great. character s are merely touched upon in the Scriptures, while here:we have a whole paragraph devoted,to a nan0 e- ' scribed as the chief among public- ans;" that other publicans:were offic ;- ers: under` Iiim' Jesus',. came to 'seek nand.. to `sa`ve" shiners •and- therefore the • chief of publicans would not be exem pied, f r o1n Idis notice 1 rsG 5 ,. . ug ,,. -And lte,•soht "to inc .Jesus, : who� heir as ,zip could"not for the press, because he was little of stature." -Zadohaeus is '.described by 'ethree words -chief,, rich',.littie.:;At this :time' he had brit •one purpose' in his mind - `he sought to see ''.Jesus,"•, And that. lassie cleterrninatiori" that Made, ade : iris' hi •chief` n - rich' Pntrrre '`ii'� on; , ere Jesu'•farrie'llael gone abroad : •and nat- urally there was a great . curiosity in .Hie ..d s ,as n curse toy rnm`e into the. nc fat � m ` ,enzl•_be able t ,grew e o, of ed.,men o say, "We havc seen sticll and ' 's"uch a strati;" Zacchaeus t11en being prompt id'by curiosity tooted about Mist, and realized :h'is•'liniitatiens,.'.`for Ise was small of stature,•'he sought out a way of attaining ;his oba;ect ,Ile would not, -disappoint his curiosity so he put aside inc dignity and ran and climbed. .A 'ridiculous figure—tlie• influential Zacchaeus running and eliti'ibing in or - dee that heMight."secure a, place of vantage in the Crowd. It' never occur- red to him that by taking up sucha position he was making himself an outstanding figure. He sought to see Jesus, the man, and he saw Jesus, the Saviour,• Verse 5. "And when Jesus carne to the place He looked up and saw him, and said (into him, Zacchaeus make haste and conte • down; for, today I, must abide at thy' house." Jesus .:< looked, saw , and said, It is quite possible to look -with- • otit saying: Possibly the crowd look - "ed and saw only :so-nething• to laugh at; and if they spoke, " it would be in I jest. Jesus looked and I-lisseeing was of an altogbthcr different nature as in- dicated by His 'words:—"Zacchaeus, haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy house." He address- ed hint by ,1lanie; indICa.tiitg" the o•mirl- science of the Son of God. How start- led Zacchaeus •would"have beenawhcn he felt the eye• of Jesus peon him; and day how filledi,with' atiiazercient w hetehe , ,Office open eery ''excent' each •heard' his;tiante;'spokeri'' ' y this '(rang - Monday and''W:cdnesday afternoon.' TI. :end A' °1i'Tf1 . , �` f'7 h' NR Fable4_ step.s Ck•;headaches,' rbli®ve,bplloeas4a4tacB.s;"Qooe brad' rogulete- tilio.,elirainativ0,, organs, snake you fool: ffiro. "Better Ihpri, fforibet'; Ms/. sra oryn,.F '�,4.P !ICN, LIv.`A,. 'Cls.• Sold by J. Walton McK.ibbon' Dr. '•I)n H.IVIc i nil CHIROPRACTOR Qualified , Graduate Adjustments given for diseases o all kinds, specialize in dealing wit's children. Lady attendant. Nigh calls responded to. Office on Centre St, Wingharn Ont,, (in house' of Mrs. H. Davis) L-Toure,•2, to 5.30 p: m. Evenings, 7 tit 8 p. 1n. and by appointment. Phone '13, DR. F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATHIC PNYSICAN Osteopathy Electricity All diseases treated: Office adjoining residence, Centre Street, next Anglican ,Church, (forni erly Dr. MacDona,ld's.) Phone 271 ,-Idowr'bid °hes act?''• Did' -he 'try , to hide,abehitici-!a branch' or, drop 'down to be dost iii the crowd? No 1 he 'shade haste and caii'i`ei' 1cldwii,: �arnd received IIiin joyftplly, (verse6) HL'. 'tile dem" ` �d ul lien •ai It S ' f iii. s c-; :,,past p > a , t of cat ro o rety, was si gied out from among, this. whole multitude to entertain Jesus' in iii. :horiie.. r ; `i%etse If ', 'A'ndf> viseii they:; sari k, they ail' itittrrnuied,,":sSyitit�;, "ilia( .iTc' 511115; goner to isa n guest with a small •w110 fir t o err is r a• ,511100rr,,, .:,Some ;'ss 0 o f f e 1m d e" d.; Im,tismrrr•• ,,,,f4m,rma,mM ,.• Chmist'sf 00110tiet Wee '- always being '' ' watchttl';by'ahe,;Tews; and 'they were brought sit *as --•-w eat, 7,316 bushel; eastad• ,105i bushel; • a :5 oats, ,,o86 bushel, li The total, amount taifl ont: for • this grain was $8,_156.x9. ; Some difference nowadays, s', hen, instead of selling, the farrncis ars; buying grain, however, twenty years ago there was very :lit, ticstock sold on the itaarkct and grain was'about ' the only ;prochue a farmer had to dist;ose of. The months we picked on were just average, which shows that in a y5('lr hi the neighbor., hood n $3 ,000.oil,,. Was paid: oat two:: A ,/ tit ,�r;ylta, wl.yas'srclwyicil�stcc+±.l, quick. to hiames hen'tfe,took'sp'e.cial natiee'of those,''.n'hont they ignored' "1 despised 17110, 'made, t.ltcn'isolves jurlm' :;ey, both: of ftsus Yttiose whom 1,-Iett0 sol. v.ersa ,t:la t ,rd,Zacchac,z,, s_ood anal 501(1 no- lo.the Lord;:"f3t,htal 1 1oi'cm,'the halk`ni airy ; :o0d4 I :Give .,o< (lis poor; and if ',1 Its.ve taken if,avtltiitf? froril <tn5' alai). 113 false acciisation, J restore hint :four- foldkrit. ,:1,:c'12tf,.us gives proof of aim -aw .t, c�a cYf�Iy:- 0 .:mice ,l alfa i 9Ygt;' s,f' i , !, t l �t, 1 tttt:, la a t ca, . s sew o x .'u t w i t< o . 1 t y, { . --,- n- au «.,rte n.I C,otrratly ,Rifted_ r yegauassa., r EDFRelai�l] Ere troublea.and headaehea Frequently pass awaywhen ,the vertebrae at the base ofthe brain have been; properly ad- just d be Chironractio. ,tn"'faet all ttetvous complaints ate bene- fited and often Ctire11 by (Mtiro- pi�ictie; ' Look into this, ALVIlal1+ X, :.ktiraprafcl:iar 7 T �aere are or'e miles of our Champion ,. . " 'ANAD1 . .", and 66 1.1 ,:,,l �IC41' J Fen alp ' on Lanadian Railways than an other brands colla ined This fact should dig oei i . ;doubt as tri which is the bek , fence to buy;— ecauise' Railroad before.i.lri/sIfig, put their fo»c✓.tcth,ost rigid1 d inspection tests,' 66, A ERIC " GA LVA MZE ' STEEL- ' ----no Sta.aies or clips required. tl BARB WIRE, COILED / ES STAPL 201 SOU' by ` W. 4. DUFF, BL[JEVALE, ONT. J® A GEDDES, BELGRAVE, ONT. 11 With'. Canadian Famous' Knot Min UZI orlat te " :i a n a isles and - h There A. Mai: danger from ' overbill i c was the work of a Christian. mission Breathes T e g 4 g roofs accumulations of snow' on the ©fs Y never o With soul so dead `who .t o W t sof houses and store buildings. ;'•l,,+atltt~re Some. of the most inSPirin careers f , . �•, g Iumself hath said, ".'M -trade of late heroism' in moderzhistory, the"world y to remove this menace topubltc,safe owes to:the lives of ,Christian mission-, is getting bad, I'II try aro'ther"ten inch l'ty may' result'' in a fatality'or serious in'ur "to the householder, iris family, arses. I ad. If such there be go marls, litrn. 1 Y or to some other member of the In heathen lands all the 'hospttals,l well for him nobank account shallen�. and_ eral public and:.b.ecomes a serious.trfat orPhanages,schools for. the deaf 1angelwatch the lden' swell. NO h go ter. Houses aresubjectto the icicle,' ' nd"alI�.aids or��lepers:.:�ar.e the1. blind a f fruit of the work of missionaries.' - I stair, to welcome home a ,millionaire.-nnisanw,e from various . causes, :but The largest • publishing. house in the The than, who never asks for trade by 1 those most' addicted to the habit„,ire is'owned byChristian Chinese, : able to produce' as good "crop in a night orient . 'local line or ad displayed, cares more. hrist'throu h the work of or any of these sun”' days, when it. men led to C g for rest -than worldly gain, and patron s I ` is in, Shanghai. :' 1 i thaws in .the .sunlight, and 'freezes it mis5lonarie , tg age but gives ham.pam; Tread lightly;:, ,, ; , i the shade We: doll,( senor wltetller The spirit of conciliation towardi , p, • , , ,let no rude sound•. disturb his solitude, America: in' japan that 'now is. winningthere is any,..by-law: governing the re- Trrofmxond; here let him live in calm • Yloyal of 'either icicles or snow f om in the conflict against Japanese jingo- .re ore unsought ..exec t•b men he - � • J p e , • P Y, these houses where they are proltftcal ism is .largely'a result of the work of owes and when he diesgo lint him s ' Japan -' p.1 produced. Some people don't neeal. Christian z� � '_. .,.. ., for the .: ,.L..�Y P a,,nrlJ LlaLAA aurJo.,va.u, a:.,v i.. ,,.,..y:.-.- q set, that cw.:—ht •"'•`may disnel.the rilll..- -- _ -et- ..l ] >_1'•ec,�: w tliasii.fd'tl WQ'_' citizen who seeiris to worse may know its sols, puce.. on nisi delight in getting after the nuisance o 1 grave a wreath of moss; and on the robs LiT,CKNOW • stone above, "Here lies, a chump who his house and with a pitch fork # The second meeting of the High wouldn't advertise.—Walt Mason, to removere the Yenacegoaan eB t not very Ian s it a practice Burn's, program, + in memory of "the Remove The Icicle Menace are places w1 i"e, if a thaw camel thew great Scottish poet. The meetings-- This is the time of year when the would'lie a dropiping that might easily opened by the' president's •. address, frequent changes> in the temperature kill or'maim some unsttapectiitg to- Scottish readings by Margaret McCaI- ,are making the householder wise to:a, divide.al.:•Exchauge. lum and Stuart McKenzie, an instrtt�, mental by Salina: MacDonald, another. ",--- chorus and'an-essay on "Burns" by'- Miss Nelson, The meeting "closed with „ M " _., , y the National Anthem. The death occurred at her home here of Miss Isabella •MacKenzie, who had been ailing for some time, having suf- fered a stroke about two years ago. She with her two sisters, had resided here for many years. Slie is survived by two sisters and•two brothers. The funeral was held on Monday last to South I<inloss cemetery, service' being. conducted by Rev. A. McCallum. Winter'reignetlt over the land and with no uncertain sway the past few days,, It is certainly hard on those: with no coal, and torte to be had in town, , The fii�rst carnival of, the season was held on' Thursday evening last, Some nice prizes were awarded, The Lucknow Table Co,, has refused to take 'any mare logs, though their yards are far front, being full. past sixty years. that he loved so well; and that the, °y it • haves School Literary took the form of a . man takes the care he does and there .Mr. E. Aitchison was it London and Stratford on business last week, Aitchison accompanied lain(, Mr, F. F. Phillips ` has moved his:; family ,tad household effects to Lis- towel. Miss Wizinifred Elliott is spending a few days , with. her _:sister,.: Mrs.' 'Townsend a.t Manilla, The Farmers Fertilizer CooLimited WIMP :•'m nt:,trIO MANUFACTURERS OF !'ers Suit.i ble For All Cr Ps FARMERS CAN GET DELIVERY FROM THE FACTORY ANY TIME AFTER THE LSth OF FEBRUARY Our goods 'are guaranteed to be in perfect mechanical condition. There have been several libellous statements made ,regard- • ing this Company, which areabsolutely false, evidently spade with a view to hurt our business, However you wi1ifind us delivering the goods. 'The Farmers Fertilizer Co.. mite' 'TIH.OMAS TAYLOR, Secretary-'T'r`easurer ;'tie, Guild. meeting last 1?f'onday; ev, ening was again largely attended. MT L. IVIa:cKK.enzie gave a tine address on the topic,, "Habits; Good and llad,,,, and Mrs, Ylarvey 'Anderson - read a paper on time same subjects, • Then an opportunity was gven for exchanging .ideas,a quartette consisting Of Misses ,Joan and Martha 'icfcCalluisi, Miss Mary Aitchison and litrs. Phillip Stew- art was. .well rendcrcd and received, as was a uet. by Mrs, R. `oughts rid' Carrick Douglas, and an ylistl•urnental. duet by Mrs. A. D. Mc,iCenzio :incl, Miss lilac 1)avicoim. '[1een the ;closing hymn. "Many itt to`'4' 11 were sorry 'to hear of the death of McPherson sas, c;t'herson of ((;inti c 3rd ` .i ine, fig' ' re sot .t 0 o' 't �u cit :5it,lcne. s t,. tc l x t w vi l N. sits and stifd'ottratht tit ott. •� kt I,Q !� : :0.'9r.•; rt s yeti use r x" 1 ---1,-'i Wrayij,- 1